A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio
Compendium of National Biography
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company

who owns and operates a valuable farm on section 23, Mississinawa
township, was born in Ross county, Ohio, on the 10th of Aug. 1844,
and is of German lineage. His father, Frederick Caupp,
was a native of Stuttgart, Germany, born in 1808, and about 1824,
when sixteen years of age, he crossed the Atlantic to the new world.
He wedded Barbara Zimmerman, also a native of Germany, and
they took up their abode on a farm of forty acres in Ross county,
Ohio, where most of their children were born. There were six
children by the first marriage: John, who enlisted for
the service in the Fortieth Ohio Infantry during the civil war and
died of typhoid fever while in service, his remains being interred
at Plain City, Ohio; Susan, the wife of Andrew Horlocker;
Daniel, of this review; David, who died at the age of
twenty years, of typhoid fever; Frederick, who died of the
same disease and about the same time; and Gottleib, a farmer
residing near the old homestead. The parents of this family
started out in life in limited circumstances, but their united
efforts enabled them to work their way steadily upward until they
became the owners of a valuable farm of ninety acres. The
father died about 1880, at the age of sixty-five years, and was laid
to rest in Pleasant Ridge cemetery, but the mother still survives
him. Mr. Caupp, of this review, pursued his education
in the district schools and remained upon the home farm through the
period of his boyhood and youth. No event of special
importance occurred during that time, yet his was a busy existence,
his time being devoted to the labors of the fields through the
summer months and the mastery of the common English branches of
learning during the winter season. He was married Oct. 12,
1873, to Louis Beal, of this county, a daughter of Isaac
and Mary (Miller) Beal. Their union has been blessed with
thirteen children, of whom ten are living, as follows: Lemuel S.,
who assists in the operation of the farm; David, who is
married and lives on a far in the locality; William; Myrtle,
the wife of George Thomas, of Mississinawa township, by whom
she has one son; Daniel N. Earl, Florence, Iva, Ira and
Mr. Caupp, votes with the Democracy and keeps
well informed on the issues of the day, but has never sought or
desired office. He carries on general farming and recently has
devoted eight or ten acres to the cultivation of tobacco. His
sixty-acre farm was a part of his father's homestead and his rich
and fertile tract is under the high state of cultivation. He
believes it is best to keep his land in good condition and to follow
progressive methods of farming. He has upon his place a large,
fine, frame residence, which he erected in 1858, and near by stand a
commodious barn and other outbuildings, providing ample shelter for
the grain and stock. He has planted many fruit and shade trees
around his place which add much to the comfort and beauty of his
rural home. His work has been carried on so systematically and
carefully that he is today the possessor of a comfortable competence
and is regarded as one of the representative citizens of his
community - which fact entitles him to mention in the history of
Darke county.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 459 |
W. CHENOWETH. Darke county shows within its boundaries
many fine farms, indicating that progressive and careful methods
have been brought to bear in bringing the section up to its high
standard as one of the most attractive agricultural sections of the
Buckeye state, and among those who have signally contributed to the
prestige of the county in this ever-important field of endeavor may
be mentioned Charles Wesley Chenoweth, one of the
representative agriculturists of Harrison township. He is a
native son of the state of Maryland, where the family was
established at an early day, the lineage being of stanch old Scotch
extraction, the first American ancestors of the name having left the
land of brown heather and shaggy wood to establish a home for
himself in Maryland, in the new world. Mr. Chenoweth
was born in Maryland, on the 3d of September, 1830, being one of the
thirteen children born to William and Katurah (Murray) Chenoweth,
the former of whom was born on the same farm as was his son, our
subject, the place being about twenty-two miles distant from the
city of Baltimore. William Chenoweth was born in the
year 1802, and he died at the age of seventy-four years and one
month. His wife was born in Maryland in 1804, the daughter of
John Murray, and their marriage was celebrated in Maryland,
in 1822. Of their thirteen children all but one grew to
maturity, a son having died at the age of eighteen months. Of
the others there were ten sons and two daughters.
Charles W., with whom this sketch ahs more
particularly to do, was reared to farm life and remained at the
parental home until he had attained the age of twenty-two years.
His educational advantages were necessarily of meager extent, as in
the early days in Ohio the primitive log school-house, with __
puncheon floors, slab benches, open fireplace and window provided
with oiled paper in place of glass, did not enlist the services of
teachers notable for great learning, and even had their erudition
been greater, the young boys of the locality were in requisition
during the greater portion of the year as assistants in the work of
clearing off the timber from the pioneer farms and in the various
other duties which went to make up the routine of labor.
In February, 1853, Mr. Chenoweth was united in
marriage to Miss Minerva Harrison, who was born in Darke
county, July 17, 1837, the daughter of James and Hanner C.
(Bowen) Harrison the latter of whom is still living, having
attained the venerable age of eighty-eight years, and being still
well preserved in both her mental and physical faculties.
