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Mahoning County, Ohio
History & Genealogy

Two Hundred Years The Military History of Ohio
Publ. H. H. Hardesty, Publisher, New York, Toledo & Chicago

in the WAR of the REBELLION

(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

A - B - C - D - EF - G - H - IJ - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - UV - W - XYZ - Additional Men.

C - pg. 296


Caddick, Wm. R. e. at Pittsburg, Pa. Mar. 20, 1863, co. A, 1st batn. 6-month Pa. Vol. Cav.; in hosp. at Connellsville, Pa. Sept. 1863, typhoid fever; dis at Pittsburg, Pa. Dec. 28, 1863; e. there, Dec. 24, 1863, co. D, 7th Pa. V. V. C.; dis. at Harrisburg, Pa. Sept. 11, 1865; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Caldwell, Jas. S. e. at Canfield, Aug. 5, 1862, co. H, 105th O. V. I.; pro. corp. then 1st duty sergt.; m. o. at Washington D. C. June 3, 1865.
Caldwell, Jas. S. e. at Canfield, Aug. 5, 1862, co. H, 105th O. V. I.; pro. corp. then 1st duty sergt.; m. o. at Washington, D. C. June 3, 1865.
Caldwell, Patterson T. 3 month service, 1862, sergt. co. G, 88th O. V. I.
Caldwell, Henry, e. at Camp Dennison, May 8, 1864, co. C, 155th O. V. I.; in hosp. at City Point and Norfolk, Va. 3 weeks in June, measles; dis. at Camp Dennison, Aug. 27, 1864.
Callahan, Aaron J. e. at Warren, Sept. 13, 1864, co. H, 12th O. V. C.; slightly wounded; dis. with regt.; died in Youngstown, Dec. 24, 1880.
Callahan, Albert, e. at Greenford, Aug. 22, 1862, co. A, 125th O. V. I.; gunshot wound at Franklin, Tenn.; m. o. at Nashville, Tenn. June, 8, 1865.
Callahan, Chas. F. e. at Salem, Apr. 27, 1861, co. H, 19th O. V. I.; dis. at Columbus, Aug. 28,1861; e. at Salem, May 26, 1862, co. G, 84th O. V. I.; dis. at Camp Delaware, O. Sept. 20, 1862; e. in Green twp. Mahoning co. Nov. 5, 1862, co. H, 10th O. V. C.; in hosp. at LaVergne and Nashville, Tenn. 4 months with injuries received by being thrown from horse; pro. corp. July 1, 1864; slight gunshot wound in left knee at Lancaster, S. C. in Feb. 1865; cap. there and held on field a few days; m. o. at Lexington, N. C. July 24, 1865; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Callahan, Joshua, e. at Green, Sept. 16, 1862, co. A, 125th O. V. I.; disab. by wading river after a long march, and in hosp. at Franklin, Tenn, then at Louisville, Ky. about 4 months, till dis at Louisville, July 25, 1863, disab.; mem. Hawkins Post, G. A. R.
Callahan, M. C. e. at Greenfield, Aug. 22, 1862, co. A, 125th O. V. I.; gunshot wound through left shoulder and in right lung at Dandridge, Tenn. Jan. 17, 1864; carried rebel ball in shoulder 10 months; cap. same tay; held about two months in Dandridge, at houseof J. P. Swan; then escaped and made his way to Union lines at Knoxville, Tenn.; m. o. at Nashville, Tenn. June 8, 1865; mem. Trescott Post, G. A. R. at Salem, O.
Calvan, Jacob B. co. A, 125th O. V. I.; died at Nashville, Tenn. Mar. 9, 1863
Calvan, John P. 3 years in co. A, 125th O. V. I.; died in Mahoning co. Feb. 1889.
Calvan, L. S. corp. co. A, 125th O. V. I.; wounded and disab. at Rockyface Ridge.
Calvin, Gustavus A. e. July, 1862, co. E, 126th Pa. V. I.; dis. May, 1863, disab.
Calvin, Wilson T. co. D, 155th O. V. I.; died in camp at Norfolk, July 30, 1864.
Campbell, Chas. W. co. D, 77th O. V. I.; trans. U. S. Signal corps; dis. 1862.
Campbell, Jas. e. at Greensburg, Pa. Jan. 4, 1864, co. K, 85th Pa. V. I.; in hosp. at Camp Lee, Richmond, V. Aug. 1865, diarrhea; trans. summer of 1865 to co. K, 188th Pa. V. I. dis. with same, Dec. 19, 1865; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Campbell, Theodore, 3-year and vet service co. E, 2d O. V. C.; wounded.
Cane, Edward served in co. F, 2d W. Va. V. I. and 5th W. Va. V. I. 1861-4.
