A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio
Compendium of National Biography
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company

FISCHBACH is now living retired upon his farm of eighty acres
on section 27, Allen township, Darke county. He is numbered
among the valued residents of this locality that the fatherland has
furnished to the new world. He was born in Prussia, Germany,
on the 17th of April, 1829, and is a son of Lawrence and
Phillipina (Metzker) Fischbach. The father was born in
1778, and his wife was about twelve years his junior. They
were married about 1808, and became the parents of nine children,
all born in Germany. The eldest child, a daughter, was bon
about 1812. There are now three living children of the family:
Henry, who resides in Dayton, at the age of eighty-one
years; John George, of this review; and Christina, the
widow of Henry Hass, of Dayton.
When but eighteen years of age the father volunteered
for service in the German army in the Spanish war. He was a
carpenter and builder, and followed that pursuit both in Germany in
the United States. In 1832 he sailed with his family from
Bremen for America, but the vessel on which they took passage was
shipwrecked on a sand bar by the captain, who wished to get a heavy
insurance. This was a most diabolical act, which resulted in
the death by freezing of some thirty-nine of the emigrant
passengers. Our subject was at that time a little child of
only about three years. He, too, was laid with the dead piled
upon the deck, but his sister saw the pulsations of his neck and he
was thus snatched from the grave. He had, however, been so
severely burned that skin and flesh came off, but life came back to
him and he yet lives to tell the wonderful tale. After
enduring many hardships, the family finally reached America, and
made their way to Dayton, Ohio, where the father followed
contracting and building and became well-to-do. He died Mar.
21, 1857, at the age of seventy-nine years and his widow passed away
May 26, 1858, at the age of sixty-seven years, their remains being
interred in Woodland cemetery. They were members of the
Methodist church, and were respected Christian people.
John George Fischbach was reared in Dayton and
learned the shoemaker's trade, which he followed to a greater or
less extent until 1862. He was drafted for service in the army
in 1864, but was not accepted. On the 3d of April, 1850, he
was united in marriage to Caroline Kimmel, who was born in
Germany, and their union has been blessed with nine children:
George, of Dayton, who was married and has two sons and one
daughter; Louisa, who died at the age of fifteen months;
Emma who became the wife of Lewis Sink and died at the
age of thirty-two years; Edward, a resident of Horatio, Darke
county who has a wife and seven children; Frederick Lawrence,
who owns and operates a farm near is father's; Clara, the
wife of M. H. Burnhart, a farmer of Allen township, by whom
she has two children; Sarah M., who died at the age of three
years; William, who operates the home farm and has a wife and
three sons; and Arthur, who is still with his father.
The other of these children was called to her final rest Jan. 19,
1892. She was a faithful companion and helpmeet on life's
journey, was a loving wife and tender mother, and throughout the
community her loss was deeply mourned.
In his business Mr. Fischbach has been
successful. He started out in life for himself at the age of
eighteen years, and all that he possesses has been acquired through
his own efforts. His has been an energetic and industrious
life, and these qualities have enabled him to overcome all
difficulties and work his way upward to a position of wealth, and he
is living retired.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County,
Ohio - Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Company - 1900
- Page 257 |
FISHER, M. D. The subject of this review is one of the
leading physicians and surgeons of the northern part of Darke
county, being now successfully engaged in practice at Yorkshire.
He is a native of this county, born in Mississinawa township, May
24, 1864, and is a son of Ephraim Henry Fisher, who was born
near Columbus, Franklin county, Ohio, May 26, 1822. His
paternal grandfather also was a native of Ohio and a farmer by
occupation, while his father was of English and his mother of
Spanish descent, the latter tracing her ancestry back to Queen
Isabella. The Doctor's father was only six weeks old when
his mother died, and was left an orphan at the age of fourteen
years. On the 12th of August, 1847, at the home of the bride's
father in Mississinawa township, he married Sarah Peters, who
was of Pennsylvania Dutch and Welsh descent on her mother's side,
and English on her father's side.
