(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens.
Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois -
manager of the Hanlon-Sharps Company, one of the large and
prosperous enterprises which have had their origin and development in
Belmont County, is a leading citizen and a representative of
Barnesville's best commercial and social life. The birth of Mr.
Hanlon occurred at Malaga, Monroe County, Ohio, March 9, 1855,
and he is one of two sons born to T. T. and Agnes (Waters) Hanlon,
the latter being a daughter of George Waters, a native of
Loudoun County, Virginia. Her death occurred in 1858, when William
W. was about three years old, and his brother, Oliver O.,
was about 12 days old.
T. T. Hanlon was born December 17, 1828, in
Jefferson County, Ohio, the eldest child of William and Elizabeth
(Duval) Hanlon, the former of whom was born in Orange County. New
York, and the latter in Wellsburg. West Virginia. William
Hanlon was a shoemaker by trade, but later engaged in farming and
teaching school. T. T. Hanlon learned the merchant-tailoring
business and first located in Belmont County in 1849 and has been
identified with Barnesville since the fall of 1862. In 1860 Mr.
Hanlon contracted a second marriage with Elizabeth Hyde,
of Boston, this county, and one daughter, Agnes Amelia—now
Mrs. Walter Murray— was born to this union. Until
1874 Mr. Hanlon engaged in the mercantile business in
Barnesville and later became interested in the paper jobbing trade,
still later adding a printing house, the firm name of the business at
its birth being T. T. Hanlon & Sons. In 1882 the firm
established the "Barnesville Republican," with W. W. Hanlon as
editor, and conducted it in connection with their general paper
business. About 1885 the firm name underwent a change to that of
Hanlon Brothers & Company, which name held until a few years
later, when William W. and Oliver O. Hanlon
purchased all other interests and the firm then assumed the style of
Hanlon Brothers' Paper Company.
When our subject, William W. Hanlon, was about
six years of age, his parents located in Barnesville, and it was in
this city that he received the larger portion of his education,
although no small credit must be given to the printing business with
which he soon became associated, and pursued studiously in various
parts of the country for that ready and facile use of the English
language which distinguished him in his newspaper work — many people
claiming that the "Barnesville Republican," under his tireless
leadership, was the best country weekly in the State. Mr.
Hanlon has possessed a wonderful constitution; was ever hungry for
work, claiming that it was better to "wear out than rust out," and
that, be it work or play, it should be done "like thunder." He has
always been a friend and patron of outdoor games—the good ones. He has
also been a strong advocate for municipal growth, and Barnesville
never had a better friend.
The firm of Hanlon Brothers' Paper
Company was changed to that of Hanlon Brothers' Paper &
Manufacturing Company in 1899, when W. E. Sharps, of
Independence. West Virginia, bought a third interest in the business.
The business prospered—"Genius is nine-tenths work." In May. 1902, the
business was incorporated—with William W. Hanlon as president,
W. E. Sharps as secretary and Oliver O. Hanlon as
treasurer—as a stock company, with a capital of $100,000, and with a
paid-up stock of $60,000. In the summer and fall of 1902, to meet the
demands of their rapidly increasing trade, the company was obliged to
enlarge the plant, and built one of the most complete establishments
in the State of Ohio, equipped with all modern appliances and
high-priced machinery for the expeditious and economical manufacture
of envelopes, sheet and roll wrapping paper, paper sacks, calendars,
office supplies, weatherproof signs, and advertising novelties. They
also do special designing and engraving in certain departments. Their
plant is one of the "busy marts" of the town, their "sign" the
handsomest in the county, and their goods go all over the United
William W. Hanlon was married on September 12,
1879, to Anna M. Sullivan, daughter of Rev. J. C.
Sullivan, and they are the parents of three grown sons: Frank F.,
Lieuy L. and Ralph R.—all of whom are connected with the
above business, each holding a responsible position and "filling" it.
The religious connection of the family is with the Methodist Church.
Mr. Hanlon is one of the "four fathers" of the
Belmont-Monroe Reunion Society, has been actively identified with
secret orders, is widely known as an aggressive Republican, and is a
member of Wheeling Lodge. No. 28, B. P. O. E.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 329 |
MILES HART, one of the
well—known and popular citizens of Smith township, who for 28
consecutive years followed teaching in Belmont County, comes of an
old agricultural family, which originated in the person of his
grandfather, Miles Hart, in Greene County,
Pennsylvania. Our subject was born January 24, 1844, in Smith
township, and is a son of Silas and Sarah (Twinem) Hart, the
latter of whom was born in ‘1816, in the State of New York, a
daughter of Leonard and Mary Twinem, who
came from Ireland to Belmont County about 1817. Mrs.
Hart died at the old home just north of Centreville.
Silas Hart was born in 1817, in Smith township, and was a
son of Miles Hart, who came to Belmont County in 1815 and stopped
first in Mead township at Dillie’s Bottom and then settled
permanently on section 28, in Smith township, .where he died in
1852. Silas Hart died in the spring of 1894, at
the home of his son Miles. Our subject is one of a
family of seven children born to his parents, three of whom besides
himself survive, namely: Catherine (Mrs. Barrett), of Texas;
Leonard, a resident of Goshen township; and S. W., of
Smith township. Cephas and Hamilton are deceased, and
a daughter died in infancy.
Miles Hart was reared on the farm and
attended the country schools and also went to a select school. In
1866 he began to teach the winter sessions of school in his
neighborhood, learning in the meantime the carpenter trade and
spending the summer vacations on the farm, continuing thus until
1894, when he gave up the profession to devote himself entirely to
the operation of his farm. Mr. Hart purchased
this valuable and attractive home in 1872 and has 82½
acres of land most admirably fitted for farming and stock raising.
In 1878 Mr. Hart was married to Mary C. Stonebraker,
who was born in Smith township in 1860, being one of five children
born to Jeremiah and Mary (Glover) Stonebraker, the three
survivors being: James W., of Smith township; Eliza J. (Mrs.
McCann), of Richland township; and Mrs. Hart.
Those deceased were: John T. and Margaret, the wife of D.
M. Scatterday. Three children have been born to Mr.
and Mrs. Hart, one of whom died in infancy. Of the two young
ladies, Sarah is the successful teacher of a school near
Martin's Ferry, and Blanche is still a student.
Mr. Hart has taken an active interest in
politics in his locality, voting the Republican ticket, and has been
called upon to serve in many offices, his intelligence, education
and excellent judgment making him eminently desirable as a township
or county official. By appointment he served one year as
township clerk and was elected and re-elected, serving with the
greatest efficiency. In the latter “seventies” he served for
two years as assessor. The religious connection of the family
is with the Concord Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Hart
is the clerk of the congregation.
Mr. Hart's long associations as an
educator make him a very well-known resident of Smith township, and
few citizens are so highly regarded by all classes of people.
As a teacher he was brought into such close relations that his
interest in many of his neighbors began in childhood and a mutual
regard has ever since been maintained. He has a wide circle of
attached friends. He was elected a member of the Board of
Education, and served with credit for a term of three years.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 772 |
HARTENSTEIN, a venerable and honored resident of Belmont
County, Ohio, has spent almost half a century of his useful life in
the iron and steel works. In 1900 he retired to his farm near
Bellaire, - this farm is most beautifully situated, being located on
a hill overlooking the Ohio River. The original purchase
contained but 30 acres, but later a 50 acre tract adjoining was
added, making it one of the finest 80 acre farms in the vicinity.
Here Mr. Hartensein carries on general farming and his
activity would put to shame many a younger man. Valuable sand
pits are to be found on his land and large quantities of sand are
sold for molding purposes.
As the same indicates, the subject of this sketch is of
German nativity. His birth took place in October, 1830, in
Saxony, Germany, and he is a son of Henry Hartenstein, who
with his family emigrated from the fatherland, locating in Butler
county, Pennsylvania, in 1844. Purchasing a tract of land in
that county, Henry Hartenstein followed agricultural pursuits
for many years. About a year prior to his death, he sold his
farm and removed to a near-by town. Both he and his wife died
in 1895 - within six weeks of each other - and both were
octogenarians at the time of their deaths.
