(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens.
Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois -
JOHN CALDWELL, one of the
substantial, representative and public-spirited citizens of Wheeling
township, Belmont Co., Ohio, who resides upon his fine farm
comprising 168 acres of land situated in the coal and oil belt, was
born May 18, 1843, in Wheeling township, at the home of his
grandfather, John Bell.
The family is of Irish origin, the grandfather of
our subject also named John Caldwell, being a native of
County Antrim, Ireland. He came to America with his family,
when his son William was about five years of age. In
Ireland he married Mary Black of his own county and they had
three children born in the old country. - William Jane and
John Patrick, - while Elizabeth was born near
Philadelphia, where they landed. The family started west at a
later date, and at Pittsburg the father, with others, took a fever
and died, leaving the widow in the strange land with four children
to rear. She located in Washington County, Pennsylvania, about
five miles west of Washington and bravely took up her burden,
following weaving in order to bring her little ones bread. She
educated them as well as she could, and kept them together, and in
every way was a woman of character well worthy to be remembered by
her descendants.
William Caldwell, the father of our subject was
born in Ireland, Feb. 14, 1814, and crossed the ocean with his
parents in 1819. He lived with his mother near Little
Washington until they removed to Ohio about 1830, when they located
on a little farm near Fairpoint in Wheeling township, moving in 1836
to a farm which is now the site of Bannock, which he in association
with his uncle, Patrick Black, bought equally, - William
buying the west half, about 75 acres. June 2, 1842, Mr.
Caldwell married Mary Jane Bell, daughter of John and
Margaret (Dunn) Bell, of this county and of Scotch descent,
tracing an ancestry to Robert Bruce of Bannockburn.
After their marriage, William and his wife went to
housekeeping on the farm, occupying the old log house then standing,
the uncle building a new brick residence on his portion of the land,
where he with two brothers, lived out their lives. William
also built a new residence and both of these still stand, some
additions having been made to them. There were born to
William and Mary Jane (Bell) Caldwell a family of 13 children,
namely: John, our subject; Margaret Dunn, who was born
in 1844, and died in 1852; William Taggart, who was born July
10, 1846, married Mary E. Price, has nine children, and lives
in Wheeling township; Patrick Black, who was born May 12,
1848, married Nancy Armstrong, has five children, and lives
in Richland township, near Bannock; Elizabeth Jane, who was
born July 26, 1850, married John Clark, has four children and
lives in Union township; Robert Bruce, who was born Apr. 26,
1852, married Margaret Snedeker of this county, has two
children and lives in Richland township, near East Richland; Mary,
who was born Jan. 27, 1855, died of diphtheria, in 1863; Annie
Bell, who was born June 27, 1856, married Fred M. Daniel,
ha seven children, and resides in Richland township, near Bannock
and St. Clairsville; an infant, born in 1857, deceased; George
Alex., who was born July 13, 1858, lives single on the home farm
at Bannock; James Hammond, who was born May 18, 1860, died of
diphtheria in 1863; Martha Ellen, who was born Jan. 23, 1862,
died of diphtheria in 1863; and Sarah Agnes, born Mar. 4,
1864, who lives on the home farm.
Our subject remained at home until 1872 when, on Jan.
24th, he married Euphemia Elizabeth Hays, a daughter of
Henderson Hays, of Wheeling township, near Uniontown.
After marriage, he moved to his present farm where he has continued
to make improvements, erected all the buildings except the barn and
has engaged in extensive farming. Mr. Caldwell's land
is very valuable, lying as it does, in the coal and oil belt of the
State. Since the death of Mrs. Caldwell, in 1894,
various members of his family have resided with him. IN
religious belief, our subject is a Presbyterian, and like his father
active in the work of the church, also like the latter being
identified with the Democratic party. For many years he has
been township trustee and school director, and in 1890 and again in
1900, he served as land appraiser. Mr. Caldwell is much
esteemed in his locality as an upright man, and one who through his
public-spirit ahs assisted in the growth and development of his
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 784 |
See Chapter
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 145 |
born at Businessburg, Ohio, Apr. 15, 1874. He is a self-made
young man. By teaching school and working at the carpenter's
trade he put himself through college, graduating April, 1891, from
the Ohio Medical University, of Columbus, Ohio. He began
practice at Neffs, Ohio, and has continued there ever since.
Dr. Carle was married in 1902 to
Doris Wells, of Washington, Pennsylvania.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 151 |
JOHN CARLILE, a dealer in lumber
and builders' supplies in St. Clairsville, Belmont County, Ohio, and
also a general farmer, was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, Jan. 3,
1846. He is a son of James and Elizabeth (Davidson) Carlile.
James Carlile, an aged citizen of St. Clairsville,
was born in Ireland, where for many years he was a miller. His
mill, which was located on a high hill, was run by wind, and he
ground corn, wheat, and rye. He came to America in 1853.
During the voyage, which lasted seven weeks and three days, a most
terrible storm was encountered, which continued for 12 hours.
Mr. Carlile landed in New York, where he remained for a brief
period, and then went to Wheeling, West Virginia. After a
short time, he located in St. Clairsville. There he followed
various lines of business, such as teaming, and hauling dry goods
and lumber from Wheeling to St. Clairsville, before the time of
railroads. He then settled on 13 acres of land near St.
Clairsville, where he farmed and reared his family. He married
Elizabeth Davidson, and they had two children, - John,
and Annie, who died in her 26th year. James Carlile
is now 92 years old, and is a well-known figure in St.
John Carlile was schooled in St. Clairsville,
and after his school days were over he went to Wheeling to learn a
trade. He learned the trade of blacksmithing under Samuel
J. Ellefritz, and followed that line of work for three years.
Later, he worked as a blacksmith for Busby & Little, carriage
manufacturers, of Wheeling, West Virginia. He then did
black-smithing in St. Clairsville, under the firm name of Martin
& Carlile. This partnership lasted for two years,
when Mr. Carlile bought Mr. Martin's interest, and was
engaged in the carriage and general blacksmithing business, alone,
for 15 years. In 1881, he entered the lumber business, having
the only lumber yard in St. Clairsville, and in this he is very
successful. In addition to the lumber business, he owns a farm
in Richland township, and carries on farming. Mr. Carlile
is an excellent business man, is conscientious and energetic, and
his success has been due entirely to his own diligence and
The subject of this sketch was united in marriage Mar.
7, 1880, to Eugenie Johnston, a native of Belmont County, and
a daughter of B. R. and Margaret (Buffington) Johnston. Mr.
Carlile and his wife have five children, namely: Walter
D., a clerk for the Scott Lumber Company, at Martin's
Ferry, Ohio; Annie E., a bookkeeper in her father's office;
Mary M., who is at home; James R., who assists his
father in the lumber business; and Gertrude, who is in
Mr. Carlisle and his wife are members of the
Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the Masonic blue lodge
in St. Clairsville. In every way, he is a good and
enterprising citizen, and worthy of the respect in which he is held.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 758 |
popular grocer and jobber in fruits and vegetables, conducts a store
in Bellaire at No.