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher began their domestic life on
a farm in Mississinawa township, which the father commenced at once
to clear and cultivate. He held several township offices and
was a stanch Republican in politics. During the civil war he
was drafted three times, but, having a family of ten children
depending upon him, his neighbors refused to allow him to go to the
front. He died in 1878, but his wife is still living, and
makes her home on the old farm of one hundred and sixty acres, all
of which has been cleared with the exception of twenty acres.
It is pleasantly located one-half mile west of Lightsville, and
consists of the eighty-acre tract given her by her father, and
another eighty acres, which Mr. Fisher purchased at
one dollar and a quarter per acre. In their family were
thirteen children, ten of whom reached maturity, and eight are still
living, namely: Libbie O., who lives with her mother;
Harrison T., a farmer of Shelby county; Elva J. Marsh, of
Dayton; Mrs. Effie L. Staight, of Paulding county,
Ohio; Mrs. Harriet A. Symonds, whose husband has the old home
farm; Mrs. Rachel E. Brooks, of Washington township; Eli
A., our subject; and George W., an undertaker of Arcanum.
Amy died in 1871, at the age of twenty-three years, and was
buried in her bridal dress, and John P. died in 1893, at the
age of thirty-eight.
Dr. Fisher received a liberal common
school education, and was granted a teacher's certificate, but
decided to devote his life to the medical profession, and entered
the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, where he was graduated in
1888. In March of that year he opened an office at Pleasant
Hill, but in September, 1889, he removed to North Star, and in 1896
came to Yorkshire, where he has since successfully engaged in
general practice. His skill and ability in his chosen
profession were soon widely recognized, and it was not long before
he received a liberal share of the public patronage.
On the 16th of June, 1888, Dr. Fisher was
united in marriage with Miss Ella Irena Hance,
of Shelby county, a daughter of William Hance, whose
grandfather, Joseph Hance, a young Englishman, during the
Revolutionary war, desiring to come to America to assist the
patriots, could find no means of coming except to join the British
army. This he tried to do, but was too short in stature.
He retired, put a deck of cards in his shoes and returned and this
time came up to the standard and came over to America, where he
promptly deserted and joined the American army. After the war he
located in Kentucky, where the father of William Hance was
born, who in time emigrated to a point near Cass, Miami county,
Ohio. Here William was born, Oct. 25, 1833, and he
married Margaretta Wise. Oct. 16, 1856. To
them were born three daughters— Florence E., Ella I.
and Minnie A., and one son, Forest P. When
Mrs. Fisher was seventeen her mother died, at the age of
forty-eight years, leaving four children, one son and three
daughters. The Doctor and his wife have three children:
Lloyd R., born Mar. 24, 1889; Stanley Paul, born
Feb. 8, 1891; and Amy Irena, born Oct. 9, 1895.
All are healthy and bright children.
Dr. Fisher is a member of the Versailles Medical
Association, and of the Masonic order, and politically he is
identified with the Republican party. He has served as a
school trustee, but has never cared for the honors or emoluments of
public office, preferring to devote his undivided attention to his
professional duties. He is very popular socially, and his
friends are many throughout the county.
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County,
Ohio - Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Company - 1900
- Page 424 |
FORD, physician and surgeon at Greenville, Ohio, was born
near Jaysville, in Darke county, on the 28th day of November, 1845.
His father, Mordecai S. Ford, born in Kentucky, July 18,
1807, came to Ohio when quite young with his widowed mother,
Delilah Mills Ford, whose husband, also named Mordecai S.
Ford, had died in the Indian war. The family lived near
Ithaca, this county, until her death, June 14, 1840.
Another family to be mentioned is that of John
Tillman. He was born in Virginia, Apr. 1, 1780, and at
the age of ten he moved to Tennessee, whence he removed to Ohio
about two years before the territory became a state. While
living in Tennessee he was married to Nancy Harless, who was
also a native of Virginia, born Sept. 10, 1790. They lived
in Preble county, reared a family of thirteen children, and died
Feb. 14, 1850, and Sept. 1, 1863, respectively. One of
these daughters was Polly Tillman, who on Mar. 5, 1829,
became the wife of Mordecai S. Ford, the father of Dr.
