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Darke County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


Biographical History






Click Here for Biographies in Part II


TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................3
INTRODUCTORY ....................................................................................11
COMPENDIUM OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY - Pt. 1 .................................13
COMPENDIUM OF LOCAL BIOGRAPHY - Pt. 2 .......................................223




Abbott, Lyman 144
Adams, Charles Kendall 143
Adams, John 25
Adams, John Quincy 61
Agassiz, Louis J. R. 137
Alber, Russell A. 173
Allison, William B. 131
Allston, Washington 190
Altgeld, John Peter 140
Andrews, Elisha B. 184
Anthony, Susan B. 62
Armour, Philip D. 62
Arnold, Benedict 84
Arthur, Chester Allen 168
Astor, John Jacob 39
Audubon, John James 166
Bailey, James Montgomery 177
Bancroft, George 74
Barnard, Frederick A. P. 179
Barnum, Phineas T. 41
Barrett, Lawrence 156
Barton, Clara 209
Bayard, Thomas Franicis 200
Beard, William H. 196
Beauregard, Pierre G. T. 203
Beecher, Henry Ward 26
Bell, Alexander Graham 96
Bennett, James Gordon 206
Benton, Thomas Hart 53
Bergh, Henry 160
Bierstadt, Albert 197
Billings, Josh 166
Blaine, James Gillespie 22
Bland, Richard Parks 106
Boone, Daniel 36
Booth, Edwin 51
Booth, Junius Brutus 177
Brice, Calvin S. 181
Brooks, Phillips 130
Brown, Charles Farrar 91
Brown, John 51
Brush, Charles Francis 153
Bryan, William Jennings 158
Bryant, William Cullen 44
Buchanan, Franklin 105
Buchanan, James 128
Buckner, Simon Bolivar 188
Burdette, Robert J. 103
Burr, Aaron 111
Butler, Benjamin Franklin 24
Calhoun, John Caldwell 23
Cameron, James Donald 141
Cameron, Simon 141
Cammack, Addison 197
Campbell, Alexander 180
Carlisle, John G. 133
Carnegie, Andrew 73
Carpenter, Matthew Hale 178
Carson, Christopher (Kit) 86
Cass, Lewis 110
Chase, Salmon Portland 65
Childs, George W. 83
Choate, Rufus 207
Claflin, Horace Brigham 107
Clay, Henry 21
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne 86
Cleveland, Grover 174
Clews, Henry 153
Clinton, DeWitt 110
Colfax, Schuyler 139
Conkling, Alfred 32
Conkling, Roscoe 32
Cooley, Thomas McIntyre 140
Cooper, James Fenimore 58
Cooper, Peter 37
Copely, John Singleton 191
Corbin, Austin 205
Corcoran, W. W. 196
Cornell, Ezra 161
Cramp, William 189
Crockett, David 76
Cullom, Shelby Moore 116
Curtis, George William 144
Cushman, Charlotte 107
Custer, George A. 95
Dana, Charles A. 88
Danbury News Man 177
Davenport, Fanny 106
Davis, Jefferson 24
Debs, Eugene V. 132
Decatur, Stephen 101
Deering, William 198
Depew, Chauncey Mitchell 209
Dickinson, Anna 103
Dickinson, Don M. 139
Dingley, Nelson, Jr. 215
Donnelly, Ignatius 161
Douglas, Stephen Arnold 53
Douglass, Frederick 43
Dow, Neal 108
Draper, John William 184
Drexel, Anthony Joseph 124
Dupont, Henry 198
Edison, Thomas Alva 55
Edmunds, George F. 201
Ellsworth, Oliver 168
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 57
Ericsson, John 127
Evarts, William Maxwell 89
Farragut, David Glascoe 80
Field, Cyrus West 173
Field, David Dudley 126
Field, Marshall 59
Field, Stephen Johnson 216
Fillmore, Millard 113
Foote, Andrew Hull 176
Foraker, Joseph B. 143
Forrest, Edwin 92
Franklin, Benjamin 18
Fremont, John Charles 29
Fuller, Melville Weston 168
Fulton, Robert 62
Gage, Lyman J. 71
Gallatin, Albert 112
Garfield, James A. 163
Garrett, John Work 200
Garrison, William Lloyd 50
Gates, Horatio 70
Gatling, Richard Jordon 116
George, Henry 203
Gibbons, Cardinal James 209
Gilmore, Patrick Sarsfield 77
Girard, Stephen 137
Gordon, John B. 215
Gough, John B. 131
Gould, Jay 52
Grant, Ulysses S. 155
Gray, Asa 88
Gray, Elisha 149
Greeley, Adolphus W. 142
Greeley, Horace 20
Greene, Nathaniel 69
Gresham, Walter Quintin 183
Hale, Edward Everett 79
Hall, Charles Francis 167
Hamilton, Alexander 31
Hamlin, Hannibal 214
Hampton, Wade 192
Hancock, Winfield Scot 146
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo 169
Harris, Isham G. 214
Harrison, Benjamin 182
Harrison, William Henry 87
Harvard, John 129
Havemeyer, John Craig 182