427 37th street*,
at the corner of Jefferson street. He was born in Columbiana
County, Ohio, in September, 1859, and is a son of Jacob and Mary
E., (Tiernan) Carnes.
Jacob Carnes was a boy when he moved to Columbiana
County with his parents, locating near Wellsville. He followed
farming many years, abut after his removal to Bridgeport, engaged in
the grocery business until 1879 or 1880, when he was succeeded in
the business by his son. He now resides near Alliance, Ohio.
He married Mary E. Tiernan, who was born at Carrollton, Ohio,
and died in 1895. To them were born four children, as
follows: Miles T., Frank F., who lives near Alliance,
Ohio; Mrs. S. P. Wells, who lives near Alliance and with whom
her father makes his home, and Mrs. A. C. Branum, of
Miles T. Carnes was five years
old when his parents moved to Wheeling Island, where the soldiers
were then camped out, and then went with them to Bridgeport, and
from the time he was 11 years of age assisted his father in the
grocery store, finally succeeding him in 1879 or 1880. He
established himself in business in Bellaire in 1886, and in spite of
adversity through fires and lack of capital, he has attained a high
degree of success. He branched out in the produce business
soon after locating here, oftentimes walking to Wheeling to order
goods for early sale in Bellaire. For many years during the
season from May 1st to September 1st of each year he has made trips
up the river every Monday and Thursday for produce and has done an
extensive business. He does not depend upon the local supply,
but buys from Wheeling, Marietta, Pittsburg and Cleveland, and has
the reputation of having eh first and last goods in season. He
has a complete line of staple, but particularly of fancy, groceries,
carrying nothing but the finest. He is a man of untiring
energy and enterprise, and his fellow citizens value him and
his efforts at their true worth.
Mr. Carnes was united in marriage with Amelia
Oberman of Wheeling and they have eight children, the four
oldest having been born at Bridgeport and the other at Bellaire.
They are as follows: Margie, who has conducted the
store largely during the absence of her father for the last five
years; Mary, who graduated in 1899, was a cadet during 1901
and is now a teacher in the city schools; J. Will, who was
born July 22, 1883, is clerk for the Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R. in
the freight office and is making marked advancement; Regina,
who is attending school and also assists in the work at the store;
Elizabeth, Ross, Roy, deceased, and Ralph, also
deceased. Mr. Carnes is a Republican in politics and
has served as councilman from the Fourth Ward. Fraternally he
is a member of Black Prince Lodge, K. of P.; is charter member and
was trustee of the Uniform Rank, K. of P., and a member of the K. O.
T. M. of Bridgeport. His wife and children are member of the
Presbyterian Church, of which he has served as trustee and
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 410
* Building is still standing in 2015 |
is a leading firm of
Bellaire, Ohio, in the wholesale and retail line, dealing in grain,
hay, feed and seeds, and having commodious quarters at No, 3454
Belmont street. The firm is composed of Robert J. and
William H. Carter, who are equally active in the management of
the business, which was established in July, 1892. They are
practically the only seed dealers in the county, and carry a
complete assortment. Their attitude to the trade is cordial
and friendly, while they maintain excellent relations with the
public generally, their methods as well as the quality of their
goods having gained them this satisfactory standing.
In 1900 they erected the present large building, which
covers a lot 33 by 120 feet and is three-stories in height.
Two hands are employed and a number of teams are needed for
delivering and hauling. The business has made a very
prosperous advance during the years since it was started, and is the
largest as well as the most reliable in this locality
William H. Carter was born in 1853, in Wheeling,
(West) Virginia, a son of John Carter, who, with his wife,
came from County Meath, Ireland, about 1850, locating first at
Wheeling. Robert J. Carter was born in 1864 at
Bellaire, where his father, John Carter, was an early brick
manufacturer, his plant occupying the present site of the Cleveland,
Lorain & Wheeling Railway depot. the one living daughter born
to Mr. Carter is Mrs. Annie Carrick, the widow of
M. J. Carrick, - she resides in Bellaire.
The Carter brothers first engaged in the
manufacture of brick, with their father, after they had finished the
common school course, and later established and conducted for five
years, from 1887 to 1892, the Carter Dairy, disposing of the
same upon entering into their present enterprise. Both are yet
unmarried and reside in pleasant apartments on the upper floors of
their building. In politics they are Democrats, but pay much
more attention to the proper and successful conduct of their
business than they do to political activity. They were reared
in the Roman Catholic Church and are regular in their attendance
upon its services. Both are solid, sensible, reliable
businessmen, whose success means just so much more prosperity to
their city, as they are interested in all that assists in its growth
and development.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 462 |
NATHAN CATER, one of the prominent
and successful farmers of Somerset township, Belmont County, Ohio,
is a native of this township, where he was born in 1850, a son of
John and Sarah (Smith) Cater.
The original home of the Cater family was in
Maryland, and there John Cater was born in 1808. He
died in 1864 at the age of 56 years. He came to Belmont County
when a lad with his parents, his father taking up at that time the
80-acre farm on which Joseph N. Cater now resides.
John Cater became a prominent and substantial farmer, was
trustee of the township and a strong Whig in his political sympathy.
His marriage was to Sarah Smith, who was a native of
Pennsylvania and who died in 1878 at the age of 70 ears. Her
parents also moved to Belmont County when she was a child, and she
grew to womanhood and married in Belmont County. Our subject's
parents were both consistent members of the Methodist Church, and in
that faith they reared their nine children, these being: William
T. deceased; Elizabeth, deceased; Melissa the wife
of William H. Hobbs; John W. and Eliza,
deceased; Charles W., deceased, was a member, of the 60th
Ohio Vol. Inf., and died at Camp Chase of an attack of measles in
1864; Frances E., the wife of O. P. Barnes, of
Somerset township; Nathan, of this sketch, and Joseph N.
Mr. Cater owns a fine farm of 135 acres located in
section 18, in Somerset township, which he has operated with great
success, carrying on a general line of farming and some stock
raising. In politics he is identified with the Democratic
party, while he is active both in the Masonic fraternity and in the
Knights of Pythias.
In 1879 Mr. Cater was united in marriage with
Annette Bishop, who was born in 1850 and is also a native of
Ohio. They have one son, Charles W. Both our
subject and wife are consistent members of the Methodist Church.
They belong to the best class of the citizens of Somerset township
and are known for their kind hospitality and sterling qualities.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 404 |
ISAAC N. CECIL, president of the City
Council of Martin's Ferry and a substantial, prominent and
representative citizen, was born in Marshall County, West Virginia,
July 15, 1867. The parents of Mr. Cecil were Morrison and
Mary (Wade) Cecil, the former of whom was born October 10, 1820,
in Marshall County, and the latter in Wheeling. (West) Virginia. The
occupation of Morrison Cecil was farming, and in 1884 he located in
Martin's Ferry and for two years cultivated a part of the J. W.
