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Darke County, Ohio
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A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio

Compendium of National Biography
Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company



GEORGE W. RAHN.  The history of a state or nation is best told in the lives and deeds of those who have conferred dignity and honor upon society, and a record of this nature best indicates the true annals of the historic old county with which this compilation has to do.  In thus considering the lives of the representative citizens of Darke county the subject of this particular review will need no special introduction, for he is widely and favorably known throughout this section.  Mr. Rahn is a native of the Buckeye state, and of the county in which he now lives, having been born in Darke county, Adams township, Jan. 25, 1849, being the fourth in order of birth of the two sons and three daughters of Levi and Amanda (Lightner) Rahn, and one of the four who are yet living—Josephine, wife of Chipman Coppess, of Randolph county, Indiana; Francina, wife of Wesley Armstrong, of Greenville, Ohio; George W., the subject of this sketch; and Addison C., a dairyman of Greenville, this county.  The name Rahn is of German derivation, and our subject may well take pride in tracing his lineage to the sturdy Teutonic stock which so early, became conspicuously identified with the history of Pennsylvania.  Levi Rahn was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, about the year 1820, and he was reared to the life of a farmer.  It should be mentioned in this connection that there were many of the.Pennsylvania Germans who came to Darke county and colonized as pioneers in what is now Adams township.  As they came from Adams county, Pennsylvania, and from near the city or town of Gettysburg) they concluded to name their new township in honor of their old home and to confer upon the village of Gettysburg its title in honor of the county seat of Adams county.  Levi Rahn came with his wife and three children from their Pennsylvania home to Darke county in 1847, making the trip overland with wagons, in which were transported the little stock of household goods, and covering the long and weary journey of six hundred miles, through the unbroken forests which then marked much of this section of the Union, the work of reclaiming Darke county having but just begun.  When the Rahn family arrived in Darke county they had two horses and their wagon, with a few necessary household goods, and about five dollars in cash.  The Germans are well known for their industry, frugality and pragmatic ability, and Levi Rahn showed the typical thrift of the race, working diligently and eventually becoming the owner of one hundred and ninety acres of valuable land in Darke county.  In national affairs he supported the principles of the Democratic party, although at the time of the Rebellion, when the integrity of the nation was threatened, he voted for Lincoln.  He and his wife were members of the German Reformed church.
George W. Rahn of this sketch has been reared and educated in Darke county, which has been his home for more than half a century.  He is what may be well termed as a self-educated man, as his educational advantages were perforce limited in the little pioneer township where he was reared, and like most of the other boys of the time and place he had soon to lend his aid in clearing away the forests and reclaiming the land for cultivation.  He may thus be consistently considered as one of the founders and builders of the progressive and finely improved county of which he is now an honored citizen.  He remained at home .until the age of twenty, and in starting out for himself had to rely solely upon his own industry and judgment to accomplish his purpose in life.  He was married to Pauline Bailey Nov. 26, 1872, and of this union two sons and six daughters were born, all living except one: Alera is the wife of John A. Feltman, a farmer of Jackson township, and they have two children, George R. and Lucille; Emma D. is the wife of Harry C. Martin, of Brown township, and their children are Harold and Fredrick; Vermille M. graduated in the Union City high school, as a member of the class pf 1899, and she is now a successful teacher in Darke county, being also an excellent musical student; Hattie E., of the class of 1900, in the Union City high school, is also a musical student and has shown proficiency in the study of languages; Ida Opal is now in the eighth grade of the public schools; Georgiana is in the seventh grade; and Charles R., the youngest, is in the fourth grade.
Mrs. Rahn was born in Brown township, this county, Dec. 25, 1852, the daughter of James and Mary Ann (Teegarden) Bailey.  There were ten children in the family, of whom only three are living: Mrs. Rahn; Anna, wife of Levi Hopper, proprietor of the Farmers Hotel, at Greenville; and Stephen H., who is a blacksmith and wagon maker at Union City.  James Bailey was born in Perry county, Ohio, June 12, 1814, and died on New Year's day, 1891.  In earlier years he was a carpenter and joiner, but eventually devoted his attention to agriculture.  He was originally an old line Whig, but identified himself with the Republican party upon its organization, being an ardent abolitionist arid an admirer of President Lincoln.  He was a deacon of the Christian church for thirty years.  The mother of Mrs. Rahn died when the latter was but seven years old.
     When our subject and his wife began their wedded life they rented land in Greenville township, and their excellent success has been conserved through their ability and tenacity of purpose.  Their first land was a tract of eighty acres of timber and swamp land, in Jackson township, with no buildings and scarcely any improvements, the property having been willed to Mrs. Rahn.  Their first purchase was a fifty-acre tract, for which they assumed an indebtedness representing more than seventy per cent of its valuation, but by economy and wise management they met all obligations and attained the success which was so justly their due.  Their first home was a log cabin, and today they have a beautiful brick residence of two stories, with ample attic and basement, which was erected in 1879, and own two hundred and forty acres of valuable land, lying in Brown and Jackson townships.  In 1885 Mr. Rahn erected a fine barn, and the entire estate gives evidence of thrift and prosperity, while against the same there is not a dollar of indebtedness.  Mr. Rahn has in his possession the old deed of the Bailey land purchased in Jackson township, the same having been executed Aug. 1, 1838, and signed by President Van Buren.  Our subject is a stanch Democrat, having cast his first presidential vote for Horace Greeley, in 1872, and he has represented his party in Various conventions He has served with gratifying success as trustee of his township, being chosen as his own successor.  In 1899 he was elected land appraiser of Brown township, and is the present incumbent.  He and his wife are devoted members of the Christian, church, holding membership in what is known as the Teegarden chapel, in the erection of which edifice Mr. Rahn was a member of the building committee.  Their daughter Vermille is superintendent of the Sunday school.  Mr. and Mrs. Rahn are representatives of old and honored pioneer families of the county, and on this score, as well as by reason of their own beneficent and kindly lives, they merit full recognition in a work of this nature, and this tribute we are glad to accord.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 603

