(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens.
Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois -
Among the physicians of Bridgeport of a past generation were two
noted men, viz. - Dr. J. G. Affleck and Dr. J. M. Todd.
Dr. J. G. Affleck was a genial, generous hearted
Scotchman of great literary ability. He was said to possess the
finest library in the county, and knew more of its contents than any
other man in the State. The Doctor at different times published
four newspapers and while pursuing his medical practice was a regular
contributor to many papers and magazines. His literary work
continued until his death.
Dr. J. M. Todd was a man of strong convictions
and pronounced views upon all questions of public policy. While
engaged in the practice of his profession, he took an active part in
municipal affairs, and, while foremost in advocating every policy
looking to the advancement of the town or county, he was an intense
partisan and uncompromising in his hostility to the opposition.
Like his colleague Dr. Affleck. Dr. Todd was a man of
superior literary ability, and was a constant contributor to the local
and medical press upon all historic, economic, or professional
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 209 |
well known resident of Martin's Ferry, and auditor of Belmont
County, Ohio, and now residing in St. Clairsville, Ohio, and now
residing in St. Clairsville, Ohio, was born at Martin's Ferry in
1858, and is a son of Madison M. and M. A. (Chaffin) Aldredge.
Madison Aldredge, was born in Eastern
Virginia in 1816. At an early age he became a mechanic and
continued thus for many years. He was for a considerable
period a government storekeeper. He moved from Eastern
Virginia to Wheeling, (West) Virginia, in 1846, and resided there
until 1861, with the exception of a short time in 1850, when he
lived in Martin's Ferry. In 1861, he took up his residence in
Martin's Ferry, and lived there until his death, which occurred in
1890. He was united in marriage with Miss M. A. Chaffin
of Wheeling, who was born in 1822, and died in 1895. They
reared the following children: Stanton and Sanford,
deceased; Madison; and Edgar of Moline, Illinois.
Madison Aldredge was reared and schooled at
Martin's Ferry, and there learned the trade of a pattern-maker,
which he followed until the fall of 1895. In that year he was
elected auditor of Belmont County. He assumed his official
duties in October, 1896, and his manner of discharging them won for
him the approval and support of the people, as was evidenced by his
re-election in the fall of 1898.
Mr. Aldredge was united in marriage with Dora
E. Moore, of Bellaire, Ohio, and they are parents of the
following children: Ewer P.; Edna M.; Hattie G.; Madison, Jr.;
and Frank. In politics, Mr. Aldredge is
unswerving in his adherence to the principles of the Republican
party. Fraternally, he is a member of Lodge NO. 486, F. & A.
M.; Chapter No. 54, R. A. M.; Hope Commandery No. 26, K. T.; Aladdin
Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; and Lodge No. 54 K. of P.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 452 |
See Chapter
ource: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 144 |
highly esteemed resident of Bridgeport, Ohio, has been a prominent
figure in professional and political life in Belmont County for a
number of years, resigning the cares of business in 1894, after a
successful and honorable career.
Mr. Alexander claims an old and honored
ancestry. The first member of this branch of the Alexander
family of which we find authentic mention was James Alexander,
the great-great-grandfather of our subject, who was born in 1706
near Campbelltown, Scotland, and who came to the United States in
1774, his tomb now being found at State Ridge, Maryland. His
son, James, the second of the name, was born in 1733 in
Scotland also, and came to America in 1771, dying May 9, 1817, at
the age of 84 years. He served during the Revolutionary War
with the Pennsylvania troops, his home being in the vicinity of
York, in that State. He was buried in the Alexander Cemetery
at South Ridge, in Belmont County, Ohio. James Alexander
(2) was twice married, his first wife, Margaret Wilson,
dying in Scotland, leaving four children, namely, Andrew, James,
Margaret and Jane, - the eldest of these, James
(3), being our subject's grandfather. The second marriage was
to Margaret Clarke Ross, and seven children were born to this
James Alexander (3), the grandfather of
Hon. Ross J. Alexander, was born in Scotland, came to the
United States in 1766, and died May 11, 1852, at the age of 95
years. He married Isabella Ross and had a family of ten
children, namely, Margaret, James, Agnes, Jane W., Isabella R.,
John, Jenetta, Peter, Robert Jefferson and Lavinia, all
of whom have passed away. Of this family Agnes born May
15, 1792, was the first white child born in Belmont County.
She died Feb. 20, 1825. Her marriage was to Robert Gray,
and of their fur children James A., lately deceased, was a
banker at Martin's Ferry, Ohio.
Robert Jefferson Alexander, the father of our
subject, was born October 6, 1806, and died January 30, 1863.
On November 1, 1831, he married Mary A. Jennings, a native of
Belmont County, and a daughter of David Jennings, for many
years prominent in political life as State Senator and member of
Congress, and for 15 years county prosecuting attorney.
Mrs. Alexander was one of a family of six children born to
her parents, viz., Mary A., Rachel R., Jacob D., David L.,
Jonathan G. and Margaret L. - Jonathan G. being the only
survivor. The Jennings family is an honorable one in a
number of the States of the Union. Jacob Jennings, the
maternal great-great-grandfather of our subject, served as a minute
man in the militia of Morris County, New Jersey, during the
Revolutionary War, and his wife was Mary Kennedy, a daughter
of Rev. Samuel Kennedy. Jacob Jennings (2), our
subject's great-grandfather, also participated in the Revolutionary
War, and the document is in the family's possession which tells that
he was captain of the Jersey Blues and a surgeon in the Sussex
County Militia during this period. He was severely wounded at
the battle of Trenton, Dec. 26, 1776, and born the marks of the
conflict until his death. At the age of 40 years he was
licensed to preach by the Dutch Reformed Church and removed to
Virginia, and in 1802 served at Pittsburg as the first moderator of
the synod. Mrs. Alexander was a niece of the
distinguished Jonathan Jennings, who was the first Governor
of the State of Indiana and for whom a county in the southeastern
part of that State was named, and the State of Indiana has recently
erected a $5,000 monument to his memory.