Seward farm. During the period of the Civil War he only
participated in the struggle as a civilian. His religious interest was
in the Methodist Church, which he liberally supported until his death,
which occurred February 21, 1888. His wife survives him, aged about 61
years, and is a valued member of the Methodist Church and a respected
and esteemed resident of Martin's Ferry. The first marriage of
Morrison Cecil was with Jane Manning, and 13
children were born to this union, six of whom still survive. Nine
children were born to the second marriage of Mr. Cecil,
the names of those who survived infancy being as follows: Henry T.,
who is a resident of Martin's Ferry, employed in the sheet mill;
James A., who is also employed in the sheet mill; Isaac N.,
of this sketch; Cora, who died at the age of 14 years; R. M.,
who is employed in the sheet mill; Rebecca (Mrs. Fred Eberling),
of Martin's Ferry; Jeanette, who resides at home, and Hester,
who died at the age of 19 months.
Isaac N. Cecil acquired his education
in the country schools, and through boyhood assisted on the farm. His
independent career began with a clerkship in a store at Marion, West
Virginia, where he remained for three years. In 1886 he moved to
Martin's Ferry, where he entered the rolling mill connected with the
American Sheet Steel Company's Aetna plant, finishing his trade as
sheet roller in 1892, since which time he has followed it.
Ever since attaining his majority, Mr. Cecil
has been actively interested in politics and has been prominently
identified with the Republican party. In 1899 he was elected to the
City Council, was re-elected in 1901, and the value of his services
was recognized by his election as president of the Council in 1902.
Mr. Cecil is an influential member of the various
committees and displays commendable zeal in pushing those enterprises
which he feels confident will benefit the community.
On December 22, 1889. Mr. Cecil was
united in marriage with Mary Davis, a native of
Monmouthshire. England, born July 22, 1870, who came with her parents
to America when 11 years of age. She was a daughter of Alfred
and Charlotte Davis, the former of whom died
January 15, 1901, at the age of 63 years. Alfred Davis
was a consistent member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Davis is an
honored resident of Aetnaville, and a devoted member of the Protestant
Episcopal Church. Mrs. Cecil was one of a family of
eight children, their names being as follows: Bessie, who
married William Davis, died at the age of 32 years;
William and Alfred, both employees of the rolling mill,
reside at Martin's Ferry; Mary became Mrs. Cecil;
Alberta married David Lewis, an employee in the
rolling mill; Anna, who married Albert Haines,
resides at Homestead, Pennsylvania; Lillie married W. A. Clark,
a mill employee, and Augustus, who also is employed in the rolling
mill in Martin's Ferry. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil, four of whom survive, namely: Clyde M., Alma B.,
Isaac N., Jr., and Alfred D. Little Anna H.,
born Sept. 10, 1896, died June 26, 1897. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
are members of the Methodist Church.
Fraternally, Mr. Cecil belongs to the
Uniform Rank, K. of P.; to the I. O. O. F., and also to the Vigilant
Hose Company, extended mention of which organization will be found on
another page. Mr. Cecil has in many ways proved himself
a useful citizen of Martin's Ferry. He belongs to the optimistic
school and is confident that a great future awaits the city. If such
be the case, Mr. Cecil will be no small factor in its
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 336 |
one of the
younger members of the Belmont County bar, was born in Boston, Belmont
County, Ohio, December 8, 1873. He was one in a family of four
children of Joseph and Melissa A. (John) Chappel.
Joseph W. Chappel is one of the substantial
citizens of Barnesville, where he was long engaged as a merchant and
insurance agent. He was born in 1849, and is still a resident of
Barnesville, where he and wife are much esteemed.
William O. Chappell attended the public schools,
and subsequently pursued a course in the Batesville (Ohio) Normal
School. At the age of 18 years he began to put his education to
practical use by engaging in teaching, which he continued for two
years. Subsequently he went into the insurance business and
began the study of law, under the careful tutelage of Attorney
George A. Colpitts, of Barnesville. He was admitted to the
bar of Belmont County, October 14, 1899, and was admitted to practice
in the United States courts on October 12, 1900. He immediately
entered into practice in Barnesville, in partnership with George A.
On December 22, 1894, Mr. Chappell was
united in marriage with Carrie B. Dement, a daughter of
Josiah Dement. Two children have been born to their union,
namely: Eva H. and Clifford L. The religious
connection of the family is with the Christian Church, in which they
are prominent and useful. Mr. Chappell is an active
Republican in politics, and his present prominence promises more for
the future, as Ohio has long supplied some of the best political
material the party has had. Fraternally, he is connected with
the Knights of Pythias. He is an earnest, able and industrious
lawyer, and is thoroughly devoted to his profession. He justly
receives a large patronage, and enjoys a wide circle of warm friends.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 535) |
DR. J. A. CLARK was born Mar. 31, 1857,
near Demos, Ohio. He was graduated from Columbus Medical
College in 1881. He has taken two post-graduate courses at
Chicago adn one at Philadelphia. He began practice in Glencoe
with Dr. William Piper. The partnership lasted only one
year. In1901 the Doctor removed from Glencoe to Bellaire.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1903 - Page 152 |
the beautiful, historic old residences of Belmont County, Ohio, is
located in Pease township, near Blaine, and is owned and occupied by
Mrs. Mary E. Clemens, who inherited it from her well-known
father, the late Joshua Burley. This residence was
probably built by the Patterson family, as early as 1827, and
it, with the surrounding farm and the stone mill, came into Mr.
Burley's possession from the Ogleby estate in 1867.
The birth of Mrs. Clemens took place in Marshall
County, West Virginia, then Virginia, a daughter of Joshua and
Catherine (Rosebury) Burley, the former of whom was born in
Marshall County, Virginia, in 1814, and died in Pease township,
Belmont County, Ohio, in 1883. His father was one of the first
sheriffs of Marshall County and Joshua served for a long
period as is deputy, and later succeeded to the office, which he
held for two terms. Mr. Burley was also a capitalist,
and was one of the most substantial men of his township. As
noted, he purchased the farm now occupied by his daughter, in March,
1867, and as this property lay in the proposed path of the C., L. &
W. Railway, his granting of the right of way proved very profitable
to him. The company, with other considerations, gave him an
engine for his grist-mill, it formerly having been operated by water
power. Mr. Burley did not live long to enjoy his
pleasant country home; moving upon it in 1880, he died in 1883.
He married Catherine Rosebury, who was born in 1813 in
Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, and died in 1888. Joshua Burley
and wife had four children, namely: Mary E., who became
Mrs. Clemens; James L., who lived on the farm and operated the
mill for some years, but now resides at Mountain Lake Park,
Maryland, a civil engineer by profession; Frank, who is
engaged in business at Bridgeport, Ohio, and Sarah, who
married Robert Sweeney, an uncle of the present Mayor A.
T. Sweeney, of Wheeling. Both of them, with their infant
child, are deceased. Mrs. Clemens' brother, James L.,
is a man of large business interests and is engaged in platting
property at Lock Lynn, Maryland, having done the same previously at
Mountain Lake Park. When he first went there he lived in a
tent, while now it has been made a delightful resort. Mr.
Burley's wife died a number of years ago, leaving him six sons,
three of whom have since died.
On Jan. 30, 1867, Mary E. Burley was married
to Jeremiah Clemens, who was born at Wheeling, and died Jan.
