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Wayne County, Ohio
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Biographical Record of Wayne & Holmes Co.
Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co.

(Contributed by Sharon Wick)



Joseph E. Barrett, M.D.


Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 230

  HON. JOHN B. BAUGHMAN is a native of Wayne County, Ohio, a son of Solomon and Luthena Baughman.  His paternal grandparents, John and Elizabeth Baughman, were natives of Washington County, Penn., where they were married, and in 1810 they moved with their family to Wayne County, Ohio, locating in what is now Baughman Township, which was named in honor of John Baughman.  He was elected justice of the peace a number of terms, and his commissions are still in the possession of his grandson, John W.  He was a well-educated man for his time, and was a leader in his township.  He died in 1837.  He was an old time-Democrat, voting for Thomas Jefferson, the party's candidate for President.  He and his wife were members of the Lutheran Church.  They had a large family, of whom only the youngest, David, survives, at present a resident of Chippewa Township.
     Solomon, the eldest of the family, was born Mar. 20, 1800, and when ten years old his parents moved to Wayne County.  He served an apprenticeship at the carriage and wagon-maker's trade, and opened the first factory in Dalton.  He was a successful business man, and was a successful business man, and was elected to fill various official positions in the township, among others that of treasurer and trustee.  His wife, nee Luthena Black, was a native of Maryland, and when a child accompanied her parents, James and Rosanna Black, to Stark County, Ohio.  Her father was a soldier in the War of 1812, serving under Gen. Harrison.  Solomon and Luthena Baughman had a family of four children: John W., Elizabeth, James and Jacob  The father died Mar. 18, 1887.
     John W. Baughman is the only member of his father's family now living.  He was educated at the public school and the academy of Dalton, which was then under the supervision of the United Presbyterian Church, attending school until about seventeen years old, when he began teaching in the winter, alternating with work in his father's shop.  In 1855 he was elected to the Legislature by the Democratic party, serving one term.  In 1868 he was elected clerk of the courts, and removed to Wooster, being re-elected in 1871.  In 1886 he was again elected by the Democratic party to represent Wayne County in the Legislature, and was re-elected in 1888.
     Mr. Baughman was married Jan. 1, 1857, to Miss Charlotte Barkdull, a native of Wayne County, daughter of Peter and Sarah Barkdull, and they have two children, Luthena and Emily.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 223
  DAVID BECHTEL, merchant, Wooster, was born in Wooster Township, July 1, 1843. He is of German ancestry, and his father, Jacob B. Bechtel, was a native of Pennsylvania, a farmer by occupation, and the owner of a saw-mill.  Upon reaching manhood, Jacob B. was married to Elizabeth, daughter of George Ridenhour, and in 1842 the family came to Wayne County, and settled upon a partially improved farm.  Here the parents of our subject passed the remainder of their lives, the father dying in December, 1885, at the age of seventy-three years, and three months later the mother followed him to the grave, also aged seventy-three.  He was a member of the German Reformed Church, and she of the German Lutheran Church.  This worthy couple were the parents of fourteen children, nine now surviving, and all hut one making their homes in Wayne County.  Jacob Bechtel was an industrious man, who made his own way in the world.  He started a poor boy, but died fairly well off.  He always bore the reputation of an honest and trustworthy man.
     David W. Bechtel attended the common schools in winters for a few mouths, and stayed on the home farm until he was seventeen years of age, then going to Sandusky City to learn the trade of carriage-making.  The firm failing, he returned to Wooster, where for a few months he worked at his trade.  Aug. 13, 1862, he offered his services to his country, enlisting in Company F, One Hundred and Second Ohio Infantry, and served almost three years.  After receiving his discharge he returned to Wayne County, and in October, 1865, became a clerk in a dry goods store, in which he remained ten years.  For a year after that he traveled for a Philadelphia firm, and then for six years he was in the office of the supreme reporter of the K. of H. at Wooster.  Following this he was again employed in a dry goods house, and in June, 1885, began for himself, dealing in wall-papers, window-shades, toys, fancy goods and novelties, of which he keeps a large and well-assorted stock.
     In 1868 Mr. Bechtel was married to Rebecca, daughter of J. C. Plumer, sketch of whom appears elsewhere, and four children have been born to them, Harvey C., Mary A., Bessie and Julia, all at home.  Mr. Bechtel is a member of the Knights of Honor and of the Royal Arcanum, and his wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Wooster.  He is one of Wooster's bright young business men, who is by his upright character and life winning the esteem of all who know him.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 244
  ISAAC BECHTEL.  This old and well-known citizen of Wayne County is of German ancestry, but the family have for several generations been natives of America.  He was born in Northampton County, Penn., Dec. 29, 1816.  His
father, George Bechtel, and his paternal grandparents were also natives of the same State.  His maternal grandfather, Jacob Berto, was also a native American, whose ancestors came from France.  George Bechtel was by occupation a farmer, and grew to manhood in his native State, where he was married to Miss Elizabeth Berto, daughter of Jacob and Franie Berto, and a native of Berks County, Penn.
     In search of a better home and cheaper lands on which to settle the family growing up around them, George Bechtel and wife came to Wayne County, Ohio, in 1836, arriving at Wooster May 8.  He first purchased a small farm, about three miles from Wooster, and by industry and thrifty habits, aided by a good wife, was, after a time, enabled to increase his possessions, becoming the owner of 200 acres of good land, and a grist-mill and a sawmill on Crawford's Run.  The good wife and mother was called to her last rest in September, 1854, at the age of sixty-four years.  She had borne eight children, as follows: Jacob B. and Hetty, both now deceased; Sarah, widow of Henry Hess; Isaac; Franie, now Mrs. J. Bahl, of Wilson County, Kas.; Abraham, living in this county; Elizabeth, now Mrs. Allen, of Seneca County, Ohio, and Reuben, who was a Union soldier, and died while in the service, near Vicksburg, Miss., June 11, 1863, at the age of thirty-three years.  After the death of his wife George Bechtel retired from the harder labors of life, and was later married to Catherine Beerbaugher, who died Jan. 18, 1876.  In November of the same year her husband followed her to the grave, at the age of eighty-eight years.  His life had been an active one, and having always enjoyed good health, he was able to do much for the upbuilding of his adopted county.  Though not in any sense a politician, he was an old-line Whig, and cast his ballot regularly for the candidates of his party.  He was a member of the German Reformed Church.
     Isaac Bechtel, the subject proper of these lines, had but limited school advantages, and early worked on his father's farm.  He was twenty years old when he came to Ohio.  In 1843 he was married to Caroline, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Troutman, all natives of Berks County, Penn.  Her mother died in Henry County, Ohio, and her father in Wooster Township, this county.  Our subject and his wife have had but one child, Lizzie, who attained the age of nine years, when she joined the silent majority.  In politics Mr. Bechtel was first a Whig, and on the formation of the Republican party joined its ranks, and acted with it until he became convinced that the cause of prohibition, of which he is an earnest advocate, would never be aided by either of the old parties, and he then joined the Prohibition party ranks, of which he is now one of its most active members.  In the fall of 1877 Mr. Bechtel became superintendent and treasurer of the Wooster Cemetery Association.  Since 1846 lie has been affiliated with the Odd Fellows order, and he and his wife are members of the English Lutheran Church.  Widely and favorably known throughout the county, Mr. Bechtel will long be remembered, not only as one of its early settlers, but as a citizen whose character and conduct is above reproach, and who has done his share to advance its prosperity.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 240