Robert Jefferson Alexander was an able attorney
and practiced all his life in Belmont County, serving through two
terms as county prosecuting attorney, and was the first judge of the
Court of Common Pleas under the new Constitution of 1851, his term
covering five years of service. His interest was pronounced in
the fostering of public educational enterprises, and he favored
legislation for the advancement of agricultural opportunities.
Mr. Alexander was born on Oct. 6, 1806, and through a period
of 57 years was one of the most useful citizens of Belmont County.
The children born to this fist marriage were as follows:
Theresa, who is Mrs. K. S. Boreman, of Parkersburg, West
Virginia; Ross J., who is the subject of this sketch.
Robert J., who is a resident of the States of Washington, and
William W., who resides at Akron, Ohio. The mother of
these children died in 1844 at the age of 33 years. The second
marriage of Mr. Alexander was to a sister of his first wife,
Rachel R., who was the widow of William H. Tallman,
the one daughter born to this union being Mary Ann, the wife
of James Murray, of Wheeling, West Virginia.
The birth of Ross J. Alexander occurred in
Belmont County on Christmas Day, 1834. He was reared in a home
of refinement and intelligence and was offered excellent educational
advantages. From Linsly Institute in Wheeling he went to
Franklin College, Ohio, and later graduated with the highest honors
in the class of 1854 from Washington and Jefferson College, in
Pennsylvania. Under his eminent father he studied law and was
admitted to practice in December, 1856, locating in St. Clairsville.
For a period of 18 years Mr. Alexander carried on a large and
absorbing practice in that place, removing in 1872 to Bridgeport,
only to change the location, not the nature or volume, of his
business. Many honors have been shown our subject by
appreciative fellow citizens. For 12 years he was master
commissioner of the county and for two terms he was the municipal
head of the city of St. Clairsville. He has served as a member
of the Bridgeport Council a number of times, has been a member of
and president of the Bridgeport School Board for many years, and has
been identified with all public enterprises of lasting value.
During two years he was an efficient member of the Ohio Legislature,
rendering his party yeoman service during the administration of
President Cleveland. He also served in the far West as a
member of the Puyallup Indian Commission of the State of Washington,
in all of these varied responsible office upholding the dignity of
the position and conscientiously performing the many duties.
On July 14, 1858, Mr. Alexander was united in
marriage with Margaretta Askew, a native of St. Clairsville
and a daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (McElroy) 'askew, the
latter of whom was a daughter of John McElroy, who was a
captain in the War of 1812. A family of four children were
born to our subject and wife, as follows: Marian who
married William Alexander, resides in Kansas City, Kansas,
and they have two children, Askew and Ross J.; Lillian who
married Frank Sigel, resides at Kansas City, Missouri, and
has two daughters, Margaret and Virginia; Minnie R., who
married J. C. Heinlein, a prominent attorney of Bridgeport,
and their children are Margaret, George and Dorothy;
and St. Clair of Kansas City, Missouri. Both our
subject and wife are leading members of the Presbyterian Church.
He is a well-known member of the Masonic order and has held the
highest positions in lodge, chapter and commandery, and has been a
delegate many times to all the grand bodies in the State. From
his youth he has been interested in politics, and is an ardent
advocate of unadulterated Jeffersonian Democracy.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 641 |
prominent business man of Martin's Ferry, was born in Bridgeport,
Ohio, on the Kirkwood side, on June 5, 1844. His parents were
David and Ann S. (Kirkwood) Allen, the latter a member of
an old and distinguished family of the State.
David Allen, the father of David K., was
born in 1796 and died October 23, 1872. His life had been one of
active endeavor in many lines. His birthplace was in Fayette
County, Pennsylvania, and there he was educated and became cashier in
a local bank. Later he became a partial owner and one of the
directors of the first foundry erected at Wheeling, and after locating
there engaged in the commission mercantile business, which he also
carried on at Bridgeport, Ohio. He commanded a company during
the War of 1812 and was very prominent in political life. After
serving through two terms as auditor of Belmont County, he was elected
to the Senate from this county and subsequently was re-elected.
Mr. Allen for some time was also engaged in an insurance
business. He was acknowledged to be the best informed man in the
county on current literature and through life exerted a wide
influence. His wife was a daughter of Joseph Kirkwood, whose
father commanded a Delaware regiment during the Revolutionary War.
Mrs. Allen died on November 3, 1887, aged 77 years, her birth
having been on February 28, 1812. The children born to David
Allen and wife were the following: Sutia A. K.,
deceased, was the wife of John F. Wetzel, a descendant of
Lewis Wetzel, the famous Indian fighter; Robert K., resides
at Dixmont, Pennsylvania, where he is assistant superintendent of a
hospital; Margaret F., is Mrs. James M. Culbertson and
resides at Alliance, Ohio; James died at the age of six years;
David K. of this sketch was the sixth child in order of birth;
the next was an unnamed infant; Jonathan G. resides at
Marshall, Texas; Joseph K. resides in Alliance, Ohio; James
P. resides in Cumberland Maryland; and George G. resides at
Boston, Massachusetts.
David K. Allen enjoyed educational
advantages in the schools of Bridgeport and later took a course at
Wheeling, West Virginia, under Professor Harding. He had
scarcely completed his schooling when he enlisted for service in the
Civil War, on August 15, 1862, entering Company F, 50th Reg., Ohio
Vol. Inf., and took part in his first battle on October 8, 1862, at
Perryville, although he had been through several skirmishes prior to
this. In the Army of the Ohio he participated in all the Atlanta
campaign and was under those noted Ohio generals, Sherman and
Schofield. After the siege of Atlanta, Mr. Allen
was a member of the 23rd Army Corps, which was sent by General
Sherman to relieve General Corse at the dreadful battle of
Altoona Pass. "Hold the fort for troops are coming" was
Sherman's signal to Corse, but before General Sherman
arrived General Corse had defeated the enemy and put them to
flight. Mr. Allen's corps were with Sherman as far
as Rome. Georgia, and then they were ordered back to
Tennessee, via Chattanooga, Columbia, Spring Hill and, after the
battle there on November 29th, reached Franklin on November 30, 1864.