FRANCIS MARION REPLOGLE, M. D.  Mr. Replogle, who is now successfully engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Lightsville, Darke county, Ohio, was born near that place, Sept. 9, 1854, a son of Jacob and Rebecca (Jones) Replogle, also natives of this state, the former born in Germantown, Montgomery county, June 30, 1821, the latter in Butler county, in 1825.  The Doctor's paternal grandfather was Philip Replogle, who came to Ohio from Pennsylvania when a young man and settled in Germantown.  The father became a successful farmer of Mississinawa township, Darke county.  In his family were fourteen children, of whom twelve - five sons and seven daughters - are still living, are married and with one exception have children of their own.
     The Doctor grew to manhood upon the home farm and received a good practical education in the common schools, which well fitted him for teaching, a profession which he successfully followed at intervals from 1878 to 1891.  In the meantime he attended the Miami Medical College at Cincinnati, where he was graduated in 1895, with the degree of M. D., and was first engaged in practice at Salem, Indiana, but in 1896 he located in Lightsville, Ohio, where he is the only physician engaged in regular practice.  His skill and ability soon won him a liberal patronage, and he is now meeting with most excellent success.  Dr. Replogle was married Nov. 1, 1883, to Miss Anna Belle Weaver, a native of Darke count and a daughter of Elijah and Sarah (Elmore) Weaver, both deceased.  She is one of a family of six children, four sons and two daughters.

A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 730
WILLIAM H. REPPETO.  Among the public-spirited and progressive citizens of Greenville probably none have done more to advance the welfare and prosperity of the town than the gentleman who is now serving as the president of the city council.  He has also been a prominent factor in business circles, and is a man whose worth and ability have gained him success, honor and public confidence.
     Mr. Reppeto was born near the city of Hamilton, Butler county, Ohio, in December, 1845, and is a son of Dabner and Charlotte (McEowen) Reppeto, in whose family were two children, but the daughter, Martha, died in infancy.  His grandfather, Alexander McEowen, was one of the pioneers of Darke county and fought under General Wayne when he was making his raid through this county.  The father of our subject was a native of Virginia, but during his youth came to Ohio, where he grew to manhood and married.  He and his wife began their domestic life in Butler county, where he followed his trade, that of cooper, for a number of years, but at the time of his death, in 1861, was living in Davenport, Iowa.  His wife had died in Miami county, Ohio, in 1848.
     William H. Reppeto received the greater part of his education in the schools of Davenport, Iowa.  Although only fifteen years of age he joined the "boys in blue" at the opening of the civil war, enlisting in 1861 in Company C, Eighth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, as a musician, under Colonel William P. Benton.  After being mustered into the United States service he was ordered with his regiment to Missouri and Arkansas, and took part in the battles of Pea Ridge, Wilson's Creek and Duvall's Bluff, Arkansas.  He served faithfully until February, 1863, when he was taken ill and sent to the hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, where he remained some months and was then sent to Belleville, Illinois.  On recovering his health he re-enlisted in Company B, Twenty-ninth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war, taking part in the siege of Mobile, the capture of that stronghold and Fort Blakely.  He was mustered out Oct. 11, 1865.
     After the war Mr. Reppeto came to Greenville, Ohio, where he attended school for a time, and then learned the cabinetmaker's trade, which he has made his life work, having followed that occupation in several different states.  On the 11th of August, 1890, he married his second wife, Miss Amanda E. Cline, a daughter of F. M. Cline, and to them have been born two children, Virgil and Ester.  The latter died at three years of age.
     Socially Mr. Reppeto is a member of Flora Lodge, No. 526, I. O. O. F., at Flora and has been D. D. G. M. of that order.  Politically he is a pronounced Democrat.  He has been a member of the city council of Greenville and has been the president of that body for the last year.  He takes an active and influential part in public affairs, and was one of the first to agitate and recommend the construction of sewers and the propriety of paving the streets of Greenville.  This was met by the most stubborn opposition on the part of many of the Citizens, and they went so far as to get out an injunction against the enterprise, but he carried his point, and the city now has great reason to be proud of its streets.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 399