This young couple lived for two years near her father's
home, in Preble County, after which one hundred and sixty acres of
new land were bought, in Van Buren township, Darke county.
Here they lived the hard life of early settlers and succeeded in
making a comfortable home. Besides being a farmer, Mordecai
Ford was a minister of the Christian Church, and also took an
active interest in education. Eleven of their children lived
to manhood and womanhood, and became useful members of the
community. All of them taught school and five of the sons
practiced medicine. In the order of their birth their names
are as follows: Joseph, John, Henry, Delilah, Nancy,
Worley, Elijah, Martha, Royston, Mary and Lydie Ann.
The father died Nov. 23, 1867, but the mother lived to direct the
affairs of the family until the 19th of March, 1888.
The youngest son, the subject of this sketch, was
reared on the old homestead and there began his education in the
district schools. He remained on the farm until he was
eighteen years of age when he responded to his country's call for
troops. In 1863 he and his brother Worley became members of
the Twenty-eighth Regiment, Ohio National Guards went to Camp
Dennison, near Piqua, Ohio. Soon afterward they were combined
with two companies from Clark county, and sworn into the service of
the United States as the One Hundred and Fifty-second Regiment, Ohio
Volunteer Infantry, with Colonel Putnam commanding.
The 12th of May this regiment was sent to New Creek, West Virginia,
thence on the 30th to Martinsburg, which they left on the 4th of
June, accompanied by parts of three other regiments, all under
command of Colonel Putnam, in charge of a supply train of two
hundred and nine wagons, and with orders to reach General Hunter at
all hazards, who was then somewhere in the Shenandoah valley.
By hard marching they overtook Hunter's army at Lexington, Virginia,
on t he 11th of June, having passed through Winchester, Middletown,
Cedar Creek, Strasburg, Fisher's Hill, Woodstock, New Market,
Harrisonburg, Staunton and other places noted for the many conflicts
between the Union and rebel armies. They remained with
Hunter's army west of Lynchburg until June 17, when Colonel
was ordered to return with two hundred wagons, many sick and wounded
soldiers and prisoners, but on account of rebel forces in the valley
he had to take a long route across the Alleghany mountains by way of
White Sulphur Springs, Huntersville, Beverly, Philippi and Webster,
where the Baltimore & Ohio Railway was reached.
In all they had marched over four hundred miles through
a rough country, obstructed frequently by parties of rebels.
On the return march, rations were scarce. Before they reached
Beverly ear corn was once issued to the men, seven ears of corn to
eight men, but the next day a supply of crackers was obtained.
From Webster they went to Cumberland by train, reaching that place
July 2, 1864, and there the regiment remained until the 25th of
August, when it returned to Camp Dennison, Ohio. there on the
2d of September it was mustered out of the service and on the 5th of
that month its members received their pay and final discharge.
After his return from the war Royston Ford taught
school one winter, and a few years afterward he began the study of
medicine under the direction of his brother John and Dr.
D. Robeson, at Arcanum. He took his first course of
lectures at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and later studied in the College of
Physicians and Surgeons, at Cincinnati, where he was graduated in
1880. He began the practice of medicine at Saratoga, Indiana,
where he remained for five years, after which he spent three years
at New Madison, this county, where he built up a good practice.
In 1870 Dr. Ford was married to Miss Lizzie
Albright. After her death in 1883 he became dissatisfied
with his location, and, leaving New Madison,, came to
Greenville, where he has since enjoyed a much larger practice.
In 1885 he wedded Miss Clara B. Albright, a niece of his
first wife, and a daughter of Daniel Albright, of
Darke county. In 1894 he pursued a post-graduate course of
study in Chicago, taking special work in a polyclinic school.
