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Mahoning County, Ohio
History & Genealogy

Two Hundred Years The Military History of Ohio
Publ. H. H. Hardesty, Publisher, New York, Toledo & Chicago

in the WAR of the REBELLION

(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

A - B - C - D - EF - G - H - IJ - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - UV - W - XYZ - Additional Men.

L - p. 299


Lally, Michael, co. K, 6th O. V. C.; wounded and disab. at Strausburg, Va.
Lape, Augustus, e. Oct. 1861, co. C, 6th O. V. C.; killed in Va. in 1862.
Lee, Edward, served in 1862 in co. D, 88th O. V. I.; 1863-4 co. A, 86th O. V. I.
Lee, Peter W. sergt. in 82d O. V. I.; pro. lieut.; dis. Mar. 1863, disab.
Leedy, Jacob drum major in Parnell Legion, Md. Inf. Sept. 1861, to Sept. 1862.
Leedy, Jos. S. drummer in Parnell Legion, Md. Inf. Sept. 1861, to Oct. 1864.
Leedy, Walter F. 3-year and vet. service in Parnell Legion, Md. Inf.
Leedy, Wm. G. musician in Parnell Legion, Md. Inf. Sept. 1861, to Oct. 1864.
Legget, Thos. e. at Camp Chase, July, 1861, co. G, 26th O. V. I.; pro. corp. in 1862; gunshot wound in right thigh in Chickamauga; cap. on field after wound; held 6th months in Libby; dis. at Chattanooga, Tenn. July, 1864.
Legget, Wm. e. Feb. 29, 1864, co. E, 2d O. V. V. C.; m. o. Sept. 17, 1865.
Leibrech, Florence 4 years in service Pa. Art.; injured in spine.
Lemley, Gottlieb, e. at Warren, Sept. 23, 1861, co. I, 37th O. V. I.; det. at Youngs Point, Miss, Feb. 1863, to reconnoitre a passage through rebel batteries at Vicksburg; wounded by shell explosion at Kenesaw Mt. June, 27, 1864; in hosp. with wound at Rome, Ga.; dis. at East Point, Ga. Sept. 23, 1864; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.; past S. V. C. chaplain and trustee.
Leonard, Simpson S. in service in Pa. regts. from Aug. 1862 to June, 1865.
Leslie, C. W. co. E, 61st Pa. V. I.; died at Mount Vernon hosp. Va. Nov. 1861.
Lett, John S. e. at Youngstown, Jan. 12, 1864, mustered at Bridgeport, Ala. co. H, 10th O. V. C.; det. Jan. 1 to Mar. 1, 1865, foraging for q. m. supplies; m. o. at Lexington, N. C. July 24, 11865; dis. at Cleveland; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.; past Q. M.
Lewis, Thos. J. 4-month service co. F, 155th O. V. I.; died June 10, 1878.
Libert, Levi T. e. at Poland, June 6, 1861, co. E, 23d O. V. I.; pro. corp. at Cedar Creek, Va.; color corp. last years of service; slightly wounded at South Mt. and at Cedar Creek; vet. at Charleston, W. Va. Jan. 1864; dis. at Cumberland, Md. July 12, 1865; application for pension not yet properly considered.
Liby, Jacob, e. at Weathersfield, Oct. 6, 1864, 1tgh O. V. V. Il; served in rear guard of Sherman's army from Atlanta to the sea; dis. at Columbus, Jue 8, '65.
Lidle, John G. e. at Youngstown, Aug. 10, 1861, co. I, 37th O. v. I.; in hosp in W. Va. Nov. 1861, with hernia; dis. for same at Columbus, July 31, 1862; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Lindesmith, J. Wilson, 3 years in co. K, 115th O. V. I.; pro. sergt. and lieut.
Little, Leonard, co. D, 61st O. V. I. 1862-5; injured in 2d Bull Run battle.
Lloyd, David, co. A, 125th O. V. I.; died at Chattanooga, Tenn. Nov. 15, 1863.
Lockhart, Jas. A., e. at Camp Dennison, 4-month service co. B, 155th O. V. I.
Lodwick, Geo. W., e. at Sandusky, May 7, 1864, co. B, 171st O. V. I.; cap. at Kellers Bridge,  Ky. June 11, 1864; paroled on field in 24 hours; dis at Sandusky, Aug. 20, 1864; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Lodwick, Lewis,, e. in 1862, co. F, 41st O. V. I.; dis. in 1863, disab.
Logan, Homer C., e. fall of 1862, Indp. Neb. Rangers, frontier dept.; left Fort Laramie in Sept. 1864; never again heard from.
Logan, Wm. was in service in 86th O. V. I. 1862; co. D, 155th O. V. I. 1864.
Loney, John, was in service last year of the war in co. F, 199th Pa. V. I.
Lour, Adolph, e. at Harrisburg, Pa. in co. A, 55th Pa. V. I. July-Oct. 1863.
Love, Alzeia, e. May 11, 1864, co. C, 144th O. V. I.; dis. Aug. 31, 1864.
Lucas, Chas. e. Aug. 6, 1862, co, K, 124th Pa. V. I.; dis. May 17, 1863.
Lute, Wm. H. e. at Canfield, Aug. 10, 1861, co. E, 2d O. V. C.; det. city prov. guard at Fort Scott, Kansas, Sept. 1862; vet. at Mossy Creek, Tenn. Jan. 1, 1864; cap. near U. S. Ford of the Rapidan river, Va. while on patrol duty, May 20, 1864; held in Libby, Andersonville, Savannah, Millen, 6 months 7 days; m. o. at Benton Barracks, Mo. Sept. 11, 1865; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.; see regt. sketches.
Lutton, Cornelius, co. F, 100th Pa. V. I.; wounded and disab. at 2d Bull Run.
Lyons, Jas. M., sergt. Co. H, 155th Pa. V. I.; twice slightly wounded.
Lyons, Wm. D., e. at Camp Dennison, May 8, 1864, co. D, 155th O. V. I.; dis. at Camp Dennison, Aug. 27, 1864; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.


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