(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens.
Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois -
1903 <
ALLEN BAILEY, a progressive
farmer and dairyman, of Warren township, Belmont Co., Ohio, is also
one of the county's most substantial and reliable citizens, highly
esteemed for his integrity wherever known.
The birth of Allen Bailey took place on June 11,
1859, in Goshen township, Belmont Co. one of the seven children born
to Jesse and Asenath (Patterson) Bailey, three of
whom still survive. Our subject was reared and educated in
Goshen township and still owns a valuable farm of 100 acres in that
township. Since 1889 he has resided in Warren township and here
owns a farm of 150 acres, devoting much attention to dairying
interests, in connection with extensive farming.
The marriage of Mr. Bailey took place in 1880, to
Eva L. Patterson, a daughter of David Patterson, a
carpenter by trade, and a member of one of the highly respected county
families. The children born to this marriage are: Ethel
E., Clifford J., Ernest D., Edna A., Mary A., Dorothy and
George Wilson. Our subject and family are all
members of the Society of Friends. For several years Mr.
Bailey has served on the School Board, and belongs to the
Grange, taking a deep interest in the movement. His political
opinions make his vote an independent one, bound by no party tie.
His Warren township farm is the one formerly owned by Hon.
William Bundy, and is known to be one of the most valuable in
this part of the county. Mr. Bailey, as
previously mentioned, is a man who is held in the highest esteem, and
ahs a wide circle of friends. (Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 478) |
interests are important ones in Belmont County, Ohio, where natural
conditions are so favorable to success, and intelligent operators
engage in the industry. Dairies and creameries are found in
every township, but very few of them reach the high standard demanded
by the critical and fastidious public. The Belmont Stock Farm
Dairy fulfills every condition and is owned and operated by
Lindley P. Bailey, a prominent dairyman, who is also well
known as a breeder of fine, Jersey cattle, and who is the able
president of the Ohio Dairymen's Association.
The birth of Mr. Bailey occurred on March 8, 1850, in
Goshen township, Belmont County, one of seven children born to
Jesse and Asenath (Patterson) Bailey, three of whom survive.
Jesse Bailey was also born in Belmont County, a son
of Jesse, who was a native of North Carolina.
The Bailey family has been noted for its agricultural
success and its members have belonged to Belmont County's best class
of citizens. Jesse Bailey spent his whole class
of citizens. Jesse Bailey spent his whole life
as a farmer and reaped ample results from his excellent methods and
intelligent management. In the country schools of his locality,
Mr. Bailey was given his elementary education, which
was supplemented by attendance at the Friends' Boarding School, at Mt.
Pleasant, Ohio. After seven years devoted to teaching, during
which time he gave much intelligent attention to agricultural matters.
Mr. Bailey decided to follow the family
vocation and become a farmer. After making a successful trial on
rented land, he went into debt for a tract of 66 acres of good land,
gave it close attention, put into practice modern methods, and
prospered from the very first, gradually adding to his possessions
until he now owns 240 acres of choice Belmont County land, with
excellent improvements and fine, modern buildings.
In 1881 Mr. Bailey made his first experiment with
Jersey cattle, trading a threshing machine for his first herd, and has
succeeded far beyond the average, although he has met with some
reverses, as is the case in almost every kind of business, in 1885,
losing about $3,000 in shipping. In 1888 he erected his present
creamery, at a cost of $1,00, and this establishment has gained a wide
reputation for the quality of its products, manufactured under the
careful eye of its owner, with the assistance of one expert and four
helpers. Between 60 and 70 head of cows contribute the milk
supply. Believing in the advantages that supply. Believing
in the advantages that accrue from concentration of effort,
Mr. Bailey has devoted most of his energies, in the past 20
years, to the development and improvement of Jersey cattle and to
securing excellence in dairy products, and it is his opinion that the
future of satisfactory dairying lies entirely in intelligent education
in this line. He would have this improvement begin in the stable
and continue until the finished product is served to the public, and
believes that then and only then, will the public know the perfection
which may be attained. Most necessary adjuncts are cleanliness,
intelligence and honesty, in combination with the modern machinery
which must be in use wherever quality is a necessity to success.
In his own establishment, Mr. Bailey has spared no
expense, has placed expensive machines with skilled labor, and the
patrons of the Belmont Stock Farm Dairy may feel assured that its milk
has been Pasteurized and rendered wholly healthful and o the finest
flavor. Mr. Bailey obtains a large supply of
his milk from his own carefully tended herd and those of his neighbors
who comply with the sanitary requirements demanded, and care and feed
their cows as science has determined will produce healthful milk.
The large product of this creamery, during the winter season, all goes
to the McJunkin Straight Dairy Co., of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, who
are extensive retailers, supplying the leading families of that city.
