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By H. L. Peeke
President of The Firelands Historical Society
Publ. 1925

Edmond H. Savord
EDMOND H. SAVORDThe present city solicitor of the city of Sandusky is a Sandusky boy, having spent his entire life in this city where he was born about thirty-five years ago.
     In some way, and by various devices, all of them honorable, he secured his education by attending the Catholic school of Sandusky and later Notre Dame College, at South Bend, Indiana, where he graduated with credit.
     He became admitted to the bar and took up the practice in the city  of Sandusky.  He is entitled to a great deal of credit for the success which he has achieved. 
     Perhaps the fact that he has a wife and two children may have stimulated him in his profession.  He has been a very successful solicitor of the city of Sandusky, and has protected its outside interests with his ability as solicitor.  He has a large and growing practice which he has fully deserved.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 386
  GEORGE J. SCHADE was born February 15, 1869, in Sandusky, O., the son of William Schade and Susan Heck, pioneer Sanduskians.  He acquired his early education in the Sandusky public schools, later pursuing special courses in business training and chemistry in Cleveland, O., and Philadelphia, Pa., respectively.
     Mr. Schade began his business career as a pharmacist in a drug store in Sandusky, of which he was owner and manager.  Later he engaged in the wholesale and retail coal business.  Twelve years ago he built the Schade theater, then as now a model institution of its kind, and has since devoted his whole time and attention to the presentation of motion pictures in which he has made a name for himself among the leading exhibitors of the so-called film industry.
     In the exploitation of film presentations, a branch of cinema showmanship that draws out all the way of resource there is in exhibitor makeup, Mr. Schade has won for himself an enviable reputation.
     In 1921 Mr. Schade was put forth as a candidate for one of three Sandusky City Commissionerships then available, and was elected by an overwhelming majority at the end of one of the bitterest campaigns in Sandusky's history.  Until Jan. 1, 1922, when he became a Commissioner, he had never held public office of any kind.
     Mr. Schade married Miss Anna Kuebeler, daughter of Jacob Kuebeler, pioneer Sandusky brewer.  Mr. and Mrs. Schade have two children, Julian, son, and Miss Christine, daughter, both adults.  The family lives at 1318 Tiffin Ave., Sandusky.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Published 1925 - Page 436
  FRED SCHARDTOne of the oldest families in Kelleys Island is the Schardt family.  Fred Schardt was born on January 15, 1860.  His father was Adam Schardt, and Amelia Dischinger Schardt was his mother.  His father was a shoemaker by trade and left Germany in 1849.  Having been one of those patriots who failed in attempting to establish a republic against the Prussians, in 1861, he not only paid a substitute three hundred dollars to take his place, but shortly on account of the sympathy of the English for the South, he volunteered and joined the army himself and fought with a creditable army record.
     Fred Schardt, spent his youth in helping his father in the wine business.  What education he had, he obtained at the Kelleys Island schools.  The first two years of his schooling were spent in the public schools of Kelleys Island.  At the end of those two years, a Prussian professor came to the island and induced German residents to back him up in his venture of starting a school his father placed Fred for two years, at the end of which time he had practically forgotten all that he knew of the English language.  So he was sent back to the public schools where he remained until he passed the sixth grade.
     He has always been very fond of athletics.  First skating baseball, then hunting and trapshooting; and in his later years, skating and dancing.
     He has always been in the wine and grape vineyard business until he was put out of the wine business by California wine companies' competition.
     He is a Republican and a member of the Elk and Moose secret societies.  His father, Adam Schardt, bought Addison Kelly's old residence and lived there until Fred was seventeen years old.  The old house was then torn down and a hotel built - The Schardt House.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Published 1925 - Page 474