In recent years he has spent considerable time in colleges and
hospitals, observing the latest and best treatments of the diseases
of women and children. During the last two yeas he has given
special attention to the use of electricity in therapeutics and has
obtained excellent results. He is a member of the Darke County
Medical Society, and his extensive reading and investigations have
made him one of the best physicians of this locality.
Socially he is connected with the Greenville Lodge, I.
O. O. F., and with Jobes Post, No. 157, G. A. R. He was United
States examining surgeon for pensions during the Harrison
Source: A Biographical History of Darke County,
Ohio - Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Company - 1900
- Page 673 |

David C. Foureman |
FOUREMAN. Among the well-to-do farmers and honored
citizens of Van Buren township, Darke county, Ohio, is the subject
of this sketch. His father, Henry J. Foureman, was born in.
Berks county, Pennsylvania, Oct. 28, 1818, a son of John and
Elizabeth (Stager) Foureman. The former was born in 1797
and his wife was born in 1794. He passed away Aug. 17, 1872, aged
seventy-five years, nine months and twenty-three days, his wife
having died June 10, 1870, aged seventy-six years, five months and
six days. The son was educated in the common schools of his native
state. At the age of sixteen he came with his parents to Darke
county, Ohio, the journey being made by team and wagon, and the
grandfather of our subject entered the northeast section of Van
Buren township, where Henry J. Foureman grew to manhood in
the midst of the wilderness. He married Susannah Baker, who
was born in Brookville, Montgomery county, Ohio, Jan. 2, 1823, a
daughter of Jacob and Sarah Michael Baker. After his marriage
he located on a tract of one hundred and sixty acres given him by
his father, having erected thereon a two-room house 28x20 feet,
built of round logs and a story and a half in height. At the time
his land was all wild and unimproved, but he placed it under a high
state of cultivation, and added to his landed possessions from time
to time until he had four hundred and forty acres. After a long and
useful life he retired to Arcanum, where he died in 1892, and his
wife passed away a year later. For over a third of a century they
were active and consistent members of the German Baptist church, and
prior to his death Mr. Foureman affiliated with the Republican
party. They had a family of four children, namely: Elizabeth,
born Dec. 22, 1841, married Henry Baker, who died
in Monroe township, this county, and she died there in 1886;
Jacob B., born Feb. 15, 1844, married Mary
Besecker and lives in Van Buren township; David C., our
subject, is next in order of birth and Annias, born Aug. 1,
1852, died at the age of two years.
David C. Foureman was born Mar. 12, 1848, on
the old homestead in Van Buren township, where he passed his boyhood
and youth in much the usual manner of farmer boys of his day,
acquiring his education in district school No. 6, which was near his
home. It was a log building, supplied with slab seats and other
primitive furniture; Mr. Foureman's first teacher was
Lewis Albright, under whose instruction he learned to
speak English. On the 14th of October, 1866, he was united in
marriage with Miss Eliza Unger, a native of
Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and a daughter of George and
Sarah (Merkley) Unger. By this union nine children were born as
follows: Sarah, wife of Albert Foureman, of Van
Buren township; Susannah, who married Frank Michael
and died in 1898; Lydia, wife of John Judy, of
Van Buren township; Delilah, wife of James Allread,
of the same township; Annie, wife of Willis Davis, also of Van
Buren township; Harlus, Charles, Pharon and Worley,
all at home.
After his marriage Mr. Foureman located on eighty acres of land, one
mile north of the homestead, which was given him by his father, and
for fifteen years he successfully operated that tract which he
cleared and improved by the erection of good buildings. He then
traded, it for the old homestead, upon which he also made many
improvements, but in March, 1894, he removed to his present farm of
one hundred and sixty acres, on which he erected a barn 72x46 feet,
in the spring of 1900. Besides this property owns an adjoining farm
of one hundred and twenty-three acres. He is wide awake and
energetic and usually carries forward to successful completion
whatever he undertakes. By his ballot he supports the men and
measures of the Republican party. He has served as township trustee
three years, and is now serving his second term as township
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 590 |
FRANK. On Sections 17 and 18, Harrison township, is
located the fine farmstead of one hundred and twenty-six acres which
is owned and cultivated by the gentleman whose name introduces this
review, and we are pleased to give a resume of his career in
this connection, for he stands for as one of the leading
German-American citizens of Darke county and as a representative of
our bet yeoman that has gained to this section its reputation as one
of the most attractive farming communities in the favored state,
noted for its agricultural pre-eminence.