Mr. Bailey has been so prominently identified with
the dairy interests of Ohio, that scarcely any leading organization or
journal has failed to give him credit. Prior to becoming
president of the Ohio Dairymen's Association, he served as secretary
and treasurer for a long period, and in 1898 was made special dairy
inspector of the State under J. E. Blackburn and
Governor Bushnell. In 1893 he was a director in
the American Jersey Cattle Club, few men in the county or State having
a more complete and exhaustive knowledge of Jersey cattle. In
1896 Mr. Bailey held his last annual sale of Jersey
cattle, this being the ninth occasion. The Belmont Stock Farm is
located one and one-half miles from Barnesville on the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad, and these sales were always largely attended, dealers
realizing that here could be obtained superior cattle, and having
every assurance that only honest methods would be employed in their
disposal. It has been our subject's aim to produce a dairy
animal, which, by proper and careful attention, will produce the
greatest yield of milk and butter, while adding nothing to its
expense. This is practical. In July,
1871, Mr. Bailey was united in marriage with
Elizabeth Stanton, daughter of Joseph Stanton,
of Belmont County, and six children were born to this union, namely:
Edwin M., Oscar J., Anna M., Alva C., Clara and
Jesse S. Edwin M. married Lillian
Doudna, a daughter of J. W. Doudna, and
operates a modern creamery at Pittsburg. Oscar J.
married Mary A. Bracken, daughter of Lindley
Bracken, of Belmont County, and conducts a creamery business
in Wheeling, West Virginia. Anna M. married
Clarence Patton, of Iowa. Alva C.
married Laura Steer, a daughter of Nathan
Steer and in association with his father conducts a dairy
business at Spencer. Although Mr. Bailey did
nothing to influence his sons in their choice of career, when the
choice was made, he assisted them in thoroughly perfecting themselves
in the details of the business, sending two of them to the dairy
school conducted at Madison, Wisconsin, and the third to a similar
school in Ohio. The family belongs to the Society of Friends,
and all its members are thoroughly respected members of the community.
In political association, Mr. Bailey is a Republican,
but has never consented to accept any office except that of school
director, although particularly well fitted to discharge the duties of
almost any office. His large business enterprises and his
absorption in his business, whereby he has attained such success, have
precluded activity in other lines. (Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 586) |
SILAS BAILEY, one of the large
farmers and successful stock raisers of Belmont County, Ohio, belongs
to one of the old-settled families of the county, one whose members
have been among the prominent citizens for many years.
Silas Bailey was born in 1839 in Warren township,
Belmont County, a son of Jesse, who was born in 1814
in Warren township and died in 1898, aged 84 years. He was a son
of Jesse Bailey, who came as a pioneer from North
Carolina and located in Warren township, taking up land on which both
he and his son Jesse followed farming. The
mother of our subject was Asenath Patterson, born in
1818 in Warren township, a daughter of Silas and Rachel
(Starbuck) Patterson, who had migrated to Belmont County at
an early day form Loudoun County, Virginia, and settled in Goshen
township. The names of the brothers and sisters of the father
were: Edmund, Uriah, Mary and Matilda,
and on the maternal side they were: George,
Nathan and Elizabeth, the last named
dying at the age of 87 years in 1901. Silas is
the eldest of his parents' children, the others being: John,
deceased; L. P.; Sarah Elizabeth, who died in young
womanhood; Allen; Jane, who died young and an
infant, deceased. At the age of
12 years Mr. Bailey left Warren township, securing
his education in the public schools. When he reached maturity he
located on a farm near his present home and for 15 years was very
actively and successfully engaged in the buying, selling and raising
of stock, handling a very large amount annually. His
well-improved farm of 240 acres is located three and one-half miles
southeast of Barnesville, and he devotes it principally to stock and
he has much more than a local reputation for fine speciments.
Mr. Bailey is a stanch Republican and has been quite
prominent in the political movements of his party in Belmont County,
and has been the efficient holder of a number of the responsible
offices. In 1890 he was made land appraiser, and in January,
1891, he was elected county commissioner, receiving 2,750 majority in
the election, the largest ever received by any candidate. He
held the office for six years and nine months, until September 20,
1898, giving his undivided attention to it during this time.
In 1863 Mr. Bailey was married to Ann
Elizabeth Bolon, born in 1843 in Belmont County, a daughter
of Stephen G. Bolon, one of the early settlers.
The children born to this union were: Sarah Olive
married William Boyd, a farmer in Warren township;
Cora married F. D. Howell, of
Barnesville, mail agent between Wheeling and Chicago, and they have
two children, Doris and Raymond; Lemuel L.,
a resident of Warren township, married Barbara Emerson
and they have children, - Willard and
James; Delbert assists his father and resides at
home; Ross resides on the old homestead of
Jesse Bailey, in Goshen township, married Hattie
Bingham, and they have children, - Helen and
Mildred; Campsie has been a teacher for the past five
years, and is now teaching in Barnesville, Ohio; Nora has been a
teacher for the past three years; Dallas S., who is a
student in telegraphy at Oberlin College; and Agnes
and Franklin, who are deceased.
Mr. Bailey is liberal in his religious views, but was
reared a Friend. He is a man of most genial presence, frank and
hospitable and enjoys public esteem (Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 702) |
WILLIAM H. BARLOW, proprietor of the
Barnesville Cigar Company, is one of the leading business men of
Barnesville, Ohio, having been identified with a number of its
industries, and an important factor in the development of the city's
resources. He is a son of Amos and Martha (Hunt) Barlow.
