Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens -
Publ. Biographical Publ. Co.
Chicago, Illinois -
treasurer and manager of the Realty Trust Company, and secretary of
the Mahoning County Abstract Company, with offices on the northeast
corner of Central Square, Youngstown, was born in this city, in
After completing his education in the Youngstown
schools, Mr. Hall served in a clerical position with the
Youngstown Rolling Mill Company, now the Carnegie or American Steel
Hoop Company, for about 10 years. He then became clerk of the
probate court under Judge George E. Rose From this
position he went to the Mahoning Abstract Company and continued as
manager until 1903. This company was established in 1892 by
A. E. Adams, and Mr. Hall has been identified with it
since 1896. In 1903 the Realty Trust Company was organized,
mainly through Mr. Hall's efforts, and the outstanding
capital of the Mahoning County Abstract Company was purchased by the
Realty Trust. It was incorporated with a capital stock of
$50,000, with John Stambaugh as president; H. M. Robinson,
now of Pasadena, California, as vice president; and W. B. Hall
as secretary and treasurer. The business is to buy and sell
real estate, execute private trusteeships, and a commission and
brokerage business and to act as agents for property. Large
blocks of land are bought and sales made according to desired
investments. Mr. Hall is an active, astute business man
and has other business interests in addition to those mentioned.
In 1898 Mr. Hall was united in marriage with
Carrie H. McKinnie, who is a daughter of George McKinnie,
of Youngtown.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 762 |
HALLER, one of New Middletown's enterprising and successful
business men, in the line of contracting and building, was born in
Springfield township, Mahoning County, Sept. 7, 1865, and is a son
of Benjamin W. and Margaret (Snyder) Haller.
The father of Mr. Haller was born in Springfield
township in 1837, and was a son of Conrad and Mary (Wizeman)
Haller, probably born in Germany, who came to Springfield
township at an early date. Conrad Haller acquired 10
acres of land on the North Lima road, on which he spent the
remainder of his life. Benjamin W. Haller was reared on
the homestead and when he grew to manhood he learned the business of
pump-making, but subsequently bought a farm of 112-1/2 acres of land
in section 17, Springfield township on which his widow still
resides, his death having taken place in 1899. He was always a
strong supporter of Democratic policies and was equally devoted to
the faith of the German Lutheran Church. He married
Margaret Snyder, who was born in Beaver township, Mahoning
County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Philip Snyder, who was an
early settler in Springfield township, coming from eastern
Pennsylvania. There were nine children born to these worthy
people, namely: Henry, residing at Leetonia; Mary, who
married Jonas Seidner, residing in Springfield township;
Francis, residing in Springfield township, is a business partner
of Frank B.; Conrad, residing at New Middletown; Jonathan
residing in Springfield township; Frank B.; James,
formerly of Springfield township, died in 1898; Hattie, who
married Samuel Pitts, residing on the old homestead; and
Ezra, residing at New Middletown.
Frank B. Haller was educated in the schools of
Springfield township and remained at home until his marriage in
1896. He learned the carpenter's trade after trying farming
and huckstering for a time, and after moving into New Middletown,
began contracting, in partnership with his brother Francis.
When they began business they gave employment to about five
men, while they now control a volume of business that requires at
least 11 men. The Hallers have erected the best and
most substantial buildings that have gone up in the last decade, in
this section, and the firm is one of the most prosperous.
Mr. Haller was married Nov. 26, 1896, to Hattie
Elnora Livingston, who was born in Springfield township, and is
a daughter of Charles and Elizabeth (Mauch) Livingston.
Her father was born in this neighborhood and was left an orphan at
the age of eight years. He died Mar. 3, 1902, aged 42 years.
John Mauch, the maternal grandfather of Mrs. Haller, was
an old settlers of Springfield township. Mrs. Livingston
still survives and resides at Youngstown. Mrs. Haller
was the second born in a family of four children, the others being:
Clara, who died, aged four weeks; Lawrence, deceased; and
William, residing at Youngstown. Mr. and Mrs. Haller
have one daughter, Edith Mabel, who was born Mar. 22, 1898.
Although but nine years of age, this little maiden has shown remarkable musical talent
and is an excellent performer on the piano.
In politics Mr. Haller is a Democrat. He
is a very busy man and has never consented to serve in any office
except that of school director. Prior to the disbanding of the
Junior Order of the U. A. M., he was a member of that body. He
belongs to the German Lutheran Church.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 780 |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 809) |
a retired farmer of Canfield, owner of 800 acres of valuable farm
land in Ellsworth township, Mahoning County, Ohio, was born July 24,
1834, in Ellsworth township, and is a son of George and Elizabeth
(Borts) Harding.