16, 1894, aged 53 years. In politics he was a Republican, and
his religious membership was with the Methodist Church. He was
a charter member of the Knights of Honor lodge of Wheeling, and for
a number of years was its financial reporter. In August, 1868,
Mr. and Mrs. Clemens moved to Muscatine, Iowa, where the
former opened up a grocery business, but two years later returned to
Wheeling, where for 12 years he conducted a prosperous shoe business
on the corner of Main and 11th streets. When Mr. Burley
bought the farm he sold his business and retired to the country and
remained there, caring for his wife's parents until their death.
He was a man of most estimable character and numbered among his
intimate friends many of the leading men of this locality. The
three children born to our subject and husband are: Burley,
aged 31 years, engaged in the wholesale liquor business at
Moundsville, West Virginia, married Mrs. Charles Weaver,
formerly Emma Shoemaker, of Woodsfield, Ohio; Frank B.,
aged 29 years, engaged in the Laughlin Mill, resides with his
mother, and Otie, aged 20 years, married William Britton
and they also reside with Mrs. Clemens and have one child,
Jessie Hollingsworth, who was named for Judge Hollingsworth,
of Belmont County, this distinguished jurist being a close personal
friend of both the child's grandfather and great-grandfather.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 458 |
leading business man of Bridgeport, Ohio, operating one of the most
complete grocery stores in the city, and who is also a most highly
esteemed citizen, was born in Belmont County, Jan. 29, 1830, a son
of Augustus and Ann (Carnahan) Clemens, both of whom were
natives of Pennsylvania.
August Clemens was a ship carpenter by trade and this
occupation he followed through live. After locating in Ohio he
engaged in the building of boats for the Ohio River trade, many of
these being for the transportation of coal. He died in 1852,
at Bridgeport, of the cholera, which at that time was epidemic.
Many of the people had fled and it was most difficult to procure
help to decently dispose of the dead. He consented to prepare
one Bloomfield for burial, and two hours later succumbed to the
dread malady himself. He was known as a most worthy,
kind-hearted man, one who was always ready to extend assistance, and
his death was doubly sad on this account and because it left his
wife and three children practically without means of livelihood.
The mother of our subject was one of those noble,
courageous women whose lives of self-denial and devotion command the
reverent attention of all who learn of them. She was born on
Jan. 23, 1803, and was a daughter of Robert and Ann Carnahan,
who were natives of Ireland. They came to America and settled
in youth in the State of Pennsylvania, were married there and reared
a family of seven children, among whom were: Thomas, John,
Margaret, now Mrs. John Bailey, Mary, Elizabeth now
Mrs. Watkins, and Mrs. Clemens. The latter lived
until Dec. 29, 1892, a devout member of the Methodist Church.
After the death of her husband she faced the world with three small
children, one of these being a babe but eight weeks old, and by her
good management, thrift and care, reared them to respectable
maturity, receiving no assistance from friends or relatives.
Very often in those early years it taxed here heavily to provide for
and to educate her little flock, but she managed to do it and is
remembered with grateful affection by these children. Our
subject was the second member of the family and had two sisters, one
of these, Jane, is the wife of Hon. David Wagner of
West Wheeling, now retired, formerly an ex-State Senator; the other,
Cornelia L., was Mrs. D. B. Kirk, who died in 1892.
Our subject was "the only son of his mother," and she
being a widow, he early began his efforts to contribute to the
support of the family, entering an establishment to learn the carpet
trade as soon as he completed a course in a private school.
This trade, however, he never followed, later beginning work in a
paper mill on the Wheeling side of the river. There our
subject spent 30 years of his life, an expert in the business and
was known as a finisher. When Dr. Todd became
postmaster of Bridgeport, during the administration of President
Grant, he looked about for a reliable man for his assistant and
selected for the position Samuel A. Clemens, and three years
were passed in that office. After the close of his official
life, Mr. Clemens went to work in a planing mill known as
Baggs' mill, and remained there over five years, and during that
whole period lost but five and one-half days. Here he was
engaged in making boxes for use in the glass houses. Changing
his business at that time, our subject then bought out the grocery
store of James Clark, which was then located on the present
site of Dent's drug stores. Three months later he
purchased the new well appointed grocery store which he now
occupies, and since that time has steadily enlarged and expanded his
business until he now leads in the grocery line.
When President Lincoln made his call for 75,000
men in 1861, our subject was one who loyally responded. He
gave four years of service to the government, in the quartermaster's
department under Col. H. C. Ransom, in West Virginia,
Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama. At first Mr. Clemens
was engaged as a teamster, at $20 a month, but Colonel Ransom
was a very good friend to him and was a classmate of General
Grant. The Colonel was glad to have a quiet, industrious,
reliable man, with a good record about him, and instead of giving
our subject a team he put him at other work requiring ability and
when the war closed the latter was drawing and earning a salary of
$80 a month. During the campaign in Kentucky he was
wagon-master and had charge of the teams of General Granger's
command and these teams through all the dangers and disadvantages
incident to storms, bad roads and marauding parties, succeeded in
getting provisions to the soldiers, a very necessary part of the
great game of war.
The marriage of Judge Clemens, for he has long
served as a most efficient justice of the peace, being now in his
fourth term, took place Dec. 26, 1854, to Catherine Loe, a
native of Belmont County. To this marriage these children were
born: Elia B., who married Milton B. Morgan and has
two children, Earl and Milton; and Harry A., who is
his father's efficient clerk. The mother of these children
died Feb. 23, 1862, aged 33 years, while our subject was in the
army. She was a devout member of the Methodist Church.
The second marriage of our subject took place on Oct.
15, 1865, to Mary E. Hornage, a native of Belmont County, a
daughter of George Hornage. No children of this
marriage survive. She was born Feb. 10, 1837, and died Feb.
10, 1899, a good Christian woman, and a consistent member of the
Methodist Church. The only members of the family of his wife
who still survive are David Loe of West Wheeling, and
Robert Lowe, of Wood County, Ohio. A sister of the second
Mrs. Clemens, Margaret A. Hornage, has made her home
with our subject for many years.
Mr. Clemens is one of the most enterprising and
substantial citizen of Bridgeport. In his official position he
has been a great peacemaker, settling many disputes without
litigation. He is one of the trustees of the Methodist Church
and has filled many positions on its official board.
Fraternally, Mr. Clemens is a blue lodge Mason, and
politically he supports the Republican party. His long
residence has made him familiar to almost every one in Bridgeport,
and it is a testimonial to his worth that he is held in such general
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 574 |
LOUIS A. CLIPP, a prosperous farmer and
progressive citizen of Richland township, Belmont County, Ohio, was
born in Jefferson County, (West) Virginia, in 1847, and is a son of
James W. and Elizabeth Ann Clipp.
James W. Clipp, father of our subject, was engaged in
agricultural pursuits throughout his entire life, dying in 1892, at
the age of 79 years. He was a Whig before the Civil War and was
a strong supporter of the cause of the Union, but since the war was
independent in political affairs. His wife, Elizabeth Ann, was
born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and died in 1896, at the age
of 70 years. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal
Church. Five children were born to their union, as follows:
John R.; Charles W.; Louis A.; Margaret V., wife of George
and Thomas P.
