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Wayne County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


Biographical Record of Wayne & Holmes Co.
Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co.

(Contributed by Sharon Wick)



  DANIEL HELLER, a well-known farmer of Wayne County, was born in Franklin County, Penn., Dec. 10, 1846.  His father, Emanuel Heller, was a native of Lancaster County, in the same State, where he grew to manhood, and where he was married to Miss Susan Dull, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Smetzer) Dull, a native of Pennsylvania.  Mr. Heller was a farmer, and in 1847 came to Wayne County, and after two years' residence in Wooster removed to the farm, some three miles southeast of Wooster, where he and his wife spent the remainder of their days.  Mrs. Heller died on the 16th of June, 1887, at the age of sixty-nine years, and Mr. Heller followed her to the grave Mar. 15, 1888, aged seventy-two.  They were the parents of nine children, six of whom are now living, four of them in Wayne County.  They are as follows:  Lydia, Mrs. Conrad Long, of Wooster; Daniel, the subject of this sketch; Sara, living in Wooster Township; Amanda, Mrs. Edward Fitener, of Wooster Township; James, living in Defiance, and Elizabeth, Mrs. Lewis Halterman, residing in Whitley County, Ind.  Emanuel Heller's life was a busy one.  He began life a poor boy, and achieved success by his own exertions.  In politics he was a Democrat, and both he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church of Wooster.
     Daniel Heller remained at home with his parents until he was twenty-seven years old, receiving no wages.  On the 22d of April, 1875, he was married to Miss Nancy daughter of Samuel and Annie (Messner) Waylan, and a native of Wayne County.  Her parents are now living in Kansas.  Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Heller, as follows:  John and Laura, deceased; William and Elvin, living at home.  The farm on which Mr. Heller lives is the old homestead, which he had purchased since his father's death.  In politics Mr. Heller is a Democrat.  He is an Odd Fellow and a member of the Knights of Pythias.  He has been successful in his worldly affairs, a result due to his own industry, energy and perseverance.  In the prime of a vigorous manhood, he has won and retains the esteem and affection of a wide circle of acquaintances.  His family has done much for the advancement of Wayne County, materially, morally and socially, and they stand high in the estimation of all who know them.

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 428
  JACOB HESS was born in Smithville, Wayne Co., Ohio, Sept. 23, 1832, and is the son of Jacob and Mary (Hutcheson) Hess, former of whom was born Aug. 2, 1802, in Fayette County, Penn.  They were married Mar. 9, 1826, and were blessed with one son, Jacob, our subject, and three daughters, viz.:  Rebecca, born Sept. 23, 1827; Margaret, born Oct. 9, 1829, and Mary, born Sept. 23, 1832, she being a twin of Jacob, all now living.  The father of this family moved to Wayne County, Ohio, about 1825, locating one mile east of Smithville, in Greene Township, where he carried on blacksmithing and farming for the remainder of his life.  He died May 13, 1866, and is buried at Smithville.  Of his family, Rebecca married, in 1845, Levi Brenizer, of Smithville, Ohio, where they settled, and he carried on a cabinet making business.
