Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens -
Publ. Biographical Publ. Co.
Chicago, Illinois -
general merchant and farmer, located at the old Blanco postoffice,
in Milton township, was born June 16, 1855, in Milton township,
Mahoning County, Ohio, and is a son of Solomon Kale was born
in 1817. The latter passed the greater part of his life in
Milton township, where he died at the age of 89 years.
He married Lydia Smith, who was born in Pennsylvania and came
to Mahoning County with her father, Henry Smith when 12 years
of age. He cleared up a farm in the southeast corner of Milton
township on which he passed his life. There were six children
born to Solomon Kale and wife, namely: Sarah, Reuben,
Mary, Martin, Elizabeth and Emory, three of the above
being deceased.
Emory Kale assisted on the home farm and
attended school until he was 18 years of age and then spent two
years in other pursuits, returning at that time to the home farm on
which he remained seven years. When 21 years old he married,
and after leaving the homestead, in association with his wife, he
bought 156 acres of land. For 22 years Mr. Kale has
been improving and cultivating this property. Subsequently he
and his wife started a store to supply the needs of their neighbors
in the surrounding country and three years later, Mr. Kale
was appointed postmaster of what was known as the Blanco postoffice,
and he continued as such until the establishment of the rural mail
route. Mr. and Mrs. Kale have a fine home and
well-stocked store, and all their buildings are solid and
On Dec. 17, 1876, Mr. Kale was married to
Mary Matilda Renkenberger, who is a daughter of Lewis
Renkenberger, mention of whom will be found in the sketch of
Jacob Helsel. Mr. and Mrs. Kale have had four children,
namely: Harry, Theo (deceased), Burton and Zella.
In politics, Mr. Kale is a Democrat.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page
762 |

Hon. James Kennedy |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 533 |

Patrick M. Kennedy |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 753 |
KENREICH, who resides in section 16, Green Township, where he
owns a finely cultivated farm of 230 acres, is one of the
substantial men of this part of Mahoning County. He was born
in Green township, Mahoning County, Ohio, Feb. 15, 1831, and is a
son of Michael and Elizabeth (Dustman) Kenreich.
The Kenreich family is of German extraction
and the father of Elias Kenreich was born in Lancaster
County, and the mother in Washington County, Pennsylvania, of
parents who were born in Germany. Extended and detailed
mention of this prominent Green township family will found in the
sketch of Noah S. Kenreich, in this volume.
Elias Kenreich was reared with his brothers and
sisters in Green township and they attended the district schools
together. Elias chose farming as his occupation and has
never regretted the same, having met with very satisfactory success
in the cultivation of his land and the raising of his cattle and
stock. It has required a great deal of hard work to place his
large farm of 230 acres in its present fine condition, but in his
labors he has been assisted by his capable sons, and they now own a
valuable property.
On Apr. 1, 1875, Mr. Kenreich was married to
Mary Keyser, who was born Oct. 8, 1854, in Green township,
Mahoning County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Jacob and Lydia (Heisy)
Keyser, the former of whom was born in Mahoning and the latter
in Columbiana County, Ohio. Mrs. Kenreich was reared
mainly in Fairfield township, Columbiana County, where her parents
moved in her childhood and where both died.
To Mr. and Mrs. Kenreich have been born ten
children, as follows: Rev. Charles H., who is a
Lutheran minister, located at Scranton, Jackson County, minister,
located at Scranton, Jackson County, Mississippi; Emma A.,
who is a popular music teacher in Green township; William W.
and Walter F., both residing in Green township; Paul G.,
attending the Lutheran College at Winfield, Kansas; and Mary A.,
E. Augustus, Bertha L., Martin G. and Victor L., all
residing in Green township.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenreich are members of the
Lutheran Church at Youngstown. Mr. Kenreich has always
been active in religious work and is ever ready to lend his
influence to advance moral movements. In politics he is a
stanch Republican.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page881 |
a leading farmer of Coitsville township, residing on his farm
located in section 6, was born in Hubbard, Trumbull County, Ohio,
Oct. 27, 1830, and is a son of Rayen and Mary A. (Gray) Kirk.
Andrew Kirk, grandfather of our subject, was born
in New Jersey and was a blacksmith by trade. He served in the
War of 1812 under Colonel Rayen, entering in the service from
Coitsville township, then in Trumbull County, where he and his wife,
Elizabeth (Baldwin) Kirk, lived on a farm given them by her
Rayen Kirk was born in Youngstown township, and
was reared in Mahoning County, which was then Trumbull County.
He was a blacksmith by trade and after his marriage moved to
Hubbard, where for many years he conducted a blacksmith shop,
Teamsters with six and eight-horse teams came many miles to Hubbard
to have their horses shod. About the time of the outbreak of
the Civil War Mr. Kirk and all his family, with the exception
of our subject and his sister Jane, moved to Delaware County,
Iowa, where he engaged in farming and also conducted a small
blacksmith shop. Here he remained the rest of his life dying
at the age of 88 years, and his widow lived to the advanced age of
90 years. Nine children were born to Rayen Kirk and
wife, namely: Mrs. Caroline Eberhart, deceased; Andrew;
Mary, Mrs. McClelland; Mrs. Jane Kimmel, deceased; Mrs.
Austria Kramer, deceased; Austin Kirk, a twin of Austria,
is a resident of DesMoines, Iowa; Ward, lives at Humansville,
Missouri; Ralph, died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Calvin
lives at Strawberry Point, Iowa.
Andrew Kirk has been engaged principally in
farming; but taught district school for two terms in Hubbard, and
also at Brookfield, Trumbull County, Ohio, after which he commenced
farming in which occupation he has since continued. In 1856,
he located on a farm which he owned in Brookfield, residing there
until 1861 when he came to his present place, in 1865 building a
fine large house, which he remodeled, 20 years later into a modern
up-to-date residence. Mr. Kirk was also agent for
sewing-machines many years but since coming here has devoted his
time almost entirely to general farming.
Mr. Kirk was married in 1855 to Letitia
Mackey, a sister of James Mackey, a sketch of whom will
be found in this work. They have reared a family of four
children: Eugene, a resident of Youngstown, Ohio, a civil
engineer and surveyor, who is married and has had two children, of
whom but one, Helen, is living; Carrie L., who lives
at home, and has taught at the Union school on McGuffy street for 20
years; and Natalie, and Emma, who are twins.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 1016 |