MRS. JANE BECHTEL, of Wooster, Ohio, is the widow of JOHN BECHTEL, and was born in Chester Township, Wayne County, in 1818.  Her father, James Flack, was born in Washington County, Penn., and was by trade a millwright. His father was born abroad.  of English extraction. The father of our subject married Margaret Ramsey, who bore him eight children, six of whom reached maturity; Mrs. Bechtel and Mrs. Mary McDaniel, of Wooster, are the only ones living in Wayne County.  While Mrs. Bechtel was but a child she lost a mother's care, and some time afterward her father chose as his second wife Miss Julia White, who bore him six children.  The father died in 1853.  About 1818 he had come to Wayne County, where he settled on a farm, and also built and operated a mill on Little Killbuck Creek.  Mrs. Bechtel's girlhood was passed on the farm in Chester Township, and in 1837 she was there married to John Bechtel.  They came to Wooster, where they built the house which has since been her home with the exception of the four years during which Mr. Bechtel was sheriff.
JOHN BECHTEL was a son of Martin and Margaret (Spellman) Bechtel, natives of Pennsylvania, both of whom died in Wayne County, to which they had removed when John was quite young.  The latter became well known in Wayne County; was a Democrat in politics, and influential in the councils of his party.  He held various township and county offices; was constable, deputy sheriff, and was later elected and re-elected to the office of sheriff, which he filled acceptably to the people and creditably to him self for two terms.  For many years be had been a member of the I. O. O. F., and was looked upon as a man of unflinching integrity.  Mr. Bechtel died in 1865, at the age of fifty-five years. Of his union with our subject there were six children born, as follows: James Martin, now a resident of Burlington, Iowa; Melissa A., now Mrs. Irving Foghson, of Duluth; David E., in Southern Ohio; Mary E., wife of J. P. Hockins, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; John T., living in Greenfield Ohio; Jennie T., now Mrs. Jerome T. Baird, of Wooster, Ohio.  Mrs. Bechtel was as well known as her husband, and is held in high esteem by all who know her.
     JEROME T. BAIRD was born in Wayne County, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1858.  His father, Cyrus Baird, was also a native of the county, born in Plain Township.  His grandfather, who was also named Cyrus, was a native of the Slate of New York, born Mar. 2, 1801, and came to this county with his father, Aaron Baird, in 1812.  He was married to a Miss Blatchley, and both died in Wayne County.  His son, Cyrus, father of Jerome, was reared upon the farm, and after arriving at years of manhood, married Amy Tyler, a daughter of Benjamin and Maria Tyler, both of whom were early settlers of Wayne County.  Of this union four children were born, Jerome T. being the only one living in Wayne County. In the spring of 1869 the mother passed away, the father still living in Wooster.  Jerome Baird's first business experience was as a clerk in a drug store in Wooster, in which he finally bought an interest. In the spring of 1884 he sold out his interest, and started alone in the business he is now conducting, in 1882 he was married to Miss Jennie, daughter of John and Jane Bechtel.  No children have been born to them.  Mr. Baird is a member of the K. of M., and he is regarded as a young business man of capacity, whose attention to business and character for probity are sure to command success.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 288

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 288
  HARVEY HOWARD BISSELL, junior member of the dry goods firm of Bissell Bros., was born in Wooster in the month of flowers and when the air is all sweetness - June 25, 1847.  He is the grandson of Hon. John Sloane, the youngest son and child of Dr. Samuel Norton and Eliza Bissell, and was not yet ten months old when his father died, which event was a sad and serious loss to him, as the death of a dutiful parent to an uprising family is always a catastrophe to be lamented.  But, under the watchful care of his mother, his footsteps were carefully guided and he grew to manhood with a full realization of what life was, what it was to be, and the part he was to play in its coming drama.  His education was obtained at the Wooster schools, and when, at a quite early age, he withdrew from them, he dropped into the uncertain whirl of business, when he soon found himself anchored as a clerk in the flour and feed traffic.  After serving in this capacity for a period, he engaged in the grocery and provision business, and from this sphere of service, Feb. 22, 1875, he entered into partnership relations in the mercantile business with his brother, J. S. Bissell, which still continues.  He was married Sept. 28, 1875, to Miss Melissa, daughter of Joseph Marshall, of Blatchleyville, Wayne Co., Ohio, three children being the issue of this union, viz:  Ellen E., Edgar J. and Milah S.  Mr. Marshall, the father of Mrs. Bissell, is infirmary director of Wayne County, having been elected in 1883 and re-elected in 1886.  He is an exceedingly popular man in his party, and like his son-in-law, the subject of this sketch, is a Democrat.  He is a man of good business qualifications, reliable and honest in public and private life, and, as an officer of the county, has thus far acquitted himself with credit and ability.
     As we have indicated, Mr. Bissell is a Democrat, but he has no official aspirations, acting and voting with his party as he is an harmony with its principles.  He became a member of the Order of Freemasonry in 1869, joining Ebenezer Lodge, No. 33, Wooster, Ohio.  In 1876 he joined Wooster Chapter, No. 27.  He was made a Knight Templar June 20, 1880, at Massillon Commandery, No. 4.  He is a charter member of the Royal Arcanum, Wayne Council, No. 13, instituted in Wooster Sept. 5, 1877.  His wife is a member of the Disciples Church at Blatchleyville, and her husband, though a patron of the church, is not a member.  The domestic virtues preponderate in him, and his home circle is charming and pleasant.  Under his own roof and by his own fireside he realizes the best phases and truest enjoyments of life.  He is as true as the needle to the pole, but betray his confidence or do him an injustice, or offer him an indignity, and there rises instantly to the surface the dynamic grit of his nature.  He is of quiet, retiring disposition, but does his own thinking, acting vigorously and promptly an occasion demands.  He is possessed of genial manners and great kindness of heart, quick to notice an intended injury, but not so quick to forgive or forget unless the proper restitution is made.  He has a strong will, united with extraordinary firmness and decision, and after carefully considering the matter, the granite of his nature hardens into the granite of the hills, and he becomes immovable.  He gives the closest attention to business, and is temperate, steady and economical in his habits.  He is liberal, earnest and active, never hesitating to perform his share of the work about him, in fact, is well adapted to the vocation he has chosen for his life work.  The cast of his mind is practical; he has the bearing of one devoted to business, is well built and strong, ahs a physical constitution that insures prolonged vitality, and that patient perseverance which never tires, and moves steadily forward in the path he has marked.  He has, through all his years of work, endeavored to live along the line of business fairness and oral rectitude, seeking to do what is right, and remembering that what you believe to be so, when you are required to act on any subject, is right for you at that time, whether it may be absolutely, or in the opinion of others, or even of yourself at another time.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 544
  JOHN SLOAN BISSELL.  Men of business capacity, force and intelligence need no factitious introduction to the public attention.  The positions of honor, influence and power in commerce, statesmanship, or, in fact, in any field, are not always occupied by men of the highest intellect or ability.  Many who possess the best and most valuable attainments and who are qualified for the highest service pass quietly through life, unhonored and unsung.  An accident frequently thrusts the greatness of position upon a man, though he may be too small to fill the measure of his luck.  He who makes himself strong and a factor to be known and felt, by his tact, energy and skill, is greater than he who swings in the web woven about him by the spider of circumstance.  From an humble beginning, a clerkship in a dry goods store, the subject of this sketch has grown into mercantile strength and to such proportions that the firm of Bissell Brothers is a household word in the business exchanges of the community.
     John Sloane Bissell was born in the city of Wooster, Oct. 13, 1839.  His father, Samuel Norton Bissell, was a native of Oneida County, N. Y., where he was born Jan. 22, 1809.  He studied medicine with his uncle, Hezekiah Bissello, then practicing medicine in Wooster, and graduated from the Medical College at Cincinnati, where he at once formed a partnership with his uncle.  He rapidly rose to eminence in his profession and distinguished himself in every branch of it.  He was a man of fine physique, slightly inclined to be corpulent, the lithe, active and possessed of remarkable physical courage and strength.  His intellectual qualities were of a high order.  He was an ardent friend, a courteous gentleman of unquestioned integrity, and endowed with a benevolent and chivalric nature.  He was a Whig in politics, at times active in the service of his party, supplying the press with brilliant criticisms and reviews of the acts and attitudes of the different parties.  He was elected associate judge of the Common Pleas Court in 1845.  He was married Sept. 25, 1832, to Eliza, daughter of Hon. John and Ruth Sloane, and died June 13, 1848, in the splendid noontime of his usefulness and activity.  To this marriage there were born eight children, all of whom are dead except John S. and Harvey H.  The mother died June 14, 1871.
     The subject of this biography is a grandson of Hon. John Sloane, a sketch of whom follows.  His father died when he was in his ninth year, but he was fortunate in having a mother left to guard his youthful years, and instruct and prepare him for the conquests, knock-downs, ambitions and despairs of the world.  He had the advantage of the village schools, of which he availed himself for a number of years, and afterward was upon the roll of pupils at the academy of Prof. Hill  Under the stimulus of his mother's influence and impelled by a desire to obtain a good English education, he prosecuted his studies with diligence and vigor.  At the age of seventeen he entered the store of D. H. King & Co., on the corner, where he and his brother are now engaged in business, and after eight years of subordinate service he became a partner of R. R. Donnelly, who had purchased the store of Mr. Plumer.  He reviews of the acts and attitudes of the different parties.  He was elected associate judge of the Common Pleas Court in 1845.  He was married Sept. 25, 1832, to Eliza, daughter of Hon. John and Ruth Sloane, and died June 13, 1848, in the splendid noontime of his usefulness and activity.  To this marriage there were born eight children, all of whom are dead except John S. and Harvey H.  The mother died June 14, 1871.
     The subject of this biography is a grandson of the Hon. John Sloane, a sketch of whom follows.  His father died when he was in his ninth year, but he was fortunate in having a mother left to guard his youthful years, and instruct and prepare him for the conquests, knock-downs, ambitions and despairs of the world.  He had the advantage of the village schools, of which he availed himself for a number of years, and afterward was upon the roll of pupils at the academy of Prof. Hill.  Under the stimulus of his mother's-influence and impelled by a desire to obtain a good English education, he entered the store of D. H. King & Co., on the corner, where he and his brother are now engaged in business, and after eight years of subordinate service he became a partner of R. R. Donnelly, who had purchased the store of Mr. Plumer.  He remained in business with Mr. Donnelly until the latter's death, in 1875, which terminated the partnership.  In February of this year he formed a partnership with his brother, Henry Howard Bissell, which has continued, and the firm is one of the recognized and responsible mercantile establishments of the city and county.  In 1866 he was united in marriage to Miss Lucinda Leas, a native of Stark County, Ohio, an estimable and accomplished lady of happy domestic qualities.  By this union there were born to Mr. and Mrs. Bissell five children, all of whom are living: Arthur L., Samuel L., John S., Daisie E. and Jeanette.
     Mr. Bissell
may strictly and truthfully be denominated a business man.  He devotes his entire and undivided attention to it, supervising its details and giving it the closest attention.  In his transactions as merchant he is systematic, cautious and trustworthy, with well defined methods of business and exacting a rigid compliance to them.  In politics he is a Democrat, and during the war, though he did not enter the military service, where, we believe, he would have distinguished himself, he was a pronounced Unionist, giving his time and means to the cause of the government.  When Sumter was fired on he rallied around the flag, and when the news came from Appomattox, from his housetop he unfurled the banner of freedom.  He has at times been active in politics, more, however, from the sense of duty, than from any personal ambition.
     He joined the fraternity of Masons in 1867, Ebenezer Lodge, No. 33, Wooster, Ohio, and was worshipful master for six years, is a member of Wooster Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, and has held positions from secretary to captain of the Host, which position he is now holding and has held for eight years.  He is a member of Wooster Council No. 13, Royal and Select Masters, and has occupied positions for a number of years.  He is a Knight Templar, and assisted in organizing Wooster Commandery, No. 48, which is in process of being constituted, and which has its charger granted by the Grand Commandery of the State of Ohio.  He has familiarized himself with the work in the higher departments of Masonry, and his services are frequently in demand as a worker.  He is a charter member of the Royal Arcanum, Wayne Council No. 13, instituted in Wooster, Sept. 5, 1877.  His wife is a member of the Lutheran Church, and he is a regular attendant, though not a member of any religious denomination.  In private life he is social, genial and pleasant, and in conversation, as in business, he is quick, vital and animated.  He believes that life is a kind of tracery, a blending and interlacing of sunshine and shadow, and that the variety of pains and pleasures, of fears and hopes, which we encounter in life, is but a refreshing breeze that fills the sails of the vessel and sends it gaily forward.  No one enjoys life better than he.  He is of medium weight and stature, sound as a pillar in the Sistine Chapel, muscles knitted like webs of steel, and in possession of perfect health.  His hair is dark, with which his eyes are in harmony, and his complexion is a clear olive.  He occupies a desirable position in business and social circles, and is respected for his accomplishments there, as well as for those finer and inherent attributes which pervade the composition of the real man and gentleman.  His firm championship of that which he believes to be right, his well understood moral and physical courage, love of justice, integrity, morality and clear view of honor, are conspicuous traits of his character.  His business career has been forward and successful, yet he has the courage to confront disaster if it comes as well as prosperity, and would see under the frown of defeat the smile of victory.  On the ruins of today are built the temples of tomorrow.  According to the legend of Virgil, when Troy fell its banished citizens reared a mightier city on the Tiber.  He is kind hearted and generous , and cherishes the warmest affection for his family.  He honored his ancestral line, and entertains a just pride in preserving its memory.  He has veneration which enables him to look up, and sympathy which enables him to look down.  To the stranger and the foot-weary pilgrim he will bring a morsel of bread, water for his thirst, and he shall rest within the shadows of his tent.

