A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio
Compendium of National Biography
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company

McCABE. For almost sixty years this gentleman has been
a resident of Darke county, Ohio, and during this long period, which
covers nearly the whole span of the county's development from a
primitive state to its present flourishing condition, he has been
actively interested in its progress. His upright course in
life commands the respect and commendation of every one, and he is
justly entitled to prominent mention in the history of his adopted
Mr. McCabe was born near Franklin, Warren
County, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1826, and is a son of John McCabe,
born Aug. 31, 1798, a native of New Jersey and of Scotch Irish
descent. The father grew to manhood in his native state, and
followed the occupations of a carpenter and farmer. About 1817
he removed to Warren county, Ohio, making the journey on foot, and
there he remained until 1842,when he came to Darke county, locating
in Neave township, where he remained until his death, Feb. 8, 1887,
at the ripe old age of eighty-nine years. He was three
times married, his first wife being Anna Vantilburgh, the mother of
our subject. She was a native of Warren county, of which her
parents were pioneers, and it is supposed that they were of
lowland Dutch descent.
James McCabe is the second child and oldest son
in a family of five children, three sons and two daughters, and is
the only one now living. During his boyhood he pursued his
studies in a primitive log school house, and remained in his naive
county until 1842, when he came with his parents to Darke county,
locating on a farm in Neave township, which he helped his father to
clear and improve. At the age of nineteen he started out for
himself, working by the month for nine dollars. Having
acquired a good education he commenced teaching school, in 1845,
receiving his first certificate from John Briggs, one of the
pioneers of the county. As they had no printed forms at that
time, the certificate was all written. At that time the school
houses were all of logs, and most of them had greased-paper windows
and very rude furnishings. His first school was in the Spring
Hill district, but was then called the Ohler district. For
eight years Mr. McCabe continued teaching, with good success,
and came to German township in 1852, having charge of the school in
Palestine, where the Teaford twin boys were among his pupils.
In 1854 he turned his attention to farming on what is
now known as the Armstrong farm, where he remained two years,
and then bought the Weaver farm, now owned by Mr. Philipi,
on section 11, German township. In 1863 he sold that place and
moved to Palestine, where he bought a half interest in a mill, but
sold out in 1871. He next formed a partnership with Mr.
Kester and bought a saw-mill, which they conducted together
until 1874, since which time Mr. McCabe has operated it alone
and has met with good success in this venture.
On the 10th January, 1852, Mr. McCabe was united
in marriage with Miss Ebaliah Wagoner, who was born Oct. 26,
1823, a native of Neave township, this county, and a daughter of
George and Sarah (Stephens) Wagoner, who were among its
pioneers. Mr. Wagoner, who were among its pioneers.
Mr. Wagoner was a pioneer, and was in the war of 1812, being in
the surrender of Hull. By this union four children were
born, namely: Flora Bell, who died in infancy; Orlando
who married Anna, the daughter of Dr. Stiles of
Greenville, now lives in Dayton, Ohio; Virgil, who married
Jennie Starbuck, of Dayton, and they have five children:
Roscoe, Hallie M., Bepo, Emma and Mary; and Ida May
who is the wife of Eli Overman of Dayton, and they also have
five children: Omer, Frank, Mary, and Harry and Terry,
twins. Concerning Mrs. McCabe, we should add that
she lived with her parents until 1852; coming to German township,
she resided there until her death, which took place July 26, 1899,
when she had attained the age of seventy-five years and nine months.
She died as she had lived, a member of the Universalist church, and
a consistent Christian, believing in the fatherhood of Good and the
brotherhood of man. The funeral sermon on the occasion of her
death was preached by one of her dearest friends in the blessed
faith of her denomination, Rev. Thomas S. Guthrie, now of
Muncie, Indiana.
In early life Mr. McCabe was a Whig in politics,
but he assisted in organizing the Republican party, in 1856, and has
since been one of its stanch supporters. He has filled the
office of township assessor and township clerk many terms, and has
always taken an active and commendable interest in public affairs.
In 1864, during the civil war, he enlisted in Company H, One Hundred
and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served one hundred
days. He is now an honored member of Reed Post No. 572, G. A.
R., in which he has served as commander and is now filling
the office of chaplain, and he has also been a member of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows for some years, and the
Universalist church. He is widely and favorably known
throughout the county, and well deserves the high regard in which he
is uniformly held.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page
McEOWEN. There is in the life of every individual a
period free from care - happy childhood days; then comes the period
of labor and responsibility which falls to the lot of every
individual. The yeas pass and man's duties are manifold and
often of an onerous nature; but if his labors are wisely directed
and his energies guided by sound judgment, he may again reach a
stage in life in which he can enjoy rest from the cares of former
years, having acquired a competence which enables him to put aside
the heavier burdens that were his in the prime of life. Such
has been the career of Henry Hagerman McEowen, who
is now living retired in Rossville. He
was born in Turtle Creek township, Warren county, Ohio, on the 21st
of July, 1823, and has therefore passed the seventy-seventh
milestone on life's journey. The family is of Scotch lineage.
The grandfather of our subject was a native of Scotland, and now
lies buried near Trenton, New Jersey. Alexander
McEowen, the father of Henry H., was born
in New Jersey in 1787, served as a wagon boy in General
Wayne's army, and died near Greenville, Ohio, in 1864.
He married Miss Ollie Hagerman, also a native of
New Jersey, the marriage taking place about 1813. The father
had been previously married, and by the first union had two
daughters and one son, - Eliza, Mary and
Ord. After the death of his first wife the father
married Miss Hagerman, and they became the parents
of seven children, as follows: Alexander, who
was born in 1814, and died in 1884, leaving a widow; Harriet,
who became Mrs. Atkinson and died leaving five
children; Jane, who became the wife of
Peter Bercaw and died in 1882, while of their family of
seven children one daughter and two sons survive; Batie,
who died at the age of twelve years; Henry H., the
next younger; Charity Ellen, who became
Mrs. Reppetowe, (SHARON'S NOTE: See biography of
William H. Reppeto
herein) and died in Piqua about 1850, leaving one son; and
John, who died at the age of eighteen years. After
the death of the mother of these children, the father was a third
time married, and had one son by that union, Jacob R.,
who is now residing at Dawn, Darke county.
Mr. McEowen, whose name introduces this
review, was bereft of a mother's care when only nine years of age.
He then went to live with his uncle, Henry Hagerman,
a farmer of Warren county, Ohio. At the age of nineteen he
began learning the wagonmaker's trade, serving a three-years
apprenticeship. He followed that pursuit as a journeyman for
less than one year, and then began learning the plane making trade,
for which he served a three-years apprenticeship. In 1850 he
came to Darke county and opened a wagon shop in Ithaca.
Subsequently, however, he turned his attention to agricultural
pursuits for seen years, residing upon a farm of eighty acres in
Allen township. He then located in his village home in 1896,
where he is now enjoying a well earned rest. His has been an
energetic and industrious life, and his indefatigable efforts have
brought to him a comfortable competence.
