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Wayne County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


† Source:
Biographical Record of Wayne & Holmes Co.
Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co.

(Contributed by Sharon Wick)



  DR. JOHN A. GANN was born at Waterford, N. Y., in 1848.  His father, James J. Gann, was by birth an Englishmen, and came to America in 1847.  The paternal grandfather also came to America, the grandmother having died in Europe.  The father of our subject was by trade a miller, which be learned in England.  Before starting to America he was wedded to Elizabeth Adams, and together they came to the New World.  In 1861, at Monroeville, Ohio, where they had settled, the father passed to his last sleep.  Of their wedded life only two children were born, John A. and Lizzie (Mrs. Durbin Metz, of Wooster, Ohio).
     At fourteen years of age the subject of this biographical memoir left the common schools which he had been attending, and engaged as a clerk, in which capacity he continued four years, and then entered the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio, where be graduated in 1871.  He then became superintendent of the public schools at Shelby, Ohio, and remained four years, when be turned his attention to the study of medicine at Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College, graduating from there in 1877.  He practiced a short time in Berea, and then came in March, 1877, to Wooster, where he has since made his home.  In 1884 the doctor was united in marriage with Anna Metz, daughter of Jacob and Susan Metz, and a native of Wooster, Ohio, where she graduated from the high school in 1870.  She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.  Dr. Gann is president of the State Medical Society and lecturer on physiology at the Cleveland Homoeopathic College; is a member of the Odd Fellows order, Independent Order of Red Men, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum and Chosen Friends.  In politics he is a Republican.  He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Wooster.  His home is on North Market Street, where his aged mother resides with him.

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 -
Page 60
  CHARLES GASCHE.     This old and honored citizen of Wooster has been a resident of the place for more than half a century.  He was born in Wetzlar, Kingdom of Prussia, June 10, 1810, and is now, therefore, well advanced in years.  His father, also named Charles, was married to Catherine Eisengarth, and came with his family to America in June, 1833, locating first in York, Penn., but moving later to Wooster, where they arrived Oct. 13, 1835.  He was a physician and surgeon in his native land, being for thirty years connected with a hospital there, and he continued the practice of his profession in this country.  He was a man of wide experience and of great skill, particularly in surgery.  His wife died in Holmes County in 1842, aged fifty-eight years, and he in 1862, in Fulton County, Ohio, at the ripe age of eighty-three years; both were members of the Lutheran Church.  They were the parents of eight children, one of whom died in the old country, the other seven accompanying them to America.
     The subject of our sketch was educated in his native land, and when a boy was apprenticed to the trade of a carpenter and cabinet-maker.  He also served his allotted time of three years in the Prussian army.  After his immigration to this country he worked at his trade in York, Penn., and in Wooster, Ohio, he continued actively engaged in same until 1884, when he retired to enjoy a well-earned repose.  Apr. 7, 1835, in York, Penn., Mr. Gasche was united in marriage with Barbara Minich, a native of Bavaria, who when seventeen years old came to this country with her parents, who settled in Pennsylvania, where both died.  Of this union seven children were born (six of whom are still living); Catherine, wife of Ernest Thomen, in Wooster; Anna, wife of Frederick Aumann, living with her parents; Charles C., a resident of Wooster; Frederick W., in Millersburg, Holmes County; Julius, a farmer in Holmes County, Ohio: Nettie M., wife of Prof. Collins, of Oxford, Ohio, where he is professor of mathematics and astronomy, and Oscar Theodore, who died in infancy.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 458
  WILLIAM GEARHART, a resident of over sixty years in Wayne County, is a native of Northumberland County, Penn., born Sept. 8, 1808, son of Timos and Lorena (Gulichs) Gearhart, and grandson of Jacob Gearheart.  The parents were natives of New Jersey, and came to Wayne County, Ohio, in 1822, where they died, the father at the age of eighty-two, and the mother when fifty-four years old.
     The subject of this memoir received an ordinary common-school education, and learned the trades of stone-mason and cooper, at which he worked for some time, and then commenced farming. June 28, 1830, he married, in Wayne County.  Mary Dirck, daughter of Jacob and Catherine (First) Dirck, and a native of Pennsylvania.  When a child she came with her parents to Wayne County, Ohio, where she grew to womanhood.  Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Gearhart, viz.: Lorena, Catherine and Julia Ann, all deceased; Jacob, in Canaan Township; Isaac, on the homstead, and Samantha, now Mrs. H. Onaway.  Their first farm was a wild piece of timber-land, in which deer and wolves roamed at will, and this, by hard labor, Mr. and Mrs. Gearhart converted into a fertile farm.  Here they resided some forty years, and in 1809 came to their present commodious and pleasant home, situated in the eastern part of Bloomington, and here they have made all the improvements.  At one time Mr. Gearhart owned 793 acres of land, but has divided it into farms, giving a portion to his children.  Mrs. Gearhart died May 23, 1889, aged eighty-one years, and, although having been a victim of typhoid fever several times, she was remarkably well preserved.  She and her husband were members of the Presbyterian Church of Wooster.
     Their son, Isaac, was born in April, 1834, and has all his life followed farming.  With true filial affection he has all along remained with his parents.  He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and is much esteemed by all who know him.

