Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens -
Publ. Biographical Publ. Co.
Chicago, Illinois -
of the best-known citizens of Smith township, who has resided on his
present valuable farm of 120 acres, which is situated in section 14,
for considerably over a quarter of a century, was born at Lordstown,
Trumbull County, Ohio, Oct. 11, 1845, and is a son of Peter and
Rufina (Kistler) Bailey.
The Bailey family came to
Mahoning County from Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, the grandfather,
Abraham Bailey, settling at a very early date in
Austintown township, where his son, Peter, was reared.
They were of German extraction and Peter learned both the
German and English languages, and later taught both German and
English schools in that neighborhood. Later he engaged for
four years in clerking, in the general store of John R.
Church, at Canfield, but after his marriage he moved to Newton
township, Trumbull County, where he resided for many years. He
then settled at Lordstown, which was his place of residence until
his death.
Benjamin F. Bailey was educated in the public
schools of Lordstown, and resided in that place until his marriage,
in January, 1870, to Sarah Kistler, who is a daughter of
Daniel B. Kistler, late of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.
They have had seven children born to them, as follows:
James E., residing at Meadville, Pennsylvania, where he is a
chief train dispatcher for the Erie Railroad; Charles D.,
residing at Mt. Union, Ohio, where he is part proprietor of the Mt.
Union grist mills; George S., a residence of Alliance, who is
train dispatcher for the Lake Erie, Alliance & Wheeling Railroad;
Martin F., who resides at Mt. Union, where he is engaged in a
mercantile business; Seymour L., residing at Rock Falls,
Iowa, where he is operator and station agent for the Rock Island
Railroad; Mary, who married William Armstrong, a
merchant, residing at North Benton; and Collins, who is
deceased. Mr. Bailey's surviving children are
remarkably well placed in life and are representative members of
society in their various communities.
After marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey resided for
a short time in Newton township, Trumbull County, then removed to
Leetonia for a few years and afterwards to the farm in Smith
township, in 1878. For two consecutive years, Mr. Bailey
served as road supervisor of his district, and proved himself a
capable and careful public official. He is a liberal supporter
of the public schools and for many years has been one of the leading
men of this section in promoting moral measures of all kinds for the
general welfare. Personally, he is a member of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Newton township, in which he is an elder, having
held this honorable office for seven years. Politically, he is
a Democrat.
Source: 20th Century History of Youngstown
and Mahoning Co., Ohio and Representative Citizens, Publ. by
Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Pages 709 |
representative citizen of Coitsville township, residing on a
well-improved farm of 93 acres, in section 19, was born in
Coitsville township, Mahoning County, Ohio, Jan. 19, 1833, on his
father's farm of several hundred acres which lay in both Mahoning
and Trumbull Counties. His parents were David and Elizabeth
(Early) Bailey.
The paternal grandfather of Mr. Bailey,
David Bailey, was born in Connecticut, and came to Ohio with his
family, in 1800, taking up several hundred acres of land lying in
Coitsville and Hubbard townships, in both Mahoning and Trumbull
counties. The grandfather died on his farm near Hubbard, aged
about 40 years. His son David, father of Seth L.,
was also born in Connecticut and was eight years old when his
parents moved to Ohio. He married Elizabeth Early, a
sketch of whom will be found in
this work. There were 10 children born to this marriage, all
of whom reached maturity, and seven of whom still survive.
Both parents died on the farm near Hubbard, full of years and high
in the esteem of those who had known them well.
Seth L. Bailey was reared on the home farm and
obtained his education in the schools of the neighborhood before he
left home and later spent one term at the High School at Pulaski,
Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. On the home farm in early
manhood, he did a large amount of stock and wool-buying, and was
much interested in raising stock. When 23 years old he went to
Champaign County, Illinois, where he remained on the farm for a time
and then accepted a position as deputy for the county clerk of Piatt
County, Illinois. He remained in that State for three years
and then went back to the home farm for two years. After his
marriage, in 1860, he moved to Sandy Lake, Mercer County, and during
a residence there of nine years, he bought and sold three farms and
was extensively interested in buying and selling wool and also in
the oil business. Mr. Bailey had a fine opening for
business in Tennessee, about this time, but he did not accept on
account of his wife's people wishing her to remain nearer the old
home. In 1870 he purchased the place on which he lives and he
owns also a valuable tract of 10 acres situated about one mile west.
He has made many improvements on his land here and has a very
valuable property. He does little farming, devoting his
attention to the raising of fine stock. At one time he made a
specialty of white faced cattle, known as Herefords, and he has
owned some very valuable herds. Prior to going to Illinois, he
was in business for himself, buying and selling cattle and also did
business for Milton Powers. His extensive dealings made
necessary many trips to New York, Chicago and other points, and he
is well posted concerning all kinds of stock and their markets.
