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By H. L. Peeke
President of The Firelands Historical Society
Publ. 1925


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Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 439

Henry J. Beilstein
HENRY J. BEILSTEIN.  Among the Sandusky men who achieved an outstanding business success, and an enviable personal standing in the last generation, was Henry Beilstein, whom death called Aug. 21, 1824.  He was a product of Sandusky, where he was born June 21st, 1859.  His parents were Leonard Beilstein and Catherine Rader, both of whom were natives of Hesse Darmstadt, Germany.  Mr. Beilstein received his education in the common schools of Sandusky, adding to it by attending night school as he had opportunity.  In 1883 he was married to Catherine Pfanner  The union was blessed with five children, three of whom are still living.  The son, Harry W. Beilstein, now operates the large laundry that his father established and placed on a firm business foundation.  The older daughter, Norman Catherine, is the wife of Howard Hendricksen, who is associated with Harry in the Beilstein Laundry; and Alverna is the wife of R. L. Bender of Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. Beilstein as a young man was a mechanical engineer by trade, and one of marked ability.  In the year 1882, he built the steam yacht "LILLIE", including her engine, which he operated as the first boat running regular trips to Cedar Point, charging a fare of twenty-five cents.  The boat made hourly trip from the foot of Wayne St. to Beimiller's Cove.  The Cedar Point Resort Co. was later formed by Charles Baetz, B. F. Dwelle and Jacob Kuebeler, and a larger boat forced the "LILLIE" to abandon the route.  Her engine is still in operation in Sandusky.
     For seveal years Mr. Beilstein was active in installing milling machinery in plants throughout the country, following which he engaged in the oil business in Sandusky, from which he derived the foundation of a very successful career.  In 1891 he entered the laundry business, in Sandusky, being engaged in that pursuit until 1920, when he retired from that connection, selling out to his son Harry and H. W. Hendricksen.  The present laundry plant is the most modern possible, and a credit to the man who established it.  Mr. Beilstein employed many people and had the reputation of being a kind and considerate employer, doing all he could to protect the health and well-being of his employees.  He was at one time a member of the Board of Education of Sandusky, but otherwise held no public office.  Formerly a Democrat, he later became a Republican in politics, but not offensively partisan.  He was a man of strong convictions, with firm notions of right and wrong, a kind husband and father, and that rare type of man whose fidelity to friends was never tempered by fair or foul weather.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 393
HARRY W. BEILSTEIN.  One of the young men who has achieved success in the business world of Sandusky is Harry W. Beilstein.  He was born Jan. 8, 1884, in the city of Sandusky, where he has always resided.  He is the son of Henry J. Beilstein and Catherine Pfanner.  Following his father's footsteps, he entered the laundry business in 1910 and has devoted all his business energy to that line.  He was educated in the schools of Sandusky.  Nov. 27, 1907, he married Caroline Kaferly, daughter of John B. Kaferly and Catherine Houk, by whom he has three children - Catherine Elizabeth, fourteen years of age; Mary Louise, eleven years of age; and Henry J., seven years of age.  He is now manager of the laundry originated by his father, in which he and Howard W. Hendricksen have been associated since 1917.  Before that time he was in partnership with his father.  In politics Mr. Beilstein is democratically inclined but independent when local politics are considered.  He is a member of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, of the Elks, Knights of Columbus, Eagles, Foresters, Plum Brook Country Club and Rotary Club, in all of which he takes an active interest.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 424

George A. Beis
GEORGE ANDREW BEIS.  One of the most promising of the younger attorneys of this city is George A. Beis.  Naturally he tended to be a lawyer, having inherited his tendency from his father, who has been for forty years one of the leading lawyers of the local bar.  His mother Lucinda M. Beis belongs to one of the old families of the city, and is well known for her many estimable qualities.  The subject of this article attended the Sandusky public schools and graduated from the High School in June Class of 1908.  He then entered the University of Michigan and grated from there in the Literacy class of 1912 with the degree of A. B. and took his degree of LLB in the law class of 1915.  After his graduation he was a partner with his father until June 14th, 1924 since which he practiced alone.
     As one of the soldiers of the World War he has a creditable military record.  He enlisted Apr. 26th, 1918 as private in the Medical  Corps, was made sergeant June 5th, 1918, and second lieutenant Sanitary Corps, Aug. 13th, 1918 to date of his discharge Apr. 18th, 1919.
     He belongs to the Plum Brook Country Club, and to Perry Post Number 83 American Legion.
     His religious preferences are Catholic and he is a member of St. Peter & Paul's Roman Catholic church.  He was married at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August first, 1918 to Olivia Hardy, daughter of William F. and Cecilia G. Hardy.  His son and namesake, George Andrew Beis was four years old Mar. 10th, 1925, and his daughter Margaret Ann Beis was two years old Apr. 18th, 1925.
     His brethren of the bar never discovered till recently that George Beis has a vein of dry humor heretofore undreamed of.  In addition he has ability that promises him professional success more than usual.