Although living in a distance county, our subject made
it a rule to visit his aged parents at least once a year for many
years before their deaths. He has four sisters, who reside on
farms in different parts of Butler County, Pennsylvania, and his
brother, Louis, is successfully engaged in mercantile life in
the same State.
Mr. Hartenstein obtained his primary education
in Germany, and after locating in the United States attended night
school. When 15 years of age, he secured employment in the
iron works at Brady's Bend, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania,
continuing to work there until 1849, when the plant was closed.
After a brief sojourn at Pittsburg, he went to Wheeling, and
followed the fortunes of a miner a few months. The following
year (1850), upon the opening of the Belmont Mills, Mr.
Hartenstein entered the employ of Bailey, Woodward & Co.,
continuing in the employ of that firm for many years after the La
Belle Mill was built there by them, working in all 17 years with the
Belmont and La Belle companies. He first worked in the rolling
department and later was employed for many years in the boiling
rooms. He tended the puddling furnaces, retaining that
position for years.
In 1886 Mr. Hartenstein entered the steel works
as assistant manager and filled that position in an able manner
until his retirement from the service in 1900, having spent 49 years
in the business. He is well known all over the steel region
and is one of the few men now living who were among the early
employees of the mills.
In February, 1852, our subject was united in marriage
with Louisa Knipping, who was born in Germany in 1833 and is
a daughter of William and Theresa (Schlinkey) Knipping.
She came to the country in 1844 ad was reared in the family of her
step-father, August Wiedebusch, who lived in Wheeling, West
Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Hartenstein have five daughters
ad three sons living and have lost several children. Their two
eldest sons, August and Herman, reside in the West.
Albert, the youngest son, is a druggist in Bellaire.
The daughters are Leona (Mrs. John Murphy), Roberta (Mrs. Peter
Kern), Louisa (Mrs. Joseph Glasser). Mary (Mrs. James McKee)
and Annie, wife of John Glasser, a manufacturer of
some note. All reside in Bellaire.
Mr. Hartenstein is a faithful follower of the
Democratic party. While a resident of Wheeling, he served
three years as a member of the City Council. Mr.
Hartenstein was captain in the West Virginia State Militia
during the Civil War. In fraternal circles, he is a prominent
Mason, having a membership of 20 years standing. He affiliates
with the blue lodge and chapter of Bellaire and with Hope Commandery,
No. 26, K. T., of St. Clairesville. He has been a member of
the I. O. O. F. since he was 21 years of age. He is an active
member of the Lutheran Church and contributed largely toward its
support. From the foregoing it will be seen that our subject
has led a long and active life and, although now in advanced years,
is still a useful member of his community.
Mrs. Hartenstein's father fought in the battle
of Waterloo and was never wounded. He was a brave soldier and
was granted a life pension by King William, who also awarded
him a brass medal.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 803 |
N. J. HATCHER, one of the substantial
and representative farmers and popular citizens of Belmont County,
residing on his farm in section 2, Union township, near Loydsville,
was born Aug. 3, 1828, in Union township, a so of Elijah and Jane
(Craig) Hatcher, both of whom were natives of Loudoun County.
Elijah Hatcher the father, was born Aug. 15,
1796, in Loudoun County, Virginia, a son of Quaker parents.
Noah and Rachel (Beans) Hatcher, the former of whom died of old
age in Virginia, the latter, coming to Ohio at an early day, died at
the age of 86 years. Of the children of Noah and
Rachel Hatcher, Edward died in Virginia.
John, the youngest lived for many years near Portland,
Oregon, having been a pilot and teamster for General Fremont, and a
noted trader with the Indians. The others were Elijah
and Mary the former of whom was the father of the subject of
this biography.
In 1822 Elijah Hatcher was married in Loudoun
County, Virginia, to Jane Craig, who was born on Aug. 15,
1806, on the same day of the month as her husband, but to years
later. From early girlhood she was a member of the Methodist
Church and was a woman of noble character, devoted to her
home and church. She passed away on Jan. 16, 1889, at the age
of 82 years and five months. In 1827 Elijah Hatcher and
wife came to Ohio and engaged in farming in Belmont County, and held
many of the township offices. Although a birthright member of
the Society of Friends, prior to decease he united with the
Methodist Church, of which his wife was consistent a member.
These most estimable people had a family of seven children, namely:
N. J., of this sketch; Rebecca, who resides near the
toll gate, on the National Road, in this county; Rachel, who
married Joseph Pancoast, is deceased, as is also her husband;
Eliza, who married James B. Hogue, the first white
child born in Grundy County, Illinois, is deceased; Sarah,
who married Leander Moore, resides in Lucas County, Iowa;
John, who also is a resident of Iowa; and Cecelia, who
married Charles Pickering, of Richland township, Belmont
N. J. Hatcher obtained his education in the
country schools and in the advanced school at Loydsville, and grew
to manhood as his father's assistant on the farm. At the age
of 21 he began operating for himself, and for many years has taken a
prominent position among the leading agriculturists and large land
owners of the county. Mr. Hatcher owns very valuable
land, the Pittsburg vein underlying all of it, while it fertility
makes it desirable for farming purposes. He owns 218 acres in
section 2 and a farm of 77 acres in Richland township, adjoining the
former tract in Union township.
On May 7, 1856, Mr. Hatcher was married to
Mary E. Gregg, a native of Virginia, who came to Ohio with her
parents when two years of age. She was the eldest of the
family of eight children born to her parents, Hendley and Amy
Gregg, the others being: Joshua, who is a farmer in
Pottawattamie County, Iowa; Samuel, deceased, who lived in
Warren County, Iowa; Hendley, who resides on the home place,
in Goshen township, this county; Frances and Henrietta,
unmarried, who live in Barnesville; William, deceased, who
lived in Iowa; and Victoria, who is Mrs. Thomas Rogers,
of Barnesville. Mrs. Hatcher died May 1, 1891, a
consistent member of the Methodist Church, a woman of lovely life
and character, possessing in disposition of cheerfulness, disposed
to contribute to the happiness of all about her, valued in her
church and beloved in her family. Her five children were the
following: Rosa M., still at home; Amy J., the wife of
J. W. Wilkinson, county commissioner, more extended mention
of whom will be found elsewhere; John William, born June 7,
1861, died June 7, 1863, at the age of two years; Elijah Clyde,
who is i the wholesale grocery business at Allegheny City, married
Orpha Sidebottom and has two children. Emmett
and Ellen; Grace, who is Mrs. Robert Hood, resides at
Cambridge, Ohio, and has one child, Mary; and Ida M.,
who is at home.
Mr. Hatcher has long been well known as a
capitalist, and has been a director in the Second National Bank of
St. Clairsville; has been a capable member of the School Baord for
years, and has acceptably filled other local positions.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 664 |
JOHN D. HAYS, treasurer of Belmont
County and a prominent resident of St. Clairsville, Ohio, was born
in Wheeling township, Belmont County, in 1857. He is a son of
Henderson and Catherine (Downing) Hays.
Henderson Hays was born in Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania, Mar. 29, 1821, and was the eldest son of William
and Elizabeth (Irwin) Hays. By the death of his parents he
was thrown upon his own resources at the early age of 12 years.
He resided in his native county until a short time after his first
marriage, when he moved to Wheeling township, and there following
farming until his death. In 1842 he married Olivia Coulter,
who died i 1852, having given birth to the following children:
Euphemia E., who was born in 1845, and married John Caldwell
in 1872; Cynthia A., who was born in 1846, and was married in
1876, to John Gillespy; ad Mary T., who was born in
1848, and was married, in 1874, to R. E. Dool. Henderson
Hays formed a second union in 1854, with Catherine Downing,
a daughter of John and Eleanor (Lee) Downing, both natives of
Ohio. Five children were born to them, namely: William G.,
born in 1855, who resides at Bannock, Ohio; John D., the
subject of this sketch; Irwin L., born in 1858, who resides
at Bannock, Ohio; Olivia E., who was born in 1862, and died
in 1863; and Lena M., born in 1867, who was married, i 1889,
to Rev. Thomas E. Holiday, both of whom are now missionaries
in India. Mr. Hays died Jan. 1, 1890, and Mrs. Hays
who was born Mar. 21, 1872, now resides in St. Clairsville.