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 -
Page 135
  EDWARD GISELA, a well-known citizen of Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio, is a native of Stark County, Ohio, born in January, 1835.  His grandfather, Jacob Gisela, was a native oฃ New York, who came to Wooster, this county, at an early day, where he kept the first hotel, and spent the remainder of his days.  John Gisela, father of Edward, was born in Ohio, and in his youth learned the trade of blacksmith in Wooster.  Upon reaching manhood he was married in that place to Sarah Miller, a native of Pennsylvania, who came to Wayne County with her parents.  Of this marriage three children were born: Craniums, who is deceased; Charlotte, now wife of James McIntyre, and living in California, and Edward.
     The subject of this biographical sketch spent his early life on the farm, and remained with his parents until he was twenty-one years of age, when he was married to Miss Emetine Culbertson, a native of Wayne County, and a granddaughter of John and Jane Culbertson, both of whom are deceased.  Our subject and wife have had seven children born to them, namely: John W., Craniums M., Harvey, Elmer, Eli K. and Emma, all living in Wooster, and all the sons engaged in farming except Eli K., the youngest, who is in the clothing store with Mr. Schley, and Clara Etta, now wife of Lewis Greenwood, living in Wayne County.  In 1868 Mr. Gisela engaged in the sale of agricultural implements for the McDonald Company for ten years, which connection was later dissolved.  With the exception of five years, which he spent on his farm in East Union and Franklin Townships, this has been his occupation since.  In 1882 he left the farm, and, coming back to Wooster, has resided there to the present time.
     By perseverance and business tact Mr. Gisela has made a success in life, and is universally recognized as one of Wayne County's substantial citizens, respected and honored wherever he is known, and the entire family stand high in the estimation of the people.  In politics he is a Democrat, but his political action is guided by well-considered motives rather than by partisan feeling.  Socially he is a member of the Odd Fellows order.

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 -
Page 304
  WILLIAM EMMETT GEORGE, of the firm of George & Co., cabinet-makers and undertakers, and manufacturers of furniture, having the largest and most complete establishment of the kind in Wayne County, Ohio, of which he is a native, and born Jan. 8, 1855.  His father, John George, was a native of Columbiana County, Ohio, and by occupation a carpenter.  He was married in Wooster to Eliza Smith, whose father was one of the first settlers in that place, both of her parents dying in Wayne County.  To Mr. and Mrs. John George five children were born, as follows: Two deceased in infancy; Anna Viola, wife of Calvin Van Nimmons, of Shreve, Wayne County; William Emmett, and John Franklin, a resident of Wooster.  The mother was called to her rest in June, 1888, at the age of sixty-four years, and since then the father has resided in Wooster, and is now sixty-five years of age.
     The subject of this sketch has passed his entire life in Wooster, where he received a good schooling.  While still a boy he turned his attention to cabinetmaking, and in 1880 formed a partnership with William Y. Landis, which continued until 1888.  During this time the business was greatly enlarged, so as to include furniture and undertaking, and now furniture manufacturing, and is at present the largest in the county.  For some years after learning his trade Mr. George worked in various places, and was employed in an organ manufactory, in car-building shops, etc.  In 1875 he was united in marriage with Miss Lydia Lasier, a native of Pennsylvania, whose parents early migrated to Ohio, where the father died.  The mother is now living at Western Star, near Akron, Ohio.  To this union one child, John Irvin, has been born.
     Mr. George started in business without a dollar, and his gratifying success is wholly due to his close application and business ability.  He has advanced himself to an honorable place among the leading business men of Wooster, and is regarded as one of the best of its citizens, honored and respected by all.  He is progressive and enterprising, and in favor of
all good projects for the advancement of the county.  He and his wife are members of the Lutheran Church at Wooster.