     HON. JOHN SLOANE* was a native of York County, Penn., but at an early period he moved with his father's family to Washington County, in the same State, then to Jefferson County, Ohio, before the admission of the State into the Union, and afterward to Columbiana County.
     In 1804 he was elected a member of the Lower House of the General Assembly, and in the fall of 1805-6, was re-elected.  While still a member of the Legislature, in the winter of 1807-8, President Jefferson appointed him Receiver of Public Moneys of the new office to the opened at Canton, in May of that year.  He remained here until April 1, 1816, when in conjunction with Gen. Beall, Register of Public Lands, under instructions from the Government, he removed the land office to Wooster, where he continued to reside until his death.  He held control of the Receiver's office until Mar. 4, 1819, when he resigned, having the preceding year been elected to Congress.  During the years he held the office of Receiver, he became extensively known throughout the State.  By his public spirit and enterprise among the settlers of a new country, his faithful attention to his office, and his urbane manners to persons transacting business with him, he acquired a universal and deserved popularity, which manifested itself in his election to Congress in the fall of 1818, from a district embracing a large territory, over a prominent and talented competitor then holding a seat in the National Assembly.
     For ten years in that body he was a popular and influential member, siding and securing the passage of laws which would contribute to the best interests of the country and his constituents, maintaining and vindicating them with signal power and ability.
     Prominent among his achievements in Congress was the obtaining of the enactment of legislation by which sections (640 acres) of the public lands could be divided and subdivided into 320, 160 and 80 acres, thereby enabling the early settlers to enter, or purchase, such number of acres of the public domain as was suited to the usually limited capital they had for investment.  This measure, of itself, so advantageous, liberal and beneficent in its provisions, secured to him a universal commendation, and the descendants of the hardy pioneers and first settlers should yet cherish his name in grateful recollection. 
     He supported Mr. Adams for his Presidency in preference to Gen. Jackson, and notwithstanding the cyclone of excitement that grew out of Mr. Adams' election, such was the powerful grasp which Col. Sloane had upon the affections of the people of the district that he was elected a fifth time to Congress in the fall of 1826, and although the excitement alluded to continued to gather strength for the succeeding two years, yet such was Mr. Sloane's popularity that in the Congressional race of 1828, he was beaten by only a very meager majority.
     In 1829, after the expiration of his service in Congress, he was appointed clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne County.  This position he held for seven years, his commission bearing date Mar. 5, 1831.  In 1841 the Legislature appointed him Secretary of State (of Ohio) for a period of three years, in which capacity he served the public with his proverbial efficiency and ability.
     The last office which he held was that of Treasurer of the United States, by appointment of President Fillmore, the salary then being $3,000, as against  $6,000 at present.  We herewith subjoin his commission, the property of his grandson, John Sloane Bissell, bearing the signature of the President and that of Daniel Webster, then Secretary of State:


To all who shall see these presents, Greeting:
     KNOW YE.  That, reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity, care and ability of John Sloane, Ohio ..............I...................., do appoint him Treasurer of the United states..... and do authorize and empower him to execute and fulfill the duties of that office according to law, and to have and to hold the said office, with all the rights and emoluments thereunto legally appertaining unto him the said John Sloan, during the pleasure of the President of the United States for the time being and until the end of the next session of the Senate of the United States, and no longer.

In Testimony whereof I have caused these letters to be made patent and the Seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed.
Given under my hand at the City of Washington, the twenty-seventh day of November, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty, and of the independence of the United States of America in Seventy-fifth.
                                                                                                          MILLARD FILMORE.

By the President.
          Secretary of State.

     During the war he was colonel of militia and an enthusiastic and patriotic supporter of the war, advancing his own private funds to feed and clothe and otherwise aid the soldiers who were in needy and distressed circumstances.
     We insert a letter addressed to him from Duncan McArthur, a Major-General of Militia, M. C. 1823-25, and Governor of Ohio 1830-33, which speaks for itself.

                                                                                                                           FRUIT HILL, Jan. 25, 1813.
     Dear Sir - I have at length a leisure moment to accounts which you have enclosed to me.  I find that there were three hundred and sixteen (316) men who drew money, or rations, from you to enable them to return home, and that the distance to their respective homes (the most of them being from Col. Findlay's Reg't.), would average fifteen days (15).  It is certain it would have taken some of those men a longer and some a shorter time to reach their homes; but as it can make no difference to the Government in the total amount, I can see no impropriety in fixing the return at the average time.
     At fifteen cents (15) per ration it will about cover the amount which you were so kind as to advance.
     Indeed all must acknowledge that the man never would have reached home had it not been for your liberality.
We may well say, that "a friend in need in a friend indeed."  Be assured, sir, that your kindness will never be forgotten by those who experienced it; and I trust the Government will not hesitate to remunerate you for the amount which he actually advanced.  With thanks and gratitude, I am, dear sir,
                                                                                                                                               Very respectfully yours,
                                                                                                                                                                DUNCAN McARTHUR.