John D. Hays was reared and schooled in his
native township, and followed farming until 1894. In that
year, having been appointed deputy county treasurer, he necessarily
moved to St. Clairsville, where he discharged the duties of that
office for two successive terms. In 1901, before his term of
office had expired, he was nominated by acclamation for county
treasurer, and is election followed in November of that year.
He is a man of recognized ability, and is held is high esteem.
Mr. Hays is a member of Flushing Lodge, F. & A.
M. Chapter, No. 54, R. A. M.; and Hope Commandery, No. 26, K. T.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 451 |
superintendent of the carpenter and construction gang at the
Bellaire plant of the National Steel Company for the past twelve
years, is one of the oldest employees of the plant, his term of
service ranking second. Mr. Hays is highly esteemed by
his employers for his efficiency and long years of faithful
attachment to their interests.
Julius H. Hays was born in 1852 in Germany, and
alone the dependent upon his own resources he came to America at the
age of 15 years. In Germany his father operated a large
wind-power flouring mill, but the youth believed he could better his
condition in a new country. A sister, Mulder, resides
in Texas. Being willing, energetic and pleasant in manner, he
soon secured employment in New York as clerk i a store at $8 a month
and continued there for two yeas, and then went to Wheeling, West
Virginia. There he learned the carpenter trade with William
Bitmeyer, and followed the same in Wheeling, later being one of
the builders of the Aetna Standard Mill. In 1884 he came to
Bellaire and began work as a journeyman carpenter with his present
employers, and by careful and thorough work gained his promotion in
1890 to the position of superintendent of all of the carpentering
and construction of the heavy rigging of the steel works with a
force of from 40 and 50 men under his charge. During his
seventeen years' connection with this plant Mr. Hays has seen
many changes. When he came here in 1884 three carpenters only
were required where now fourteen, with helpers are needed, and the
mules which used to pull the cars have been replaced by twelve
locomotives. The single blast furnace, where 60 tons of
pig-iron was a large day's work, has been superseded by furnaces
with a capacity of 350 tons.
Mr. Hays has a beautiful home at No. 4754
Jefferson street, containing eight apartments and surrounded by a
fine lawn. The house was erected by him in 1888. He has
a most interesting family, which is well a favorably know in the
city. His marriage was to Carrie Backer, daughter of Peter
Backer, who came to Wheeling 52 years ago from Germany and was
engaged for 82 years at the La Belle coal mine. Mr. Backer
at the age of 81 years is still vigorous and but lately returned
from the enjoyable visit to his native land. The five children
born to Mr. and Mrs. Hays were: Anna, at home;
Alberta, the wife of Augustus Stellars, of the Novelty
Stamping Company; John, a clerk and assistant mechanical
engineer at the steel works; Nellie, a stenographer in the
office of the steel works, and George, receiving clerk at the
National steel works.
In political sentiment Mr. Hays is an ardent
Republican, and he is fraternally connected with the Ancient Order
of United Workmen. In his religious views he is very liberal,
seeing good in every denomination, but his family attend the
Episcopal Church, and this he liberally assists. From the
position of a poor German lad without friends, Mr. Hays has
made his own way in the world and now possesses ample means, many
friends and is well deserving the high esteem in which he is held by
those who know him best.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 496 |
JOHN A. HAZEN, a prosperous farmer
of Union township, Belmont County, Ohio, was born in Fayette County,
Pennsylvania, Feb. 3, 1830, and is a son of Hon. George W. and
Nancy (Bowman) Hazen, natives of New Jersey and Pennsylvania,
Judge Hazen was about three years of age when
taken by his parents to live in Pennsylvania. Both his parents
lived beyond the when taken by his parents to live in Pennsylvania.
Both his parents lived beyond the age of 70 years. He was
educated for the legal profession and attained high rank among the
lawyers of his section. He and his family came to Ohio in
1833, and he lived in southeast Ohio during the remainder of his
life, dying in 1861 at the age of 66 years. He served as judge
in Belmont County for a period of seven years, and was a most worthy
man, who enjoyed the acquaintance of many throughout the county.
Although reared in the Episcopal Church, his parents having belonged
to the Church of England, he later joined the Presbyterian Church,
of which he was a devout member. In politics he was
conservative, but held strenuously to his views. Although he
had much political influence and was the ruling spirit in politics
in the county, the only office ever accepted was that of judge,
declining to run for a senatorship. He owned a farm of 270
acres, most of which still remains in the possession of his family.
He was a Mason, and Hazen Lodge, of Morristown, was named in his
honor. He married Nancy Bowman a daughter of John
and Catherine (Snively) Bowman relatives of the Bowmans
and Hoggs of Brownsville, Pennsylvania. She died in
1888 at the advanced age of 86 years. She was a faithful
member of the Presbyterian Church and was an active church worker.
Four children were born to them, as follows: David H.,
at one time partner of Governor Shannon, of St. Clairsville,
was an attorney-at-law. - he moved to Pittsburg and then to Kansas,
where he died; Dr. Chrles A. died at the age of 61 years in
Kansas City, where he had practiced for some years; Catherine
resides with the subject of this sketch; and John A.
John A. Hazen was educated in the common schools of
this county and at an early age engaged in farming, at which he has
since continued. He follows diversified farming and possesses
160 acres, all of which is underlaid with coal, presumably four
veins. He stands high in the esteem of his fellow citizens and
has many warm personal friends.
Mr. Hazen was united in marriage December 24,
1863, to Ellen McKelvey, who was born in Guernsey County,
Ohio, May 14, 1842, and was a daughter of William and Mary (Laughland)
McKelvey, both now deceased. She was a Presbyterian and
was a zealous church worker. Her death occurred Oct. 14, 1894,
at the age of 52 years, being survived by her husband and two
children, namely: Florence C., an artist, who married Dr.
C. U. Patterson, a practitioner of Uhrichsville, by whom she has
two children, Myra and Hazen; and William C., who is a
machinist of Uhrichsville.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 632 |
RICHARD HEALEY, manager and superintendent
of the Barnesville Creamery, of Barnesville. Ohio, is one of the
capable, self-reliant and successful young business men of this city,
of which he has been a resident since 1895.
Mr. Healey was born in Butler, Indiana, on November 10, 1866, and is a
son of John and Hannah (Trwin) Healey. John Healey was born in
Massachusetts, January 1, 1838. In his earlier years he followed the
coopering trade, but later became extensively interested in the timber
business, and was thus engaged until his death. May 13. 1898. Hannah
(Irwin) Healey died July 27, 1881.
Richard Healey was one of a family of three children born to his
parents, and was reared and schooled in Ohio, his father having
located at Lima and engaged in the manufacture of stoves when Richard
was seven years old. As he grew to manhood he also became interested
in the timber business, but later was employed by a creamery concern.
He represented a large supply house on the road and traveled through
the West. In 1898 he accepted his present responsible position with
the Barnesville Creamery, and since that time the business has been
increased many per cent. He is also interested in the commission
business. Mr. Healey's knowledge is practical, and his methods and
management have demonstrated his ability as superintendent. The
average monthly business under Mr. Healey's charge amounts to from
$1,800 to $2,000, and it is constantly growing larger. All modern
appliances are in use calculated to increase the value and quantity of
the output, with a minimizing of expense, the consequence being that
this industry is one of the best paying ones in the city.
The first marriage of Mr. Healey was to Sarah Abplanalp, in 1884, and
one child, Margaret, was born to them. Mrs. Healey died July 28, 1895.
In 1899 Mr. Healey was married to Mary Taylor, a daughter of J. A.
