Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens -
Publ. Biographical Publ. Co.
Chicago, Illinois -
REEDER was born in Brookfield, Ohio, Oct. 28, 1830, and was
the son of Washington and Caroline (Mattocks) Reeder, and
grandson of Benjamin Reeder, who came form Geneva, Cayuga
county, New York, and settled on lot twenty-nine, in Hartford, July
9, 1817. When he was a boy of thirteen he found employment on
the Erie extension canal. In 1845 the family removed to
Louisville, Kentucky, and soon he secured a situation on a flat-boat
as cook; subsequently he became a pilot on a coal boat, and
continued on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers in that capacity until
the outbreak of the Rebellion, when the business becoming unsafe it
was discontinued and coal was transported by steamers. In 1862
he became a licensed steamboat pilot running between Pittsburg and
New Orleans, and during the last three years of the war of the
Rebellion was engaged in the transportation service. After the
close of the war he took command of a tow-boat until failing health
caused him to retire from river life, and in 1871 he settled on lot
forty-three, in Hartford, where he now resides. He married
Maryett Bartholomew Aug. 8, 1854, who was a descendant of
Seth Bartholomew, one of the pioneers of Vienna township.
Their children are Charlie Willis, Ruby Ann, and Frank
Carlyle. Mr. Reeder has served two terms as trustee of the
township, and three years as justice of the peace. He is a
member of Jerusalem lodge No. 19, Free and Accepted Masons, also a
member of Mahoning chapter No. 66, Royal Arch Masons. The
first ancestor of this family in America, Joseph Reeder, came
from London, England, and settled on Long Island some time previous
to 1700, and according to tradition in the family his wife was
sister to William or Orange, who superseded James II.
on the throne of England. Their sons were Joseph, Benjamin,
and William. Joseph settled in New Jersey, and his
son Jacob settled in Pennsylvania, and his eldest son,
Benjamin, who was born May 15, 1769, with his family settled in
Ohio. Thus families follow the "star of empire" westward.
20th Century History of Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio and
Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago,
Illinois -
1907 - Page 286 |

William W. Riblet |
20th Century History of Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio and
Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. -
Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 717 |
D. L.
president of The Rose & Johnson Company, wholesale
grocers, located on West Front Street, Youngstown, was born in
Medina County, Ohio, in 1855, and was 11 years of age when his
parents moved to Mahoning County. Until he was 27 years of
age, Mr. Rose remained on the home farm and then embarked in
a mercantile business at Rosemont, where he continued in business
for 17 years. In 1895 Mr. Rose came to Youngstown in
the capacity of city salesman for the Baldwin-Carnahan Company,
wholesale grocers, and remained associated with that firm until it
was absorbed by the J. H. Fitch Company, a period of
six years. In 1901 Mr. Rose, in partnership with
Alfred Johnson, engaged in the produce business, under the firm
name of Rose & Johnson, later drifting into the wholesale
grocery trade. On June 1, 1895, their business became an
incorporated concern, The Rose & Johnson Company, capitalized
at $50,000. The officers are: D. L. Rose, president;
N. P. Johnson vice president, and Alfred Johnson
secretary and treasurer.
In 1905 the company erected a fine brick building for
business purposes, locating it on Front street, having three stories
and basement, its dimensions being 40 by 154 feet. This gives
them 25,000 feet of floor space. The Company keeps four men on
the road, covering western Pennsylvania and northeastern Ohio.
Mr. Rose was first married, in
1875 to Miss Rebecca W. Smith, who passed away in February,
1900, aged 44 years, leaving one child, Minna, now Mrs.
Minna E. Leedy, a resident of Portland, Oregon. Mr.
Rose was a member of the Westminster Presbyterian Church.
In 1902 Mr. Rose was married to Emma Wickline,
of Salem, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Rose belong to the
Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Politically, Mr. Rose is a Republican.
Fraternally, he belongs to the Knights of Pythias and to Council
NO. 233, Protected Home Circle, and is a charter member of the
United Commercial Traveler's Association of Mahoning County.
20th Century History of Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio and
Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago,
Illinois -
1907 - Page 996 |
GEORGE E. ROSE, formerly judge of Probate Court of Mahoning
County, now a member of the important law firm of Norris, Jackson
& Rose, with offices at Nos. 608-613 Dollar Bank Building,
Youngstown, is one of the city's prominent men, one who is
identified with many of its important interests. He was born
Dec. 9, 1857, at Carlisle, Loraine County, Ohio, and entered
Dartmouth College from which he was graduated in 1881. After
his admission to the bar, in 1883, he settled at Youngstown,
entering upon the practice of law and also taking an intelligent
interest in local politics. In the spring of 1888 he was
elected city solicitor on the Republican ticket, and served as such
for two terms. In 1893, he was elected judge of the Probate
Court. Since retiring from the bench in 1900, Mr. Rose
has given his whole attention to a large private practice and has
been associated with men of legal ability and more than city
prominence. Sidney D. Lamar Jackson, the second member of
the firm, of Norris, Jackson, & Rose, which was formed in
November, 1900, was formerly prosecuting attorney of Mahoning
County, and each member has gained distinction in some line of
Judge Rose married Louise H.
Baxter, a daughter of Heman Baxter, and they have one
child, Louise M. The family are members of the
Presbyterian Church. They have a very pleasant home at No. 204
Arlington street, Youngstown. Judge Rose is a
Republican in politics and, fraternally, is an Elk and Knight of
20th Century History of Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio and
Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago,
Illinois -
1907 - Page 996 |