August Schmidt
AUGUST SCHMIDT, JR.     Forty years ago one of the finest specimens of physical manhood among the young manhood of German-American ancestry was August Schmidt.  He was born at New Baltimore, Michigan, in 1855.  His father, August Schmidt, moved to Detroit when his son was about six years old, and August, Jr. attended the Detroit schools till he was ten years old when his father bought a vineyard on Middle Bass Island and moved his family there.  He returned to Detroit at the age of fifteen and spent four years in college.  His father erected the Wherle wine cellar which was famous for many years.  During his youth the son learned the wine business from Andrew Wherle, Sr.  August Schmidt, Jr. came to Sandusky in 1883 and engaged in the coal business, later entering the wine business  and becoming the owner of the Wehrle homestead and vineyard of sixty-five acres of Middle Bass Island; and also owned a vinegar plant in Arkansas.  He was for many years a director in The Third National Exchange Bank of this city and was president at the time of his death.  In 1880, at Middle Bass, he was married to Miss Ida Rehburg, who was the daughter of William Rehburg.  He had two daughters, Edna, who is married to Nelson Arend and lives in Cleveland; and Elsie, the wife of William Sprow of this city.  He was a member of the Republican party and a Knight Templar.  He died in 1913, leaving his widow and both daughters surviving him.  He was a man of strong personality and left many pleasant memories behind him.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Published 1925 - Page 406

ALFRED SCHNURR.     In these later years one of the best known of the enterprising building contractors of the city is Alfred Schnurr.  He was born May 17th, 1878 at Freiberg, Germany.  He is the son of Frank H. Schnurr and Emily Mutterer Schnurr.  He passed through the grade schools of Sandusky and then took a course in the International Correspondence School of Scranton, Pennsylvania, in Building and Architecture.  The first business in which he engaged was contracting, which he has ever since steadily followed with increasing success.  He was married November 29th, 1900, in St. Mary's Church at Sandusky, Ohio, to Ida Killian, daughter of Peter Killian of Put-in-Bay, Ohio.  Her family have long been well known in the community, her mother having been born in a log cabin at the east end of Put-in-Bay Island.  They have five children:  Emily C. Schnurr; Alton F. Schnurr, married to Elsie Uhl; Alfred A. Schnurr, who is a student at Notre Dame College; Francis M. Schnurr; and Rosemary Schnurr.  Mr. Schnurr has erected a large number of buildings in this vicinity to the satisfaction of those employing him and there is no reason why he should not expect to look for continued success.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Published 1925 - Page 408

Henry Schoepfle
HENRY SCHOEPFLE.  In the passage of Time it has finally happened that Henry Schoepfle is now one of the older lawyers of the Erie County Bar.
     He  was born at Sandusky, Ohio, Feb. 12th, 1867, and is one of the children of Christopher Schoepfle and Rose Waltenmeier Schoepfle.  He attended the public schools and later Ohio Normal School at Ada, Ohio, and Cincinnati Law School also, from which he was graduated with the degree of L. L. B. May 25th, 1892. He at once took up the practice in Sandusky and was almost immediately elected city solicitor, in which office he served two years.  He has always been a Republican politically.  In 1891, at Detroit, Michigan, he was married to Mamie Rudolph, daughter of George and Caroline Rudolph.  It seems hard to realize that he is old enough to be a grandfather, but he is.  He is the father of two children, Orwell F. R. Schoepfle, married to Lucile Von Hausen; and Adeline E. Schoepfle, married to George Gundlach.  For many years he was associated with Henry Hart in the practice of law, but within the last year they have practiced separately.  He has always commanded a good part of the business of the citizens of German descent in the county.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 380

Frederick Schweinfurth
FREDERICK SCHWEINFURTH.  The name of Schweinfurth is one that has long been familiar to Sandusky people as connected with dealing in food products.  Frederick Schweinfurth was born the 11th day of April, 1873, in Sandusky, Ohio.  He was the son of Sebastian Schweinfurth and Elizabeth Horn Schweinfurth and received a public school education in the schools of the city.  After leaving school he clerked for a while in a grocery store until, in 1896, he opened one for himself at the corner of Hayes and Columbus Aves.  For many years he remained continuously in the grocery business, although he twice changed locations, first to 1003 W. Washington St., and finally, in 1913, to the corner of Decatur and Adams Streets.  During this period - in 1905 - he built the first apartment house in the city "The Willdred."  In 1914 he saw an opportunity for a bakeshop with wagons retailing from house to house, and started that business above this grocery, putting into commission the first retail bakery wagons in the city, and the result justified his business judgment.  Later when the bakery business was placed on a sure foundation, he disposed of his interest in the grocery business and devoted his entire time from then until his death, Sept. 9th, 1924, to the bakery he erected at 428 Decatur St. which is still in operation.  Beyond his membership in the Presbyterian Church of which he was an elder, he had no social or political alliances, except his Masonic affiliation with the Perseverance Lodge, but devoted his entire attention to his business.  He was married Apr. 12, 1894, at Sandusky to Ida M. Schaefer of that city, by whom he became the father of two children, Willard S. Schweinfurth and Mrs. Mildred M. Risley.  Mr. Schweinfurth was always a hard worker and had confidence in his own business judgment - more than ordinary among business men.  He had a pleasant disposition and could enjoy a joke even at his own expense.  He left behind him pleasant recollections as a legacy to his family and many friends.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 396