Taylor. In fraternal affiliation Mr. Healey is a valued member of the
Knights of Pythias and Independent Order of Foresters. He is
prominently identified with the Democratic party. The religious
connection of the family is with the Christian Church.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 362 |
has been prominently identified with the coal interests of Belmont
county, especially in the vicinity of Bellaire for a number of
years, and it is conspicuous not only for wealth and business
activity, but also for its public spirit, civic usefulness and
social position.
a most highly esteemed citizen of this city, and the father of
Winfield Scott Heatherington, was born in 1814, in England, and
came to America at the age of 14 years with his parents and four
brothers, the latter locating in various parts of the country.
Mr. Heatherington had no educational advantages in his youth.
He followed the occupation of "trapper" in the mines near his home
in the north of England prior to coming to the United States.
His father located at West Wheeling, Ohio, and there conducted a
small coal mine, the same now operated by the Brooks Coal Company,
Jacob Heatherington came to Bellaire while still young, and
soon after became the owner of a lot of eight acres of land, and on
that tract the most of his children were born. His first
residence, where three of the children were born, survived the flood
of 1832, and the second building stood through the flood of 1852,
which demolished so much river property.
In these early days, Mr. Heatherington was
closely associated with Captain Fink, and at various times
purchased small tracts of land in the valley from Fink, which yearly
increased in value and are now largely built upon, comprising a very
important part of the city of Bellaire.
The foundation of Mr. Heatherington's large
fortune was laid in working in the coal mines, and in this
connection, notice must be made of an humble member of the family
known as "Jack." Inseparably connected with Mr.
Heatherington's early and arduous labors was a little black mule
called "Jack." As he grew old and died, worn out through 44
years of useful service, the "side-partner," as his affectionate and
appreciative master denominated him, was given burial in a quiet and
shady corner of the estate, while the members of the family grieved
as at the loss of a friend. In recognition of a companion who
never failed him in days of adversity, Mr. Heatherington in
erecting his palatial mansion in this city, ordered that a graven
image of "Jack" should adorn the keystone over his front door.
Jacob Heatherington first labored in the coal
mine which opens near the present residence of Carl L. Dorer,
on McMechen's Cree, and later opened a mine just below his
residence. A few years after he opened what is known as
Belmont No. 1, and which is now operated by Albert Heatherington,
the son of the former owner. His next enterprise was the
opening up of Belmont No. 2, the "River" mine, and this was operated
by the family until 1899, when it was sold to the Empire Coal
Company, which works it under the same name. It is a most
valuable property, and had been operated for 20 years by Winfield
Scott Heatherington and Miss Lyde Heatherington, daughter of the
late Alexander Heatherington and niece of Jacob
Heatherington made a trip to his native land and upon his return
brought with him a prominent English architect, who planned and
built the stately home in South Bellaire, at a cost of $30,000.
This home is about the most elaborate residence in the city.
The bricks used i its construction were burned upon the estate.
This architect while in Ohio was engaged to erect other buildings,
the capitol at Wheeling being an example of his architecture.
The children of Jacob Heatherington were the following:
Melinda, John, Alexander, Hamden, Martha, Winfield Scott, Wilbur,
Oella, who died in 1894; Albert; and Perky, who
died at the age of five years. Of these Melinda died
young. John served three years in the Civil War.
He married Amanda Waggoner and their one child, Elmer
Ellsworth, is deceased. Alexander died in 1891,
aged about 54 years. He married Elizabeth Jones, a
native of Belmont County, who resides at Bellaire. Four of
their children died young, and the four surviving ones are: Lyde,
who capably carries on her father's business, in association with
her uncle, our subject; Flora, who married James F. DuBois,
a prominent citizen of Bellaire; Jacob, who is a clerk in
Bellaire; and Edwin, who is still in school. Hamden
is a veteran of the Civil War, having served four years, and was
mustered out as captain; in 1889, he removed to Noble County, Ohio,
where he is engaged in farming. He married Elizabeth Penn,
a native of Belmont County, and their one son and three daughters
are the following: Jacob, who is married and has two
children, lives at Newport News, Virginia, where he is a ship
carpenter, in the employ of the government; Olie, who is
married, lives at Point Pleasant, West Virginia; Mable, also
married, lives in Indiana; and Nellie, who is a young lady at
home. Martha resides at Bellaire. Wilbur,
who was born in 1849, died about 1879, leaving his widow and two
children, - Serena and Oella. Albert, who is
married and resides at Bellaire, has two sons, William and
Jacob, the latter of whom manages the mine known as Belmont No.
1. In politics this family has been united in its allegiance
to the Republican party. With the exception of John,
all of the sons and father have been identified with either
the Masonic or Odd Fellow fraternities. The Christian Church
in this section was largely built by Jacob Heatherington, and
the family membership has been with that religious body through many
Jacob Heatherington's wife was a most
estimable woman and a devout member of the Christian Church.
Her demise was sadly mourned. She died in 1896, aged about 80
Winfield Scott Heatherington was born near the
residence of his father, in South Bellaire, in 1847. At that
time his father owned 52 acres of the valuable land along the river,
about one-half of which has been sold to the railroads and for
choice residence sites. Mr. Heatherington has operated
what is known as the "River" mine, as noted above, his duties being
the superintendence of the outside work, while his niece manages the
office. Three fine residences are in course of construction,
several blocks north of the family home. They are being built
by our subject, his brother, John, and Lyde, his
niece. Winfield Scott Heatherington married a
daughter of Rudolph Archer, deceased, and to this union were
born four sons and two daughters, namely: Howard, who was
formerly a miner, but now a glass worker, married Eva
Harper, has one child, Eugene, and resides in the First
Ward; Orlando, who is also a glass worker, married Miss
Rufer and has two sons - Raymond and Newell; Maude,
who married John Rankin, bookkeeper for the
Delaplain Dry Goods Company of Wheeling, resides on Wheeling Island,
and is the mother of two sons, - Chauncey A. and Ralph H.;
Albert, who conducts a large gentlemen's furnishing business in
Bellaire, a member of the firm of Heatherington & Archer,
married Mary Buchanan, and they have one daughter,
Mildred; Winfield Scott, Jr., who is a master of vessel and
pilot, secured his license on the day he reached his majority, being
the youngest pilot then in government waters, married Anna
Schramm, and they have one daughter, Grace; and Martha,
the youngest, who resides at home.
The Heatherington name has been perpetuated in
many ways in Belmont County, and has long been familiar in many
circles, most notably in a musical organization, known as the
Heatherington Band. It was organized over 60 years ago by
William and Jacob Heatherington, the latter being at that
time the drummer. Winfield Scott Heatherington was
elected to that rank while still too small to carry his drum, and
later conducted the band for some 30 years, being an expert baritone
player. His eldest son is also killed on the same instrument.
He resigned this duty to his son in 1887. The band consists of
24 pieces and it is well known all over the county.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 735 |
W. HEATHERINTON, chief engineer of the city water works of
Bellaire, Belmont County, Ohio, was born in 1850 and is a son of
Ralph and Margaret (Dixon) Heatherington.
John Heatherington, grandfather of our subject,
with his son, John, Jr., came from Durham County, England, to
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1829. The remainder of the
family arrived at Philadelphia, July 10, 1830. They came to
Wheeling in 1832 and there followed lead mining for a time, after
which they went down the Ohio and up the Mississippi River to
Galena, Illinois, wehre John Heatherington died at the age of
45 years. He was an expert at locating coal mines, known in
England as "blossom finder." He had five sons and four
daughters, as follows: John, deceased; William,
deceased; Jacob, who resides in South Bellaire; Ralph,
father of our subject; Edward, deceased; Jane,
deceased; Rebecca, deceased; Isabel, deceased; and
Mary, a widow, residing with her two daughters in Southern
Ralph Heatherington was born July 13, 1817, and
came to this country with his parents. During the year 1833 he
worked for Captain Fink, and later went to Illinois
when the family moved thither. All of the Heatherington
family were coal miners but Edward, who followed
tailoring and moved to Iowa, where his sons still reside. The
latter and two sons served in the Union Army during the Civil War.