Amos Barlow is one of the old, representative, business
men of Barnesville, who is spending his declining years in comfortable
William H. Barlow acquired a good, common-school
education, and at the age of 25 years embarked in the box
manufacturing business, in which he continued until 1898. At that time
he engaged in the cigar business, but retained his interest in the box
concern until 1902, when he disposed of it to his brother-in-law,
Mr. Wise. That business is now conducted under the firm style of
Wise & Dewees.
The Barnesville Cigar Company is the largest
institution of its kind in the city, and one of the largest in the
county. Mr. Barlow carries a stock worth $10,000, and
manufactures high grade stogies, mould, hand made, long filler, Havana
seed and Little Dutch cigars, pouch goods and private brands. In
connection with the manufacturing plant, Mr. Barlow has
a retail store. He conducts the business on lines which have gained
both the custom of the public and the confidence of the trade. In 1902
he opened up a first-class fancy grocery, in partnership with N. W.
Bastain. This enterprise also promises to be a success, under the
able management of Mr. Barlow.
On December 23, 1898, the subject of this sketch was
united in marriage with Bertha Moore, the accomplished
daughter of Samuel Moore, of Barnesville, and one
bright, little son, Arthur, has been born to their union. Mr.
Barlow and his wife are consistent members of the Methodist
Church, and are prominent in social circles. Politically, the former
affiliates with the Republican party, while his fraternal connections
are with the Odd Fellows, of Barnesville, and the Elks, Lodge No. 28,
of Wheeling.
(Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903) |
Chapter XVII in this volume
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 222 |
JOSEPH BARNES, a prosperous farmer
of Pease township, Belmont County, Ohio, was born on his present
home farm, Sept. 1, 1830, and is a son of Joseph and Mary
(Kennard) Barnes.
Joseph Barnes, the father, was born in Maryland and
was a son of John Barnes, who came to Belmont County early in
the 19th century and located on the home farm, which was then wild
government land. He built the brick part of the present home,
and a most substantial log barn, which was unfortunately destroyed
by a fire in June, 1902, having been in continuous use. The
grandfather died before the birth of our subject, and the father
died when our subject was nine years old. Mary Kennard,
wife of Joseph Barnes, Sr., was born and reared in Maryland
and died in the "fifties." Seven children were born to them,
three sons and four daughters, of which number two died young.
They were as follows: Joseph; J. W., a retired shoe
merchant of Iowa City, Iowa; Mina M., who married Samuel
Berry, has been dead many years; Lucinda who died at
Loydsville, Belmont County, was wife of Samuel Vickers,
deceased; Elizabeth died in her teens; Mary died in
infancy, and Levi K., who died in 1892. The last named
resided on a farm with our subject, owning it jointly Levi K.
Barnes married Elizabeth Dungan, of Harrison County,
Ohio, and she lives on the farm with her family of six children.
Her children are: Mary Ella, widow of J. W. Fowler, of
Martin's Ferry; Margaret D., who married J. Ross Pickens
and lives in Denver, Colorado; Ulysses G., who resides on the
farm, married Elizabeth Pickens; Jessie V. and Ada L.
Joseph Barnes has never been married. He and
his brother originally owned 154 acres, and to this he has added 12½
acres, all of which is devoted to general farming. He is a
stanch Republican in politics. He was reared as a member of
the Society of Friends, but now is a Presbyterian.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 409 |
a director of the Novelty Stamping Company and for the past eight
years superintendent of the stamping department of this successful
plant, has been a resident of Bellaire since 1873, in which city he
was educated.
The birth of Mr. Bauer occurred in 1862 in
Virginia, and during his early youth with his parents he resided at
different towns in the Ohio Valley. His family and kindred are
not very numerous, but he has two brothers and one sister residing
at Bellaire. Since 1874 he has been interested in the stamping
business, having at that date entered the employ of the old Bellaire
Stamping Works, to which the Novelty plant succeeded. The
stamping department, which is immediately under his supervision, is
one of the most important in the business, and forty men and a large
amount of valuable machinery is in his charge, it being his business
to see that they work in unison with the greatest amount of accuracy
and perfection, and with the least amount of expense. To
successfully do this requires a man of certain talents, and these
Mr. Bauer possesses.
The family resides at No. 3628 Harrison street.
His political affiliation is with the Republican party, although
merely as a supporter, not as an officer seeker. He is justly
regarded as one of the enterprising business men of the city, and
the plant with which he is associated is widely known for its
excellent products.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 507 |

Edgar A. Berry |
A. BERRY, a prominent farmer of Pease township, Belmont
County, Ohio, was born on a part of the farm which he now owns and
occupies in 1844, and is a representative of one of the old and most
respected families of this part of the State.
Thomas Berry, the grandfather of our subject,
was born in Pennsylvania, and came to Belmont County about 1802-03
and located on a portion of what now constitutes one of the largest,
as well as one of the most valuable grain, stock and fruit farms of
the county. This land in the early days of settlement belonged
to Thomas Berry, Horton Howard, Abigail Cope and Stafford
Melton. The children of Thomas Berry were:
Cyrus, Samuel, Jesse, Reece, Jordan, Hannah, Asenath and
Eliza. Cyrus lived on a farm in Morgan County for many
years. Jordan lived and died on the home farm.
The former has been dead for 50 years, and the latter since 1865.
In 1866 Jesse went to the West.