John C. Kirk |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page777 |

Charles Newton Kirtland |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page555 |

Cook Fitch Kirtland |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page455 |
wife of Levi F. Kistler, is a prominent and highly esteemed
resident of Green township, Mahoning County, Ohio, where she was
born Oct. 21, 1833. She is a daughter of Michael and
Catherine Kronich.
The parents of Mrs. Kistler were born in
Germany. After their marriage they came to America and were
early settlers in the vicinity of New Albany, Green township.
They lived in their pioneer log cabin until a fine new house was
erected, other farm buildings also being constructed. After a
number of years they removed to Berlin township, where they died,
the father in his 81st year and the mother in her 84th year.
They were good Christian people, kind neighbors and charitable to
all who were in need. Of their children three survive, namely:
Mary, residing in Green township, the widow of Christian
Shawl; Elizabeth, Mrs. Kistler, and Annie
C., residing in Berlin township. This family originated in
Wurtemberg, Germany, and came directly to Ohio, bringing many of
their German customs with them.
Mrs. Kistler was reared in the good
old German way and was taught to be a capable housewife by her
excellent mother, while she obtained a book education in the
district schools. All her life she has been bright and
intelligent, and has always enjoyed keeping posted on the general
events of the day. On Nov. 19, 1850, she was married (first)
to Christian Schaffer, who was a native of Germany.
After a number of years of widowhood, Mrs. Shaffer was
married, Oct. 26, 1886, to Levi F. Kistler, who was born in
Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, Sept. 18, 1829, and is a son of
Charles and Rebecca (Sechler) Kistler. When he was three
years old his parents moved to Mahoning County, Ohio, soon after to
Trumbull County, where he was educated and grew to manhood. He
engaged in farming in Trumbull County until 1886, when he removed to
Salem, residing there until 1901, when he and Mrs. Kistler
settled on the present farm in Green township. During
his residence in Trumbull County, he served as trustee of Lordstown
township. In politics he is a Prohibitionist.
For forty years prior to returning to Green township,
Mrs. Kistler resided at Salem, Ohio, where they are held
in great esteem by a wide circle of friends. Both she and her
husband are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Salem.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page549 |
born in 1865 near Cornersberg, Boardman township, Mahoning county,
Ohio, a son of Joseph Kistler. He attended school in
Boardman and Canfield, and subsequently spent ten years in teaching.
He read law with R. B. Murray of Youngstown, and was admitted
to the bar in 1894. In 1902 he entered into partnership
with F. L. Oesch, under the style of Kistler & Oesch,
which firm still continues.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 311 |
F. KISTLER, attorney-at-law, at Youngstown, with offices in
the Maloney block, was born in 1864, near Cornersburg, Boardman
township, Mahoning County, Ohio, and is a son of Joseph Kistler.
His grandfather, John B. Kistler, who was
born in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, was an early settler and a
prominent farmer of Mahoning County. Joseph Kistler was
born in this county and died when the subject of this sketch was 10
years old.
U. F. Kistler was reared on the farm in Boardman
township where he received his primary education, later attending
school in Canfield. For ten subsequent years he taught school
in Mahoning County, and then read law with R. B. Murray, of
Youngstown. After his admission to the bar, in 1894, he
immediately began the practice of his profession. In 1902 he
entered into partnership with F. L. Oesch. Mr. Kistler
is a member of the Mahoning County Bar Association. Mr.
Kistler has a beautiful country residence at Lanterman Falls.
He was reared in the faith of the Lutheran Church.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 870 |

Rev. John Klute |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 663 |

Thomas L. Knauff |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 709 |
one of the prominent business men of Youngstown, a member of the
firm of Kuhns Brothers, carriage and wagon manufacturers,
whose plant is located at No. 23 North Walnut Street, has been
identified with this city for the past 25 years. John W.
Kuhns was born in 1864, in Pennsylvania, a son of Emanuel
Kuhns, of Youngstown.
Mr. Kuhns attended school in his native locality
and also learned the trade of carriage painting and was 17 years of
age when he came to Youngstown and worked for Sheldon Jacobs
during the first year. Mr. Jacobs was located on
West Boardman street, on the present site of the Vindicator
building. Following this Mr. Kuhns worked with the firm
of Kallenbaugh & Robinson, for nine years and then bought out
Mr. Robinson. In the fall of 1892, in association with
his brother, H. J. Kuhns, he established the firm of Kuhns
Brothers, and since that time the firm has continued, doing a
large business in the manufacturing of carriage and wagons.
Employment is given to 20 skilled workmen at their well equipped
plant and the product goes all over the country. Mr. Kuhns
is additionally interested in other important enterprises. HE
is a large dealer in real estate and is secretary and treasurer of
the West Side Land Company.
In 1889 Mr. Kuhns was married to Effie Bayer,
who is a daughter of John Bayer of Youngstown. Mr.
and Mrs. Kuhns have three children, Carl William, Caroline
Elizabeth and Henry Mary. The family belongs to the
English Lutheran Church. Fraternally Mr. Kuhns is
connected with the Knights of Pythias and the Knights of the Golden
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 950 |