At the battle which took place at Franklin, Mr.
Allen was severely wounded, in the head, leg, and breast near the
heart. These injuries not only closed his career as a soldier,
but very nearly ended his life. For months he was paralyzed and
it was long a matter of doubt about his final recovery. He
remained in the hospital at Nashville, Tennessee until December 8,
1864, and was then sent to the hospital at Madison, Indiana, where he
received care until March, 1865, when he was sent to the Wheeling
Hospital from which he was discharged on June 6, 1865, having
faithfully served and suffered for his country. After the close
of the war, Mr. Allen took a course under Professor Harding
as noted.
Mr. Allen then learned telegraphing and served
with the Western Union Telegraph Company until 1868 and then was
manager of the Pacific & Atlantic at Bridgeport, having the telegraph
office located in his grocery store, which business was carried on for
about six years.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 529 |
WILLIAM A. ALLEN, one of the
successful farmers, large land owners and prominent citizens of
Belmont County, is located in the southwest corner of Pease township
on a well appointed and finely cultivated farm of 500 acres.
Mr. Allen is a native of both Pease township and
Belmont County, and was born in 1858. He is a son of John
and Sarah (Greenlee) Allen, the former of whom was also born in
Pease township, in 1814, and died in 1886. John Allen,
the grandfather, was one of the pioneers who settled Belmont County
and secured a large tract of land, at the time of his decease owning
about 1,000 acres in Pease and Pultney townships. Here he
carried on large farming operations and engaged extensively in sheep
raising. Grandfather Allen was born in Scotland, but
married a Miss Giffin in America and reared two sons and
three daughters. These were: John, William, Margaret,
Isabel, and Martha. John and his son William,
the subject of this sketch, now occupy his farm, which lies in Pease
and Pultney townships. Margaret married a Mr. Hinkle.
Martha married a Mr. Greenlee. All are now
John Allen, son of John, also
engaged extensively in farming and stock raising, and amassed an
ample fortune. In political belief he was a Democrat. In
1848 he married Sarah Greenlee, who was born in Belmont
County in 1822, and died in 1861. She was the mother of seven
children, of whom only two lived to reach maturity, our subject and
a sister, Martha J., who married F. D. Bailey, and
resided at St. Clairsville until her death in 1884. The others
were: James, John, Lizzie Bell, and an unnamed infant.
William A. Allen has always resided on the home
place, which is excellently improved and one of the most valuable
estates in the county. He engages in general farming,
operating his farm with great success, being a thorough
agriculturist. In politics, Mr. Allen was a Miss
Annie Warrell, who was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania.
A son and daughter complete the home circle, Sarah Janet and
William A., Jr. Mr. Allen and family are valued and
consistent members of High Ridge United Presbyterian Church.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 459 |
JOHN AMRINE, whose death occurred
August 27, 1901, at Bridgeport, Ohio, was born in Belmont County,
Ohio, Jan. 10, 1820, and he lived practically all his life in his
native county.
He was a son of Peter and Nancy Amrine,, who
were among the hardy pioneer settlers of Ohio. His mother died
in 1832 of cholera. The family then removed to Perry County,
Ohio. John did not like his new home, and, with his
father's permission, returned to Belmont County; although only a boy
of 12, he walked all the way back, and thus young John Amrine
started upon his own resources in the race of life.
For several years he made his home with his uncle, Francis
McConnell, and worked at farming on Scotch Ridge, and elsewhere.
He followed boating on the Ohio River for 16 years.
At the age of 30 years he was united in marriage with
Deborah Enlow, a daughter of Jacob and Rachel Enlow,
who were also pioneer residents of Belmont County. From this
union they had a family of nine children, of whom Mary B.,
the widow of Jeremiah Sturgeon; Virginia A., the wife of
Milton McConnaughy; Miss Gertrude H. and Fred S. Amrine
are still living; and Frank H., who died in 1895, leaving a
widow, Mrs. Jessie Bailey Amrine, and one child, Frank.
Mrs. John Amrine was born Feb. 7, 1826, and died
Dec. 13, 1895.
Peter Amrine, the father of our subject, died
April 20, 1864, aged 74 years.
Soon after his marriage, John Amrine engaged in
the coal boating business with Hugh McNeely and others, and
although this business did not prove very lucrative, yet he gave
$200 of his meager savings to build the First Methodist Episcopal
Church that was built in Bridgeport and in later years proved his
devotion to the cause of Christianity by giving liberally toward the
erection of the other two brick Methodist Episcopal Churches in
For 67 years Mr. Amrine was a devout member of
the Methodist Church, serving mostly in some official capacity.
He was public spirited and was the first to take stock
in the Aetna Mill in 1873, and was later a charter member of the
re-organized Aetna-Standard Mills.
In fraternal circles, he was an active Mason for many
years, and was the last of the charter members of the Bridgeport
blue lodge.
John Amrine was a true and
earnest patriot during the great war for the Union, and throughout
his life he loved to talk and read of Lincoln, Grant, Garfield,
McKinley and others of our good and great. He was an
ardent Republican.
The last 40 years of his life he was engaged in farming
and market gardening, and enjoyed his fine suburban home with his
interesting family; and thus we see this boy with the rough exterior
of pioneer life, without a mother's love to guide or a father's hand
to protect, no parental roof, and with but little school privileges,
and yet making life a success.
With the practice of industry, economy and society, and
being possessed of many of the finer sterling qualities of heart and
mind, John Amrine walked amid the rough environments of a
life on the river and the crude times of his early days, and yet he
became the honored citizen, the good friend and the worthy Christian
He was cast in a gentle mold, and yet he was ever firm
and steadfast for the right. He loved fair dealing, and his
genial manner made and kept all who knew him his friends.