Reece Berry, the father of our subject, was born
on his father's farm in 1817, and always resided at the old home,
and at the time of his brother Jordan's death purchased the
latter's portion of the estate. Reece Berry was a
farmer and was also a professional thresher, having one of the best
outfits in his locality. His death occurred in 1891, after a
useful life in which he had served his township as trustee, and
identified himself with the Republican party. His wife, who
before marriage was Julia Anna Jobe, was born in Jefferson
County, Ohio, near Trenton, and also resided at Farmington, in
Belmont County. She died in 1894, in her 71st year, most
sincerely mourned by friends and neighbors. The three children
born to this marriage were: Edgar A., Rachel R., who
resides at Colerain, and owns one of the fine farms of Pease
township, and Laura B., who is the wife of Theodore Clark,
residing in Colerain, and also owning a valuable farm in that
Edgar A. Berry was reared and educated in Pease
township and has been connected with agricultural pursuits all his
life. He owns some 320 acres of land, divided into several
farms, 170 being in the home tract, 90 acres in one farm and 60
acres in another, all of them being improved with substantial
buildings, fruitful orchards and attractive surroundings.
These farms are rented to responsible parties, although Mr. Berry
attends to the management of the home place. In 1876 he
erected a handsome dwelling house which he remodeled in 1800 making
of it a 10 room house, and fitted it in a most comfortable and
convenient manner.
In 1876 Mr. Berry was married to Mary A.
Dungan, who was born and reared near Colerain. She was a
daughter of B. Ellis and Sarah (Fox) Dungan, both deceased,
members of old established families in the county. The four
children of this union are: Mamie, Eugene E., Blanche
and Ethel. Mr. Berry natively supports the Republican
party, and from 1880 to 1888 was its choice for township trustee.
His interests in agricultural matters made him a member of the
Grange, but he belongs to no other organization. The religious
membership of the family is in the Society of Friends. They
belong to the most highly esteemed residents of the township, and
few men are more thoroughly respected or relied upon than Edgar
A. Berry. His pleasant home, situated on a bluff
overlooking Colerain and a wide extent of country, is not only
admired by the family friends for its beautiful location, but also
for the kind hospitality and genuine courtesy dispensed under its
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 415 |
born at Windom, Ohio, Feb. 17, 1872. He received a collegiate
education at Scio, being graduated from there in 1892 and from
Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio, in 1896.
Dr. Beetham began practice in St. Clairsville,
Remaining there but three years, he removed in 1898 to Bellaire,
Ohio. In each place he stood high as a man of character and
Since his location in Bellaire, the Doctor has taken a
post-graduate course, and equipped himself for treating the eye,
nose and throat.
Dr. Beetham does his work well, and allows the
character of what he does to prove its merit. He is surely
advancing; with such men success is only a question of time.
- See
Chapter XIII
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 150 |
Chapter XIII
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 |
Among the prominent men of Martin's Ferry, Ohio, who stand high in
professional and social life, is Dr. James Mitchell Blackford,
who was born in Pease township, Belmont County, Ohio, on Jan. 24,
1837, a son of Joseph and Isabella (Latimer) Blackford.
Joseph Blackford was a son of Robert Blackford
who served as a soldier in the War of 1812 and whose wife was given
a pension after his death, in 1832, in this county, of Asiatic
cholera. Joseph Blackford settled on his farm which he
purchased in 132, and lived there until his death, which occurred in
Feb. 29, 1880, when over 82 years of age, his birth having taken
place in Ohio County, (West) Virginia, in 1797. He was a
leading man in his township and most prominent in the Presbyterian
Church, a charter member of the church in Martin's Ferry, having
previously been an elder in the church at Mount Pleasant in
Jefferson County. For 35 years he was an elder in the Martin's
Ferry church and one of its most substantial members and strong
supporters. Mr. Blackford was for many years a stanch
Democrat, but his attitude in regard to temperance laws made him an
early member of the Prohibition party. His farming was carried
on in the days when the rule of the neighborhood in which he lived,
was to supply his assistants during the heavy summer work with
intoxicants; he, however, after noting the effect would not observe
the custom and took a firm stand against it. In this he was
seconded by his friend and neighbor, Joshua Steele, a worthy
Quaker, and they were the first men to succeed in having their
harvesting done without the dispensation of whisky. It was
probably due to the high personal character of these two men that so
little trouble arose when they thus dared custom and public opinion,
but they succeeded by their firmness in checking a growing evil, and
finally turning the tide in favor of temperance. A brother of
Joseph Blackford, Robert by name, located on a farm in Pease
township in 1841, and lived a quiet, unassuming life, was known as
an excellent blacksmith and exemplary citizen. He died in
1891, at the age of 79 years. His son Josiah, fell into
the hands of the enemy at the battle of Chickamauga and his fate was
never learned.
The mother of our subject was a daughter of William
Latimer and was born in 1805, the youngest of a family of eight
children, all of whom have passed away. In 1800 William
Latimer came with John Wiley, from Pennsylvania, and
settled on adjoining sections of land in Belmont County on what is
now known as the Colerain Pike. One son of Mr. Latimer
named William was killed in the War of 1812. Mrs.
