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Summit County, Ohio

History & Genealogy


History of Summit County,
with an outline sketch of Ohio
Edited by William Henry Perrin.
Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers,
186 Dearborn Street



Twinsburg Twp. -
CHAUNCEY LANE, farmer; P. O. Twinsburg; was born Aug. 31, 1803, in Middlesex Co., Conn., and was the son of Phillip Lane, who was born in Killingworth, Jan. 9, 1766, and was married, November, 1795, to Rebina, who was born Nov. 26, 1770, in the same county.  To them were born Luman, Henry and Harry, Lovina, Chauncey, Julius, Abner, Harriet, Nathan and Polly.  The parents of the above died in Killingworth Jan. 11, 1851, and June 2, 1850, respectively.  Phillip was a son of Joseph whose father was John, the son of Robert, who emigrated from England about the year 1670.  Chauncey remained at home until he passed his majority, when he came West in November, 1828.  In February of the following year, he purchased 100 acres of land for $300, on Lot 12.  May 31, 1837, he married Phebe Bailey, born Jan. 20, 1811, in Groton, New London Co., Conn., to Asher and Abigail (Smith) Bailey, but her having been born in the same place in December, 1775.  He was a son of John, who was one of three brothers, who came from England and settled in Connecticut.  Abigail was a daughter of Samuel Smith, who was 16 years of age at the time of the battle of Fort Griswold in Revolutionary times.  The Baileys were Congregationalists, and the Smiths Baptists.  Mrs. Lane came West to Geauga Co. with her brother in 1836; her parents followed soon after, and settled in Munson, same county.  Two children Chauncey P. and Caroline, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Lane.  C. P. now resides on the farm where he was born Jan. 14, 1844.  He married Mary E. Ames, a native of Vermont, and has three children - Carrie, Frank and Eddie, who is now serving as Justice of the Peace.  Caroline  resides in Minnesota, the wife of Hon. William Fowler.  Mr. Lane has a good farm of nearly 100 acres.
Source: History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 - Page 1045
Twinsburg Twp. -
ORRIS LEACH, farmer; P. O. Twinsburg; son of Daniel and Anna R. (Bissell) Leach; was born Oct. 18, 1818, among the hills of Hampshire Co., Mass.  His father was a son of Daniel, Sr., whose sons were Daniel, Ira, Joseph and Isaiah.  Ana Bissell was a daughter of Justus, who served in the war of the Revolution.  The Bissell family have all descended from one John, who came from Somersetshire, England, to America in 1628.  The parents of Orris died when he was in his minority.  His father was a farmer, and was also engaged in the milling business.  At the age of 23, Orris came West to Aurora, where he engaged at farm labor.  April 28, 1850, he married Sallie M. Blair, who was born Aug. 21, 1819, in Aurora; she was the daughter of Isaac and Rebecca (Taylor) Blair, who were among the early pioneers of that county.  Isaac Blair was a son of Isaac and Bathsheba (Frost) Blair, to whom were born ten children - Matthew, Elijah, Elam and Eli (twins), Isaac,, Bohan, Mollie, Julia, Anna and Rebecca.  To Isaac and Rebecca Taylor Blair were born Mary A., Milton, Emily, Sallie, Carroll, Jane, Louisa, Emeline and Armilla.  Isaac served in the war of 1812.  Mr. Leach came to Twinsburg in 1851, and for several years was engaged in trading.  He moved to his present home in 1870, and has over 160 acres in Michigan.  Mrs. Leach was for twenty-three years a teacher, and taught eleven years in one place.  Their children are - Addie, Mrs. L. Hawkins; Bride, Mrs. F. L. Haggett; and Manly.
Source: History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 - Page 1045
Boston Twp. -
LEWIS LEMOIN, station agent Valley R. R., Peninsula; is a son of Benjamin and Priscilla (Pray) Lemoin; his father was a native of Massachusetts, and his mother of Connecticut.  They were married in Pittsfield, Mass., in 1821, and in 1827, they emigrated to Ohio, locating first in Medina Co., but only remained there one year, when they removed to Massillon, where for ten years he was engaged in the tailor and clothier business with Charles Skinner; about 1838, he removed to Akron, and worked at the trade, for Jacob Allen, for two years, when he removed to Brandywine, Northfield Township, when for eight years he was employed in a woolen-mill; he has served as Justice of the Peace, as Township Trustee, and has always been prominent in educational affairs, and in all movements toward the advancement of humanity.  He is now living with his son at Macedonia, and is in the 87th year of his age. His wife died in the summer of 1876.  Lewis was born in Pittsfield, Mass., Dec. 24, 1822; when 18 years old, he commenced driving on the canal, and passed through the several gradations from driver to packet Captain, his experience in that line covering about twelve years; he next became connected with the railroad business, and commencing at Cuyahoga Falls with the C. & Mt. V. R. R. Co. as switchman, going thence to Clinton as station agent, where he remained two years, and thence to Macedonia, where, with the C. & P. R. R. Co., he served seventeen years as station agent; he was next employed two years at Columbus, as night watchman of the Treasury; he is at present in the employ of the V. R. R. Co. as station agent for Boston and Peninsula.  Mr. Lemoin was united in marriage, Feb. 28, 1853, to Miss Lucinda Post, daughter of Henry and Mary A. (Clark) Post who were natives of Connecticut and pioneers of Boston  Township.  Mr. Post came to the township in 1804, but shortly afterward returned to Connecticut and was married; returning with his wife, he built the first log cabin in the township, and cleared the first 10 acres of land; he served through the war of 1812, his wife remaining in the township alone, surrounded by dangers of almost every description, as Indians and wild beasts were numerous; however, she passed safely through all, and, with her husband, lived through the various changes of pioneer life to the days of modern improvements; she died in October, 1859; her husband survived her several years; he served as Justice of the Peace, and was a progressive and respected citizen; he was finally killed by the cars, July 4, 1865, at Macedonia, while on a visit to his daughter.  Mrs. Lemoin was born in Boston Township, Jan. 11, 1827.  They have four children, viz.: Theodore, now station agent at Macedonia; Lew D., Sylvia E. and Dollie O.  Mr. Lemoin served Northfield Township four years as clerk; he is a prominent Mason, being a member of Hudson Lodge, No. 510, and Akron Commandery, No. 25; he is P. H. P. of Summit Chapter, and P. M. of Hudson Lodge.