ABRAHAM RHOADES.  Among the wealthy and influential citizens, of Darke county, Ohio, is found the subject of this review, Abraham Rhoades, a retired farmer living at his pleasant rural home on section 4, Greenville township.  He was born in Perry township, Montgomery county, Ohio, eight miles west of Dayton, Feb. .8, 1832. His father was Jacob Rhoades, a native of Bedford county, Pennsylvania, who, when seven years old, moved with his parents to Montgomery county, Ohio.  Grandfather Rhoades, also named Jacob, and also a native of Pennsylvania, on coming to Ohio settled on a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, located six miles west of Dayton, where he developed his land and passed the rest of his life.  On becoming of age the younger Jacob Rhoades entered eighty acres of land in that county, married there and settled down to farming, and in Montgomery county spent his life and died, his age at death being seventy-six years.  He was a Christian man, a member of the Lutheran church, and was highly respected in the community in which he lived.  His first wife, whose maiden name was Barbara Souders, was a native of Montgomery county and a daughter of Peter Souders, who was of Pennsylvania birth and Scotch descent, his father having been born in Scotland. Mrs. Barbara Rhoades died at the age of forty-five years, she bore her husband eleven children.  By his second wife Mr. Rhoades had five children.  Abraham was the third born in the first family. His brothers are: John, deceased; Noah, a resident of Montgomery county, Ohio; Jacob, deceased; Peter, of Montgomery county; Jonas, deceased; and Hiram, of Darke county.  His sisters are as follows: Katie, the wife of Robert Surber, of Darke county; Barbara, deceased; Malihda, the wife of Henry Smith, of Darke county.  The members of the family by the second marriage are: Margaret, the wife of John Tompson, deceased; David, deceased; Henry, of Montgomery county; Amanda, the wife of Jefferson Lamon, of Montgomery county; and Daniel, deceased.
Abraham Rhoades was reared to man's estate in his native county, with very limited opportunities for obtaining an education. Indeed, it may be said that the whole of his education has been obtained in the broad school of experience.  In 1854 he came to Darke county, making the journey on foot, carrying an ax and an old carpet bag, which contained his earthly possessions.  Arrived here, he began cutting cordwood, and from this small beginning laid the foundation of his present fortune.  He soon bought one hundred acres of land, only two acres of which were cleared, and in the purchase of this property he went in debt eleven hundred dollars.  By faithful, honest toil he transformed this piece of wild land into a well-cultivated farm, with a comfortable and attractive home and other good buildings thereon, and not only paid off the debt that he had contracted but also bought adjoining land, seventy-two acres, which he has likewise brought under cultivation.  His life has been one of constant endeavor.  A hard worker and a good manager, he has made his own success.
     Mr. Rhoades was married in 1856 td Mary Pitzenberger, a native of Montgomery county, Ohio, who came to Darke county in 1850.  She departed this life June 24,. 1894.  Her children are as follows: Jacob, who married Mary Lynn and now resides in Indiana; Matilda, the wife of Crist Appenzeller; Elizabeth, the wife of William Pitsenberger, of Columbus, Ohio; Stephen, who married Clara Stephens; and Curtis, who married Charity Mong.  Mr. Rhoades has given to each of his children six thousand dollars, and comfortably settled them in life, at the same time retaining for himself an abundance of this world's goods.  In addition to his farm above referred to, he has valuable property in Greenville and stock in the First National Bank at that place.
     He gives his support, politically, to the Republican party.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 602

JOHN H. RIES is chief of the fire department of Greenville, which is his native city, his birth having here occurred on the 15th of April, 1843.  He is a son of Jeremiah and Catherine (Gilbert) Ries.  In Greenville he spent the greater part of his boyhood and youth, enjoying such educational advantages as the public schools afforded, and thus becoming well prepared for life's practical duties.  In 1862, prompted by a spirit of patriotism, he responded to his country's call for aid and joined the Union army as a member of Company F, Ninety-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Colonel J. W. Frizell.  After spending some time in camp at Columbus the regiment was ordered to the front and was assigned to General Rosecrans' army.  Mr. Ries took part in the battles of Perryville and Stone River, where he was severely wounded by a gunshot in the left leg.  He was then taken to the hospital at Nashville, Tennessee, and his wounds necessitated his remaining there for three months.  On the expiration of that period he was discharged on account of his disability, but when his health was restored he re-enlisted in the Eighth Ohio Independent Battery and was sent to Vicksburg, Mississippi.  In the spring of 1864 he was put on detached duty as a blacksmith, having learned the trade before entering the army.  He continued to act in that capacity until the close of the war, when he was honorably discharged in July, 1865.  His loyal service commended him to all who believe in the Union cause, and with patriotic ardor he did what he could for his country.
     Returning to Greenville Mr. Ries resumed work at his trade, which he has since followed to the present time in connection with his brother, James A. Ries, under the firm name of Ries Brothers.  They have a general blacksmith and repair shop and receive a liberal patronage in their line.  In May, 1900, Mr. Ries was appointed chief of the fire department and is now acceptably filling that position.  Socially he is connected with Greenville Lodge, No. 195, I. O. O. F.  He is also a member of Jobes Post, No. 157, G. A. R., of which he formerly served as commander.  He receives a pension in recognition of his services and is possessed of good property interests.  His life has been one of honorable and useful activity, and he is well known among Greenville's citizens.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 379