     Jacob (the subject proper of this sketch) was married Feb. 11, 1855, to Elizabeth A. Smyser, of Reedsburgh, Ohio, and they have had two sons and two daughters, viz.: Vinton, born Jan. 31, 1857, and died in the second year of his age; John, born July 30, 1859, married to Mary E. Kahl, Feb. 1, 1883 (she died Dec. 16, 1883; he, May 13, 1885); Isabella married John Martin, and died May 6, 1889, leaving two children, Clark and Jay, aged six and three years; Mary Jane, who was born Jan. 28, 1861, was married Feb. 24, 1881, to Treadwell Rouch, of Plain Township, where they reside (they have no children).  Mr. Hess has for the greater part of his life followed agricultural pursuits, and has always lived in Wayne County, He was elected in the fall of 1857, on the Democratic ticket, by a majority of 511, to the office of county commissioner, which position he is now filling for a term of three years.  He and his family are consistent members of the Lutheran Church at Reedsburgh, Ohio.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 97
  H. E. HILEMAN, farmer, Chester Township, is of German descent, his ancestors being among the early settlers of this country.  His father, Isaac Hileman, was born in Westmoreland county, Penn., Jan. 25, 1797, and married Margaret Anderson, who was born in 1799, and was a daughter of James Anderson, of Somerset County, Penn.  They had a family of ten children, viz.:  John, born in 1819; James D., in 1821; J. I., in 1823; Margaret, in 1826; William, in 1829; Hiram, in 1831; Andrew, in 1834; Nancy, in 1837; Harvey, in 18480, and Annis, in 1843.  But three of this family are now living.  Isaac Hileman was left fatherless when nine years of age, and he was early thrown on his own resources.  When fourteen years of age he began to learn the trade of a shoemaker, at which he worked for a number of years.  He moved to Wayne County, Ohio, when a young man, his first purchase of land being in Sugar Creek Township.  He there bought eighty acres, which he cleared, and at the same time worked at his trade.  He lived there three years and then bought 270 acres in Chester Township, the greater part of which was heavily timbered.  Here he built a log cabin for the temporary use of his family.  He then went to work at clearing his land, hewed the timber, and subsequently built a comfortable frame house.  His farm, which he brought from a tract of timber to one of the best farms in the county, is the reward of years of hard toil and unremitting energy, and is still in the possession of his family.  Mr. Hileman died in 1875, his wife surviving him until 1879.
     H. E. Hileman, our subject, is one of the native sons of Wayne County, and one of its most enterprising citizens.  He received a common-school education, and from his youth has devoted his attention to agriculture.  He now owns the homestead of his father and has erected a fine residence and other farm buildings, which make it one of the most desirable homes in the county.  He has been prominent in political circles and has held the offices of township treasurer and trustee.  He casts his suffrage with the Republican party.  Mr. Hileman was married in 1867 to Miss Minerva Mowery, daughter of John C. Mowery.  They have two children, Wallace and Jennie.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 532
  JOHN B. HORN, member of the firm of Horn Bros., bakers and confectioners, Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio, was born in that city, Sept. 20, 1842.  His father, John Philip Horn, was born near Worrms, Hesse-Darmstadt, (where his ancestors had resided for many generations), and died Dec. 12, 1888.  He immigrated to America in 1838, coming to Wooster, and soon after was married to Miss Barbara Speng, a native of France, who came to this country with her parents about 1828 or 1829.  They settled in Wayne County, Ohio, where both her father and mother died.  John P. Horn and wife had twelve children, of whom the following nine yet survive:  Henry, a baker, now in Wooster, this county; Edward, who is a jeweler, lives in Lima, Ohio; Emma is wife of Hiram Plank, of Galion, Ohio; Julius is a machinist, now in Wooster; William  is in McClure's grocery, in Wooster; Catherine, Tillie, Philip L. and John B.
When our subject was a young man he learned the trade of shoe-making in Wooster, at which he worked until the spring of 1862, when he enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Second Ohio Infantry, and served nearly three years in the ranks of his country's defenders.  For a part of this time he was confined in the hospital six weeks, and on May 18, 1865, was honorably discharged, but was unable to leave the hospital until June, when he returned to Wooster, and there spent the following year in regaining his lost health.  In the spring of 1866 he formed the present existing partnership with his brother, P. L. (of whom see a sketch elsewhere in this volume), and they have since successfully conducted the bakery business.