James Harrison died in 1864, leaving his widow and eight
children, of whom only three are now living. Our subject was
called upon to mourn the death of his devoted and cherished wife in
September, 1878, she having become the mother of seven children, as
follows: William Albert, who is a merchant in Glenkarn,
this county, having married and being the father of seven children;
James Augustus, who is a successful farmer in German
township, has six children; Marietta Katurah, who was born
Oct. 19, 1860, became the wife of George Sharp, and she died
May 30, 1895, leaving eight children; Washington Ellsworth is
a farmer in German township and has six children; Morton Monroe,
likewise a farmer of German township, has three children; Elnora
Belle is the wife of Colville Woods; and Elmer E.,
born in 1872, resides in Hollansburg, and is operating the old
homestead for his father, he being the father of one son and one
daughter. In 1879 our subject consummated a second marriage,
being then united to Miss Mary Ann Felton who was born in
Pennsylvania, Sept. 27, 1846, the daughter of Charles D. and
Hannah (Priestly) Felton, who resided near Johnstown,
Pennsylvania. Of this union two children have been born - a
son who died in infancy; and Ethel Olga, who was born Mar.
11, 1886, and who is a studious young lady, showing no little talent
in her musical work.
Mr. Chenoweth enlisted for service in the Union
army during the war of the Rebellion, having become a member of the
One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Infantry, on the 2d of May, 1864,
an having been discharged Sept. 3 following. Though in active
service he participated in no regular battle. He is a member
of the Grand Army of the Republic post which was organized in
Hollansburg, but which was disbanded several years ago. He
casts his ballot in support of the Republican party and its
principles, and he hand his wife are zealous members of the
Christian church, with which Mr. Chenoweth has been
identified for nearly a half-century, having served as a deacon in
the same and maintaining a lively interest in all branches of the
church work.
Our subject settled on his present farm of eighty-four
acres in 1875, having purchased previously, in 1864, a tract of one
hundred and eighty acres, which is now occupied by his two sons,
each having a comfortable and attractive home and good
out-buildings. When Mr. Chenoweth started out in life
upon his own responsibility he received five hundred dollars from
his father; choosing this amount in preference to eighty acres of
timber land. The father's estate was worth about thirty
thousand dollars, and this was eventually divided among the nine
children. Mr. Chenoweth has devoted his attention to
diversified farming, beginning operations on the farm of his
father-in-law, and later settling on his own eighty-four-acre farm,
and he now owns the two farms, comprising two hundred and sixty-four
acres. He has been a very successful farmer and business man,
and having done his full quota of hard work he is now enjoying that
rest which is the just reward of his many years of toil and
endeavor, having relegated the active duties to his sons. He
is one of our county's prosperous and honored citizens, and it is
incumbent that this slight recognition be accorded him in a
compilation having to do with Darke county and its interests.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 629 |
L. CLARK, now serving as prosecuting attorney of Darke
county, in numbered among the native sons of the city of Greenville,
his birth having occurred here on the 16th of October, 1873.
He is descended from good old Revolutionary stock, his
great-grandfather being a native of England, who in his youth
crossed the Atlantic to America. When the yoke of British
oppression became intolerable and the colonies determined to make a
struggle for independence through the art of war he joined the
troops and aided in the struggle. His son, Samuel Clark,
the grandfather of our subject, was a native of Pennsylvania; and
Benjamin H. Clark, the father of our subject, was born in
Pennsylvania, in September, 1821. With his parents he removed
from the Keystone state to Darke county, in 1831, locating upon a
farm in Washington township. He married Miss Mary Martin,
who was born in Ohio, in March, 1830, and with her parents removed
to Washington township.
Arthur l. Clark has spent his entire life in
Greenville. He attended the schools of his native city and
later continued his education in Springfield, Ohio, no event of
Special importance occurring to vary the usual boy life of the
period. Determining to make the practice of law his life work,
he pursued to the bar in 1895. He then began the practice of
law in Greenville, and his earnest purpose, his careful preparation
and his understanding of judicial principles soon gained him a place
among the leading attorneys of the city. In 1897 he was
nominated on the Democratic ticket as a candidate for prosecuting
attorney of Darke county, won the election and entered upon the
discharge of his duties in January, 1898, and his service has been
acceptable, owing to the fidelity and ability with which he
discharges his duties. He is quick to recognize the strong
points in the case and presents them logically to court and jury.
Socially he is connected with the order of Knights of Pythias.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 728 |
Among the early settlers of German township, Darke county, Ohio, was
the Clark family of whom the the subject of this sketch, Hiram
Clark, is a representative.
Hiram Clark was born on the farm joining on the
south of where he now lives, on section 36, German township, Darke
county, Ohio, Mar. 23, 1840. His father, James Clark,
was a native of Pennsylvania, who came when a boy to Darke county
with a brother-in-law and first made his home in Neave township,
where he subsequently married Miss Nancy Reed, and where he
resided a short time after his marriage. He then bought the
farm in German township, where his son Hiram lives, and here
he spent the rest of his life, with the exception of his last three
years, which were passed in New Madison, Ohio, where he died in his
seventy-eighth year. He was an only son and his father had
died when he was a small boy. Mrs. Nancy Clark was a
native of German township and a daughter of Donivan Reed, one
of Darke county's early settlers. She died at about the age of
forty-six years. They were the parents of thirteen children,
seven sons and six daughters, and six of the family are still
living, namely: Rufus; Reason; Nancy, the wife of
John Noggle; Hiram; Elizabeth, the wife of
Peter Roberts; and Sophronia, the wife of Frank
Matchett. All are residents of Darke county, except
Elizabeth, who lives in Texas.
