(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens.
Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois -
Chapter XIII
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 147 |
prominent farmer of Mead township, Belmont County, and a worthy
representative of old pioneer families of the county which have been
conspicuous through generations both in agricultural and military
life, was born in his present home in Mead township in 1840, a son
of Daniel and Sarah (Hardesty) Warren.
On the maternal side of the family,
Mr. Warren comes of Revolutionary stock, his grandfather,
Obadiah Hardesty, serving in the Continental Army. Mrs.
Warren born in Glencoe, Richland township, Belmont County, where
her father located on a farm soon after the close of the
Revolutionary War, and died in 1877, aged about 77 years. On
the paternal side the early ancestors belonged to the State of
Maryland, and there Daniel Warren was born in 1790, a son of
Haddick Warren who first located at Middletown, Washington
County, Pennsylvania, and from there came to Belmont County, Ohio,
in 1804, all of the following children having been born prior to
this time - Daniel, John, Caleb, James, William, Polly, Catherine
and Sarah. Haddick Warren was one of the first settlers
to locate in the eastern part of Belmont County, buying a farm near
Neff's siding, where he spent the remainder of his life and
where his tomb may be found. He also was a soldier in the
Revolutionary War.
It is a subject of comment that when the country needed
help in the various struggles from which has come American
independence, the Warren family always had a loyal member to
offer service. Thus in the War of 1812 Daniel Warren
participated with gallantry. After his marriage he came to
Mead township and located on a farm in section 30, the same property
now owned by his son, our subject. He engaged in agricultural
pursuits through the whole of his life, attaining very substantial
results. His political views made him in early life an old
line Whig, and an active supporter of the Republican party after its
On Dec. 21, 1815, Daniel Warren and Sarah
Hardesty were united in marriage, and a family of 14 children
were born to them in the old home on the farm. Nancy,
the eldest, was born Feb. 21, 1817, and died in the old home at the
age of 55 years; John, born Oct. 4, 1818, died unmarried in
St. Joseph, Missouri, aged about 33 years; Eliza, born Apr.
4, 1820, married James Shipman, and they moved first to
Kansas, then to Illinois and later to Missouri, where she died about
1897, their three children also being deceased; Noah V., born
Nov. 17, 1821, died at Pomeroy, Meigs County, Ohio, aged 21 years;
Morgan, born Nov. 4, 1823, married Jane Thornberry,
moved to Iowa and was drowned in the Ottawa River in 1876, - he had
been a soldier in the Civil War in the 298th Reg., Iowa Vol. Inf.,
and left a large family, five sons residing in Kansas; Mary Ann
born Nov. 4, 1823, died in 1877, the wife of Joseph Carle;
Charity, born Oct. 14, 1825, died at the age of
nine years; Susan born Feb. 10, 1829, married William
Graham, and both died at their home in Captina Creek, one of
their daughters and two of the sons residing in Belmont County, one
in West Virginia and one in Nebraska; Sarah, the twin sister
of Susan, married William Wiley, and at death left a
son and daughter, residents of Jackson County, Indiana; Haddick
L., born Jan. 17, 1831, resides at Alma, Ross County, Ohio, was
a brave soldier in the Civil War from Meigs County, and
married Elizabeth Moore; Rebecca, born April 21, 1833, is the
widow of James Wiley, and resides at Ella, Marshall County,
West Virginia; Rhoda, born Oct. 20 1834, married Prince
Green, and resides in Spraytown, Jackson County, Indiana;
Ebenezer, born July 4, 1838, died unmarried in 1871.
The youngest member of this family was the subject of
this record. William Harrison Warren, who was born on
Dec. 16, 1840. He was reared to farm work, and the principal
business interests of his life have been centered in agricultural
developments. His fine farm of 218½
acres is well cultivated and finely improved, and he has here
engaged in general farming, combined with dairying, his general
prosperity being the result of excellent management and the
intelligent use of modern methods and improved machinery.
On Apr. 16, 1866, Mr. Warren married Harriet
Eliza Berry, who was born Sept. 30, 1815, in Mead township, a
daughter of William C. and Mary (Haughtengohow) Berry, the
former of whom was born at Wellsburg, Virginia, now West Virginia,
and died in 1879, aged 68 years. He was a son of John and
Mary Ann (Clark) Berry, an old Virginia family of
prominence. The mother was also born at Wellsburg and died in
1862, aged 51 years. Mrs. Warren is one of a family of
ten children born to her parents, these being: James,
deceased; Jacob, a resident of Mead township; Clark,
died at the age of six months; Mary Ann married Ira Kidder,
lived at Moundsville, West Virginia, and died in 1898; Rachel
Ellen died unmarried in 1869, aged 27 years; Harriet E.,
the wife of Mr. Warren; Augusta J. is the widow of
James White of Moundsville; William J., a resident of
Mead township; John W., a resident of Moundsville, married
Lizzie Lash, and James Albert, a resident of Moundsville,
married Lizzie Schrimp.
To Mr. and Mrs. Warren has been
born a family of eight children, namely - William S., born
Apr. 2, 1867, is a physician in practice at Businessburg, Ohio,
graduating from Bryant & Stratton's Business College and
Starling Medical College. He married Anna C. Boyd,
and their four children are: Mary Elizabeth, aged seven
years; Dulcie E., aged five years; Harriet Isabel,
aged two years, and William Boyd, an infant, deceased.
Myrta I., born Mar. 29, 1869, married George H. Ramsey of
Mead township, and they have five children - Forrest, born in
1891; Clarence E., born in 1893; Harriet Mildred, born
June 6, 1896; Harry Warren, born Feb. 15, 1898, and Loring
Fulton, born Sept. 3, 1901. Carrie B., born Mar. 3,
1871, married William A. Craig, and they reside in
Businessburg, their children being Loring Day, born Aug. 5,
1894, Harriet Eliza, born July 29, 1897, and i\an infant,
born May 2, 1899, deceased. Daniel H., born July 5,
1873, is a graduate of the Western Pennsylvania University and for
the past year has been practicing his profession of dentistry at
Allegheny City. He is also a graduate in pharmacy, graduating
from Scio College July 26, 1900. Otta L. born Oct. 6,
1875, married George McCommon, a professor in a school at
Windsor, Ashtabula County, Ohio. V. Josephine, born
July 14, 1877, is a young lady at home. Charles Foster,
born Oct. 10, 1879, is a teacher at Neff's siding. On
Apr. 18, 1902, he married Ada L. Neff, of Neff's
siding. The youngest son, Harrison Edwin, was born Nov.
1, 1882, and remains at home assisting his father.
During the stormy period of the Civil
War Mr. Warren, true to family tradition, offered his
services in defense of his country, belonging during nine months at
the close of the war to Company I, 5th Ohio Vol. Cav., under the
brave Kilpatrick, and escaped any serious injury. In
political sentiment he has always adhered to the Republican party,
supporting its candidates and promoting its influence. In
fraternal connection he is associated with the Masonic body, belong
to Weyer Lodge, No. 541, of Centreville, Ohio, as are also his sons,
and he also belongs to Spangler Post, G. A. R., of Bellaire.
The religious connection of the family is with the Methodist Church
at Pleasant Hill.
~ Page 674 - Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 Page 674 |
JOHN WATSON, a representative farmer
and eminent citizen of Wheeling township, Belmont County, Ohio,
where so many years of his life have been spent upon a farm, has
followed agricultural pursuits to very good advantage, having
accumulated quite a competency, and is highly respected in his
community for his many excellent qualities. Mr.
Watson was born January 19, 1829, in Washington County,
Pennsylvania, on a farm near Canonsburg. He now owns 315 acres,
which includes one-fourth of the old Hammond farm,
which was acquired as a legacy to his wife, three-quarters of which
was purchased by our subject, and also the farm upon which our
subject resides, which was purchased by him some time since.
The handsome residence and other substantial improvements were all
made by Mr. Watson, who carries on general farming in
the most approved manner, but makes a specialty of raising fine
sheep; in fact, a great deal of his money has been made on sheep
alone, but he also raises a limited number of horses, cattle, hogs,
Thomas Watson, the father of our subject,
was a blacksmith by trade, and at one time resided in Canonsburg.
He subsequently removed to the farm near that place, where our
subject ,was born, and there continued in the blacksmith business
for several years. He married Jane, the eldest daughter
of William Hays, who lived at Plum Run, Washington County,
Pennsylvania, and who reared a family of seven children.
Our subject's parents had ten children, viz.,
James, Eliza Jane, Martha, William
Hays, Nancy, Mary Ann, John
(subject), Catherine, James F. and Rachel.
All are now deceased except three sisters, who reside at Canonsburg,
and one brother, James F., is a resident of Indiana.
James, the eldest son, died at the early age of nine years, and
Rachel at ten years. William died in Belmont
County in 1889, and Nancy passed to her rest the same year,
while Catherine died as recently as 1901.
December 18, 1867, united in marriage with Hammond,
the ceremony which bound them for life taking place at St.
Clairsville, Ohio. The first two years of their married life
were spent by the young people in Pennsylvania, after which they
removed to the farm formerly owned by subject’s father-in-law and
which was originally the property of Robert Hammond.
the paternal grandfather of Mrs. Watson. This
grandfather was a member of the Seceders’ Church, which afterward
was absorbed by the United Presbyterian. He died in 1845, and
his homestead passed to his youngest son, James Hammond,
the father of Mrs. Watson, and was later purchased by
our subject.
The elder Hammonds were of Irish descent and
were natives of Washington County, Pennsylvania. James
Hammond followed farming during all his active years.
After passing his 60th milestone he left the farm, which was the
birthplace of Mrs. Watson, and removed to St.
Clairsville, where the -losing years of his life were spent.
He attained the age of 72 years and left quite a comfortable estate
to his family. He possessed but a common-school education, but
close application to business brought its well earned freedom from
toil during his last years. Both he and his wife were members
of the United Presbyterian Church. He was twice married. By
his first union, with Jane Caldwell, three children
were born, two of whom still survive, Mrs. Watson
being the eldest of the family. She has one sister, residing
in Waterloo, Iowa. By his union with Susan Finney,
there were two children, who grew to maturity, both of them living
now near St. Clairsville, Ohio.
Mrs. Watson was born in 1841. Her
maternal grandfather, John Caldwell, emigrated to this
country from Ireland. He died in Pittsburg from a malignant
fever, and two or three of his sisters succumbed to the malady also.