In his last illness he found delight in giving
Christian advice and counsel to all who came to his bedside.
His last hours were a fit ending of an upright, exemplary life.
Soothed and sustained by an unfaltering trust, he
"approached the grave like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
about him and lies down to pleasant dreams."
"Calm and peaceful by they sleep," good friend.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 639 |
J. R. ANDERSON, superintendent of
the public schools of Belmont County, Ohio, a man of scholarly
attainments and personal popularity, is an Ohio product, born at
Bellaire in 1863, a son of Isaac C. and Mahala J. (Lashley)
Anderson, the latter of whom belongs to an old county family
which located southeast of the city of Bellaire as early as 1830.
The Andersons were natives of Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania, and there Isaac C. Anderson was born 76
years ago. A notable occasion was the celebration of the
golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac C. Anderson, which took
place at the family residence, No. 612 Vine street, Bellaire, in
October, 1901. Mr. Anderson is a veteran of the Civil
War, and he and his estimable wife are the central figures in a
large family of children, namely: William, who is engaged in
business in connection with the Bellaire Foundry & Machine Company;
Mrs. P. R. Myers, who resides at Quincy, Illinois; Mrs. N.
J. McDonald, who resides in Bellaire; Newton, who is also
connected with the Bellaire Foundry; J. Albert, who resides
at South Bend, Indiana; J. R., who is the subject of this
review; Mrs. Maria J. Simpson, who lives in Bellaire; Mrs.
O. C. Henry, who is a resident of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and
Charles, who is associated with the subject of this sketch in
the ownership of the Bellaire Foundry & Machine Company plant.
The primary education of Superintendent Anderson
was obtained in the public schools of Bellaire, and his degree of M.
A. was secured after doing collegiate work at Bethany, West
Virginia. Mr. Anderson's services were immediately
secured in the public schools of his native city, and for one year
he was principal of the Second Ward school and for ten years was
assistant principal of the central building, in 1898 becoming
superintendent, filling the position with the same efficiency which
has marked his whole professional career, bringing the schools to a
high standard.
The Bellaire Foundry & Machine Company, with which
enterprise our subject is financially connected, was established in
1895 by Charles and J. R. Anderson and Clarence Simpson,
the last named withdrawing after three years. The business is
now the property of the Anderson brothers and is located at
the corner of 33rd and Hamilton streets, where a large business is
done, requiring the aid of a number of skilled foundrymen and
machinists. It is one of the successful industries of
The marriage of Prof. J. R. Anderson was to a
daughter of John Wood, who came some thirty years ago to
Bellaire, and for thirty years has been one of the leading
contracting carpenters in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wood
reside at Shadyside. The seven children born to our
subject and wife were as follows: Edward, Clarence, Walter,
Robert, Bertie, Ethel and Raymond. Our subject was
reared to believe implicitly in the principles of the Republican
party of which his father has been an adherent from its
organization, and is active in its interests. Fraternally he
is associated with the Ionic Lodge, F. & A. M., of Bellaire, the
Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows. The Christian Church
has long been the religious body with which both the Anderson
and Wood families have been identified, and our subject is
one of its deacons and liberal supporters. His standing as
teacher and citizen is unquestioned, and his personal attributes
have brought to him a wide circle of friends.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 500 |
JAMES F. ANDERSON, an attorney of
Bellaire, Ohio, has, since 1871, been the publisher and editor of the
"Independent," the oldest surviving newspaper in the city. He was born
in Pultney township, Belmont County, and has always resided in the
township and Bellaire.
In the Civil War he served as sergeant of Company I, 170th Reg,. Ohio
Vol. Inf. In 1870 he was admitted to the Ohio bar. For the past 30
years he has taken an active part in politics, being a Republican. He
has been a member of the county and city boards of school examiners.
In 1871 Mr. Anderson took charge of the "Independent,"
and has, except for an interval of about two years, conducted it since
that time. He is interested in a number of the business enterprises of
his locality, has been president of the Belmont Savings & Loan Company
since its organization, and is president of the Board of Trade of
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 327 |
HENRY C. ANSHUTZ, a prosperous farmer
residing on the southeast corner of Washington township, Belmont
County, was born at Moundsville, (West) Virginia, March 26, 1846.
He is a son of Christian and Catherine M. (Jenewine) Anshutz, both
natives of Germany.
The parents of our subject came to the United States
when children and their marriage occurred in Belmont County, Ohio.
The father came to this country about 1836 and for a number of years
was an engineer in a flouring mill in this section. He was
located at Moundsville when our subject was born. He followed
the same line of business for a period of 14 years. In 1855 he
returned to Belmont County and located on the farm new mainly owned
and operated by his son, Henry C. He purchased land in Section
I, Washington township first buying 80 acres, to which he subsequently
added. His death occurred in 1869, at the age of 56 years.
His wife is still living at the age of 82 years and makes her home
with her daughter, Mrs. Gates, living in the West. They had four
children, as follows: Sarah Amelia, wife of Robert
residing at Nevada, Missouri; Edward, who died in Kansas, leaving a
wife and three children: Charles, who died in Nevada, after having
traveled extensively over the West; and Henry C., whose name heads
this biography.
Henry C. Anshutz, was nine years of age when his father
moved upon his present home far, and here he has since resided.
He owns this farm of 160 acres and has some 40 acres in section 7, all
well improved with substantial buildings. The original log house
has been remodeled and rebuilt into a comfortable modern home, and a
new barn was constructed in 1893. He follows general farming and
has raised very fine stock.