On Mar. 8, 1860, Mr. Bailey was married to
Marilla Stewart, who is a daughter of William Stewart,
and they have had five children: Blanche, Inez, William Orrin,
Clyde Lester, and one deceased. The eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey was educated in the local schools and the
Rayen High School at Youngstown, and was a successful teacher in
Coitsville and Hubbard townships. She married David Black
and they have one son, Lucian. Inez, the second
daughter, was educated at Grove City and Poland and taught school in
Poland and Coitsville. She married William G. Cowden.
William Orrin, who is a farmer in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania,
was elected at Grove City, Mercer County, and subsequently graduated
at Valparaiso College, Indiana, and for a number of years
taught school at Hazelton, Ohio. For some time he was a
bookkeeper and treasurer for Black Brothers Milling Company, at
Beatrice, Nebraska. He married Anna Moore, of Lawrence
County, and they have four children: Lloyd Lester, Harold Moore,
Russell Dale and Cecil. Clyde Lester, who is a
commercial traveler, representing Darling & Company, of the
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, was educated at Grove City and later
taught school at Thorne Hill and New Bedford. He married
Brittomarte, Roatch, who is a daughter of Col. David E. and
Alice D. (Sala) Roatch. During the Civil War, Colonel
Roatch enlisted as a private, serving three months in the 19th
Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, subsequently re-enlisting, in
1861, in Company I, First Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in
which he became a first lieutenant. His next enlistment was in
the 98th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, after the battle of
Perryville, in which he was promoted to a captaincy, later was made
major and still later, lieutenant-colonel. He served two
months on General Beatty's staff. After the close of
the war he became a prominent citizen of Carroll County, where he
served two terms as sheriff. His death occurred there in 1897.
Mr. Bailey and family belong to the Hopewell Presbyterian
Church at New Bedford.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 735 - 736 |

Hon. Frank L. Baldwin |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 561 |
treasurer and superintendent of The Mahoning Gas Fuel Company, at
Youngstown, has been a resident of this city since the spring of
1888. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mr.
Barger was reared and educated in his native State, studied
law and was admitted to the bar in 1866. For a few years he
practiced his profession in Philadelphia and through the
northwestern part of Pennsylvania. He then became interested
in the oil fields and remained more or less identified with the
industries of the oil sections until April, 1888, when he came from
Oil City to Youngstown, at that time assuming the duties of his
present position. During the Civil War, Mr. Barger
served in both the land and sea forces of the Government. He
was a member of the expedition sent to the West Indies to annex the
island of Santo Domingo, and was also with the expedition under
Commodore Shuefeldt to Tehuantepec and Nicaragua, in the
interests of the ship canal.
In 1876, at Geneva, New York, Mr. Barker
was married to Louise Page, and they have two
children, namely: Helen Margaret, who married John
Searight, residing- at New Castle, Pennsylvania; and Adele
C., who resides with her parents. Mr. Barger
is a Knight Templar Mason. He belongs to George G. Meade Post
No. 1, G. A. R., of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 851 |
BEARDSLEY & SON, owners and proprietors of Dean Hill
Dairy Farm, one of the largest and best equipped dairy farms in
Mahoning County, consisting of 340 acres of land, situated northwest
of Canfield, in Canfield township, are representative men of this
section. Almus Beardsley was born on his father's farm
in Canfield township, near his present residence, in Mahoning
County, Ohio, Jan. 2, 1828, and is a son of Philo and Lois (Gunn)
Philo Beardsley was born in Litchfield County,
Connecticut, and he was a son of Philo Beardsley, who spent
his life on his New England farm. His children were:
Birdsey, Jasiah, Philo, Curtis, Almus, Agnes, Anna and Sarah,
all of whom have passed away. Curtis, Jasiah and
Almus all settled in Mahoning County. The latter made a
prospecting visit to Canfield township, visiting all this locality
on horseback, and after locating a claim in the green woods that
then covered all the land, he returned to Connecticut and was there
married to Lois Smith Gunn, who was a daughter of Chauncey
After marriage, Philo Beardsley and bride,
accompanied by Curtis Beardsley, left the comfortable old
homestead in Connecticut, with a huge covered wagon drawn by a team
of strong horses and driving a yoke of oxen, and penetrated into the
deep forest where was situated the pioneer farm that was to remain
their home until death. It is probable that they lived in the
wagon until the first log cabin was constructed, as many other
settlers did, but the first rough house was later replaced by a
larger and better one, in which Almus Beardsley was born.