Ralph returned to Bellaire from Illinois in 1846 and formed a
partnership with a Mr. Erick, later conducting alone
the mines now known as the Schick mines. He opened
numerous mines for others and actively managed them, among them
being the old Sullivan and the Barnard Mine. He
was a man of great physical strength and lived to reach the age of
78 years, dying July 26, 1895. He married Margaret
Dixon, a daughter of George Dixon, a former coal and
river man of Bridgeport, for whom he ran on boats for a time.
She survived her husband until April, 1898, when she died at the age
of 79 years. Six children blessed their union, as follows:
Mrs. Stephen Hipkins, of Martin’s Ferry; George,
who has been in the lumber business at St. Paul, Minnesota, since
1881; Joseph W.; Mrs. Virginia Burkle,
of Martin’s Ferry; Mrs. Della Rigsby, of
Belmont County; and Mrs. Emma Dessell, of
Joseph W. Heatherington started at the
machinist’s trade in 1867 in the old C. & O. shops. and subsequently
followed his trade at different places. For a period of 18
years he was employed in the steel plant, and since 1893 has been
chief engineer of the Bellaire Water Works. He has rendered
the most satisfactory service in that capacity, and is unexcelled as
a skilled mechanic and engineer.
Mr. Heatherington was joined in marriage with
Miranda Blackburn. who was born at Wheeling and is a
daughter of O. T. Blackburn. They have six children:
Oliver, a painter, who is married and has four children;
Minnie (Krieder), of Bellaire; Howard, who is
engaged at the Novelty Stamping Works; Margaret, who lives at
home; Russell, and Ralph. Our subject resides
with his family at No. 4554 Jefferson Street. In politics he
is a Republican and served as a member of the water board from 1887
to 1890, and is now serving his sixth year as member of the Board of
Education, of which Fraternally, he is president. he is a member of
the Odd Fellow lodge and encampment, and the Knights of the
Maccabees. In religious faith he is a Presbyterian.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 426 |
DR. A. J. HEINLEIN was born in
Bridgeport, Ohio, on the 19th of February, 1862. After his
graduation from the Bridgeport High School in 1879, he went to
Columbus, Ohio, where he attended the Ohio State University for
three years. Graduating from Jefferson Medical College,
Philadelphia, in 1886, he returned to his native State, and for one
and one-half years was physician to the hospital at the State
Penitentiary, Columbus, Ohio. After resigning there, he
returned to Bridgeport, and has ever since practiced medicine in
this locality.
Without ostentation, quietly and strictly attending to
his practice, the Doctor commands the confidence of his patrons.
Dr. Heinlein's reputation rests on a firm basis
and will be lasting.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 150 |
PETER W. HELPBRINGER, a prosperous
farmer and also proprietor of the Helpbringer Mills of Richland
township, Belmont County, Ohio, was born in Goshen township in 1846.
and is a son of John and Tamzin (Wolf) Helpbringer.
John Helpbringer was born in Frederick County, Virginia, in 1809, and
died in 1887. He came to Ohio, first locating in Guernsey County, and
subsequently in Goshen township, Belmont County, in 1840. He then
moved to Smith township, where he lived almost 40 years. He then lived
with his son, Peter W., for three years, after which he made his home
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ramsey, in Mead township, until his
death. He was a farmer, and also operated the Helpbringer Hour and saw
mills for a period of twenty-five years. He was a Republican in
politics, and in religious attachment was a member of the M. E.
Church. He was united in marriage with Tamzin Wolf, a daughter of
Peter and Clarissa Wolf. She was born in Frederick County, Virginia,
in 1809, and died in 1888. Religiously, she. was a member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. To this union were born seven children:
William, who lives in Missouri; Joshua Lupton, who died in 1879;
Rebecca Ann, wife of Sterling Douglas, residing near Kelsey station,
Smith township; John, deceased; Clara Virginia, wife of
William E. Devoe, of Smith township; Peter W.; and
Sarah A., wife of William
Ramsay, of Mead township.
Peter W. Helpbringer is also a miller by trade and succeeded his
father, upon the latter's retirement, as proprietor of the Helpbringer
mills. He is also engaged in farming near Glencoe, his home farm
consisting of 230 acres of valuable land, and he also owns 80 acres in
Wayne township. His beautiful residence sits on an elevation and
commands an excellent view of the surrounding country. He is a man of
high principles, a good, loyal citizen, and commands the respect and
highest esteem of his fellow men.
April 22, 1880. Mr. Helpbringer was united in the bonds of matrimony
with Jane Louisa Neff, a daughter of Henry and
Matilda Neff. who was
born in Smith township in 1850. They are parents of five children. as
follows: Henry N., who died in July. 1881; Adelbert S.; Clara May;
Ralph E., who died January 26, 1901; and James N.
Mrs Helpbringer died
February 7, 1901. Religiously, our subject is a member of the M. E.
Church. He is a Republican in politics.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 395 |
the oldest and most prominent farmers of Washington township, Belmont
County, was born in teh township along Pea Vine Creek, in 1818.
He is a son of Michael and Mary (Space) Hendershot,
who emigrated from New Jersey Feb. 15, 1815, locating along Captina
Creek. They both died on the home farm when 86 years of age.
The mother of our subject was the second wife of Michael
Hendershot, and to them were born the following children:
John, born in 1807, who died in 1833; Isaac, born in
1809, who died in Guernsey County, Ohio, in 1867; Henry,
born February 26, 1811, who died in Washington township in 1885;
George Washington, subject of this biography;
Mary Ann, born in 1813, who died at the age of 21 years;
Sarah Maria, born in 1820, who married Henry
Lomar Sept. 9, 1843, and lived in Beallsville, Monroe County,
Ohio, where she died; and Michael, born in 1823, who
died at Columbus and was buried in York township. By his first wife
Michael Hendershot had two children, Daniel,
who died in 1883, and Angeline, wife of
Adolph Harmon, born in 1804, and died in Nebraska about 1893.
George W. Hendershot was reared and has always
resided in Washington township. He owns about one section of
land, which is devoted to sheep raising and general farming under his
supervision. He cleared this land at an early day and actively
managed it until a few years ago, when it was given into the care of
his sons, each of whom receives his share of the crops.
Sept. 30, 1843, Mr. Hendershot married
Sevilla Carpenter, who was born in Monroe County, Ohio, in
1824, and is a daughter of Robert Carpenter, who
moved to York township, Belmont County, when she was eight years of
age. Twelve children were born to them: The eldest died in
infancy; Penelope, wife of William
Pfeffenbach, resides at Bellaire; Michael Taylor,
who lives on the home farm, married Margaret Linden
and has five children: Robert C., also residing on
the home farm married Lovina Taylor, deceased and
later Margaret Bryson; Henry S., residing on his
father's farm, married Elizabeth Bryson;
Sevilla Jane, wife of John Graham, resides
on her father's farm on Pea Vine Creek; Mary, wife of
David Honey; Margaret, who married
Ross Carle, resides on Pea Vine Creek; George
Grant, who resides with his father, married Sarah
Diantha Hess; Nancy Ellen, married
George Carle and resides near Bellaire, Pultney township; and
Anna Laura died at the age of three years.
Although Mr. Hendershot's eyesight has failed rapidly
in recent years, he retains all his old-time sagacity in business
affairs, and gives counsel to his sons. He is most highly
esteemed and has friends of long standing in the county. He has
always been a Republican since the organization of the party. He
has reared a Presbyterian, but is inclined to be liberal in his views.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 823 |
the best known citizens of Washington township, Belmont County, is a
prosperous general merchant of Hendershot, of which he is also the
postmaster. He was born in this township in 1849, and is a son
of Henry and Mary (Barrett) Hendershot.
Henry Hendershot engaged in farming all his life
and for many years lived on the farm now occupied by our subject.