D. Q. ROBERTS, deceased, was for more than forty years one of the respected farmers of German township, Darke county, Ohio.  He was born in Harrison township, Darke county, Ohio, Feb. 2, 1834, the son of German parents.  His father and uncle, Samuel and George Roberts, with their wives, emigrated from Germany to this country and made settlement in Darke county, Ohio, Feb. 2, 1834, the son of German parents.  His father and uncle, Samuel and George Roberts, with their wives, emigrated from Germany to this country and made settlement in Darke county, Ohio, where they passed the rest of their lives, engaged in agricultural pursuits.  D. Q. remained on his father's farm in Harrison township until his marriage, Nov. 8, 1856, when he located on the farm of one hundred and seventy acres in German township where his widow still resides.  Here for four decades he successfully carried on general farming and stock-raising, and was well known and highly respected throughout the county.  While not a politician or a public man in any sense, he took an intelligent interest in public affairs, and gave his support, so far as his vote was concerned, to the Democratic party. He died Mar. 28, 1897.
Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts, nee Baker, his widow, was born   in   Jefferson township, Preble county, Ohio, Dec. 25,  1834.  Her father, Thomas Baker, was a native of Brooklyn, New York,  from which place, .about 1812, he came to Ohio and settled in Butler county, where he subsequently married.  He then moved to Preble county and took up his abode on a tract of land in Jefferson township, where he cut the logs, built a cabin in the clearing and began life in true pioneer style.  As the years passed by he developed a good farm, which is now owned and occupied by his son ThomasThomas Baker, the grandfather of Mr. Roberts, was an Englishman, who, on coming to this country, located on Long Island.  Grandmother Baker was a native of Scotland.   Mrs. Roberts' mother was before marriage Miss Elizabeth Wesley, was a native of Pennsylvania, and was related to the Wesleys who founded the society of Methodists.  She was the mother of ten children that grew to adult age, Mrs. Roberts being the eighth born.   Mrs. Roberts passed her girlhood days on her father's pioneer farm in Preble county, and received her education in a log schoolhouse near her home.  She is the mother of six children, four   daughters and two sons, namely: Adella F., the wife of Daniel Shaw, of Indiana, by whom she has one daughter, Hazel; by a former marriage she has two children, Earl and Ethel Mitchell; Dorson, who married Margaret Hamilton and lives in Hollansburg, Darke county; Emma, the wife of Moses Adamson, of Nebraska has two children, Hugh and Hazel; Martha Ann, the wife of William Smock, of Indiana, has three, children; and Ella and Linneus, at home .
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 748

