History of Summit County,
with an outline sketch of Ohio
Edited by William Henry Perrin.
Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers,
186 Dearborn Street
Bath Twp. -
RUFUS RANDALL, M. D., Bath. This gentleman and
well-known physician and surgeon, was born in Sharon
Township, Medina Co., Ohio, July 7, 1834. He is the
son of Delano P. and Lois (Huntley) Randall, both of
whom were natives of the Empire State. They were
married in their native State, and were the parents of four
children, viz., James, Rufus, Marcellus and
Harriet. They came to Sharon Township, Medina
County, in an early day, where the father yet resides, the
mother being dead. Mr. Randall is a carpenter
by trade, but has for the most part been engaged in farming
and mercantile pursuits since he came to Ohio. He is a
good man and useful citizen, and has the respect and
confidence of all who know him. Rufus was
raised upon his father's farm, and received the benefits of
a good common-school and Academic education. When about 17
years of age, he began the study of medicine with Dr. C.
W. Northrop, with whom he remained about a year, and
then went in Columbus, Ohio, and entered the office of
Dr. John Hamilton, one of the most skillful surgeons and
successful practitioners in the West. He remained
under Dr. Hamilton's instructions until he graduated
from the Starling Medical College, which was in 1858.
Soon after graduating, he located at Hammond's Corners,
where he has since resided and where he has built up a large
and steadily increasing practice. Always a careful and
close student of Pathology, and he found it in his practice,
he has become a leader in the use of new and rational
remedies, and with surprising and uniform success. He
was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Roberts, in
1863. This lady was born in Copley Township, this
county, Dec. 3, 1841. From this union there were three
children, viz., Effie B. and Cora La Q.,
living, and Ida M., deceased. Dr. Randall
has been a lifelong Republican, and an earnest advocate of
equal rights and all needed reforms. He is a member of
the Masonic order and one of the county's best citizens.
History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited
by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin &
Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 -
Page 1022 |
Hudson Twp. -
History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited
by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin &
Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 -
Page 836 |
Twp. -
G. H. RITCHIE; P. O. Akron; was born
in Portage Township, Summit Co., Ohio, Oct. 21, 1851.
He is a son of Melchiah and Margaret (Squires) Ritchie
who were the parents of the following family: George H.,
Sarah, Henry (dead), Hiram, Robert, Jennie, Leonard,
Melchiah and William. In 1852, this family
moved into Copley Township and this has always been our
subject's home. George H. remained with his
parents in youth, receiving a good education. In
November, 1872, he married Mary A. Klingaman, only
child of Jacob and Hannah Klingaman who was born Feb.
2, 1855. To this union one daughter - Lettie May,
born June 13, 1873. After his marriage, Mr. Ritchie
located on a farm of 65 acres, two miles east of the center
on lots 35 and 26, and this has since been his home.
In 1875, Mr. Ritchie experienced religion, and he
joined the religious sect known as the Church of God.
In 1878, he commenced exhorting and preaching, and has since
that time been assistant circuit minister of the circuit in
which he resides. His whole family belong to this
History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited
by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin &
Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 -
Page 1036 |
Twinsburg Twp. -
MOSES N. ROACH, mechanic and farmer;
P. O. Twinsburg; was born Oct. 16, 1832, in Hebron,
Washington Co., N. Y., to James and Mary (Nelson) Roach.
His ancestors came from Ireland. The Roach family
came West in 1836, locating in this township on Lot No. 1.
When Mr. Roach arrived here, he had but $5 in money. He was
a carpenter and joiner, and worked at his trade, earning
enough to pay for his land, which was unimproved. He worked
at his trade during the day, came home, and by night cut
down trees, which the boys would trip up the next day; this
was continued until the land was cleared. For nearly a score
of years he worked at his trade, and spent the remainder of
his life on the farm. He died in February, 1876; he was an
upright man, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
To him were born Gilbert, now in Cleveland; Chloe
C., Mrs. Horatio Bartlett, in East Cleveland; Rhoda,
the wife of Gardiner Parmelee; Moses N. and Martha
V. B. At the age of 16, Moses left home and learned the
blacksmith's trade. June 11, 1853, he married Minerva
Beldin, daughter of Erastus and Betsey (Armstead)
Beldin, to whom were born seven children. Since Mr.
