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Wayne County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


Biographical Record of Wayne & Holmes Co.
Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co.

(Contributed by Sharon Wick)




ELI ZARING, the present efficient and well-known clerk of common pleas of Wayne County, and one who by his own unaided efforts and unabating pluck has gradually but surely risen in the ranks of men, was born in Plain Twp., Wayne Co., Ohio, January 16, 1836.  In 1832 his parents, Peter and Matilda Zaring, came to Wayne Co. (being then unmarried), and have here since made their home and reared their family.  Eli, whose name heads this sketch, first saw the light of day upon a farm.  His early life was not the idle, careless one enjoyed by most of the youths of this day, but, being the son of a poor shoemaker, who had a large family to support, he was early put the treadmill of toil to earn his own sustenance, and soon had mastered the intricacies of his father’s trade, at which he labored for years.  He made, however, a diligent use of his educational opportunities, and at eighteen he was enabled to teach school, in which employment he spent four winters, thus accumulating sufficient money to enable him to attend for a time the academy at Hayesville, Ohio.  Aug. 20, 1857, Mr. Zaring was united in marriage with Miss Mary Stevic, a native of Pennsylvania, but who was brought when a child to Wayne County.  To this union six children have been born, as follows:  Ida F. (deceased); James (principal of the Smithville public schools); Charles, Cora, Dora  (a recent graduate of Wooster High School) and Daniel, at home.
     Mr. Zaring has represented the Democratic party in various office, having been for two terms township clerk in a Republican township; was at one time assessor, and assisted in appraising the land in Chester Twp., Wayne Co.  In the fall of 1886 he was elected clerk of the courts of Wayne County, which position he is new satisfactorily filling.  Previous to his coming into the county clerkship, Mr. Zaring for two and a half years acted as clerk and book-keeper in the office of the Wayne County Democrat.  His life has been an earnest one, and an unremitting fight against bitter and adverse circumstances, but his progress has been gradually upward, and he is to-day a man of whom all speak highly.

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne and Holmes Cos., Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 -
Page 14

  JAMES L. ZARING, principal of the public school, Smithville, Wayne Co., Ohio, is the eldest son of the Eli Zaring, clerk of courts of the county, under whose name, on another page of this volume, is given the family history.  His mother's maiden name of Mary Stevic.  They are now residents of Wooster, where Mr. Zaring's official duties demand his presence.  The subject of this sketch was born in Plain Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, Dec. 4, 1859.  He attended the district school near his home, and when the suitable age learned the trade of shoemaking in summers in his father's shop.  He, however, never followed this trade regularly.  His common school education was supplemented by a thorough course at the Normal School in Smithville, then conducted by Prof. Eberly.  At the age of eighteen he was examined and obtained a teacher's certificate, but being of a youthful appearance did not obtain a school until he was twenty years old.  His first school was in Chester Township, where he taught three terms, constituting a full year.  The succeeding two years he taught in Dist. No. 3, in Plain Township, and then one year in Dist. No. 4, in the same township.  The following two years he taught in District No. 1, his home school, in which all his common-school education had been obtained.  Each move was a step upward, and each position more responsible and more lucrative.  Ever since he began his chosen career his course has been steadily onward.  After leaving his home school he taught for a year in Dist. No. 4, in Wooster Township, and was then offered and accepted the responsible position of principal of the public school at Smithville, which he still holds.  This was a merited as well as gratifying tribute to his faithful and successful work as an educator.
     June 8, 1883, Mr. Zaring was married to Wessie Reamer, a daughter of Jacob and Sophia Reamer, of Smithville, where she was born Jan. 25, 1863.  Her parents came to Ohio from Mechanicsburg, Penn., many years ago.  Her father was a soldier in the Union army during the Civil War, and was killed in the battle of Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863.  Her mother is now living in Smithville.  Mr. and Mrs. Zaring are the parents of two children: Ethel and Walter.  Mr. Zaring is a member of the order of the Knights of the Maccabees.  He is universally recognized as a gentleman of high principle, of unquestioned integrity, and as one of the most capable and successful educators in the county.

Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne & Holmes Co. - Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. 1889 ~ Page 52
  JOHN EDWIN ZIMMERMAN, of Smithville, Wayne Co., Ohio, is the youngest son of John and Mary (Strock) Zimmerman, who have been residents of the county for forty years, and are probably the oldest married couple in the county, having lived together for nearly sixty-four years.  The paternal grandparents of our subject, George and Elizabeth (Lyttle) Zimmerman, were both natives of Pennsylvania, the former born in Germantown, and the latter in Chester.  The father was of German extraction, his parents having come to this country prior to the Revolution.  The mother was of Scotch-Irish descent.  George Zimmerman was a currier by trade, and lived in Philadelphia until after his marriage.  On the breaking out of the yellow fever there, in 1801, he removed to Germantown, and shortly after to Lancaster County, Penn., where he and his wife died, he aged sixty-one, and she seventy-three.
     John Zimmerman, father of our subject, lived in Lancaster until he was nineteen, when he went to Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Penn., where he worked at cabinetmaking and house carpentering, and later helped to build the State capitol, at Harrisburg, Penn.  On the completion of the State house he returned to Cumberland County, and again engaged in cabinetmaking until 1848, when he removed to Ohio, living the first six months in New Carlisle, Clarke County, then coming to Smithville, Wayne County, where he has ever since lived.  There he engaged in merchandising for three years, and then again started the cabinet-making, carrying it on until 1884, when he retired, giving up the business to his sons.  Mar. 3, 1825, John Zimmerman was married to Mary Strock, who was born in Pennsylvania Aug. 31, 1802.  They are the parents of three sons and two daughters.  Two are deceased.  Joseph died Oct. 6, 1846, aged twenty years and nine months, and Mary Emily died May 19, 1855.  The survivors are Manuel S., married to Sarah Ginley, carrying on cabinet-making and undertaking with his brother, and John E., our subject.  The daughter is Adeline, wife of Henry Willaman, of Canton, Ohio.  John Zimmerman was for two years a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, and since coming to Ohio has held several important offices.  For fourteen years he was justice of the peace, and for almost as long a time was notary public.  He was an executor and administrator, and settled many estates, his first experience in that line being in Pennsylvania sixty-three years ago.  He has enjoyed in a marked degree the confidence of his neighbors, who felt safe in entrusting their business in his hands. He and his wife are members of the Church of God of Smithville.  For nearly fifty years he was an elder, but the growing infirmities of age caused his resignation.  During all the many years they have been residents of Smithville he and his wife have ever enjoyed the respect and esteem of their neighbors, as most upright and honorable persons and consistent Christians, and now, well advanced in years, can look back with satisfaction to a life well spent.
     John Edwin Zimmerman was born in Cumberland County, Penn., Sept. 25, 1834.  He came to Ohio with his parents, and since their removal to Smithville has ever since made that place his home.  He learned his father's trade of cabinet-making, working with the latter until his retirement, when, as stated, he and his brother Manuel took the business.  They also do undertaking, which has become the principal part of their trade.  On May 2, 1864, John E. and his brother Manuel enlisted for 100 days in Company A, One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Volunteer Infantry, serving four months. Nov. 9, 1865, he was married to Isabella, daughter of William and Maria Greenamyer, of whose family a full history is given under the name of P. S. Greenamyer.  She was born in Columbiana, Ohio, Jan. 30, 1840.  They have one child, a son, named William G., now twenty-one years of age, who lives with his parents.  Mr. Zimmerman has been treasurer of the township, and has also held other positions of trust.  He is a friend to education, and is one of the incorporators of the Northern Ohio Normal School.  He is a member of Davidson Post, No. 190, G. A. R., and as a neighbor and citizen is highly esteemed.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne & Holmes Co. - Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. 1889 ~ Page 35
  SAMUEL ZIMMERMAN (deceased) was a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1798, a son of Michael ZimmermanSamuel was left an orphan at the age of twelve years, when he went with a sister to the State of New York, where he lived until manhood.  In 1824 he came to Ohio, and located in Wayne County, entering a tract of heavily timbered land in Wayne Township.  He built a log cabin, in which he lived for a time and began the clearing of his land.  He was energetic and ambitious, and continued to make improvements on his land until it was one of the best farms in the county.  Here he made his home until his death, which occurred Mar. 24, 1888, when he was aged ninety years.  The last years of his life were spent in comfort, in the enjoyment of that rest so well merited by the pioneers who labored to transform a wilderness into a country of thriving villages and productive farms.  In early life Mr. Zimmerman learned the tailor's trade, but devoted his attention to farming after coming to Ohio.  His widow still lives on the homestead, and is a lady of bright intellect, in the eighty-second year of her age.
     Mr. Zimmerman was married in 1826, to Sarah Lehman, daughter of Henry Lehman.  Of the eleven children born to them, but five are living: Fannie, Sarah, Mary M., David and Jacob.  Mrs. Zimmerman has long been identified with the Lutheran Church, as was also her husband.  In politics he was a Democrat.

Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne & Holmes Co. - Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. 1889 ~ Page 563

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne & Holmes Co. - Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. 1889 ~ Page 126


Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne & Holmes Co. - Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. 1889 ~ Page 283



This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
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