On the 13th of September, 1851, Mr. McEowen was
united in marriage to Miss Melissa Millette, who
was born in Ithaca in 1834, a daughter of John and Sybil
Millette. Their Marriage was blessed with eleven
children, three sons and eight daughters, and they lost one daughter
in infancy. Florence Emily, the eldest child,
was born Sept. 28, 1852, and is now the widow of Ezra
Heistand, by whom she had four children, of whom three are
living. John, a farmer in Greenville
township, is married and has two sons. William Henry,
a resident farmer of Allen township, had eight children, of whom
five sons and two daughters are yet living. Ollie died at the
age of nineteen years. Sarah Ann is the wife of Tobias
Heistand, and has ten children. Jennie
is the wife of Jacob Replogle. Nellie
May, who was a pianist and music teacher, died at the age
of twenty-eight years. Charles W. engaged in
the operation of the home farm of eighty acres, where he lives with
his wife and two sons. Lillie Pearl is the
wife of William Howard, of Greenville township, and
has only one son. Mattie is the wife of
Richard Kineson, of West Alexandria, and has two
children. During the civil war
Mr. McEowen loyally responded to his country's call for
aid, enlisting on the 5th of August, 1862, at Greenville as a member
of Company G, Forty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He served
until the close of the war in mounted infantry and cavalry forces,
was once taken prisoner and twice his horse was shot from under him,
at Martinsburg. He was incarcerated one month at Richmond, in
the Pemberton building, and then released. Always found at his
post, he faithfully defended the old flag and stood by the Union
cause until its supremacy was established. He now holds
membership in the Grand Army of the Republic, and finds much
pleasure in recalling memories of tented fields in the midst of his
old army comrades. In politics he is a Republican, but has
never been an aspirant for office. At the age of nineteen yeas
he joined the Methodist Episcopal church, and has since been one of
its consistent representatives. He has served as a class
leader, and he has always endeavored to mold his life after the
teachings of the denomination with which he is connected. His
has been a useful and honorable career, such as commands the respect
and confidence of all. Source:
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
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A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
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A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 324 |
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 385 |
McKIBBEN is a retired farmer living on his seventy-five acre
farm on section 26, Mississinawa township. The competence
which enables him to rest from his labors was acquired by active
toil in former years. He was born in Clermont county, Ohio,
Dec. 27, 1826, and his grandfather, Hugh McKibben, was one of
the pioneers of that locality, to which he removed from his former
home in Pennsylvania. His wife was Susanna Hughes, and
they became the parents of thirteen children, six of whom reached
adult age and were married. Of the family, however, William
and Wesley died in early life. Three sons reached
mature years, and Hugh and Joseph died in Illinois,
while Samuel Parker McKibben died in Kentucky.
John McKibben, the father of our subject, was
born in Clermont county, Ohio, June 13, 1802, and was reared amidst
the wild scenes of the frontier. After he had attained to
man's estate he married Jemima Pigman, who was born in
Greenbrier county, Virginia. They were married about 1821, and
became the parents of six children, five sons and one daughter, all
of whom were born in Clermont county. One son, Harrison,
died in that county, at the age of eight years. On the 15th of
September, 1839, the family arrived in Darke county, and the father
purchased a quarter-section of land about two miles from the present
home of our subject. In the midst of the forest he cleared and
developed a farm, the timber being so dense that he had to cut away
the trees in order to erect his log cabin, which was built of round
logs, while the roof was made of boards cut from a large red oak
tree which stood on the site of the cabin. The floor above
also was made of red oak, while the lower floor was made of
puncheons. The father, with the aid of his sons, cleared the
greater part of the land, and there he made his home for eighteen
years. But about 1857 he went to live with his son Hugh,
and his death occurred in 1881, when he had reached the age of
seventy-nine yeas, his remains being interred at Rose Hill.
His widow was called away about four years later, when eighty-four
years of age. Of their children we observe: Joshua R.,
who was born in 1821, followed carpentering and died in
Indianapolis, Indiana, about 1877, being survived by his widow;
Levi P. was born in 1824, and died in Rossville in1895, when
about seventy-one years of age; his only child, a daughter, is also
deceased; Hugh T. is the third of the family; Joseph H. was
the next youngest and died in childhood; Susanna Jane died
when about twenty-one years of age; and William W. was born
in 1834, was a farmer and is now living in Knobnoster, Missouri, his
family consisting of four children, of whom two sons and a daughter
are now living.
The educational advantages which Hugh H. McKibben
enjoyed were limited. He pursued his studies in a log
schoolhouse, sixteen by sixteen feet, with puncheon seats and
floors. His training at farm labor, however, was not meager,
and he remained at home until twenty-four years of age, when he was
married to Mary Nesmonger, who was born in Montgomery county,
Ohio, in 1827. They took up their abode in the midst of the
forest and the farm upon which Mr. McKibben resides has been
cleared almost entirely by his own efforts. For forty-six
consecutive years he aided in building houses and barns, attending
all the log-rollings, and was thus an active factor in the
development of this portion of the county. He always enjoyed
good health, being never ill except on one occasion, when he
suffered an attack of sickness lasting thirteen days. His life
has been one of marked industry, bringing to him creditable and
desirable prosperity.
Eight children were born unto Mr. and Mrs. McKibben.
Amanda, the eldest, became the wife of William Funke, and
after his death married Jacob Seacrist of Darke county; he
has one living child by the first marriage; Mary A. is the
wife of George Brooks, a farmer of Jackson township, and they
have five sons and four daughters, and have lost two other children;
Hiram A., a farmer residing five miles from Arcanum, is
married and has three sons and one daughter yet living; Sarah J.
is the wife of Gottlieb Coupp, and they have two children
living. Albert J. is married and has five sons and
three daughters; Irving Grant manages the home farm and has
four daughters; Elmer Elsworth, twin brother of Irving,
resides in Jackson township and has one son and one daughter; and
Dora Ellen is the wife of William Stauffer, of Union
City, Indiana, and they have a son and daughter. Mr.
McKiben has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for
fifty-seven years, and the house of worship is located on his farm.
His wife and most of the children are also members of the same
church and the family is one of the highest respectability, enjoying
the war regard of many friends in the community.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 624 |
The bulwarks of our national prosperity have ever been found
represented in the sturdy and basic art of agriculture and in every
community the husbandman is a recognized power and is accorded the
honor which is his just due. Richland township, Darke county,
is one of the opulent agricultural sections of the Buckeye state,
although it is small in area, and one of the representative and
influential farmers of this township is he whose name introduces
this sketch, and he is a member of the family which stands high in
social and educational fields as well. Mr. Marker was
born in Darke county, Ohio, May 7, 1853, being the youngest in the
family of five sons and three daughters born to Ezra and
Catharine (Weaver) Marker. Of the children only one is
deceased, and a brief record concerning the other members of the
family will be appropriate at this juncture: Perry, a veteran
of the civil war, is a resident of Versailles, Ohio; Levi is
a farmer of Montgomery county, this state; Isaac, a resident
of Versailles, is a prosperous agriculturist, having for some years
been engaged in mercantile pursuits also from which he has now
retired; Susanna is the wife of John Nichol, a
merchant of Versailles; and Sarah E. is the wife of George
Hively, a contractor and builder of Dayton, Ohio. The
other member of the family is a twin of our subject, Lucinda
by name, and she became the wife of William Markland, a
mechanic of Dayton.
Ezra Marker was born in Frederick county,
Maryland, Apr. 30, 1810, and his death occurred Aug. 27, 1893.
He was apprenticed in his youth to learn the wagonmaker's trade,
having received a rudimentary education in the subscription schools
of the early days, and through his alert mentality and personal
application he became a man of broad information and mature
judgment. He remained with his parents in the state of
Maryland until he was about thirteen years of age, when the family
came overland in a wagon to Montgomery county, Ohio, which was then
practically a wilderness, and there the parents were umbered among
the earliest pioneer settlers. The grandfather of our subject
died in that county and the death of his paternal grandmother
occurred in Preble county, this state. Ezra Marker was
a young married man when he came to Darke county and though his
financial means were of diminutive order he was reinforced by
sterling integrity of character and a capacity for hard work.