Philo Beardsley purchased 130 acres and to this
he kept adding until, at the time of his death, he owned 200 acres,
and he cleared the larger portion of this land himself. He
carried on general farming for many years and kept sheep and cattle.
He was one of the founders of the cheese industry in this section,
and devoted much attention to the production of fine cheese and
butter. His dairy was one of the first that was successfully
operated in this neighborhood. His first wife died after the
birth of 12 children, and Mr. Beardsley was married (second)
to Mary Smith. The children were all born to the first
union and were as follows: Chauncy, deceased; Daniel,
deceased; Mary, deceased; Birdsey; Mary (2);
Almus; Frederick, deceased; Louis, deceased; Kezelia;
Keturah, deceased; Philo A.; and a babe, deceased.
Mr. Beardsley was left a widower a second time. He
lived until an aged man.
Almus Beardsley was reared on the home farm and
had but few educational opportunities, attending an old stone
school-house in the neighborhood for a short time. The study
of his grammar book for a half day convinced him that he liked
better to drive horses than to attend school. There was plenty
of work to do on the home farm and there was a great abundance of
everything for material comfort and Mr. Beardsley made no
hard effort to save his money before he was 25 years old.
Wages were not very high in those days and he has sheared sheep for
three cents a head. When he was about 21 years of age he had
his first experience away from home. An Irish drover wished
his assistance to drive sheep from Canfield township to Lancaster,
Pennsylvania. The outward trip took considerable time and the
walking was not always good, but the drovers delivered the sheep
safely and on their return journey made the trip from Harrisburg to
Pittsburg, in five days. Mr. Beardsley was paid at the
rate of $1 for every 40 miles.
After his marriage, in 1853, Mr. Beardsley
rented the old home farm from his father for 11 years, although he
already owned 27 acres which he had purchased from Mr. Wadsworth
and to which he kept adding as opportunity offered. His
residence tract of 40 acres he subsequently bought of J. L.
Caldwell, and, at the time of purchase, there stood an old brick
house on the place. This residence did not agree with Mr.
Beardsley's ideas of improvement and he tore it down and in
place erected his handsome eight-room brick home which is both
comfortable and attractive, and he also has added large barns and
other necessary buildings to provide for both his agricultural
operations and his dairying. He has spent many hundreds of
dollars in making these admirable improvements. He has two
silos, has put stone foundations under his buildings and has done a
large amount of tiling. Although he has been a very successful
farmer, he has made the most of his ample fortune in cattle and has
done especially well with sheep. For the past 15 years he has
been associated with his son in a retail dairy business, the milk,
cream and butter from the Dean Hill Dairy Farm commanding a
high price at Youngstown. Mr. Beardsley has never lost
his youthful interest in horses, and for years has made a specialty
of raising Shetland ponies which are disposed of all over the
On Sept. 26, 1854, Mr. Beardsley was married to
Mary P. Dean, who is a daughter of Hiram and Ruby (Mason)
Dean, and they have had the following children: Dock, who
died at the age of two years; Frederick, who died aged two
years; Ruby, deceased, who was the wife of Ewing Gault,
residing in Jackson township; Sarah, who married Willis
Wilson, who is a mail carrier at Canfield, has three children,
Wilbur, Earl and Pearl; Ensign, residing in Green
township, married Flora Stewart, and they have four children,
Daniel, Ruby, Noble and Almus; and Hiram, who
is associated with his father in the management and operation of the
Dean Hill Dairy Farm.
Mr. Bearsley and family belong to the Christian
Church, in which he is a deacon. In politics, he is identified
with the Republican party, and on its ticket has been elected road
supervisor, in which office he served with efficiency. He is a
member of the Grange at Canfield.
Century History of Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio and
Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1907 - Page 783 |
N. BEARDSLEY, residing on his valuable farm of 133 acres,
situated in section 24, Green township, is a successful farmer and
dairyman and is also a representative citizen of this neighborhood.
Mr. Beardsley was born in Canfield township, Mahoning County,
Ohio, Oct. 2, 1873, and is a son of Almus and Mary P. (Dean)
Beardsley, the latter of whom died Dec. 5, 1905.
The Beardsley family is of English extraction
and the founders in America came to New England in colonial days.