     In July, 1867, John B. Horn was united in marriage with Miss Odelia, daughter of R. H. and Catherine Laubach, and a native of Pennsylvania.  Both her parents are now living.  To Mr. Horn and wife have been born four children:  Allie, Lillie and Harry, living under the parental roof, and Florence (deceased).  Mr. Horn is a worthy citizen of Wooster, where he has spent his entire life, with the exception of the time he was in his country's service, and no man in it bears a higher character for integrity.  He is succeeding in his business, and his success is well deserved.  Politically the Republican part finds in him a warm supporter, and the G. A. R. counts him among its worthy members.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 301
  P. L. HORN, of the well-known firm of Horn Bros., Wooster, Ohio, was born in that city Oct. 24, 1844.  His father, John P. Horn, was a native of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, who immigrated to America, and died in Wooster, Dec. 12, 1888.  Our subject was educated in the schools of Wooster, and when a mere lad began to learn the trade of baker and confectioner, in the same building in which he is now carrying on his business.  Before he was eighteen years of age he enlisted, Aug. 7, 1862, in Company I, One Hundred and Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and at once was transferred to the front, where he saw active service until Sept. 24, 1864, when he was taken prisoner at the battle of Athens, Ala., and was confined at Cahaba, in that State, remaining there seven months.  On being exchanged he was sent to Vicksburg, and was there until the close of the war.  He was one of the passengers on the ill-fated "Sultana," which burned on the Mississippi, Apr. 27, 1865, with such a fearful loss of life, the most appalling disaster ever known on the mighty "Father of Waters."  On being hurled from the boat on the explosion of the boilers he managed to keep afloat, and drifted down the river two miles past the city of Memphis, nine miles from the scene of the disaster, where he was picked up by the crew of a gun-boat, one of the few survivors of that memorable night.  May 20, 1865, he was honorably discharged, and returned to his home after an absence of nearly three years.
     In April, 1866, our subject entered into business with his brother, John B. Horn, who had also served his country, and their brotherly co-partnership has continued ever since.  A sketch of John Horn is given on another page of this volume.  Sept. 3, 1867, Mr. Horn was united in marriage with Miss Emma Nachtrieb, daughter of Jonas Nachtrieb, and a native of Wooster, where both her parents died.  They were of German birth and were early settlers of Wooster, coming to that place from Pennsylvania.  Of this union three children were born; Charles, Anna and Jennie, are still under the parental roof.
     Mrs. Horn her eldest daughter and son are members of that church.  Mr. Horn is a member of the Odd Fellows order and the Grand Armey of the Republic politics he was a stanch Republican.  He has made his way in the world unassisted and from a small beginning has hewed a comfortable competence, besides gaining the Universality grad will and esteem of those who knew him as an honorable man.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 299
  ABRAM F. HUFFMAN (deceased) was one of the prominent farmers of Wayne County.  He was a native of this county, born Oct. 11, 1822, in Chippewa Township, the eldest of five children of Daniel and Abigail Huffman.  His father was born in Switzerland Aug. 15, 1798, and in 1803 came to America with his father, and located in Washington County, Penn.  In 1815 they moved to Ohio, and located at Slankerville, now known as Easton, and there Daniel was married, in 1820, to Abigail daughter of Henry Franks who came to Wayne County from Fayette County, Penn., in 1816, and settled on a farm he entered from the Government, in Chippewa Township, south of Doylestown.  He (Henry Franks) was captured by the Indians when a young man, and was kept by them five years.  He was tall, straight and of a powerful build, and fancied by the Indians, who at once introduced him to Indian citizenship by their ceremonies, which consisted first in running the gauntlet, and at the end of the race, to have his own life, he was compelled to strike down an Indian.  This daring act on his part ingratiated him with his captors, and although he was also wounded, he was taken care of and treated kindly until fully recovered.  Of Daniel Huffman's family one daughter died when nine years old; another daughter, Eliza, is the wife of Jacob Baysinger, of Doylestown; Ephraim married Adaline Franks, and is living on the Franks homestead; Daniel married Catherine Wilhelm, and is now living at Doylestown.