Blackford died at the age of 66 years. She was long a
member of the Presbyterian Church. A family of six sons was
born to Joseph Blackford and wife, namely: William
H., deceased, who farmed the old homestead, died Sept. 14, 1902,
aged 75; Rev. Alexander Latimer, D. D., who for 30 years was
a missionary in Brazil, died during a visit to the United States in
1890 of yellow fever at Atlanta, Georgia, at the age of 62 years;
Rev. Robert Allen, who was a minister for 13 years at
Clarksburg, West Virginia, and died in 1896; Rev. John H., a
Presbyterian minister for many years, and has been stationed since
1897, at Slatelick, Pennsylvania; Dr. James Mitchell, who is
the subject of this biography; and Joseph Anderson who died
at the age of eight years. All of these sons that grew to
maturity have become prominent in professional life, testifying in
the strongest degree the tendency given by early moral surroundings.
Dr. Blackford acquired his literary education at
Miller Academy, and later pursued a higher course at
Vermilion Institute. His preceptor in medicine was that
eminent physician. Dr. John Campbell, of Uniontown,
Ohio, of whom Dr. John Cook, formerly of Bridgeport, was also
a pupil. Dr. Blackford still further pursued his
studies at the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, and
completed his course at Starling Medical College, at Columbus, in
1865. He began practice at Morristown, Ohio, removing in 1873
to Martin's Ferry, thus being the second oldest practitioner in this
city, being preceded by Dr. Williams. Dr. Blackford
has always held a large practice, his learning and skill making him
prominent through the county and a very valued member of the Belmont
County Medical Society, of which he has served as president.
He is a ready writer as well as deep thinker and his contributions
to medical journals have been regarded as worthy of extended notice
and discussion. He has been the medical examiner for insurance
companies and has been health officer a number of times. No
more judicious selection could be made on the School Bard than
Dr. Blackford, as his interests have always been engaged in the
cause of education, and he has served for six years. While
Dr. Blackford is a close student and careful observer in his own
profession, and an interested promoter of civic progress, he takes
no active part in politics, being only concerned that the most
capable men be elected.
On Jan. 16, 1866, Dr. Blackford was married to
Catherine Reid, who was born in Ireland, coming to the United
States at the age of ten years. She is one of ten living
children and the eldest born to her parents.
The four children born to Dr. and Mrs. Blackford
were: Robert A., Mary R., Joseph E. and John Latimer,
the last named dying at the age of five years. Robert A.
graduated from Washington and Jefferson College, in 1889 and from
the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in the
class of 1899, also from Washington College in 1899, then taught two
years in the grammar schools of Martin's Ferry and for three years
was principal of the High School, served for two years as physician
of an insane asylum, at Warren, Pennsylvania, and one year at the
hospital at Pottstown, in the same State, and is now permanently
located in practice with our subject. Joseph E. has
been for the past 10 years the Martin's Ferry correspondent of the
Wheeling News; he married Anna Bell Hobbs and
their two children were named Edward, who died at the age of
five years, and Kathryne. Mr. Blackford is regarded as
a rising man in the newspaper profession.
Dr. Blackford is an elder in the United
Presbyterian Church and his two eldest children are also members.
The family is one of the most highly regarded in the social circles
of Martin's Ferry and its head enjoys universal esteem.
(Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903) |
the most progressive and enterprising business houses of Bellaire,
Ohio. It is composed of Henry and Isaac Blum,
proprietors of the mammoth store located on the corner of 33rd and
Belmont streets, in this city, dealers in gents' furnishings,
clothing, dry goods, carpets, ladies' underwear, etc., and a
complete line of ladies' ready-made suits, many of which are
imported. This great establishment has a frontage on Belmont
street of 80 feet, and carries the largest and best selected stock
in teh city.
The enterprising members of the firm of Blum
Brothers were born in Alsace, France, which country they left
about 1870, Henry preceding Isaac, and becoming a
clerk in the establishment of an uncle in Wheeling, West Virginia.
Latter when Isaac arrived he also entered his uncle's employ as
bookkeeper. In 1875 Henry Blum embarked in business in
Bellaire, and two years later his brother joined him and the present
partnership was formed. Business began in a small way on Union
Street at the former home of the First National Bank, removal being
made later to the Mrs. Hess building, opposite the Post
Office, and it was not until 1884 that the present most desirable
location was secured. In that year the energetic brothers
opened a single store on the corner of 33rd and Belmont streets, the
same now being the clothing and gents' furnishing department.
Business increased at such a rapid rate that three years later they
purchased the adjoining store, which was formerly occupied by a tea
company, and after remodeling this, making what is really a double
store, they turned it into a vast dry-goods department. With
80 feet frontage and 100 feet depth and two floors, they have one of
the most convenient stores to be found in the city. Five
employees are necessary in the gents' clothing department, one
cashier only being necessary on account of the employment of the
cash carrier system. In the dry goods department six girls and
five boys are required, while the personal attention of both
partners is given at all times. They have so systematized
their business that patrons are able to be served with no lost of
time, while the quality of the goods, the taste employed in their
selection and the utmost courtesy with which customers are welcomed
have brought to this firm a permanent and constantly increasing
trade of a most satisfactory kind.