From there the sons and daughters in succeeding generations have
spread through many states, the first one coming to this section of
Ohio being Captain Philo Beardsley, the grandfather of
Ensign N. He was a native of Connecticut and was a very
early settler in Canfield Township, where his son Almus was
born Jan. 2, 1829. The latter is one of the old and
substantial citizens of that township. He was one of the early
encouragers of the Grange movement and has been identified with the
development of other interests. In politics he is a
Ensign N. Beardsley was reared in Canfield
township and educated in the public schools and the Northeastern
Ohio Normal College at Canfield. He was also a student for a
short period in the agricultural department of the Ohio State
University at Columbus. His one surviving brother, Hiram J.,
farming in Canfield township, and his one sister, Sarah T.,
who married W. C. Wilson residing at Canfield, also enjoyed
excellent educational advantages. Mr. Beardsley is
considered a very capable farmer and an equally successful dairyman.
In the latter industry he has well-fitted quarters and conducts his
business along modern lines.
On May 6, 1895, Mr. Beardsley was married to
Flora Stewart, who was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, and is a
daughter of Josiah Stewart, late of Franklin Square,
Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley have had eight children, the
four surviving being: Daniel S., Ruby, Noble W. and Almus
L. Mr. Beardsley is a friend of education, and his
children will have many advantages. In politics he votes
generally with the Republican party, but claims a right to act
independently when his judgment urges him to do so.
Mr. Beardsley has long been a member of
Greenford Grange No. 1085, Patrons of Husbandry, of which he is now
master, and is always ready to take part in movements looking to the
development for better agricultural conditions. He is a member
of the Disciples Church at Greenford.
Century History of Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio and
Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1907 - Page 863 |
JOHN BEARDSLEY, township trustee of Canfield township and
manager of the Dean Hill Dairy Farm, was born in Canfield township,
Mahoning County, Ohio, Aug. 3, 1878. After completing a
preparatory course at the Canfield Union School, he attended the
Northeastern Ohio Normal University at Canfield, and was graduated
in the scientific course in 1897. He has lived on the home
farm all his life and given intelligent attention to the management
of its varied interests. The Dean Hill Dairy Farm
is known all over this section and its fancy creamery butter
finds ready sale, the output being over 10,000 pounds annually.
There is a record showing that 4,368 cows were milked here in four
months. The dairy now has a fine herd of choice cows and on
the farm there are some 70 head of cattle and 60 head of sheep.
The farm raises and sells Jersey cattle, Berkshire hogs, Shetland
ponies and Shropshire sheep. Hiram John Beardsley is
agent for the Cleveland Dryer Company's fertilizers and the
Perfection Spring Lock Wire Fencing.
On June 8, 1903, Mr. Beardsley was married to
Ellen Zieger, who is a daughter of John and Clara (Martin)
Zieger, and they have one son, Ward Dean.
Politically, Mr. Beardsley, like his father, is a Republican,
and was first elected township trustee in 1900, and was re-elected
in 1905. He is a member of the Canfield Grange.
Century History of Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio and
Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago,
Illinois - 1907 - Page 784 |

Lloyd Booth |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page
579 |
president of the John Brenner Jewelry Company, at Youngstown,
established this business and conducted it alone for 27 years, and
enjoys the distinction of being the oldest continuous business man
on Federal street. Mr. Brenner was born in Europe and
was 14 years of age when he accompanied his parents to Youngstown,
Mr. Brenner entered the jewelry store of Mr.
Bakody, in this city, where he learned the jewelry business,
remaining with him for five years, engaging then in business for
himself, beginning in a small room of 24 feet dimensions, on Federal
street. This business has expanded until it occupies the
present commodious quarters on West Federal street. In 1904,
Mr. Brenner had his business incorporated, under the laws of
Ohio, as the John Brenner Jewelry Company, with a capital
stock of $20,000. The officers are: John Brenner,
president, Conrad Brenner, vice president, and Carl
Brenner, secretary and treasurer. A general business is
done in diamonds, watches and all kinds of jewelry, a specialty
being made of diamonds. The house stands very high in the
trade and they are rated as reliable, first class men of business.
Mr. Brenner is also president of the Youngstown Cattle
Company, which is extensively interested in the growing of cattle
and fruit in Cuba, where they own a large amount of land. In
the Youngstown Cattle Company he has as associate officers, F. W.
Young, of Mineral Ridge, as vice president, and Albert H.
Buehrle, as secretary and treasurer. Since its
organization, Mr. Brenner has been president of the Masonic
Temple Company.
In 1879 Mr. Brenner was married to Mary
Wellendorf, of New Castle, Pennsylvania, and they have one
daughter, Irma who is the wife of B. Frank Thomas, of
J. R. Thomas Sons. The family belongs to the First
Reformed Church, in which Mr. Brenner has been an elder for
many years. Fraternally, Mr. Brenner is a 32nd degree
Mason and has been treasurer of Western Star Lodge for 12 years.