Louis A. Clipp was reared in his native county and
lived there until 1875, when he removed to Richland township, Belmont
County, Ohio. He later located in Wheeling township, where he
resided 12 years. He again returned to Richland township, where
he engaged in agricultural pursuits and now resides on his farm of 80
acres two miles north of St. Clairsville. He has always been
deeply interested in all that pertains to the welfare and development
of his township and county, and is president of the Cadiz & St.
Clairsville Pike Company, He is also agent for the Champion Machine
Company in his district.
In 1876 Mr. Clipp was united in marriage with
Mary Ann Jackson, who was born in Wheeling township in 1849 and is a daughter
of William and Annie Jackson. Six children resulted from this
union, as follows: Wilbert L.; Annie Viola, a stenographer and
bookkeeper at Bellaire; James Blaine, who is with the Belmont
Telephone Company; Jessie Edith; Philip R.; and Lizzie
Fraternally, Mr. Clipp is a Mason, and in politics is a Republican.
He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Wilbert L. Clipp, the eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Clipp, was graduated from Delaware College in 1895. On May 22,
1899, he entered the service of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company,
being given charge of the car service department at Bellaire, Ohio.
On October 1, 1900, he was promoted to be assistant chief clerk to
Superintendent of Terminals J. M. Barrett of the Baltimore & Ohio,
with headquarters at Wheeling, West Virginia, which position he held
until October 14, 1901, on which date he was transferred to Pittsburg,
Pennsylvania, as stenographer to Car Distributor F. B. Lockhart.
On March 1, 1902, he succeeded Mr. Lockhart as car distributor with
headquarters at Pittsburg division of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad,
in which position he has continued.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 828 |
DR. GEORGE A. CLOSE was a native
of Belmont County, born within two miles of St. Clairsville.
He studied medicine with his cousin, Dr. John Thompson.
When his medical studies were completed, eh began practice in
partnership with his cousin, Dr. Thompson. Not meeting
the success he desired, he removed to Bellaire, where he soon had a
good practice. His health began to fail and after long,
tedious suffering the end came. Dr. Close was a man of
many good qualities.
He married a daughter of Robert Wilkins, who was
his faithful nurse through all his long, tedious illness.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 149 |
Probate judge for Belmont County, secretary of the Board of Trade of
Martin's Ferry, Ohio, a lawyer of prominence and a highly esteemed
citizen, is a worthy representative of a family of unusual
prominence in the military life of the country, for generations.
Robert Cochran, the grandfather of Judge
Cochran, was a direct descendant of Sir Archibald Cochran,
the ninth Earl of Dundonald, England, and a son of William
Cochran, who was a pioneer settler in Virginia, east of the
present city of Wheeling. In company with William Boggs,
William Cochran was sent from Fort Van Meter as a scout to
ascertain the results of the battle of Fort Henry, and in this
adventure was killed and scalped by the Indians, east of Wheeling.
William Cochran also was associated with the noted scout and
Indian fighter, Louis Wetzel, and accompanied him in many of
his famous expeditions.
Robert Cochran was a contemporary of
Elizabeth Zane, the noted heroine whose tale has been told in
song and story, who carried the powder at the battle of Fort Henry
when it was attacked by the combined forces of English and Indians,
September 13 and 14, 1782. It will be remembered that this was
the last battle of the War of the Revolution and was fought after
peace was declared, no electric messages then flashing the news of
peace almost as soon as it was declared, as would be the case in
modern warfare. At this time Robert Cochran was 20
years of age and Elizabeth Zane was 16. Although
history does not reveal the existence of any romantic attachment
between the brave girl and our subject's ancestor, it is known that
they were friends and companions, the family farms adjoining on the
hillside back of Martin's Ferry. On the Zane farm,
Elizabeth died in 1828, while Robert Cochran lived to
within three months of 100 years, his tomb being the oldest one in
the old Weeks Cemetery. He was a large landowner, his
possessions extending from Bridgeport to Glen's Run, the same being
now divided into many good farm homes. His wife was Rebecca
Pierce, who was a relative, a cousin in fact, of President
Franklin K. Pierce. Her death, at the gage of 59 years,
was caused by an injury to her throat, accidentally inflicted by the
horns of a cow.
Judge Cochran was born in Colerain township,
Belmont County, Ohio, Sept. 9, 1841, being a son of Robert and
Susanna (Davis) Cochran, both natives of Ohio, the former born
in 1813 and the latter in 1814. Robert Cochran, like
his father, was a large landowner and was a successful stockraiser.
During the Civil War he saw six of his brave sons serving at one
time in the Union Army, all of them being under 21 years of age,
except the eldest, who had cast his maiden vote for Abraham
Lincoln in 1860. Through devotion to a son, Mr. Cochran
lost his own life. One son was lying dangerously sick within
the Confederate lines and the father hastened to endeavor to secure
his release, and contracted typhoid fever, from which he died, in
1863, the sick son recovering and arriving safely at home. The
mother survived until 1893, dying at about the age of 80 years.
Both parents were devoted in their attachment to the Methodist
Church and their home was open to every minister of their religious
faith. They were what this modern age, in its desire to
express its highest type of Christian living, denominates,
sometimes, as "real" people, and exerted an influence which is still
felt by those who came within their acquaintance. A family of
13 children was born to them, two of these dying in infancy.
The names of the 11 that grew to maturity are as follows:
Robert H.; Llucelia; John S., subject of this sketch; Wilson
and Watson twins; Crowner C.; Anna B.; Cordelia; Fenimore P.;
Alfaretta B.; and Sumner F. Robert H., who was
judge of the County Court of Ohio County, West Virginia, and one of
the prominent men of the State, was born June 25, 1836, and died in
Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 22, 1895, aged 59 years. He was a member of
General Negley's staff and was provost marshal of that
division. He participated in the battle of Stone River and
other engagements. After the war, he was at different times
supreme dictator of the Knights of Honor, a member of the executive
board of the Army of the Cumberland, and made the first annual
address of the meeting of the society of the Army of the Cumberland,
at Chattanooga, Tennessee. He projected and constructed the
Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad, also the Wheeling Terminal Railway,
and he built the bridge spanning the Ohio River at Martin's Ferry.
At different times he was president of both of these roads.
Lucelia, who married John Brown, was a consistent
member of the Methodist Church, and died in 1864, aged 58 years.
Both Wilson and Watson belonged to the 52nd Reg., Ohio
Vol. Inf., both enlisted twice, both were sick and were discharged,
and on recovery both re-enlisted. Wilson removed the
Creighton, Cass County, Missouri, where he is sa justice of
the peace and mayor of the town, while Watson resides in
Severance, Doniphan County, Kansas, a successful builder and
contractor. Crowner C. enlisted in the Union Army, in
1862 and served through the war as a private, and now resides in
Bridgeport, where he is paving contractor. Anna B.
married Robert Woods and died when about 40 years of age.
