History of Summit County,
with an outline sketch of Ohio
Edited by William Henry Perrin.
Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers,
186 Dearborn Street
Twp. -
CHARLES F. ZIEGLER, miller, Copley
Center; sole owner and proprietor of Copley Mill. This
gentleman was born in Germany in 1831. When but a
small lad he came to the United States, which has since been
his home. He was raised and educated in Philadelphia,
and when a young man removed to New Jersey, and in 1862 came
to Ohio, locating in Wadsworth, Medina Co. In 1866,
Mr. Ziegler purchased the Copley Mill, paying for the
same $3,300. The mill at this time was in a very poor
condition. Mr. Ziegler immediately commenced
renovating and improving the property, making additions as
his means increased, placing in an almost new engine, until
he now owns one of the best mills in western Summit Co.
Under Mr. Ziegler's management, this mill turns out a
brand of the best quality of flour, and the mill has quite
an extensive run of custom grinding. Since coming to
Copley, Mr. Ziegler has purchased, besides his mill
property, a nice lot of land of 7 acres, on which he has
erected a fine house at a cost of $1,500. Wile living
in Wadsworth he married Lovina Yoder, and this couple
have one son, Charles, who lives with his parents.
Mr. Ziegler started in life a poor boy. At
about the age of 14 he commenced learning his trade, which
he has ever since followed, giving him an experience that
entitles him to the name of being one of the best millers in
this county. By industry and economy he has arisen
from poverty to one of ease and comfort. He is an
intelligent and enterprising citizen.
History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited
by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin &
Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 -
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