On his father's farm Hiram passed his boyhood
days, assisting with the farm work in summer and during the winter
months attending school in the log school house near his home.
July 12, 1863, he married Amanda Kettring who was born and
reared on a farm near his father's, a daughter of David and
Elizabeth Kettring, early settlers of the county. In the
Kettring family were eight children - five sons and three
daughters. After his marriage Mr. Clark took his bride
to his father's farm and they began house-keeping in a log cabin he
had erected, and here they ever since lived, the log house having
long since been replaced by a comfortable frame one. He has
built a good barn and made other valuable improvements, and his
farm, comprising one hundred acres, is ranked with the
representative ones of his locality. He now rents it to his
youngest son, who has charge of the farming operations, while he
devotes his time and attention to dealing in stock, buying and
Hiram Clark and wife are the parents of four
children, two sons and two daughters, as follows: James L.
who married Emma Garling and has five children, - Edward,
Blanch, Arie, Hiram and Bertha; Ida, the wife of Ira
Garling, has one daughter, Opel; John W., who
married Edna Coble, has three children, - Ruba A.
Bessie M. and Charlie C.; and Nancy, the wife of
Harry Henning has one son, Joseph.
Mr. Clark is a stanch Republican and a member of
the Knights of Pythias, affiliating with Fort Black Lodge, No. 546,
at New Madison.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 567 |
The subject of this review is actively connected with a profession
which has important bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity
of any section or community, and one which has long been considered
as conserving the public welfare by furthering the ends of justice
and maintaining individual rights. He seems to realize in
superior measure the importance and value of the profession and the
fact that justice and the higher attribute of mercy he often holds
in his hands. His professional career has therefore been one
most commendable and has won for him prestige among the leading
members of the legal fraternity in the western section of Ohio.
Mr. Clark was born in a log house in Washington
township, Darke county, on the 17th of January, 1849, a son of
Benjamin H. and Mary (Martin) Clark English, German and
Irish blood is commingled in his veins, and many of the sterling
traits of those nationalities find exemplification in his career.
His father was of English and German extraction and his mother was
of German and Irish lineage. The former was born in Lebanon
county, Pennsylvania, in September, 1821, and removed to Ohio in
1831, when ten years of age, in company with his parents.
After reaching man's estate he devoted his attention to farming in
Ohio. He was married in Darke county to Miss Mary Martin,
whose birth occurred in Washington township, in 1830. When our
subject was eight years of age his parents removed to what is known
as the old Clark homestead, four miles north of Greenville.
At that time the land was practically untilled, and the father, with
the aid of his young sons, cut away three trees, fenced the
property, made ditches and erected substantial buildings, making the
farm one of the best in the county.
Thus upon the family homestead John C. Clark was
reared, working in the fields through the summer months, while in
the winter, until eighteen years of age, he pursued such studies as
formed the curriculum in the district schools of the neighborhood.
He afterward attended the high school of Greenville for three years
and was thus enabled to secure a teacher's certificate. He had
no opportunity to pursue a college course, but while engaged in
teaching he added largely to his fund of knowledge by private study
in leisure hours, mastering Latin, higher mathematics and other
sciences, also studying history and English literature. Early
becoming inbued with a desire to make the practice of law his life
work, he began reading law with Judge A. R. Calderwood and
H. M. Cole, on the 6th of October, 1875, and when he had largely
mastered the principles of jurisprudence eh successfully passed an
examination and was admitted to the bar by the district court at
Greenville, in May, 1877. it is said that he answered
correctly every question put to him in that examination.
Since that time Mr. Clark has engaged in
practice, and his clientage has steadily increased in volume and
importance until his connection with important litigated interests
is extensive. His success in a professional way affords the
best evidence of his capabilities in this line. He is a strong
advocate with the jury and concise in his appeals before the court.
Much of the success which has attended him in his professional
career has attended him in his professional career is undoubtedly
due to the fact that in no instance will he permit himself to go
into court with a case unless he has absolute confidence in the
justice of his client's cause. Basing his efforts on this
principle, from which there are too many lapses in professional
ranks, it naturally follows that he seldom loses a case in whose
support he is enlisted. He is always painstaking and thorough
in the preparation of a case, and when he enters the courtroom his
position as regards the law and its application to the principles
involved in his suit is well nigh incontrovertible. At the
time that Mr. Clark was a student Ed Breaden was also
reading law in the same office, and on the 19th of February, 1878,
these two young men commenced the practice of law together, under
the firm name of Breaden & Clark. The partnership was
dissolved three years later, but they remained close friends until
the death of Mr. Breaden. In the fall of 1885 Mr.