Dr. & Mrs. D. D. Smith
DEWEY DUANE SMITH.     Among the Dentists that have come to Sandusky in years is Dr. Smith.  He was born Feb. 20th, 1878, in Gratiot County, Michigan.  His descent is somewhat mixed as his ancestry shows strains of English, Irish, Scotch and Welsh blood.  His father John W. Smith was born in Wells County, Indiana.  His mother comes of the old reliable Holland Dutch stock and was born in Livingston County, Michigan.  Her name was Eliza Arabell (Belle) Sutfin.  Mr. Smith was an only child and lived on the farm until his graduation from College through which for three years he earned his own way.  He attended the village schools at Bannister, Michigan, the High School at Elsie, and the college at Albion where he graduated in 1901.  He attended the University of Michigan two yeas and graduated from the Ohio Medical University (now O. S. U.) in 1904.  Shortly after his graduation he came to Sandusky and for eighteen years and a half occupied an office in the Kingsbury Building on the third floor from which he moved to more modern rooms in the Kugel building where he occupies a suite of eight rooms.  Dr. Smith has specialized in orthodentia or the straightening of children's teeth which occupied about half of his time, he has written many articles for dental magazines and given many clinics before dental societies, and several times befor the National Society.  During the war he was a member of the preparedness legion and examined the soldiers' teeth.  He is both a York and Scottish Rite Mason and in 1912 was Master of Perseverance Lodge.  He has been Past Grand in the Odd Fellows also and belongs to the Sunyendeand Club, PsiPhi (Dental Fraternity) Theta Nu Epsilon (College) American Dental Association, Ohio State Dental Society, Northern Ohio Dental Association, Central Ohio Dental Society (Hon.) North Central Ohio Dental Society and is President of Sandusky dentists study club.  He is a member of Grace Church.  On July 25th, 1908 at Sandusky he married Alma Louise Mertz, only child of John and Ida Mertz, who has been prominent in local musical circles for many years.  They have two children, Elizabeth Alma Smith and Marjorie Mertz Smith.  So the old Revolutionary stock from which the doctor comes is good for at least one more generation.  The doctor is deservedly popular with his little patients.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 420

Geo. C. Steinmann
GEORGE CHARLES STEINEMANN.  George Charles Steinemann was the sixth of a family of nine children, and was born on May 8, 1877 at Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio.
     His father was Theodore Bernard Steinemann and his mother was Maria Elisabeth Steinemann, (nee Wendelm).  His grandfather John Henry Steinemann was a pioneer settler in the Thirties, of Minster then Stallotown, where he acquired tracts of timber land.  He became widely known as a merchant.  He was a Justice of the Peace and as was customary in those days served in the capacity of both judge and advisor.  He built a portion of the Miami and Erie Canal under contract, and was incidentally engaged in farming.
     George Charles Steinemann was educated in the common schools of Minster, at St. Mary's Institute, now University of Dayton at Dayton, Ohio, and at the Ohio State University where he graduated from the College of Law, and was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1902.  He took post graduate work until the spring of 1903 when he came to and located in the practice at Sandusky, associating himself with the firm of King & Guerin.  A year later he accompanied Mr. Guerin of that firm to central Oregon where they engaged as a firm in the practice, having the connection of an irrigation company then operating there.  In the Fall of 1905, he returned to Sandusky and re-established himself in the practice, and some time later formed the law partnership of Williams 7 Steinemann which continued until Judge Williams was elected to the bench.  Since then he has been individually engaged in the practice.
     He was twice elected and served as City Solicitor of Sandusky from 1910 to 1914.  He was elected a member of the Charter commission of Sandusky and served as the Commission's President at all of its sessions at which the Charter ws framed and adopted for submission to the voters.  In the campaign preceding the election at which the Charter was adopted by the people, Mr. Steinemann made noon day speeches at factories and other places in the city where the voters congregated in support of the Charter.
     During the War he headed the Red Cross War Fund drive as President and was the leader and active in other war activities.  He was one of the persons who inaugurated the Sandusky Community Fund movement and has devoted much of his time and effort in support of it, serving the organization as Vice President and Chairman of the Committee approving all disbursements from the Community Fund.  He has always been deeply interested and active in civic movements.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 382

