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By H. L. Peeke
President of The Firelands Historical Society
Publ. 1925


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Judge William L. Fiesinger

Source: Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio Vol. II - 1925 - Page 364

James Frederick Flynn
JAMES FREDERICK FLYNN.  This Sandusky lawyer was born May 1, 1887, on Tiffin Avenue in this city.  His father, James Flynn, was for many years Recorder of Erie County and from him he has inherited his ambition and the Irish "gift of gab."  He attended the public schools of Sandusky and the Sandusky High School, receiving his diploma by completing his high school work with night courses in 1906 and 1907, while attending law school during the day.  In 1903 and 1904, he took a complete course in book-kee0ing and short hand at the Sandusky Business College.  He spent six months in the Law Department of the University of Michigan.  He graduated from the night high school at Cincinnati in May, 1907.  He attended the Cincinnati Law School of Cincinnati, from September, 1906, to June, 1909, and was graduated June 5, 1909, with the degree of Bachelor of Laws.  He then worked on abstracts and insurance for the Erie County Investment Company, of which his father was president and general manager, until Jan. 1, 1915, when he became prosecuting attorney and started in to practice law.  This office he held two terms from Jan. 1, 1915 to Jan. 1, 1919.  On Feb. 22, 1916, he took a matrimonial chance and married Caroline DeEtta Reilly, daughter of William Reilly, of Cleveland, Ohio.  His sketch shows a very creditable list of activities in the years of his practice.  As a Democrat and an Episcopalian, he started in as president of his law class.  He was president of the Erie County Bar Association from June 1923, to June 1924.  The year before he was president of the Rotary Club.  He was local Appeal Agent for the U. S. Government during the World War from April, 1917, to November, 1919.  Of course, he is a Thirty-second Degree Mason and a Knight of Pythias.  In college he belonged to Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Theta Nu Epsilon.  He is a member of the Plum Brook Country Club.  In June, 1924, he went to Europe and visited the Frederick the Great Blue Lodge in Berlin, Germany.
     This sketch gives no ideal of the personality of Jimmy Flynn nor of his professional ability.  There is no one of the younger lawyers with better prospects than he.
Source: Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio Vol. II - 1925 - Page 360

Valentine Fries

VALENTINE FRIES was born in the small but picturesque village of Beteshein in Germany.  When five years old his parents made the then perilous voyage to the New World.  Four weeks were spent in making the voyage from Havre aboard the sailing vessel before New York was sighted.  And then followed the long and tedious trip by way of the Erie Canal to Buffalo to Cleveland by steamboat, and the last lap by way of the Ohio Canal to Kindel (now Massillon, Ohio)  Later on Mr. Fries entered the employ of J. W. Watson, a wholesale druggist.  After five years, having through strict economy saved a little money, Mr. Fries decided to try his fortune.  After various experiences he located at Milan, Ohio, where he established himself as a retail grocer, which business he continued for twenty years.  In 1852 Mr. Fries in partnership with J. P. Gay established a ship-building yard.  Five years later Mr. Fries began the construction of vessels independently.  At that time he built the Schooners: - Wm. Slupe, Hyphen, William Raynor, Atmosphere and Amaranth.  This yard was abandoned in 1868.  Ten years later however, he again commenced the construction of vessels, this time about three miles down the Huron River at a place that became known as Fries Landing.  The Marion Page (named for Marion Edison Page, sister of the great Thos. Edison and neighbor of Mr. Fries); the schooner Charles Foster, the Steamer William Edwards and to climax his ship building operations, the famed Golden Age, the biggest schooner of its day on fresh water was launched.  So large was this vessel that the Huron River had to be dredged for a considerable extent to permit her to reach Huron Harbor.  The name of Milan - Huron - Erie County - became known throughout the Great Lakes region through these vessels.  Though not an aspirant for the honors but conceding to the wishes of his friends an neighbors the office of Mayor of Milan and Township Trustee were accepted by him but when later asked to accept different county offices he declined as he had not desire for a political career.  On Nov. 28, 1889 Mr. Fries was married to Anna Crone of Massillon, Ohio.  From this alliance was born one son, Valentine A.  Later on he retired from the active managements of his various enterprises and spent his days on his farm about one and one half miles from Fries Landing.  He was identified with the Weideman-Holmes Company of Cleveland, Ohio, Fries & Rand Banking, Lumber & Fisheries of Huron, Ohio; F. N. Ellis & Company, Putnam County; Paul & Company of Massillon, Ohio; Sandusky, Milan & Norwalk Electric Railroad Company; the American Shipbuilding Company, Ship Owners Dry Dock Company; Milan Canning Company and extensive real estate interests.  Mr. Fries was a man of retiring disposition and avoided all notoriety - fond of reading - of genuine charity - ever ready to join any enterprise that had for its object public improvement or tending toward the general welfare of the community.  He died April 2, 1900 and was buried from St. Anthony's Church at Milan, Ohio.
Source: Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio Vol. II - 1925 - Page 676 - Milan Twp. & Village

Valentine A. Fries

VALENTINE A. FRIES was born May 13, 1890, at Huron, Ohio, the son of Valentine Fries and Anna M. Fries.  He was educated at the University School, Cleveland, Ohio, and during the World War enlisted at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., his military record bringing him a commission.  Following his service in the army, he has devoted his time and attention to managing the large property left him by his parents and has devoted his time and attention to managing the large property left him by his parents and has shown considerable ability as a financier.
     He married Irma Brockett of Marion, Ohio, in 1922, the daughter of Don E. J. Brockett and Florence Brockett, and to this union have been born two children - Valentine Albert Fries, Jr., and Jacquelyn Ann Fries.
     Mr. Fries is a member of the Cleveland Athletic Club and of the Plumb Brook County Club of Sandusky.
Source: Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio Vol. II - 1925 - Page 678 - Milan Twp. & Village


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