Abstracts of Wills to 1852
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GATES, William - 29 Jul. 1844 - Nov. 1844
Wife unnamed
John - Stephen - Sons
Charity Hatch - Ruth Butler - Elizabeth & Fanny Earl - Katy Ketchum -
Rebecca Gregory - Daus.
Stephen Gates - Ambrose Ketchum - Execs.
Geo. Bouser - Daniel Pond - Wits.
Tracy Case - John Miller - Secs.
Dyer Barrott - Zelotus Barrett - Clark Winans - Apprs. |
GIBBS, Samuel - 24 Apr. 1840 - Mar. 1845
Olive Isabella - Wife
Wm. Harrison - Son
Susannah Platt Gibbs - Mother
Nancy - Sister. Others not named
Beorge - Bro. - Others not named
Samuel Boalt - Business partner
Olive Gibbs - Samuel Boatl - Execs.
Moses C. Sanders, M.D. - Wife's father
O. A. Patterson - Baxter Howe - Samlom Howe - Wits.
John Sanders - Chas. Roe - Robert Baker - Secs.
Samuel Atherton - Geo. Gordon - Benj. Morse - Apprs. |
GIFFORD, Rufus - 24 Mar. 1831 - Mar. 1842
Lydia Eddy - Lucy Golding - Daus.
David - Eli - Isaac - Prince - Ira - Sons
Joseph Huphrey (Nephew) - Exec.
John Eddy - Humphrey Gifford - Wits. |
GRAY, Solomon - 14 Mar. 1835 - Mar. 1846
Betsey - Wife
James - George - Sons
Permelia (Wife of Jaems Green) - Dau.
Betsey Gray - Smith Starr - Execs.
Peter Gray - Roxy Starr - Wits.
Edward Husted - Daniel Minor - Secs.
Samuel Husted - Frederick Wildman - Abel Howe - Apprs. |
GREGORY, Ezra - 11 Oct. 1845 - Jun. 1846
Martha - Wife
Hannah - Mary - Jane Palmer - Daus.
Lewis - Son
Lewis & Hannah Greory - Execs.
John K. Smith - DeMorris Pratt Wits. |
GREGORY, Samuel - 15 Jun. 1835 - Nov. 1835
Edna - Wife
Grover - Niles - Sons (Others unnamed)
William - Brother & Exec.
Robert Southgate - Leman Cole - Mrs. Danforth - Wits. |
GRIEVE, Thomas - 4 Aug. 1839 - Oct. 1839
Wife unnamed
Eliza Jane - Dau.
Thos. Wm. George - John - David - Sons
David Grieve - Exec.
C. W. Miller - E. M. Wright - P. C. Perry - Wits. |