He came to this county in 1839 and located on a tract of land known
as the Winbigler farm in York township at that time being
still a portion of the primeval forest save here and there the
lonely cabin of the pioneer. The young couple settled in the
forest, having had to hew a way through the woods to the place
selected for the erection of their little cabin of logs, which in
due time became their modest home. The Indians were their
neighbors and deer and other wild game were plentiful, while the
implements utilized in clearing up the new farm and instituting the
work of cultivation were crude and primitive in the extreme.
Mr. Marker's original purchase comprised eighty acres and
through his industry and good management he eventually attained a
high degree of success, owning one hundred and seventy-one acres of
land, besides real estate in the city of Versailles. He was
possessed of that energy and frugality so characteristic of those of
German lineage and in all relations of life he was honorable,
gaining the esteem and confidence of all. His father,
George Marker, was born in Maryland and was there married to
Margaret Storm, who had emigrated thither from Germany, where
she was a member of a wealthy farmer, whose estate in the fatherland
is yet to be divided among the descendants. Ezra Marker
was a true Jacksonian Democrat in political proclivities, his first
presidential vote having been cast for "Old Hickory." He
enjoyed a marked popularity in his township, and held at different
times almost every local office in the gift of the people of the
community. His honesty and judgment were proverbial and he was
often chosen as administrator of estates and to perform other duties
implying the implicit confidence in which he was held. He and
his wife were members of the Lutheran church and aided in the
erection of the church edifices in York township and in Versailles,
showing their liberality of spirit also by contributing to similar
enterprises of other denominations. The mother of our subject
was born near Miamisburg, Montgomery county, Ohio, Feb. 16, 1816,
and her death occurred Feb. 17, 1898. She was a tender and
devoted mother and her teachings will serve as beacon lights to
brighten the lives of her children through all the days to come.
George E. Marker, the immediate subject of this
review, was reared in Wayne township and is distinctively a Darke
county boy. He received a common school education of a
practical nature and his life has been spent as a tiller of the
soil, the free and independent vocation to which he was reared,
though he devoted about two years of his early youth to work at the
cabinetmaker's trade. He remained with his parents until he
attained the age of twenty years, giving them his labor and his
wages, and when he reached his majority he was fortified by only a
sterling character, an alert mentality and a determination to make a
success of his life. For his companion in life he chose
Miss Belle Kershner, whom he wedded Aug. 16, 1874, and three
sons have graced this union - Albertus, who was born Aug. 18,
1875, and is with his parents, is one of the most highly respected
young men of the township, being a successful teacher, having
received his teacher's certificate at the early age of sixteen and
having been engaged in pedagogic work almost every year since that
time. He has passed the teacher's examination in both Darke
and Montgomery counties and at all times keeps abreast of his
profession, being a close and ambitious student, and gaining his
physical reinforcement by assisting in the work of the old homestead
during the summer vacations. In politics he supports the
Democracy. The second son, Village, born Sept. 3, 1877, is,
like his brother, a successful teacher, having secured his
certificate when only fifteen years of age, and he has made his mark
as a teacher of tact and discrimination. He was married, Apr.
8, 1900, to Miss Daisy Beanblossom, of Greenville township.
He and his elder brother are experts in amateur photography, and
both cast their first presidential votes for William Jennings
Bryan. Claude, born Sept. 13, 1879, the youngest of the
children, is a farmer of the family, as he seems to have a natural
predilection for the vocation to which he was reared. He
successfully passed the Boxwell examination, which entitles him to
admission into any high school in the county. He wedded
Miss Grace Wolfe Jan. 7, 1900, and they reside in Wayne
township. The young men are all creditable to their parents
and to their native county, having shown exceptional talent and
having the esteem of all who have known them from their childhood
days to the era of personal accomplishment of effective order.
Mr. Marker is a native of Richland township,
this county, where she was born June 16, 1853, being the second of
the three daughters of Daniel and Catharine (Coppess) Kershner.
One sister is deceased and the other survivor is Cordelia,
who is the wife of George Kissinger a farmer of Richland
township, and who is the mother of eight children. Daniel
Kershner was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, Apr. 12,
1830, and died Mar. 30, 1895. He was a blacksmith by trade,
having come to Darke county in 1840, when a lad of ten years, and
here he made his home more than half a century, being one of our
honored and influential citizens. He was a veteran of the
civil war, having been a member of the One Hundred and Fifty-second
Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was a stanch Republican in
politics and was a strong advocate of abolition. The mother of
Mrs. Marker was born in Darke county Nov. 15, 1828, and she
is yet living her mental and physical vigor to a marked degree.
She is a member of the Reformed church and is a resident of Dawn.
Mrs. Marker received her educational discipline
in the public schools of her native county and she has been to her
husband and faithful assistant and wise counselor, while to her
careful and devoted training may be ascribed much of the success and
the sterling characteristics of her sons, who cherish her counsel
and admonitions and give her the deepest filial affection.
When our subject and his wife began their wedded life they were poor
in all save mutual affection, ambition and intrinsic ability, even
having to secure credit for a portion of their first meager supply
of farming implements, while the first money they had to invest in
land was secured from the sale of a cow. They began as renters
in Richland township and for nearly sixteen years they spared
neither mind nor hands in the indefatigable efforts to secure a
foundation for future prosperity. Their first purchase of land
was nineteen acres, to which they later added twenty acres, finally
disposing of this tract and purchasing eighty acres of their present
homestead, which is one of the fine estates of Richland township,
improved with a beautiful and commodious brick residence and in all
portions showing the discriminating cure and attention bestowed.
They have attained a marked success in temporal affairs through
their own efforts and they stand high in the social circles of the
In politics Mr. Marker gives stanch allegiance
to the Democratic party, having cast his first presidential vote for
Samuel J. Tilden. Fraternally he is a member of the Odd
Fellows Lodge, No. 286, located at Versailles, and in this lodge he
has passed all the chairs. He and his wife are zealous members
of the Christian church at Beamsville and they have always aided
liberally in church and benevolent enterprises. As
representatives of that sterling citizenship which has so signally
conserved the progress and prosperity of this favored section of the
Buckeye state, and family is peculiarly worthy of consideration in
this edition.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 573 |
MARKER. Among the citizens of Darke county whose lives
have been devoted to agricultural pursuits is Isaac Marker, a
well-known farmer of Van Buren township. He was born in Mercer
county, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1855, and when thirteen years of age came
to Darke county with his parents, George and Lydia (Epperell)
Marker, locating in Van Buren township, where lie grew to
manhood, early becoming familiar with every department of farm work.
On the 1st of November, 1877, Mr. Marker was
united in marriage with Miss Mary Jane Shields, who was born
on her father's farm in Van Buren township, Jan. 4, 1855, and was
educated in the country schools of the neighborhood. They began
their domestic life upon a farm of eighty acres which she owned, and
there they have since made their home, Mr. Marker being
engaged in its operation. In his political views he is a stanch
Democrat, and he has been called upon to fill several local offices.
Mr. and Mrs. Marker have eight children whose names and dates
of birth are as follows: Lucy, born Sept. 19, 1878;
George A., Oct. 17, 1880; Lydia Maud, Oct. 1, 1884;
Dolly Frances, Dec. 28, 1886; Therman Russell,
Dec. 10, 1889; Mary, May 12, 1893; Harley Earle,
July 7, 1895; and Homer Jennings, Dec. 26, 1898.
Mary died in infancy, but the others are living and are still at
home with the exception of Lucy, who was married Aug. 12,
1899, to Roy S. French, and they have one child, Rhoda
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 752 |

Leonard Marker |
MARKER, a well known undertaker and furniture dealer of
Versailles, Ohio, has the distinction of having won the proud
American title of self-made man. His great determination and
energy have enabled him to overcome all difficulties and obstacles
in his path and work his way steadily upward to prosperity.