Both members of the firm of Blum Brothers are married
and reside in adjoining homes on Belmont street. Socially they
are members of the Knights of Pythias, both having formerly been Odd
Fellows. Both are also members of the Jewish Reform Church, of
which Henry Blum is treasurer and Isaac Blum is
reader. Henry is a trustee of the Jewish Orphans' Home
at Cleveland, Ohio, and is interested in various manufacturing
plants at Bellaire, one of these being the Novelty Stamping Company,
and others the new Enameled Steel Tile Company and the Imperial
Glass Works. The firm was individuals have always contributed
liberally to the various business and social enterprises which have
been inaugurated for the city's benefit, and in every way are most
highly esteemed and valued citizens.
(Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 550 |

Jacob Boneysteele |
of the only artificial ice factory in Bellaire, Ohio, has a plant of
some magnitude on the corner of 23rd and Union streets, which has a
capacity of 35 tons daily. Mr. Boneysteele first engaged
in the manufacture of ice in 1885, when he entered into a partnership
for that purpose with William Bridenstein. The latter
retired from business in 1891 and our subject then became sole
proprietor. He erected the present plant, which was increased to
its present capacity in 1901, and employs 13 regular men, running
three delivery wagons. His office is No. 209 23rd street, and he
does a large amount of business.
Mr. Boneysteele was born near Pittsburg in 1852,
and previous to engaging in the manufacture of ice learned the
glass-blower's trade, and followed that line of work for a number of
years with the National Glass Company of Bellaire. He also
served several years as manager for that company. His marriage
with Katie Baggs, who is a native of the Mountain State but who
has lived in Belmont County since 1872, took place at Bridgeport, and
they have four children, namely, Margaret, Elizabeth, Jacob and
Park. The family residence is situated at No. 215 23rd
street. The religious views of the family are varied: our
subject favors the German Lutheran Church; his wife, the Methodist
Episcopal; his eldest daughter, the Episcopal; and the other three
children, the Presbyterian.
Politically, Mr. Boneysteele is a Republican,
and has served six years as a member of the City Council from the
First Ward. Socially, he is allied with the Knights of Pythias,
Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, and Wheeling Lodge No. 424,
Knights of Honor. He has been decidedly successful in his
business ventures and now possesses considerable real estate in
Bellaire. In addition, he has invested largely in various public
enterprises, among them the Farmers' & Merchants' Bank, in which he is
a stockholder. He was a stockholder in the Star Glass Company,
and was a stockholder in the Ohio Valley Glass Company, of Bridgeport,
Ohio, of which he was manager, this firm manufactures bottles and
fruit jars. He is a stockholder in the Enameled Steel Tile
Company, of Bellaire, Ohio.
(Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903) |
DR. D. W. BOONE, born in Roane County,
West Virginia, Nov. 8, 1859, was graduated from the Columbus Medical
College in 1883. He began practice at Sardis, Ohio, and
remained there three years. In 1886 the Doctor entered upon
practice in his present location at Bellaire, Ohio. Since he
has lived in Bellaire, he has taken a post-graduate course in New
York, and is local surgeon for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
Dr. Boone is blessed with a good supply of
common sense, has a strong body, plenty of vitality. With
these elements of strength all united, his brethren may expect a
bright future for him.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1903 - Page 152 |
NATHAN M. BOSWELL, of the well-known
marble and granite firm of Colpitts & Boswell, in the
thriving city of Barnesville, Ohio, has been connected with this
industry for years. Its junior member has done his share in
establishing its present high reputation. The firm does a larger
business than any other of its kind in the Ohio Valley.
Mr. Boswell was born June 9, 1864, and
comes of one of the pioneer families of Barnesville, where he has
spent the greater part of his life. His father, William
Boswell, born April 16, 1819, saw the place grow from a wilderness
to a prosperous and flourishing village. He was reared in Belmont
County, where upon reaching manhood he engaged in agriculture. He
continued thus throughout his active career. He was an honest and hard
working man, and won the respect and confidence of all who knew him.
He made his home in the county until he died, in December, 1891.
During his early manhood he married Hannah Briggs, and
they had five children. Mrs. Boswell survived her
husband two years, dying in 1893.
Nathan M. Boswell received the ordinary rearing
of a farm boy, attended the district schools for a few months each
year, and put in his spare time in hard manual labor. Upon reaching
manhood he became interested in the marble and granite industry
conducted by Colpitts Brothers, and established as early as
1875. August 12, 1887, he purchased a half interest in the business,
and has since worked strenuously for its success. The firm attends not
only to the cutting and preparing of marble and granite monuments, but
also to the making of statuary, and in both lines has established an
enviable reputation in point of excellence. It has always been noted
for square dealing and honesty, and is held in the highest estimation
wherever it is known.
In June, 1894, Mr. Boswell married
Delia Burson, daughter of James Burson, a
prominent agriculturist, and they have had two children, Leah L.
and William. The family occupy a high position socially, and
belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Boswell
has always evinced a keen interest in public affairs, and as a
Republican is influential in politics.
(Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903) |
FRANK O. BOWLES, a well-known merchant
of Richland township, was born in Smith township, Belmont County,
Ohio, in 1856, and is a son of George and Eliza Jane (Snyder) Bowles.