     Col. John Sloane

     Not only did Mr. Sloane bear the rank of Colonel in the military service of the period, but he was the counselor and confidential adviser, not only of the Governor or Governors, during the struggle, but of the military leaders as well.  His overshadowing abilities in civil life introduced him to, and gave him prominence in, the martial arena, and in the camp and council, his advice, good offices and sound judgment were in frequent requisition.
     He was the warm personal and confidential friend of Henry Clay, and his admiration of him was reciprocated by the deepest respect of the brilliant Kentuckian.  They conducted a private correspondence for over twenty-five years, and Mr. Bissell has carefully preserved many of these letters, which remain unpublished.  Those written by Col. Sloane, and the replies to those written by Mr. Clay, approximate very closely, in strength of expression, purity of language, vigor of thought and occasional pungency of style in the standard of Mr. Clay.
As is expressed, directly and indirectly, in these letters, Col. Sloane was his truest, best and most steadfast friend; his counselor and most steadfast friend; his counselor and adviser in matters of State and National concern, and this feeling of warmest friendship continued to exist until the curtain of time was dropped and both actors disappeared. 
     We introduce brief extracts from two confidential letters:

                                                                                                  LEXINGTON, KR., August 12, 1828.
     My Dear Sir: - I received your favor of the 29th inst. requesting a copy of the Journals of the convention of our State, containing the votes of its members on the subject of slavery.                *         *           *
     My opinions are unchanged.  I would still in Kentucky support a gradual emancipation; so I would in Missouri.  The question.  I think in any State, is a good deal affected by the proportion of the African to the European race.  In this State I do not think it so great as to endanger the purity and safety of society.  But, I nevertheless believe that this question of emancipation of slaves, as our Federal Constitution now stands, is one exclusively belonging to he States respectively, and not to Congress.  No man is more sensible of the evils of slavery than I am, nor regrets them more.  Were I the citizen of a State in which it was not tolerated, I should certainly oppose its introduction with all the force and energy in my power; and if I found myself unhappily overruled, I would then strive to incorporate in the law, by which their admission was authorized, the principles of gradual emancipation.
     In thus disclosing to you, my dear friend, most freely and frankly my past and present sentiments, I pray you to understand the communication for yourself alone.  It does not appear to be proper or delicate that I should be received in any way to testify on the subject of my own opinions.  You are capable of justly appreciating this feeling.  My information on the other subject of your letter continues to be from all quarters highly encouraging.  I reserve the details of it for the occasion when I shall have the pleasure of seeing you.  In the meantime I remain
                                                                                                                               Faithfully your friend,                   H. CLAY

     The Hon. John Sloane.
When serving as Treasurer of the United States, Daniel Webster, Massachusetts, was Secretary of State; Thomas H. Ewing, Ohio, was Secretary of the Interior; Tom Corwin, Ohio, Secretary of the Treasury; Charles M. Conrad, Louisiana, Secretary of War; William A. Graham,  North Carolina, Secretary of the Navy; Nathan K. Hall, New Jersey, Postmaster-General, and John J. Crittenden, Kentucky, Attorney-General.  In Ohio, the name of Col. Sloane was as familiar as that of Worthington, or Ruggles, or Tappan, or Morrow, or Burnet, or Ewing, or Corwin, or Allen, or Medary - men who have attained distinguished honors in the pantheon of the State and Nation.  Throughout Ohio, and, especially, in the northern and eastern part, he acquired an enviable eminence as a controversialist and debater, and engaged in the hottest bouts and collisions with champions from the lists of his political adversaries.  In joint discussion he was an expert, subtle, dangerous and aggressive opponent, and, though not in the true sense an orator, he charmed his hearers with a strong and steady flow of solid English, that, like the river Zaire, swelling onward forever, palpitated beneath the red eye of the sun.
     As a newspaper contributor and political essayist he acquired deserved reputation, and in the columns of the old files of the National Intelligencer, Washington, D. C., to which statesmen and scholars have contributed from the time of Hamilton, Jay and Madison, to the day it ceased to exist, are to be found vigorous and stately productions of his pen.  His diction was unmistakable, elastic, incisive, direct, and frequently of acid sharpness - never distorted into tortuosities or cased and slated over with metaphors and tropes.
     His invective cut through tissue and lodged in the bone and morrow.  He assaulted an enemy with a dauntless energy, and his courage, at times tantamount to fierceness in an onset, had a gentleness of spirit, which, however, "laughed at the shaking of the spear."
     In State and National campaigns his voice was "never inaudible amid the wildest dissonances" of the conflict.  In the contentions of the contest of 1840, when Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison was in the field, and when chivalrous belligerents on either side drew their brightest steel, he obeyed the war whoop and the beat of drum, and sprang to the fight like the gladiator, his lance lifted high in the front of the assaulting column.  To Col. Sloane, Gen. Harrison was an ideal man, in the fact, that he possessed moral and intellectual greatness, and more the greatness of patriotic action.
     Col. Sloane remained in Washington until 1853, when he returned home, seeking retirement and repose of body and mind.

Even those whom Fame has lent her fairest ray,
     The most renowned of worthy wights or yore.
From a base world at last have stol'n away.
     So Scipio, to the soft Cumaen shore.
     Retiring, tasted joy he never know before.

     He was married to Miss Ruth Hardgrave, of Pennsylvania, and by this union ten children resulted, all save two growing to manhood and womanhood.  Mrs. Dalia Sloane is the only survivor, and holds at this time a position in the Pension Department at Washington.    
     He died 15th of May, 1856, at his residence in Wooster, after a short illness, aged seventy-eight years.
     The life of Col. Sloane, his public service to the State and Nation, his speeches, letters, and journalistic contributions should, and we have no doubt will, be collected and given to the public.  He had an extensive, intelligent and prolonged contact with the world, and his experiences were on the best side of life.  His allegiance to the truth was sincere, and his integrity and honor above reproach.  He was a patriot and true man.  A pioneer in the State, crossing its threshold before it had been admitted to the sisterhood of the Union, he lived to see a very torrent of population pour into its extensive regions, which in his younger manhood he had traversed as a howling wilderness, that has been unparalleled in the records or march of time.  His early years and his maturer strength were imbedded in his brain as truths, and entrenched in his character as sentiments.  A partisan, to some extent himself, he found much to oppose in government and men, as he did Jackson and his systems, which he antagonized, as he would have the ideals of Rousseau.  But he had confidence in the free institutions of his country, and had full faith in freedom, for his faith in it had not been corrupted by experience in blood.  He possessed the deep thought which explained principles, and comprehensive thought which regarded relations, and the fertile thought which devised measures.
     His life was a long one of public service, and he bore to the grave a character which envoy cannot tarnish - a true patriot and an honest man.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 546

