Abstracts of Wills to 1852
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
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ABBOTT, Aaron, 25 Mar. 1846 - Mar. 1847
Polly G. - Wife
Benjamin K. - Philander S. - Leman C. - Sons
Polly G. & James R. Abbott - Execs.
Thos. Llutts & David Sample - Wits.
Spencer Baker & A. G. Simmons - Secs.
Leman Cole - Samuel Foot - Azar Belden - Apprs. |
ADAMS, David - 9 Jul. 1849 - Sept. 1949
Betsey - Wife
Linden & Irwin Adams - Grandsons
Hosea Pierce & Bradford Burr - Wits. |
ADAMS, Levi - 1 Mar. 1832 - 2 Jul. 1838
(Copy from Halifax, Vt.)
Dolly - Wife
Alden - Bradley - Franklin - Henry - Levi - Williams - Sons
Orlinda Lyman - Dau.
Oshea Smith & Dolly Adams - Execs.
Ephriam Holland - Newton Adams - Simei & Jonas Whitney - Wits. |
ADAMS, Peter - 8 Sep. 1851 - 30 Sep. 1851
Warren & Charles - Sons
Almira Vail - Eliza Angell - Esther Ann - Daus.
Judson Adams - Grandson
Sherman Adams - Exec.
Francis Wright - Lorenzo Wright - Wits.
Geo. Silliman - Thos. Place - Francis Wright - Apprs. |
ADAMS, Silas - 3 Jun. 1834 - 2 Nov. 1835
Betsey - Sarah - Prudence - Syria - Permelia - Samantha - Daus.
Sampson Baker - Phillip Moffit - Execs.
Nathan Treadwell - Lester Clark - Secs.
Benjamin Lee - Abijah Benson - Ebenezer Foot - Apprs. |
ANDREWS, Jeheil - 25 Jan. 1839 - 6 Mar. 1839
Ezra - Jeheil - Milton - Wesley - Sons
Jane & Nancy - Daus.
Robert Green - Exec.
E. H. Lowther - Alexander Graham - Wits. |
ARTHUR, John - 10 Aug. 1848 - 1848
Nancy McMorris - Loviah - Daus.
Margaret Ann - Daniel & John McMorris - John McLane - Mary Ann Arthur -
Robert Clark - Exec., Declined
Thaddeus Sturges - John Akerman - Wits.
Thomas Arthur - Appt. Exec. 1848
Robert McLand - John McMorris - Secs. |
ASHTON, Edward - 6 May 1832 - 29 Feb. 1836
Wife not named
Margaret - Jane - Mary - Daus.
James - William - John - Edward - Sons
Richard Gardner & James Johnson - Wits. |
ASHTON, James - 5 Mar. 1835 - 29 Feb. 1836
Relatives not identified: James - Thos. Mary - William - John & Edward
Ashton; Margaret Bryan - Jane Praut.
Mary Ashton, wife of brother Edward.
James Ashton, nephew - Exec.
Richard Gardner - Friend
Daniel Sowers - Richard Gardner - Wits. |
ASHTON, James - 30 Jul. 1848 - Sep. 1848
Margaret - Mother
Bros. & Sisters not named.
Squire Whitbeck & Wm. Ashton - Execs.
Perry Easton - Richard Gardner - Wits.
Daniel Williams & George Turner - Secs.
Mathew Marvin - John & Isaac DeWitt - Apprs. |
AUSTIN, William - 3 Jul. 1833 - 18 Nov. 1833
John - William Diah (Obidiah?) - Sons
Betsey Smith - Sally & Mary Conkling - Daus.
John Dickson - Grandson
Harvey Fowler - Exec.
Harvey Fowler - Thos. McCullough - Wits.
John Wheeler - Paul Cox - Secs.
Wm. McCortney - Austin Robetson - Thos. McCullough - Apprs. |