The father of Mrs. Watson was brought to Ohio by his
parents at the age of three years. His parents located at that
time on the old Hammond farm, which the elder
Hammond cleared from the woods. The mother of Mrs.
Watson was a native of Ireland and accompanied her parents to
this country when seven years old. She was born in 1812 and
died in 1850. She was reared principally in Pennsylvania and
came to Belmont County when a young woman. Her husband was
born May 13, 1808, and survived her many years, 1880 marking the
date of his death.
Four children blessed the union of Mr. and
Mrs. Watson, as follows: James Hays,
born February 5, 1870; William W., born August 6, 1871;
Ella Jane, born September 9, 1873, and J. Walter,
born November 12, 1878. James H. married
Amanda Watson on the 19th day of March, 1896. His wife is
a daughter of Andrew W'atson of Guernsey County.
He has five children - Margaret H., born in February, 1897;
John Melvin, born in 1898; William G., born in
January, 1900, and twins, born in November, 1901, their names being
Winfield Hays and Mary Helen.
William W. is still unmarried and
remains at home on the farm. He was liberally educated at
Franklin College at New Athens, Ohio. Ella Jane, the eldest
daughter, was educated at the same institution. January 3,
1900. she married Jay B. Patton, and resides in Harrison
County, Ohio. Walter, the youngest son of our subject.
like his brothers and sister, was sent to Franklin College, from
which he graduated. For the past two years he has attended the
United Presbyterian Seminary at Allegheny, Pennsylvania, where he is
taking a theological course. He makes his home at the seminary
and has filled the pulpit on several occasions.
Mr. Watson is a man of broad, liberal ideas.
He has spent a great deal of money in rearing his family, and his
children are all the recipients of a liberal education. Two of
his sons, James and William W., have chosen the
vocation of their father and will be farmers. In politics our
subject was a faithful adherent of the Republican party up to 1884.
He was present at a political meeting in Pittsburg in 1856, and
during the same year cast his vote for Fremont. During the
campaign of 1884 he worked hard for Blaine, but the latter’s
attitude question in Maine soured him on Blaine and the Republican
party also. Since then Mr. Watson has used his
vote and influence with the Prohibitionists. However, he has
never been a politician, but has done his duty as a citizen, having
served on the election board, as supervisor and in various other
In his religious ideas our subject has been a lifelong
member of the United Presbyterian Church. He has been an elder
of the same since 1871, and has served upon several occasions as a
delegate to the General Assembly, particularly at Cambridge in 1878,
and at Allegheny in May, 1902. Both he and his wife can
remember attending church in the early days, listening to a sermon
in the forenoon, and after a luncheon another sermon of more than
the average length was delivered in the afternoon. Mr.
Watson has led an exemplary life. and has always been active
in church affairs and is beloved by all who know him. Mr.
Watson served nearly 35 years in Sabbath-school work.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 646 |

James H. Watt |
It is possible for the careful student of political economy and
human achievement to select in every community individuals who have
risen above their fellows, not on account of environment, but rather
in spite of it. Such was the case with the late James H. Watt.
The indomitable spirit which conquered early disadvantages was the
motive power which made of him the manufacturing magnate he finally
became, and charged the obscure little village foundry into one of the
great centers of activity in its line, with its products welcomed in
every part of the civilized globe.
The birth of James H. Watt took place at
Batesville, Noble County, Ohio, August 11, 1839. He grew to
manhood in Noble and Monroe counties. Malaga being the scene of
his most anxious efforts to fit himself for the vocation of teacher.
In 1862, after teaching in the county schools, he accompanied his
brother, Stewart, to Barnesville, Belmont County, and during
the 39 years vouchsafed him of life thereafter he was identified with
affairs in Barnesville and vicinity, which in many cases materially
affected the character and fortunes of some of her greatest
In the year 1862, in association with his respected
father, the late Joseph Watt, our subject started in a small
way in a foundry business, in a small building located in Barnesville,
on Church street. The business so modestly started grew in
strength and importance, and in 1865 the style was given to the public
as the firm of J. H. Watt & Brother, John W. Watt having become
a member. In 1867, this firm name was changed to J. H. Watt &
Brothers, Stewart Watt then entering the firm. The business
was inaugurated for the manufacture of stoves and castings, and the
output continued thus for a period of 18 years. In 1880 a patent
secured by James H. and Stewart Watt on a self-oiling mining
car wheel (with 13 other patents) caused additional business and
change in manufacture, resulting in 1882 in the formation of the Watt
Mining Car Wheel Company, of which James H. Watt was made the
president. The influx of outside trade, which the adoption of
the above-named patent brought to the company, necessitated the
enlargement of the buildings, and in 1890 and 1891 new buildings were
erected, covering all the available space on the old site; as
increased facilities were needed, a large tract of land was secured in
the northeast part of the city, where a huge structure of stone, brick
and steel represents the manufacturing plant of the company, which in
1862 could easily be accommodated in one dingy room. That this
wonderful growth and development can be attributed to the master mind
of James H. Watt, his brothers, the present owners and
managers, are the first to declare. He was the oldest of a
family of gifted business men and his energy and business faculty,
combined with a sureness of judgment and tenacity of purpose, guided
the great enterprise through the shoals of its earlier existence into
the calm waters of success. AT his death the business was
reorganized with the election of the following officers: R.
Ross Watt, president and general manager; John W. Watt,
vice president and treasurer; P. H. Laughlin, secretary, and
Stewart Watt, superintendent. This company, which stands as
a monument to the ability of the late James H. Watt, is the
largest industry of its kind in the United States, and its products
are in demand all over the world.
On December 30, 1875, James H. Watt was united
in marriage with Elizabeth Adams, and this union was
blessed with four children—Anna M., Mary, Clyde A. and H. Huston—who,
with his widow, still survive. The death of Mr. Watt
took place May 2, 1902, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The obsequies
were conducted according to the beautiful ritual of the Masonic
fraternity, with which he had been connected for 34 years, and a
touching testimonial to his place in the estimation of his employees
and the public was given by the presence of the latter in great
numbers, and also of the teachers and pupils of the High School, all
anxious to show their grief for one whose efforts had so long been
directed to the betterment of industrial conditions and educational
advancement. Mr. Watt was also a Knight of Pythias,
being a charter member of Warren Lodge and one of its interested
promoters. Although his name had never been placed upon the
rolls of the Presbyterian Church, his life was connected with that
religious body by services in many positions and constant attendance.
His advocacy was sincere and his support to be relied upon for every
measure of religion, education or worthy enterprise which came to his
notice, and his private benefactions exceeded his public ones.
Although absorbed in the business which his great plant
brought to him constantly, Mr. Watt was also interested
in other enterprises which caused growth in his city. During the
greater part of the time of its existence he was an active member of
the Warren Gas & Oil Company, and served as its president for several
years preceding the sale of its lands to the Union Gas Company. He
aided in various ways in the development of the oil fields in this
region and was interested in valuable holdings in the new field south
of Barnesville. He was one of the organizers of the Barnesville Glass
Company, of which he was a director for a number of years. He was also
president of the Green-mount Cemetery Association for many years; this
office he was holding at the time of his death. He served as the first
president of the Barnesville Canning Company and was one of the chief
investors in the establishing of the People's National Bank of
Barnesville. Mr. Watt never sought public office, but
served several terms in the City Council, his sound judgment and
practical wisdom making him a valuable member of that body. He
assisted greatly in organizing the Belmont-Monroe Reunion Association,
was its first president, and much of its success was due to his
efforts. The employees of the Watt Mining Car Wheel Company testify to
his personal interest in them and their affairs, and acknowledge that
mainly through his encouragement many of them own their own homes and
are accumulating means. One trait of Mr. Watt still deserves
mention in this all too brief memorial, and that was his memory of
past favors and of the friends of his earlier years. No change in
fortune or accession of riches changed a nature which was manly and
true to the core.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 383 |
JOHN W. WATT, vice-president and treasurer
of the Watt Mining Car Wheel Company, of Barnesville, Ohio, a position
of prominence and responsibility, was born in Louisville, Ohio, in
December, 1843. Until the age of 13 years he resided with his parents
in Harrietsville, at which time the family located at Malaga, Ohio,
where the greater part of his education was secured. In 1864 he
located in Barnesville, and engaged in teaming for a year in this
city, entering the army for service in the Civil War in the spring of
1865. He enlisted in Company D, 185th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., and served
until the latter part of September of the same year. After his
honorable discharge, he returned to Barnesville.
In 1862 his father, the late Joseph Watt, with
our subject's brother, the late James H. Watt, had started a
foundry business, and after our subject's return from the army he also
became a partner; in 1867 another brother, the well-known Stewart
Watt, who is now the efficient general superintendent of the
company, entered the firm, which then became J. H. Watt & Brothers.
For 18 years this foundry engaged in the manufacture of stoves and
castings, but in 1880 James H. and Stewart Watt
introduced their patent self-oiling mining car wheel, which proved so
great a success that two years later the company was formed which has
since enlarged and expanded until its goods are of world-wide use.
Upon the death of James H. Watt, in 1902, the Watt Mining Car
Wheel Company was reorganized, with officers as follows: R. Ross
Watt, president and general manager; John W. Watt,
vice-president and treasurer; P. H. Laughlin. secretary; and
Stewart Watt, superintendent. The above officers represent the
largest manufacturing plant of its kind in the United States, one
whose high standard of goods and business methods have invaded every
country. From time to time the buildings have been enlarged to
accommodate the growing demands, and now occupy a large space in one
section of the city.
The first marriage of Mr. Watt took place in
December, 1871, to Euretta Stewart, who died in July, 1880,
leaving two children, Alma and Charles. The second
marriage was celebrated in July, 1883, to Belle M. Blakemore,
daughter of James Blakemore, one of Belmont County's
leading citizens. Two children wore born to this union, the one
surviving being Earl B. Mrs. Watt is
a valued member of the Methodist Church. Our subject's fraternal
association is with the Knights of Pythias, and he is politically
identified with the Republican party. The family moves in the best
social life of the city, and Mr. Watt is regarded as one
of its representative and useful men.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 353 |
JOSEPH WATT, who for a number of years
was a leading manufacturer and prominent business man of Barnesville,
Belmont County, Ohio, was born December 25, 1809, and died January 29,
1879. He was reared and schooled in Belmont County, and after 1862 his
business interests were centered here.