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 135
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard 157
Hendricks, Thomas Andrew 212
Henry, Joseph 105
Henry, Patrick 83
Hill, David Bennett 90
Hobart, Garrett A. 213
Holmes, Oliver Wendell 206
Hooker, Joseph 52
Houston, Sam 120
Howe, Elias 130
Howells, William Dean 104
Hughes, John, Archbishop 157
Hughitt, Marvin 159
Hull, Isaac 169
Huntington, Collis Potter 94
Ingalls, John James 114
Ingersoll, Robert G. 85
Irving, Washington 33
Jackson, "Stonewall" 67
Jackson, Andrew 71
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan 67
Jay, John 39
Jefferson, Joseph 47
Jefferson, Thomas 34
Johnson, Andrew 145
Johnson, Eastman 202
Johnston, Joseph Eccleston 84
Jones, James K. 171
Jones, John Paul  97
Jones, Samuel Porter 115
Kane, Elisha Kent 125
Kearney, Philip 210
Kenton, Simon 188
Knox, John Jay 134
Lamar, Lucius Q. C. 201
Landon, Melville D. 109
Lee, Robert Edward 33
Lewis, Charles B. 193
Lincoln, Abraham 135
Livermore, Mary Ashton 131
Locke, David Ross 172
Logan, John A. 26
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 37
Longstreet, James 56
Lowell, James Russell 104
Mackay, John William  148
Madison, James 42
Marshall, John 156
Mather, Cotton 164
Mather, Increase 163
Maxim, Hiram S. 194
McClellan, George Brinton 47
McCormick, Cyrus Hall 172
McDonough, Thomas, Com. 167
McKinley, William 217
Meade, George Gordon 75
Medill, Joseph 159
Miles, Nelson A. 176
Miller, Cincinnatus Heine 218
Miller, Joaquin 218
Mills, Roger Quarles 211
Monroe, James 54
Moody, Dwight L. 207
Moran, Thomas 98
Morgan, John Pierpont 208
Morgan, John T. 216
Morris, Robert 165
Morse, Samuel F. B. 124
Morton, Levi P. 142
Morton, Oliver Perry 215
Motley, John Lathrop 130
Nye, Bill 59
Nye, Edgar Wilson 59
O'Conor, Charles 187
Olney, Richard 133
Paine, Thomas 147
Palmer, John M. 195
Parkhurst, Charles Henry 160
Partington, Mrs. 202
Peabody, George 170
Peffer, William A. 164
Perkins, Eli 109
Perry, Oliver Hazard 97
Phillips, Wendell 30
Pierce, Franklin 122
Pingree, Hazen S. 212
Plaint, Henry B. 192
Poe, Edgar Allen 69
Polk, James Knox 102
Porter, David Dixon 68
Porter, Noah 93
Prescott, William Hickling  96
Printice, George Denison 119
Pullman, George Mortimer 121
Quad, M. 193
Quay, Matthew S. 171
Randolph, Edmund 136
Read, Thomas Buchanan 132
Reed, Thomas Brackett 208
Reid, Whitelaw 149
Roach, John 190
Rockefeller, John Davison 195
Root, George Frederick 218
Rothermel, Peter F. 113
Rutledge, John 57
Sage, Russell 211
Schofield, John McAllister 199
Schurz, Carl 201
Scott, Thomas Alexander 204
Scott, Winfield 79
Seward, William Henry 44
Sharon, William 165
Shaw, Henry W. 166
Sheridan, Phillip Henry 40
Sherman, Charles R. 87
Sherman, John 86
Sherman, William Tecumseh 30
Shillaber, Benjamin Penhallow 202
Smith, Edward Kirby 114
Sousa, John Philip 60
Spreckels, Claus 159
Stanford, Leland 101
Stanford, Leland 101
Stanton, Edwin McMasters 179
Stapton, Elizabeth Cady 126
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton 32
Stephenson, Adlai Ewing 141
Stewart, Alexander T. 58
Stewart, William Morris 213
Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher 66
Stuart, James E. B. 122
Sumner, Charles 34
Talmage, Thomas DeWitt 60
Taney, Roger Brooke 129
Taylor, Zachary 108
Teller, Henry M. 127
Tesla, Nikola 193
Thomas, George H. 73
Thomas, Theodore 172
Thurman, Allen G. 90
Thurston, John M. 166
Tilden, Samuel J. 58
Tillman, Benjamin Ryan 119
Toombs, Robert 205
Twain, Mark 86
Tyler, John 93
Vail, Afred 154
VanBuren, Martin 78
Vanderbuilt, Cornelius 35
Vest, George Graham 214
Vilas, William Freeman 140
Voorhees, Daniel Wolsey 95
Waite, Morrison Remich 125
Wallace, Lewis 199
Wallack, John Lester 121
Wallack, Lester 121
Wanamaker, John 89
Ward, Artemus 91
Washburne, Elihu Benjamin 189
Washington, George 17
Watson, Thomas E. 178
Watterson, Henry 76
Weaer, James B. 123
Webster, Daniel 19
Webster, Noah 49
Weed, Thurlow 91
West, Benjamin 115
Whipple, Henry Benjamin 161
White, Stephen V. 162
Whitefield, George 150
Whitman, Walt 197
Whitney, Eli 120
Whitney, William Collins 92
Whittier, John Greenleaf 67
Willard, Frances E. 133
Wilson, William L. 180
Winchell, Alexander 175
Windom, William 138