He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, belonging to the
committees on streets and membership. He is a man of great
public spirit, energy and enterprise and stands as a representative
business man of this city.
20th Century History of Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio and
Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago,
Illinois -
1907 - Page 763 |
N. BROWN, attorney-at-law, at Youngstown, with law office in
the Maloney block on Wick avenue, was born in 1854, at Canfield, in
Mahoning County, Ohio,a and is a son of Richard and Thalia F.
(Newton) Brown.
Richard Brown, born in Derbyshire, England, was a
son of Captain John Brown, an officer in the English army,
and came to America about 1845. He married Thalia F. Newton,
a daughter of Hon. Eben Newton, who settled in
Mahoning County in 181 5, and who lived his whole life at Canfield,
with the exception of a few years during which he practiced law at
Cincinnati. He was the first judge of Mahoning County, was a
member of the state senate and in 1852 was elected a member of
congress from this district. Some time after 1860 he served
again as a member of the Ohio state senate.
Ensign N. Brown was an infant when he was taken
to New York city, where he \vas carefully reared and educated, his
father being a merchant there. In 1878 he returned to
Canfield, called there to look after his grandfather's interests,
and, in accordance with the wishes of the aged jurist, he entered
upon the study of law in the office of Judges Van Hyning and
Johnston. In 1880 he was admitted to the bar at Columbus, and
then located at Youngstown, where he has gained a prominent position
in the profession. He is a member of the Law Library Association.
In 1876 Mr. Brown was married to
Jeanette Cooper, of New York City, and they have two
daughters, Genevieve Newton and Bessie Hunt.
Mr. Brown has always taken a good citizen's interest
in politics, but has never consented to be a candidate for office.
He is one of the leading Masons of the city, having been identified
with the fraternity for thirty years, and is past master of the Blue
Lodge. He is a member of St. John's Church.
20th Century History of Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio and
Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago,
Illinois -
1907 - Page |
HARVEY O. BROWN, general merchant
at New Springfield, is one of the leading men of this place, where
he has been established in business since 1896. He was born in
Springfield township, Mahoning County, Ohio, July 28, 1871, and is a
son of Jeremiah and Sophia (Miller) Brown.
Harvey O. Brown was reared on his father's farm and
in boyhood attended the district schools. Later he went to
school in Canfield and then engaged in teaching in Mahoning County,
for four years. He also took a commercial course in Duffy's
Business College, at Pittsburg, after which he went to New
Cumberland, West Virginia, where he worked for one year in a
pottery. After his return to Springfield township he taught
school for two more years and then embarked in his present
enterprise at New Springfield. Mr. Brownhas an immense
store, one that would do credit in every way to a large city and
does an approximitely large business. He began with quarters
but one-third the size of his present commodious two-story building,
the latter of which he erected in 1905, forced to do so by his
rapidly increasing trade. Here he has 55 to 60 feet on the
second floor, while in the rear he has a store room for farm
machinery which gives 60 by 40 feet of space and in addition he has
a large warehouse. All this space is needed to accommodate his
large and varied stock of goods, which include dry goods, groceries,
hardware, farm implements, buggies, wagons, paints and oils, in fact
about everything a rich surrounding agricultural community requires
and a critical town taste demands. He runs a delivery wagon and in
addition to his own services, requires the assistance of three
capable clerks.
On Aug. 25, 1898, Mr. Brown was married
to Jennie Rinkenberger, who was born on a farm in
Springfield township, one-half mile from New Springfield. Her
father, William Rinkenberger, resides with Mr. and
Mrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Brown
have five children, namely: Harvey Guy, aged seven
years; Helen, aged five years; Pauline, aged three
years, and Burton Jeremiah and Elbert William,
twin sons.
Mr. Brown is identified with
the Demo party. For four years he was township clerk and has
served two years as school director.
He is treasurer of the New Springfield Butter Manufacturing Company,
and is one of its directors. His fraternal connection |is with the
Knights of Pythias, being a member of Manitou Lodge, No. 383, at
North Lima.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page |
BROWN, a retired citizen of New Middletown, for many years was a
prominent agriculturist of Springfield township, and resided on his
well-improved farm of 105-1/2 acres. He was born Mar. 24,
1834, in Springfield township, Mahoning County, Ohio, and is a son
of David and Hannah (Flaucher) Brown.
The parents of Mr. Brown came to Ohio
from Pennsylvania, the father acquiring 80 acres of land in
Springfield township, on which he lived for many years prior to
moving to Grundy County, Iowa, where both he and his wife died.