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 -
Page 271
  ALFRED C. GLESSNER, son of Philip and Margaret (Roughcorn) Glassier, natives of Westmoreland County, Penn., was born Sept. 24, 1836, in Ashland County, Ohio.  His parents came in an early day to Wayne County, Ohio, and located on a farm in Greene Township, afterward moving to Ashland County, Ohio.  Alfred C. was reared on a farm and obtained a limited education at the schools of the period.  In 1876 he moved into Wayne County, and her carried on farming in Milton Township.  In 1888 he established his present business, that of livery stable, at Sterling, Wayne Co., and has already succeeded in commanding a lucrative trade.
     In 1857 Alfred C. Glassier married Miss Sarah Jane a daughter of Thomas Baker of Iowa, and to this union have been born eight children:  Carrie A., wife of William W. Weekday, of Canaan Township, Wayne County; William, telegraph operator on the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railroad; Emma Jeanette, wife of Milford Lance, of Sterling, Ohio, and Hattie I., George A., Everett Thornton, Clement D. and Edith, all at home.  Mr. Glassier has always voted the Democratic ticket, but is not at all demonstrative in politics.  He is a member of Sterling Lodge, No. 173, K. of P.  Our subject was elected supervisor of Milton Township, but refused to serve.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 557
  D. B. GOOD was born near Berlin, Somerset Co., Penn., Nov. 10, 1841, son of John and Eliza Good.  His father was a native of the same county and State, and died Aug. 2, 1844, aged thirty-three years.  The mother of our subject, after the death of Mr. Good, married, in the winter of 1850, David Graver, and they came to Congress township, Wayne Co., Ohio, in the following spring, bringing young D. B. with them.  She is now living, in good health, in Congress village, in her seventy-third year.
     The subject of this biographical memoir received a fair common-school education, and was reared to farm life.  Feb. 27, 1868, he was united in marriage with Margaret Worst, who was born Apr. 1, 1843, in Ashland County, Ohio.  Her father, Samuel Worst, was also a native of Ashland County, and his father, Henry, a Pennsylvanian by birth, came from his native State to Ashland County in a very early day.  To Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Good have been born two children, as follows:  Alder, born June 23, 1876.  The parents were members of the Brethren Church; in politics Mr. Good is a Republican.  He is one of hte enterprising, energetic and substantial citizens of Congress Township, Wayne County, and is the owner of over 200 acres of improved land.  He and his estimable wife are identified with the social and educational interests of their locality, and are both highly respected.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 279
  LUCIEN GRABER is a son of Peter Graber, a native of Switzerland, born Oct. 11, 1822.  The parents of Peter Graber were Samuel and Magdalene (Steiner) Graber, and with them he immigrated to America in 1827, and to Ohio.  They first settled in Sugar Creek Township; thence moved to Paint Township, where the parents died.  In 1847 he married Annie Knoble, a native of France, and a resident of Paint Township.  Eight children were born to this union, one of whom died in infancy.  Those living are Lucien, our subject; Amanda, wife of David Buler, of Allen County, Ohio; Julia, wife of Ross Koontz, of Mount Eaton, Ohio; Peter, in Sugar Creek Township, Wayne County; Alfred, in Virginia; Helen, wife of Jacob Tschontz, of Paint Township, Wayne County; Louisa, wife of Arthur Fisher, of Wooster, Ohio.  Mr. Graber is a member of the Democratic party, and a deacon of the German Reformed Church.
     Lucien Graber, the subject of these lines, was born Feb. 5, 1848, and was educated at the schools of the township.  At an early age he learned the stone mason's trade, but has been principally engaged in farming in Paint Township, Wayne County.  In 1879 he married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Saurer, of Sugar Creek Township, Wayne County, and by this union there are four children: Irvin H., Winter C., Aldine and Myrtle Edith.  Mr. Graber has always been identified with the Democratic party, and has served as justice of the peace two terms.  In 1886 he was elected county commissioner, which office he is still filling.  He is a member of Mount Eaton Lodge, No. 274, Royal Arcanum, and of Wooster Lodge, No. 41, K. of P.  He and his family are members of St. Paul's German Reformed Church.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 532

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 321


Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 309

  JOHN GRADY.     This gentleman is a well-known native citizen of Wayne County, Ohio, having been born in Greene Township Apr. 28, 1828.  His paternal grandfather was a native of England, and immigrated to America at any early day, settling in Pennsylvania, in which State he died.  John Grady, father of Israel, was born in that State, and there learned the trade of coopering.  In early manhood he married Elizabeth Odenkirk, a native of the Keystone State, of German ancestry.  They were the parents
of eight children, three of whom are now living.  In 1818 John Grady brought his family to Wayne County, settling on a farm in Greene Township.  This was then a wild, unsettled place, and the farm had to be cleared from the forest.  They had to endure all the discomforts and hardships of early pioneer life, but as the farm grew in beauty and value as the result of their toil, the hardy pioneer and his wife felt themselves amply rewarded by having a good home in which to rear the children rapidly growing up
within their cabin walls.  Mrs. Grady was the first to hear the summons of the angel of death, passing away at the age of sixty-five years.  Her husband survived her until 1864, when he died at the ripe age of nearly four score.  Both were sincere members of the Baptist Church of Wooster.