     Abram F. Huffman remained in Chippewa Township until about thirty years of age, when he bought a tract of land in Greene Township, which he improved and made his home until 1872, when he moved to the village of Smithville, where he died Aug. 14, 1886.  Mr. Huffman being the eldest of the family, was obliged to assist his father in the work of the farm, and was able to attend school only during the winter mouths.  He made the most of his limited advantages, and acquired a good business education, becoming one of the best informed men on general subjects in the county.  In his infancy he was baptized, and after reaching adult life he was converted and received into the Lutheran Church by Rev. William Baldsey, of Smithville.  He remained in that church a number of years, when a Methodist Church was organized in the place, and he withdrew from the Lutheran and joined the Methodist Church, which had been his choice from childhood.   He was an honored member of this church at the time of his death, and was a highly respected citizen.  In politics he was a strong Republican.
     Mr. Huffman was married, Dec. 3, 1856, to Elizabeth A. Redinger, of Milton Township, Wayne County, daughter of Frederick and Mary Redinger, who were of German and English descent.  Mr. and Mrs. Huffman had but one child, a daughter, Carrie Bell, who was married Apr. 14, 1884, to R. S. Roller, a druggist of Wooster.  Mrs. Huffman now makes her home with her daughter, although she still owns the farm in Greene Township.  The first death in Greene Township after its settlement was that of Christian Partshic, who died Dec. 27, 1817, and was buried on the farm now owned by Mrs. Huffman.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 292
  DANIEL V. HUFFMAN, one of the substantial and enterprising citizens of Doylestown, Wayne County, was born in Chippewa Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, in April, 1830, a son of Daniel and Abigail (Franks) Huffman.  His paternal grandfather was Daniel Huffman a native of Switzerland, whose wife was Ann Hook.  The immigrated to America in 1803, locating in Washington County, Penn., and in 1814 they settled in Chippewa Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, where they resided until their deaths.  Their family consisted of two sons and three daughters, viz.:  Daniel, Barbara (Mrs. Michael Keifer), Ann (Mrs. John Barker), Jacob, and Elizabeth (Mrs. John Elder.  Of these, Daniel, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Switzerland, came to America with his parents in 1803, and settled in Chippewa Township, Wayne County, in 1814.  He cleared and improved a farm in that township, and died in 1869, in his seventieth year.  He was twice married, his first wife being Abigail, daughter of Henry Franks, a native of Pennsylvania, and a pioneer of Chippewa Township.  By this union there were born five children who grew to maturity:  Abram, Eliza (Mrs. Jacob Baysinger), Ephraim, Daniel V. and Christian.  His second wife was Anna daughter of Jacob Huffman, of Chippewa Township, Wayne County, formerly of Switzerland, by whom he had six children: Wesley A., Mary E., Franklin J., Milton, Artilissa and Clara.
     Daniel V. Huffman
was reared in his native township, where he received a common-school education, and began life as a teacher, a profession he followed for six years during the winter months, working on the farm in the summer time.  in 1850 he began the study of civil engineering under County Surveyor Campbell Bell, and has since followed that profession thirty-eight years.  Besides other work in his line he did most of the mining engineering in his vicinity during that time.  In 1861 he became superintendent of the Silver Creek Mining Company's coal mines, and held that responsible position for twenty-one years.  In 1882 he became associated in the hardware business with his brother, Wesley A. Huffman, from which he retired in 1886.  The subject of this memoir was twice married, first to Susan, daughter of Lewis Miller, of Canal Fulton, Ohio, and by her he has one son living, Isaac W.  Mr. Huffman's present wife is Catherine, daughter of Christian Wilhelm, of Medina County, Ohio, and she has borne him three children, living: Sherman J., Eliza and Cora.