George Harding was born in 1792, in Berks County,
Pennsylvania, and at the age of 15 came to Ohio with his parents and
settled in the timberland north of Canfield. During these days
meat was very scarce, but game of many kinds was very plentiful, and
upon one occasion, when the rest of the family was at church, he and
his brother killed and dressed eight wild turkeys. After the
land was cleared and cultivated, it was not necessary to supply them
with meat. George was one of a family of seven children:
Jacob, John, George, and four daughters. He remained at
home until his marriage to Elizabeth Borts, whose father was
also one of the early settlers of North Canfield, after which he
bought a farm of 89 acres in Ellsworth township. He first
erected a log house, which was subsequently replaced by a frame
building, in which the subject of this sketch was born. He was
a very successful farmer and dealt extensively in cattle, buying in
the spring and selling in the fall, after feeding on grass during
the summer months. He also dealt in sheep, horses, colts, etc.
He died on his farm in 1877, and at that time was the owner of 800
acres of land. His wife died in 1866. Their only child
was George W.
George W. Harding was reared in Ellsworth township,
and attended the district schools. He, early in life, devoted
a great deal of time to his father's business, often assisting his
father's eastern patrons in getting cattle ready for the trip.
When just a mere boy he learned to handle a horse, and being the
only child, soon became associated with his father in the business.
He was married at the age of 25 and continued to remain at home for
several years after his marriage. After leaving his father's
home he purchased his grandfather Borts' farm of 184 acres in
Ellsworth township, on which in 1879-1881, he built a large
twelve-room stone house, which is one of the finest homes in that
section of the county, and cost between $15,000 and $20,000.
He has always followed stock raising, dealing in cattle, sheep,
horses and hogs, and during the war he was very successful in sheep
raising and selling wool. He continued to reside on this farm
until 1895, when he removed to Canfield and built his present fine
residence and barn on West Main street. He continued to add to
his land, and with what he inherited from his father, he at one time
owned 1,100 acres of well improved land in Ellsworth township, part
of which he has given to his children, his son James having
charge of the old home farm.
Mr. Harding married Lucretia Musser, who
was born near Petersburg, Pennsylvania, a daughter of John Musser
Three children completed their family, namely: James S., who
married Cora Bowman, resides on the home farm of 184 acres in
Ellsworth township; Mary, who married C. M. Kirk, has
one child, Donald; Alura widow of Charles Buck, lives
with her father, and has one child, Bernice. Mrs. Harding
died in 1902, after a two weeks' illness caused from an injury
received while she and Mr. Harding were driving across the
Pennsylvania Railroad tracks on a cold winter's day, when their
vehicle was struck by a train. Mr. Harding was also
seriously injured at the time. Mr. Harding is a
stockholder in the First National Bank at Youngstown, Ohio, and owns
government bonds. He also has stock in the Equity Savings Bank
of Youngstown, Ohio, and has been a stockholder and director of the
Farmers' National Bank at Canfield since its organization. He
is an attendant and liberal contributor of the Presbyterian Church
of Canfield, and was a member of the building committee at the time
of its erection. His portrait, with that of his wife, herewith
presented, will be welcomed by their numerous friends throughout the
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 739 |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 695 |
emigrated from Hartland, Connecticut, to Ohio in 1805, and first
settled in Vernon, where the family resided till 1821, when they
removed to Hartford, and in 1831 located at Burg Hill, on the farm
now owned by his son Osman. He married Annie Hyde
in Hartland, Connecticut, Sept. 18, 1802. Their children were
Harriet, wife of Elisha Beman, of Gustavus; Horace;
Clarissa, wife of Alexander Morris; William, John, and
Emeline, wife of Simeon C. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Hull
were members of the Congregational church, and during their life
most worthy citizens. They lived to a good old age, he dying
Nov. 30, 1857, at the age of seventy-eight years, and she living
till July 11, 1874, reaching the advanced age of ninety-five years
and eight months. Osman Hull retains the old home, and
is now an enterprising and prosperous farmer, in early life,
however, having been a mechanic. He married Miss Lorinda
Roper, of Braceville, Apr. 22, 1841. They are both earnest
Christian workers in the temperance cause. Their sons of
Ransom and Brunell. Mr. Hull is in politics
a Republican.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 286 |