Carlon, Wm. S. e. Aug. 9, 1862, co. H, 134th a. V. I.; dis. Jan. 1863, disab.
Carnes, David, co. C, 101st Pa. V. I. 3 years; wounded at Plymouth, N. C.
Carney, Geo. W. e. at Pittsburg, Pa. Feb. 2, 1864, co. L, 4th Pa. V. C.; wounded left of Petersburg, July 30, 1864, gunshot in right thigh; in hosp. with wound at City Point, Va. 1 month; Grant general hosp. on Long Island, one month; hosp at Pittsburg 4 months; dis. at Lynchburg, VA. July 1, 1865; mem. Tod Post, B. A. R.
Carney, Wm. W. e. at Pittsburg, Pa. Apr. 1862, co. F, 2d W. Va. V. C.; pro. corp. sergt. 1st duty sergt. and 2d lieut.; cap. and held in Libby 3 months; killed in action at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. July 10, 1863; buried on the field.
Carroll, Dennis e. 1861, flux; gunshot wound in thumb in battle of Cloyd Mt.; dis. at Columbus, June 20, 1864; mem. Tod Post G. A. R.
Carson, Geo. W. co. A, 42d O. V. I. 1861-4; died at Frederick, O. Oct. 1868.
Casman, Wm. L. served in co. E, 201st Pa. V. I.  Aug. 19, 1864, to Nov. 11, 1864.
Cassiday, Geo. was in service three yeas in co. F, 101st Pa. V. A.
Catlin, Amazette, e. Aug. 19, 1864, co. E, 25th U. S. C. T.; dis. Dec. 1865.
Cearfass, Adam L. e. at Darlington, Beaver co. Pa. Aug. 1861, co. D, 100th Pa. V. I.; vet. at Blanes Cross Roads, Tenn.  Dec. 1863; wounded in left thigh at Cold Harbor, Va. June 2, 1864; dis. at Harrisburg, Pa. July 24, 1865; O. G. in Reno Post, G. A. R.; past J. V. G.
Cearfass, Andrew F. e. at Pittsburg, Pa. Aug. 28, 1861, co. D, 100th Pa. V. I.; vet. with regt.; died at Clinton, :a. Jan. 1865, while on furlough.
Cearfass, Geo. W. e. at Pittsburg, Pa. Aug. 28, 1861, co. D, 100th Pa. V. I.; vet with regt.; wounded at Spottsylvania C. H. May 10, 1864, in ankle; suffered amputation; died of wound in hosp. at Washington, June 1864.
Chambers, M. V. B. e. Sept. 16, 1862, co. I. 22d Pa. V. I.; dis. July 3, 1865
Chapman, C. C. e. at Cleveland, Sept. 1862, mustered Oct. 6, 1862, co. G, 125th O. V. I.; pro. sergt. com. 2d lieut. co. I, same regt. Sept. 20, 1863; pro. 1st lieut, spring of 1864; capt. spring of 1865; m. o. at Camp Irwin, Texas, Sept. 25, 1865; dis. at Columbus; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.; also of Encampment No. 3, U. V. I.
Chapman, Pulaski sergt. co. D, 6th U. S. C. 1861-5; wounded at Fair Oaks.
Chapman, S. H. was in service last 18 months of war in co. C, 16th Pa. V. V. C.
Cheney, Jas. T. e. at Louisville, Ky. Sept. 14, 1864, co. A, 5th U. S. (col'd) Cav.; pro. 2d sergt. at Saltville, Va. Dec. 1864; wounded in foot at Marion, W. Va. Dec. 16, 1864; in hosp. with wound at Cincinnati, Camp Dennison and Camp Chase; dis. at Helena, Ark, Mar. 16, 1866; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Clark, Andrew e. at Canton, regt. not known; missing; died or was cap.
Clark, Geo. W. e. Oct. 1861, co. A, 6th W. Va. V. I.; vet. and dis. with regt.
Clark, Geo. W. e. Aug. 6, 1861, co. A, 6th W. Va. V. I.; vet. and dis. with regt.
Clark, W. H. e. at Canfield, co. H, 105th O. V. I.; dis. Apr. 1863, disab.
Clark, Emery J. e. Sept. 24, 1863, co. E, 12th O. V. C.; dis. Aug. 24, 1865.
Clark, Dr. M. S. e. at Camp Wood, Cleveland, Oct. 28, 1861, co. K, 41th O. V. I.; corp.; in hosp. at Camp Wyckliffe and Louisville, Ky. typhoid pneumonia, winter of 1861-2; dis. for disab. at Columbia, Ky. Oct. 31, 1862; e. at Sandusky, May 7, 1864, co. I, 171st O. V. I.; app. hosp. stew.; cap. at Kellers Bridge, Ky. June 11, 1864; retaken at Cynthiana, Ky. in 2 days; dis. at Sandusky, Aug. 1864; mem. Tod Post; past surg.
Clayton, Henry co. B, 8th O. V. I.; wounded and disab. at Antietam.