  ANDREW J. BLACKSTONE, clothing merchant, Orrville, Ohio, is a native of Wayne County, born in Paint Township, Apr. 29, 1840.  On his paternal side his grandfather came from England and his grandmother from Germany.  On the maternal side both grandparents came from Wales.  They all settled in Westmoreland County, Penn., where Daniel Blackstone, father of Andrew J., was born in 1810. He and his wife are now living near West Lebanon, in Paint Township, his farm lying partly in that township and partly in Sugar Creek.
     He came to Wayne County with his parents when young, and being left fatherless at an early age, had to rely entirely on his own exertions.  Not only did he maintain himself, but he was the main support of his mother until her death, which occurred in 1854.  Notwithstanding his disadvantageous circumstances by unremitting industry and habits of thrift he made his way in the world, and is now in possession of a comfortable competence, besides giving each of his children a good start in life.  He was quite young when his parents removed to Ohio, and, until his marriage, worked out.  After that, in company with his mother, he bought a small piece of land, and on that place he has lived ever since.  As the years went by and prosperity rewarded his industry, piece by piece he added to his farm, until to-day he has one of the finest in Wayne County, comprising 225 acres.  His early habits of industry have never left him, and he has always been noted as an extraordinarily industrious and hard-working man.  Having all he could attend to at home, he has avoided public office, his politics being simply to do his duty at the polls.  His first vote was cast for Harrison and Tyler, in 1840.  He is known as a kind and charitable man, always willing to help the poor and distressed, and is highly esteemed in the community where he has so long made his home.  He is a firm believer in the doctrines of Christianity, but has never united with any denomination.  He, however, has always been a liberal contributor to all church work, and gives freely to all churches in the neighborhood.  As illustrative of his character, it may be mentioned that he has never in his life been engaged in a lawsuit, either as plaintiff or defendant.  He was married when twenty-one or twenty-two years of age to Miss Harriet Griffith daughter of Benjamin and Mary Griffith, of Sugar Creek Township, of which her father was one of the early settlers, and were he held the office of justice of the peace many years, until his death.  Harriet Griffith was born in Westmoreland County, Penn., in 1812.  She is a woman of deep religious convictions, and was reared in the Methodist faith by pious parents.  She is now a member of the Lutheran Church near her home.  She has been a faithful wife and devoted mother, and has the sincere love and affection of all her children.  Mr. and Mrs. Blackstone have had ten children, of whom one, Stephen, is deceased.  The rest are Benjamin, living in Stark County, Ohio; Susan, wife of John A. Rose, in Marion, Kas.; Andrew J.; Eli, living near Tipton, Mo.; Melissa, wife of Wesley Seiler, in Waterloo, Ind.; Mary. wife of W. M. Snyder, of this county; Howard M., also in this county; Harvey Ervin, a practicing physician in Excelsior, Mo., and Isaac A., on a farm near the old home.
     Andrew J. Blackstone, the subject of this memoir, lived on the farm until he was twenty-one years old, receiving a good common-school education.  He was married in 1861, and removed to Illinois, renting a farm there in the spring of 1862, but in a few months he gave it up to enter the Union army, on July 21, of that year, in Company H, One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry.  While in the service he underwent much hardship.  In the fall of 1862, at Louisville, Ky., he was detailed to help manage teams, and was kicked and trampled upon by a mule, and severely injured, laying him up in the hospital for two months.  In November following he rejoined his regiment at Glasgow, Ky., and was in the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn.  Jan. 21, 1863, he was one of a detail sent out with a forage train.  Scarcely had they passed the Union pickets when they were charged upon by rebel cavalry, and thirty-three teams, teamsters, detail and guards were captured.  They were hurried off to the rebel Gen. Morgan's headquarters at McMinnville, Tenn., where they were paroled.  Mr. Blackstone was sent out with rebel teams on a foraging expedition, and did not get back to camp until 11 o'clock at night, before which time all the other prisoners had been sent off.  He was given his parole, but was not allowed to leave the rebel lines.  The hardships and exposure he here endured brought on a severe fit of sickness, leaving him hardly able to walk.  Other prisoners had been captured in the meantime, and with them he was sent to the Union lines, but, being unable to keep up, he fell behind, and was picked up by Union cavalry, who took him to Glasgow, Ky.  His parole directed him to report at Louisville, Ky., and on his way from Glasgow to the railroad he was overhauled by two rebel cavalrymen, who took away his parole, pronouncing it bogus, and charged him with being a spy.  During the night he escaped, after being shot at several times, and made his way to the railroad, and thence to Louisville.  By order of Gov. Brough he was sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, and afterward to his home.  From there he reported by letter to his old captain, but learned soon after that he had been killed.  Getting no orders, and anxious to re-enter his country's service, and not wishing to return to Company H, One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois, in violation of his oath of parole, he enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, in the Ninth Ohio Cavalry, in which he did gallant service until the close of the war, being promoted to first sergeant in six months after joining the regiment, for meritorious conduct.   He participated in over thirty cavalry engagements; was with Gen. Rousseau on his famous raid through Alabama, from July 10 to 22, 1864; then at the downfall of Atlanta, Ga.; thence with Gen Sherman on the march to the sea, and back up through the Carolinas to the surrender of Gen Johnston, at Lexington, N. C., Apr. 26, 1865.  Twice while in the service he was reported dead, once it being reported with particulars in the Nashville papers.  He was discharged Aug. 2, 1865.  As he received but one month's pay and $25 bounty on joining the One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois, he now has the petition before Congress asking for the amount justly due him for faithful service.  Returning to the pursuits of peace, he rented his Grandmother Griffith's farm, near his old home, and the following spring bought two shares of it form the heirs.  Two years after, he bought the rest of the farm, which comprises 100 acres, and there he made his home for eighteen years, until 1884.  He then removed to Orrville, where the family yet live.  In 1885 he bought out the clothing store of Joseph Beidler, in Orrville, which he conducted successfully until May 25, 1889, when he exchanged his store for a 240 acre farm in Davidson County, Dak., which he expects to make his future home, his postoffice address being Mount Vernon.  Dec. 12, 1861, Mr. Blackstone was married to Charlotte, daughter of David and Mary Fortney, of Sugar Creek Township, Wayne County.  She was born in Stark County, Ohio, July 9, 1842.  They have had five children, of whom two, Melissa and Mary Rebecca, died young.  The survivors are Rousseau, a jeweler by profession, living in Crestline, Ohio; Eli Henderson, a telegrapher by profession, and Pearl May, who lives with her parents.  In religious belief Mr. Blackstone adopts the doctrines of the Universalist Church, and among the people who know them they bear the reputation of upright, good neighbors and citizens.