He was born near Dayton, Montgomery county, Ohio, June
9, 1846, and is of German descent, his paternal great-grandfather
having been a native of Germany. The grandfather, George
Marker, was born in Maryland and became a wealthy slaveholder of
that state, but being a very liberal man he lost his property by
going as security for others. He then came to Ohio with his
family, and located on the site of the present Soldiers' Home near
Dayton, Montgomery county, where he spent the remainder of his life,
dying at about the age of seventy-two years.
Raymond J. Marker, the father of our subject,
was born in Maryland, in 1824, and was four years of age when the
family removed to Montgomery county, Ohio, where he grew to manhood
and married Eliza Bachman, who was born in Lancaster,
Pennsylvania, but was reared in Montgomery county, this state.
Her father, Christian Bachman, was a native of Germany.
She died at an early age of twenty-eighty years, leaving four
children: Leonard, our subject; Allen, who is engaged
in the transfer, dray and express business in Versailles; Hiram,
who died at the age of eighteen years; and Maggie C., the
widow of George Burns and a resident of Cleveland. In
early life the father followed the butcher's trade, but after coming
to Darke county, in 1850, he purchased a farm near the old Bowers
Mill and turned his attention to agricultural pursuits. He
died there in 1855, at the age of thirty-one years. He was
serving at that time as justice of the peace, and had also filled
the offices of township clerk and land appraiser. In religious
belief he was a Lutheran, and in politics a Democrat, and he was one
of the most highly respected citizens of his community.
Left an orphan at the early age of nine years,
Leonard Marker went to live with his uncle, Perry Marker,
in Liberty, Ohio, remaining with him until nineteen years of age and
attending the village schools. He then spent two yeas with
B. Engelken, of Versailles, learning the cabinet maker's trade,
working the first six months for no material compensation. On
attaining his majority he embarked in the furniture and undertaking
business on his own account at that place, and now has the oldest
established house of the kind in Darke county. He has kept a
complete record of all the funerals of which he has had charge since
1867, the date of the same, the name of the deceased and the number
of miles traveled. He has buried over two thousand people.
When he first became connected with the business he manufactured all
his own coffins from the rough lumber, often working all night.
He now has two diplomas as an embalmer, one from Professor Clarke
at Springfield, Ohio, and the other from Professor Sullivan,
of the Indianapolis (Indiana) School of Embalming. He has one
of the finest funeral outfits in the county, and is doing a large
and successful business. Having prospered in his life work, he
is now the owner of considerable property, including his business
block and residence in Versailles.
At Versailles, Apr. 1, 1869, Mr. Marker married
Miss Girtie Reed, a native of that place and a daughter of
J. C. Reed, one of its first business men. By this union
were born four children, namely: Grace, who was
graduated at the Versailles high school, and has successfully
engaged in teaching in the same for eight years; James R.,
also a graduate of the same school, who has engaged in teaching for
five years, and is now completing a four-years classical college
course; Maud, who was graduated at the Versailles high school
and is at home; and Raymond J., who is still in school.
As a Democrat Mr. Marker has taken an active
interest in local politics, and has been honored with a number of
offices, having served as a member of the board of health, the
school board and as township clerk. He has been the chief of
the fire department almost continuously since 1884, and
superintendent of the Greenland Cemetery Company since its
organization in 1896. It is one of the finest cemeteries of
Darke county. Mr. Marker has a fine collection of
geological specimens, and Indian, war and family relics, and is
interested in the founding of a reading room for young men.
Socially he is a prominent member of the Odd Fellows Lodge, of
Versailles, in which he has filled all the chairs, and has served as
deputy grand master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
He is a member of Lodge No. 290, F. & A. M., and has served as the
secretary for a number of years. Religiously he and all of his
family are members of the Christian church. He has ever taken
an active part in its work, was a member of the building committee
of the parsonage, and is now serving as the clerk of the church.
In all the relations of life he has been found true to every trust
reposed in him, whether public or private, and has done all in his
power to advance the interests of his town and county.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 622 |

J. G. Martz |
MARTZ, lawyer and educator, Greenville, Ohio, was born in
Darke county, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1833. He is the son of
John Martz, who was born in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, June
1, 1798, settled in Darke county in 1829, and died at the home of
his son, Jan. 5 ,1883, aged eighty-four years, seven months and
four days. His wife, Barbara Hardinger, the mother of
our subject, and a native of Bedford county, Pennsylvania, died in
Jacob T. Martz attended the Ohio Wesleyan
University, at Delaware, at which institution he was graduated in
June, 1856. During the nine succeeding years he was engaged in
teaching, and superintending the schools of Greenville. During
part of this time, and while engaged in teaching, he also read law
under Judge D. L. Meeker, and was admitted to the bar in
June, 1860. In March, 1865, he resigned the superintendency of
the Greenville school and formed a law partnership with the Hon.
J. R. Knox. In August, 1865, he was appointed receiver of
the Cincinnati & Mackinaw Railroad Company, which work occupied his
time for nearly five years. In 1871 the superintendency of the
Greenville school was tendered to him without his solicitation.
This he accepted, but at the end of that school year he asked to be
relieved by the board of education from further supervision of the
school, but his work had been done so well, having brought the
schools out of a state of chaos, as it were, to one of order and
efficiency, that the board prevailed upon him to continue his good
work, which he did for seventeen consecutive years, and closed his
labors as superintendent on the 1st of June, 1888. In this
year the enumeration in the district was twelve hundred and eleven,
and the enrollment in the school for the year was ten hundred and
ninety-eight, showing that ninety-one per cent of the entire
enumeration was enrolled upon the school registers, while in
efficiency the school stood second to none in the state. Under
his supervision he saw the school grow so steadily that the corps of
teachers was increased from four to twenty-two. When he took
charge of the school there was no laboratory, no apparatus and no
geological cabinet, except a few ordinary specimens, but in June
1888, over sic hundred dollars and been expended for educational
philosophical apparatus of various kinds, and there was a large and
convenient laboratory arranged with all the modern conveniences,
geographical maps and globes, and physiological charts, enabling the
teacher to illustrate and explain all the modern methods of
teaching, together with a human skeleton procured, prepared an
mounted by Mr. Martz and the janitor of the old school
building, and which they have kindly permitted to remain in the
laboratory, for the benefit of the students in physiology and
hygiene. The cabinet containing various specimens of value,
including the bones of the mastodon found in this county, and which
are in a remarkable state of preservation, are the result of Mr.
Martz's personal purchase and labor. During all these
years, modern methods of teaching and government were introduced by
the superintendent and adopted by the teachers, so that tardiness
was measurably controlled by the teacher, and truancy, except in a
few chronic cases, was almost a thing of the past. Order,
system and good government prevailed in all the rooms and in the
deportment of pupils, while improper language was seldom heard on
the play-grounds, and so potent was the influence of the
superintendent in maintaining order and decorum among the pupils on
the play-ground that it became the pride of all, even the most
combative element among the boys, the moment they reached the school
grounds to stand upon their good behavior. The high school
course of study contained no more branches than could be mastered by
every pupil of ordinary intelligence in the five years given to
complete the same, while the elocutionary drill and composition
writing, in all the grades of which they were taught, strengthened
the memory and exercised the reasoning faculties to the great
benefit of the pupils. No partiality was shown in these
exercises as all were expected to do their part.