John George Frank was born in Wurtemberg,
Germany, the 26th of May, 1834, and when a young man of twenty, in
1854, emigrated to America for the purpose of trying his fortunes in
the new world, where he felt better opportunities were offered to
the energetic and industrious young men. He made the eventful
voyage on a sailing vessel, and after leaving Bremen fifty-three
days elapsed ere the boat dropped anchor in the port of New York.
A stranger in a strange land. Mr. Frank at once set
about making his way, being determined to succeed, if success could
be gained by honest and earnest endeavor. He stopped for a
time on the Delaware river, fifteen miles north of Philadelphia,
where he secured work as a farm hand at eight dollars per month.
He had but a small amount of cash when he left home and fatherland,
and when he reached America his financial reinforcement amounted in
Pennsylvania for four and one-half months he came on to the west,
being employed for about the same length of time in a wagon shop at
Richmond, Indiana, after which he identified himself with the
interests of Darke county, coming to Harrison township, hiring out
by the month until the winter of 1857. On the 5th of December
of that year Mr. Frank showed his confidence in himself and
his ability to succeed by assuming a definite responsibility, being
then united in marriage to Miss Jemima Brown, who was born in
this township on the 17th of December, 1833, the daughter of
Edward Brown, who is still living at the venerable age of
ninety-two years, being one of the wealthy and honored farmers of
the county. He was born in Pennsylvania and his marriage to
Miss Mary M. Blocher, who was born near York, that state, was
solemnized in Harrison township, Darke county. Mrs. Brown
died in Madison in 1888, at the age of seventy-eight years, having
become the mother of three sons and six daughters, of whom the three
sons are living and only one of the daughters, - Mrs. Frank,
the estimable wife of our subject. Her brothers are farmers in
this township and in contiguous sections of Indiana, and the
venerable father now makes his home with his children, being cared
for with the deepest filial solicitude and being now feeble and
broken in health by reason of great age.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank have become the parents of
four sons and four daughters, of whom we offer the following brief
record: Mary is the wife of Philip Rogers, a
successful farmer of Washington township, this county, and they have
six children: Sarah Jane is the wife of Newton
Rogers and is the mother of seven children; Frederick W.
resides on the old homestead, which he operates for his father; he
married Alice Miller and they have four sons and two
daughters: Jonas A., who is a successful fruit grower,
residing north of Greenville, this county, is married and has seven
children; Rebecca is the wife of Charles Albright and
has one child; Charles Edward, a meat dealer in Hollansburg,
is married and has one daughter; John G., is a tenant farmer
in the adjoining county in Indiana, and of his marriage two children
were born, but both are deceased; Emma is the wife of
Leonard Moore, who resides in this immediate vicinity, and
they have one son; and the other child of our subject and wife was a
son who died at the age of seven months.
In the year 1859 Mr. Frank purchased fifty-two
acres of land, the same being a portion of his present farm, and for
this original tract he paid thirty dollars per acre, now permanent
improvements having been made on the place, and the young man having
to assume an indebtedness for a portion of the purchase price.