WILLIAM L. ROBERTSON.  A retired blacksmith of Hollansburg, Darke county, and an honored veteran of the war of the Rebellion, is William Lane Robertson, whose life has been one of signal usefulness, entitling him to consideration in a work of this nature.  He was born in Monroe township, Preble county, this state, on the 25th of May, 1833, the son of Isaac VanDoran Robertson, who was born in the same township, on June 28, 1809, his death occurring on the 4th of July, 1845.  The latter's father was Ephraim Robertson, a farmer of Virginia.  Isaac V. Robertson was a teacher and preacher, and his zeal and determination may be understood when we revert to the fact that he secured his education through his own efforts, poring over his books by the light of a pine-knot torch, and being indefatigable in his efforts to advance himself intellectually.   He devoted himself to teaching when a young man and eventually became an able clergyman of the United Brethren church, in which he labored earnestly and effectively for the Master's cause.  He was an excellent singer, and this ability gave added power to his ministerial work work.  He was one of a large family, and his mother survived her husband by many years, her death occurring in 1868, at Castine, this county, where she sleeps her last sleep, having passed away at a very venerable age.  The father of our subject lies buried in the Baptist churchyard in Monroe township, Preble county.
     The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Harriet Brown, and she was the daughter of Michael Brown, who was of German lineage and an early pioneer of Ohio, having settled on Twin creek, in Preble county.  The marriage of Isaac V. Robertson and Harriet Brown was solemnized on the 3d of June, 1830, and they became the parents of four children: Mary Jane, born Mar. 1, 1831, became the wife of John Coblentz, of New Paris, Preble county, and they have two sons and two daughters; William L. is the subject of this sketch; Sarah Elizabeth, widow of C. B. Tillson, is a resident of Greensburg, Indiana, and has three children; Rhoda Ann became the wife of John S. Starbuck, by whom she had three children, and died in Union City, Indiana.  The father owned a part of the old farm of one hundred and sixty acres, but he devoted himself to the work of the church and was also a marble cutter by trade, personally chiseling the inscriptions on the tombstones for his parishioners.  He was a man of distinctive genius, being extremely versatile, and it is recalled that he would often do a hard day's work and then preach at night.
     William L. Robertson, to whom this review is specially dedicated, had but limited educational advantages in his youth, but was favored in having grown up under the benign influences of a home in which refinement and purity of life were ever in evidence.  His opportunities were lessened by reason of the fact that his father died when he was but a lad of twelve years, and thereafter our subject found in his services in constant demand upon the home farm.  He left home at the age of sixteen and apprenticed himself at the blacksmith's trade, serving three years and becoming an expert artisan in his line.  His mother in the meantime consummated a second marriage, being united to James J. Alexander, who survived her and who was again married.  The mother of our subject died Mar. 2. 1865, her birth having occurred Nov. 12, 1810.
     Loyal and patriotic in his attitude, our subject was ready to go forth to protect his country when her integrity was menaced by armed rebellion, and in April, 1861, he responded to the first call for seventy-five thousand men, deserting his forge and anvil for the stern duties of warfare.  He enlisted in Company K, Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for the three-months service, and at the expiration of his term he veteranized and in 1862 responded to the call for three hundred thousand men for "three years or during the war," becoming a member of Company H, One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and being mustered in as first sergeant.  He served two years, and was promoted second lieutenant of Company D.  Mr. Robertson was constantly on duty, participating in all the engagements and marches of his regiment, and among the more important battles in which he took part may be mentioned the following: Winchester, the Wilderness, the twenty-one days' fighting in the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Cold Harbor, where he was wounded on the 3d of June, 1864, receiving a grapeshot in the left breast.  He was taken by transport to the Armory Square hospital at Washington, D. C, and here his life was threatened by reason of gangrene having settled in his wound.  He rallied, however, and in December, 1864, he was honorably discharged by reason of his disabilities, and returned to his home, With health seriously impaired.  In recognition of his services and the sufferings he has endured the government grants him a pension of fifteen dollars per month.
     Soon after his return home, on the 29th of December, 1864, Mr. Robertson was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Horney, who was horn July 10, 1835, in Fayette county, Ohio, the daughter of Anderson and Mary Horney.  Our subject and his devoted wife have no children of their own, but their home is brightened by the presence of the little daughter of their adopted daughter, who died at her birth.  Mrs. Robertson's mother was born in Frederick county, Virginia, in 1803, and was brought by her parents to Ohio in 1810.  She was the daughter of Reese and Lydia Baldwin, who were farmers in Greene county, Ohio, and who became the parents of ten children, of whom five are living, namely: Caroline, a resident of Yellow Springs, Ohio; Mary A.; Eliza, widow of James Gist, and a resident of Hollansburg; Hester Hamilton, of Yellow Springs; and David, of Goes Station, Greene county, Ohio.
     Mr. Robertson is fraternally identified with the Grand Army of the Republic, the Masonic order and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.  He is a stanch Republican in politics.  He was engaged in the mercantile business for a quarter of a century— from 1865 to 1890, and has been since retired from active business, owning and attractive home in Hollansburg, and also a house which he rents.  He and his wife are consistent members of the Christian church.
     In concluson we may revert to the fact that Mrs. Robertson's mother lived to the venerable age of ninety-three years, her death occurring at the home of our subject on the 25th of February, 1900.  She came to Ohio when this section was a veritable wilderness, and her memory linked the primitive past with the latter-day prosperity and advancement.  In her religious belief she was a Methodist, and her years were a blessing to all who came in touch with her gentle and kindly life.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 341
THOMAS J. ROBESON, one of the highly respected citizens of Van Buren township, is a native of Darke county, his birth occurring in Butler township, Feb. 2, 1841.  His father, John Robeson, spent most of his life on a farm in Van Buren township, where he passed away Sept. 15, 1872.  He married a cousin, Margaret Robeson, and to them were born five children: Martin, who died in infancy; Thomas J., our subject; Allen a resident of Gladwin, Michigan; William A., deceased; and Mary E. the wife of Elias Bidwell.
     Our subject was only a year old when the family located in Van Buren township, and eleven years of age when they moved to manhood.  His education was begun in an old log school house, and his early advantages were limited, as he was reared in a region then wild and sparsely settled.  He assisted his father in clearing and improving the farm, and experienced many of the hardships and privations incident to pioneer life.  He remained upon the home farm until his father's death, and then located upon his present place, where he owns twenty-five acres of land, which he has improved and placed under excellent cultivation.
     In 1864 Mr. Robeson married Miss Sarah Fry a daughter of Thompson fry, and they had four children, namely: Nancy A., the wife of Milo Perkins of Arcanum; Dora, the wife of L. T. Grubb, of Arcanum; Betsey Jane who died in 1893; and Opal, at home.  The mother died Aug. 4, 1899.
     While a boy Mr. Robeson broke his arm and this prevented him entering the service during the civil war.  He has efficiently served as a constable in Van Buren township one term, and is a stanch supporter of the Democratic party.  Religiously he is an earnest member of the United Brethren church, is now serving as a trustee of the same.