George Bowles was born in Belmont County, Ohio, in 1819, and was a
carpenter and cabinetmaker by trade, following that occupation
throughout his entire life. Religiously, he was a member of the M. E.
Church. In politics he was a Republican. During the Civil War he
enlisted, in the spring of 1862, at St. Clairsville in the 126th
Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf. and during most of his service was a hospital
nurse. He was mustered out in 1865. He died in 1884 and was buried at
Wesley Chapel Cemetery, in : Smith township. He married Eliza Jane
Snyder, whose parents were natives of Maryland, where her father
followed farming. She is now living with her son, G. H. Bowles, in
Fairview. at the advanced age of seventy-eight years. She is a member
of the M. E. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bowles had the following children:
Edna, deceased; Herschell, deceased: Ella, deceased;
George Hogan, a
merchant at Fairview, Guernsey County, and Frank O. Frank O. Bowles
a merchant and has a very successful business. He carries a large
stock of drugs and groceries, and is a manufacturer of cigars. In 1879
he was united in marriage with Annie S. Hutchison, who was born in Loydsville, Richland township, in 1863, and is a daughter of
John and
Amanda (Powell) Hutchison. They have five children, namely: George O.,
who was born in 1881, and is now a school teacher; Claire C, horn in
1883, is in the store with his father; Lela M., born in 1890;
Edna F.,
horn in 1892; and Charles, born in 1894. Our subject and his wife are
members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as are their children.
Fraternally, he is a member of Hazen Lodge, F. & A. M., of
Morris-town. He is a Republican in politics.
(Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903) |
ROBERT LEE BOWMAN, cashier of the
Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Bellaire, Ohio, a man of marked
liberality and public spirit and a prominent and useful resident of
Powhatan Point, is a native of the great State of Kentucky, born at
the city of Lexington in Fayette County, in 1863.
The parents of Mr. Bowman were Harry Clay and
Lizzie (Reed) Bowman; the former, at the age of 80 years, is
still a resident of Kentucky; where the latter died in the summer of
1901, aged 64 years. The Bowman family was originally
of Virginia and belonged to the early pioneers in Kentucky, where
the grandfather of our subject was born and where he died in 1878 at
the age of 96 years. By a former marriage Henry C. Bowman
had four children, and seven were born to this second union; the
names of the eleven children are as follows: Anna Belle,
who resides at home in Lexington with her sisters, Lou
and Sallie, and brothers, Henry Clay, Jr., and
William R.; Robert Lee of this sketch is the sixth member;
Bush Hatfield, a resident of Perry, Oklahoma; Florence
Stockwell; Andrew Reed, of Lexington; Catherine B. (Mrs.
Banks), of Columbus, Georgia, and John B., also of
R. L. Bowman is the only member of his family
residing in Ohio. He was reared and educated in one of the
select homes and excellent schools of Lexington, but since the age
of 15 years has depended upon his own efforts. Mr. Bowman
is a young man of superior mental equipment, and from being a
successful teacher he became instructor in bookkeeping and
penmanship at the University of Kentucky. Later he
investigated business opportunities in the State of Texas, going
there in 1884, and for 10 succeeding years was mainly engaged in the
banking business both at San Antonio and Eagle Pass, filling a
position as cashier at the latter place. In 1894 with his wife
he came north and located in the pleasant neighborhood of Powhatan
Point, where he engaged in farming and cattle raising, accepting his
present responsible position in December, 1901.
In 1886 Mr. Bowman married Verne D. Dorsey,
a daughter of Michael and Margaret (Potts) Dorsey, the latter
of whom was born in 1832 in West Wheeling, Belmont County, but was
reared and married in Marshall County, West Virginia, near
Moundsville. Michael Dorsey was one of the best known
and most active business men in his section of Belmont County, and
was born Nov. 17, 1806, at Martin's Ferry, and died Oct. 25, 1897.
His parents came from near Baltimore, Maryland, to Belmont County
about 1801. Michael engaged extensively in farming and
stock raising, also in milling, and at one time owned about 800
acres of land. Since the Civil War he resided at Powhatan
Point, and he built the Dover mill on Captina Creek and held the
position of postmaster under President Jackson, whose
political views he zealously supported through life.
Michael Dorsey's children were: Florence, deceased;
Clora, the wife of W. C. Bergundthal of Martin's
Ferry; Brady, of Dawson City, Alaska, and Vene D. (Mrs.
Mr. Bowman has served in a number of offices in the
gift of the Democratic party, and he is president of the School
Board of Powhatan. Both he and wife are leading members of the
Methodist Church and are also prominent socially.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 408 |
WILLIAM BOYD, a well-known farmer of
Richland township. Belmont County, Ohio, who owns one of the most
valuable estates in his locality, was born on the same, in 1842. His
parents were William and Margaret (McFarland) Boyd, both of whom were
born in County Tyrone. Ireland, the former in 1800 and the latter in
1801 Mrs. Boyd accompanied her parents to America when she was 12
years old. and died in 1884.
William Boyd. Sr., came to the United States in 1823 and located for
two years at Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, where he followed his trade of
weaving. In 1826 he came to Belmont County to establish himself upon
a farm, selecting the tract which adjoins his son William's property.
