Two Hundred Years The Military History of Ohio
Publ. H. H. Hardesty, Publisher, New York, Toledo & Chicago
in the WAR of the REBELLION
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
EXPLANATORY NOTE. - So far as the most diligent and patient research
could find the record, the following roster presents the name of
every soldier who went out from this county in the war of 1861-5,
and of present residents of the county who enlisted elsewhere.
Where the town or township is not otherwise located, the enlistment
was usually in Mahoning county, if in an Ohio regiment; where no
rank is given, the soldier was mustered in as a private; where the
soldier is credited with veteran service, the re-enlistment was into
the same regiment and company, unless otherwise stated.
Although, as our title indicates, this roster is mainly composed of
the "Rank and File," who fought our battles and won our victories,
it also includes general field, line and staff officers, where any
such belong to the county. The record of Ohio regiments in the
field has been given in the preceding MILITARY HISTORY of OHIO, and
the children and children's children of the soldiers of the county
have just cause for pride in connecting the names given in the local
roster, by their regiments, with the history given on previous
pages, of the achievements of these regiments. In preparing
this book the publishers, while sparing no effort and no expense to
make it a full and complete history of Ohio in the War of the
Rebellion, devoting every page to the legitimate purposes of
history, are yet aware that errors may have inadvertently crept in.
They believe their patrons, realizing the magnitude of the work,
will not be unduly censorious over any such errors. The book
ahs grown beyond the limit originally intended, and it is believed
the soldiers for whom it has been written will appreciate the result
attained. The following is the key to the abbreviations used
in the local roster:
A. C. - army corps. A. D. C. - aide-de-camp. Adjt. -
adjutant. App. - appointed. Art. -
artillery. Artif. - artificer. Bat. -
battery. Batn. - battalion. Bet. - between.
Brev. - breveted. Brig. - brigade. Capt. -
captain. Cap. captured. Cav. - cavalry.
Co. - company, county. Col. - colonel. Com. -
commissioned. Comy.- commisary. Corp. - corporal.
Consol. - consolidated. Det. - detailed. Dis. -
discharged. Disab. - disability disabled.
Div. - division. E. - enlisted. Eng. -
engineers. Gen. - general. H. A. - heavy artillery.
Hd. Qtrs. - headquarters. Hosp. - hospital.
Indp. - independent. Inf. infantry. Ils. -
island. L. A. - light artillery. Lieut. -
lieutenant. M. O. - mustered out. Mt. - mountain.
Ord. - ordnance. Pro. - promoted. Prov. - provost.
Q. M. - quartermaster. Reg. - regiment, regimental. Res.
- resigned. Sergt. - sergeant. Squad. - squadron.
S. S. - sharpshooters. Sta. - station. Stew. - steward.
Trans. - transferred. Twp. - township. V. I.
- volunteer infantry. V. V. I. - veteran volunteer
infantry. V. C. - volunteer cavalry. V. V.
C. - veteran volunteer cavalry. Vet. - veteranized.
S. V. C. - senior vice commander. J. V. C. - junior vice
commander. Chaplain. Sug. - surgeon.
O. d. - officer of the day. Adjt. - adjutant. Q. M. -
quartermaster. O. G. - officer of the guard. Insp. -
inspector. Mem. - member. Pres. present.
A -
B -
C -
D -
EF -
G -
H -
IJ -
K -
L -
M -
N -
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S -
T -
UV -
W -
Additional Men. |
- pg. 295 |
Transcription started 2/4/2013 |
Ablett, Erastus, |
e. Dec. 4, 1863, co. D,
32d O. V. V. I.; dis. July 14, 1865 |
Ackerman, Geo., |
e. at North Lima, Mar. 2, 1862, co. D, 61st O. V. I.; m. o. at
Goldsboro, N. C. Mar. 31, 1865; me. Tod Post, G. A. R. |
Ackworth, Geo. W., |
co. K, 14th Pa. V. I. 1862; corp. co. K, 100th Pa. V. I.
'64-5. |
Adams, Ch. |
e. Apr. 1864, 4 month service co. B, 171st O. V. I. |
Adams, H. S., |
e. at Sandusky, Apr. 27, 1864, co. D, 171st O. V. I.; cap. at
Kellers Bridge, Ky. June 11, 1864; held on march 24 hours,
then paroled; dis. at Sandusky, Aug. 20, 1864; mem. Tod
Post, G. A. R.; past Q. M. S. |
Alders, Geo. |
e. at Warren. Feb. 1864, 25th O. Indp. Bat.; dis. Dec. 12,
1865. |
Allen, Geo. E. |
seaman U. S. N. 1861-2; again in naval service, 1864-5; pro.