They had the following children: a babe that died in infancy;
Nancy, who married Isaac Snyder, residing in
Kansas; Jeremiah; Eli, residing in Grundy County,
Iowa; Leah, deceased; and Manassas, residing at
Devil's Lake, North Dakota. In politics, David Brown
was a Democrat. He was a consistent member of the German
Baptist Church.
Jeremiah Brown remained at home until he
was years of age, obtaining his education in the common schools of
his neighborhood and securing; agricultural training; on his
father's land. He worked for himself for some two years prior
to his marriage and then settled on a farm which consisted of 60
acres, the buildings standing in Springfield township but a part of
the land being in Pennsylvania. He operated that farm for six
years and then came to the farm on which he lived before moving into
New Middletown in 1896. He made many improvements on his
place, remodeled the buildings and introduced modern methods of
Mr. Brown was married ( first ) to Sophia
Miller, and they had three children, namely: Valentine,
residing at St. Louis, has two children, Dale and Nora;
Harvey O., residing at New Springfield, and Francis,
residing in California. On Apr. 4, 1894, Mr. Brown
was married (second) to Rebecca Ilgenfritz, who was
born in Springfield township, and is a daughter of Frederick
and Elizabeth (Miller) Ilgenfritz.
Mr. Brown has been a life-long Democrat, but has
never been willing to accept public office. He is a member of
the Lutheran Church.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 782 |

James H. Brown |
one of the earliest iron manufacturers in the Mahoning valley, was
born of English parentage at Glamorganshire, Wales, July 24, 1810.
He was cradled in the iron business, his father and father having
been iron manufacturers. At the age of four he was brought to
this country by his parents, who settled in Maryland. His
father, John Brown, erected the Ellicott iron and
copper mills near Baltimore. Here, at an early age, Mr.
Brown began to learn the iron business with his father.
His educational advantages being limited, he thirsted for knowledge.
A prominent family gave him access to their extensive library, to
the kindness of whom he often after referred as owning much of the
success of his life. Diligently studying at night, possessed
of a bight mind and retentive memory, he acquired a good education.
According to an old-time custom, his father claimed his wages until
he became of age. On this account when 20 years old, he left
home and sought employment in the iron mills at Montalto,
Pennsylvania. Here he showed such a knowledge of the business
that when his father came after him, his employer offered the young
man such great inducements that his father allowed him to remain.
He was soon after made manager of the works. From Montalto he
went to superintend the works at Antietam, which his father had
built, and later to superintend the mills at Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, conducting them all in a most profitable manner.
In January, 1839, Mr. James D. White of New
Castle, Pennsylvania, sent for him to lay the foundation and
superintend the construction of the first iron works there. At
the death of Mr. White he leased and ran the null very
successfully until it was sold to A. L. Crawford & Company,
Mr. Brown purchasing an interest. The practical
management of the concern was left with him. The partnership
being successful, at the end of four years he erected another mill
in company with Joseph Higgs and Edward
Thomas. This establishment was considered one of the
finest plants in the states. Additional capital being
necessary, three more partners were admitted. Mr.
Brown managed the mechanical portion in a profitable manner, but
through the dishonesty of one of the new partners, the financial
management was a failure. About this time the mill burned down
and Mr. Brown found himself, after sixteen years of
unceasing labor, poor and penniless. In desperation he, with
his younger brother, Richard, drove over to Youngstown, then
a village of 2,800 inhabitants, to see if they could not negotiate
for the purchase of Wick Brothers' old mill, and move
it over to New Castle. This was in 1855. The mill had
not been running for years, was rusted and neglected, requiring much
labor and money to put in order. The brothers, however,
decided to buy it if they could. "We haven't a cent." they
said, "but we know how to make iron." Their reputation had
gone before them, and they soon came to terms with the owners, who
agreed to sell the mill on time if they would let it remain in
Youngstown. This they consented to do. A partnership was
formed, called Brown, Bonnell & Company, consisting of
Joseph and his brothers Richard, Nathaniel and
Thomas Brown and William Bonnell, all of
whom had been associated together in the iron business in New
Castle, and James Westerman of Youngstown. The
purchasers were to pay $100,000, $25,000 each year for four years.
Repairs were at once begun and forty men with their families moved
over from New Castle by stage and canal to work in the mill.
At first the new firm had an exceedingly hard time to keep in
business. It was only by indomitable perseverance that the
mill was kept ging. Youngstown was practically dead
then and the people in their joy at having something to do,
willingly put up with many inconveniences. The workmen
received no cash, but were paid by the firm's orders on a local
store, in which the former owners of the mill were interested.