Clark formed a law partnership with General Anderson and
Mr. Chenowith, and their practice was varied and
remunerative. He also held several offices in the line of his
profession, having been elected prosecuting attorney for Darke
county, serving from the 1st of January, 1881, to the 1st of
January, 1886. In the discharge of his duties he manifested
marked prominence and fidelity and won the high commendation of all
interested in law and order. In May, 1893, he became one of
the judges of the court of common pleas for the second judicial
district. The term of Judge Meeker was at that time
nearing its end and he was given the nomination and elected for a
term of five years. On the bench Judge Clark was most
fair and impartial in his rulings and his decisions were
models of judicial soundness. He seemed to readily grasp every
point presented, to known the law applicable thereto, and his
decisions were framed with due regard to precedent and to the county
of the case. In the summer of 1896 Judge Clark was
nominated, in Columbus, for judge of the circuit court of the second
judicial district of Ohio, competing therefor with some of the
ablest lawyers of the circuit, and in the November election he
carried his home county by the largest majority ever given to any
candidate with a competitor, but he was elected on account of the
unprecedented majorities given against his party in Franklin and
Montgomery counties.
On the 27th of September, 1888, the Judge was united in
marriage to Miss Ada J. Greene, a highly educated and
cultured lady of Franklin, and their home in Greenville is
celebrated for its gracious hospitality. In his political
views the Judge has always been a Democrat and has taken a deep and
active interest in the success of his party. However, when on
the bench he never allowed party politics to influence in any way
his official acts. In the campaign of 1880 he displayed such
ability that he at once became one of the leaders of his party, and
with the exception of the time of his judicial service has since
continued to exert a marked influence in its councils. He has
always likened public leadership to that of the duties of a general
in command of an army, and has held that the only way to win success
is to make good all promises and to inspire confidence in the
desirable outcome of the cause in question. These qualities,
combined with an excellent knowledge of humane nature and unflagging
prosecution of a campaign, will nearly always bring the desired
result in a just cause. As a citizen he is public-spirited and
progressive, as a friend is true and faithful and as a man is moral
and upright. In manner the Judge is very modest and
unpretentious, but commands that uniform regard which is every where
given to true worth of character. He has always resided in
Darke county, and the fact that many who have known him from boyhood
are numbered among his warmest friends is an indication that his
life has ever been honorable and upright.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 350 |

H. M. Cole |
While the disposition to do honor to those who have served well
their race or their nation is prevalent among all enlightened people
and is of great value everywhere and under all forms of government,
it is particularly appropriate to and to be fostered in this
country, where no man is born to public office or to public honor,
or comes to either by inheritance, but where all men are equal
before the law, where the race for distinction is over the road of
public usefulness and is open to every one who chooses to enter,
however humble and obscure he may be, and where the advantageous
circumstances of family or wealth count, in the vast majority of
cases, for but little or nothing. One who is now occupying an
important position in the system of government in Darke county,
having attained thereto as the result of individual merit is
Henry M. Cole, who is now serving as common pleas judge.
He was born upon a farm in this county on the 17th of
March, 1845, a son of Samuel Cole, who was born in Washington
township, Darke county, on the old family homestead, in 1821.
He represented one of the pioneer families of the locality.
The Coles originally lived in Amsterdam, Holland, but in what
year the family was founded in America is not definitely known.
Samuel Cole, Sr., the grandfather of the Judge, was a native
of New Jersey and emigrated westward to Darke county, Ohio, at a
pioneer period in its development. He was a man of broad
general information, was popular with his neighbors and was generous
and kind, being always ready and willing to assist in securing a
location for a new comer, while his generous hospitality was known
far and wide. He wedded Mary Elston, a native of
Orange county, New York, and upon their farm in Washington township
their son, Samuel Cole, was reared, Having attained
man's estate he married Miss Nancy C. Cox, who was born in
Washington township in 1822, a daughter of Martin Cox,
a native of Pennsylvania.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 318 |
history of Darke county would be complete without the record of the
Cole family, for, since the earliest development of this portion of
the state representatives of the name have been prominently
connected with its business interests and have aided in promoting
its material welfare. It is therefore with pleasure that we
present this record to the readers of this volume. The family
is of Holland Dutch lineage, belonging to a race which has done much
in the development of this great country. The original
American ancestors settled at new Amsterdam, now the city of New
York, and were soon recognized as leading factors in that location.
David Cole, the great-grandfather of our subject, was born in
New Amsterdam and there married and reared a family of children, one
of whom was Samuel Cole, the grandfather of our subject.