Source: Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio Vol. II - 1925 - Page 359

Judge George C. Beis
GEORGE C. BEIS.  The changes of Time have advanced Judge George C. Beis to the position of the oldest lawyer at the Erie County Bar, with the exception of Judge E. B. King.
     He was born at Waterville, Lucas County, Ohio, September 12th, 1861, and had his early education in the schools of the village.  He read law in the office of Scribner, Hurd & Scribner in the city of Toledo, and graduated from the Law School of the University of Michigan in 1883.  He was admitted to the bar in July of that year and almost immediately came to Sandusky, where he started to practice.  Sine that time he has been one of the widest known attorneys at the bar.  He has been an active practitioner, specializing somewhat in criminal matters, and especially before a jury.  Endowed with an active memory in forty years practice, he has accumulated a store of knowledge as to the decisions he has been familiar with.  Politically, he has been an active Democrat and has served two terms as city solicitor and one term as Probate Judge.  Shortly after his coming to Sandusky he married a daughter of Andrew Zerbe, then a prominent merchant of the city.  They have a family of three children, one of whom - George A. Beis, has for several years practiced in this city.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 359

Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 446

Ralph & Robert Breckenridge
(click on image)

RALPH ADAMS BRECKENRIDGE.     Mr. Breckenridge claims Huron is his birth-place where he first saw the light July Seventh, 1898.  He is one of the sons of George Adams Breckenridge and Metta Meeker Breckenridge.  He went through the Grammar Schools of Huron till he was 14 years of age and then went to Cleveland where he graduated from the West High School.  He is also the possessor of an A. B. degree from Western Reserve University.  After leaving college he entered the employment of the Ford Agency as stock keeper until January, 1922.  He was familiar with hard work, having worked on the ore docks and as brakeman in the railroad yards in order to get the money to pay for his education.  During 1920 and 1921 he worked from stock salesman to stock clerk and chief stock keeper in a large Ford Agency in Cleveland.  In January, 1922, he came to Sandusky obtaining an interest in the local Ford Agency.  The Carl Wilke Company which later became the Breckenridge Company of which he is treasurer.  During the world War he enrolled with U. S. Naval Reserve Force October 5th, 1918 and was  discharged Sep. 30, 1921.  From the 18th day of October, 1918 till the tenth day of December, 1918, he saw active service at Western Reserve University.  Politically he is a Republican.  At college he belonged to the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity of which he was President in 1919-1920.  He is a member of the American Legion and on Mar. 25t 1925, he took the degree of entered apprentice in Science Lodge November Fifty F. & A. M.  He is a member of the Kiwanis Club.   The Plum Brook Country Club, the Elks and the Moose.  His religious preference have made him a member of The Presbyterian Church.  On Sept. 10th, 1921, he was married in Cleveland at the Bethany Presbyterian Church to Anna Jean Penton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Penton of Cleveland, Ohio.  They have one child George Penton Breckenridge born at Sandusky, May 5th, 1924.  The Penton family came direct from England to Canada about 1840 or 1850.  Henry Penton is a prominent naval architect and consulting Engineer and was district manager of Emergency Fleet Corporation during the War.  Jean Penton Breckenridge was born at Chicago, Apr. 13th, 1898, and educated in Cleveland Public schools and Lake Erie college at Painesville.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 412

See Above here for photo

ROBERT MEEKER BRECKENRIDGE.    Robert Meeker Breckenridge was born at Huron, Ohio, February 18th, 1894.  He is the son of George Adams Breckenridge and Metta Meeker Breckenridge.  He was educated at the Huron schools, and took eight years of the Y. M. C. A. Night School Post Graduate course, U. S. Military Academy during the World War.  He remained on the farm till he was seventeen years of age.  He then obtained a position with the Nordyke and Marmon Company, Automobile Manufacturers until he was nineteen years of age, and in 1914 he took a position with the Ford Motor Company with whom he has remained till this date.  He says he likes to hunt and fish and enjoys out-door life.  He is president of the Breckenridge Company.  He has a creditable record of service during the World War.  He became an apprentice seaman in April 1817, and served as seaman, coxswain, boatswain, mate, gun captain and was ensign at time of going into inactive service Feb. First, 1919.  Politically he says let the best man win.  He belongs to The Masons, Moose, Elks, American Legion, Kiwanis, and Plum Brook Country Club.  He is affiliated with the Presbyterian church.  On September First, 1924 he was married at Cleveland Ohio to Ruth Catherine Roege daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Roege.  Mr. Roege has been for thirty years in the retail grocery business at Cleveland and is a thrifty hard working citizen.  Mrs. Breckenridge has been with the Red Cross three years till 1917 and then with the Community Fund till married in 1924.
     The great-grand father of Mr. Meeker - Judge Stephen Meeker - came to Ohio in 1800 from Connecticut on horse back locating on the lake shore what is now known as Ceylon Junction.  He returned to Connecticut and brought his family in a wagon and team.  Aaron Wright Meeker son of Stephen and Polly Meeker born Jan. 14th, 1816, married Cynthia Turner his second wife.  There were born to them two children - Hattie Meeker Stein and Metta Meeker Breckenridge.  He died Feb. 18th, 1896 having spent his entire life on the farm he bought from the government, and is now known as "the Old Homestead on the Lake" and Chaska Beach, the title of the well cultivated farm still being in the family.

Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 412


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