Abstracts of Wills to 1852
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KAUFMAN, Lewis - 25 Oct. 1838 - Mar. 1847
(Copy from Lorain Co., Ohio)
Catharine - Wife & Exec.
"Her children" unamed
Henry Brown - John Holzhaner? - John Wetzel - Wits. |
KEELER, Lewis - 28 Oct. 1843 - Nov. 1843
Jemima - Wife
Parmelia Redding - Cynthia Curtiss - Mary Edwards - Daus.
Burrell - Orange - Eri - Ami - Zeno - Lewis - Sons
Jemima & Burrell Keeler - Execs.
G. W. Choate - Samuel Pennewell - Agur Hoyt - Wits. |
KENDALL, Amos - 12 Jun. 1849 - Sep. 1849
Mary Ann - Wife
Catharine - Mary - Daus.
John - Son
Mary Ann Kendall - Exec.
Jacob & Levi Sutton - Wits.
John Rickey - Levi Sutton - Secs. |
KIMBALL, Moses - 18 Sep. 1837 - 30 Oct. 1837
Betsey - Wife & Exec.
Geo. W. Choate - Bro. of Wife
Thaddeus Sturges - Geo. Baker - Peter Latimer - Wits. |
KNIGHT, Frances - 22 Sep. 1841 - Oct. 1841
(Alias Frances Taylor)
Frances Juliet Knight - Dau.
Timothy Taylor - Son
Frederick Wickham - Benj. Taylor - Juliet Taylor - Wits. |
KNIFFIN, James - 25 Apr. 1839 - Oct. 1841
Wife unnamed
Benj. - Daniel - Sons & Execs.
Phoebe - Charity - Deborah - Amy - Daus.
Joel Wilson - Alanson Sutton - Wits. |