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 -
Page 40
  WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, retired farmer and stock-dealer, Orrville, Ohio, is a native of Perry County, Penn., and is a son of Joseph and Hester Blackwood, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of Lancaster County, Penn.  They were married in Perry County, Penn., and lived there until 1817, when they immigrated to the then western State of Ohio, locating first in Miami County, but a few years after buying a farm in Shelby County, where they spent the remainder of their lives.  Joseph Blackwood was an industrious man, was well educated for those times and for many years was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, of which all the family were members.  He was born Mar. 17, 1779, and died Dec. 23, 1851, aged seventy-two years and nine months.  His wife was born in February, 1784, and died Sept. 22, 1865, aged eighty-one years and nine months.  They were married June 25, 1805, and were the parents of eight children, of whom William is the eldest; next came Polly Ann, born Oct. 18, 1808, who died in Pennsylvania; John born May 25, 1810, immigrated to Iowa, and died there; Mary, born Oct. 25, 1813, is the wife of David Dey and lives in Iowa; Margaret, born Feb. 11, 1816, is the wife of Thomas Skillen and lives in Shelby County, Ohio; Robert, born May 26, 1819, was killed Oct. 31, 1874, by a runaway team; Eliza Ann, born Apr.2, 1822, is the wife of Henry Young, and lives in Quincy, Mich.; Sarah Jane born Dec. 3, 1826, became the wife of John Lawrence, and died in Shelby County, Ohio, Sept. 20, 1854.
     William Blackwood was born near Landisburgh, Penn., Apr. 29, 1806, and was eleven years old when his parents came to Ohio.  He worked at home until he was twenty-two years old, when he went back to Pennsylvania, stopping in Cumberland County the first year, and then going to work on the canal, subsequently teaming between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, and again on the canal, and at various kinds of work.  In the fall of 1831 he returned to Ohio, visiting a few weeks with his future wife's people, who had a short time before emigrated from Cumberland County, Penn.  On Feb. 16, 1832, he was married at Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio, to Miss Hannah, daughter of David and Elizabeth Gardner.  She was born in Cumberland County, Penn., June 6, 1812, and died in Orrville, Sept. 23, 1882.  They were the parents of seven children, viz.:  Elizabeth, born Feb. 3, 1833, wife of Samuel Taggart, Joseph, born Aug. 28, 1835.  Mary, born Oct. 8, 1837, all living in Orrville; Sarah, born Dec. 13, 1839, is the wife of James Brown, of Akron, Ohio; John, of whom further mention is made below; William, born Oct. 21, 1844, lives on his father's farm in East Union Township, Wayne County; and David G., born Oct. 30, 1850, is a resident of Orrville.  After his marriage Mr. Blackwood worked around for three years, when he leased a farm near the site of the village of Orrville, on which he lived for five years, then going to Sugar Creek Township for two years; thence to Stark County, Ohio, for three years, and then to the farm of 226 acres which he yet owns in East Union Township.  There he lived until 1872, when he removed to his present home in Orrville, which he built.  For twelve years while on the farm he followed threshing, also dealing in stock, continuing the latter business several years after his removal to Orrville.  He was of too active a temperament to be contented on the farm, and traveled extensively in pursuit of his business, visiting many parts of the country and the principal cities.  He is a self-made man, active and industrious, well thought of by his neighbors, and well known among the older residents of the county.  He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and in politics is a stalwart Democrat, as are all of his sons.
     John Blackwood, the second son of William, was born in Stark County June 5, 1842.  He was brought up on the farm in this county, living there until his marriage, which took place May 25, 1865.  His wife's maiden name was Eliza Kling, a daughter of David and Matilda Kling, residents of Greene Township, where her father died Jan. 21, 1876, aged sixty-five years and twelve days.  Her mother is still living in that township, within a mile of where she was born and reared, and is now (1888) in her seventy-fifth year.  Her parents were among the earliest pioneers of that part of the State, as were also the KlingsMrs. Blackwood was born Apr. 6, 1844.  John Blackwood continued on his father's farm until two years after his marriage, when he removed to Orrville, and carried on the Mansion House Hotel for two years, then engaged in the livery business, which he carried on until 1884, when he sold business, building and stock, and has since been dealing in horses.  Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood have two sons, named Guy D. (born Jan. 6, 1867) and Eugene Leslie (born June 2, 1870).  The former is express messenger on the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad, and the latter is a pupil in the high-school at Orrville.  While a strong Democrat in political opinion, Mr. Blackwood has never sought political office.  He is an active, stirring man, and stands well in the community.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 382
  D. A. BLANCHARD was born in Switzerland, Nov. 8, 1825.  He lived in his native country until manhood, and in 1854 came to America, coming direct to Wayne County, and locating in Paint Township.  He was given good educational advantages in his native country, and after reaching manhood became a soldier in the army, and rose to the rank of major.
     He was married in Wayne County, in 1855, to Miss Julia Dodez, a native of Wayne County, Ohio, daughter of Louis and Marrianne (Favret) Dodez, natives of Switzerland.  To Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard were born four children: Ellen L. is widow of R. Van B. Pinkerton, and has three children: Minnie Blanche, James Winfield and Flora Edith; Louis D., a veterinary surgeon of Canton, Ohio; Ali E., of Canton, who married Ella Gerber, and has two children: Hazel May and Flora; and Flora L., who died Dec. 29, 1885, was the wife of H. A. HoffstottMr. Blanchard is a Democrat in his political views.  He and his wife are members of the Reformed Church.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 132
  GEORGE W. BLANDFORD, of the firm of Logan & Blandford, of Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio, was born in London, England, July 5, 1852.  George Blandford, his father, was a book-keeper in his native land, and was there married to Sarah Stone, whose parents both died in England, where she was born.  By this union they have a family of six children, all now residents of Wayne County.  The family came to America in 1858, locating first in Stark County, Ohio, but the following year they removed to Wooster. since which time the father has been in the employ of the Wooster Gas Company.
     The subject of these lines was educated in the common schools of Wooster, and when about eighteen years old began learning the plumbing and gas-fitting trade in Wooster, following that trade there for six years.  Four years succeeding that time he was engaged in the hardware business in Apple Creek, in Wayne County, and then for seven years was in the grocery trade in that place.  In 1888 he formed the partnership with his father-in- law.  In 1872 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Ida Logan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Logan.  One child has been born to them, whom they have named Earl Allison Blandford.
     Mr. Blandford and family are active and respected members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  Politically he is an advocate of the principles of the Republican party; socially he is a member of the Odd Fellows order.  He has earned by a life of industry and honorable conduct the success which he has made, and, starting with no assistance, he has been the architect of his own fortunes, having supported himself since he was twelve years of age, and acquired his own education.  To-day none of the younger business men of Wooster is held in higher esteem than George W. Blandford.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page
  J. A. BONEWITZ is a son of Jacob and Catherine (Franks) Bonewitz, natives of Fayette County, Penn.  About 1832 they came to Wayne County, Ohio, and purchased the farm where their son, J. A., now lives.  The father was a shoemaker by trade but after coming to Wayne County he gave his attention entirely to farming, and at his death left an estate of 160 acres of land.  He was a prominent member of the Lutheran Church, also a leader in the Democratic party.  He died in 1868 and his widow in 1885.  They reared nine children, one of whom, M. V., died at the age of thirty-nine years.  Those living are F. J., in Van Wert, Ohio; H. W., in Huntington County, Ind.; Sarah J., wife of O. E. Jameson, of Nebraska; D. R., in Van Wert, Ohio; Julia G., wife of Abraham Eymon, of Portland, Ind.; Elizabeth Ann, wife of John R. Kling, of Sherman County, Kas.; Martha C., wife of Wilson Richwine, of East Union Township, Wayne County, and the subject of this member, who was born on the homestead, Dec. 4, 1843.  He attended the township schools, and has always remained on the homestead in East Union Township, where he follows agricultural pursuits.  In 1876 he married Miss Nancy J., daughter of Robert Cook, of East Union Township, and by this union they have had six children: Mary Belle (deceased), Anna Lee, Lula Idella, Jennie C. and Robert C. and Ethel J., infant twins.  Mr. Bonewitz and family attend the Presbyterian Church; he is a member of the Democratic party.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 350
  SOLOMON R. BONEWITZ, one of the best known and most prominent lawyers in Wayne County, is a native of the same, born Nov. 28, 1820, and is a son of John and Margaret (Rider) Bonewitz, both of whom were natives of Berks County, Penn., he coming in 1815 to Wayne County as a pioneer.  In 1853 he moved with his wife and all of their children, excepting Solomon R., to Wabash County, Ind., where he died in February, 1885, aged ninety-two years, and his wife in 1860.  They were the parents of eight children, three of whom are yet living, our subject being the only one now in Wayne County.  One son resides in North Manchester, Ind., and one in Omaha, Neb.
     Solomon R., subject of this memoir, received his school training at what jubilated in its day in the high sounding title of "Hayes" College," which in reality was only a log school-house.  His life was spent on a farm until he was eighteen years old, when he commenced a clerkship in his father's dry goods store, at what was then known as Naftzger's Mill, near Burbank, in Wayne County, and later at Mechanicsburgh, same county, until 1844.  He had married, in the meantime, Oct. 14, 1841, Miss Louisa Booth, of Medina County, Ohio, a lady of good education, who at one time was a teacher in the public schools, and who after marriage became in part her husband's instructor, stimulating him to a higher education.  Her father, Hilen Booth, of Medina County, Ohio, was married to Sarah McCleod, and died in 1870, his wife having preceded him in 1860.  Mrs. Bonewitz has one brother in Akron, Ohio; another brother, who had been prominently identified with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad Company, having control of all the telegraph lines, died in 1883; one sister is the wife of Dr. M. K. Hard, of Wooster, Ohio, and another sister is Mrs. Monosmith, of Jay County, Ind.  In 1844 Mr. and Mrs. Bonewitz came to Wooster, Wayne County, and here he finished his law studies, which he had taken up and prosecuted while engaged in mercantile pursuits.  In 1845 he was admitted to the bar at St. Clairsville, Ohio, practiced his profession in Wooster up to 1865, in which year he formed a partnership known as the Bonewitz, Emrich & Co. Banking House, in Wooster, with himself as cashier.  Later it became the Commercial Bank of Wooster, which merged into the National Bank of Wooster.  In 1871 Mr. Bonewitz severed his connection with this institution, and devoted his entire time to the practice of law.  For two terms, commencing in 1853, he was mayor of Wooster, and has been a member of the council for four years; he was also a justice of the peace six years, and filled all of the incumbencies with credit to himself and satisfaction of his constituents.  He was appointed United States commissioner by the circuit courts of the United States, as recorded in the "Blue Book" at Washington, in 1848, which office he has continuously held through all political phases.  For the past four or five years he has given his time and attention to the pension business.  Politically he is a Democrat.  He and his wife have been members of the Episcopal Church since 1864.  On Jan. 8, 1882, Mrs. Bonewitz was afflicted with a severe attack of nervous prostration, from which she was recovering until May, 1887, when she met with an accident, which deprived her partly of the use of her limbs; in all her affliction she is a patient, uncomplaining sufferer.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 53