lived with his father until he was twenty-seven years of age, and in his youth took his share of the labors of the pioneer.  At the age of twenty-four he was married to Miss Sophronia, daughter of Josiah and Eunice (Pratt) Milbourn, and born in East Union Township May 13, 1828.  In 1858 Mr. Grady bought a farm in East Union Township, on which were but a few improvements, and here he and his faithful wife toiled to make for themselves and family a comfortable home, and so industriously and intelligently didthey labor that their farm became known as the finest in the township. The first work on their farm was the planting of eighteen acres of fruit trees.  Mrs. Grady's father was also one of Wayne County's pioneers, coming here from Virginia with his mother at an early day, and settling in East Union Township.  In 1819 he was married to Miss Eunice, a daughter of Oliver Pratt, who came to this county in 1814.  Her father died in December, 1880, aged eighty-one years; the mother died in 1889, at the age of eighty-five years.  Mrs. Grady was brought up as pioneer's children were in those early days.  She learned to spin and weave, was instructed in household work, and often worked in the fields, at such labor as she was equal to.  She remained at home until her marriage.  She and her children are members of the Baptist Church.  In 1881 Mr. Grady and his wife left the farm which had for so many years been their home and came to Wooster, settling on a piece of land in the edge of the city, forty and a half acres of it being within the corporation limits.  To get possession of this tract he had to purchase from seventeen different owners.  The place was wild and barren, but he set to work to improve it with the same untiring industry which had hitherto characterized his labors.  One of the attractive features of the place is a fish pond, in the excavating and preparing of which two years were spent.  This, when finished, he stocked with carp, which are in a thriving condition, and on its surface a graceful swan floats.  To-day this place is one of the most attractive homes in Wooster, and many visitors are drawn thither by its beauty and the attraction of a boat ride on the glassy surface of the lake.  In the summer as many as 1,500 persons have visited it in a month.
     Mr. and Mrs. Grady have two children: the. eldest, Huldah (Mrs. Isaac H. Odenkirk), lives with her parents; Josiah M. lives on the home farm, in East Union Township.  The life of Mr. Grady has been one of labor, and the honorable position he has attained is altogether due to the industry of himself and his capable wife.  He has always been in favor of all projects whose object was to benefit the county, and he will long be remembered as one of its public-spirited and enterprising citizens.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 321
  MISS SARAH GRADY.  This estimable lady is a native of Greene Township, Wayne County, and a daughter of JOHN and Elizabeth Grady, who came from Pennsylvania in 1818, and settled upon a farm in the township, named when it was covered with dense forest, which the pioneers had to cut away to make room for their log cabin.  The father was a cooper by trade, but after settling in this county gave his attention principally to this farm.  His parents were natives of Pennsylvania.  The pioneer and his family lived the usual life of those brave and hardy spirits who rescued this beautiful and fertile land from the primeval forest, making it one of the most productive parts of this rich commonwealth.  Hardships were cheerfully endured of which the present generation know but little, except by hearsay, and the reward was the broad and fertile acres which gradually took the place of the forest, leveled by the ax.  To this worthy couple were born eight children, three of whom are now living.  The wife and mother passed from earth in January, 1861, aged sixty-five years, having been born Nov. 8, 1795, the husband and father following her to the grave in June, 1864, at the ripe age of seventy-nine years, being born Nov. 25, 1785.  They were upright, God-fearing people, and were universally respected.
     The subject of this sketch was born May 17, 1818, just after her parents came to Wayne County, and she remained with them as long as they lived, helping, even as a child, in the necessary work of the pioneer, often rolling logs, burning brush, and doing any manual work of which she was capable.  She was also taught to spin, and was, and is yet, capable of doing good work.  At the death of her father she inherited the homestead, on which she lived until 1868, when she sold it and removed to Wooster, which has since been her home.  The life of Miss Grady ahs been a busy one, and she has been a witness of and participant in the work of building up this county to its present proud position.  The incidents of her early life are yet fresh in her memory, and her recital of them is interesting.  When she first attended school she had to go by a blazed path through the woods to the old log school-house, where the rudiments of education were instilled into the minds of the children of the pioneers.  Her parents were members of the Baptist Church (as she had been all her adult life), and services were held in their house for many years.  She well remembers attending church at the court-house in Wooster when guards were placed at the doors.
     Miss Grady has ever been noted for benevolence, and a desire to do all the good she could to her fellow-beings.  She adopted a soldier's orphan, Sadie Frazier, then a young child, but who now, grown to womanhood, still makes her home with her foster-mother, for whom she has all a child's love and respect.  Miss Grady has a brother, Israel Grady, living in Wayne County, where he is well known, and she has one living in Kansas.  For her many admirable traits of character, and her charity and benevolence, this much esteemed lady is justly held in high regard in the county of her birth.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 309