Coale, Garrison, e. at New Brighton, Pa. Aug. 1, 1861, mustered at Pittsburg, Pa. co. C, 63d Pa V. I.; slightly wounded at 2d Bull Run; in all battles of the 3d Army Corps in McClellan's Peninsular campaign, Pope's campaign in Va., Burnside's Fredericksburg campaign, and Hooker's campaign until battle of Chancellorsville; wounded in that battle, May 3, 1863, and in hosp. at Washington D. C. and Convalescent Camp in Va. with wound 7 months; in 1864 in 2d Army Corps, Grant's campaign, till dis. in trenches near Petersburg, Va. Aug. 1, 1864; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.; S. M. in 1887-8-9.
Cobb, Benj. e. Dec. 28, 1861, co. E, 23d O. V. I; vet, and dis. with regt.
Cobb, Walter L. was in service last 18 months of the war in co. B, 12th O. V. C.
Cole, Geo. W. e. at Columbiana, Aug. 30, 1862, co H. 115th O. V. I.; in hosp. at Maysville, Ky. Nov. 1862, fever; det. in pioneer corps. from Mar. 1863, to
Collar, Royal E. e. at Canfield, June 11, 1861, co. E, 23d O. V. I.; vet with regt.; dis. with same at Cumberland, Md. July 26, 1865.
Conley, Moses, co. A, 23d O. V. V. I.; wounded and disab. at Winchester, 1864.
Conrad, Jacob P. as in service last 18 months of war in co. G, 9th Pa. V. V. C.
Cook, B. F. e. Aug. 8, 1862, co. I, 134th Pa. V. I.; dis. June 15, 1863.
Coook, Dugald e. in 1862, co. A, 105th O. V. I.; pro. corp. then sergt.; trans. at Murfreesboro, Tenn, to U. S. Eng. corps; det to pineer corps was an artison.  dis. from eng. corps at Nashville, Tenn. July 3, 1865; application for pension not yet properly considered; mem. Tod. Post 143d O. V. I.; in hosp at Fortress 1864; mem. Kirkbride, Post, G. A. R.
Cook, Sylvester, e. at Camp Dennison, Apr. 30, 1861, co. I, 7th O. V. I.; dis. at Camp Dennison, 1861; e. at Warren, Oct. 10, 1864, 22d O Indp. Battery; die at Columbus, July 14, 1865; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Cook, Jos. C. e. June, 1861, co. E, 23d O. V. I.; vet and his dis. with regt.
Coombs, Albert, e. at Warren, Mar. 26, 1865, co. K, 18th O. V. V. I.; app. musician; dis. at Augusta, Ga. Oct. 28, 1865; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Coombs, Moses, e. at Youngstown, 4-month service co. D, 155tyh O. V. I.
Conhig, Barth, was in service last year of war in bat. D. 2d Mass. H. A.
Corbett, H. Clay, e. at New Lisbon, served 3 years in co. K, 104th O. V. I.
Cornell, A. B. 1st lieut. co. D, 155th O. V. I. and A. D. C. to Post Commander.
Cornell, Samuel, e. at Norristown, Pa. 3 years in co. C, 138th Pa. V. I.
Couch, Jos. B. color corp, co. B, 85th O. V. I.; lieut. co. B, 155th O. V. I.
Coulter, Robt. H., e. at Meadville, Pa. Sept. 4, 1864, at age of 18 years; co. D, 211th Pa. V. I.; sent at once to the front, and took part in the battles of Hatchers Run, Fort Steadman, and the last engagements before Petersburg; 6 weeks in hosp. at Point of Rocks, Va. fever; dis. at Pittsburg, Pa. June, 1865; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Cover, Phraim, e. at New Castle, Pa. Aug. 6, 1862, co. B, 134th Pa. V. I.; dis. at Harrisburg, Pa.  May 26, 1863; died in Galveston, Tex. Aug. 7, 1864; buried there.
Cover, Hugh W., 3 months, 1861, co. G, 3d Pa. V. C.; then in same 4 years.
Cover, Jacob, e. at New Castle, Pa. Jan. 4, 1864, bat. E, 1st Penn. L. A.; in hosp. at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. 2 to 3 months, rheumatism and diarrhea; dis. at Philadelphia, Pa. July 24, 1865; applicaton for pension not yet properly considered; Q. M. S. in Hawkins Post, G. A. R.