In association with his son, the late James H. Watt,
Joseph Watt entered upon a foundry business, on a small
scale, which in later years developed into the great industry known
all over the world as the Watt Mining Car Wheel Company. In 1868, a
foundry was started at the southeast corner of South street and
Broadway, Barnesville. in what was then known as the old hominy mill,
the property of W. R. Moore. The proprietors of the
concern were McKewen & Crozier. The plant was later
transferred to a building situated on lot 86. After several changes,
this plant was purchased by Allen Alexander, who
operated it for a short time, and then sold it to J. H. Watt &
Brothers. The Watt foundry was situated on the site of the
present Eli Moore Opera House. As trade increased, it was
enlarged, and after the company began the manufacture of a patent,
self-oiling car wheel, larger accommodations became necessary.
Accordingly, in 1890 and 1891, arose the great steel, stone and brick
structure now known as the plant of the Watt Mining Car Wheel
Company, that being the corporate title of the company. This plant
employs 130 men, locally, and 20 others are constantly engaged on the
outside, in the preparation of lumber. It is an establishment of great
importance, not only to Belmont County, but also to the State, its
products being in active demand all over the industrial world.
Joseph Watt married Maria Slack, and eight
children were born to their union, namely: Mrs. M. W. Edgar;
James H., deceased; John W.; Stewart R.; R. Ross;
Rose; Jennie; and Mrs. B. F. Stewart, who passed from this
life in May, 1899. The three surviving sons of this family are,
practically, the owners of the Watt Mining Car Wheel Company.
Mr. Watt's death was generally lamented, as he was held in high
esteem in his community. He was known as an honorable business man and
an upright and exemplary citizen, while his personal loss was deeply
mourned by many devoted relatives and friends.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 352 |
president and general manager, and also the junior member, of the
Watt Mining Car Wheel Company, of Barnesville, Ohio, is one of the
progressive and energetic young business men which the great
development of industries here has brought to the front. The
times require active brains and youthful energy and these are
supplied by capable, self-poised, and intelligent young men like
R. Ross Watt.
Mr. Watt was born Apr. 17, 1861, in Monroe
County, Ohio, where he was reared. He attended the public
schools of Barnesville, and graduated from the High School. He
is a son of Joseph and Maria (Slack) Watt, most highly
respected residents of Monroe County. In 1877, Mr.
Watt became connected with the Watt Mining Car Wheel
Works in the capacity of bookkeeper, and when the concern was
organized into a stock company, in 1882, he became financially
interested in it and was made secretary and treasurer, in which
capacities he continued until May, 1902. The death of his
brother, James H. Watt, who was the president of the company,
then caused a change to be made, and the officers of the company now
are: R. R. Watt, president and general manager; W. Watt,
vice-president and treasurer; P. H. Laughlin, secretary, and
Stewart Watt, superintendent. The Watt
Mining Car Wheel Works constitutes a leading industry of Belmont
County, and gives employment to more persons than any other concern
in the county. Mr. Watt is very popular with his
employees and is regarded as one of the leading business men of this
On June 11, 1891, Mr. Watt was united in
marriage with Mary Lewis, a daughter of J. Milton
Lewis, president of the First National Bank of Barnesville.
Two children have been born to this union, Alice, and
Lewis, who bears his grandfather’s honored name. Mr.
and Mrs. Watt are consistent members of the Presbyterian Church
and take an active part in its benevolent and charitable work.
In the Masonic fraternity, Mr. Watt is well known, and
is in active affiliation with its many bodies. His political
sympathy is entirely with the Republican party, although he has no
political ambitions. The family home is one of the most
beautiful in Barnesville, which is noted for the taste and elegance
displayed in its residences. Mr. Watt and his
wife are prominent factors in the higher circles of its social life.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 524 |
STEWART WATT, general superintendent and
one of the members of the firm comprising the Watt Mining Car Wheel
Company, of Barnesville, Ohio, an inventor of ability and a successful
man of business, is also a leading citizen in the public, religious
and social life of the city of his choice, in which he owns one of the
most beautiful, as well as hospitable, homes.
The birth of Mr. Watt took place in
Harrietsville, Ohio, June 21, 1846, and he was reared and educated
both in Noble and Monroe counties. Until he was 17 years old he
remained at home, engaged in farm work, but in the spring of 1863 he
came to Barnesville, where his father, the late Joseph Watt,
and his brother, the late James H. Watt, were engaged in a
foundry business, and entered as an employee, in 1867 becoming a
partner, when the firm name became J. H. Watt & Brothers. A
practical mechanic and a young man of inventive genius, his activity
was constantly in the line of improvement, and in the invention of the
self-oiling mining car wheel he not only gained reputation for himself
and brother, James H. Watt, with whom he was associated,
but also gave an impetus to the foundry business, which later was
developed into the Watt Mining Car Wheel Company; he was then made
superintendent of the works. James H. and Stewart
Watt secured the first patent on November 2, 1880, and our subject
immediately went upon the road, intro-during the car wheel into many
States, with unexpected and flattering success. Upton his return he
took charge of the shops of the foundry, and in his capable, efficient
manner has regulated a business of enormous volume, which now has
penetrated into almost every part of the globe and is a part of the
invasion which foreign lands have begun to fear from American captains
of industry and their products. Mr. Watt with his able
brother, the late James H. Watt, was the patentee of 14
patents which are made use of in the construction of the car wheels in
this foundry, some of which patents cover the English field.
In 1868 Mr. Watt was united in marriage
with Anna M. Bundy, daughter of Ezekiel Bundy, one of
the highly respected citizens of Warren township, and six children
were born to this union, namely: Forrest H., who is employed as
a manager in the foundry; Daisy B., who married W. K.
Pendleton, a noted minister of the Christian Church; William E.
and Walter G., both of whom are in school; an infant that died
a babe; and Olga M., whose death occurred on November 9,
1895, a beautiful young woman of 22 years, whose decease cast a shadow
over the city's social circles. She was a graduate of the High School
and was gifted in many ways, being particularly accomplished in the
art of china painting, many exquisite samples of her work being
treasured by relatives and friends. The religious connection of Mr.
Watt and family is with the Presbyterian Church. He is advanced
in Masonry and is a charter member of Warren Lodge, Knights of
Mr. Watt has been too deeply absorbed in
business to find time to accept offices of great responsibility,
although his prominence in the Republican party and his eminent
fitness are generally recognized, but he has served in the City
Council for more than 10 years, during this time advocating
strenuously the paving of the streets, he being the first member of
the Council to present this subject before that body. He is the owner
of considerable real estate in the city, and with his brother,
James H., erected 20 houses; he has done much for the permanent
improvement of Barnesville. At the death of James H. Watt our
subject was made president of the Belmont-Monroe Reunion Association.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 375 |
pastor of St. John's Roman Catholic Church, at Bellaire, Ohio, a
scholarly man of quiet tastes and useful life, is a well-beloved
resident of this city, esteemed in the highest degree, both in his
parish and among the fellow-citizens.
The birth of Father Wehrle took place at Newark,
Licking County, Ohio, in 1865. He is a son of Col. Joseph
Christian Wehrle, who died in 1890, aged 54 years, having been a
loyal soldier and a prominent manufacturer of Ohio.
Col. Joseph Christian Wehrle was a native of
Prussia, Germany, and came to America a poor boy of 13 years,
accompanying his father, who followed the trade of nailsmith and
blacksmith. During his youth it was Joseph's duty to
peddle the nails which his father made by the old hand process, and
this precluded any great amount of schooling. Later he learned
the trade of molder, became successful in the business and thoroughly
identified himself with the interests of his adopted land. At
the outbreak of the Civil War he raised a company in Licking County at
his own expense, entered the service as its captain (the company being
assigned to the 76th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf.), received just promotion
and served as one of General Sherman's colonels. In
February, 1865, Colonel Wehrle married a daughter of Michael
Morath, who at that time was a wealthy brewer, owning the largest
brewery in the State of Ohio, or between Pittsburg and St. Louis.
After marriage Colonel Wehrle entered the
wholesale liquor business, but later purchased a foundry at Newark,
and entered into a partnership with John Moser. Beginning
in a small way, they gradually enlarged the business, and needing more
land, secured a tract of three or four acres upon which they erected
an immense plant and engaged extensively in the manufacture of stoves
and ranges. Later Colonel Wehrle purchased Mr. Moser's
interest, in the business is now carried on by his two sons,
William and Augustine. This plant is reputed to have
the largest tonnage of any foundry in the country, and employs about
1,000 men. The two sisters of Father Wehrle are Mary,
a resident of Columbus, and Cecelia, who lives at home.
Father Wehrle was not designed for the
priesthood by his father, whose large business interests offered an
inviting field for the youth's commercial and worldly advancement.
His inclinations, however, were toward a religious life from early
boyhood, and the unusual development of his mental faculties marked
him for a life which the rush and clangor of business would not
satisfy. His elementary education was acquired in the parochial
schools at Newark, Ohio, and in 1879 he entered St. Vincent's College
at Latrobe, Pennsylvania, graduating there in the commercial
department in 1881, being one of 11 graduates in a class of 26, the
high standard of scholarly excellence demanded by the course not being
reached by the others. At this time one of his professors was
the present noted Bishop Leo Haid, of North Carolina. It
was at his father's request, who desired him to prepare for West
Point, that he then entered the classical course at St. Vincent, and
although he could not sympathize with his father in the latter's
desire for him to adopt a military career, he so applied himself that
he completed the thorough and comprehensive course of five years in
three, graduating also at the head of his class in 1884, caring off
the highest honors. One of his well-known classmates was
Father Hugh Ewing of Columbus, Ohio. Selecting the seminary,
he there completed a course in philosophy in 1886, obtaining the
degree of A. B. Having finally secured his father's consent,
Father Wehrle took up the study of theology in preparation for the
priesthood, and two years later graduated with the degree of M. A.,
but on account of his age was obliged to defer his ordination several
months, this ceremony being performed August 15, 1889, at Newark,
Ohio, by Bishop Watterson. He was at once placed
in charge of a parish in Scioto County and located at Wheelersburg,
where he remained until 1895. The succeeding year was spent in
travel abroad, through Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Egypt and
Palestine, returning in January, 1896. He was immediately placed
in charge of St. John's Parish, at Bellaire, Ohio, which contained at
that time 300 families. Since the labors of Father Wehrle
began there has been a constant increase, until now the parish has
more than 600 families, with a flourishing parochial school.