Roach was married, he has been engaged at his trade
and at farming, and, with the exception of three years spent
in Hudson Township, he has been a resident of this. He rents
180 acres of land in the west part of the township, and
carries on his shop at the Center. He has two children -
Albert E. and Alonzo N. Both he and wife are
members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is much
interested in the Sunday-school cause; is a Superintendent
thereof, and an excellent mechanic. He is a zealous member
of the Masonic fraternity; a member of Summit Lodge, A. F. &
A. M., and Summit Chapter, R. A. M.
History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited
by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin &
Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 -
Page 1050 |
of Akron -
W. G. ROBINSON, stationer, Akron, was
born in Middlebury, now included in the city of Akron, Mr.
20, 1838, and is the eldest of six children born to John
C. and Margaret (Kelly) Robinson. His parents were
natives of Union County, Penn., and came to Middlebury in
the Spring of 1836. Mr. John C. Robinson was a
farmer and followed his business in Ohio until his death in
1875. His wife's death preceded his some four years,
occurring in 1871. Both were active members of the
Presbyterian Church and were highly respected in the
community in which they lived. W. G. Robinson
was brought up on the farm, gaining his education in the
select schools in the neighborhood and in the High School of
Akron. In 1857, he began as a clerk with Mr. A.
Sawyer, in his book and stationery establishment, where
he continued for four years. He then bought the
business of Mr. Sawyer and has since conducted it was
signal success. In August of 1879, he associated
himself with other gentlemen in the formation of stock
company, known as the Akron Telephone Company, for operating
Bell's telephone in the cities of Akron, Canton, Massillon,
Youngstown and Springfield, of which he was made President,
a position he still occupies. He is also Manager of
the Akron Academy of Music, which has been under his
direction ever since its erection in 1869. Mr.
Robinson made his home with his parents until his
marriage in 1861. On the 1st of January in that year
he was united in marriage with Miss Mary E. Buckingham,
a native of Watertown, Conn.
History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited
by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin &
Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 -
Page 764 |
Twp. -
Twinsburg; he was born June 10, 1807, in Eri, Switzerland;
his parents were Mecher and Francis (Miller) Roniger,
to whom were born seven children - two sons and five
daughters. Oliver was bereft of his father when 2 1/2 years
old; remained with his mother until a lad of 14, when he
began to provide for himself. When 21, he went to learn the
stone-mason's trade, at which he worked four years, learning
the plasterer's art and the laying of brick as well. To
better his condition, he set sail for America in November,
1832, coming on direct from New York to this township;
arriving here, his worldly possessions amounted to a
haversack of old clothes and 75 cents in money, which he
afterward loaned to an acquaintance to purchase necessaries
for his family. When Mr. Roniger came, he was not
familiar with the English language, which was taken
advantage of at times, by unprincipled men, who endeavored
to profit by his native honesty and unsuspecting manner. Two
years afterward, by diligence and economy, he purchased 35
acres in the southeast part of the township. In November,
same year, he married Jane Burroughs, born
Apr. 1, 1812, in Mifflin Township, Mifflin Co., Penn.; her
parents were John and Sarah (Durst) Burroughs, who
emigrated to Palmyra, in Portage Co., when she was about 15
years of age. Since the location of Mr. Bolinger in
this township, he has been a constant resident and worthy
citizen; he has been industrious and prosperous, having
acquired 175 acres of land. He is a member of Summit Lodge
No. 213, A. F. & A. M.; has no children, but adopted a son,
Morris Dunn, at 2 years of age, who now bears
their name; he was born in Boston Township, Oct. 22, 1846,
son of John and Martha (Reed)
Dunn. Morris married Mary Sabin,
born in Ravenna; they have five children - Minnie,
Martha, Millie F., Elsie M. and Oliver.
History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited
by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin &
Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 -
Page 1050 |
Twp. -
SAMUEL ROTHROCK (deceased), was a
native of Philadelphia, Penn., and was born Oct. 20, 1820.
He was one in a family of eight children, of whom Samuel
and Rebecca (Eshbauch) Rothrock were the parents.
In 1834, Samuel, together with his parents, came to
Stark Co., Ohio, and here he resided until 1846. On
the 25th of December, 1845, he was united in marriage with
Catharine, daughter of Christian Stauffer; and
to this union were born the following family:
Samuel, Christian, David, Amos, Levi, Susan, Mary, Maggie,
Anna and Jacob. These children are all
living and all reside in Summit County. After
his marriage, Mr. Rothrock commenced farming, and
such was his occupation through life. In the spring of
1853, he and family came to Copley Township, Summit Co.,
Ohio, and settled on Lot No. 12. In 1871, he commenced
suffering with dropsy, and after about six months' intense
suffering, his death occurred. That event was Dec. 29,
1871. He and wife were members of church, and Mr.
Rothrock was a most estimable citizen.
History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited
by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin &
Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 -
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