He erected a small frame house, one story in height and 16x24 feet
in dimensions, and also put up a log barn. The original house
is now a part of his present attractive and commodious residence and
is occupied by his son. Improvements were made as rapidly as
circumstances would permit, - he erected a small frame barn
eventually, and in 1879 built his large and well equipped barn,
42x52 feet in dimensions, and in 1885 the new residence of two
stories was erected. Mr. Frank has made three
additions to the acreage of his farm since his original purchase,
and he now has one hundred and twenty-six acres under a fine state
of cultivations and devoted to mixed farming. He makes it a
point to rotate crops every three years, thus keeping up the
vitality of the land. He also raises swine somewhat
extensively and keeps a dairy of from sixteen to twenty high grade
Jersey cows, all eligible for registration. He operates is own
creamery, the products of which find ready demand in the direct
family trade controlled in Richmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank are members f the German
Baptist church, in whose direct and collateral work they have an
abiding interest, our subject being a deacon in the church. In
politics he gives his support to the Democratic party, but he has
invariably declined to accept official preferment. He and his
wife continue to be actively concerned in the affairs of the
homestead, though the operation of the farm has been consigned to
their son, who is a practical and capable young agriculturist and
business man. They enjoy a marked popularity in the community
and the high estimation in which they are held stands in
unmistakable evidence of their sterling worth of character.
The farm is one of the most attractive in this section and
everything about the place gives indication of the care and
attention bestowed. On the place Mr. Frank has a
sorghum mill, which has brought a good revenue and has yielded much
valuable fertilizing material.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 303 |
FRANKMANN. Prominent among the leading citizens of the
prosperous town of Versailles, Ohio, is the gentleman whose name
introduces this sketch, Adam Frankmann, president of
the People's Bank.
Mr. Frankmann is a native of Germany and
was born Apr. 10, 1829. According to the custom in Germany, he
attended school until he was fourteen years of age, and then went to
work at a trade. He served an apprenticeship of two years at the
tailor's trade, after which he spent some time as a journeyman
tailor, traveling about from place to place, in the old country. Then, thinking that his chances for getting on in the world would be
better in America, he turned his face westward. After a voyage of
fifty days in a sailing vessel he landed at New Orleans, May 17,
1853, and in that city remained until June 29 of the following year. His next move was up the river to Louisville, Kentucky, thence to
Cincinnati, and from there to Dayton. At the last named place he
secured a position and spent six months in work at his trade. The
next six months he worked in West Alexander, Preble county, and from
there he went to Lewisburg, same county, where, Mar. 1, 1857, he
engaged in business for himself.
August 1, 1881, he came to Versailles and established
himself in a tailoring and clothing business, with his son E. G.,
as partner. This business he conducted successfully until February,
1897, when he and Manier Brothers organized the
People's Bank with a cash capital stock of twenty-four thousand
dollars. Mr. Frankmann was elected the president of
this company; Joe Manier, vice-president; Felix
Manier, cashier; and E. C. Manier, assistant, cashier.
In 1898 Mr. Frankmann built what is known as the
Frankmann block, in which the bank is located, which is a
valuable addition to the town, and he has also made other valuable
improvements. He has accumulated considerable property, all the
result of his Own energy and wise investment; and in this instance
we find another one of the many successful business men who have
worked up from poor boyhood to substantial and honored position in
the business world.
Mr, Frankmann was married Sept. 14,
1857 to Elizabeth Fasig, and the children of their
union are as follows: Mary T., who died in 1866, at the age
of two-years; Flora F., at home; Edward G., a.
merchant tailor of Versailles; Irena, the wife of F. L.
Wallen, a druggist of Nicholasville, Kentucky; and Herman A.,
who married Jennie O. Burns and resides in Versailles.
Politically, the subject of our sketch affiliates with the
Democratic party. He and his family are members of the Lutheran
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 616 |
M. D. This well known physician of New Madison, Darke
county, Ohio, was born in Preble county, this state, on the 17th of
December, 1851. His father, John Fritz, was born on the same
farm and there passed his entire life, which was one of useful
activity and which was protracted over the period of eighty-one
years, his birth having occurred June 10, 1810, and his death
occurring in 1890, on Christmas night, which was the anniversary of
his wedding, and at about the same hour in. the evening. His father,
Michael Fritz, was a native of Bremen, Germany, whence
he emigrated to the United States, settling in the woods, of Preble
county, Ohio, where he reared a large family comprising five sons
and five daughters, of whom three are now living, namely: Louise,
widow of Mr. Cam, is about eighty-four years of age and resides in
West Alexandria; Catherine, widow of John Gentner,
is a resident of Preble county; and David, of Miami county,
who is seventy years of age. All of the children lived to attain
full maturity and age except Nancy, who died when a young
lady. The grandfather of our subject cleared up his farm of one
hundred and sixty acres, and this was left to his heirs, and has
been retained in the possession of the family.