Few men in business life have attained to more
prominence from humble beginnings than did the late Col. Joseph
Christian Wehrle, who with ability made a career for himself which
reflected credit upon himself, his family and his adopted State.
He was an earnest and his adopted State. He was an earnest and
active member of the Republican party, and his chosen friends were
such men as the late ex-President Hayes, Governor Foster
and Chief Justice Woods, and was so highly regarded by the
lamented President Garfield as to have been tendered by him the
position of United States Minister to Germany.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 399 |
DR. HOMER WEST was born Feb. 18,
1874, at St. Clairsville, Ohio. He received a collegiate
education at Franklin College, New Athens, Ohio, from which
institution he was graduated in 1894. He was a graduate in
medicine of the University of New York, receiving the Doctor's
degree in1897.
After returning from the medical school, he located at
Benwood and McMechen. Dr. Homer comes from a family of
physicians. His father was for years a leading physician and
citizen of Belmont County. Of his older brothers, three are
physicians of high character: Dr. John E., of Jersey
City, New York; J. Park, of Bellaire; and S. L., of
St. Clairsville. Thus connected, as well as equipped by
thorough training, his success is not problematical.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 149 |
DR. J. PARK WEST was born June 27,
1858. His medical education was in the Ohio Medical College,
Cincinnati, Ohio, being graduated therefrom in the class of 1882.
He located in Bellaire, Ohio, the same year, and has continued in
the one location.
There are few, if any, medical men in our county that
can claim a larger need of success in the practice of medicine.
His practice is large and his income good, above the average.
The Doctor has taken a number of post-graduate courses, and now
stands high in his profession.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 151 |
prominent physician of Belmont County, Ohio, and a resident of St.
Clairsville, where he was born Feb. 23, 1860. He is a son of
Dr. Henry West, who was born in Jefferson County, Ohio,
near the Belmont County line, in 1810.
Dr. Henry West received his medical training in
the Ohio Medical College, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and began his
practice at Bridgeport, in Belmont County. In 1840, he removed
to St. Clairsville, where he continued in practice until his death,
in 1887. He was married three times. and Dr. Samuel L. West
was a son of his second wife, Agnes Parker, who died
in 1867, leaving four children, as follows: Lura, the wife of
R. R. Barrett, of Moundsville, West Virginia; Dr. James P.,
of Bellaire, Ohio; Dr. Samuel L., the subject of this sketch,
and Henry, deceased. The first wife of Dr. Henry
West was, before marriage, Adaline Kirkwood, by whom he
had the following children: Mary B. (Carroll); Joseph H.;
Sarah (Askew); John E.; Benjamin F.;
William K.; and Adaline K. (Lane).
Dr. Henry West's third marriage was with Mary
Jane Douglas, by whom he had five children, as follows:
Ella D. (Enoch); Agnes (West);
Simon B.; Homer S.; and Honor B. (Shaw).
Dr. Samuel L. West received his primary education
in St. Clairsville, where he attended the High School. He
studied pharmacy there, and was engaged in a drug store for six
years. He then took up the study of medicine at the Ohio
Medical College, in Cincinnati, and was graduated with the class of
1883. He immediately began the practice of his profession at
St. Clairsville, where he still follows it. He has a large and
lucrative practice, and is ranked among the foremost physicians of
Belmont County. He has a thorough knowledge of the science of
medicine, and is worthy of the confidence placed in his ability.
The subject of this sketch was married, July 18, 1902,
to Lulu M. Hutt, of Waverly, Pike County, Ohio.
Dr. West is a member and ex-vice president of
the Belmont County Medical Society. Fraternally, he is a
member of the Knights of Phythias.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 453 |
See Chapter
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 151 |
JOHN F. WHEATLEY has been a
general merchant for the past 25 years at Atlas, Belmont County,
Ohio, and is the very popular postmaster. He is a native of
Ohio, born in 1850, in Somerset township, Belmont County.
Levi Wheatley, the father of John F., was
born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and after a busy and
useful life of 70 years died in Belmont County Sept. 3, 1875.
For many years he taught school and later managed a farm in Somerset
township. In his early life he was a Whig in politics and
later was actively identified with the Republican party. Both
he and wife were consistent members of the Methodist Church.
The mother of our subject was Lydia Heck, who was born in
Monroe County, Ohio, and died in 1858, at the age of 35 years.
The four children born to the parents of John F. Wheatley
were as follows: Mary S., who married John F.
Wheaton, of West Virginia; William deceased; John F.,
of this sketch; and Frederick D., deceased.
Mr. Wheatley obtained an excellent education
under the supervision of his father, and followed the trade of
shoemaker for some years. Later he embarked in a mercantile
business at Atlas and has also engaged in the manufacture of cigars.
For 25 years he has kept the leading general store in the village,
and has a trade which extends over a wide territory. Mr.
Wheatley is well known as an active member of the Republican
party and he has very capably served in a number of the township
offices, has been judge of election and trustee and for a long
period, a notary public. He is a man of social instincts, and
was for many years a member of the local lodge of Odd Fellows and a
charter member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge, NO. 331.
In 1872 Mr. Wheatley married Margaret A.
Finley, who was born in Somerset township in 1852, a daughter of
Jacob and Esther Finley, and a family of five children was
born to this union, viz.: Charles D., employed in the steel
works; Jacob W., a justice of the peace; William C., a
cigar manufacturer, at Atlas; Lucy A., who married Phineas
McKendree, of Speidel, Ohio; and George, deceased.
Mrs. Wheatley is a most esteemed member of the Christian
Church. In all the relations of life, Mr. Wheatley has
shown himself a man of excellent judgment and a high standard of
honor, and he is very highly regarded through Somerset township for
his many sterling qualities.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 816 |
the popular and efficient mayor of the city of Barnesville, Ohio, is
one of the leading and representative young men of the city, with
whose civic affairs he has been identified since 1898.
Mayor James A. White is an Ohio product.
He was born in Muskingum County, October 13, 1872, and is one
of a family of five children born to Alexander and Christina
(Hammond) White, both of whom were also natives of Ohio. Alexander
White followed agricultural pursuits until his death, which
occurred in 1890. His widow still survives him, and finds a
congenial home with her son, James A.
A good, common-school education was afforded James
A. White in his boyhood, but his knowledge of the higher
branches was acquired by his own efforts, in the evenings, after the
finishing of his day’s work in the planing mill, where he continued
for 18 months. He attended Mount Union College for one year,
and later matriculated in Muskingum College, from which he graduated
with the class of 1898. For some time he was engaged in
teaching, and followed this profession with much success. In
1891, he located in Barnesville, and three years afterward was
chosen as a teacher in Warren township; he continued in that
capacity until 1897. In 1898, he was elected mayor of this
city, on the Citizens’ ticket, and so excellent was his municipal
rule that in 1900 he was re-elected on the Republican ticket.
This was certainly a personal triumph, and it was made more notable
by a second reelection in 1902. At each election, he was also
made a justice of the peace. His able administration has won
him the confidence of all factions, and there are few men in public
life who are so universally and justly popular.
Mr. White is a prominent citizen, outside
of politics. His interest in the growth and development of the
city in every way is continued and earnest. He has served on
the School Board, has been one of the county executive officers, and
has exerted his influence in favor of every laudable enterprise.
He is a Mason, a Knight of Pythias, and also belongs to the Jr. O.
U. A. M. For a number of years, he has been connected with the
Methodist Church, and is active in assisting in its benevolent work.
He has been a Sunday school teacher for several years, and is now
serving as president of the Epworth League. He was a member of
the Methodist Episcopal Conference held at Chicago, Illinois, in
May, 1900, having been selected as one of six from the East Ohio
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 591 |

William H. White |
In noting the representative men of Belmont County, William H.
White must take a prominent position, not only as an honored
survivor of the great Civil War, but as the oldest continuous
resident and the first mayor of the town of Belmont, Ohio, in whose
growth and development
he has been an important factor.
Mr. White was born in Belmont County,
Ohio, September 6, 1841, and is a son of Benjamin and Margaret E.
(Phipps) White, the former of whom was a native of Pennsylvania
and the latter of Ohio. Early in the “thirties,” Benjamin
White came to Belmont County from Mount Pleasant, Jefferson
County, and engaged in a tanning business in which he was later
associated with his sons. For 65 years he followed this
occupation, which at that time was a very necessary and common one,
and, although he amassed no great fortune, he lived in comfort and
reared a large family. He
was born April 6, 1806, and died May 10, 1894. Mr.
White was thrice married, the first time to Rebecca
Sidwell, who died in 1837. The second marriage was to
Margaret E. Phipps, who died at the age of 45 years, on
Christmas Day, 1865. His third marriage was to the Widow
Stonebraker. The mother of our subject, whose memory inspires
many tender reminiscences, was a model woman in every situation in
life,- a perfect Christian, a kind and sympathizing and helpful
neighbor, a faithful wife and a most devoted mother. Our
subject is one of a family of nine children, which are herewith
mentioned in order of birth: Albert P., William H., Mary P.,
Rosabella, Ann Eliza, Lydia A., Regina, Alice,
and Seward. The survivors are: Albert P., who is a
resident of Lamira, Ohio, and was formerly principal of the Bellaire
public schools; William H., who is the subject of this
sketch; Lydia A. (Mrs. Simon Garber),
who resides in Los Angeles, California; Regina (Mrs.
Christian W. Tillett), who resides in Barnesville; and Seward,
who is a merchant at Los Angeles, California. The record of those
deceased is as follows: Mary P., born April 3, 1843, died
December 22, 1851 ; Rosabella, born in April, 1845, married
William Heskett, and died November 23, 1880; Ann
Eliza, born April 17, 1846, died September 20, 1848; and
Alice, born April 17, 1856, died February 26, 1861. The children
of the first marriage of our subject’s father were: John 5., who
resides in Brighton, Iowa; Jacob M., who was born January 13,
1830, and died in 1859; and Rebecca, who was born September 30,
1837, married Isaac Drummond and resides in Kansas.
Our subject received a good common-school education and
was becoming of great assistance to his father in the tanning
business when the outbreak of the Civil War gave a new trend to his
life, turning the tanyard boy into a manly defender of his country’s
honor and bringing in its train experiences which have influenced
his whole later life. On June 5, 1861, he enlisted at St.
Clairsville in Company A, 25th Reg, Ohio Vol. Inf., under Capt.