H. P. GRAVATT, of the firm of H. P. Gravatt & Co., editors and publishers of the Wayne County Democrat, was born in Lexington, Highland Co., Ohio, in the year 1842.  His father, Peter R. Gravatt, a teacher by profession, was a native of New Jersey, and died at Dayton, Ohio, in 1849.  In July, 1853, H. P. Gravatt became an apprentice in a printing office at Dayton, Ohio, and he has ever since followed in the footsteps of Guttenberg.  His education has been the practical one that contact with the business men of the world and close application to his chosen work have given him.  In 1870 Mr. Gravatt was united in marriage with Miss Nellie C. Moore, born in Zanesville, Ohio, and a daughter of Cornelius Moore, who for many years was publisher of the Masonic Review of Cincinnati.  To this union eight children have been born, four of whom have passed to the silent majority.
     From 1872 to 1881 Mr. Gravatt filled the position of editorial manager of the Odd Fellow’ Companion, published at Columbus, Ohio, it being then an eighty-page monthly.  In 1880, at the May session of the Grand Lodge, he was installed grand master of Odd Fellows, and presided at the session at Youngstown in 1881.  In 1875 he was appointed historiographer, and wrote the history of the first ten years of Odd Fellowship in Ohio, which was published in the proceedings of 1878.  In 1873 he wrote the first Knights of Pythias manual ever published, and from 1872 to 1881, while in this work, he resided at Columbus.  In 1869 he became a member of the I. O. O. F., and for four years was their representative at the Grand Lodge, and also historiographer and grand master; also is a member of Blue Lodge Masons and of the Knights of Pythias.  In July, 1881, Mr. Gravatt purchased of Mr. E. B. Eshelman his half interest in the Wayne County Democrat, Mr. Eshelman withdrawing, but in 1886 returning to the partnership by purchasing the fourth interest belonging to the late D. L. Firestone.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 19

  JAMES L. GRAY was a native of Milton, Northumberland County, Penn., born in 1832, of parents who immigrated to that State many years ago.  His father was of Scotch and his mother of German ancestry.  The mother dying while he was quite young, James L. was brought up by his uncle, Samuel Blain, on a farm near Milton, Penn.  At the age of sixteen he began life for himself, first obtaining a position as clerk on a Mississippi River steamboat.  He followed steamboating for about three years, sailing on all the navigable rivers tributary to the Mississippi, during which time he made a trip to the Yellowstone Valley, in quest of firs.  Returning to Milton, Penn, he served an apprenticeship at the saddler's trade, after which he located at New Brighton, Penn.  Here he met and afterward married Miss Eunice Magaw, a talented young lady of Beaver County, Penn., and soon after his marriage removed with his wife to Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio, where he engaged in business.  In 1864, responding to his country's call for aid, he enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served in the Army of the Potomac, being a part of the time in the quartermaster's department.  Returning to Wooster after the war, he was for a time here engaged as superintendent of the Home Mills, and in 1875 established himself as a dealer in coal, lime, cement and builders' supplies, which business he carried on successfully up to the time of his death.  He died June 8, 1886, at the age of fifty-four years, highly esteemed by all who knew him.
     He was a Republican in politics, and took a great interest in all political questions.  He served for a number of years as a member of the volunteer fire department in his adopted city; was also a member of the I. O. O. F. and the G. A. R., and a leading member of the English Lutheran Church, serving as one of the building committee in the erection of the English Lutheran Tabernacle at Wooster, Ohio.  His widow, since his death, has resided in Wooster, where she is favorably known as a member of the English Lutheran Church, and of the Woman's Relief Corps.  James L. Gray left five children - two sons and three daughters - all of whom reside in Wayne County.
     The eldest son, Charles M. Gray, after receiving a liberal education in the schools of his native city, engaged in business with his father, at first as an assistant, and finally as a partner.  In 1885 he went to Galion, Ohio, where he established himself in the milling business, in which he remained until recalled to Wooster by his father's death.  Since then, in partnership with his married.  Mrs. J. L. Gray, he has carried on the business established by his father, under its original name - Gray & Son.  He is also manager of the Standard Oil Company's supply depot at Wooster.  He is a F. & A. M., and a member of the Royal Arcanum; he is a Republican.