The mother of .Dr. Fritz bore the maiden name of Elizabeth
Seiler. She was born in 1824, and tier death occurred in 1862,
her children having been as follows: Benjamin, a resident of
Eaton, Ohio; Sarah, wife of Simon Wysong; Michael,
who was born in July, 1849, died in 1876; the fourth in order of
birth was the Doctor, the subject of this sketch; William is
engaged in farming, as is also George, who owns the old
homestead, residing in Lexington; arid Lettie Maria is
the wife of O. T. Smith, of Ohio. The father remained a
widower for twenty-eight years, and reared his children to maturity.
The Doctor, who weighs about one hundred and eighty pounds, weighs
the least of all his brothers and sisters, one of his brothers
tipping the beam at two hundred and ten pounds. The Doctor was
reared upon the farm, and its duties and free outdoor life proved
effective in the developing of a sturdy constitution for the young
man, who secured his preliminary educational training in the
district schools, applying himself to his studies with such success
that he was enabled to teach his first term of school when he was
seventeen years of age. He engaged in teaching and attended school
for a period of ten years, meeting all his expenses through his own
efforts. In the beginning he taught school for two winters and
thereby saved six hundred dollars, which his father appropriated,
after which the young man started out upon his own responsibility,
and by teaching, selling books, etc., saved fifteen hundred dollars,
all of which, with an additional five hundred, he utilized in
defraying the expenses of his medical education. When the Doctor
came to New Madison, in the spring of 1882, to open the practice of
his profession, he was indebted to his youngest brother for five
hundred dollars, which he had been compelled to borrow in order to
complete his course at the Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati,
where he graduated in the spring of 1880. For two years he was.
associated in practice with his old preceptor, Dr. Tillson,
of West Alexandria, and in 1882, as noted, he began the individual
practice of his profession in New Madison, where he has built up an
excellent business, being recognized as an able practitioner and as
a man worthy of all confidence.
On the 1st of June, 1884, in Richmond,. Indiana, Dr.
Fritz was united in marriage to Miss Thomas, of New
Madison, daughter of Walter and Elizabeth (Kittle) Thomas. Of
this union three children have been born: Ralph, the first born,
died at the-age of eight months; Hattie was born Oct. 3,
1886; and Orpha Dec. 13, 1893. The Doctor is a Master
Mason, holdings membership in Fort Black Lodge, No. 413, at New
Madison; is a member of the Knights of Pythias and also of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in West Alexandria. Politically he
is a Republican. The Doctor is a member of the Ohio State Eclectic
Medical Society and also of the Darke County Association. Since his
marriage he has lived in his own convenient and. attractive home in
New Madison, the same having been the homestead of his wife's
parents. Walter Thomas, the father of Mrs. Fritz, was
a veteran of the civil war, in which he served for three years, and
he died of consumption, from the result of exposure, his demise
taking place about 1869. His widow survived until 1897,
passing away at the age of about sixty years. They were the parents
of five children, of whom Mrs. Fritz and her brother David
are the only survivors.
The practice of the Doctor extends through a radius of
from six to eight miles in each direction, and «he keeps two horses
in requisition, conducting a general practice in medicine and
surgery. His efforts have been very successful, and his clientage is
one of representative order.
A Biographical History of Darke County, Ohio,
Compendium of National Biography - Illustrated - Publ. Evansville,
Ind. - 1900
- Page 749