Abstracts of Wills to 1852
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HAND, John C. - 17 Jul. 1835 - July 1835
Edward A. - Brother
Geo. Anderson - E. E. Clemens - Wits. |
HART, Ira - 28 Oct. 1829 - 16 Feb. 1832
(Copy from New London, Conn.)
Maria - Wife
David S. Henry A. - Sons
Eliza Palmer - Louisa Maria - Daus.
Maria & David Hart - Execs.
Jos. Ayer, Jr. - Wm. Rodman - Alexander G. Smith - Wits. |
HASKELL, Susan - 20 Mar. 1850 - Jun. 1850
Jane & Hellen - Daus.
Wm. G. Mead - Timothy Lawrence - Wits. |
HASKINS, David - 5 Oct. 1849 - 1 Nov. 1849
Eliza - Wife & Exec.
John Ebert - Martin Merrifield - Wits. |
HATFIELD, Nathan - 9 Mar. 1847 - Mar. 1847
Cynthia - Wife
Mary Johnson - Hannah - Harriet - Almira - Daus.
Henry - Chas. - Sons
Perry Easton - James Easton - Wits.
Levi Sutton - Chas. Vantine - Rufus Tillson - Apprs. |
HATHAWAY, Caleb - 17 Jan. 1828 - 23 Aug. 1834
Caleb - Thos. Peter - Sons
Mary - Dau.
Peter Hathaway - Grandson
Benj. Abbott - Daniel Reynolds - Isaac Reynolds - Himan Johnson - Wits. |
HAYNES, Nathaniel - 21 Jan. 1843 - May 1844
Wife unnamed
Solomon - Benj. - Asa - Sons
Mary Savage - Emeline Robinson - Daus.
Dr. Noses Sanders - Exec.
Lowell Rawson - Leonard Bouken - Wits.
Stephen Robinson - John Sanders - Secs.
Thos. Tillson - Richardson Eaton - Arunah Eaton - Apprs. |
HEALY, Joseph - 4 Sep. 1847 - Sep. 1850
Effa - Wife
Edward - Smith - Abraham - Jacob - Sons
Mary & Hulda Healy - Granddaughters
Edwin & David Healy - Grandsons
Rufus Sheldon - Ezekiel Griffin - Execs.
Henry Griffin - Hiram Townsend - Wits.
Wm. Sheldon - Benj. Bolding - Uri Thomas - Apprs. |
HESS, Reuben - 8 Jan. 1850 - Jun. 1850
Sarah Ann - Wife
Henry - Son
Margaret - Dau.
Elijah Maron - Friend & Exec.
Jacob Jefferson - Gad Scott - Wits.
Gad Scott - Albert Pinney - Secs.
Richard Robinson - Phillip Phillips - Jacob Jefferson - Apprs. |
HICKS, Daniel - 24 Jan. 1838 - Sep. 1847
Polly - Wife
Lydia Howe - Almira Howe - Betsey - Pamela - Daus.
Daniel - Son
Ruth Hicks - Sister
Polly & Jacob Hicks - Henry Terry - Execs.
Samuel Gibbs - Samuel Boalt - Wits. |
HIGGINS, Eunice - 1 Mar. 1843 - Feb. 1844
Myra - Dau.
Elizabeth - Mary Higgins - Granddaughters
Mary L. H. Farr. - Joseph Farr. - Wits. |
HILL, Betsey - 2 Aug. 1838 - Sep. 1848
Isaac - Husband & Exec.
Bella Coe - Leverett & Sylvester Hill - Wits.
Chester Manville - Lemuel Pierce - Secs. |
HINDLEY, John - 28 Feb 1836 - 16 May 1836
Elizabeth - Wife (Dau. of Benj. & Millie Morfey)
Henry - Brother
Thos. Tillson - Exec.
Richard Gardner - Nathan Hatfield - E. N. Harding - Wits. |
HINKLEY, Joshua - 11 Feb. 1835 - May 1838
Hannah - Wife
Benj - Lewis - Horace - Sons
Elizabeth States - Charity Ink - Phoebe Scark - Roxa Welch - Dorcas Wetherby
- Daus.
John Crawford - Hannah Hinkley - Daniel Angell - Wits.
John Crawford - Daniel Angell - Secs.
James Reed - Peleg Standish - Geroge Parker - Apprs. |
HITCHCOCK, Antrim - 16 Jan. 1843 - Jun. 1843
Wife unnamed
Almira Horniston - Niece
Caroline & Catharine Ward - Children of Chas. Ward - relatives
Bros. & Sisters unnamed
Reuben Fox (Good friend) - Exec.
Chester Mears - Reuben Fox - Wits. |
HOWARD, John - 30 Jan. 1846 - Oct. 1846
Elizabeth - Wife
Wm. - Samuel - Jacob - Peter - Sons
Deborah Easter - Dau.
Peter Howard - Exec.
Lewis Harrington - Elizabeth Burd - Wits. |
HUFF, Tunis - 28 Jan. 1846 - Oct. 1846
Nicholas - Vanderbilt - John - Sons
Martha Rennyan - Eleanor Voorlie - Eliza Brokaw - Sarah Miller - Jane
Cornell - Daus.
Robert McDonough - Nicholas Huff - Execs.
E. Bonschoter - M. Bovier - Wits.
John Bodino - Thos. Johnston - Secs.
Edward Shorman - Christopher Culp - Robert Wilson - Apprs. |
HULL, Emily - 13 Oct. 1850 - 31 Oct. 1850
Adaline - Dau.
Benj. & Jonathan Hull - Execs.
E. A. Stewart - Eli Wright - Wits.
Samuel Hicks - Eli Wright - Secs. |
HUYCK, Henry - 18 Dec. 1850 - 10 Feb. 1852
Catharine - Wife
Samuel - Son & Exec.
Samuel Pennewell - Archibald Benjamin - Wits. |