He died in 1885, and his wife in 1871. The mother was probably
a Virginian by birth, and was in the block-house at Wheeling during
the trouble with Indians. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hendershot
became parents of the following children: John Peter,
deceased, a soldier of the Civil War; William deceased, who
also served in the army; Henry Clay, deceased, also a soldier
of the Union Army; Elizabeth, deceased; Annie (McGar),
a widow, residing near Belmont; Lydia Bell, deceased, and
J. Taylor subject of this biography.
J. Taylor Hendershot was reared and has always
made a home on the farm. Early in the "nineties" he
established a general store, carrying a stock of goods invoicing
about $2,000, and this he has since conducted in a most successful
manner. When Hendershot was made a post office some seven
years ago our subject received the appointment of postmaster, in
which capacity he has since continued. He owns a farm of 160
acres, all of which is well improved and is operated under his
direction. He was joined in marriage with Eunice Hall,
a daughter of Job Hall, and they have three children:
Birdie O., now a Steubenville; Foster Welch, at Captina
Mills, and Bernie Baer at home. Politically he is a
Republican and has served as township trustee and in other local
offices. He is a member of Moriah Lodge, No. 105, F. & A. M.,
of Pohatan. In religious attachment he is a member of Grand
View Christian Church.
Job Hall, father of Mrs. Hendershot, was
born in Richland township, Belmont County, in 1824, and is a son of
William and Nancy (Dillon) Hall, and grandson of Dennis
Hall. The lat named moved to Wheeling from Loudoun County,
Virginia, in 1805, and later located in Pease township, and finally
in Richland township, Belmont County, Ohio. He was a miller by
trade and followed milling throughout life. He married
Rachel Shubridge, who died in Knox County, Ohio, and of the
children born to them four died before leaving Virginia. The
others, William Y., John, James, Nancy, and
Priscilla, are now all deceased. William Y. Hall,
father of Job Hall, was born in Loudoun County, Virginia,
Jan. 9, 1795, and came with his father to Richland township.
He resided in Belmont County until 1854, when he moved to the State
of Iowa, locating in Appanoose County, wehre he followed
carpentering and farming. His death occurred Jan. 13, 1870.
He wife, Nancy Dillon, was born in Greene County,
Pennsylvania, in 1801, and was a daughter of Job and Catherine (Colly)
Dillon who emigrated from Pennsylvania to Richland township when
Mrs. Hall was very small. She died in 1833 in the prime
of life. Six children were born to William and Nancy Hall,
namely: Alma, born in 1822, married and moved to Iowa, where
she died; Job; Lovina, born in 1827, married Isaac Meek
and died in this county; Melissa, born in 1829, died at
Armstrong's Mills; Catherine, born in 1831, died single, and
Nancy, born in 1833, who is the wife of William Slay
of Glencoe.
Job Hall was four years old when brought to
Washington township, where he has since made his home, having now
passed the age of 78 years. He was reared on a farm, but later
took up the trade of a millwright when 33 years of age. He
engaged at various mills and continued in the business until some
five years ago, his last work being to help put in the rolls at the
Armstrong Mills, which were later burned. He has resided on
his present home farm since 1859, and has followed farming during
that period. He was married in 1849 to Elizabeth Hendershot,
who was born in Washington township in 1824, and is a daughter of
Daniel and Mary (Brewer) Hendershot. They have five
children: Eunice, born in 1850 and wife of J. T.
Hendershot; James W., born in 1852, died at the age of two
years; Alonzo O., born in 1854, resides at Bellaire, where he
is engaged in the grocery business; Mary, born in 1857, wife
of Samuel Carpenter, of York township; and Viola, born
in 1860, married Charles F. Kocher a blacksmith, and resides
at Armstrong's Mills. Politically Mr. Hall is a
Democrat and has served in various township offices.
Fraternally he is a member of Captina Lodge, No. 429, I. O. O. F.
His wife is a member of the Christian Church and he is a
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 799 |
progressive farmer of Wheeling township, Belmont County, Ohio, was
born on his present farm July 18, 1844, and is a son of Alexander
and grandson of Andrew Henderson.
Anderson Henderson was born in Pennsylvania and was
of Scotch-Irish descent. He was father of the following
children: Alexander father of our subject; Andrew,
who lived at Cambridge; James, a United Presbyterian
minister, who died in Iowa, where his family still reside;
Matthew, born in 1807, lived in Wheeling township - he married
Miranda A. Perrian, who was born in New York City in 1811,
and they had 11 children; John, who lived in Belmont County,
died at St. Clairsville in 1897; Martha, who married John
Carnahan, died in Athens, Ohio; Elizabeth, wife of
William McFarland, died in Athens, Ohio; and Mary, wife
of John Kerr died in Belmont County.
Alexander Henderson was born in Washington
County, Pennsylvania, in 1797, and was a young man when he came with
his father of Ohio about 1815. He settled and cleared the land
which became known as the old family homestead, it at one time
comprising more than 500 acres. He was father of the following
children: Andrew,, born in Belmont County, in 1824,
moved to Missouri after the war, in which he and two sons, Samuel
and William, fought. He later went west, and at the
time of his death in 1899 was living in Boonville, Missouri.
William, born in 1828, lived in Colerain township until his
death, and his family still reside there. James, born
in 1832, was captain of Company G, 170th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., and
was wounded at Snicker's Gap July 18, 1864. He died in
Colerain township in 1873. Alexander Y, is the subject
of this biography. Mary Jane, born in 1826, married
Samuel Sloan, by whom she had 11 children. Martha,
born in 1830, married William Kerr, who died in 1890, leaving
four children: Elizabeth, who lives in Kansas, is the widow
of John Baker, who died in 1901. Hannah Ann,
wife of James Coulter, lives near Harrisville, in Harrison
County, Ohio.
Alexander Y. Henderson attended the common
schools of his community, and was but 20 years of age when he
enlisted in Company G, 170th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf. He
participated in the engagements at Snicker's Gap and Winchester, and
was with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. He has always
followed farming as an occupation, and just after his marriage
settled on the farm to the south of his present location. His
house was destroyed by fire in 1868, and was replaced by a handsome
new brick home at a cost of $3,200. He moved to his present
farm in 1900 and erected a new house and barn. He has 40 acres
of the old homestead, and follows general farming and stock raising.
He raises nothing but registered stock, and makes a specialty of
Chester White hogs and Scotch Collie dogs. He is a fine
penman, and in 1900 was called upon to take the census of the
township. He has been notary public since 1896, a school
director seven or eight years, and has held other township offices.
He is a Republican, and has been central committeeman for a period
of 12 years.
Our subject was married Oct. 25, 1866, to Rachel A.
Coulter, who was born Jan. 8, 1844, and is a daughter of
Thomas and Mary Ann Coulter. Her father was born in
Maryland in 1816 and died Jan. 8, 1901; her mother was born in
Belmont County in 1815 and died in 1890. Ten children were
born to this union: Charles L., Sept. 13, 1867, a veterinary
surgeon of Flushing; Alfred H., born Mar. 6, 1869, agent and
telegraph operator at Fairpoint, married Laura Berry of
Bridgeport; Frank Wilmer, born Dec. 23, 1870, who is cashier
of the First National Bank of Bridgeport, married Carrie Branum;
Alonzo Ross, born Dec. 15, 1872, is in the employ of the
Crescent Coal Company, - he was married Mar. 30, 1893, to Nona
Edwards, and has three children; Elma Novelta, born Jan.
24, 1875, married William F. Lemmon and lives in Harrison
County, Ohio; Luman C., born Feb. 7, 1877, is telegraph
operator on the Lake Erie Railroad, near Canton, Ohio; Oralena T.,
born Jan. 13, 1879, is at home; Marion F., born Oct. 17,
1882; Ana Angelica born Dec. 29, 1885; and Alexander Y.,
Jr. Religiously the family belongs to the U. P. Church.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 653 |
of Wheeling township, Belmont County, Ohio, are sons of Mathew
Hederson and grandsons of Andrew Henderson.