In 1869, Mr. Anshutz, was married to Charlotte
a sister of Frederick Fraley, whose life sketch appears elsewhere in
this work, and nine children have been born to them, as follows;
Luella, wife of William Hendershot, residing in Bellaire, where he is
agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Company; George, a farmer residing
at Armstrong's Mills, married Etta Hendershot;
Edward a farmer living
near Beallsville, Monroe County, Ohio, married Orissa Dawson;
wife of William Schafer, resides near Barnesville, where her husband
farms; Robert; Amos; Arminta; Annie and
Cora, the last five
living at home with their parents, Politically, our subject is a
Democrat. Religiously, he is a member of the Lutheran
Church, attending St. John's Church in Monroe County.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 812 |
born at Vallonia, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1871, taught school four years, was
graduated in medicine at the Ohio Medical University, Columbus,
Ohio, 1898, and in the Chicago Polyclinic in 1901. He was
married in 1900 to Isa D. McKelvey, of Key, Ohio and is now
practicing medicine at Neffs, Ohio.
Dr. Archer bids fair to become one of our
substantial physicians. His habits are good, and he applies
himself to his books and his practice.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 151 |
owner and operator of the Armstrong Mills in
Washington twp., located at one of the important stations on the Ohio
River & Western Railroad, is one of the leading business men of
Belmont County. Mr. Armstrong owns the town
site at this place, and has had the property surveyed and platted, it
being the only one of its kind in Washington township. Here he
has erected a number of comfortable houses, many of which he has sold
to resident employees of the great mills. For a number of years
Mr. Armstrong has concentrated his efforts here and
has engaged extensively in a mercantile business.
On Dec. 5, 1841, Mr. Armstrong was born at
Armstrong's Mills, being a son of Alexander and
Elizabeth (Welsh) Armstrong, the former of whom was born Mar.
11, 1813, in Belmont County, a son of that old pioneer Thomas
Armstrong, who, with his family, migrated from Pennsylvania
to Ohio and settled in 1811 on Captina Creek. Here
Thomas Armstrong started a tannery and young
Alexander learned the business and when, in 1833, the father
opened up a general store, the son was equally useful in a clerical
position, exhibiting indeed so excellent a business capacity that in
1839 he was admitted to a partnership, his brother James
receiving the other half interest in 1843. In 1844,
Alexander Armstrong purchased the grist mill which his father
built and continued to operate it in connection with a woolen factory,
at the latter place manufacturing cloth and yarns and working the wool
into rolls for the use of the neighboring farmers' wives. In
1847 the brothers disposed of their dry goods and discontinued that
branch of their business, but Alexander subsequently
opened a new store, in partnership with a Mr. Miller,
who in 1849, sold his interest to James Armstrong.
The firm of Armstrong Brothers continued until 1854,
when the goods were again disposed of and the store room was leased to
William Woodburn, who continued there a few years and
then removed his stock elsewhere. About
1858 Alexander Armstrong, who was a born merchant,
again started into the mercantile business at his old stand, in
partnership with E. W. Bryson, the
latter retiring six years later, and Mr. Armstrong
continuing alone until his death in March, 1884. During all this time
he also conducted the woolen factory which he had built in 1846 and
which is still a part of the large store building now occupied by the
firm of C. W. Armstrong & Son. Mr. Armstrong
was the postmaster at this place from the receipt of his commission
from President Tyler until his death, and he was
succeeded for one year by his son, C. W. Armstrong.
The mercantile business is now conducted by a Mr. Lindsey,
who is also the postmaster. Alexander Armstrong,
was a man of unusual business acumen and became possessed of a large
amount of property, owning 1,100 acres of land exclusive of his mills
and stores. He was one of the important factors in the
organization of the Bellaire & Southwestern Railroad, now the
Bellaire, Zanesville & Cincinnati Railway, and served both as director
and as vice-president. A later reorganization has changed this
road into the Ohio River & Western Railroad, but during Mr.
Armstrong's connection it bore its former name. He was
prominent also in the Methodist Church, and also in public life, as
late as 1871 having a clerical position under the administration of
Hon. Isaac Welsh in the State Treasurer's office.
In all these various lines of activity, Mr.
Armstrong displayed an uprightness of character and
recognition of business integrity which reflects honor upon his family
and the enterprises which bear his name.
In 1839 Alexander Armstrong was united in marriage
with Elizabeth Welsh, who was born Feb. 21, 1819, in
Belmont County, and was a daughter of Crawford and Mary Ann (Erford)
Welsh, the former of whom was born July 7, 1784, in York
County, Pennsylvania, and married in 1807; and the latter of whom was
born Sept. 20, 1789, in Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania, and died Feb.
21, 1875. Crawford Welsh came to Belmont Co.
soon after his marriage and took up land in the eastern part of
Richland township, brining his wife in 1808 and here he died Dec. 13,
1863. He had been a man of affairs and had served four terms in
the Ohio Legislature. These children were born to
Crawford Welsh and wife: John, Isaac, Henry,
David, Elizabeth, James R., Temperance, Mary Jane,
and Crawford Erford. John, who was born Dec.
15, 1808, became prominent and served as associate judge in this
county but died at Laclede, Missouri, in 1866. Isaac,
who was born July 20, 1811, married Mary Armstrong,
daughter of Thomas Armstrong, moved then to
Beallsville, Monroe Co., engaging in mercantile pursuits and the
buying and shipping of tobacco, until 1854. Then he removed to a
farm on Captain Creek, near Armstrong's Mills, and
lived there until death. In 1857 he was elected to the Ohio
House of Representatives by the united vote of Americans and
Republicans, was re-elected in 1859, and then served two years as
Senator from the Belmont and Harrison County district. In 1868
he was presidential elector for the 16th District and was chosen to
carry the vote of Ohio to Washington. In 1871 he was elected
State Treasurer and held the office to within six weeks of the
expiration of his second term, his son Leroy
completing the unexpired time. Mr. Welsh dying
Nov. 29, 1875. Henry, who was born Apr. 5,
1814, moved to near Laclede, Missouri, and died there.
David, who was born Aug. 27, 1816, died July 29, 1866, at
Glencoe, Richland twp., having served as surgeon of the 33rd Reg.,
Ohio Vol. Inf., through the Civil War. James R.,
who was born Sept. 7, 1821, died in youth. Temperance,
who was born Aug. 9, 1824, married Rev. John C. Thompson,
a minister of the Congregational Church, and died May 29, 1901, at
Clarksfield, Ohio. Mary Jane, who was born Jan.