Here he reared his large family and engaged in agricultural pursuits
through the balance of his active life, dying in 1891. Both he and his
wife belonged to the United Presbyterian faith. Their children were as
follows: James, deceased; Ann J., the widow of Joseph
McKelvey, lives
in Guernsey County; Margaret; Andrew McFarland, a resident of
Bellaire; Isabella, deceased, the wife of Thomas Johnson, of Richland
township; Katherine; Mary, deceased, who was the wife of
Thomas Hutchinson; Samuel, deceased; and William, the youngest of nine
Mr. Boyd attended the district schools in his locality, and has
devoted his life to agriculture. His fine farm comprises 170 acres and
is located eight miles south of St. Clairsville. is well improved and
well cultivated. In August. 1862. Mr. Boyd enlisted for
service in the Civil War, entering Company B, 126th Reg., Ohio Vol.
Inf., under command of Capt. William B. Kirk. and continued in the ranks until
overtaken by sickness, in 1863 which caused his honorable discharge
at Alexandria, Virginia.
In 1874 Mr. Boyd was married to Emily Brannen. who was born in Mead
township in 1853, a daughter of Joseph and Harriet (Shahan) Brannen,
and they have a family of five children, namely: Joseph B., born in
1876; Hattie H., born in 1888; Pearl, born in 1890; James E. born in
1892: and Emma M., born in 1896. In political sentiment Mr. Boyd is an
active Republican, while in religious association he belongs to the
United Presbyterian Church.
(Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903) |
JOHN BRADFIELD was, for a long period,
a resident of Barnesville, Ohio, and was ever in the foreground of its
business life. In the matter of public improvements, he probably left
a greater impress upon the city than any other person who has ever
made it his home.
The birth of John Bradfield occurred in
Yorkshire, England, in 1813, and in 1827 he accompanied his parents,
John and Isabella Bradfield, to the United
States. The little family remained for a short time in Baltimore,
Maryland, but it was the father's intention to engage in farming, and
with this object in view a suitable location was found in Belmont
County, Ohio, within four miles of the growing town of Barnesville.
Although he was ambitious to learn, he enjoyed few early advantages.
His superior mental acquirements, so noticeable in after years, were
gained through much reading and association with the world. Until
1838, he remained on the farm and then first engaged in the buying and
shipping of tobacco. His initial ventures proved profitable, and with
continued success he remained in the business for the three succeeding
years. Then, with his ambition stimulated by enlarged opportunities,
he conceived and carried out the idea of buying out the large firm of
James Barnes & Sons, general merchants, and thus entered upon a
business career in Barnesville, which resulted in the legitimate
accumulation of a large fortune. From time to time his sons were
admitted to partnership, and the business was still further expanded,
until the name of Bradfield became one of the leading ones in the
tobacco trade throughout the State, and far beyond. After an honorable
business career of more than 50 years, Mr. Bradfield
retired from active labors in 1889, resigning his large interests to
his capable sons, who have followed his business methods, as they have
been the fortunate inheritors of much of his sagacity.
John Bradfield, during his busiest years,
however, was constantly keeping in mind the development of
Barnesville, and, as he was gifted with that foresight which enabled
him to comprehend its needs fully, devoted himself, with his wealth
and influence, in a public-spirited manner, to meet them. The First
National Bank will long be a monument to his public interest and
business enterprise. From the time of its organization, in 1864, until
1875, he was its president, and retired then on account of the
pressure of other enterprises. This bank, in connection with the
mercantile firm of which he was the head, built one of the finest
business blocks to be found in any city of equal size in the State,
and this will stand as another monument to his public spirit. Both gas
and electric lighting received his attention, and with his influential
backing became accomplished facts in Barnesville, contributing to its
general prosperity. For many years he was the president of the gas
company, retaining that office until his decease, at which time the
company was under contract to furnish electric light for the city.
Mr. Bradfield was a man of business and
not a politician, declining the flattering offers made to him,
although few men were better equipped to hold positions of public
responsibility. Mr. Bradfield lived an active life that
brought him prominence, but it was in the line of business. He was
ever a generous contributor to the various educational and charitable
enterprises of Barnesville, and so employed his wealth that his name
is recalled by his fellow citizens with feelings of the deepest esteem
and veneration.
In 1843, Mr. Bradfield was united in marriage with
Eliza Anna Shannon, who was a daughter of Thomas Shannon,
and a niece of ex-Governor Shannon. To this union were born
nine children, six of whom are prominent in the highest social circles
of this city; Thomas and John W. Bradfield, widely-known
merchants; G. E. Bradfield, cashier of the First National Bank;
Charles Bradfield, a bookkeeper in the same institution;
Mrs. Otho P. Norris, wife of the cashier of the People's National
Bank; and Mrs. A. Rogers, wife of a prominent lumber dealer.
All of these are most highly respected residents of Barnesville. The
mother of this family passed away in 1889.
Although so much of his time was necessarily devoted to
his great business, Mr Bradfield never forgot the needs
of the Presbyterian Church, of which both he and wife were devoted
members. From its first beginnings, he was one of its supporters and
was always ready with time, influence and means, to promote its good
work. In the death of Mr. Bradfield, on October 10,
1893, the city of Barnesville parted with one of its most substantial,
useful and prominent citizens.
(Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903) |