In spite of all these difficulties, the energetic firm succeeded in
paying for the plant in the time specified. Their motto was
"Good iron and fair dealing." Their success was phenomenal, so
that these mills soon became the second largest exclusive iron plant
in America and the names of its founders will go down to posterity
as the architects and builders of the city's fortunes. Mr.
Brown was the inventor of a number of improvements in the making
of iron, which he never patented. One of them was the method
of manufacturing nails with the fiber of the iron running lengthwise
instead of across the nails. This has been the universal way
of making cut nails ever since. He also built one of the first
two close-top blast furnaces in this country (not knowing the other
was under construction), reconverting blast furnace practice in this
country. In 1875 Mr. Brown, in company with Mr.
William Bonnell of Youngstown, and Messrs. Samuel, George W.
and Charles B. Hale and Joseph T. Torrence, of
Chicago, built the Joseph H. Brown iron and steel works of
South Chicago, afterwards sold to the Calumet Iron and Steel
Mr. Brown was one of the founders of the
merchant iron firm of "Cleveland Brown & Company," of Cleveland,
Ohio, also one of the founders and one of the early presidents of
the Mahoning National Bank and a director of the First National Bank
of Youngstown. He was the president of the Brown-Bonnell
Company from its beginning until the sale of his interest to
Herbert Ayer of Chicago in 1879. In political matters he
took no important part, but held that it was the duty of every good
citizen to always cast his vote. A man of large brain, well
informed on political economy, he was asked to a conference of
leading statesmen and frequently was called before the ways and
means committee at Washington to give his views. During his
residence at Chicago he was president of the "Tarriff League of
America." After the sale of the Joseph H. Brown Iron
and Steel Works at Chicago, Mr. Brown, with his family,
returned to Youngstown, at the age of 72, much broken in health.
The death of his wife in June, 1886, was a severe blow to him, and
contributed largely to hasten his demise a few months later, Nov.
17, 1886. He was a member of the Trinity M. E. Church and
contributed largely to its support, as he did to all charitable and
benevolent institutions in the city, doing so as far as possible
without publicity, and no worthy suppliant was ever turned away.
In 1832 he was married to Miss Susanna Oellig, a
daughter of Dr. John Oellig, a prominent physician of
Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. They had twelve children, four of
whom died in infancy. The others are: Mrs. Edwin J.
Warner, Mrs. Cyrus E. Felton, J. Oellig Brown, Edmond L. Brown, Ella
Brown, Emily Brown, Mrs. William Powers and Joseph H. Brown,
Jr. The last two are now deceased.
He was a most affectionate husband and indulgent
father, to his friends cordial, generous and pleasant. His
face glowed with benevolence and good cheer. A man of great
business sagacity, high-minded and honorable, of stubborn integrity,
his word was his bond. A portrait of this estimable citizen is
published in connection with this article.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 607 |

Richard Brown |
pioneer iron manufacturer, whose portrait appears on a neighboring
page of this volume, was the son of John and Elizabeth (Swain)
Brown, natives of England. He came from a long line of
Christian ancestry. His maternal grandfather was a Wesleyan
clergyman, his great-uncle, Joseph Swain, a celebrated
Baptist clergyman and composer of the Walworth hymns. Of his
mother, Bishop Scott said, "I have seldom, if ever, seen so
ripe a Christian."
Mr. Brown inherited his aptitude for the iron
business from his father and grandfather who had the reputation of
making the best iron in Wales. His father came to this country
in 1814, and was one of the pioneer iron manufacturers of America.
Among the plants of his erection the first was at Ellicott Mills,
Maryland, where his son Richard was born Nov. 27, 1824.
Mr. Brown received such advantages of education as the local
schools of that time afforded.
When 21 years of age he went to New Castle,
Pennsylvania, to join his elder brothers Joseph and
Nathaniel who were engaged in the iron business there. His
life from that time on is more interesting than many a story book.
He arrived in New Castle in almost the same condition as that in
which Benjamin Franklin entered Philadelphia. All his
earthly possessions consisted of a church letter (which he presented
the following Sunday), one hundred dollars in bank notes, and some
small change. Unfortunately, the bank on which the notes were
drawn had just failed and he had nothing left but the small change
with which to begin life. He often laughingly asserted that it
was the first Sunday in New Castle that his fortunes began because
it was then at Sunday-school where he first saw and fell in love
with his wife.