Charles Boydston

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 304

  JAMES F. BRITON, son of Robert and Margaret (Finley) Briton, both natives of Ireland, former from near Londonderry, was born in Deer Lick Farm," in Congress Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, Nov. 7, 1826.  Robert Briton immigrated to America in 1824, located in Congress Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, and leased a farm on Section 9.  He died Feb. 14, 1827, and his widow then returned to her father's family, also residents of Congress Township, where she died Mar. 2, 1874, at the age of seventy-four years.
     James F., their son, received a common-school education, and at the early age of sixteen commenced school-teaching, which profession he followed successfully for some time.  In 1850 he made an overland journey to California, taking ninety-five days to reach Sacramento, arriving there July 24, that year.  Locating in Campo Seco, Township No. 4, in Calaveras County, Cal., he remained there nine years, engaged in mining.  Here he was elected a justice of the peace, and was foreign tax collector, and afterward he served as deputy sheriff.  From California Mr. Briton moved, in 1859, to Chili, South America, where he was engaged in railroad building, remaining for a period of fifteen years.  Then, after an absence of twenty-four years, in which he met with varied success, he returned to his old home in Wayne County.
     Mr. Briton was united in marriage in 1874 with Miss Asenath Stanley, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary Stanley, who were among the early pioneer settlers of Wayne County.  Our subject and wife have two sons, Ernest A. and Charles G., and are comfortably surrounded with all home comforts  in their residence at Deer Lick Farm.  It may be mentioned that upon the breaking out of the war between Peru and Bolivia against Chili he returned to his old home in the latter country.  This was in 1879.  His sympathies were very naturally with the Chilian people and government.  He  remained there three years.  During a term of thirteen months he was a successful manager of "The Guano Loading Company," of P. A. Kellar & Co., of Valparaiso, Chili.  This was on the cost of Peru.  Mr. McKellar frequently acts as American consul, and is a gentleman of wealth an character.  Politically he is a Republican.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 90
  BROWN FAMILY.  In tracing the genealogy of the Brown family of Wayne County, Ohio, we find that the first of whom we have any record was William Brown, who was born in Prince William County, Va., in 1722, of Irish parentage, and died in 1806.  He married a widow, Stealthy (Asher) Buckner, who had two children, John Anthony, and one whose name we are unable to ascertain.  To Mr. and Mrs. Brown were born three children, John, Thomas and Rebecca.  John died unmarried; Rebecca married a an named Cornell, and moved to Frederick County, Va., and there closes the record we have of her.
     Thomas Brown, the second son, was born in Prince William County, Va., in 1760, married, Oct. 20, 1785, Nancy Ash and in 1805 moved from Fauquier County, Va., to Monongalia (now Preston) County, W. Va., where Mrs. Brown died soon after, and Mr. Brown in 1844.  They had a family of eight children, the record of whom as we give it was furnished by W. T. Brown, of Grafton, W. Va., and was copied from an old book of his grandfather's owned by his Aunt, Betsey Cartwright: Elizabeth, was born Aug. 11, 1786; John Buckner, Jan. 28, 1788; George, Nov. 14, 1789; Lydia, Oct. 22, 1791; Samuel Byrne, Oct. 24, 1793; William, Mar. 6, 1796; Mary Ann, Oct. 26, 1797, and Thomas Francis, May 4, 1801.
     Elizabeth Brown, the eldest of this family, died June 23, 1867.  She was twice married, her first husband being - Stevens, and to them were born two children: Marry B., born Nov. 10, 1811, in Monongalia County, W. Va., married Susan Foster, and died Dec. 16, 1844; Anna M., born June 15, 1813, married Thomas Protzman, and died Mar. 21, 1887.  Her second husband, Isaac Cartwright, was born in Morgantown, W. Va., and died Mar. 5, 1865.  They had four children, as follows:  William B.,, born Jan. 1, 1823, married Margaret Mourton, Sept. 4, 1846, and now lives at Flatwoods, Braxton Co., W. Va.; Thomas F., born Oct. 17, 1825, was married Sept. 26, 1854, to Rebecca Cortlo, and died Apr. 16, 1879, in Howard City, Elk Co., Kas., at the age of fifty-three years, five months, thirty days, his wife having preceded him Sept. 9, 1878, at the age of forty-seven years, eleven months, twenty-four days; Mary M., born Jan. 2, 1827, was married to A. C. Hill, Feb. 1, 1849, and now lives at Golden, Barry Co., Mo.; Marinda R., born Nov. 10, 1831, was married May 22, 1873, to Wilson Darling, in Stewardtown, Monongalia Co., W. Va.
     The record of children of Thomas F. Cartwright is as follows: Marinda C., born Nov. 2, 1855, died Nov. 2, 1858; America A., born Jan. 10, 1856, married ___ Fitts, died Feb. 24, 1888; John E., born Dec. 19, 1859, died Dec. 8, 1883; James E., born Oct. 12, 1861, died Sept. 26, 1862; Elizabeth L. V., born Mar. 12, 1864, in DeKalb County, Mo.; Permelia M., born June 4, 1866, died Nov. 2, 1867; Lee E., born Mar. 14, 1868, lives in DeKalb County, Mos.; William C., born Mar. 13, 1870, died Aug. 30, 1870; Mary Frances, born Mar. 13, 1870, died Sept. 14, 1870.
     The record of the children of Alexander C. and Mary M. (Cartwright) Hill is as follows:  Joseph Elara, born Nov. 26, 1849, married Esther Hurst Mar. 28,1 879, lives in Livingston County, Mo.; Elizabeth Lowery, born Apr. 5, 1851, married George W. Davis Apr. 24, 1873 lives in Barry County, Mo.; Sarah Anna, born Nov. 30, 1852, married Edman T. Taylor, Feb. 6, 1878, lives in Livingston County, Mo.; Isaac Scott, born June 14, 1857, died Dec. 13, 1857; Benjamin F. W., born Dec. 3, 1858, married Ledonia J. Houff, Oct. 12, 1882, lives in Barry County, Mo.; Isadora Amberzine, born June 30, 1863, married C. E. Freeman, Sept. 26, 1886, lives in Carroll County, Ark.; Mary Esmarelda, born Apr. 15, 1866, lives in Barry County, Mo.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 487
  E. A. BROWN was born six miles east of the city of Wooster, Ohio, May 7, 1827.  His parents, who were of German descent, came to Wayne County in 1814, and settled upon a farm.  His father married Jane Boyd, who bore him ten children, of whom five still live, none, save our subject, being now in Wayne County.  In June, 1867, the mother was called from earth, the father following her to the greave in 1873.  He was a man of considerable influence in his township, for fifteen years holding the position of justice of the peace, and was always a strong Democrat.  E. A. Brown spent his boyhood years upon the farm, and had the limited school advantages found in the old log school-house of the neighborhood.  He resided upon his father's farm until Jan. 18, 1849, when he was united in marriage with Miss Jane Hunter, daughter of David Hunter, who lived on the neighboring farm.  By this union eight children were born, as follows:  Mrs. Esther Ann Wynn, of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Mary J. Mackey, of Apple Creek; Mrs. Ellen C. Baker, deceased; John H., a clerk in the C. C. & I. R. R. freight office, at Cleveland, Ohio; David., in Canton, Ohio; Charles Lee, in Cleveland, Ohio; Laura ell, who married a Mr. Peppard, and died at Mount Vernon, Ohio; Minnie, youngest daughter, at home.  Mr. Brown, after his marriage, became a teacher, and continued in that profession for five winters, laboring on the farm in the summer. 
     In 1856 he was appointed freight and ticket agent at Apple Creek, Wayne Co., Ohio, where he resigned and came to Wooster, Ohio, where he has since made his home.  He was appointed court constable and bailiff in Wayne County Common Pleas Court, and for four years had charge of the high school building of Wooster, after which he again served as court constable under Sheriff Coulter, and also under Sheriffs Messmore and Mongey.  In the spring of 1888 he received the nomination on the Democratic ticket for county sheriff, and in the fall was elected by 711 majority, the largest majority that was ever given to any sheriff.  Mr. Brown is well known and respected.  He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and Improved Order of Red Men; a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Wooster.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 24
  JOHN BROWN, son of John B. and Mary (Morgan) Brown, was born on the farm now owned by Ralston B. Brown in Clinton Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, Oct. 25, 1822.  Here he was raised and educated, and in March, 1848, married Rhoda, daughter of John Newkirk, of the same township.  The young couple then located in Franklin Township, where they remained for a period of thirty years.  He then sold his farm there and removed to his late residence in Shreve.  John Newkirk came from Washington County, Penn., located in Wayne County, where at his death he was one of the prominent and able farmers.  His children were Milton, Elizabeth, Ursula, Newton, Cyrus, George Washington and Rhoda.
     Mr. and Mrs. Brown
had three children: Mary, now Mrs. Henry Sidel of Franklin Township, this county; Ella Porte, who died in January, 1887, and Milton N., who died in October, 1864, at the age of seven years.  Mr. and Mrs. Brown were members of the Disciples Church.  Mr. Brown died Apr. 19, 1889.  In politics he was a Republican, and held various public positions.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 497
  RALSTON B. BROWN, son of Thomas A. and Mary (Bird) Brown, was born in Ripley Township, Holmes Co., Ohio, in 1846.  Thomas A. Brown was a son of John Buckner Brown, and a grandson of Thomas Brown.  Thomas A., father of the subject of this memoir, was born June 22, 1818, on the old homestead farm in Clinton Township, where he was educated, and Mar. 5, 1845, was married to Mary, daughter of Thomas Butler and Mary (Williams) Bird, of Monroe Township, Holmes Co., Ohio.  They located in Ripley Township, where they remained until 1865, when he sold the farm and purchased the one he now owns and occupies in Clinton Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, to which he removed. Their children were Ralston B.; Bird A. (deceased), who was married to Verne Yarnell, and located in Clinton Township, where he was engaged in farming; Selina J., now Mrs. J. J. Sullivan, of Cleveland, Ohio; Ludema (deceased); Elmina L., now Mrs. William A. Craig, of Clinton Township; Aurelia M., now Mrs. Curtis Seidel, of Plain Township, and Elmer.
     Ralston B. Brown
was reared and educated in Holmes County, Ohio, and lived at home until 1869, in which year he married Sarah J., daughter of George and Anna Gill, of Plain Township, this county, and they located on the farm he how owns in Clinton Township, where he is engaged in farming and stock-raising, and breeding full-blooded English Shire and Percheron-Norman horses.  Mrs. Brown is a member of the Christian Church of Shreve.  Mr. Brown is a member of the order of Maccabees of the World, and politically is a Prohibitionist.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 496
  STEPHEN BROWN, son of John B. and Mary (Morgan) Brown, Jan. 31, 1850, he married Martha M., daughter of Jessie Riffle, and they then located in Franklin Township, where they remained five years; thence in 1855, they removed to the place Mr. Brown now owns in Clinton township.  Here he built his present residence, made many improvements, and now has a farm of 240 acres.  To them three children have been born:  Herbert B., who married Sidnia Jones, and has located on the home farm (they have one son, Felix J.); G. E., who married Villa Bedford, and also located on the home farm (they have two children, Boyd B. and Glen), and Emma Alice at home.  Mrs. Brown died in 1887, a member of the same church; in politics he is a Republican.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 497
  THOMAS ASHBEY BROWN, a representative of one of the early families of Wayne County, was born in Clinton Township, June 22, 1818, a son of John Buckner and Mary (Morgan) Brown.  His father came from Virginia in 1813 and settled on land he had entered from the Government the year before, on Section 20, Clinton Township, and made this township his home the rest of his life.  He died at the age of sixty-six years, and at his death owned 1,300 acres of valuable land.  His father was a slave owner in Virginia, and his slaves were divided among his children.  John B. was opposed to the institution of slavery, and gave to his their freedom.  He was accompanied to Ohio by his wife's parents, who made Wayne County their home the rest of their lives. 
     Thomas A. Brown has spent all his life in the near vicinity of the place of his birth, and has given his entire attention to farming.  He received a common-school education, attending the log cabin schools of the pioneer days, and from his childhood has been engaged in agricultural pursuits, beginning by doing the chores on his father's farm, and gradually taking hold of the heavier work.  He has been successful in his operations, and now has a fine farm of 656 acres, located on Section 10, Clinton Township.  Mr. Brown was married Mar. 5, 1845, in Monroe Township, Holmes County, to Mary, daughter of Thomas Butler and Mary (Williams) Bird, former a native of Virginia, and latter of Pennsylvania; both accompanied their parents to Ohio in their childhood and located in Holmes County, the mother's parents, however, first locating in Licking County, where they remained a short time.  Thomas B. Bird was all his life a farmer and at his death left his family 500 acres of land, having spent all his married life on the same farm.
     Mr. and Mrs. Brown have had seven children, viz.: Ralston B., Bird A., Selina J., Ludema, Elmina I., Aurelia M. and Elmer.  Ralston B. married Sarah B. Gill; Bird A.  is deceased; Selina J., is the wife of J. J. Sullivan, of Cleveland; Elmina I. is the wife of William A. Craig; Aurelia M. is the wife of Curtis Seidle  The family are all well known in Clinton Township, where all save Mrs. Sullivan have made their home.  In politics Mr. Brown is a Republican, but is in no sense a politician, and has never held any public office.  He and his family are members of the Disciples Church.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 495