A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 440

Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 446

CHARLES C. ROGERS, one of the representative farmers of Wabash township, Darke county, Ohio, was born in Missouri, Febru­ary 13, 1842, but was reared in Clermont county, Ohio.  His father, Jacob Rogers, whose birth occurred in New Jersey, Dec. 19, 1808, and who represented one of the old American families, in early life followed the shoemaking trade and afterward engaged in farming, with good success.  He removed from Missouri to Ohio, and for some time resided in Montgomery and Clermont counties, but his last days were spent in Indiana, where he died in October, 1893.  He was an upright and honorable man, who never had a lawsuit of any kind.  He married Miss Mary Ann Turton, of Maryland, and to them were born nine children, five of whom are still living and have families numbering from three to six children.  Mrs. Rogers was a life-long member of the Methodist church and when past the age of forty years her husband also became a devout member of that denomination.  She very carefully reared her children, instilling into their minds lessons of industry and morality, which aided in shaping their careers, making them noble men and women.  She died about eleven years prior to the death of her husband, being called to her final rest in October, 1882, when seventy-two years of age.  The remains of both were interred in the Salem cemetery in Montgomery county, Ohio.  Not being fond of study in his childhood Charles C. Rogers obtained a rather meager common school education, but his training at farm labor, however, was not limited, for he assisted in the cultivation of the fields of the old homestead until his marriage, which occurred Nov. 21, 1863, when Miss Mary Catherine Fauber became his wife.  She was an adopted daughter of John Armstrong, with whom she lived till her marriage.  Mr. and Mrs. Rogers became the parents of three children: Elmer Clinton, a merchant of New Weston, whose sketch appears below; Georgianna, wife of Lewis A. Davis, a furniture dealer at New Weston, Ohio; and Roscoe Roy, who is in his brother's store in New Weston.  He is married and has a daughter.  Mr. Rogers has given his children good educational advantages, and the older son, who has made splendid use of his opportunities, has been of great as­sistance to his parents, manifesting most filial devotion and doing all in his power to promote the happiness and enhance the welfare of his parents.
     After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Rogers began their domestic life in rather limited circumstances on a farm in Clermont county, Ohio, but subsequently spent one year near Mattoon, Illinois, after which they returned to Ohio, settling in Montgomery county.  In 1883 they removed to Mercer county, where seven years were passed; the following two years were spent in North Star, Darke county, Ohio; five years in Jefferson county, Indiana, and two years in New Weston, Darke county, Ohio, where the father engaged in merchandising, having followed the same pursuit in North Star.  In 1899 he located on his present farm of eighty acres in Allen township, Darke county, and is now devoting his energies to agricultural pursuits.  There is a pleasant brick residence upon the place, a good barn and tobacco sheds; in fact it is well improved and most desirable farm.  Mr. Rogers rents most of his land, tilling only a small portion, for his own pleasure and health.  In politics he' is independent, supporting the men whom he believes best qualified to fill the offices, regardless of party lines.  He commands the confidence and respect of all with whom he comes in contact and is held in high regard wherever known.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 755

ELMER CLINTON ROGERS.  Among the enterprising and progressive business men of Darke county is the subject of this review, who is now successfully engaged in general merchandising at New Weston.  He was born in Clermont county, Ohio, August 14, 1864, and is a son of Charles C. Rogers, a well-known farmer of Allen township, Darke county.
     During his boyhood our subject attended the country schools of Montgomery county, and in the winter of 1883-4 he commenced teaching, which profession he successfully followed for seven years.  On the 5th of September, 1886, he led to the marriage altar Miss Iora P. Gower, a daughter of J. S. and Louisa (Hartsell) Gower, all natives of Darke county.  Her parents were well-known farmers of Wabash township.  Of their six children only two are now living: Mrs. Rogers, and Hattie, the wife of G. W. Arnold.  The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were: Orlando, who died in infancy; Ethel Cleora, who died at the age of two years and a half; Nolah Fern, born July 4, 1892; Ernest R., born Nov. 12, 1894, and Homer Lee, born Aug. 29, 1898.
Mr. Rogers began merchandising with his father at North Star, in February, 1891, under the firm name of Rogers & Son, but two years later he bought his father's farm in Mercer county, and for three years turned his attention to agricultural pursuits.  Our subject then embarked in general merchandising, at Eldorado, Preble county, Ohio, where he carried on business for two years, and in May, 1897, came to New Weston, where he has built up a large and constantly increasing trade.  In 1899 he erected the substantial brick building he now occupies, and he carries a large and well selected stock of general merchandise to meet the demands of his customers.  He sold out the hardware branch of his business in September, 1899.  Mr. Rogers possesses the necessary qualifications of successful business men, being industrious, enterprising and energetic, as well as a most pleasing and genial gentleman, upright and honorable in all his dealings.  Politically he is a Democrat and has served as township treasurer in Wabash and Allen townships.  Religiously both he and his wife are members of the New Light church and socially he is a member of the Knights of Pythias.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 756