He was born Nov. 5, 1751, in New York, and was a farmer by
occupation. He took an active part in the events which
contributed to the upbuilding of this section of the state ad
remained in the east until 1819, when he retired from the active
duties of business life and came to Drake county, Ohio, making his
home in Washington township, with his son, Samuel, until
1824, when the family removed to Greenville township. The
grandfather there spent his last days, dying Jan. 8, 1828. He
was twice married: first to Janey Davis, who was born the 7th
of July, 1755, a native of the Empire state. They had three chilidren:
Sophia, who was born July 5, 1773, and became the wife of
Cornelius Van Fleet, of New York; Margaret, who was born
Nov. 20, 1775, and married David Christy, of New York; and
Janey, who was born Oct. 11, 1778, and married Abraham Doty,
of New York. After the mother died Samuel Cole married
Miss Anna Rider who was born Oct. 25, 1760. They had eight
children: Lorana born July 22, 1783, died Nov. 13, 1803;
Samuel was the father of our subject; Phoebe, who was
born July 20, 1789, became the wife of Charles Wood; David,
who was born Sept. 10, 1791, wedded Mary Brady and died in
Darke county, Feb. 14, 1854; Martha, who was born Aug. 6,
1793, and died July 23, 1860, wedded Nathaniel Skidmore, of
New Jersey, and in 1819 they came to Darke county, one of their
descendants. Peter Skidmore being now a resident of
Washington township; Joseph, who was born Feb. 15, 1796, and
died Jan. 17, 1882, married Anna Sweet, who was a resident of
Hamilton county, Ohio, and died in Washington township, Darke
county, Ohio, in 1875; James who was born May 6, 1798, wedded
Sarah Rupel, of Darke county, and died in St. Joseph county,
Indiana, July 6, 1856; and Sarah, who was born Mar. 6, 1802,
became the wife of Henry D. Williams and died in Darke
county, Apr. 24, 1876. Samuel Cole, the father of this
family was a Baptist in his religious belief and took a prominent
part in the affairs of the church. His political support was
given to the Whig party. He possessed a retiring disposition
and devoted his time and energies to the work of securing a
comfortable and pleasant home for his family. His sterling
worth was recognized by his friends and neighbors, who gave him
their warm regard.
Samuel Cole, Jr., the father of our subject, was
born in New Jersey, July 3, 1787. His early life was spent on
his father's farm and he received such educational advantages as
were afforded by the common schools of those days. Possessing
a studious nature, he quickly embraced every opportunity for mental
improvement and became an exceptionally well educated man. He
assisted his father in the operation of the home farm until 1812,
when he was married to Miss Mary Elston, of New Jersey.
Through the following three years he remained in his native state,
but on learning of the advantages to be secured in the west, he
started on horseback in 1815, reaching Montgomery county, Ohio,
after a long and wearisome journey. He was, however, greatly
pleased with the prospects offered in that section and returned to
the east with the intention of taking up his abode Ohio.
During this time he kept a diary which is now in possession of the
subject, and gives an account of his journey and of the early
pioneer experiences in the west. Mr. Cole of this
review also has a Spanish coin, bearing the date of 1774, which was
found in the old pocketbook owned by his father.
In 1816 Samuel Cole, Jr., again started for the
Buckeye state, being accompanied this time by his family and
James Brady, a brother-in-law. The journey must have
seemed a long one, as it was made before the days of railroads and
all travel was by private conveyance. Day after day they
continued on their way, often over roads that were in poor
condition. At length, however, their travels were ended and
they took up their abode on the Mad river, in Montgomery county.
However, they were not satisfied with that location and in March,
1817, they came to Darke county, Mr. Cole securing a claim
comprising the southeast quarter of section 27, Washington township.
Since that time Mr. Cole has been identified with the growth
and progress of that section of Darke county. Mr. Cole
and his sons cleared a small tract and erected a log cabin, which
was the third home in the township, which was the third home in the
township, the other two being the property of Jacob and
Martin Cox, who were brothers. In this primitive abode
Mr. Cole and his family resided for some time, but later and
addition was built and in this, during the winter of 1821, Mr.
Cole conducted the first school ever held in Washington
township. Here he resided until 1824, when he removed to
Greenville township and purchased of David Williamson the
southeast quarter of section 19, passing his remaining days upon
that farm. His wife, Miss Mary Elston, was born in New
Jersey, Nov. 7, 1792, and died Aug. 10, 1831. She was a
daughter of William Elston, of Monmouth county, New Jersey,
and a granddaughter of John Elston, who emigrated from
London, England, about 1730. He was a ship carpenter by trade.
Her father, William Elston, married Elizabeth Walling,
who was born in New Jersey, Aug. 26, 1766. They had twelve
children, of whom Mrs. Cole was the fifth. Unto the
parents of our subject were born five children: William,
whose birth occurred July 25, 1813, married Mary Chenoweth,
of Washington township, in December, 1835, and died Apr. 3, 1836;
Asa, born July 26, 1815, was married Sept. 13, 1840, to
Rachel Fisher and died May 29, 1857; Jane, born Apr. 20,
1817, the first white child born in Washington township, is now
living in Boston, Wayne county, Indiana, with her daughter, Mrs.
Mary C. Druly she having been married, in December, 1834, to
Leonard Wintermute who died in Missouri, in 1839; Betsy,
who was born Mar. 23, 1819, and died Feb. 6, 1872, was married Oct.
16, 1836, to George Elston, who died Jan. 29, 1872; Samuel
who was born Apr. 5, 1821, and now resides in Washington township,
was married in March, 1844, to Elizabeth Cox, their son,
H. M. Cole, being the present judge of the court of appeals;
Joseph, of this review, is the next of the family; Polly
died in infancy; Henry, who was born June 20, 1829, now
resides in Reno county, Kansas. He has been twice married, his
first union being with Margaret Hoffman his second with
Matilda Tegarden. For the past fifty years he has been a
well known minister of the gospel in the Christian church and the
influence of his life and teachings have been most marked. All
of the children were residents of Darke county at the time of their
marriage. The father of this family passed away Feb. 1, 1866.