Cordelia married Dr. John Major, who is deceased, and
she resides in Severance, Kansas. Fenimore P. ran away
from home when a little over 13 years of age, enlisted as a drummer
boy, was promoted to be orderly at General Wood's
headquarters and served until after the close of the war. He
now resides at Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, and has been prosecuting
attorney of the county for a number of years. Alfaretta B.
married William Strain, superintendent of the schools of
Brooke County, West Virginia, and is deceased. Sumner F.
resides in Martin's Ferry, an employee of the Laughlin Tin Mill.
Our subject had completed his course of study in the
Martin's Ferry High School, when the great great wave of enthusiasm
passed through the loyal North at the call of the President for
troops to subdue the rebellion. On July 16, 1861, he enrolled
his name as a soldier in Company K, 15th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf.
The death of his father recalled him home after a service of a
little less than one year, during which period he saw no small
amount of active service. For a long time he was occupied in
settling up the estate and in arranging his late father's affairs
and then engaged in teaching while he pursued his law studies under
ex-Supreme Court Judge Kennon, Sr., of St. Clairsville.
In December, 1863, eh was admitted to the bar and began practice at
once in St. Clairsville, one year later removing to Sedalia,
Missouri, where he became prosecuting attorney of Pettis County and
was subsequently elected judge of the Court of Common Pleas.
After four years in Missouri, Judge Cochran returned east and
entered into a law practice with his brother Robert H., at
Wheeling, West Virginia, the partnership of Cochran & Cochran
existing until 1880, when Robert H. Cochran was elected
president of the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad, his removal to
Toledo following. Our subject remained in Martin's Ferry as
the attorney for that road and later for the Wheeling Terminal
Railway, but in 1882 he bought a farm on the hill overlooking
Martin's Ferry, near the old ancestral home, and removed thereto,
although he still continued his practice in Wheeling. Judge
Cochran has a large clientage in Martin's Ferry and the eastern
counties of the State, his reputation as a fair and impartial
adviser in complicated questions of law, as well as his knowledge
and experience of almost every form of litigation, having gained him
increasing practice as the years have gone by. At the recent
election, occurring Nov. 4, 1902, Judge Cochran was elected
Probate judge for Belmont County by a majority of 1,829 votes,
leading all candidates on the Republican ticket, whether national,
State or county.
On Mar. 22, 1867, Judge Cochran was married to
Martha A. Weldin, of St. Clairsville, Ohio, a native of
Wheeling, West Virginia, a daughter of Jacob and Alice Weldin,
both of whom are deceased. One son was born to this union,
Arthur Weldin who died in infancy. Both Judge Cochran
and his wife are valued members of the Presbyterian Church. In
politics he is an ardent member of the Republican party, while
fraternally he is associated with the Knights of the Maccabees.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 473 |
name is indissolubly connected with the triumphs of the Belmont
County bar, was born in the State of Maryland, but was practically
reared in Barnesville. After a happy childhood on his father's
farm near Henrysburg, he attended school and in early manhood began
to fit himself for the law. His reading was conducted under
Hon. John Davenport, and resulted in his admission to practice
in 1862. Barnesville being selected by him as his field
of action. In 1867 he was appointed attorney for the Baltimore
& Ohio Railroad Company and in 1879 was appointed general counsel of
all lines of the Baltimore & Ohio, east of the Ohio River, and since
that time his major interests have been centered in it. Since
1881 he has been located in Columbus, where he is an authority in
his chosen profession. The first marriage of Judge Collins was
to Rachel Judkins, and two children were born to this union.
Essie B. being the only survivor. The second marriage
of Judge Collins was to Harriet F. Davenport in 1873.
Both Judge and Mrs. Collins belong to the Methodist Church.
Their winter residence is in Columbus, but they spend their summers
at a beautiful home located one mile west of Barnesville.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 554 |
GEORGE A. COLPITTS. a leading attorney
of Barnesville, Ohio, and one of its esteemed and representative
citizens, was born in Washington, D. C, in 1859, and was one of a
family of eight children of Thomas and Mary A. (Thornburn) Colpitts.
Thomas Colpitts was born in England, and there learned the trade of
stone carver. He also had the superintendence of extensive building
operations, which he continued later in the United States, where he
settled in 1857. Until 1859 he resided in Washington, D. C, and then
moved to Barnesville, Ohio, where he resided until his death, in 1880.
His widow survived him until 1896.
George A. Colpitts entered upon the study of law under the able
instructions of W. R. Talbot, and in 1890 was admitted to the bar of
Belmont County. He formed a partnership with Mr. Talbot, which
continued for four years. During 1898, 1899 and 1900 Mr. Colpitts
served the public in the capacity of city solicitor, having been
elected by the Republican party, of which he is an active member. His
fraternal associations are with the K. of P., the B. P. O. E. and the
With his two younger sisters Mr. Colpitts occupies a cozy and
comfortable residence in Barnesville, where all are most highly
esteemed. As a rising man the subject of this sketch is well known,
and his interest is pronounced in regard to the promotion of
enterprises which promise to benefit the city. He is well qualified as
a lawyer and has a large and constantly increasing patronage.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 376 |
JOHN COLPITTS, senior member of the
firm of Colpitts & Boswell, stonecutters and marble and granite goods
manufacturers, of Barnesville, Ohio, has by his energy, faithful work
and square dealing, assisted in building up one of the largest and
most successful industries of this kind in the Ohio Valley The
statuary and monuments sent out from the establishment cannot be
surpassed for excellence of workmanship, and have won for the firm a
reputation far and near. Mr. Colpitts' early start in this line has
undoubtedly helped him greatly in making a success of his business.
Born in England in 1851, a son of Thomas and Mary A. (Thornburn)
Colpitts, he comes of a family of stonecutters.
Thomas Colpitts was especially proficient in this trade, having
followed it almost continuously throughout his mature life. Born in
England, he there received careful rearing somewhat beyond the
ordinary. Early displaying artistic and mechanical ability, he was
placed in a marble-cutter's shop and there learned the trade which he
afterward made his life work. Upon reaching manhood he opened a shop
of his own and carried on a successful business in his own country for
some time. In 1856, however . desiring to better his fortunes, he came
to the United States, and after a short residence in the East made his
way to Ohio and located at Barnesville in 1850. Here he opened a shop
and engaged in the tombstone business. Being an excellent workman, he
established a large trade, which he here continued for the rest of his
life. He died in 1880. During his early manhood he married Mary A. Thornburn, and they had eight children.
Mrs. Colpitts died in 1894.
John Colpitts was but five years old when his parents came to this
country and eight years of age when they settled in Barnesville, and
he is largely a product of this thriving city. Here he received his
early mental training, and in his father's shop, which he entered in
his youth, his preparation for the work which he has since so ably and
continuously performed. In 1875 the industry with which he is
connected was established and as it was in his line upon starting in
life for himself, he purchased an interest in the business. The
composition of the firm has since changed somewhat, and in 1887 Mr.
Colpitts took in as a partner Nathan M. Boswell, with whom he has
since continued in partnership. The business is a large one and
consists mainly of the manufacture of marble and granite monuments and
fine statuary. Most exquisite work is turned out.