Wm. W. Brown
WILLIAM W. BROWN, son of John Buckner and Mary (Morgan) Brown, was born on the farm now owned by Ralston B. Brown, in Clinton Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, Mar. 23, 1815.  Thomas Brown, his grandfather, a native of Virginia, was a soldier during the War of the Revolution.  His children were Elizabeth, John B., George, Lydia, Samuel B., William, Mary Ann and Thomas F., all now deceased.  John B., was reared and educated in Loudoun County, Va., where he married Mary Morgan; they then located in West Virginia, where two children were born to them: Ann, born Nov. 28, 1811, died Aug. 12, 1812, and George H., born Apr. 4, 1813, died in 1844.
     In 1813 J. B. Brown removed to Clinton Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, and purchased the southeast quarter of Section 20, Township 18, Range 14, where the rest of his children were born, named: William W., Hugh M. (born Oct. 14, 1816, and married to Margaret Neely, in 1839, both deceased), Thomas A., born June 22, 1818, and married to Mary Bird, residing in Clinton Township, Wayne County; Rebecca Ann, born Feb. 25, 1820, died in infancy; John born Oct. 25, 1822, married to Rhoda Newkirk died in Shreve, Apr. 19, 1889; Mercy, born Dec. 19, 1823, died in infancy; Stephen, born Aug. 8, 1826, married to Martha M. Riffle, who has since died, he is still a resident of Clinton Township; Mary Ann, born Aug. 25, 1828, now Mrs. James K. Campbell, of Ripley Township, Holmes Co., Ohio, married to Elizabeth McConkey, deceased, and Samuel E. a resident of Firth, Neb.
     William W. was raised and educated in Clinton Township, and April 6, 1827, he married Phebe, daughter of James Lee, of Ripley Township, Holmes Co., Ohio.  They located on the farm he now owns in Clinton Township (his present residence) and engaged in farming.  To them ten children were born: Elias, born Dec. 2, 1838, married to Sarah J. Numbers, Oct. 2, 1862, is now a farmer of Kidder, Mo.; James Born Apr. 13, 1840, married to Mary J. McCleve, and died June 23, 1869; Hugh M., born Sept. 18, 1841, married first to Elmira Merkle, and next to Agnes J. Barcus, he died Nov. 1, 1887; Caroline, born Mar. 23, 1843, married to John H. Batdorff, who is engaged in the saw-mill business at Liberty Center, Henry Co., Ohio, William Wesley, born Mar. 2, 1845, died July 25, 1877; Mary M., born Oct. 20, 1846, now Mrs. James Kerr, of Clinton Township; Millard Fillmore, born Nov. 12, 1848, married to Hadessa McMillen, and died Nov. 9, 1879, she died Dec. 31, 1886; David, born Sept. 21, 1851, married to Effie McFadden, is now a farmer of Clinton Township; Stephen, born Feb. 2, 1854, married to Mary Keiffer, is now a farmer of Clinton Township; Phebe E., born July 25, 1857, now Mrs. Melvin Richey, of Clinton Township.
     Mr. and Mrs. Brown lived together on the old homestead until her decease, July 17, 1886; she was a member of the Methodist Church.  Mr. Brown is a member of the Disciples Church; political honors have been thrust upon him; he was justice of the peace fifteen years; trustee of the township nearly one-fourth of the time, and, what is most of all remarkable, school director fifty successive years.  Mr. Brown is now seventy-three years of age, and has witnessed the growth and development of the county from a wilderness, there being but six log cabins in Clinton Township on his arrival here.  He is a stanch Republican, having voted for Harrison in 1840, and the grandson in 1888.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 484

G. R. Buchanan

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 412

  EDMIN BURNS (deceased) was born in Allegheny County, Penn., in 1808.  His father. William Burns, came to Wayne County, Ohio, in 1837, where he entered one tract of land, and purchased two others in Canaan Township.  Edmin was reared in Allegheny County, Penn., and Mar. 30, 1837, married Martha Jane McCreary, who was born in New York City in 1810, and reared in Washington County, Penn.  They accompanied William Burns to Wayne County, and settled on the farm entered by him in Canaan Township, where they lived and died.  Mr. Burns was a member first of the Whig and afterward of the Republican party, and served as justice of the peace for over twenty years.  He was a men whose judgment was considered first class, being often called upon to act as administrator, and to transact various other business for his neighbors.  He and his wife were among the first seven members who organized the Jackson Presbyterian Church, and he served the same as elder for twenty-four years.  He departed this life Oct. 20, 1880, and his widow Apr. 25, 1884, having reared six children (five of whom are still living), viz.:  William, married to Sarah A. Norton, of Canaan Township; John Harvy, married to Florence C. Houghton, of Medina County, Ohio; Mary Jane, married to Hiram Fulter, of Medina County; Martha Ann; Adaline, deceased in 1870; Harriet, married to John A. Cover, of Westmoreland County, Penn.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 331




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