CHARLES W. ROLAND is the editor in chief and one of the proprietors of the Greenville Democrat, which paper was purchased in 1866 by his father, Charles Roland, Sr., after it had passed through several hands.  It was made a Democratic paper, placed upon a substantial footing and became the leading Democratic official organ of Darke county.  It is a large sheet, printing the local and general news, arid has an extensive arid constantly growing circulation in Greenville and Darke county.  It is issued oh Wednesday of each week, and its publication was continued by Charles Roland until June 14, 1899, when he retired from the active management, which was then assumed by his sons, Charles W. and Edward H., under the firm name of Roland Brothers.  The paper is a nine column, four page journal, 32x46 inches.  The plant is equipped with a gas engine, cylinder power press, three job presses and all the necessary machinery and type for turning out first-class work.  The paper is considered an excellent advertising medium and does a large job printing business in addition to the regular newspaper work.  The building occupied was built expressly for the purpose and is a three-story brick structure, the entire third floor being occupied as the printing office, while the second floor is used for general office purposes and the first floor is used as a store room.  Charles W. Roland, the senior partner, was born in the city, of Lancaster, Fairfield county, Ohio, on the 15th of August, 1857, a son of Charles and Amelia (Clark) Roland.  He came to Greenville, Darke county, Ohio, with his parents when nine years old.  He pursued his elementary education in the preliminary schools of Greenville and then entered the high school, in which he was graduated in the class of 1876; In 1871 he began his apprenticeship at the printing, trade and after his school days had ended he continued the printing business in all its departments, and assisted his father for a number of years until, on the 14th of June, 1899, in company with his brother, Edward H., he purchased  the business, which is now conducted under the firm name of Roland Brothers, The father retired from the active management and the sons took charge, their practical knowledge and extended experience well qualifying them for the responsibilities which they assumed.
     Charles W. Roland was married Sept. 6, 1882, to Miss Lizzie Davis, of Aberdeen, Ohio, a daughter of Elijah Davis, who served as the postmaster, of that place under Presidents Hayes and Grant.  She was born Jan. 26, 1858, at Flemingsburg, Kentucky.  They now have four children: Gertrude, born Aug. 22, 1883; Gladys, born January; 26, 1897; Charles E., Jan. 21, 1888; and Virgil D., Oct. 18, 1894, all born at Greenville, Ohio.
     Edward H. Roland was born in Lancaster, Ohio, Jan. 9, 1865, was educated in the public schools .of Greenville and mastered the printer's art in his father's office, becoming familiar with the business both in general, principles and detail.  He is therefore a practical printer as well as newspaper man, and the combined labors of the brothers have made the Greenville Democrat a leading journal in this section of the state.  As the name implies, its political support is given the Democracy, and on the Democratic ticket Charles W. Roland was elected to the city council, in which he served for one term.  Both brothers are reliable and energetic business men, of agreeable social qualities and are popular in the community where they have so long resided.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 713

WILLIAM RUNKLE.  It is seldom that men who lack spirit attain to positions of public trust, for the public is a discriminating factor and its judgment is usually accurate, and therefore when one gains the confidence of his fellow men and is honored with public office it is an indication that he is worthy of the trust reposed in him.  Such is certainly the case with William Runkle, who is now serving as sheriff of Darke county.  The law-abiding citizens regard him as a bulwark of safety, and those who are not amenable to the rules which govern society have reason to regard him with fear.
     He was born in Harrison township, Darke county, Aug. 28, 1858, upon his father's farm, and is the eldest son of Jerry and Isabella (Hindsley) Runkel.  His father, who is still living, was born in Fairfield county, Ohio, on the 15th of August, 1835, and during his early boyhood came with his parents to Darke county, where he was left an orphan at the age of nine years.  He was then bound out to work on a farm, forced to begin the battle of life unaided at that tender age.  He lived in Butler township from 1844 until 1855, at which time, with the capital which he had acquired through his own well directed efforts, his enterprise and economy, he purchased a farm of forty acres in Harrison township, upon which he located and made his home until Jan. 1, 1880, when he removed to Greenville.  In the spring of 1879 he had received the nomination for sheriff upon the Democratic ticket and was elected in Oct. of that year by a majority of six hundred and seventy-five.  He then removed to the city in order to be more closely in touch with the seat of justice and filled the office in an acceptable manner.   In 1857 he was married to Miss Isabella Hindsley, a daughter of W. H. and Anna (Butt) Hindsley, pioneer settlers of Darke county.  The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Runkle occurred in Harrison township and has been blessed with four children:  William, Joseph E., Frances and Edith I.  The father is now serving as deputy sheriff.
     William Runkle, whose names introduces this review, was reared in the usual manner of farmer lads and was sent to the district school for three months during the winter season.  Throughout the remainder of the year he assisted his father in the cultivation of the fields and meadows and in the other work of farm improvements.  When his father was elected sheriff William Runkle was appointed his deputy and served acceptably  in that capacity for four years.  Later he filled the position of deputy sheriff under John Welker and at the close of his term he joined his father, who was engaged in the construction and repairing of pikes in Mercer and Darke counties.  They followed that business for two years, after which Mr. Runkle, of this review, engaged in baling hay and straw in connection with farming, following that pursuit until 1897, when he was nominated by the Democracy for the office of sheriff of Darke county.  The election returns showed that he was the successful candidate and he took charge of the office on the 1st of January, 1898.  In the fall of 1899 he was re-elected, his term expiring in 1901, at which time he will have filled the position for four years in addition to six years' service as deputy.  He has been a competent officer, against whom no complaint has been made, and throughout the community in which he resides he is held in high regard for his fidelity as a citizen and his worth as a man.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 523