In 1888 Mr. Colpitts married Mary M. Bundy, daughter of
Nathan Bundy,
and they have had one child, Clifford B. The family are all active in
religious circles and members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr.
Colpitts is a man whose word carries much weight in his community, and
as a Democrat he is especially influential in local politics. He is a
member of the I. O. O. F.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 372 |
GEORGE COOKE, attorney-at-law, and
ex-city solicitor of Martin's Ferry, Belmont County, Ohio, is a son
of James and Jane (McCracken) Cooke, natives of Harrison
County, Ohio, and residents of New Athens, of the same county.
James Cooke has followed the occupation of a
farmer all his life and is today numbered among the county's
well-to-do, substantial citizens, who is known throughout the
surrounding county. He has been township trustee for some
twelve of fourteen years, has always been alert in politics, and is
a Democrat. He and his family prefer the doctrines of the
United Presbyterian Church, of which he is a prominent member and
trustee also.
Our subject is the third in a family of five children:
W. M., who is a carpenter and contractor at New Athens, Ohio;
Agnes M., who is now Mrs. J. B. Patton, of New Athens;
George, our subject; Margaret F., still living in the
home circle; Rev. Robert Parks, a graduate of Franklin
College, Ohio.
George Cooke was educated in the common schools,
afterward taking a course in Franklin College, and completing it
through the junior year. He read law with George Duncan
after this and was finally admitted to the bar in 1894, and began
practice in his own name. He has practiced in all the courts
of the State and in the Supreme Court and is considered one of the
rising young attorneys of the county. In 1899 he was elected
city solicitor of Martin's Ferry with a majority of three to one in
a locality pronounced Republican, and in the second election in 1900
he carried all the wards of city, with the exception of one.
He has served in the office for three years, showing his fine
official capacity. He has been deputy supervisor of elections
in Belmont County for four years, and has also been a member of the
Republican County Executive Committee, taking a lively interest in
Apr. 30, 1902, Mr. Cooke was united in marriage
with Lena F. McKay, a native of Delaware, Ohio, and a
daughter of John McKay, now deceased. They are members
of the United Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Cooke has been
secretary of the congregation for years. In fraternal circles
our subject is a member of the K. of P. and has passed through most
of the chairs; a member of the Bellaire Lodge of Elks; and also of
the A. O. U. W. fraternity. Mr. Cooke is one of the
stirring speakers on the Democratic side in county and national
campaigns; he is a faithful student, well read, and stands
deservedly high in the estimation of all.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 617 |
DR. J. W. COOPER was
born Dec. 19, 1861. He attended the University of Michigan for
two years, later going to Jefferson, from which college he as
graduated in 1884. He began the practice of medicine in
Belaire in 1885.
The Doctor stands well both with the people and
physicians. He has a good practice, has been an active member
of the Society and for a long time its secretary.
See Chapter XIII
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page |
at Mount Pleasant, Ohio, August, 1812, was one of the first or
charger members of the Belmont County Medical Society. He died
at Farmington, Ohio, Oct. 6, 1875, having practiced medicine in that
locality all his life.
In the time of his practice the exposure and hardships
incident to a country practice were very great. All his
traveling had to be done on horseback. He raised a large
family and was highly appreciated in the community. One son
was a physician and succeeded to his practice.
See Chapter XIII
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 147 |
Dr. Isaac G. Cope
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 781 |
DR. ISAAC G. COPE, whose death
occurred, Aug. 31, 1898, practiced his profession in Belmont County
for nearly 40 years, being located in Colerain township. Early
in his career he gained an enviable reputation as a physician, which
increased as the years went by. He was loved by his many
patients for his manly virtues; he was in truth a "family
physician," and the sick in spirit as well as in body confided in
Dr. Cope was born in Colerain township Feb. 12,
1840, and was a son of Dr. Caleb Cope, whom the older
generation remember as one of the pioneer physicians of Belmont
Dr. Caleb Cope was for many years the leading
physician in Colerain township, and was noted not only for his great
skill in his profession, but also for his public spirit and loyalty
to his country. He sent four of his sons to serve in the Civil
War and contributed most liberally to its continuance. After a
period of illness, he died Oct. 6, 1875, aged about 65 years,
sincerely lamented by a large family and by patents distributed all
over the township and vicinity. Dr. Caleb Cope's first
marriage was to Mildred Fowler, and six sons were born to
this union, namely, Dr. Isaac G.; Alexis and Harman,
twins; John W.; James H.; and Orlando. Alexis
enlisted at the beginning of the Civil War, as a private, for three
months, and then became a veteran in the 15th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf.,
coming out of the service with a captain's commission. for a number
of years he has been the superintendent of the State University of
Ohio, at Columbus. Herman died at the age of six years.
John W. served in the Civil War as a member of the 98th Reg.,
Ohio Vol. Inf. He was married at Chattanooga, Tennessee, and
died in that city in 1882, at the age of 39 years. James H.
resides in Colerain township. Orlando in the
superintendent of the Belmont County Infirmary. The mother of
these sons died in 1849, and in 1850 Dr. Cope married
Julia A. French, and the four children born to this union are
the following: Dr. Charles S. who resides in Michigan;
Dr. William H., who resides in California; Frederick,
who lives near Martin's Ferry; and Mary, who has her home
with her brother, William H., in California. For some
years she was a successful teacher in the county. The second
Mrs. Cope died in 1873. Both she and her husband
belonged to the Society of Friends.
Dr. Isaac G. Cope was educated in the common
schools of Farmington. Colerain township. He read
medicine with his father and was engaged in practice when
President Lincoln issued his call for 75,000 troops to quell the
rebellion. He enlisted as a private, but on account of his
medical knowledge was soon made hospital steward, and later was
commissioned surgeon, in 1864. He served about three years and
then resigned in order to return home and take up his father's
practice, the latter being in failing health. Until his death, he
was in constant practice and became still more eminent than his
father. He was a valued member of the G. A. R. and was also
connected with the Masonic societies of St. Clairsville.
On May 4, 1865, Dr. Isaac G. Cope was united in
marriage with Elizabeth C. Dungan, a native of Belmont County
and a daughter of B. Ells and Sarah (Fox) Dungan.
Mr. Dungan, who was a prosperous farmer, died Mar. 14, 1883, at
the age of 75 years; his wife died Apr. 25, 1889, in her 81st year.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Dungan were estimable members of the
Society of Friends. They had a family of eight children, as
follows: Josiah, who was a clerk in a grocery, died in
1861, at the age of 25 years; Charles is a farmer of this
county; William is farming on the old Dungan
homestead; Thomas C., who is an attorney and real-estate
dealer, lives in Missouri; Mary Anna married Edgar A.
Berry, who is farming in Colerain township; Elizabeth C.,
the wife of our subject; Julia, who married John Lash,
a jeweler in Wheeling, resides in a pleasant home on Wheeling
Island; Sarah C., who married John Wiley, resides on a
farm in Colerain township.
A family of 11 children was born to Dr. Isaac G.