The methods of graduation from the high school was
Mr. Martz's suggestion and it has been adopted by a least
four union schools in this county, and the one hundred and four
alumni, all graduated under his supervision, speak of good order,
management and efficiency of the school. Superintendent
Martz with two other teachers organized the Darke County
Teachers' Association in 1859, and though for several years it
struggled for existence, yet by his untiring energy and enthusiasm
for its success it increased in numbers and interest almost beyond
expectation. During the greater part of this time he presided
over its deliberations. He was also a member of the board of
county school examiners for about twenty-two years, and assisted
greatly in advancing the qualifications of the teachers in the
He has also taken an active part in developing the
resources of the county, and was for six years secretary of the
Darke County Agricultural Society, and was mainly instrumental in
selling the old grounds of the society and purchasing the large and
commodious grounds it now owns. For eight years he was
secretary of the first building association organized in this
county, having closed out the same, and he has been for more than
eight years secretary of the largest company of the kind now doing
business in the county. Mr. Martz has always manifested
a deep interest in the moral and religious influences in the county,
has for a long time been identified with the Methodist Episcopal
church, ahs been superintendent of the Sabbath school for a number
of years, and for more than eight years has been recording steward
of its official board. For the past years he has been
associated with his law partner of 1865 and the mayor of the city of
Greenville in the legal profession. He has also assisted in
all the local enterprises that were intended to advance the public
good; has been associated with the trustees of the Greenville
cemetery as their secretary sine 1865, and assisted in bringing
about that order and system which ahs resulted in beautifying,
adorning and enlarging those grounds to meet the public wants.
On Sept. 19, 1860, he married Miss Esther M.,
daughter of James H. Jamison, of Delaware, Ohio, with issue
of four sons; John H., born Nov. 8, 1861; Adelbert,
born Sept. 28, 1868; James J., born May 8, 1872, and
Benjamin F., born Dec. 18, 1874. John H. is
married and is engaged in farming and raising fine registered stock.
Adelbert is also married and is teller of the
Greenville Bank. James and Benjamin F. is engaged in
farming his father's place.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 246 |
MEDFORD. The commercial activity of New Weston is
largely promoted through the enterprising efforts of Mr. Medford,
who is engaged in the undertaking and farm implement business. He is
also identified with agricultural interests, being the owner of one
of the finest farms of Darke county. He was born in Wabash township,
this county, on the 21st day of May, 1857, and is of English.
lineage, his great-grandfather, William Medford, having been
a native of England. His grandfather, Charles Medford, was a
farmer of Darke county and died in this locality when about seventy
years of age. He was twice married and reared a large number of
children, but all of his children are now deceased. George D.
Medford, the father of our subject, was born in Franklin county, Ohio,
Dec. 6, 1827, and died in Kansas in 1893, at the
age of sixty-six years. He wedded Mary Ann Gates, who was
born in Chittenden county, Vermont, Feb. 20, 1828, their wedding
taking place Oct. 26, 1847, in Ohio. There they began their
domestic life upon a farm and. their union was blessed with six
children, namely: Myron C., of Dayton, Ohio, who has one son;
Matilda B., who became the wife of J. M. Rose and the
mother of four children, and died in middle life; Charles, a
farmer of Wabash township, who has nine children, three sons and six
daughters; J. C., who is living in Darke county and has four
children; Uriah, of this review; and Irene, the wife of J.
H. Spencer, of Hollanshurg, by whom she has two children. After
the death of the mother of these children George D. Medford
wedded Augenette Orput, and they had two children, George
Guy and Stanley, both of whom are residents of Kansas.
Mr. Medford, whose name stands at the head of
this sketch, was reared to farm life on the old family homestead and
enjoyed the educational privileges afforded by the common schools of
the neighborhood. At the age of sixteen he started out in life on
his own account and went to Buchanan county, Iowa, where he engaged
in farming in connection with his eldest brother for four years. They then sold their property there and Uriah Medford went to
the far west, spending two years in Washington and California. On
the expiration of that period he returned to Ohio, and, wishing to
better prepare himself for life's responsible duties, he pursued a
course of study in the business college in Greenville. He then
visited his father in Virginia and in the spring of 1882 he
purchased a farm in Wabash township, which he cultivated through a
tenant, with whom he made his home for some years.
On the 7th of October, 1886, Mr. Medford was
united in marriage to Linnie Cottrell, of Wabash township, a
daughter of A. S. Cottrell, who resides with Mr. Medford,
his own wife having died, as well as nearly all of their children.
Mr. and Mrs. Medford have lost their only child, an infant
daughter. In his business affairs our subject has prospered and is
today the owner of two hundred and twenty-one acres of rich and
valuable land comprised within two farms in Wabash township and
which are improved with good buildings and are under a high state of
cultivation. He is also engaged in the farm implement business in
New Weston, and in connection with E. C. Richardson is
engaged in the undertaking business. His well directed efforts have
been crowned with a high degree of success and all who are familiar
with his straightforward business methods agree that his prosperity
is well deserved. During the World's Fair in Chicago he was a member
of the Columbian Guards. Both he and his wife hold membership, in
the Methodist church, taking an active part in its work and he is
serving as a steward and trustee. Socially he is a Master Mason,
belonging to the lodge at Ansonia, and politically he is a Democrat. He has twice served as township assessor and for three terms was a
justice of the peace. In both offices he discharged his duties with
marked promptness and fidelity, and at all times he has been found
true to every trust and obligation reposed in him. During the
greater part of his life he has been a resident of Darke county, is
familiar with its history, its progress and its upbuilding, and has
given a hearty support to all measures calculated to promote the
general welfare. In manner he is free from ostentation, is genial
and courteous and the circle of his friends is extensive.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 706 |
MEEKER. Perhaps the public record of no man in
Darke county has extended over a longer period than that of Judge
David L. Meeker, and certainly none has been more
fearless in conduct, more faultless in honor and more stainless in
reputation. He served for nearly twenty years as judge on the common
pleas bench, and his career was marked by the utmost fidelity to
duty, while a comprehensive knowledge of law and great accuracy in
applying the principles of jurisprudence to the points in litigation
won him high standing among the legal fraternity.
Judge Meeker was born in
Darke county, Ohio, on the 18th of July, 1827, a son of David M.
and Nancy Ann (Miller) Meeker. The
former, a native of Newark, New Jersey, came to Ohio in 1802, when
about ten years of age, and for a time worked in brickyards in
Cincinnati. On attaining his majority he turned his attention to
agricultural pursuits, following farming for a short time in
Hamilton county, Ohio, whence he removed to Darke county, settling
within its borders when it was a wild region almost on the extreme
limit of frontier civilization. There the remainder of his life was
passed in the work of transforming the wilderness into a productive
farm, and, by the assistance of his wife rearing a large family of
children, who have honored his memory and added lustre to his name.
He died in 1852, respected by all who knew him.
Upon his father's farm Judge Meeker spent
his boyhood, becoming familiar with all of the hard Work and
discomfort of clearing the land and cultivating the soil when the
financial reward of agriculture was scarcely greater than the
advantages offered for education. He attended the school in his
native district a portion of each year and enjoyed the limited
amusements which the country afforded. The privations of pioneer
life were more than offset by the helpfulness of neighbors and the
genuine, unpretentious hospitality characteristic of the occupants
of log cabins in pioneer times. When sufficiently advanced in his
studies he was employed in teaching the district school for several
winters and extended his studies to the advanced. branches in the
academy, which marked the progressive instincts of the people among
whom he lived. While engaged in teaching he directed his course of
reading with a view to entering the legal profession as soon as the
opportunity offered.
His preliminary study of the law was prosecuted under
the instruction of the late Judge Ebenezer Parsons, of Miami county,
and he was admitted to the bar in June, 1851, For almost a year
thereafter he was traveling-in the west, and it was not until 1853
that he settled in Greenville for the practice of his profession. The discipline acquired by study and teaching the habits of industry
formed and his close application to books, together with an
excellent natural capacity, qualified him for success in the law.