10, 1828, died young. Crawford Erford, the only
survivor, was born Dec. 19, 1833, served in the Civil War as a member
of Company F, 15th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., from August, 1862, until
discharged Dec. 19, 1864, on account of a severe wound in the leg,
received in June, 1864, at Kenesaw Mountain, has never married but
resides at Armstrong's Mills and has been elected
five times as township treasurer. The
children of Alexander and Elizabeth (Welsh) Armstrong
were these: Julius, Crawford Welsh, Zwingle, Alonzo A.,
Hon. Elihu B., Rev. Thomas, Leroy Wood, and Mary
Elizabeth. Julius Armstrong was born Apr. 6, 1840, and
resides at Columbus, where he is chief clerk in the office of the
Secretary of State, having been first appointed by Governor
McKinley and re-appointed by Governor McKinley
and re-appointed by Governor Nash. From August,
1862, until the close of the Civil War he served in Company F, 52nd
Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf. He married Lizzie Warren of Belmont County
and has three children, - Edna, Clara and Warren.
Zwingle Armstrong was born Dec. 22, 1843, and resides
at Armstrong's Mills on his farm of 475 acres, where
he built an elegant brick residence in 1860. His first marriage
was to Rosalie Kelley, who was born in 1853 at St.
Clairsville, daughter of John and Rachel (Judkins) Kelley,
the former a county treasurer many years ago. Mrs.
Armstrong died 30 years since. The present Mrs.
Zwingle Armstrong was formerly the widow of H. T.
Meek, of Bellaire, and the children of her first marriage
are: Nellie, the wife of J. M. Armstrong
of Pittsburg; and Elsie, a student at Mount Union
College. Alonzo A. Armstrong was born Nov. 23,
1846, and is an Indian agent for the government in Arizona. He
married Jennie Woodburn and they have one daughter,
Florence. Hon. Elihu B. Armstrong
was born Sept. 7, 1849, has served two terms as State legislator and
resides at Armstrong's Mills. He married
Mary H. Lindsey, who died in November, 1899; the six
children of this union are as follows: Carl, Bertie and Bertha
(twins), Rex, Robert and Edith.
Rev. Thomas Armstrong was born Oct. 15, 1852, and is
the pastor of the Methodist Church at Cadiz, Ohio. He married
Maggie Neff and they have three children.
Leroy Wood Armstrong was born May 26, 1857, and
resides on his farm near the mills. He married Mattie
Armstrong of Delaware, Ohio. Mary Elizabeth,
who was born Sept. 3, 1861, married John A.
Lindsey, and they reside on a farm near Farmer City,
Illinois, and have two children - Edith and
Leone. Crawford Welsh
Armstrong, our subject, has made his home at
Armstrong's Mills all his life except during an army service
and from 1866 to 1871, when in business at Glencoe. From 1872 to
1882, at which time he purchased the mill, he was engaged in
merchandising for his father and managed the mill, in the latter year
purchasing the mill. He carried on the business on his own
account until it was burned in April, 1900. No time was lost in
rebuilding the mill, with increased facilities, and it was started
Jan. 15, 1901, with a capacity of 35 barrels. After the death of
his father, our subject with his brother, Elihu B. Armstrong,
continued the store about one year and then sold that line to
Julius Armstrong, who several years later sold to H.
B. Wilkinson, who in turn sold to its present proprietor,
A. J. Lindsey. In the fall of 1892 our subject
started the present store, which is conducted under the firm name of
C. W. Armstrong & Son, the latter, Frank B.,
having taken a half interest and for some years having been the
manager of this large stock. Mr. Armstrong owns
50 acres of the town site, as noted before, and has done much to make
this a very attractive locality. In July,
1867, Mr. Armstrong married Sarah A. Elliott,
who was born in 1844, a daughter of Thomas Elliott of
Trumbull County, Ohio. The children born to this union are:
Frank B., a very successful business man; Estella E., the wife of
Luther Perkins of this vicinity, their children being, - Mary
and Chester; Bessie B., a student in a
medical college at Columbus preparing for a professional life;
Harry M., an engineer at the flouring mill; and
Gertrude, at home. Mr.
Armstrong has a notable war record; enlisting as a private in
November, 1861, in Company D, 43rd Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., he was soon
promoted to be corporal; Dec. 31, 1863, he was appointed duty
sergeant; and Aug. 9, 1864, 1st sergeant. On Apr. 1, 1865, he
was made captain and mustered out as such July 19, 1865.
Politically he has always been identified with the Republican party,
as have the other members of his family. Many township offices
have been thrust upon him, and he served three years as jury
commissioner, one of the first appointments by Judge J. B.
Driggs in this county under the new law. For the past
30 yeas he has been a consistent member of the Methodist Church.
His fraternal relations are with Hess Post, G. A. R., No. 595, of
Armstrong's Mills. In every relation of life
Mr. Armstrong occupies an honorable position and he
is very justly regarded as one of the most progressive business men of
Belmont County. Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 789 |

Charles Arnold |
CHARLES ARNOLD, one of Bellaire's
eminent and valuable citizens, is a member of the drug firm of
Charles Arnold & Company, whose first-class establishment is at
No. 3123 Union street. Mr. Arnold has been connected
with this drug business since July 5, 1892, having purchased at that
time the store of D. H. Darrah, which had been established
for a number of years. A full line of the best pure drugs is
carried, in addition to the numerous large and small articles
usually found in a store of the kind; the compounding of
prescriptions constitutes a large part of the firm's business.
Mr. Arnold is a son of Adam and Barbara
(Rice) Arnold, was born in 1867 near Beallsville, Monroe County,
Ohio, and spent his youthful days in that vicinity. Adam
Arnold was born in Fulda. Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, and
immigrated to the United States while still a boy, proceeding to
Wheeling, (West) Virginia, upon his arrival in this country.