Matthew Henderson was united in marriage with
Miranda Perrian, who was born in New York City and whose
ancestors at an early day moved from Holland to France and at a
later day became established in America. One, Jacob Perrian,
was surveyor for William Penn and entered some land, where
the city of Philadelphia now stands, and, it is said, leased it for
99 yeas. Peter Perrian, father of Mrs. Henderson,
moved to Ohio in 1821, and in 1822 established an old wheat mill in
Belmont County. He subsequently moved to Harrisville, and then
to Monroe County. He died at the age of 85 years and his wife
died four years later at the age of 85 years. They had seven
children all of whom are now deceased. Matthew Henderson
and Miranda Perrian were married on Wheeling Creek in Belmont
County in 1831, and there passed the remainder of their lives, the
former dying in September, 1862, and the latter, Mar. 1, 1887.
To them were born the following children: William P.,
deceased; JOHN LARUE; Wilson; Leander,
deceased; Edward, deceased; Matthew C., who was never
married and lives in Colerain township; Peter P., deceased;
Andrew J.; Alexander, deceased; Mary P., deceased;
Miranda, deceased, and ROBERT PATTERSON.
born in Wheeling township, two miles below his present farm, Aug. 6,
1833. He took to farming at an early day has since continued
in that occupation with unvarying success. He has 122 acres of
land and follows general farming and stock raising. He
enlisted in 1864 in the 100-day service, participating in several
hard fought battles. He has never married. In politics
he has always been a stalwart Republican. Religiously, he was
baptized in the old Seceders' Presbyterian Church.
born where his residence now stands in Wheeling township, June 8,
1855, and has followed farming all his life, remaining at home until
after his marriage. He moved to Oregon, where he lived some 14
months, then moved to Oklahoma Territory, where he was the first man
that ever sowed wheat in Pottawatomie County, hauling the seed a
distance of 72 miles with ox-teams. In 1891 he was married to
Mary C. Dietrich, a daughter of Philip Dietrich of
West Wheeling. Her parents are of German descent, and she is
one of 12 children, all of whom are now living but John.
To this union was born one child, Mabel Esther, born May
4, 1892, in Linn County, Oregon.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 ~ Page 763 |

John M. Henderson |
a hardware merchant of Martin's Ferry, and one of the most
industrious business men of the city, owns the finest hardware store
in the county, and has numerous other business enterprises that
occupy all his attention, among them his interest in the coal lands
so abundant throughout the States of Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Mr. Henderson is a son of Hugh and Margaret
(Cowen) Henderson, natives of the Keystone State, and is himself
a native of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, where he was born Feb.
13, 1863. Hugh Henderson was a stationary engineer by
vocation, and followed that occupation throughout most of his
lifetime. Previous to taking this up, however, he was a miller
and owned a mill in Pennsylvania for many years until after the
Civil War, when in 1869 he removed to Ohio and settled on a farm
three miles from Martin's Ferry. This farm has recently been
sold to the Cleveland & Pittsburg Railroad Company, who will open up
the coal fields it contains. Hugh Henderson is now a
retired business man and resides at the old Henderson homestead in
Martin's Ferry, situated at the head of Walnut street. He has
reached the advanced age of 76 years. For three score years he
has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, has held all
the offices accorded to laymen and has been superintendent of the
Sunday-school, etc. His wife died at the age of 66 years, May
6, 1898, having been a lifelong member of the same Methodist
Episcopal Church. She was one of the most devoted of church
workers, always painstaking and thorough in all she did, and her
deeds and efforts to help others will furnish pleasant, endearing
memories to the many, who remember her still, for long years to
come. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson were the parents of six
children, our subject being the fifth child. The others are as
follows: Jennie (Mrs. William P. Green), who resides in
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Homer W., who was first a commercial
traveler for the Standard Oil Company until 1887, when he started
the hotel business in Pittsburg, which he still carries on with good
success; J. B., who is engaged in the coke and coal business
at Vanderbilt, Pennsylvania, having enjoyed a very successful
career; Emma, who is a resident of the home place with her
father, is a very active church worker and possesses many of the
qualities and noble traits of character which characterized the
efficient services of her mother; and Hugh K., who lives in
Pittsburg, where for 14 years he was in the coal business with
Joseph Walton, and where he still is identified with the
Pittsburg coal combine.
John M. Henderson, our subject, received
training in the way of education in the commercial department of
Frasher's College at Wheeling, West Virginia. He served an
apprenticeship at the Martin's Ferry Stove Works, and was later a
member of the Joseph Bell Stove Company, of Wheeling. He
remained at that place until the foundry was moved to Muncie,
Indiana, in 1890 and then he found employment in Martin's Ferry, in
the Establishment of the Hardware business which he still conducts.
His rooms are large and well supplied with a full line of jobbers'
and builders' supplies, shelf hardware, brick, tile, etc., in fact
everything that should be handled by a hardware merchant. The
large patronage which he has and the satisfactory manner in which he
conducts the business speak for his knowledge of the principles that
are best employed, and for his honesty and accommodations as well.
The building which he occupied could not have a better location, as
it is on a corner in the business center of the city.
On Oct. 22, 1892, Mr. Henderson was united in
marriage with Ida M. Cope of Smithfield, Ohio, the only child
of William and Mary A. Cope, who are members of the Society
of Friends, residing at Smithfield. To the union of our
subject and his wife have been born four children, but one of whom
is now living. The record follows: William H. and
Lewis, who died in infancy; Joseph Charles, whose
death took place in 1900, at the age of four years; and Lewis B.,
now three years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson are
devoted to the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which the former has
been trustee for over 20 years.
The business life of Mr. Henderson has many
different enterprises to claim his attention, among which are the
following. He is now the president of the First National Bank
at Dillonvale, Ohio, which was established in February, 1901.
He is also connected with other banking houses all along the Ohio
Valley. HE has coal stock, and an interest in the mines
throughout the surrounding country; in the last three years he has
disposed of 80,000 acres of coal land in West Virginia, Ohio, and
Pennsylvania. In Belmont County he has bought in fee over
5,000 acres of coal lands and disposed of over 180,000 acres.
In politics Mr. Henderson is a member of the
Republican party, and was elected in 1890 to the City Council of
Martin's Ferry, serving as a member two terms and as president of
the same for two terms. He is always active in politics and as
a business man is classed among the leaders in the Upper Ohio
Valley. No matter how great the rush in business life, he has
time for church, town or county whenever they desire his service or
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 489 |
photographer by profession, is said to be the best artist in
Bellaire, Ohio. Mr. Henderson was born in 1869 in the
city which is still his home, and he is a son of Robert and
Hester J. (Sellers) Henderson. His father was a saddler by
trade prior to his removal from Richmond, Virginia. After
locating in Ohio, however, he followed railroad life, being employed
in the transportation department of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad at
Bellaire. He died in 1895, at the early age of 42 years.
The mother of our subject is still living, being at the
present time a resident of Clarksburg, West Virginia. She was
born in Wheeling, now West Virginia, and is a daughter of V. P.
Sellers. Her father removed from West Virginia to
Bellaire, Ohio, where he conducted a jewelry store.
Mr. Henderson is the eldest of a family of five
children: the others are: Perry, of Parkersburg, West
Virginia; Pearl (Ash); Edward, a theatrical man, who
makes his home in Wheeling when not on the road; and Cora,
who is still at home. Our subject was educated in the public
schools of Bellaire and in his youth learned the photographer's
trade with Mr. Sellers an uncle, who now conducts a portable
gallery. He began business on his own behalf in 1896 and has
been very successful. His gallery is located at No. 3161 Union
street, just north of Globe Hotel, where he is pleased to see all
patrons. His photographs show the touch of an artist and give
excellent satisfaction.
Emma Coffman, of Bellaire, became the wife of
our subject, and they have two children, Paul and Mildred.
Mrs. Henderson's home was formerly in Centreville, Ohio, and the
family have a pleasant cottage on Gravel Hill. In politics our
subject is outspoken and true in his allegiance to the Republican
party, and in fraternal circles he belongs to the Knights of Pythias
and to the K. O. T. M. The family embrace the religion of the
Christian Church and have a large number of friends. Mr.
Henderson, wide awake to the interests of the community, is an
upright, consistent and reliable citizen.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 507 |
DR. JOSEPH HEWETSON's biography, as prepared by the Medical
Society at the time of his death, appears in the latter portion
of this book devoted to biographies; a few brief references is
all we think necessary.