He made his way unaided among the attorneys of the county and soon
established himself as a lawyer. In 1856 he was elected prosecuting
attorney for the county and reelected in 1858, serving four years.
His preference for the practice of law rather than the duties of
public office was so pronounced that he yielded reluctantly to the
solicitation of friends to accept even the judgeship. He
persistently declined to permit the use of his name as a candidate
for congress, although he was frequently urged to become a nominee
for that important position. In 1861 he was elected judge of the
common pleas court of the first subdivision of the second judicial
district for a term of five years, but resigned after four years of
service and was succeeded by Judge William Allen. Resuming the practice, he was permitted to continue it without
interruption until October, 1872, when he was appointed judge by Governor
Noyes, on the unanimous recommendation and petition of the
bar in every county of the judicial district. This appointment was
for the unexpired portion of the term to which Judge
McKemy had been elected. Judge Meeker's service on
the bench was so acceptable to all the people that he was chosen at
the next election for the position without opposition. Both of the
leading political parties nominated him, and the members of the bar
without dissent recommended his election. After this he was
reelected for two terms and declined a third because of failing
It is given to few men to enjoy the public confidence
to a degree that disarms all political opposition. The example of
Judge Meeker is almost unique. Although a member of the
Democratic party and a partisan, in the sense of supporting its
principles and candidates, he was known to be so fair and impartial
as to be universally trusted by political adherents and .political
adversaries alike.
The Judge was married, on the 18th
of June, 1857, to Miss Mary A. Deardorff, of Darke
county, and to them were born eight children: Frank D., who
married Emma Anderson, of Franklin,, and is engaged in
the real estate and loan business in Greenville; Sadie E.,
who is the wife of D. L. Gaskill, who was associated in the
practice of law with her father; Walter S., who was also his;
father's partner, married Minnie Lowry;. Mary C., who is the
wife of J. R. Smith, a druggist, of Dayton, Ohio; Nana,
who is. the wife of Dr. S. A. Hawes, of Arcanum, Ohio;
Virginia G., who is the wife of W. H. Gilbert, an
attorney at law, of Troy, Ohio; Alice M., who is the
wife of A. R. Crawford, of Ventura, California, where
he is serving as deputy clerk of the court; and Carrie W.; at
home. The mother of these children died Nov. 21, 1876, and the
Judge was afterward married, on the 5th of September, 1878, to
Miss Jennie D. Crisler, of Eaton, Preble county, a lady of many
accomplishments, who presided over his household with dignity and
grace, assisting him to dispense. the hospitality for which his home
was noted. She is a native of Ohio. Her father, Albert G. Crisler;
was born in 1810 in Culpeper county, Virginia; and her mother,
Ann nee Foos, was born in Pennsylvania in 1812.
They were married in 1831 in Preble county, Ohio. The
mother died Feb. 28, 1857, and the father passed away Oct. 19, 1857, near Columbus, Indiana.
Mrs. Meeker attended the country schools
in her early girlhood, but later enjoyed, and took advantage of the
privileges afforded by a private school. At the age of sixteen she
began teaching and followed that profession for a few years, when
she went to reside with her uncle, J. H. Foos, a prominent
attorney of Eaton, Preble county, Ohio. After her marriage to
Mr. Meeker she took change of his household, discharged
faithfully all the duties of helpmate, and at once took a motherly
part in caring: for, educating and advising his eight children in
the moral and religious duties of life, the youngest child being at
the time only three years of age. After the death of the Judge she
erected her present residence from a fund set apart by him, and with
the request that after his death a new dwelling house should be
built for her because it required too much care and expense to keep
the former residence—a palatial brick—in proper condition. The new
dwelling was planned by Mrs. Meeker, assisted by her stepson,
Walter S. Meeker. It is modern in architectural design, neat,
and commodious in all its appointments. Mrs. Meeker is an
acceptable member of the First Presbyterian church, is consistent in
her professions, and her life of Christian fortitude may well be
imitated by all.
Judge Meeker's tastes were essentially
domestic, and he found at home the pleasure some men seek at the
club. The time not necessarily devoted to business was spent in the
society of his family and among the inspiring, renewing influences
of home. One of the leading lawyers of the district has furnished a
characterization of him substantially in. the following terms:
Judge Meeker filled a place in the history of this
judicial district that is creditable to himself and honorable to the
profession. A judge for a period of almost twenty years, he retired
from the bench with the highest respect of the profession and
admiration of the public. He was always a close student, and when in
practice was known as a hard working lawyer, and likewise a
successful one. His greatest reputation, however, will rest on his
work as a judge. His judgeship was almost unerring. He possessed
what is termed a legal mind; understood thoroughly the principles of
the law; was painstaking in his investigations, and accurate in his
decisions. He was always fearless and impartial in the discharge of
every duty. There has never been on the bench in the history of this
judicial district a judge who held the confidence of the profession
to a greater degree. His. personal popularity was unbounded. Nature
made him a gentleman, and he made himself a lawyer. One of the
sources of his popularity was undoubtedly his unassuming manners,
unfeigned cordiality, his fine sensibilities, and readiness to help
his fellowmen. Both in the relations of private citizenship and in
public office, Judge Meeker's life was irreproachable. Not only was he an able jurist, but also a successful business man. He possessed one of the finest homes in the county, accumulated a
competence and left a valuable estate.
Judge Meeker died suddenly, Sept. 5,
1896, at his home in Greenville. While at the supper table he was
stricken with partial paralysis, which became complete a few minutes
later, causing a painless death within three hours. The tributes to
his character and worthiness, expressed in a memorial meeting of the
bar and in the funeral service, were hearty and sincere. They
testified that he was not only an incorruptible judge but also
scrupulously, delicately and conscientiously free from all willful
wrong, in thought, word or deed. His uniform kindness and patience
to the younger members of the bar were marked. In later years he was
accustomed to recount for the edification of the young lawyers his
own early struggles to secure success, the discouragements he
encountered and the difficulties he had overcome. He was not a
dreamer in any idle sense, but as a boy looked forward hopefully,
spurred to his best endeavors by high aspirations. In a paper read
at his funeral by D. W. Bowman, a former law partner, it is
said that throughout a career of nearly half a century at the bar
and on the bench, the day dream of his boyhood, the cherished desire
of his heart in youth, was never lost sight of, but kept in full
view. With this noble longing for professional success he wore the
judicial ermine for twenty years, and laid it aside as spotless as
when it first touched his shoulders. He achieved a fame that
posterity will not willingly let die.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 626 |
MEIER, deceased, was one of the early German settlers of
Greenville township, Darke county, Ohio, a man of sterling worth and
highly esteemed for his many excellent qualities of mind and heart.
Frederick Meier was born in Haseling, Province of Hesse,
Germany, Dec. 25, 1802, one of a family of nine children.
According to the German custom he attended the public schools from
the time he was six until he was fourteen and then learned a trade.
His trade, that of cabinetmaker, he learned in his father's shop,
under his father's instructions, and he followed it throughout his
life. His first wife, whose maiden name was Gustena Wissel,
bore him three children, Charles and Caroline, and one
that died in early life in Germany. His second wife, Gustena
Klemme, he also married in Germany, Apr. 15, 1850. With his
wife and three children, he embarked from Bremen for Baltimore,
which port they reached in safety after a voyage of four weeks and
four days. From Baltimore they started west via the canal, their
destination being Darke county, Ohio, and after about a month's
travel by water and team they landed in Greenville township. Mr.
Meier's capital at this time consisted of about six hundred
dollars. With this he purchased forty acres of land, which had on it
a little "clearing" and a small cabin, and here he established his
home. His money all invested it was necessary for him to go to work
at once to supply the immediate wants of his family. Work at his
trade brought him sixty cents a day and this, with what his son,
Charles, could earn, was sufficient to keep the family in food.