Source: History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 - Page 897
Cuyahoga Falls Twp. -
L. W. LOOMIS, dealer in stoves, tin, glass and wooden ware, etc., Cuyahoga Falls.  Among the prominent business men of this place, in which the varied industries have drawn together a large number, none, perhaps, exercise more tact or display better judgment in the management of their business than this gentleman, who conducts one of the leading houses of Northern Ohio.  He was born in Madison Co., N. Y., Jan. 11, 1836, and is a son of William and Emeline (Thomas) Loomis.  His early life was passed on his father's farm, and, when of age, he commenced the battle of
life, with no capital save his natural business qualifications and a determination to succeed.  For four years he was a "tin peddler" for Smith & Herrington, of Waterloo, N .Y., and then entered the service of his country as a private soldier in Co. G, 13th New York V. I.  At the expiration of his enlistment, which was for two years, he once more entered the service of his old employers, and, in February, 1864, accompanied by his brother, H. E. Loomis, he came to Cuyahoga Falls and founded the present business. Smith & Herrington, owning a half interest.  In March, 1865, he bought out his brother, and, in 1867, became sole proprietor.  He has a large number of wagons on the road, that are supplied with wares manufactured at his shop, and by this means he is enabled to do an immense business.  He has also a large branch store at Canton, Ohio.  Mr. Loomis is associated with Mr. H. E. Parks in the proprietorship of the " High Bridge Glens and Caves," one of the most picturesque and lovely resorts in Northern Ohio, the scenery being undoubtedly the finest in the State. It is annually visited by thousands of pleasure seekers, and Mr. Loomis can justly be proud of his connection with the enterprise.  He was married, June 3, 1863, to Jane Curtiss, of Canandaigua, N. Y.  This union has been blessed with five children - Lilian M., Byron H., Irving L., Melvin C. and Arthur N.   Arthur died Oct. 30, and Melvin Nov. 4, 1880.
Source: History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 - Page 547
Twinsburg Twp. -
HENRY LIVINGSTON, cheese manufacturer, Twinsburg; son of Henry and Nancy (Lacore) Livingston; was born Apr. 26, 1830, in Watertown, Jefferson Co., N.Y.  His father was a son of Henry Livingston, Sr., who was born in Armagh on the Emerald Isle.  Nathaniel was the father of Nancy, he had born to him Nancy, Margaret, Luke, Cleantha, Champion and Jerusha.  Henry, the father of our subject, was born about the year 1786, in Ireland, and emigrated to New York in the early part of the present century.  He was an Irishman, born of a highly respected family who were among the intelligent class, ranking high in social position.  He was identified prominently with the interests both of a local and general character.  As a Freemason he ranked high, having advanced from the Blue Lodge to the orders of Knighthood.  To him were born seven children, viz., Margaret, Sarah, Henry, J. A., John W., Jane and William.  The family came West to Cleveland Sept. 10, 1837, where the father died soon after.  At the age of 16, Henry learned the shoemaker's trade at this place.  Dec. 25, 1850, he was married to Laura Done, born in this township May 23, 1832, and the daughter of A. B. and Maria Done, who were from Connecticut, and came West about 1826.   Aug. 29, 1864, he enlisted in Co. E, 177th O. V. I., and served until the close of the war.  Upon his return home, he resumed his former occupation.  About the year 1868, he engaged in the manufacture of cheese at this place.  He has but one child - Ella M., who is now the wife of George L. Fuller, of this township.  Two others died - Russell H., at 17; and Laura A., 2 years of age.  Mr. L. is a member of Summit Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 213, and Summit Chapter, R. A. M., No. 74.  He is in politics a Democrat.
Source: History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 - Page 1046
City of Akron -
an engineer in fire department, Akron; is a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Taylor) Loomis; was born in Akron Apr. 2, 1854, where he attended public schools until his father died, when he lived with an uncle at Wadsworth for some time.  In 1869, he went into a pottery, working in it for one year; then learned the blacksmith's trade, and, in 1870, he became a minute man in Steamer No. 1, and served as fireman and blacksmith in the city fire department.  At the death of James H. Stanford, he was made engineer of steamer in January, 1881.  He was married, July 10,
1879, to Miss Barbara Grad, of Akron.  His father was born in Medina Co., and lived there till he was 14, and then went to Lake Co.  When grown, he came to Akron, and became captain of a canal-boat for the Navigation Co.  He followed this business until the war broke out, when he enlisted in the 29th O. V. I., and after a hard campaign with the Army of the Cumberland, he caught cold from
fording a river, and died at Cumberland, Md., in January, 1862.  Subject is the oldest son; one brother, Charles H., is a farmer, near Sears, Mich. Mother still lives in Akron.
Source: History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 - Page 736
Hudson Twp. -