E. S. Stephens
EDWARD S. STEPHENS.  On the basis of a very creditable record and service Edward S. Stephens has for a number of years been recognized as one of the leaders of the Erie County bar.  His success came from his own efforts, and he has always measured results by the highest ideals of professional and personal integrity.
     Born at Bogart, Erie County, Ohio, Feb. 2, 1869, he is the son of Isaiah S. and Mary Ann (Desoe) Stephens.  He was reared in the country on a farm, attended the district schools, a private school at Milan and the Ohio Northern University at Ada.  For seven years he taught in public schools.  He was admitted to the bar in 1897, and has since had his home and office in Sandusky.  He was referee in bankruptcy from 1900 to 1906, prosecuting attorney of Erie county 1907 to 1910, and city solicitor of Sandusky from 1916 to 1921.  For many years he has enjoyed a large private practice as a member of the Sandusky bar.
     On Mar. 6, 1910, Mr. Stephens married Emeline Blancke.  Fraternally he is affiliated with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 380

A. L. Sturzinger
ALBERT LESTER STURZINGER.  If there has ever been a business man who has been through greater tribulations to success than Albert Sturzinger, the author does not know it.  He was born at Erie County, Feb. 17th, 1878.  His father was Gottlieb Sturzinger and his mother Dorothy Sturzinger.  They own the farm near Oakland Cemetery on the Milan Road, where they raised a family of five boys and five girls, all of whom live in or near Sandusky and are creditable members of society.
     Early in life Albert decided to go into business.  He attended the Perkins Township country school until sixteen, took a six months business course at Sandusky Business College under T. W. Bookmeyer and Ex-Mayor Mitchell and also a business course in the Commercial Dept. of Northwestern College at Naperville, Ill.
     He then took a position with the Ried Murdock and Company, Wholesale Grocers of Chicago, Illinois, for three and one-half years.  He then returned to Sandusky, and entered into business for himself.  Under the name of The Erie Produce Co. he started in with nothing, and has several times come near having nothing left to him.  He had one heavy loss by fire and another by the tornado, involving many thousands of dollars, both of which he has weathered and is now on the road to financial success.
     He formed the Erie Cold Storage Company in July, 1913.  In 1917 the company entered the wholesale grocery business under the name of the Erie Food Products Company.  In 1824 the Charter was amended to authorize the retail chain-store business, under the name of the Save-U-More Stores.  He is president of this Company.
     Politically he is a Republican and has been a member of the City Commission.  During this administration he served the city faithfully, by using his influence with the board to give the tax payer, a fair and impartial return for all monies spent.  He showed no favoritism to creed or color and always tried to give everyone a square deal.  He is a Knight Templar degree mason.  Also a member on the executive board of the Boy Scouts.
     On May 1, 1906 he married Agnes May Kailer, daughter of Fred Kailer at Naperville, Illinois.  Mrs. Sturzinger has graduated from the Northwestern College of Music with high honors.  Her father has retired from the dry-goods business and amuses himself in making selections on apartment house Bonds as they come due.
     Mr. and Mrs. Sturzinger have but one child, Arline Charlotte Sturzinger.
     Mrs. Agnes Sturzinger
traces her ancestors to the Mayflower.  Her mother and father were born in the United States.  Her father is a Civil War veteran and is hale and hearty today at the age of eighty-four.  Her mother is seventy-six years of age and is still in the best of health.
     It is a pleasure to speak good things of Albert L. Sturzinger.  He has deserved his success because the author knows of the reverses he had in the last three years.  It seemed at times, that it was impossible for him to succeed, but he stuck with that tenacious Bull Dog Grip and won out.
Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 390


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