He never sought public position nor office, but was a man who was
honored and respected, for his life was upright and honorable and he
enjoyed the confidence and regard of all who knew him. In his
death Darke county lost of its valued citizens.
Joseph Cole whose name introduces this review,
was born in Washington township, Dec. 29, 1823, and spent the first
eight years of his life upon the old homestead assisting his father
through the summer months in the work of the fields, while in the
winter season he pursued his education in the schools of the
neighborhood. In those days schools were held in any vacant
cabin that could be secured and were conducted on the subscription
plan. Mr. Cole's educational privileges were thus somwhat
limited, but he improved what chances he had, and at the age of
eighteen obtained a teacher's certificate. From 1841 until
1857 he engaged in teaching and his different certificates, with one
exception, are still in his possession. In 1846, in company
with his brother, Samuel, he erected a saw-mill, which they
operated until 1850, when they sold their property. Up to this
time Mr. Cole had always made his home with his parents, but
on the 6th of April, 1850, he married Miss Sarah Ann Shively,
daughter of Daniel and Christina (Heck) Shively. Her
parents were natives of Pennsylvania and on coming to Ohio located
in Montgomery county, whence they removed to Darke county in 1817.
After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Cole took up their abode in
Coleville, which town was laid out by our subject, and there he
engaged in merchandising from 1852 until 1855, when he disposed of
his interests and turned his attention to farming in Greenville
township, being thus occupied until 1865. In that year he
purchased his present farm of one hundred and sixty acres in
Washington township, and in addition to the cultivation of cereals
best adapted to this climate, he has engaged in stock dealing, both
raising and buying stock for the market. His business affairs
have been capably prosecuted and have brought to him creditable
Until Mr. and Mrs. Cole have been born seven
children, six of whom are living, namely: Wallace S., who was
born Apr. 6, 1853, was wedded to Nancy Wise, of Darke county,
and now resides in Reno county, Kansas, where he is engaged in
feeding fine cattle. They have six children: Flora A.,
who was born Mar. 26, 1855, was married Sept. 26, 1878, to B. F.
Chenoweth and resides in Greenville. They have one child,
Jesse A. William Henry, who was born Dec. 16, 1859, was
married Dec. 22, 1881, to Lucy Manuel, by whom he has three
children. Their home is in Washington township. Mary
C., who was born Apr. 23, 1862, resides with her parents.
Charles W., who was born Oct. 12, 1866, was married, Dec. 20,
1890, to Lucy Bickel and resides in Washington township.
They also have three children: Benjamin F., who was born Nov.
12, 1874, was married on the 12th of December, 1896, to Myrtle
Jeffries and resides on the old homestead. They have two
Mrs. Cole is a prominent worker in the Christian
church and Mr. Cole contributes to its support. In
politics he was originally a Whig, casting his first presidential
vote for Zachary Taylor, but since the organization of the
Republican party he has loyally supported its principals and is one
of its most earnest advocates. He has had neither time nor
inclination to enter the political arena, yet has filled many
township offices and was once candidate for the office of probate
judge. Although he has passed the age of three score years and
ten, he retains his mental faculties unimpaired and keeps well
informed on all the issues and topics of the day. He is
blessed with an excellent memory, especially for dates, and can
relate many interesting incidents of frontier life in Ohio.
His marked characteristics have ever been such as to commend him to
the confidence and regard of his fellow townsmen and he enjoys the
good will and respect of all with whom he has been brought in
contact. So long and actively have the Cole family been
identified with the interests of Darke county that no history of the
community would be complete without mention of its representatives.
From pioneer days down to the present epoch of advancement and
progress they have borne their part in the work of public progress
and improvement and none more actively than he whose name introduces
this review.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 331 |
COPPESS, a prominent representative of the agricultural
interests of Jackson, township, belongs to one of the oldest and
most highly respected families of Darke county, his grandfather,
Adam Coppess, having taken up his abode here in 1819, only two
years after Jacob Hartle, the first white settler, located
within its borders. He was of Dutch extraction and a blacksmith by
trade, being the first to follow that occupation in this county. On
first coming to Ohio from North Carolina he located in Greene
county, and it is said that he had to hide to keep from being
murdered by the Indians. In Darke county he entered land for himself
and sons, made a clearing and built a log house, which stood for a
number of years. He took an active part in laying out the roads in
his locality, cleared many acres of land and in connection with work
at his trade manufactured cowbells by hand. In politics he was a
Democrat and in religious belief a Lutheran. He died at the age of
seventy-four years and his wife survived him several years. Before
leaving North Carolina he married a Miss Mock, whom our
subject well remembers, and to them were born the following
children: John, David, Peter, Adam, Alfred and Daniel,
all farmers; Mrs. Phoebe Horning, Mrs. Mary Frampton, Mrs.