He was one of the charter members of the society.
Having had the long and thorough medical training that was
required in the Edinburgh University, Scotland, he was an
opponent of the short, and what appeared to him superficial,
course of education in this country. He more than once
presented his opinions on this subject to the association.
It was his firm belief that time and the necessities of the
profession would overcome these objections.
The Doctor left a family of six sons and one daughter.
Four sons, three grandsons, and one granddaughter are in the
practice of the profession.
See Chapter
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 144 |

F. W. Hibbard |
DR. A. B. HOBSON, born in 1872, was
graduated from the medical department of the University of Cleveland
in 1895. After remaining with his uncle, Dr. John A. Hobson
of Flushing, Ohio, during his student days, and completing his
college course, he entered into partnership with Dr. J. A. Hobson.
Later, Dr. Marsh became an additional member of the firm.
Dr. Hobson's natural abilities, developed
and brightened by his continued experience in the Flushing
Sanitarium, has made him one of our brightest and most solid young
men. All that know him predict for him a bright future.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 150 |
DR. JOHN A. HOBSON was born July 2,
1849. He graduated from the Miami Medical College in 1872, and
also took a post-graduate course in the Polyclinic, New York, in
1895, and again in 1896.
Dr. Hobson in the commencement of his medical
career had nothing beyond the ordinary to advance his progress.
Early in his practice he began to seek to advance his work. He
concluded to elect the medical and surgical diseases of women as a
It was not long until one important operation after
another occurred, and it became a necessity to have better
arrangements for work. He concluded to erect a hospital, that
he might secure better facilities for properly treating his cases.
This he did in 1890, and since the equipment of his hospital his
business has greatly increased.
The Doctor does honest work and seeks to build his
reputation upon the solid basis of honest and fair dealing with his
patients. Dr. Hobson's reputation does not rest alone
on his specialty. He does a large amount of general surgery;
beyond this, his experience in general practice, his
well-established character for general knowledge, gives him a wide
consulting practice.
There is no one dealing with Dr. Hobson
professionally or otherwise that does not entertain for him the
highest sentiment of respect and friendship. It is more than
likely Dr. J. and friendship. It is more than likely
Dr. J. A. Hobson stands at the top of the profession in our
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 149 |
DR. A. J. HOGE was born July 29, 1832,
near Morristown, Ohio. He read medicine at Cincinnati, Ohio,
but practiced as a regular.
He began the practice of medicine in 1855 at Malaga,
Ohio. He was married in 1856 to Eliza Harper.
After practicing two years at the above place and two years at
Bethesda, he removed to Morristown, Ohio, where he remained until
When presenting himself for membership in the Belmont
County Medical Society, he realized how unlikely it might appear to
some of the older members that he would practice the allopathic
system of medicine. He came to some of us who were younger,
and gave us the most solemn assurance of his honesty. We all
promised him our full help and sympathy, having the utmost
confidence in his honor. He was received heartily by the
association, the investigation showing his honorable intentions.
Through a long life none ever regretted his admission. Dr.
Hoge was a member of the Disciple's Church and lived a
consistent Christian life.
He was a member, much liked, of both the Odd Fellow and
Masonic fraternities. He served two years as surgeon in the
Civil War.
Dr. Hoge during a long practice in Morristown
held a strong, firm grip upon the hearts of the people. The
large attendance and sympathetic demonstrations, at both sick bed
and funeral, bespoke him a higher tribute of respect than is
accorded most men.
He died Aug. 8, 1900, being in active practice until
within two years of his death.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and
Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 148 |
gentleman who has attained high distinction as a member of the legal
profession, is judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Belmont County,
Ohio, and has been a prominent citizen of St. Clairsville for many
years. He was born in Flushing. Ohio. August 8, 1849, and is a son of
John Hollingsworth, a farmer and stock raiser.
After completing the prescribed course of study in the public schools.
Judge Hollingsworth attended Mount Union College, at
Alliance, Ohio, from which he was graduated in 1872. Having early in
life determined upon a professional career, he entered the law office
of Judge D. D. T. Cowen, under whose excellent preceptorship he
diligently devoted his time to mastering legal principles, in the
meantime gaining much practical experience, which proved of
incalculable value to him in later years. He continued in this office
for three years, and in October, 1875, was admitted to the bar.
Between 1875 and 1882 he was engaged in various enterprises, and in
the latter year he opened a law office and engaged in practice at
Flushing, Ohio. In 1887 he received the Republican nomination for the
office of county attorney, and was elected by a majority of 400,and in
1890 he was re-elected by a majority of 100 more. Upon the expiration
of his term, he resumed the practice of law as a partner of James
M. Rees, an association which continued until January,
1897, when Mr. Hollingsworth assumed the duties of judge
of the Court of Common Pleas, to which office he was elected in 1896,
by a majority of 1,471 votes over his Democratic opponent. His
comprehensive knowledge of law, his utter impartiality and high sense
of justice render him an invaluable public servant. His popularity was
again evidenced in 1901, when he was re-elected judge by a large
majority for the term expiring in 1907. He has always been an
enthusiastic worker for Republican success, believing the principles
promulgated in the platforms of that party to be sound and just. He
has frequently been sent as a delegate to State and county
conventions, and in each campaign since 1885 has stumped the county in
the interest of his party.
Fraternally, Judge Hollingsworth was made a Master Mason
in Flushing Lodge No. 298; he is a member of Belmont Chapter, No. 30,
R. A. M.; he was created a Sir Knight in Hope Commandery, No. 26, K.
T., of which he has held the office of eminent commander; he is a
member of the Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias; and of the United
Order of American Mechanics. With the attributes which bring"
distinction in public life, he combines simplicity in private life,
and his true worth and sterling character have endeared him to the
citizens of Belmont County to a remarkable degree.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 343 |
CHARLES J. HOWARD, one of the leading attorneys of Belmont
County, Ohio, who was ably represented the county in the State
Legislature for two terms, and is now serving the city of
Barnesville as attorney, is one of the brilliant young men of this
locality who give promise of sustaining the proud reputation which
Ohio now holds in the Sisterhood of States.
Hon. Charles J. Howard was born in Barnesville,
on Mar. 26, 1862, a son of Albertus and Mary L. (Fry) Howard,
who had a family of three children born to them. Albertus
Howard was the youngest of a family of seven children and was a
native of Maryland. His father moved to Belmont County and
died when his son was about four years of age, leaving him ample
means which he used, later in life, in extensive tobacco operations
continuing the shipping of tobacco ever since.
Mr. Howard of this biography was afforded
excellent educational advantages, his completion of the common and
high school course, in Barnesville, being followed by his attendance
at the Ohio State University. Selecting the law as a
profession, he began his reading with Collins & Smith, and in
1883 entered the Cincinnati Law School where he graduated in the
same year and located in his native city. His ability soon
brought him into prominence, and in 1895 he was elected to the State
Legislature, and in 1897 approval of his course was shown by a
re-election. His record while in the House is one reflecting
credit upon himself and his constituency. He has ably served
the city as attorney for several terms and his prospects are bright
for higher political honors. His interest in educational
matters caused him to give them time and attention on the School
Board, and all matters of public moment promising to benefit this
locality are sure of his interest. Mr. Howard is both a
Mason and a Knight of Pythias, in his fraternal connection, while in
religious matters, he belongs to the Presbyterian denomination and
is superintendent of the Sunday-school at the present time.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1903 - Page 485 |
born Feb. 17, 1863, in Wales. He was graduated first in
pharmacy at the University of Pennsylvania in 1885. Deciding
later to study medicine, he returned to Philadelphia, and was
graduated in 1894 from the medical department of the same
university. He later took a post-graduate course in the same
Dr. Howells has been in the practice of medicine
in Bridgeport for over eight years. The Doctor has received
the encouragement of a liberal patronage by his fellow citizens.
He is well up in his profession, and there are few better posted in
all the modern means of treating disease.
Source: Centennial History of Belmont County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens. Publ. Biographical Publishing Co. -
Chicago, Illinois - 1903 - Page 150 |