     Mr. Huffman has been a resident of Doylestown, Chippewa Township, since 1871, and has always taken an active part in public affairs of the town, though he has never held or sought office.  He owns a half interest in the Huffman block, one of the leading business structures in Doylestown.   He paid nearly one-seventh of the expense of erecting the beautiful Methodist Episcopal Church edifice (built in 1885), of which church he is an active member, and collected the balance of the subscription for the same.  He is a member of the Odd Fellows order.  In politics he has always been an ardent Republican.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 132
  SHERMAN J. HUFFMAN.  This popular young merchant was born in Chippewa Township, Wayne County, Jan. 10, 1865, and is a son of Daniel V. and Catherine (Wilhelm) Huffman.  His paternal grandfather and great-grandfather settled in Chippewa Township, this county, in 1814.  Our subject was reared in his native township, and was educated in the public schools of Doylestown.  In 1883 he engaged in the drug business in Doylestown, as a partner with Charles McCormish with whom he was associated six months.  In 1885 he entered the employ of the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railroad Company as agent for their Doylestown trade, which position he held eight months.  In October, 1886, he embarked in the boot and shoe business, and by his uniform courtesy to all and strict attention to the wants of his customers he has built up a large business, which is daily increasing.  Nov. 16, 1887, he married Minnie B., daughter of Jacob Hollinger of Clinton, Ohio.  He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and Knights of Pythias.  In politics he is a Republican.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 307
  WESLEY A. HUFFMAN.  Among the prosperous and representative merchants of Doylestown, Chippewa Township, Wayne County, there is no one who retains the confidence and esteem of its citizens and those of the surrounding country to a greater extent than the subject of this sketch.  He was born in Chippewa Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, Aug. 25, 1846, and is a son of Daniel and Ann (Huffman) Huffman, both natives of Switzerland and pioneers of Chippewa Township.  His paternal grandfather, Daniel Huffman, and maternal grandfather, Jacob Huffman, were natives of Switzerland, and among the pioneers of Chippewa Township. [For history of the former see sketch of Daniel V. Huffman]Jacob Huffman had five children who grew to maturity, viz.: Frederick, John, Jacob, Ann and Almira, all now deceased but Frederick, who resides in Butler, Ind.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 539
  JACOB HUNTSBERGER, farmer, postoffice address Benton City, Ohio, was born in Wayne County, Ohio November 7, 1845.  His parents, Samuel and Maud (Westheffer) Huntsberger, were both natives of Cumberland County, Penn., where they were married, and came to Wayne County, Ohio, probably about fifty-eight years ago.  They bought a farm on Section 32, in Baughman Township, now occupied by their son, Abram Huntsberger.  Here Samuel Huntsberger spent the rest of his life, dying Aug. 230, 1873, at the age of seventy-one years.  He was a farmer all his lifetime, never engaging in any other occupation.  Mr. Huntsberger was a man of upright and honorable character, strictly honest in all his dealings.  Shortly before his death he united with the Mennonite Church, dying in that faith.  He is buried in the graveyard attached to that church in Baughman Township.  His widow still lives on the homestead farm, where they first settled in this county.  They were the parents of eleven children, six of whom died young, and the following five are now living:  Elizabeth, wife of Jacob E. Winger, in Baughman Township; Mattie, unmarried, in Orrville; Fannie, wife of Amos Eshelman also of Orrville; Jacob, and Abraham, on the old homestead.
     Jacob was reared on the farm, living with his parents until he was twenty-five years of age, when he afterward spent a year in Orrville, and a year with his brother-in-law, Winger.  December 22, 1870, Mr. Huntsberger was married to Sarah Jane, daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah (Galloway) Ervin, of Baughman Township.  She was born on the place where she now lives, which her husband bought after the  death of her parents.  Mr. and Mrs. Ervin were old residents of Wayne County, coming here at an early day, and both died on the farm now owned by Mr. Huntsberger.  They came from Washington County, Penn., and settled on the place where they passed the balance of their days.  Nathaniel Ervin died in 1868, and his wife a few years before that date.  Mrs. Huntsberger was born September 22, 1850.  Mr. and Mrs. Huntsberger are the parents of four children, viz.:  Amy, born Jan. 17, 1872; Samuel J., born Mar. 7, 1875; Mary E., born May 5, 1877, and Charles Jerkins born Feb. 3, 1880, all still under the parental roof.  Mr. Huntsberger does not aspire to hold office, but has served his township as trustee for three terms.  In politics he is a Republican.  He and his wife are both members of the Presbyterian Church at Orrville, of which he is an elder.  Those who know Mr. Huntsberger will speak of him in high terms of praise as a man of upright character and principles.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 407



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