Elizabeth Brewer, Mrs. Catherine Harney and Mrs. Sarah
Robison. John Coppess, the father of our subject, was
born in North Carolina and was only six years old when brought by
his parents. to this state. The family had owned a negro slave, who
was set free on their arrival here. John Coppess attended the
subscription schools to a limited extent, but was mainly self
educated, and being fond of reading he became a well informed man. He was very ingenious and able to engage in almost any occupation,
including blacksmithing, carpentering and farming. He also followed
the trade of a fuller for some time, and later operated a water
power saw mill until steam came into general use, when he turned his
attention to general farming, owning three-hundred and fifty acres
of land, including a part of the old homestead. Returning to Greene
county, he married Mrs. Susanna (Stevenson) McFarland, a
native either of Kentucky or Virginia. Her father was a scout in the
war of 1812 and saw much active service under General Wayne.
He afterward received a land grant in recognition of his services. Our subject's paternal grandfather also took part in the same war.
Mrs. Coppess was fairly well educated and was a great bible
student. Her children were Andrew, a farmer and stock raiser
of Iowa; Adam S., our subject; Jacob P., a farmer of
Ansonia, this county; and B. F., now a resident of
Greenville. For his second wife the father married Rhoda Horny,
who died leaving three children: John, a justice of the
peace; and Pyrus and Peter, both school teachers. Most
of the family held membership in the Presbyterian church and the
father was a Democrat in political sentiment.
In an old cabin on the homestead in Richland township
Adam S. Coppess was born Oct. 2, 1833. He began his
education in a subscription school, but after attending fifteen days
he broke his arm and was forced to remain at. home for some time. At
the age of eleven he entered the public schools, where he pursued
his studies three months during the year until he was fifteen, and
though his advantages were limited he acquired a fair education. He
aided his father in the labors of the farm until seventeen years of
age and then began earning his own livelihood, though he remained at
home until he attained his majority. During the following three
years he managed his father's business, and in 1857 purchased eighty
acres of his present farm on section 24, Jackson township, which at
that time was practically new land and had to be drained before it
was ready for cultivation. He now has a fine farm of one hundred and
ninety acres, though he at onetime owned four hundred and forty
acres. He is successfully engaged in. general farming and stock
raising and also devotes some attention to the dairy business.
On the 4th of June, 1854, Mr. Coppess married
Miss Sarah A. Davison, who was born in Richland township, this
county, Apr. 6, 1834, a daughter of Robert and Mary (Stratton)
Davison. They have five children, all of whom were provided with
good educational advantages James Madison, the eldest,
follows farming; Robert F. is a druggist and physician of
Alger, Ohio, and was educated in Cincinnati; Andrew J. is
engaged in farming on the old homestead; Stephen A. attended
school in Toronto and Cincinnati, and is now a veterinary surgeon; and horse dealer of Ridgeville, Ohio; and Mary E. is the wife
of George Russ, and they have one child, Adam Paul.
In religious faith Mr. Coppess is a
Universalist, and in political sentiment is a Democrat. He has
efficiently served as road supervisor, was school director
twenty-seven years and clerk of the board when every brick school
house was built. Socially he is a member of Ansonia Lodge, No. 488,
F. & A. M. He is a very entertaining man, possesses a good fund of
general information and is very hospitable.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 712 |
In the year 1816 the Cox family was founded in the Darke
county, and through the intervening years the name has been
inseparably interwoven with the history of this locality on account
of the prominent part of its representatives have borne in the
development and progress of this section of the state. It is
therefore with pleasure that we present to our readers the record of
William Cox, who is known as a successful and highly esteemed
agriculturist of Washington township. His grandparents,
Jacob and Eve Cox, were the first of the name of whom we have
authentic record. They had eight children and in 1816 the
entire family emigrated westward to Darke county, Ohio, from Fayette
county, Pennsylvania. A settlement was, first made in the northeast
portion of German township, and they were among the first to take up
their abode in what was then an almost unbroken wilderness. The trip
from Pennsylvania had been made with teams and wagons, and often
they had to mark out a road for themselves or follow an old Indian
trail. There in the midst of the woods Mr. Cox,
assisted by his children, made a small clearing and erected a rude
log cabin, in which they began life on the frontier in true pioneer
style. Of sturdy and courageous spirit, they were well prepared to
meet the hardships of such a life and in a short time they had a
portion of their land under cultivation. Year by year the cleared
tracts were enlarged and improved, and when Mr. Cox
passed to his final rest the home farm presented every appearance of
thrift and prosperity and was regarded as one of the valuable
properties of this section of the state. The land was inherited by
his son, Henry Cox, who shortly afterward disposed of
it and removed to Missouri, but when a few years had passed he
returned to Ohio, taking up his abode in Miami county, near Pleasant
Hill, where he spent his remaining days. The other two sons of the
family, Jacob and Martin, came to Washington township, Darke county,
after the death of their father, and were the first white men to
enter claims in his locality. Jacob Cox, Jr., the father of
our subject, was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, on the 14th
of July, 1887, and, as before stated, came west with his people,
living with them in German township until 1817, when he and his
brother removed to Washington township. They took up adjoining
claims, and the first cabin was erected where the home of Samuel
Cole now stands.