Cope and his wife, the record being as follows: Caleb
H., who is a farmer of Belmont County, married Anna Hughes
and they have three children. - Harold D., Esther L. and
Bertha; Dr. Ellis C.; Mary Anna; Sarah M. married Edwin Steer
and has two children, - Ralph C. and Frank; Elizabeth C.;
Alice M., who is taking a trained nurse's course in the
Allegheny General Hospital; Mabel I.; Edith S. married
Hollarn J. Cope and is a teacher in the San Jose (California)
public schools, - they have on child, Robert; Julia
L.; and Isaac G. and Lucille, both students at
school. DR. ELLIS COPE,
second son of Dr. Isaac G. Cope, was born Nov. 26, 1869, in
Colerain township. Inheriting instincts, and spurred on by the
eminent examples of his father and grandfather, he decided early in
life to adopt the medical profession, and directed his studies to
that end. His preparatory reading was pursued under his father
and he graduated in 1893, at the Ohio Medical University, at
Columbus. After a year of practice as a physician and surgeon
in the Protestant Hospital, at Columbus, he began work in this
county, locating at Barton. He has been made surgeon at this
point for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and for several of the
standard insurance companies.
Dr. Ellis C. Cope was married Oct. 30, 1900, to
Mercy Pratt, a native of Belmont County, being a
daughter of Joseph and Anna Pratt. Mr. Pratt
still survives and resides near Barton. Dr. Cope stands
well both socially and professionally, being a member of hte county,
State and national medical societies, and being also identified with
the leading organizations of a social nature in his community.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 780 |

Mr. & Mrs.
George Crozier |
Among the well-kmown and highly respected farmer citizens of Mead
township, George Crozier is prominent, as one who has
acquired a competency through his own industry, and who has
identified himself with the measures which have tended to the
prosperity and advancement of the interests of this community.
Mr. Crozier owns and resides upon the farm on which he was
born, Feb. 7, 1830, a son of James and Chris tina (Armstrong)
Crozier, the latter of whom died when he was but a child of six
James Crozier was born in County Armagh,
Ireland, and accompanied his father to America at the age of I6
years. They located first in Carroll County, Ohio, later came
to Belmont, and, in 1825, James Crozier married Christina
Armstrong. The farm, which Grandfather George Crozier
bought in Mead township, descended to his son, James, and
later to our subject, who bought the interests of the other heirs,
becoming thus heavily in debt before he was 21 years of age.
In 1852 our subject was married to Margaret Boyd,
daughter of William Boyd, of Richland township, and a large
and most estimable family has been born to them, as follows:
James, who is unmarried, is engaged in a mining business in
Colorada; Jemima Jane, who married Thomas J. Watt, a
farmer of Smith township, has two children, William and
Martha; William Boyd, who was drowned at the age of 22
years, at Cedar Creek, Illinois; Robert L., who has recently
married, resides in California, having engaged in mining in the
Cripple Creek district in Colorado; Emma Catherine, who is
the wife of Albert McKelvey; A. M. F., who is a practicing
physician in Hocking County, in the mining district, graduated from
the medical department of the State University at Columbus, six
years ago; Margaret Ann, who is the wife of Perry B. Myers
of Pultney township, has one son, George; Joseph Presley, who
married Jennie Eddington, of Bellville, Ohio, resides on the
home farm, and has two sons, George Eddington and Stanley;
Nenna B., who married Samuel Kirkland, resides near her
father; Mary Luella, who married Ellis Myers, resides
in York township; Samuel Bruce, who is a dental student at
Columbus; and a daughter, who died in infancy.
When the call came in 1864 for 100-day recruits to
repel the invaders from the State, Mr. Crozier was one to
respond, although he left a wife and six little children to do so.
He was a member of Company C, 170th Reg., Ohio National Guard, the
regiment being in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 8th Army Corps.
Soon after enlistment he was made sergeant of his company. His
duty was mainly confined to guard and garrison, although he took
part in the troubles at Harper's Ferry and at Snicker's Ford, on
July 24, 1864, when his regiment lost 135 men. He returned
home in September, 1864, and resumed his ordinary occupations.
When Mr. Crozier started out in life he owned, or rather was
in debt for, 118 acres, which has been increased to 325 acres, all
his own property. In the autumn of 1901 he retired from its
active management. At this time he and his estimable wife
celebrated their golden wedding, all of the children being present,
except one. It is the pleasant custom of this united family to
have an annual reunion on the home farm, north of Businessburg.
He belongs to the United Presbyterian Church of Belmont. In
political belief he is a stanch Republican, and was a member of the
Farmers' Alliance. Few men in Mead township are more highly
regarded or considered more thoroughly representative.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 663 |
of the pioneers of Belmont county was John Cunningham, who was
born of Scotch-Irish parentage, in March, 1771, in Berkeley County,
Virginia. He, with his brother Hugh, were members of the militia
sent out under General Lee to quell the "Whiskey Insurrection"
in Pennsylvania. Both of these brothers were among the first
persons who ever drove wagons over the Alleghany Mountains.
Mr. Cunningham and his wife, Hannah (Robinson) Cunningham,
came to Belmont County in 1805 and settled near Bellaire on what is
now known as the Rhodes farm. He built of logs the
present house occupying the knoll opposite to the Klee farm.
This house was subsequently weatherboarded and it is still in a good
state of preservation after the lapse of almost a century.
Mr. Cunningham and his wife were ardent advocates of temperance.
Indeed, so strong were Mr. Cunningham's temperance principles
that he has been called the "father of temperance" in the community.
Mrs. Cunningham was much interested in foreign mission work,
then in its infancy. Her prayers for the cause were answered by
the calling of two granddaughters, Mrs. Margaret Capp and
Mrs. C. W. Mateer, and a great-granddaughter, Mrs. Margaret
Wells, to the mission work in China.
Mr. Cunningham was ordained as one of the two
first elders of the Rock Hill Presbyterian Church, and near this
church he lies in his last sleep. Mrs. Cunningham died in
1859, being the last of the original members of Rock Hill Church.
Their family consisted of six sons and six daughters, and there were
53 grandsons and 17 granddaughters.
The sons were: Israel, James, Hugh, John,
Samuel and George. The daughters were:
Abigail, who married John Mooney; Hannah, who married
Robert Brown, Sarah, who married William Rankin; Rebecca,
who married John Faris; Julia, who married George Milligan,
and Agnes, who died in early girlhood. Of the sons, two
were life-long residents of Belmont County. These were George,
who married Mary Harris, and Samuel, who married
Eliza Work, daughter of Andrew and Anne (Anderson) Work,
of the vicinity of St. Clairesville. The living children of
George Cunningham are Mrs. Leroy Wise of Washington,
Pennsylvania; Mrs. Reece Thomas, Mrs. Alva Wise and Miss
Hannah Cunningham's living children are Mrs. Jesse Bonnar,
of Moundsville. West Virginia; Miss Alice Cunningham, principal
of Bellaire High School, and William Cunningham of Toledo,
Ohio. The descendants of the remaining sons and of the daughters
of John and Hannah Cunningham live in Delaware and
Champaign counties, Ohio, and in Ohio County, West Virginia.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 815 |