2d engineer Mar. 2, 1864, for meritorious service; mem. Tod
Post, G. A. R. |
Allen, Jesse F. |
e. at Canfield, Aug. 13, 1862, co. H, 105th O. V. I.; in hosp.
at Murfreesboro, Tenn, 3 months, 1863, chronic Diarrhea;
dis. at Cleveland, O. June 8, 1865; adjt. Kirkbride Post. G.
A. R. |
Allen, John G. |
was in service in Pa. Art. from Sept. 1864, to June 30, 1865. |
Allinger John |
e. at Youngstown, Sept. 2, 1861, co. I, 37th O. V. I.; gunshot
wound in righthand in siege of Vicksburg June, 1863; in
field hosp. with wound; trans. Apr. 8, 1864, to 2d batn. V.
R. C.; dis. at Nashville, Tenn. Sep. 23, 1864; mem.
Encampment No. 3, U. V. L. |
Allshouse, Wm. |
co. C, 105th Pa. V. I. 1861-4; wounded at 2d Bull Run. |
Anderson, David, |
served 1862 in co, D, 88th O. V. I.; 1863-5 in 12th O. V. C. |
Anderson, J. W. |
e. Sept. 11, 1862, co. E, 2d O. V. C.; dis. June 11, 1865. |
Anderson, Thos. |
served in co. A, 86th O. V. I. June 1, 1863, to Feb. 10, 1864. |
Antibus, Andrew |
e. June 8, 1861, co. E, 23d O. V. I.; musician; vet. and dis.
with regt.; died at Lowellville, Dec. 1882. |
Antibus, John, |
e. at Lowell, Aug. 10, 1861, mustered at Cleveland, co. E, 2d
O. V. C.; det. on prov. duty at Fort Scott, Kans. 3 months;
trans. at Fort Scott, Aug. 1862, 25th O. Indp. Bat.; vet. in
bat. at Mossy Creek, Tenn. Jan. 3, 1864; in hops. at Little
Rock, Ark. over a month, fall of 1864, spinal trouble; dis.
at Camp Chase, Dec. 12, 1865; mem. Reno Post, G. A. R.;
application for pension not yet properly considered. |
Apple, Chas. |
e. at New Middletown, Jan. 1, 1862, co. E, 23d O. V. I.; cap.
at Cumberland, Sept. 1862; held in Richmond prison; cap.
again at Cloyd Mt. May 11, 1863; held in Andersonville 9
months; dis. at Cumberland, Md. Feb. 16, 1865; application
for pension not yet properly considered. |
Argyle, Jas. H., |
e. at Pittsburg, Pa. co. 1, 123d Pa. V. I.; served 3 years. |
Arkwright, Delaney, |
served 6 months in 86th O. V. I.; 4 months in 143d O. V. I. |
Arkwright, Lyman B. |
e. Feb. 9, 1864, co. F, 21st Ind. V. V. I.; dis. Aug. 1865. |
Arms, Myron I. |
e. at Youngstown, May 8, 1864, co. D, 155th O. V. I.; had
furnished a soldier for service, but now left his business,
and, against advice of regt. officers and friends, took the
field; was in hosp. in field-entrenched camp near Norfolk,
Va. in July, 1864, camp fever; dis. with regt. at Camp
Dennison, Aug. 27, 1864; died of fever at Youngstown five
days later, Sept. 1st. |
Armstrong, Wm. |
co. H, 105th O. V. I.; mortally wounded at Perryville, Ky. |
Arner, Henry H. |
e. at Columbiana, May 13, 1861, co. C, 24th O. V. I.; dis. at
Glasgow, Ky. Oct. 23, 1862, by G. O. 154, 1862, to enter
regular army; served in co. H, 4th regt. U. S. Art. until
dis. at Nashville, Tenn. May 13, 1864; e. at Warren,
O. Mar. 13, 1865, co. K, 197th O. V. I.; dis. at Camp
Bradford, Md. Jul. 31, 1865. |
Arnold, D. H. |
e. Oct. 1861, co. E, 2d O. V. C.; vet. and dist. with regt. |
Arnold, W. H. |
3-month service, 1861, in co. H, 19th O. V. I.; 3 years,
1861-4, in co. E, 2d O. V. C.; cap. Oct. 1863; held
sixmonths in Libby. |
Artz, Henry |
e. Oct. 8, 1861, co. K, 1st W. Va. V. I.; dis. Nov. 8, 1864. |
Aurand, Jacob |
e. at New Wilmington, Lawrence co. Pa. Aug. 20, 1862, co. H,
134th Pa. V. I.; app. teamster Dec. 18, 1862; dis. at
Harrisburg, Pa. May 26, 1863; served in Dept. B, corps of
Pa. from Aug. 28, 1863, to Sept. 3, 1864; e. at New
Wilmington, Sept. 5, 1853, 3d sergeant co. M, 6th Pa. H.
Art.; dis. at Fort Ethan Allen, Va. June 13, 1865; mem. Tod
Post, G. A. R. |