Source: History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 - Page 833

Bath Twp. -
MORRIS LYON; Montrose.  John Lyon the father of this gentleman, was a native of the "Bay" State; his father served as a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and, although a hard-working, energetic man, never succeeded in accumulating much property.  The consequence was that John Lyon, when quite young, was bound out to the miller's trade, and had but few of the advantages boys of the present day enjoy in the way of obtaining an education and gaining in marriage, in Rhode Island, to Miss Elizabeth Holden, a native of that State.  Some time after his marriage, he removed to Ontario Co., N. Y., and resided there, engaged in agricultural pursuits, until his removal to Copley Township, this county, which was in 1834.  In his family were eight children.  He died in 1849, and his wife in 1873.  Morris Lyon was born in Bloomfield Township, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 1, 1823.  He was brought up on his father's farm, his education being such as the common schools of that day afforded.  In 1840, he entered the wagon-shop of S. A. Lane & Co., of Akron, and after remaining with them some time went to Medina, Ohio, where he worked at his trade some two years.  He at length located at Copley Center, where he worked at wagon and carriage making for quite a number of years.  He followed farming some years, and three years ago he came to Montrose, and engaged in mercantile pursuits, which business he has since followed.  He was united in marriage to Miss Laura A. Briggs, Sept. 11, 1848.  This lady was born in Copley Township, this county, in 1824; from this union six children were born to them, viz.,  Duane C., Irvin E., Julien W., Fremont E., Osian G. and Albert.  Mrs. Lyon departed this life in 1868.  Mr. Lyon has given his sons such advantages as his means would admit of; Julien W. is a graduate of the Ohio Medical College of Columbus, and is located at Akron, Ohio; Fremont E. is a graduate of the Ann Arbor School of Dental Surgery, and is also located in Akron; Irvin E. is engaged in mercantile pursuits in Cleveland; Albert lives in Adair Co., Iowa, and Duane C. and Ossian G. reside in Copley Township.  Mr. Lyon is a stanch Republican in politics, and is well posted on the important issues of the day.  He has always been a strong advocate of the temperance reform, and those who have heard him in his quiet way sum up the evidence against this great social and moral evil, cannot help agreeing with him that the preponderance of evidence is strongly against it.  Both the moral and intellectual standing of Summit County would be of a much higher order, were there more such men as Mr. Morris Lyon.
Source: History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 - Page 1018






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