James F. Charlesworth, and has the decided honor of being in the
first company enlisted for three years in Belmont County. The
first battle in which the young soldier took part was in 1861 at
Cheat Mountain, where the Union forces were victorious. Then at
Greenbrier River, Camp Baldwin, and then McDowell, our subject kept
learning the great game of war, and later, when General
Milroy joined forces with General Fremont, engaged
with the latter’s command in the campaign in the Shenandoah Valley.
On June 8, 1862, he took part in the battle of Cross Keys, where
Colonel Charlesworth was wounded, and then with the command
crossed the Blue Ridge Mountains and took part in the battle of
Cedar Mountain, where General Banks was defeated by General
Jackson. The next battle was the Second Bull Run, under
General Pope, and immediately after, Mr. White was taken sick and
was sent to the Manion House hospital, where he was kept
until the spring of 1863. Rejoining his command at Aqua Creek
Landing, he was in time to take part in the battle of
Chancellorsville, May 2-3, 1863, followed by the slaughter at
Gettysburg, and in the 11 days’ engagement in the vicinity our
subject received a wound in the knee. He was taken prisoner and
placed in what was called a hospital, but received no surgical
attention and after the battle was over was retaken by the Union
forces. As a sample of some of the experiences gone through with by
that band which each year is “growing a little grayer, a little
slower, a little fewer,” it is meet that the younger generation
should read and remember such incidents as the following: Mr.
White relates that while he was lying in agony in the
hospital, with his leg swollen to twice its size, a Federal surgeon
came to him and, after probing the wound, said: “No remedy but to
have the limb amputated,” and the reply given by our subject was
worthy that of a hero,—“If it must be done, you can't get the knife
into it too soon for me.” The surgeon replied to this: “I am worn
out, have had no time for either dinner or supper and have had no
rest all day and am going to find a farm house and try to sleep, and
will return in the morning and make the amputation.” The agony of
mind and body of our subject can scarcely be imagined, al though an
amputation, especially at an army hospital in those days before the
successful use of anaesthetics and prior to the discoveries of
Pasteur and Lister for protection of wounded surfaces, was something
which filled the mind with horror, it seemed preferable to Mr.
White than to endure the pain which then distracted him.
The morning came, but it brought no surgeon, and consequently Mr.
White still has the use of his two limbs, quite recovered.
The father of our subject came to the hospital to take him home, but
could only succeed in transporting him as far as Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, no permit being given to take him farther. Here our
subject was placed in the Cotton Factory hospital and remained there
until October, 1863, when the order was given to transfer all Ohio
patients to Columbus and in the hospital there he was kept until
December, when a surgical examination placed him in the invalid
corps and he was sent to Indianapolis, where he was employed in
guard duty over prisoners until June, 1864, when, at the close of
his three years, he was honorably discharged.
Upon his return from the army, Mr. White
again worked at the tanning business and in 1866 engaged in a livery
business at Belmont. Following this, he was employed in
various enterprises, did mason work and plastering for some years
and in 1888 resumed tanning, adding a harness and saddle department
to his other lines. Selling out in 1895, Mr. White
then bought property in Belmont and remodeled it, making a town
hall, which he later sold to the Odd Fellows, and since that time
has been most successful in his handling of property. He is a
man of excellent business ability, quick to seize opportunities and
possesses an energy and industry, which has brought its reward in
the accumulation of a large amount of real estate of great value.
His home farm consists of six acres, which makes 22 town lots, with
one acre of ground surrounding his comfortable and homelike
residence, which has one of the most beautiful locations in Belmont,
on a bluff overlooking the town, and the house is surrounded with
choice and well-selected shade and fruit trees, truly a home which
combines all that is best in both town and country.
Mr. White was married January 2, 1868, to
Laura J. Widdoes. a native of Belmont County, and a daughter
of Isaac and Louisa Widdoes, the former of whom was born in
Pennsylvania and the latter in Flushing, Ohio. The father of
Mrs. White came to Ohio in the “forties,” a shoemaker
by trade, but later be came a seaman. The mother of Mrs.
White died September 20, 1858, aged 31 years. She was a
daughter of John and Hannah Fisher, of Loudoun County,
Virginia. Mrs. White is one of two children born
to her parents, her sister being Mrs. Elizabeth
Justice, wife of James Justice, of New Athens, Ohio.
The five children born to Mr. and Mrs. White were named as
follows: Clayton L., Anna L., Lizzie J., Dora M., and
Walter G. Clayton L. White is a barber in
Belmont and is well and favorably known. He married Ora
Myers and they have one son, William L. Beal, born
on May 14, 1902, the same day that the Beal law was adopted, making
Belmont a prohibition town, hence the addition of Beal to the
babe’s name. Anna L. married L. R. Carmen, a
merchant of Belmont, and they have two children, - Enoch W.
and an infant daughter. Lizzie J. married John B.
Colley and they reside at Coshocton, Ohio, where Mr.
Colley owns a cigar store. Dora M. married
Samuel Riemenschneider, of Bethesda, Ohio, and they have
one daughter, - Bernice. W alter G. White, who is employed on
the railroad, married Ollie Surprize of this county,
and they have one child, Vivian. Both our subject and
his wife are members of the Christian Church. Mrs.
White is a lady of most engaging personality and much esteemed
by all who know her. Mr. White was made the
first mayor of Belmont and has never ceased his public-spirited
endeavors, and has favored and fostered all her worthy enterprises.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 711 |
A. W. WILCOX, justice of the peace at
Bethesda, Goshen township, Belmont County, also carries on general
farming, leading the life of a most intelligent and active citizen.
He was born Feb. 12, 1854, and his parents were Isaac and
Parthena (Fletcher) Wilcox, native of Belmont County.
Mr. Wilcox was educated in the common schools
and took a more comprehensive course at the Hopedale Normal College
and became a teacher in country schools. During the last years
he taught, as well as afterward, he held the office of township
clerk, after which he entered the mercantile business at Ozark,
Monroe County, Ohio. In 1887 he removed to Goshen township,
where he purchased a farm, and has been a farmer ever since.
Sept. 30, 1885, he was united in marriage with
Frances A. Patterson, a daughter of William and Harriet
Patterson, both of whom are deceased. They were blessed
with one child, Hazel D., and in her their hopes are
Politically our subject is a thorough believer in the
principles set forth by the Republican party. Mr. Wilcox
is a liberal patron and believer in the Chautauqua Assembly, which
is located in Goshen township, this county. Fraternally, he is
a member of Belmont Lodge, No. 277, I. O. O. F., of Belmont, Ohio.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 758 |
JOHN M. WILKINS, who is numbered
among the influential farmers of Belmont County, Ohio, is a general
farmer, owning about 149 acres of cultivated land in Richland
township. He was born on the home place in 1846 and resides
there today.
Mr. Wilkins is a son of Robert
and Margaret (Murray) Wilkins, both natives
of Richland township, and now deceased. Robert Wilkins
became an agriculturist and also raised stock to some extent,
becoming quite successful in his occupation. He married
Margaret Murray, whose father was bridge contractor on
the old National Road. She died in 1893, when 76 years of age,
leaving as mourners her husband and several children. She was
the mother of six children, namely: Augusta, Lydia,
James, John M., Robert and Ellen; but
Robert, James and Augusta are now passed away. Lydia
and our subject are still single and live on the home place. Ella
is the widow of Dr. George Close and now makes her
home with our subject also, the farm being near St. Clairsville, on
the north.
Our subject’s parents were devoted in their membership
in the M. E. Church, and reared their children in this faith also.
In politics Mr. Wilkins was a Republican and an
earnest worker for party welfare. Socially he was a member of
St. Clairsville Lodge of the I. O. O. F. At his death in June, 1899,
he was 81 years old, and in losing him, the county lost one of its
truest and best citizens.
John M. Wilkins fully understands the management
of his acres, and his home surroundings show that he is both
prosperous and progressive. He is liberal in both religious and
political views and takes much interest in the work of either class.
As a well-meaning citizen he has the honor and respect of all his
fellow men.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 678 |
born Nov. 13, 1847, was educated at Mount Union College and
graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, March, 1873. He
has taken a post-graduate course at the Clinical School of Medicine.
He has practiced all his life at Martin's Ferry, Ohio. Dr.
Williams is one of the leading physicians of that city. He
is an active, live member of the society, always willing to perform
his share. The Doctor fills the character of a good and
faithful family physician and there can be no greater honor.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1903 - Page 152 |
was born in Berks County, Pennsyulvania, on the 15th of October,
1810. In 1818 he came west to the neighborhood of Barnesville,
Ohio. He located in Guernsey County, Ohio, to practice medicine, in
the spring of 1834, and removed to Barnesville in March, 1839,
remaining there until his death, Apr. 15, 1887. He continued
in active practice until a few years of his death.
Dr. Williams was one of the last of that class
of noble men, representing in the earlier days the work of the
They were as a class far above all that was low and
mean and had the good of the patient always in mind.
It is to be hoped their example may not be without good
to the younger members who follow them.
- See
Chapter XIII
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 147 |
THOMAS L. WILLIAMS, councilman
from the Fourth Ward of Martin’s Ferry. Belmont County, Ohio,
was elected to that position in April, 1902. He is an
enterprising young man. He is a tinworker by trade and is now
engaged in the Laughlin Mill as roller. The parents of our
subject were married in 1871 in England and left directly afterward
for the United States. They landed in Richmond, Virginia, the
birthplace of our subject, and lived there until Thomas L.
had attained the age of 3 months, and then removed to Martin’s
Ferry. which has ever since been their home. The father
learned the trade of a roller in England and immigrated to this
country with the view of working in the mills here. He rolled
the first iron ever rolled in the Ohio Valley Rolling Mill, which
afterward became the Laughlin Mill. At the present time he is
a sheet heater in the Aetna Standard Mill and is a prominent
workman. He is now 51 years of age, and is trustee of the
River View Cemetery, although he never has cared to accept offices.
In fraternal circles he is a prominent Mason, being a member of the
chapter. His wife is now 53 years of age, and they have had
five children, our subject being the eldest, whom they reared in the
faith of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
The children of our subject's parents were:
Thomas L., our subject; Fred G., working in the mill;
Lottie, who married George Heil, a butcher, of Martin’s
Ferry; Nettie, engaged in the millinery business and a member
of the firm of Foreman & Williams of Martin’s Ferry,
and Harry, who still attends school.