His land was nearly all under water and it required much labor and
time to clear and drain it so that satisfactory crops could be
raised. This however, was finally accomplished and the land yielded
a support for the family. Meantime Mr. Meier continued work
at his trade, traveling about from place to place until he was too
old to work. He died Jan. 20, 1885, and is wife Mar. 29, 1888;
both are buried in St. John's cemetery. For many years they were
identified with the Lutheran church. Mr. Meier was prominent
in the organization of St. John's church, giving freely of both his
labor and money to assist the enterprise and for many years he was
one of its official members. The children of his second wife were
six in number, but all are now deceased, and his son, Charles,
above referred to, is the only living representative of the family.
Charles Meier was born in Germany Jan. 19,
1836; was educated in the common schools and confirmed in the
Lutheran church, and at the time he came with his father and family
to this country was fourteen years old. He assisted his father in
the improvement of the farm above referred to and also worked out on
other farms and thus at an early age aided in the support of the
family. He married Miss Augusta Krickeberg, a daughter of
Frederick and Charlotte (Sigsmend) Krickeberg, German people,
who settled in Brown township, Darke county, Ohio, in 1852. The date
of their marriage was Feb. 9, 1863, and since then they have
lived on the old homestead farm, which now comprises one hundred and
forty acres, and in addition to this farm he owns other land.
The home farm is well improved and nearly all under cultivation, the
beautiful residence having been erected in 1889. Mr. and Mrs.
Meier have had six children, four of whom are living,
Charles, Mena, Caroline and John, and all
except the youngest are married and settled in life. The deceased
children were Sophia and Frederick.
In his political views Mr. Meier is what is termed an
independent. In 1863 he was drafted into the Union army and served
four weeks, at the end of which time he hired a substitute, for whom
he paid nine hundred and eighty-five dollars, and received his
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 707 |
Among the worthy citizens that the fatherland has furnished to the
new world is Bernhard Menke, the popular tailor of
Greenville. He was born in Cloppenburg, Germany, Jan. 16, 1845,
his parents being Joseph and Frances (Hill) Menke. The
father was a farmer by occupation, and both parents died in their
native land. Their son Bernhard was the second in a family of
six children. At the age of six years he entered school, where he
pursued his studies until fourteen years of age in accordance with
the laws of his native land. He then learned the tailor's trade,
serving for three years. On the completion of his apprenticeship he
was employed as a journeyman in the fatherland until 1868, when he
bade adieu to home and friends and sailed for the United States,
landing at Baltimore, Maryland. He made his way thence
direct to Dayton, Ohio, where he worked at his trade for one year,
and in 1869 he came to Greenville, Ohio, where he was employed by
the firm of Chenoweth & Haberling, merchant tailors.
Subsequently he entered the service of Moses
by whom he has been employed for the past thirty years. He is particularly expert as a coat maker and is now the oldest
tailor engaged in active business in Greenville. As the years have
passed his financial resources have been increased, and he is now
the possessor of good and valuable city property. Indolence and
idleness are utterly foreign to his nature, but in consequence he
does not wish to put aside business care and continues in the active
prosecution of his trade.
In his twenty-seventh year Mr. Menke was
married to Miss Susannah Bashore, the eldest
daughter of Jacob G. Bashore, of Webster, Ohio. Their
union has been blessed with seven children: Ann, now the wife of
Henry E. Mohler; Jacob, a tailor; Joseph,
who occupies the position of teller in the Farmers National Bank, of
Greenville; Ida, at home; Orville, Chester and
Barnard. They also lost two children in infancy. The mother of
Mrs. Menke was Sarah (Miller) Bashore, and her
death occurred in 1892, in her seventy-second year. The father,
Jacob G. Bashore, was one of the early settlers of Darke
county, and died within its borders in his sixty-ninth year.
Mr. and Mrs. Menke are widely known
in Greenville and have a large circle of friends. They occupy a
pleasant residence here, and also own two or three dwellings in the
city, besides some good business houses, which he rents and a
forty-acre farm in Wayne township, which is under a high state of
cultivation. He has never had occasion to regret his determination
to seek a home in America, for here, where opportunity is
unhampered, he has worked his wav steadily upward and his
advancement along well defined lines of labor has secured to him
merited financial reward.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 581 |
B. MILLER, superintendent of the Darke County Infirmary,
is a man well known in this county, where he was born and where he
has passed his life. The Millers were among the pioneers of
Darke county. George Miller, the grandfather of Thomas B.,
was a native of. Pennsylvania, in which state he wedded Margaret
Kaskey, a native of the Emerald Isle. In 1816 they, removed
with their family from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, to Ohio, and
took up their abode in Harrison township, Darke county, where they
passed the rest of their lives. He died at the age of seventy-four
years. Their son John, the father of Thomas B.,
was born in Lancaster county, in 1815, the year before their removal
to this state. Here he was reared and married, his wife, whose
maiden name was Mary A. McGee, being a native of Ohio. She
died in 1854. Of their children, eight in number, one died at the
age of twelve years, and those who reached adult age are as follows:
George W., Thomas B., Martha E., Henry B., Mary I. and
Margaret P. All are living excepting Francis R.
Mary I. is the wife of C. W. Moore, and Margaret P.
is now Mrs. Luther Black.
Thomas B. Miller was born on his
father's farm May 22, 1847, was reared to farm life, and received
his education in the district school. He was yet a school boy when
the civil war broke out, but before it closed he offered his
services to the Union and proved himself a true soldier. It was in
1864 that he enlisted, and as a member of the One Hundred arid
Eighty-seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, commanded by Colonel
Dawson, he entered the service. His term of enlistment was spent
chiefly in garrison duty.
Receiving an honorable discharge from the army in 1866,
Mr. Miller returned to Darke county and engaged in farming
and stock-raising, which he continued for some time. Then for a
number of years he carried on a mercantile business in Greenville.
In 1890 he was appointed superintendent of the Darke County
Infirmary, which position he has since filled, having been
reappointed from time to time. The infirmary buildings were burned
in 1897, but were immediately rebuilt on a much larger scale, and
are now ranked with the best county infirmary buildings in the state
of Ohio. Under Mr. Miller's management the institution
is one in which the county has reason to take pride; everything is
neat and orderly and the inmates are well cared for.
Mr. Miller was married in 1877 to Miss
Elizabeth McGrew, a native of Preble county, and a daughter of
Patrick McGrew. They are the parents of three children:
Arthur V., Edna B. and Harry C.
Politically Mr. Miller is a stanch Democrat, has a voice in
the councils of his party, and has frequently served as delegate to
county and state conventions. He is a member of Jobes Post, No. 147,
Grand Army of the Republic.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 751 |
MILLER, a member of the Darke county bar, was
born in West Milton, Miami county, Feb. 25, 1841, upon a farm. His
father, Samuel Miller, was a native of Virginia, born
in Charleston, in 1801. He learned the miller's trade and followed
that pursuit for many years. In early manhood he removed to Ohio,
and in this state was married to Margaret Bowman, a
native of Chillicothe, Ohio. Subsequently they removed to Miami
county, where Mr. Miller followed his chosen vocation
for many years. In 1860 he came with his family to Darke county,
locating in Arcanum, where he remained for a number of years, and
then returned to Miami county, where his death occurred in 1874. His
wife, who survived him for some time, died in Greenville in 1890.
Thomas C. Miller, whose name forms
the caption of this sketch, was the only child born to his parents.