Alger, Russell A. 16
Allison, William B. 99
Anthony, Susan B. 63
Armour, Philip D. 151
Arthur, Chester A. 81
Barnum, Phineas T. 117
Beecher, Henry Ward 27
Blaine, James G. 151
Booth, Edwin 63
Bryan, Wm. J. 63
Bryant, Willialm Cullen 185
Buchanan, James 81
Buckner, Simon B. 16
Butler, Benjamin F. 151
Carlisle, John G. 151
Chase, Salmon P. 16
Childs, George W. 99
Clay, Henry 81
Cleveland, Grover 45
Cooper, Peter 99
Dana, Charles A. 151
Depew, Chauncey M. 117
Douglass, Fred 63
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 27
Evarts, William M. 99
Farragut, D. G., Com. 185
Field, Cyrus W. 63
Field, Marshall 117
Franklin, Benjamin 63
Fremont, John C., Gen. 16
Gage, Lyman J. 151
Garfield, James A. 45
Garrison, William Lloyd 63
George, Henry 117
Gould, Jay 99
Grant, U. S., Gen. 185
Greeley, Horace 81
Hampton, Wade 16
Hancock, Winfield S., Gen. 185
Hanna, Mark A. 117
Harrison, Benjamin 81
Hayes, R. B. 45
Hendricks, Thomas A. 81
Holmes, Oliver W. 151
Hooker, Joseph, Gen. 16
Ingersoll, Robert G. 117
Washington, Irving 27
Jackson, Andrew 45
Jefferson, Thomas 45
Johnston, J. E., Gen. 16
Lee, Robert E., Gen. 185
Lincoln, Abraham 81
Logan, John A., Gen. 16
Longfellow, Henry W. 185
Longstreet, James, Gen. 16
Lowell, James Russell 27
McKinley, William 45
Morse, S. F. B. 185
Phillips, Wendell 27
Porter, D. D., Com. 185
Pullman, George M. 117
Quay, M. S. 99
Reed, Thomas B. 151
Sage, Russell 117
Scott, Winfield, Gen. 185
Seward, William H. 45
Sherman, John 99
Sherman, W. T., Gen. 151
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 27
Stowe, Harriet Beecher 27
Sumner, Charles 45
Talmage, T. DeWitt 63
Teller, Henry M. 99
Thurman, Allen G. 81
Tilden, Samuel J. 117
Van Buren, Martin 81
Vanderbilt, Commodore 99
Webster, Daniel 27
Whittier, John G. 2_
Washington, G. 45
Watterson, Henry 63






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