Thomas L. Williams received a good education in
the public schools of Martin’s Ferry, where he has lived since
September, 1873. At the close of his school days he was in the
bicycle business and is the holder of several road records in
Wheeling and Chicago and local century runs. He was also one
of the first to introduce football in this vicinity, being manager
and right tackle of the old Y. M. C. A. team, and also manager of
the Vigilant Athletic Club, which organization played some of the
best teams in this district. After leaving the bicycle
business he was engaged in the men’s furnishing business for a short
time and in 1896 went into the American Tin Plate Company’s employ
and is now roller, rendering good, capable service.
Oct. 16, 1895, our subject was united in marriage with
Isabel Johnson, a native of Ohio and a daughter of
Charles A. and Mary J. Johnson, the latter an honored resident
of Martin's Ferry. Mr. Johnson, who died at the
age of 47 years in 1878, served three years when the Civil War was
in progress, enlisting at New Castle, Pennsylvania. Mrs.
Williams is one of nine children, and those besides herself
are: Charles, of Elwood, Indiana; Mary K., now Mrs.
P. Beck; John E.; George, who died when three
months old; Harry S., Philip and Unity B.
The most of these are residents of Martin’s Ferry.
Our subject and his wife have one child, Doris
Lottie. Mr. Williams’ attention has
various enterprises to claim it since he is on a number of
committees, such as street, waterworks. finance. fire department and
city scales, and is chairman of several of them. He is a
member of the Martin’s Ferry Fire Department and is secretary of the
Alert Hose Company, for further information of which see the sketch
of Dr. Darrah, also in this volume. He is owner
of the Ohio Valley Beagle Kennels, whose dogs are some of the finest
in the country. last year winning the National Derby at Wakefield,
New Jersey, besides numerous other firsts on the bench elsewhere.
They are a source of profit to their owner.
In fraternal circles Mr. Williams is also
prominent, affiliating with the Junior Order of United American
Mechanics, F. & A. M., and Belmont Chapter, R. A. M. He is a member
of the Lewis Avon Lodge. No. 34, of the Amalgamated Association of
Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, is now serving his fifth term as
financial secretary, and has represented the lodge at the last three
conventions, one at Milwaukee in 1901, and one in Wheeling in 1902;
also one at Pittsburg (a special) in 1902.
In politics Mr. Williams is a very active
Republican and has been a delegate to several county conventions.
He is a member of the famous Mark Hanna Club of Martin’s Ferry and
helped to organize it. Its reputation was that of one of the
best drilled clubs in the county. In every way our subject is
whole-hearted, congenial and courteous, hospitable and gentlemanly
in conduct, and most popular with his fellow citizens.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 543 |
JAMES S. WILSON, postmaster of
Somerton, Belmont County, Ohio, is a well-known and highly respected
citizen. He was born in Somerton in 1867, a son of Thomas
and Ellen (Strahl) Wilson, the former of whom was born in 1829
in Harrison County, Ohio, and now finds a pleasant and congenial
home with his son.
Thomas Wilson is an honored survivor of the
Civil War, enlisting in the 62nd Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf. and faithfully
se4rved his country during the progress of the Civil War. He
was wounded both on face and hands and for gallantry was promoted to
the rank of captain. It is a matter of note that his wounds
show that his face was to the foe. He has been honored by the
local Grand Army post by being made commander. He has held a
number of the township offices in the gift of the Republican party
and is a highly estimated citizen. His wife, Ellen Strahl,
was born in Belmont county, a daughter of Mahlon Strahl, and
she died in 1886 at the age of 56 years. Their children were:
John W., deceased; Mary, deceased; Jennie; Casper L.,
with the Pennsylvania Railroad in Bellaire; Dora, the wife of
Dr. C. H. Wittenbrook of Woodsfield; Harry E., in
business at Minneapolis, Minn., and James S., of
Mr. Wilson, although still a young man has
become proficient in a number of lines of business. After
completing his common school education he learned the stone-mason
trade in Somerton, and then spent four years in the creamery
business. Following this he accepted a clerkship with
the firm of Hogue & Shotwell, and during the five years of
his continuance there learned the principles of storekeeping, which
he now puts into practice to some extent, conducting a general store
in Somerton. He has always ardently supported the Republican
party and received the appointment as postmaster of Somerton on Aug.
10, 1897, and was reappointed in January, 1902. His service
has given the office and he is a much esteemed citizen.
In 1889 Mr. Wilson was married to Belle
Pearson, who was born in Bellsville, Monroe County, in 1868, a
daughter of Williaml and Mary (Jackson) Pearson, also
a sister of Hon. A. J. Pearson, of Woodsfield, Ohio. A
daughter was born to this union in 1890, named Nora B. Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson like their parents, enjoy membership in the
Methodist Church.
Mr. Wilson is fraternally connected with the local lodge of
Knights of Pythias.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - Page 403 |
respected resident of Martin's Ferry, Belmont County, Ohio, where he
is engaged in the laundry business, was born in Ontario, Canada,
Mar. 12, 1864, and is a son of James and Leslie (Lithgo) Wilson,
both natives of Scotland.
James Wilson moved from Scotland to Canada with
his wife in the early "forties," and there engaged in architecture
until 1858, when he moved to Pennsylvania. There he was an
early oil operator and producer at a time when the oil was hauled in
wagons to the refinery, tanks then being not in use. He
continued as a producer until his death by paralysis Apr. 10, 1880,
at the age of fifty-two years. He was a very successful and
highly esteemed business man. His wife died Dec. 17, 1881, at
the age of fifty-two years. Both were members of the
Presbyterian Church. Mr. Wilson was possessed of a fine
education and was especially proficient in mathematics. He was
a genial, courteous, temperate and industrious man, as highly
respected as he was widely known. He and his wife had eight
children as follows: David, who died in infancy;
Thomas, a resident of Michigan; James T., of Martin's
Ferry, who died Aug. 5, 1902; William L., of Hollsopple,
Pennsylvania; R. K., of Wilson's Laundry, at Bridgeport;
John R., subject of this sketch; P. A., a thorough
mechanic and marine engineer, located at Erie, Pennsylvania; and
Jessie, who died June 19, 1898, at the age of twenty-five, was
wife of A. R. Cochran of Martin's Ferry.
John R. Wilson's education has been mostly self
acquired and through contact with the world, as he received very
little schooling. His first business undertaking was in the
laundry at Martin's Ferry, which he owns. This he established
in March of 1890, and it has proved an excellent business venture.
He is numbered among the substantial and worthy men of the town, and
takes part in such enterprises as to him seems for the best
interests of the community.
Oct. 2, 1890, John R. Wilson was united in
marriage with Ella C. Ryan of Dayton, Ohio, a daughter of
William and Catherine Ryan, natives of Ireland. Her father
died Dec. 26, 1880, and her mother Dec. 25, 1899. Both were
members of the roman Catholic Church. To them were born six
children, namely: Mary, wife of Michael Ryan;
Katie, deceased, who was wife of Edward Partridge,
for many years clerk of courts in Cincinnati, Ohio; Margaret,
a resident of Dayton, Ohio; Hannah, who also resides at
Dayton; Ella C., wife of our subject; and William, who
died at the age of three years.
To Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have been born four children, as
follows: William L.; James C.; John R., Jr.;
and Robert E. Religiously, they are members of the
Presbyterian Church. Our subject is a member of the Ohio City
Lodge, No. 486, F. & A. M.; Belmont City Lodge, No. 221, I. O. O.
F.; Ohio City Lodge, No. 54, K. of P.; and Bellaire Lodge No. 419,
B. P. O. E.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 754 |
JOSEPH G. WILSON, M. D. Among the
physicians and surgeons who so ably sustain the professional character
of Belmont County, Ohio, is Dr. Joseph G. Wilson, who gave
efficient medical service during the Spanish-American War. Since the
war he has been residing at Colerain, where he is actively engaged in
the practice of his profession.
The birth of Dr. Wilson took place June
23, 1874, in Guernsey County, Ohio. He is a son of Benjamin
and Mary Wilson, the former of whom was born in
Guernsey, and the latter in Columbiana County, Ohio. In 1875 Benjamin
Wilson located in Belmont County, and now resides in Flushing, where
he manages a dairy farm and supplies his locality with choice dairy
products. He is about 52 years of age and his wife is slightly
younger. They are members of the Society of Friends, and are most
highly esteemed residents of their community. The four children
comprising their family are the following: Joseph G., the
subject of this biography; Mabel, who married Albertus
Hoyle, an electrician, resides in Philadelphia, their three
children being William, Benjamin and Eleanor; George J.,
who is connected with the Provident Life & Trust Company, of
Philadelphia, married Sarah Hoffman, and their one child is
George Hoffman; and John F., who is attending college.
Dr. Joseph G. Wilson was reared on
the home farm and received his primary education in the Friends'
Private School, at Flushing, and at the Friends' Boarding School at
Barnesville, Ohio, after which he entered Westtown Boarding School, of
Pennsylvania. He graduated from Westtown in 1894. In the same year he
entered the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, from
which he was graduated in 1898. Six months were spent as resident
physician in St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, in Philadelphia.
After this and during the war with Spain, he entered the army, where
he was made Acting Assistant Surgeon. After serving at the 2nd
Division Hospital at Camp Meade, he was transferred to Puerto Rico,
with the Fifth Reg., Penn. Vol. Inf., and remained with that regiment
until it returned to the United States. He was then transferred to the
United States General Hospital located at Ponce, Puerto Rico, and from
there was assigned to duty with the 7th Light Art., U. S. Army. He
served with this command as Post Surgeon for nine months, being
stationed at first at Ponce and later at San Juan. In June, 1899,
Dr. Wilson resigned and returned to the United States, in
order to engage in private practice.
On July 26, 1900, Dr. Wilson was united
in marriage with Carmen Yriarte y Koppisch, at San Juan, Puerto
Rico. Mrs. Wilson is a daughter of Rafael and
Hortensia Yriarte, the former of whom is a member of The
J. T. Silva Banking & Commercial Company of Paris, and San Juan
and Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. One little daughter, Martha,
has been born to this union.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 347 |
L. F. WILSON, who is widely known
through Barnesville and Belmont County as a successful florist, has
been located in this city since 1864. He is a native of Ohio, was born
in Freeport, Harrison County, on January 29, 1858, and is one of a
family of six children of William C, and Esther (Faucett)
William C. Wilson was also born in Ohio, and was
a resident of Freeport for many years. He moved to Barnesville about
1864. He was one of the charter members of the First National Bank,
and served as its first cashier. At one time he was also an extensive
merchant in this city, and also while a resident of Freeport, Ohio. He
was a highly regarded member of the Society of Friends at Barnesville.