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 -
Page 476
  ALLEN GREELY, JR.     Allen Greely (deceased) was born in North Yarmouth, Me., May 15, 1781, and died Oct. 25, 1866.  He was a fellow student with Daniel Webster at Dartmouth College, graduating one year after Webster.  His wife, Eunice Jones Greely, was born in 1801, and died in 1841.  Allen Greely, Jr., the subject of this memoir, was born in Turner, Androscoggin Co., Me., Mar. 16, 1837, and at the early age of four years was bereft of the care and kindness of a mother.  His father was a Congregational minister, and served as pastor at Turner, Me., from 1810 to 1845.  Young Allen attended the common schools until his fourteenth year, when he entered Hampden Academy, Maine, and there pursued his studies one year.  He was a schoolmate of Eugene Hale, United States Senator from Maine, in the old town of Turner.
     When fifteen years old Mr. Greely boarded a merchant sailing ship, and for three years was a sailor on her, working before the mast, and making several voyages to remote parts of the globe.  Among other ports he touched at were Liverpool (England), Isle of Wight, Cardiff, (Wales), Rio Janeiro (South America), etc., and he made several voyages to the West Indies.  In 1857 Mr. Greely worked by the month on sailing vessels, plying on the lakes between Buffalo and Chicago, and for two seasons he "sailed the lakes."  At the age of twenty-two he retired from sea-faring life, and became a citizen of Wayne County, Ohio, locating at West Salem in 1858.
     On Mar. 27, 1859, Mr. Greely married Miss Nancy Jane, daughter of John G. Ford, another of the early settlers of Wayne County, Ohio.  Since coming here Mr. Greely has been engaged in various lines of business, and since 1874 he has been associated with others in the merchant milling.  He is considered an upright, prudent and enterprising business man and excellent neighbor.  In politics he is a Democrat.  He has served one term as township clerk and two terms as township treasurer; was village clerk for eight years and is now, and has been for fourteen successive years, a member of the village Board of Education.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 128

P. S. Greenamyer, M.D.
PETER S. GREENAMYER, M. D., mayor of Smithville, Ohio, is a native of Columbiana, in the county of the same name, in this State, and was born May 2, 1836.  On his father's side his ancestors were of German extraction, his great-grandmother, who was a Miss Wyse, having come from that country.  She was sent to America for the benefit of her health, and on the voyage hither became acquainted with a fellow traveler named Geiger, whom she married after her arrival at New Amsterdam, as New York was then called.  She was connected with one of the royal families of Germany, and had two brothers, both of whom were unmarried, and were enormously wealthy.  One of these brothers willed his entire estate, valued then at seventy-two millions of dollars, to the descendants of his sister of the third generation, of whom Dr. Greenamyer's father was one.
     The notice of distribution was published at the proper time in Germany, about 1880, but unfortunately did not become known in this country until after the lapse of a considerable time.  When it did become known, efforts were at once made to complete the chain of evidence establishing relationship, and when this was accomplished an agent was sent to Europe to present the claims of the American heirs.  The distribution had already taken place, however, by order of the German Government, which refused to change it, and thus the American heirs got no part of their just claims.  Mrs. Geiger died in this country, and was buried in New Amsterdam.  After a lapse of about 150 years, in the efforts to complete the evidence as to her identity, her grave was opened, and parts of the royal robes in which she was buried were found intact.  She left a family of three daughters and two sons.  One of the daughters married Solomon Greenamyer, and thus became the grandmother of our subject.  Her husband was a resident of Columbiana County, this State, where many of their descendants yet live, and where he held the office of justice of the peace for over fifty years.  He died of diphtheria, about twenty years ago, in his eighty-sixth year.  His wife had died about twenty-five years prior to that time.  They had six sons and six daughters, of whom three sons and four daughters are yet living, viz.: David, a retired farmer, living in Michigan; Enos, a practicing physician of Palestine, Penn.; Jehu, a farmer of Michigan; Sarah, wife of Daniel Stauffer, a merchant of Columbiana, Ohio; Eliza, who married a Mr. Heck, a farmer of Columbiana County; Charlotte, wife of Israel Long, a wealthy farmer in Pennsylvania, across the line from Columbiana County, and Mary, wife of Rev. Samuel Sechrist, of Akron, Ohio.
     William, the father of our subject, who was the eldest of the family, was born at the old homestead in Columbiana County, Aug. 29, 1808, and died in Smithville, Wayne County, July 31, 1860.  In his early life he taught school, but afterward read medicine, and began practice in his native county, removing to Wooster, Ohio, in 1846, and the following year settling in Smithville, where he was engaged in the practice of his profession until his death.  He rapidly made friends in his chosen home, and became known as a successful and highly esteemed physician.  As a Christian man and good citizen he was greatly respected, and his death was mourned. by a large circle of friends, to whom his many good qualities had greatly endeared him.  He was for many years a member of the German Reformed Church, of which he had long been a deacon, and was a consistent Christian, who fully believed in Him who "doeth all things well," and met death as only such a one can.  He was married, in 1832, to Miss Maria Strickler, who was born in Page County, Va., in 1809.  She went with her parents, while young, to Columbiana County, Ohio, and there met her future husband.  Her father was of Scotch descent, and her mother of German.  She also died in Smithville, on Dec. 15, 1873, aged over sixty-four years.  She was a faithful wife and a devoted mother, and an exemplary Christian a worthy helpmeet to her husband.  They were the parents of two sons and one daughter.  The younger son, Solomon, is a veterinary surgeon at Ashland, Ohio; the daughter, Isabella, is the wife of John E. Zimmerman, of Smithville, and the eldest is Peter S.
     The subject of this sketch was eleven years of age when his parents removed to Smithville, where he received his common-school education.  This was supplemented by a partial course at Oberlin College.  Leaving there, he read medicine under his father, and later attended the Eclectic Medical College at Cincinnati, where he graduated in March, 1858.  He then engaged iu practice iu partnership with his father, continuing until the latter's death.  A year later his uncle, Enos, became his partner, this relation continuing for four years, during which time Dr. Greenamyer attended Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, graduating in March, 1872.  He has since been continuously engaged in the practice of his profession at Smithville, building up a large and lucrative business, and is universally recognized as a conscientious and skillful physician and surgeon, having studied the latter branch of his profession under the celebrated Prof. Pancoast, of Philadelphia.  On Sept. 30, 1803, Dr. Greenamyer was married to Miss Eugenia Gertrude Christy, who was born May 10, 1844, in Jackson, Wayne County.  Her parents were James and Roxana Christy, both of whom are now deceased.  They were farmers in this county for many years, Mr. Christy being a noted stock raiser and dealer.  He was a native of Wayne County, of Irish extraction, and his wife was born in the State of New York.  Dr. and Mrs. Greenamyer have one child.  Homer B., now seventeen years of age, who graduated in the class of '88from the Northern Ohio Normal School, and intends studying pharmacy, but is now teacher of stenography at his Alma Mater.
     Dr. Greenamyer has always taken a warm interest in the affairs of his town.  In April, 1888, he was elected mayor of Smithville, receiving all but three of the votes cast, a good illustration of the esteem of his fellow-citizens.  He is a member of the Wayne County Medical Society, of the Northeastern Ohio Medical Society, of the Ohio State Medical Society, and also of the American Medical Society.  He belongs to the Odd Fellows order and to the Knights of the Maccabees.  In politics he is a Republican.  As a physician, a citizen and neighbor, the Doctor is in the front rank of the citizens of Wayne County.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 266