He received a position at the mills as roll turner, at
which he earned $1.25 a day by working long hours. In
December, he was taken ill with fever. It was a year before he
could work again. His illness left him not only weak and out
of work but deeply in debt for food and medicine. Doubtless
many a man of less moral strength and courage would have given up in
despair. But out of these trials he emerged all the more
determined and hopeful. He secured a position in Orizaba
rolling mill of which his brother Joseph was a partner and
manager. He was accustomed to begin work at five in the
morning and work until four in the afternoon at the rolls, and from
four until six he worked at roll turning, clearing $3.00 a day, and
to earn a little extra money he frequently worked after supper until
bed time.
On Dec. 27, 1849, Mr. Brown was married to
Henrietta A. Chenoweth, and they went to England on their
wedding tour. Mr. Brown's purpose was to visit the iron
mills of Wales. The trip from New Castle to New York was in
those days a great undertaking. The young couple were almost a
week in reaching Philadelphia, part by stage and canal boat and over
the mountains by inclined plane. From Philadelphia to New York
they took the railway train, which required a full half day to
accomplish the trip. This was considered dangerous speed and
those who traveled it were thought to be risking life and limb.
Steamboats were considered dangerous experiments and the people had
not yet recovered from the excitement of the loss of the steamship
President not long before. When Mr. Brown
reached New York with a letter of introduction to Horace
Greely he asked his opinion of the comparative safety of the
and sailing vessel. At Mr. Greely's advice they
took the latter. The trip over was accomplished in 18 days and
the return in 30.
In 1855 the iron works in New Castle burned down and
Mr. Brown and his brother lost all they had. With a
determination that makes heroes of men they sought at once a new
enterprise. Hearing of an abandoned mill at Youngstown, Ohio,
Richard and his brother Joseph negotiated for the
purchase. A company was formed including the Brown Brothers.
Mr. Wiliam Bonell and Mr.
James Westerman. With credit and character for their only
capital, they gave their notes for $100,000. With rigid
economy and great industry they paid for it in four years.
That they were thenceforth in the highest degree successful is
attested by the extensive plant founded by them, called Brown,
Bonnell & Company, who products soon became known in all
markets of the world. In fact it is the cornerstone upon which has
been reared the superstructure of Youngstown's growth and
During the great growth of Youngstown Mr.
Brown was interested in many of its manufacturing enterprises.
He retired from business in 1891 and spent his winters at his
country residence in Florida. His blissful married life lasted
for over 50 years. He and his wife celebrated, their golden
wedding at Youngstown in the company of 25 nieces and nephews, three
of whom were members of his household. Mr. and Mrs. Brown
had no children but had a strong attachment for them, and were
called Uncle Richard and Aunt Hetty by
almost the entire community.
Mr. Brown was a most successful
superintendent of Trinity M. E. Sunday-school for over 20 years.
He was the leading figure in Trinity Church and it was largely
through his efforts and generosity that the present handsome stone
edifice was made possible. In order to help humanity he was
identified for years with all the best things in Youngstown.
He has given time, thought, money and influence to practically every
good movement. He was a most liberal giver to each of the five
Methodist Episcopal Churches, the public library and Young Men's
Christian Association. For several years before his death he
was president of the Board of Trustees of Mount Union College up to
which time his interest towards this institution never ceased.
He was a staunch and diligent worker in the temperance cause and in
every way possible he sought to elevate and help humanity.
Among his beautiful traits of character which was apparent to all
who knew him, was his cheerful view of life and human nature.
He carried a happy heart and more sunshine fell into other lives
when he passed by. On one time an abused confidence seemed
destined to bring financial disaster to him when his day for labor
was passed. His attorney said of him: "I had not then nor have
I since seen such quiet fortitude in the midst of such adverse
surroundings. I learned then to know why he could have led so
noble and good a life. His Maker had so fashioned him that ot
be good and help were but the manifestations of his nature."
At the time of his demise an editorial said "In the death of
Richard Brown, Youngstown loses a great power for good. He
was an altruist by nature, and was one of the few men who never
allowed anything to dull or blunt his conscience. He never
became pessimistic and in spite of prosperity he never became dazed
by the glitter of gold. He was superior to his environments
and lived and died a true Christian. For years the name of
Richard Brown had been synonymous in Youngstown with goodness,
kindliness and generosity. He gave not because of ostentation
or for publicity, but through a sense of duty and out of the innate
openness of his heart. Such men as Richard Brown are of
more vital importance to a community than fine residences, monuments
of art, mills and furnaces, and great bank accounts.
"He will live long in the memory of the people, not
because he made a success in life from a worldly standpoint, not
because he acquired wealth, but because he lived without guile, and
tried, by the best of his ability to make all with whom he came in
contact happy and hopeful."
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 585 |