He spent only a short time in that city, however, going from there
to Bellaire, where by diligence and study he mastered the English
language. Removing from Bellaire in 1852, he worked in the
southern part of Belmont County at various places and finally
went to Monroe County and began farming there. In this he met
with the best of success and at times he also superintended the
loading of coal barges, and made trips on the river.
Adam Arnold was united in marriage with
Barbara Rice, a daughter of John Rice, one of the pioneer
settlers of Belmont County. She was a native of Bavaria,
Germany, and her death, as well as that of Mr. Arnold, took
place in 1895. They had a large family, consisting of 12
children, of whom 10 are still survivors and are widely separated by
their respective homes. One child resides at Whatcom,
Washington; one daughter lives in Butler, Pennsylvania, and one in
Pittsburg; two daughters and one son are still inmates of the old
homestead in Monroe County; a son, George Arnold, is an
attorney-at-law in Bellaire, having his office over the Post Office.
He is accounted one of the most able and eloquent barristers of the
city and has a good general practice. His birth took place
February 5, 1863, in Monroe County; after his early education, he
studied law at Woodsfield, Ohio, in the office of Hunter &
Mallory, being admitted to the bar in June, 1890. At that
date he came to Belmont County, became a teacher and followed that
profession for 10 years. beginning the practice of law in
1900. His marriage with Louisa C. Zink, of Monroe
County, was prolific of three children, namely, Minnie N.,
Paul E. and Esther A. The family now reside at
Powhatan Point, York township, Belmont County, of which town Mr.
Arnold is the present mayor. He supports the Democratic
party in politics and has served creditably as justice of the peace
in Pultney township. Fraternally he affiliates with the
Knights of Pythias, being a member of Black Prince Lodge of
Our subject was reared upon his father's farm and
attended public school at Beallsville, Ohio, afterward taking a
course at the normal school in that city, also. He then became
a school in that city, also. He then became a school teacher
and pursued that calling for three years in Monroe County. In
1888 he entered the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and two
years later completed the course in pharmacy. In 1890 and 1891
he was employed as a pharmacy clerk at Ravenswood, West Virginia,
and in 1892 he purchased his present business from Mr. Darrah.
In his business career he has shown good judgment and marked
ability; he has become popular among his fellow citizens and has
secured a good patronage.
Mr. Arnold is a member of and worker in the
Methodist Episcopal Church of Bellaire, and in fraternal circles
affiliates with Black Prince Lodge, No. 57, K. Of P., and Arlington
Division, No. 92, Uniform Rank, K. of P., both of Bellaire.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 457 |
resident of Pultney township, Belmont County, Ohio, is the widow of
Rev. James Young Ashcnhurst, who passed to his final rest in
January. 1896.
Rev. Ashenhurst was born in Brown County.
Ohio, in 1818. and first came to Belmont County in 1844. remaining
several months. He was educated principally at Franklin College, and
was ordained a minister of the Gospel in 1845. His first charge was
the church at Roney's Point. Virginia, now in Ohio County. West
Virginia. After eight years of faithful service at that point his next
field of labor was at Dalton, Wayne County, Ohio, after which he was
stationed at Hayesville, Ashland County. Ohio, and subsequently spent
five years in Mecklenburg County. Virginia. He remained there until
about 1877. when he retired from the ministry to the farm, where our
subject now resides. The closing years of his life were spent in the
pursuits of farm life and at his death he was sincerely mourned.
Mrs. Ashenhurst. whose maiden name was
Martha Johnson, was born in Pultney township in 1822. and
is a daughter of John and Jane (Gordon)
Johnson, who were among the early settlers of Belmont County. The
paternal grandfather of our subject, William Johnson,
was an Irishman by birth, and after immigrating to this country
located near Wheeling. (West) Virginia, where he lived until cut off
by death. About 1795 he married Martha Giffen, who was
of Scotch nativity, and they had two children, John and
John Johnson, the father of our subject,
was born in Virginia in 1800. He continued to reside in that State
until his mother married John Allen of Belmont County,
Ohio, whither the family removed, locating on High Ridge, in Pultney
township. He accumulated a large amount of land and in the early
"fifties" he built the house now occupied by the subject of this
narrative. There he resided until 1872. when he passed to his eternal
rest. Three children were born to him and his wife, our subject being
the eldest child. The others are James, who was born in 1823
and whose sketch also appears in this volume, and William, who
was born in 1825 and came to his death in 1849 by drowning while
bathing in Wheeling Creek.
The mother of our subject died in 1825, and the father
was married twice after her death. In 1827 he was united with Nancy
Pattison of West Virginia, and in 1854 he followed her to her
grave also. Several years afterward he contracted a union with Mrs.
Nancy (Nichol) McGaw, who died in 1899.
In 1844 our subject was united in marriage with Mr.
Ashenhurst. and their union was blessed with nine children, as
follows: John J., of New Wilmington, where lie edits the
"Globe"; Mrs. Margaret Niece of Bellaire, Ohio;
Mrs. Mary Dunns, also of New Wilmington; James
O., a missionary among the Indians, located at Simnasho, Oregon;
Etta, who is still at home; Mrs. Flora Golden
of Moline, Illinois. Nannie and William J. died after
reaching maturity, and Elizabeth died when but four months old.
Mrs. Ashenhurst owns a fine
200-acre farm, which she manages in a most capable manner. The
politics of the family were in unison with the old line Whigs, later
with the anti-slavery party, and then became Republican. and at the
present time the family are Prohibitionists. They have a wide
acquaintance throughout the county, and no lady in the community is
more favorably known than our subject, whose kindly acts have endeared
her to many.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 369 |

Roger Ashton |
ROGER ASHTON, a prominent citizen of
Martin's Ferry, councilman from the First Ward, Superintendent of
local miens, and a stockholder in the German Bank, was born in
Montgomeryshire, Wales, Sept. 11, 1845.