O. K. Griffith
O. K. GRIFFITH, banker and miller, Orrville, Ohio, comes of Welsh ancestors on his father's side, who immigrated to America at an early day, settling in York County, Penn., where the family lived for several generations.  His grandfather, Joseph Griffith, was born in that county, living all of his lifetime on his birthplace, dying at the age of eighty-seven.  He was a Quaker in religion.  There is son, Mode, father of O. K., was born in 1805.  He learned the trade of a plasterer, which became his lifelong occupation.  He lived in his native county until 1839, when he removed to Indiana County, Penn., remaining there four years, when he went to Boiling Springs, Cumberland Co., Penn., where he and his wife both died, he at the age of seventy-seven, and she aged sixty-two.  Mr. Griffith was an industrious man, of a remarkably upright and conscientious character, who regarded a promise as sacred; out-spoken in the expression of his opinions; an ardent advocate of protective tariff, and an Abolitionist, when to be one was to be unpopular, and an agent for the "underground railroad," who often helped runaway slaves.  He was married in 1830 to Eliza Kaufman, a native of Boiling Springs, of a well-known family.  One of her brothers, D. S. Kaufman, was for many years a Congressman from Texas, elected several times without opposition; another, Abram Kaufman, was a prominent minister of the Episcopal Church of Charleston, S. C., who was honored at his death by interment in the body of the church.  Mode and Eliza Griffith were parents of ten children: D. S., who is now living in Colorado; William C., A. K. and Levi, in Lincoln, Neb.; O. K., our subject, and Jennie, at Boiling Springs, Penn.; four are deceased, viz.: Harriet, Benjamin, Joseph and an infant.
     O. K. Griffith, the subject of this sketch, was born at Dillstown, York Co., Penn., Apr. 28, 1831.  Through the influence of his uncle from Texas, he secured a clerkship in the United States Treasury Department, which he held until a change of administration threw him out.  He then stayed at home for awhile, and in 1853 came to Wayne County, where he had several acquaintances.  Here for three years he worked at plastering in summer and taught school in winter, and in the winter of 1856-57 taught in Illinois, going to Kansas the following spring, and taking up some land there.  In 1858 he returned to Wayne County, and getting married bought some timber land between Wooster and Smithville, which he cleared.  On this place he lived until 1878, when he removed to Smithville, where he stayed for a year and a half.  In October, 1874, he removed to Orrville and bought the Orrville Mill, in co-partnership with John Willaman.  This firm existed until 1880, when new partners were taken into the concern, and the name changed to the Orrville Milling Company.  Great improvements were at once begun, a fine new mill being built while the old one was running, and when the new mill was running the old one was moved into it.  To-day the mill runs night and day, except Sundays, and has a daily capacity of 500 barrels.  The mill is operated solely by Mr. Griffith, its product being all engaged beforehand, the flour having a high reputation.  This result is due to its being located in a first-class wheat-raising section; to their having their own warehouses, and being able to select their wheat, and in an eminent degree to the able and careful management of Mr. Griffith.  In addition to his milling business Mr. Griffith is engaged in banking, being president of the Orrville Banking Company, started by him and some other gentlemen, and of which he was and is the leading spirit.  This is an individual liability bank, the stockholders each being responsible to the full
amount of their property, giving ample security to customers.  During the War of the Rebellion Mr. Griffith enlisted in the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Ohio Volunteers.
     Mr. Griffith has been twice married; first in March, 1858, to Miss Jane Wasson, daughter of David and Margaret (Beale) Wasson, old settlers of Wayne Township, in this county, where she was born in 1836.  To this union five children were born: Frank, who is married to Eva Blackmore, of Orrville, and is living on a large farm in Colorado, owned by his father; Mary and John, living with their father; Charles, who died in 1883, aged nineteen, and Alice, who died in childhood.  The mother of this family died Dec. 3, 1870.  She was a woman of a rare Christian character, truly pious, a member of the Presbyterian Church.  A faithful wife and devoted mother, her loss was sincerely mourned by her bereaved husband and children.
     In March, 1874, Mr. Griffith was married to Mary, daughter of John and Nancy Heineman, of Wooster.  She was born in Wayne County.  The issue of this union was two children, one of whom, Edwin Fay, died in childhood; the other, Grace, is now (1888) eleven years of age.  Mr. Griffith has never been an aspirant for public office, but was once elected justice of the peace, which office he gladly got rid of by removing from the township.  He is a member of the G. A. R., of the Knights of Honor, and of the I. O. O. F.  In politics he is a Republican, and a protective tariff man.  A straightforward, enterprising and stirring man, Mr. Griffith is an important factor in the growth and prosperity of Orrville, and a central figure in the business circles.  He is known as a thoroughly upright man and a valuable citizen.

Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 -
Page 82
  EUGENE GROSJEAN, son of John P. and Frances Grosjean, was born in Switzerland, in 1824.  His parents immigrated to America in 1833, and located in Paint Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, where they were engaged in farming.  Their family consisted of ten children: Frances, Frederick, Ferdinand, Ellen, Mary, Sophia, Julia, Eugene, and two that died in infancy.  Of these, Frances married Jacob Soyer, and died in Wayne County; Frederick is a resident of France; Ferdinand located in Indiana, where he died; Ellen died at the age of nineteen years; Mary married A. Flory, removed to Indiana, and is now deceased; Sophia is now Mrs. Vol Steinmetz, of Coshocton County, Ohio; Julia was the late Mrs. John Webber, of Indiana. 
     Eugene was reared in Wayne County, and in 1840 married Eugenie, daughter of Charles E. Grosjean.  He located in Paint Township, Wayne County, where he remained until 1854, when he came to Salt Creek Township, Wayne County, and purchased a farm, which he disposed of, and in 1861 bought the property he now owns.  Here he and his wife reared a family of eight children: Albert, Julia, Mary, Charles, Louis, Sophia, Eugene A. and Ellen.  Of these, Albert married Ellen, daughter of William Sauers, and is a farmer in Salt Creek Township, Wayne County, near Maysville; Julia is now Mrs. Merian Winn, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Mary is Mrs. John Mackey, of Salt Creek Township, Wayne County; Charles is at present a resident of San Francisco, Cal.; Louis is married to Elizabeth Leper, and settled in Holmes County; Sophia died when a child of nine years of age; Eugene A. is a resident of San Francisco, Cal., and Ellen remains at home.  Mr. and Mrs. Grosjean are members of the Congregational Church.  In politics he is a Democrat.  His life may fairly be said to have been a success, and he is justly recognized as one of the able, representative men of the township.
Source:  Commemorative Biographical Record of Wayne County, Ohio – Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. – 1889 - Page 58




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