Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens -
Publ. Biographical Publ. Co.
Chicago, Illinois -
a prominent farmer of Youngstown township, residing on a fine farm
of 125 acres, located in section 43, was born on the farm on which
he resides July 27, 1829, and is a son of Robert Dixon and Lydia
(Marshall) Gibson, who were among the early pioneers of
Mahoning County.
James Gibson, grandfather of our subject, came
to Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, in 1799, and settled on the farm
now occupied by Samuel Gibson, the brother of John.
It was his intention to locate at Warren, Ohio, and while on his way
there he stopped over night on the farm on which he later settled.
There is a fine spring on the farm, the water of which so pleased
Mr. Gibson, that after going to Warren and looking over the
town, he decided to return and settle on the farm in Youngstown
township, a part of which is now owned by the subject of this
sketch. Robert D. Gibson, father of John, was
but 16 years old when his father settled on this farm, and he here
spent the remainder of his life, passing away in 1862, at the age of
78 years. His widow, who was eleven years his junior, survived
him eleven years and also died in her 78th year. They were the
parents of nine children, five of whom grew to maturity, and but
four of whom are living, namely: Samuel, who is now 88 years
old; Nancy (Mrs. Skinner Hine), of Boardman township; John,
whose name begins this sketch; and Mrs. Eliza E. Nielson.
James Marshall Gibson died in 1846 aged 23 years.
John Gibson was born in a log cabin on the farm
on which he still lives. He was educated in the district
schools of the township, after which he taught for one term at the
Flint Hill school, located on a corner of his father's farm.
He then assisted his father on the farm until his marriage, which
occurred when he was 27 years old. He first lived in the
central part of the farm. He resided for some time in the old
stone house which his father built when he was a lad of nine years,
and which is still standing, remaining there with his parents for
five years after his marriage, when he built, in 1861, his present
home. On his father's death in 1862, he inherited 125 acres of
the land, the remaining 75 acres going to his brother.
Mr. Gibson was married in 1856 to Amelia L.
Eckles, a daughter of James Eckles They have had
four children, all of whom are living: Cora Dell who is now
Mrs. Nicholas L. Rees and has three children, resides in
Youngstown; Charles R., resides with his parents and has
charge of the farm; Sarah E., the wife of Frank L. Head,
resides in Pittsburg, and has two children; Marshall C. who
is assistant secretary of the Y. M. C. A., of Youngstown, also
resides at home. Mr. Gibson has been engaged in
agricultural pursuits since locating upon his present farm, and is
one of the most influential and prosperous farmers in the township.
He is a charter member of hte Westminster Presbyterian Church of
Youngstown, and was elected an ender of this church much against his
wishes. Previous to this he was a member and an elder of the
First Presbyterian Church.
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co.Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 947 |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page
461 |
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 547 |
general farmer, dairyman and breeder of Jersey cattle, residing on a
valuable farm in section 6, Coitsville township, was born in
Trumbull County, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1839, and is a son of George and
Jane (Early) Gray.
The Gray family originated in Holland and
the founder of the family in America was an Adam Gray, who
settled in New Jersey, 14 generations in the past. Amos
Gray, a descendant of Adam and grandfather of John E.,
was born in New Jersey and came to Ohio in 1804, crossing the
mountains in a wagon drawn by oxen. He penetrated to
Youngstown when the place was represented by three log cabins and
after a short stay there he proceeded to Liberty township, Trumbull
County, just across the line from Mahoning County. He was a
stone-mason by trade and a brick worker, but at that time no brick
were burned in that section, so that his work narrowed down to
cutting stone and building chimneys. In a few years he moved
to Coitsville township and bought a farm about one mile north of the
farm of the subject of this sketch, remaining on that property until
his death. At that time the whole country was one vast timber
tract, and he had to clear a space on which to erect his log house
and barn which were acknowledged to be the best in the township.
The children of Amos Gray were the following:
Mrs. Margaret Sippy, Mrs. Catherine Krahl, George, Jesse, Mrs.
Mary Ann Kirk, David, Mrs. Sophia Dunscomb, Stewart and Amos
George Gray, father of John E., was born in
New Jersey, in 1802, and was two years old when he accompanied his
parents to Youngstown. He was his father's helper in all his
pursuits. Shortly after his marriage he moved to Fowler
township, Trumbull County, where he lived for a few yeas and then
returned to Coitsville township, and after his father's death he
bought the old homestead. His useful life was prolonged into
old gage, his death occurring in 1884, when 82 years of age.
George Gray was married (first) to Louisa Ciglor, and
they had three children, namely: Mrs. Aurilla Stewart,
deceased; Mrs. Mary Predmore of Youngstown; and Louisa
who died in childhood. Mr. Gray was married (second) to
Jane Early, who was born in 1803 and died in 1875. She
was a daughter of Thomas Early, who came to America from
Ireland, accompanied by his family, and landed at Philadelphia with
but small capital. In Dublin he had learned the weaver's
trade, at which he was very expert, having worked in various cities,
and being able to weave fancy patterns in colors very artistically.
In the new land to which he had come he found no demand for his
skilled services. After placing his wife and two children in a
room he had provided for them, and supplying them with the
necessaries for the winter, he started out in search of work of any
kind, with no money but an English shilling in his pocket. At
Ten Mile, Pennsylvania, he secured work as a thresher with a flail
and sent for his family who made the journey in an ox cart. By
most remarkable economy he managed to acquire enough money to buy a
few acres of land near Struthers, in Coitsville township, but in a
short time removed further north in the township and purchased a
farm which is on the line of Youngstown township. By this time
he had found work at his trade, and it is recorded of him that he
would labor all day in the fields and remain up half the night
weaving. To his hardly-earned acres he kept adding until at
the time of death he owned 300 acres of valuable land. The
children of George and Jane (Early) Gray were: John
E.; Mrs. Lucinda Wise, deceased; Mrs. Minerva Howells of
Butte, Montana; Thomas H., residing at Youngstown George
M., of Sioux City, Iowa.
John E. Gray was four years old when his father
moved from Fowler township to Coitsville township, where he has
passed all his subsequent life, with the exception of six years
spent in Stark County, during four of which he was in a dry goods
business at Waynesburg and two in the sewing machine business at
Massillon. He formerly cultivated 100 acres, but has recently
sold about 50 acres as town lots, a very profitable transaction.
He has had much success in the breeding of fine Jersey cattle.
June 12, 1867, Mr. Gray married Cornelia A.
Slusser, who was born and reared at Massillon, Ohio. Her
parents were William Foster and Harriet (Borland) Slusser,
both natives of Stark County, Ohio, the father born Mar. 7, 1822,
and the mother July 8, 1827.
The Slussers were of German extraction and
formerly spelled their family name Schlosser, but after the
grandfather, Peter Schlosser, came to Stark County, the name
was simplified and spelled as it now is. The Slussers
moved from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, to Stark County, Ohio,
in 1805. William Foster Slusser and his wife spent
sixty-two years in their home in Tuscarawas township, Stark County,
and then came to spend their last years at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Gray. The mother died Mar. 31, 19__, and
the father a few years later, May 13, 1907. Mrs. Gray
was their only child. Mr. and Mrs. Gray have one son,
Eugene S., who is in business with the McCain Realty
Source: 20th Century History of
Youngstown & Mahoning Co., Ohio
and Representative Citizens - Publ. Biographical Publ. Co. - Chicago, Illinois -
1907 - Page 765 |