The parents of Mr. Ashton were John and Mary
(Clayton) Ashton, who lived in Wales all of their lives.
John Ashton was a wool carder by trade and followed the
occupation through life. He lived to be over 82 years of age,
surviving his wife many years, her death occurring at the age of 65
years. Both parents were members of the Calvinistic Methodist
Church. They were the parents of ten children, the five
survivors being the following: John, who is a merchant
in Wales; Richard, who is a miner in Wales; Thomas,
who resides in Hocking Valley, Perry County, Ohio; William
who resides at Little Falls, New York; the fifth being Roger,
of this biography. The members of the family who have passed
away are: Edward, who died at the age of 23;
Elizabeth, who lived to the age of 60; Benjamin, who died
when 23; David, who died at the age of 30; and Mary Ann,
who died when nine years of age, all passing away in Wales except
David, who died in Alabama.
Mr. Ashton had absolutely no early
educational advantages, his first opportunity for attending school
presenting itself when he was 23 years of age. At that time he
was even ignorant of the letters of the alphabet, but he made
excellent use of his six months at school, made such rapid progress,
especially in mathematics, that his knowledge surpassed that of his
teacher. After this period of schooling was passed he began
business as a local weigher, following that occupation for the
succeeding nine years, at which time he came to the United States.
Mr. Ashton began his business career in this country as a
miner, digging coal in the very mines which are now being operated
under his superintendence. They are located within the
corporate limits of Martin's Ferry, and are owned by the American
Sheet Steel Company. It is a testimonial to the ability and
efficiency of Mr. Ashton that he has risen from one of the
most subordinate positions to his present one of responsibility, and
has so satisfactorily filled the same for the past fifteen years.
The high esteem in which he is held by the company is well deserved
and very gratifying.
The first marriage of Mr. Ashton was in his
native land to Margaret Evans, who died Mar. 19, 1891, at the
age of 42 years. A family of 12 children were born to this
union, all of whom died in infancy with the exception of David r.,
who is a tin worker, unmarried, and a resident of martin's Ferry.
the second marriage of Mr. Ashton was on Aug. 3, 1891, to
Margaret Meredith, a native of Wales, who came to America in
1889, a daughter of Gwenllyn Meredith. The children
born to this union were as follows: Roger; Edith,
who died at the age of one year; and Margaret. Mr. Ashton
has accumulated ample means, and owns three houses and one valuable
lot within the corporate limits. He has taken an active part
in the political life of the community and his election as
councilman on Apr. 7, 1902, was not only a triumph for the
Republican ticket, but also a testimonial to his personal popularity
as his majority was nine over three to one against his opponent.
Fraternally Mr. Ashton belongs to the elks.
A review of the career of Mr. Ashton gives an
excellent illustration of the success which awaits those who came to
America resolved to live a life of industry, to become integral
parts of this great Nation and become its useful citizens. At
the same time it may be noted that Mr. Ashton is a worthy
representative of a country whose sturdy sons have contributed, in
no small degree, to the prosperity of many sections of their adopted
Source: Centennial History of Belmont
County, Ohio and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical
Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 505 |
T. C. AYERS. The
legal profession in St. Clairsville, Ohio, is well represented by
men who have won reputation throughout Belmont County, and among
these is T. C. Ayers, whose field of practice covers the
county, State and United States courts. Mr. Ayers was
born in Noble County, Ohio, May 20, 1858, and is a son of
Philander C. and Nancy J. Eagan) Ayers.
Philander C. Ayers is one of Belmont County's
most substantial farmers. After a residence of 14 years in
Noble County, he moved to Belmont County in 1862. In 1862, he
sent a substitute into the army, as his removal to Belmont
County made it necessary for him to remain at home. He is in
every way qualified to fill responsible positions, but has accepted
only local offices. He has reached the age of 74 years and his
wife is about seven years his junior. Both are most highly
respected members of the Methodist Church. They became the
parents of 14 children, namely: Margaret F. (Morris); Mary
E. (Bigley); Emma A. (Groves); Anna M. (Henderson); T. C.; Adda E.
(Howell); Tabitha J. (Barber); William F.; E. E., a minister,
who married Eleanor Elder; Minnie C., who is at home;
Harriet K. (Shepherd); John H., who married Clara Carpenter,
and lives on the home farm; Esther M. (Shepherd); and
Lorena B., who died in 1876, at the age of three and a half
The subject of this sketch attended the common schools
and Hopedale Academy, in Harrison County, and pursued a course in
the Ohio State University at Columbus, Ohio. He studied law
under John Pollock, of St. Clairsville, and completed his
legal studies at the Cincinnati Law School, in 1889. Since
that time Mr. Ayres has made his home in St. Clairsville, and
by reason of his public spirit, progressive enterprise and ability
as a lawyer, he has become one of the leading citizens of the place.
On May 10, 1888, Mr. Ayres was united in
marriage with Mary E. Gibson, who was born in Noble County,
Ohio, and is a daughter of the late LeRoy Gibson, and
a relative of General Gibson, Her mother was Margaret
Berry, and both the Gibson and Berry families are
old and honored ones in Belmont County. Two children were born
to this union, - Kendall G. and Cecil L. Mrs.
Ayers is an active member of hte Methodist Church.
For a number of years, Mr. Ayers has been a
prominent member of Belmont Lodge, No. 16, F. & A. M., in which he
is past master. He is a past chancellor of the Knights of
Pythias, and was one of the organizers, on Nov. 9, 1897, of the
lodge of the Modern Woodmen of America, of which he has since been
clerk. This lodge was he first one of that order in the
Congressional district. As an orator, Mr. Ayers has
always been in great demand during political campaigns, as his
logical reasoning and fluency of speech impress his points as
conclusively on a audience of voters as on a jury. Mr.
Ayers is held in high esteem in St. Clairsville, his record
having shown him to be wise in counsel, generous and fair in spirit,
a scrupulous official,a nd honorable and agreeable in all the
relations of life.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 774 |