ANDREW RUSH.  About the 28th of April, 1812, Andrew Rush started for a little mill which had been built on Greenville creek, a few rods above where the Beamsville road to Greenville marks a crossing.  He got his grist and set out to return home.  On his way home he stopped to make a call on Daniel Potter, who, with Isaac Vail, was occupying each his own end of a double log house, which stood between the late residence of Moses Potter and the creek.  The two settlers from some cause had become fearful of trouble, and had gone down the Miami for assistance to take back their families to their former homes.  Mrs. Potter asked Mr. Rush if he were not afraid of the Indians, and he put his hand through his hair and replied jokingly, "No: I had my wife cut my hair this morning so short that they could not get my scalp."  Some time about 4 p.m., he left for home, and had not proceeded half a mile when he was shot from his horse, tomahawked and his scalp taken.  Uneasiness was felt because of his not returning home, but all the forenoon next day rain fell steadily and it was thought he might have stayed with a settler; but in the afternoon Mr. Hiller's oldest son and Mr. Rush's brother-in-law took a horse and set out to look for him.  They boys followed the track made by Rush  to Greenville creek, just above the place known as Spiece's Mill, and there found the body lying on the sack of meal, mutilated as described.  The boys then visited the houses of the settlers, but found all the cabins silent and deserted.  They then hastened to the cabin of Henry Rush, and it was abandoned.  The truth was evident that a panic had seized upon all, and they had fled for their lives.  Next morning men from Preble county moved out on the road to the body of Andrew Rush and gave it burial.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 228

ANDREW WILSON RUSH, M. DDr. Rush was born in Harrison township, Darke county, upon his father's farm, May 12, 1860, and on both the paternal and maternal sides is descended from honored pioneer families of this locality.  Harvey Rush, his father, was born in Harrison township, Jan. 30, 1827, and was a son of Asa Rush, whose birth occurred in Pennsylvania, Apr. 25, 1799.  In 1868, however, the latter removed with his parents, Peter and Mary Rush, to Darke county, taking up his abode in Greenville township while up his abode in Greenville township while the Indians were still very numerous in this section of the state and the forests stood in their primeval strength.  He cleared and developed a farm, reared his family and was known as a citizen of great energy and force of character, whose influence was very marked in public affairs, and did much to promote the substantial development and improvement of the county.  Peter Rush died on what is now known as the Albright farm in Neave township in 1817.  His political support was given the Democracy and he was one of the first members of the Universalist church in Darke county.  In 1817, Asa Rush with his mother, brothers and sisters, moved to the farm in Harrison township that had been entered from the government by his father just prior to his death.  Asa Rush married Margaret Hill, a native of South Carolina, and they were the parents of six children that reached adult age, three boys and three girls.  Margaret Rush died in1856, while Asa Rush passed away in 1874.
     Their son, Harvey Rush, was reared to farm life and throughout his active business career carried carried on agricultural pursuits.  He married Miss Lillie Porter Wilson, a daughter of Andrew Porter Wilson, a native of Kentucky, born July 2, 1801.  He married Sarah Allen, whose birth occurred in Wayne county, Indiana, near the Ohio line, Aug. 10, 1808.  From Butler county, Ohio, he removed to Darke county in 1834 and settled upon a farm which is still known as the Wilson farm and is owned by the Doctor's mother, who is still residing in Greenville.  Her great-grandfather, Andrew Wilson, a native of Ireland, who was brought to Virginia when young, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war and valiantly aided the colonies in their struggle for independence.  The children of Harvey and Lillie Rush are as follows:  Olive is a teacher in Wyoming, Ohio; Alice S. is a teacher in the high school of Rock Island, Illinois; Carrie is a teacher in the Greenville schools; William Harvey, who is a graduate of the State University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, and was graduated in Harvard College in 1894, has for the past five years  a member of the faculty of the Washington University at St. Louis, Missouri; one son died in infancy; and Ella, the eldest of the family, married Thomas J. Leinbach, of Rossville, Georgia, and died Feb. 13, 1891.  Prior to her marriage she engaged in teaching for several terms.
     Doctor Rush, whose name introduces this record, spent his youth upon the home farm and attended the district schools of Harrison township during the winter months until nineteen years of age, when he began teaching school.  In the summer season, while a student and teacher, he devoted his energies to the cultivation of the fields, but he did not find agricultural pursuits to his taste and resolved to prepare for professional life.  To this end he read medicine under the direction of Dr. C. W. Otwell, of New Madison, Ohio.  He pursued his first course of lectures in the Columbus Medical College and graduated in the Miami Medical College of Cincinnati in the class of 1884.  Immediately afterward he began practicing in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he remained until October, 1886, when he located at Greenville, where he has secured a large and constantly increasing patronage.  His marked devotion to his profession, his thorough preparation and his ability in successfully solving the intricate problems which come to the physician, have gained him marked prestige and he has long since left the ranks of the many to stand among the successful few.
     On the 28th of June, 1892, Dr. Rush married Miss Ora Porter, of Greenville, a daughter of John and Anna (Spade) Porter.  She died May 18, 1893, and her remains were interred in the Greenville cemetery.  The Doctor is a member of Darke County Medical Society and is its honored and esteemed president.  He also belongs to the Miami Valley Medical Society, the American Medical Association, the Ohio State Medical Society and is physician to the Darke county infirmary and surgeon for the Dayton & Union Railroad.  Socially he is connected with the Knights of Pythias fraternity.  He is a social, genial gentleman, interested in everything that pertains to the welfare of Greenville and Darke county and has a large circle of warm friends, his friendship being best prized by those who know him best.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio, Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900 - Page 363



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