He spent his boyhood days in the vicinity of his native town and
pursued his education in the common schools, and afterward assisted
his father in the work of the farm and the operation of the mill;
but, not content to devote his energies to industrial pursuits, he
determined to enter professional life and to this end began reading
law under the direction of Hon. E. P. Kellogg, of West
Milton, now a prominent lawyer of Columbus, Ohio. Mr.
Miller was admitted to the bar at Troy, this state, and began
practice in Bedford, Ohio, where he remained for twelve years. On
the expiration of that period he removed to Greenville, where he has
since devoted his attention assiduously to the practice of his
profession and the duties it involves. He is recognized as one of
the leading lawyers of the Greenville bar, and his devotion to his
clients' interests is proverbial.
Mr. Miller has been twice married, and by the
first union had three children: Perry. E., William E. and
Lemuel E. His present wife bore the maiden name of
Miss Anna Gundell. She was born in Darke county, was a daughter
of Benjamin Gundell, an old resident of this county, and at
the time of their marriage was the widow of Henry Beard.
During the civil war Mr. Miller manifested his
loyalty to his country by enlisting in the One Hundred and Tenth
Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under the command of Captain Jason Young
and Colonel J. Warren Keifer. The regiment was ordered to
Virginia, and in the south he faithfully served until 1865. He
participated in a number of engagements and skirmishes, and also
spent some time in the hospital, and when the war was ended received
an honorable discharge, in July, 1865. He is a member of the
Frizelle Post, No. 227, G. A. R., and is as true and faithful to
the duties of citizenship in times of peace as when he followed the
starry banner upon the battlefields of the south. His life has
marked a steady advance in his profession, and by his careful
preparation of cases, combined with keen power of analysis, he has
won many notable forensic combats.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page
605 |
MOHLER is a popular young farmer of Franklin township,
Darke county, and is a representative of one of the pioneer
families of Ohio. His grandfather, Rudolph Mohler, was
born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, Feb. 6, 1801, and
married Susanna Souman, who was born in that county on
the 12th of December, 1801. At an early period in the development of
the Buckeye, state they came to Miami county, locating on a farm
near the Sugar Grove church in Newberry township. There the wife
died, after which Mr. Mohler made his home with his children,
dying at the residence of his son, Samuel Mohler, in
Miami county. He had three children by his first marriage, namely:
William, who was born Oct. 3, 1823, and died Sept. 29, 1851; Mary, who was born May 3, 1825, and is the wife of
George Croft, of Darke county; and Ephraim, who
was born Nov. 10, 1856, and married Mary Annie
Neal. After the death of his first wife the grandfather married
Elizabeth Miller, who was born July 31, 1801, and
their children were: Henry, who was born May 14, 1829,
married Harriet Deeter; Jacob, the father of
our subject; Sarah, who was born Jan. 2, 1833, became the
wife of Henry Deeter and died Aug. 20, 1863;
Susanna, who was born July 21, 1834, is the wife of William
Shellabarger, of Covington; John, who was born
Dec. 8, 1835, is now living in Missouri with his wife, who bore
the maiden name of Mary Ann Miller; Samuel,
of Miami county, was born Mar. 27, 1837, and married Sally
Miller; Rudolph, who was born Mar. 18, 1839, and
married Fannie Etter; Daniel, of Missouri, was
born Oct. 2, 1842, and wedded Maria Mowry and both
died in Miami county; and Hannah, who was born Jan. 29,
1845, became the wife of Justice Deeter.
Jacob Mohler, the father of
our subject, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, Mar. 15,
1830, and when fifteen years of age accompanied his parents oh their
removal to Miami county. The journey was made by wagon, Jacob
walking the greater part of the distance. His father had previously
made a trip to Ohio on horseback and purchased the farm in Newberry
township upon which Jacob was reared to manhood. Having
attained his majority, he was married, on the 15th of January, 1852,
to Miss Eidelia, a daughter of John S. and Sarah
(Reed) Deeter and granddaughter of David and Elizabeth (Stutzman)
Deeter. The Deeter family removed from Pennsylvania to
Preble county, Ohio, and later settled in Miami county. After their
marriage Mr. Jacob Mohler operated the Sugar Grove mill for
seven years and then purchased the farm now known as the Teague
place in Newberry township. That property he old to Joseph
Teague for the latter's farm in Franklin township, Darke county,
and on that place he died May 28, 1898, after a long and useful
life. He was much respected and was a faithful member of the
German Baptist church, with which he united in 1852. In politics he
was a Republican. His wife still survives him, and by her marriage she
became the mother of the following children: Allen, who was
born Jan. 27, 1856, and died in infancy; Sarah E., who was
born July 18, 1857, and also died in infancy; Elizabeth, who
was born Dec. 10, 1858, and became the wife of Aaron
Shellabarger, of Franklin township; Mary A., who was born
Apr. 6, 1861, and died in infancy; Martha, who was born
Jan. 15, 1863, and is the wife of Jonathan Cool, of
Franklin township; Rudolph, born Nov. 22, 1865; Mina,
born Jan. 10, 1868, and now the wife of William Penny,
of Franklin township; and John.
John Mohler was born Jan. 30, 1870, on his
father's farm in Newberry township, and in the public schools of the
neighborhood he acquired a good education, fitting him for life's
practical duties. He engaged in the cultivation of the home farm,
both before and after his marriage, which important event occurred
in 1890, Miss Lizzie Knutt, a daughter of George Franklin
Knutt, becoming his wife. After his marriage Mr. Mohler
purchased and located upon his present farm, which comprises twelve
and a quarter acres. He is very enterprising and progressive in his
farming methods and carefully cultivates his land so that it yields
to him a good tribute in return for the labor he bestows upon it. In
politics he is an independent Republican and keeps well informed on
the issues of the day. Socially he is connected with several
organizations, including the Knights of Pythias fraternity and the
Improved Order of Red Men at Bradford. His genial manner and social
disposition and sterling worth have made him popular, and he is
known as one of the leading young agriculturists of the county.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 242 |
MORNINGSTAR. This well-known business man of
Greenville, Darke county, Ohio, was born in that town, Jan. 3,
1851, and is a son of William H. and Elizabeth (Wagner)
Morningstar. The father was born near Xenia, in Greene county,
Ohio, Sept. 5, 1805, and in early life followed farming, but
later he was for many years engaged in mercantile pursuits in
Greenville, where he settled in 1840. He continued in active
business there until within a short time of his death, which
occurred Dec. 28, 1886. His wife, the mother of our subject,
died in Greenville, Apr. 7, 1869. Her parents were George and
Sarah (Stevens) Wagner. Her father was a native of Pennsylvania
and an early settler of Darke county, Ohio. At an early day he came
to this county, and spent the remainder of his life in German
Reared in Greenville, John H. Morningstar
acquired his early education in its public schools. Later he was a
student at Chickering Institute, in Cincinnati, and subsequently
took a commercial course at Eastman's College, Poughkeepsie, New
York. Soon after his return home he was united in marriage with
Miss Jennie Ferguson, a daughter of Robert H. and Mary A.
(Turner) Ferguson, of Dayton, Ohio.
Mr. Morningstar embarked in the
confectionery business in Greenville soon after his marriage, Mar. I, 1877, and has since successfully engaged in that line of trade. For thirty years he has dealt in ice. He owns a beautiful park
containing a small lake skirted by one thousand fruit trees. He has
provided a good band stand, boats and seats for the convenience of
his guests, and many other accommodations. It has become a popular
resort during the warm season, and is frequented by large crowds of
pleasure-seekers. Being a pleasant, genial gentleman, Mr.
Morningstar thoroughly. understands the best methods of
conducting such an enterprise. Socially he is a member of the
Knights of Pythias fraternity.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 657 |