In that little home both brothers with their families
lived for some time, or until a cabin could be erected on the land
owned by Jacob Cox, now the property of his son,
William. The little pioneer home stood on the site of the present
handsome residence, and in this rude domicile, the second one to be
erected in Washington township, the sturdy pioneer family began life
in the midst of the forest. With characteristic energy the father
continued to clear away the trees and transformed the tract into
rich and fertile fields. He was a man of undaunted energy and
perseverance, and soon a valuable farm indicated what may be
accomplished by people of determined purpose. who are not afraid to
meet the obstacles and difficulties in their path. At the time of
his death Jacob Cox owned four hundred and eighteen
acres of valuable land, and was considered one of the most prominent
and successful farmers and influential citizens of Darke county. In
the early days the Indians often camped in a small ravine near his
home, but they were friendly and occasioned no trouble to the
settlers. Jacob Cox married Elizabeth Wise,
who was a native of Hardy county, Virginia, and removed to Ohio with
her parents, who afterward went to Indiana, where they spent their
last days. Twelve children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Cox: Jesse,
who was born Apr. 24, 1817, and died Sept. 28, 1873; Job, who
was born Feb. 8, 1819, and died Sept. 28, 1834;
Hannah, who was born May 20, 1821, and became the wife of
Lorenzo Dixon, their home being now in Greenville
township, Darke county; Samuel, who was born Oct. 7, 1823
and died Apr. 16, 1849; Martin, who was born June 20, 1826,
and died Dec. 14, 1876; Jacob, who was born Jan. 2,
1829, and died on the 22d of October of the same year; Mary,
who was born Aug. 17, 1830, and is the wife of Philip
Rodgers, of Washington township; John, born Mar. 17,
1833; Eliza Jane, who was born Feb. 26, 1835, and
is the wife of Samuel Van Fleet, of Washington
township; a daughter who was born in 1836 and died before being
named; Israel, who was born June 22, 1838, and died in 1889;
and William, the immediate subject of this review.
Jacob Cox, the father of
these children, was a stanch supporter of the Baptist church and a
consistent Christian gentleman. He exercised his right of franchise
in support of the men and measures of the Democracy and earnestly
advocated its principles, but was never an aspirant for political
honors. He died Apr. 3, 1842, and his estimable wife, surviving him
many years, passed away in 1877. Both were honored and respected by
all who knew them, and when they were called to the home beyond
their loss was mourned not only by many relatives but throughout the
entire neighborhood, for all who knew them were their friends. Upon
the farm on which he settled in 1816 Martin Cox, the
brother of Jacob, lived up to the time of his death, in 1856.
In taking up the personal, history of William Cox we
present to our readers the life record of one who is widely and
favorably known in Darke county. He was the youngest child in his
father's family, and was born in the hewed log house which is still
standing on the farm that is yet his home, his natal day being
Jan. 27, 1841. The old log cabin is now used for storage
purposes, and stands as a mute reminder of pioneer days, and the
habits of life at that time. His school advantages were somewhat
limited, but he mastered the elementary branches of the English
language in the district schools of the neighborhood, and by
experience and observation has added greatly to his knowledge. His
training at farm labor was not meager, for as soon as old enough to
handle the plow he began work in the fields, and was thus largely
engaged from the time of spring planting until crops were garnered
in the autumn. Upon attaining his majority he came into possession
of a portion of his father's estate. He has always carried on
general farming, and for years has made it a practice to manufacture
maple syrup and sugar .on an extensive scale, disposing of this
product to regular customers in Greenville. He has a large sugar
camp and the excellence of the product enables him to secure a ready
market therefor. In 1892 he erected upon his farm a fine, modern
residence, and near by stands good outbuildings. The place is neat
and thrifty in appearance, and the owner is recognized as one of the
practical and progressive agriculturists of his community.
On the 22d of August, 1872, was celebrated the marriage
of Mr. Cox and Miss Margaret A. Van
Fleet, daughter of John D. and Mary (Fradmore) Van Fleet.
This family came from New Jersey to Ohio at an early day, locating
in Washington township, Darke county. Mrs. Cox is now
the only representative of the family living in the county. By her
marriage she has become the mother of four children: Ory
Newton, who was born Jan. 22, 1873, was married Dec. 20,
1898, to Miss Jennie, daughter of William
Young, of Greenville, and they reside upon the old home farm;
Harriet A., born Nov. 5, 1874, is with her parents; a son,
born in 1876, died the same year unnamed; and John Jacob,
born Dec. 18, 1877, also resides at home. In his political views
Mr. Cox was a supporter of Democratic principles for
some time, but now votes the Socialist ticket. He holds membership
in the Christian church. He has neither time nor inclination for
political office, but finds ample time to faithfully discharge every
duty of citizenship. He is a man of determined character, of
sterling worth and. of inflexible integrity, and among the residents
of Darke county he has a host of warm friends. He resides upon one
of the oldest developed farms in Washington township, and is a
worthy representative of an honored pioneer family, whose connection
with the history of Darke county has ever been creditable.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 248 |

Ed Culbertson |
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville, Ind. - 1900
- Page 478 |