In 1852 he married Esther Faucett, a native of
Columbiana County, Ohio, and a descendant of one of the prominent
families of Salem. Mrs. Wilson died in 1886. His
lamented death occurred in April, 1867. His marriage resulted in the
following children: Charles, Frank D., L. F., Edward, Mary
Jane, and one that died in infancy.
The early mental training of L. F. Wilson was
acquired in the common schools of his native place and Barnesville.
His interests have always centered in his present delightful business,
in which he embarked on his own account in 1887. From small beginnings
he has built it up until his trade extends over a wide area, and his
name in connection with his products is known very familiarly
throughout Belmont County. With Mr. Wilson his business is an
absorbing one, and in its pursuance he has devoted little time to
outside matters. His present residence and greenhouses cover a space
of four and a half acres, while his collection of rare and valuable
plants in two of the rooms is valued at $2,000. His florist
business includes all branches of the work, and he continually
supplies the greater part of the critical flower buyers in
Barnesville. A visit to his beautiful houses is a treat to lovers of
flowers, and a pleasure to those who are even indifferent.
On October 19, 1887, Mr. Wilson was
married to Flora M. Fowler, who is a daughter of James
Fowler, a representative citizen of Barnesville. This union has
resulted in three children,—Mary E., William F. and Anna G.
Mr. Wilson affiliates with the Republican party, although not in
the attitude of an office-seeker, and his fraternal association is
with Warren Lodge, No. 76, Knights of Pythias. He is financially
interested in the Home Building & Loan Association, and assists in
every way in the development of Barnesville as an educational and
business center, and as a city where the highest type of home life is
possible. Mrs. Wilson is a member of the Methodist
Church. She and her husband are held in high esteem. They number many
warm friends in this city, and I enjoy the opportunity to tender them
a gracious hospitality.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 379 |
SEBASTIAN WIMMER, now residing
at his pleasant home at the corner of 3Ist and Union streets, is one
of the wealthy retired business men of Bellaire, having for many
years conducted a sample room and cafe in the place, and later, in
partnership with Conrad Rumbach, engaged in the
wholesale liquor business. He is now deriving a large income from
his investments in various flourishing industries in the place,
among them the Enterprise Enameling Works, the C. L. Dorer
Foundry and the Bellaire Bottle Works.
Mr. Wimmer’s success in life is entirely
due to his own well directed efforts, coming as he does of poor
parentage. He was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1857, and is
the son of a common, hard—working miner. At the early age of
fourteen, in 1871 young Sebastian came to this country and settled
in Wheeling, West Virginia, where, preparatory to a life work he
learned the cigar makers trade. This line of work, however, he
made but little use of, turning it to account merely as a
stepping-stone to something better. By 1873 he had managed to
get a little something ahead, and, coming to Bellaire, opened a
sample room and cafe. After this he made money fast and
continued the business for many years. In 1892 he formed his
partnership with Conrad Rumbach and engaged in the
wholesale liquor business. So rapidly did he accumulate wealth
in this industry that in 1901, though not far advanced in years, he
decided to discontinue the business and lead a less strenuous life.
As fast as he has been able to lay aside money he has always
invested it where it would bring in large returns, and he now owns
stock in three of the largest concerns in the city, which are
mentioned above, and is a director of the C. L. Dorer Foundry
Mr. Wimmer married Miss Madden,
who was born in Bellaire, being a daughter of John Madden,
a stone-mason and contractor, who has long resided in the place.
Mr. and Mrs. Wimmer have three children, two daughters and a
son, all of whom are living at home.
Mr. Wimmer has long been
influential in local affairs, and has served for four years as a
member of the City Council. In politics he is a Democrat, but takes
issue against free silver. Fraternally he affiliates with the
Turners and B. P. O. E., and in religious, sentiment he is a Roman
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 452 |
came to Belmont County form Marietta, Ohio. He located at
Bellaire, Ohio. He located at Bellaire, Ohio, and against many
predictions that he was too young, too backward, he rapidly gained a
large practice.
The Doctor married a daughter of Judge Anderson,
of Bellaire. It is claimed he overworked himself and brought
on the sickness of which he died.
Be this as it may, his bright prospects were ended by
the ruthless hand of Death.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 149 |
HAMILTON G. WOODS,* a shearman
in the Laughlin Sheet Mill at Martin’s Ferry, Ohio, is serving his
second term as council man from the Second Ward, is on the finance
committee. the ordinance committee, police, sewer, street and
waterworks committees, and can be depended upon to do according to
agreement. He was born in Wheeling. West Virginia, February 7, 1861.
and his parents were John and Nancy (Gosney)
Woods, natives of Smithfield. Ohio.
John Woods spent all his
active life as a boiler in the Top Mill in Wheeling. West
Virginia. He moved to Martin’s Ferry in 1886, a retired
business man. and there lived until his death. October 18. 1890, at
the age of 66 years. He was married June 4. 1854, Nancy
Gosney becoming his wife. She was a daughter of
Reuben and Loretta Gosney. Her father died at the age of
60 years during the Civil War, and her mother died in 1849.
Woods was one of a family of 11 children, of whom the four
surviving are: Mary J., who married William McKee,
who was killed at the battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864;
Nancy, our subject’s mother; James, a resident of
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; and Davis, residing in Martin’s
Ferry. The names of the deceased children are as follows:
Elizabeth, whose death took place when she was just 18 years
old; Hamilton, who died at the advanced age of 70 years;
John and John Reuben, who died in boyhood;
Andrew, whose death occurred at the age of 55 years, served in
the Civil War as a private; Albert, who died when two years old; and
Thomas, who is presumed to be living, but who went west and
has not been heard from for 12 years.
Our subject’s father and mother had two children,
John M., who works at the mill in Bridgeport, Ohio; and our
subject, Hamilton G. The parents were members of the
Methodist Episcopal Church and John Woods always took
part as an officer. He and Governor Atchison were well
known to each other, were warm friends, and worked together in the
temperance movement in West Virginia.
Hamilton G. Woods was educated in the public
schools of Wheeling, after which he, like his father, worked at
boiling in the Top Mill and followed that occupation until the
organization of the Standard Mill at Bridge port, Ohio. He helped to
start this mill and was given a position as shearer in it, remaining
with the company for 19 years, until October, 1901. He left the
Standard Mill only to take his position in the Laughlin Mill as
December 22, 1880, Lillie Howell, a
daughter of Isaac and Fanny (Dickerson) Howell, now deceased,
became our subject’s wife. Her father was a stationary
engineer and died January 25. 1901. at the age of 76 years.
Mrs. Howell died in 1866. at the early age of 28 years,
when Mrs. Woods was quite young.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 825 |
JAMES WOODS, a well-known and
successful business man of Bridgeport, Belmont County, Ohio, is
identified with many of the leading enterprises in this locality.
While his office is located in Bridgeport, his home is situated on
the Cadiz Pike and is one of the new and elegant residences along
this highway.
James Woods was born at Mount Pleasant,
Ohio, some 53 years ago, a son of John Woods, who was for
many years prominently identified with the progress and development
of Belmont County. John Woods was also born at
Mount Pleasant, Ohio, in 1816, and was a son of William
Woods, a native of Ireland. Grandfather William Woods
married Elizabeth Harness, who was a daughter of
wealthy planter of Virginia. He was a soldier in the War of
1812, and died in Mount Pleasant, Jefferson County, Ohio. His
son John came to Belmont County March 26, 1863, and located
in Pease township on a farm which was secured from Gen. Robert E.
Lee, and it was land given by the government to the famous
Harry Lee for services rendered in the Revolutionary War.
John Woods accumulated both land and property, became
a sound financier and was one of the directors of the First National
Bank of Bridgeport, severing his connection of 25 years shortly
before his death. He died August 7, 1897. He was widely
known, as he engaged in a number of business enterprises and
accumulated the most of his large means by industry and keen
business judgment. In his earlier years he dealt in cattle and
drove them himself from one county to another; he was long a large
wool buyer and handled sheep extensively for this purpose. For
a number of years he was closely connected with Mr. Hogg, a wealthy
business man of Mount Pleasant. He settled up his own estate
and adjusted his affairs two years prior to his death. His
widow still resides on the large farm which he occupied on the Cadiz
Pike. The children of John Woods were four in
number, namely, James, of this sketch; John and
William A., both residents of Pease township, and Mrs.
Anna S. Litten, of Colerain. Mr. Woods was
prominent in the Democratic party, also in the Masonic fraternity,
and exerted a wide influence in both bodies.
James Woods was married in 1900 to
Hayes, and they reside in the beautiful home recently
completed. Mr. Woods is a stock holder in the
First National Bank of Bridge port, and through his energy, capital
and influence contributes materially to the development and
prosperity of Bridgeport and vicinity.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 466 |
WILLIAM A. WOODS, a prominent
farmer and dairyman of Pease township, Belmont County, Ohio, is not
only one of its most substantial citizens, but also one of its most
reliable and respected men. He is a native of Pease township, and
was born in 1861, a son of John Woods, of whom
extended mention is made in the sketch of James Woods.
Mr. Woods grew to manhood,
attending the district schools and assisting in the farm work and
also helping in busy times in the neighborhood. One year after
marriage he worked for his father and then operated one of the
latter’s farms, according to arrangement. working on shares.
Mr. Woods prospered in this way during 13 years and
then bought his present fine farm which comprises 130 acres, which
is reputed to be the best producing farm of the township. It
was formerly known as the Cochran farm. Mr. Woods
has placed very fine improvements here and has erected a handsome
residence of ten rooms and a substantial and commodious barn.
For the past three years he has added dairying to his other
interests, his place being known as the Upland Dairy, and its
products are sold in Bridgeport and Martin’s Ferry. Mr.
Woods is a practical farmer and believes in handling only
good stock, keeping Jersey, Durham and Holstein cattle. His
large home farm is devoted to general farming and dairying
interests, and he owns another farm, consisting of 82 acres, on
Scotch Ridge, which he leases.
The marriage of Mr. Woods was to Lou
Devault, a daughter of William Devault, an
early settler of the county, and they have had ten children born to
them—Harry and John, who died young; Myrtle, Robert
Lee, Jesse, Blanche, Addie, Grace, Ellis and Erma.