Cover, Samuel, e. in Spencer twp. Hamilton co. O. Aug. 11, 1862, co. B, 83d O. V. I.; in Greenup hosp. Covington, Ky. camp fever, Sept. - Dec. 1862; hosp. at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Jan. 1863; slightly wounded at Vicksburg; in hosp. at Memphis, Tenn.  July-Sept. 1863, chronic diarrhea; dis. at Camp Dennison,, Aug. 13, 1865; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Cover, Wm. W., e. at Youngstown, May 2, 1864, co. D, 155th O. V. I.; sick with malarial fever and slight sunstroke at Norfolk, Va.; det. guarding govt. stores at Norfolk; dis. at Camp Dennison, Aug. 27, 1864; application for pension not yet properly considered; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Cowden, Hugh T., e. at Camp Dennison, 4-month service co. D, 155th O. V. I.
Cowley, Hugh, co. A, 105th O. V. I. 1862-5; wounded at Missionary Ridge.
Coy, Silas, e. Aug. 1862, co. A, 125th O. V. I.; pro. corp.; dis. with regt.
Coyle, John, e. at Harrisburg, Pa. Aug. 8, 1862, co. A, 142d Pa. V. I.; in hosp. at Baltimore and Philadelphia, May 13, 1864; e. at Youngstown, Feb. 8, 1865, co. A, 197th O. v. I.; dis. at Camp Chase, May 13, 1865; last of service under 1st enlistment was det. nurse at Turners Lane hosp.  Philadelphia; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Cracraft, Jos. T. e. at Pittsburg, Pa. July, 1861, co. A, 62d Pa. V. I.; pro. corp.; slightly wounded in 7 days fighting before Richmond, 1862; det. Jan. 10, 1863, mail carrier and post master for the 2d brig. 1st div. 5th A. C.; while on det. service, June 11, 1863, was cap by guerillas, near Kelleys Ford, Va.; never again heard from.
Cracraft, John W., e. June 8, 1861, co. E, 23d O. V. I.; sergt.; pro. q. m. sergt. Sept. 8, 1861; com. 2d lieut. co. K, same regt. Feb. 7, 1863; died at Point Comfort, Va. Aug. 5, 1886; buried at Charleston, W. Va.
Craft, Eli, e. at Cleveland, June 16, 1863, co. K, 86th O. V. I.; dis. at Cleveland, Feb. 10, 1864; mem. Kirkbride Post, G. A. R.
Cramer, John, 3-year and vet. service co. E. 23d O. V. I.; died Mar. 27, 1872.
Cramer, Wm. e. at Youngstown, 3-year and vet. service co. E, 2d O. V. C.
Creps, Jacob, e. at East Lewiston, Aug. 22, 1862, co. A, 125th O. V. I.; killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863; buried on field.
Creps, Jeremiah, e. at East Lewiston, Aug. 22, 1862, co. A, 125th O. V. I.; inured by cannon explosion in battle of Franklin; contracted rheumatism and heart disease in service; m. o. at Nashville, Tenn. June 8, 1865; mem. James A. Garfield Post, G. A. R.
Crocket, Robt. J. bet. A, 1st O. V. L. A. 1861-5; sergt.; wounded in Ga.
Crooks, A. H. was in service last year of war in bat. L, 6th Pa. H. Art.
Crouse, Joshua e. at Lewistown, served in co. A, 125th O. V. I.; corp.; wounded in Atlanta campaign; died at North Lima, fall of 1867.
Crouse, L. R. e. at Camp Chase, served in co. A, 197th O. V. I. Mar. - July, '65.
Crowell, Nathaniel e. at Camp Dennison, May 8, 1864, co. B, 155th O. V. I.; sunstruck at Elizabeth City, July 27, 1864; dis. at Camp Dennison, Aug. 27, 1864; mem. Tod Post, G. A. R.
Crowley, Wm. 3-month and 3-year service corp. then sergt. co. I, 7th O. V. I.
Crum, Henry, served in co. A, 2d Mass. V. C.; wounded at Waynesboro, Va.
Crumrind, David, e. at Yuongstown, 4-month service co. G, 155th O. V. I.; corp.
Cunningham, John, e. at Camp Dennison, 4-month service co. D, 155th O. V. I.
Cunningham, Murray, e. at Harrisburg, Pa. Apr. 18, 1861, for 3-month service, co. B, 9th Pa. V. I.; dis. Aug. 7, 1861; e. for 3 years, Oct. 1, 1861, co. M. 2d 20th Pa. Cav. regts. were consol, into the 1st Pa. Provisional Cavalry; dis. from same at close of war, at Clouds Mills, Va. rank of corp.; was out gathering cattle, Feb. 6, 1863, and on return to camp was one of seven det. as rear guard; stopped at farm house to get some milk, and coming out was bedding, and with no glass in windows, then paroled; exchanged in about 3 months; mem. Tod post, G. A. R.


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