In politics Mr. Woods has been a life-long Democrat.
His religious views are liberal, but he is ever ready to give his
support to all educational and moral enterprises.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 486 |
has engaged successfully in various lines of business is at the
present time engaged in bottling and marketing the famous Woods’
Lithia Water. He was born, reared and has always
lived in Pease township, Belmont County, Ohio, and is a son of
James and Martha (Coss) Woods.
James Woods was born December 18, 1818,
and died October 25, 1898. He was a son of William and
Elizabeth (Harness) Woods. William Woods, grandfather of our
subject, was the first white child born back of Pittsburg, on what
is called Woods’ Run, and died in the sixty-eighth year of
his age in 1847. He was of Scotch-Irish parentage, and
for some years of his life engaged in the butchering business.
He and his bride, who was the daughter of a wealthy Virginia
planter, ran away to be married. She died in 1889 at the age
of ninety-three years while living at the home of her son, John.
Both are buried in the cemetery at Mt. Pleasant, Ohio. They
had eight children, three of whom two sons named William and
a daughter, died in childhood. Those who grew to maturity
were: John, a record of whose life appears in the sketch of
James Woods; James; George, who was born in
1820 and died in 1900; Robert, who resides in Pease township,
and in September, 1902. celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday,
and Elizabeth, widow of Daniel Gill, who resides at
Gillespie, Ohio.
James Woods was united in marriage with
Martha Coss, who was born in May, 1816, and died March
23, 1898. She was a daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth
(McConnell) Coss, her mother being a sister of Francis
McConnell, a prominent man of this section. Daniel
Coss served in the War of 1812 and the war with Mexico, and
was cook for the famous General Harrison. He
conducted a store at Bridgeport and during the prevalence of cholera
ministered to and helped bury many of the victims. During that
time he remained away from his family so as not to expose them, and
neither he northey contracted the dread disease. He was one of
the founders of Methodism in Belmont County. In 1866 he and seven
brothers held a reunion. the youngest being seventy-three years old
and the others past eighty-four years. Their picture was
taken, and the one in possession of our subject is very highly
prized by him. Of these brothers, Jacob, lived to reach
the age of 103 years, dying at Chillicothe; and Adam for some
years conducted a livery at Martin's Ferry.
James and Martha (Coss) Woods reared seven
children, as follows: John, who was born at Mt. Pleasant and died-at
the age of two years; Elizabeth, wife of James
McBride of Piper City, Illinois; Eleanor, of Martin’s
Ferry, widow of George Hobensack; Eliza Bell,
who died in July, 1888, was the wife of Richard Veasy
of Martin’s Ferry; James Ross, who resides at
Bridgeport, married Mary McKeever; George, who
died aged two years, and William Wesley, our subject.
William Wesley Woods
has engaged in many lines of business, and although he has owned the
home farm the past few years, has never engaged in farming. He
promoted a most successful oil company, realizing a handsome amount
in dividends, then purchased the home farm of 113 acres, on which he
has lived since 1897. The old home was the voting precinct
during the time of Andrew Jackson, and some of the
ballots have since been found. Mr. Woods has
erected a comfortable home. He has been engaged for some five
years in bottling and shipping the famous Woods’ Lithia Water,
obtained from an unfailing spring on the farm. It is
particularly a cure for kidney troubles, and the number of cures
effected have been numerous. Of 100 cases of Bright’s disease
where the water was freely used by the patients, but one was lost.
The water is placed in one-gallon bottles manufactured at Bellaire,
and from 100 to 500 per day are shipped to different parts of the
country, some going as far as Minnesota and Oklahoma. Mr.
Woods devotes his entire attention to this business, leasing
his farm to others.
William W. Woods was united in marriage with
Margaret Isola Stewart, who was born in Jefferson County and is
a daughter of James and Rebecca (Heller) Stewart. She
came with her parents when a child to Martin's Ferry, where her
father conducted a feed store until his death. Her mother still
resides there. She is one of eight children, as follows:
George, an attorney of Detroit, who held a responsible
government position under President Cleveland; Kate,
wife of Samuel Heaton, a blacksmith of Martin’s Ferry;
John, of Cameron, West Virginia; Thomas S., a
carpenter of Pittsburg; Frank, of Pittsburg; Margaret
Isola; Ella, wife of R. H. McKee, teller of the
Bank of the Ohio Valley at Wheeling, and Carrie, who is
single and at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Woods have six children, as
follows: James Russell, born December 6, 1881;
Martha Jane, born August 11, 1885; Katie Belle,
born April 23, 1888; Margaret Isola, born March 21, 1891;
William McKinley, born September 25, 1893, and Paul
Edwin, born November 20. 1899. Politically, Mr.
Woods is a Republican. He is a member of the A. O. U. W.
of Bridgeport. Religiously he is a member of 'the M. E.
Church, attending Lancaster Chapel, which is located on the farm,
the site of which was donated by James Woods.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 490 |
DR. J. C. WORKMAN was born the 20th
of September, 1855, in Smith township, Belmont County, Ohio.
He was graduated from Columbus Medical College in 1879. He
began the practice of medicine the same year in Uniontown, Ohio, and
still continues to hold the fort.
By close attention to the duties of his profession,
Dr. Workman has developed into one of the substantial members of
the Belmont County Medical Society.
- See
Chapter XIII
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 151 |
the leading merchants and most prominent citizens of Barnesville,
Ohio, is Paul B. Worthington, member of the General Assembly,
who is also the owner of much valuable city property.
Mr. Worthington was born in Jefferson
County, Ohio, December 2, 1862. He is a son of Dr. William
M. and Eliza (Lynn) Worthington, and one of a family of
three children born to them. Dr. William M. Worthington
was reared in Ohio and became a prominent citizen of Jefferson County
in both professional and public life. During 1858-59 he served in the
Ohio Legislature. He was identified with the Republican party. His
death occurred in 1864. His widow resides with her son, the subject of
this sketch.
Mr. Worthington supplemented a good
common-school education by a practical course in the Columbus Business
College, from which he graduated in 1883. Immediately afterward he
became interested with his brother in the hardware business in Holmes
County. In 1885 he located in Barnesville and was employed as a
salesman until 1889, when he embarked in the general
merchant-tailoring business. Mr. Worthington enjoyed
success from the start, and in 1895 erected his present fine quarters,
known as the Worthington Block. Mr. Worthington's
business has expanded with the spirit of the times, and he carries a
complete stock of clothing, shoes and gent's furnishings, besides
devoting a large portion of his store to the business of merchant
tailoring. He has the most extensive business of the kind in the city.
In politics Mr. Worthington has always
been active in the Republican party, and his worth was recognized by
his election to the City Council for six years. He was elected to the
Legislature in 1901 by a majority of 1,661 votes over his Democratic
competitor, C. C. Cutshaw. Since taking his seat he has
displayed a degree of good judgment often lacking in older
legislators, and will fulfill the pledges made to his constituents. He
will work hard for his section, keeping in view in the future, as he
has in the past, the best interests of every part of the State.
On October 2, 1894, Mr. Worthington was married
to Myra Kemp, the accomplished daughter of Dr. G. H. Kemp,
one of the oldest physicians of the vicinity, and a member of one of
the most highly honored families of Barnesville. Two children have
been born to this union, namely, Helen Lynn and
Katherine Kemp. Mrs. Worthington is a devoted member of
the Christian Church. Mr. Worthington was reared in the
Methodist Episcopal Church. He is fraternally associated with the
Masons and Knights of Pythias. The subject of this sketch is generally
regarded as one of the most enterprising young men of this city, and
enjoys a deserved popularity.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 332 |
CHARLES B. WRIGHT, who is well
known as proprietor of the Horner House, of
Morristown, Ohio, was born in Goshen township, Belmont County, Ohio,
September 29, 1863, and is a son of Chattam B. and Margaret Jane
(Kinney) Wright, both natives of Goshen township, where they now
reside 'on a farm of 80 acres.
Chattam Wright, father of our
subject, served as Infirmary director for two terms during the
“nineties.” As a result of his union with Margaret
Jane Kinney, he had nine children, two of whom, Martha
and Josiah, died at the age of three years. The seven who
grew up to maturity are: John
W., a stock dealer of Belmont; Clinton K., who resides
on a farm in Goshen township; George H., who resides on a
farm in Goshen township; Charles B., whose name heads
this sketch; Fred I., a farmer of Goshen township; Abbie,
wife of Samuel Boroff, of St. Clairsville; and
Alice J., wife of William F. Bentley, a farmer of Goshen
Charles B. Wright was educated in the common
schools of Goshen township, and assisted in the work on the farm
until he attained his majority, when he was married and began life
for himself. He engaged in the huckstering business and conducted a
store in his township, also in Wheeling, West Virginia. He
served as township trustee for a period of three years, but refused
to run for another term. He removed to Morristown in 1894, and
here conducted a store very successfully until 1897, when he
established his present hotel business. He has attained great
popularity with the traveling public, his table being supplied with
the best the market affords. Mr. Wright looks
carefully to the comfort of his guests and sees that they receive
the best of service, and his untiring efforts have been crowned with
On October 15, 1885, Mr. Wright was
joined in marriage with Carrie Dermott, who was born
December 7, 1866, in Belmont County, and is a daughter of William
and Sarah (Kinney) Dermott. Her father was a native of
Ireland, coming therefrom with his parents when a small boy.
He was a son of John and Margaret Dermott, who located on a
farm in Belmont County. William Dermott resides
on a farm south of Belmont, Belmont County, Ohio. He is a
member of the Masonic order. His wife’s maiden name was Sarah
Kinney and she first married Cyrus Ewers, by
whom she had four children: Mary, wife of Jonah
Gildon, of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; Henry Clay,
who is in the hardware business in Bagley, Iowa; Cyrus D.,
who is a partner of his brother, Henry Clay; and
John, who died in childhood. As a result of her union with Mr.
Dermott she had three children: the wife of our subject;
Herman, who resides at the home of his father, married Alta
Russell and has one son, Sewell; and Edwin, who
died at the age of 22. Mr. Dermott was a soldier in the
Civil War and served in the 98th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., until the
close of the war. He accompanied General Sherman in his famous
march to the sea and was at the siege of Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright have five children:
Clyde, Mabel, Hazel, Harry, and
George. Our subject is a Republican in politics.
Fraternally he is a member of Hazen Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 251, also
a member of the Knights of Pythias.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 659 |