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By H. L. Peeke
President of The Firelands Historical Society
Publ. 1925


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Gus Kelley
GUS KELLEY.  The subject of this sketch tells us that his full name is plain Gus Kelley.  There are no frills to it.  He is not called Gustavus or Augustus but just Gus.  Perhaps that had something to do with his being one of the few Democrats elected in 1894 when most of them went down in the landslide.  He was born October First 1882 in Huron Township, Erie County, Ohio, and has ever since resided in the county.  He is a son of Charles E. and Charlotte A. Kelley both of whom were born in Huron Township and were the children of early settlers.  He states his father's people were Irish and his Mother's English.  He received a common school education only and has always made it his business to farm.  He is a Past Master of Huron Grange and a member of F. W. Stevens Tent of The Maccabees.  this is the limit of his social adjustments as he has no church affiliations.  He was married Oct. 2, 1901 at Huron, Ohio, to Jane Margaret Hinde - daughter of George and Anna Hinde.  He has three sons, James G. Kelley, George H. Kelley and Robert Emmett Kelley.  In the naming of his last son he shows his respect for the Irish patriots.  He is an independent Democrat.  He should be proud of the esteem in which he is held by his fellow citizens.
Source: Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio Vol. II - 1925 - Page 697 - Huron Twp.  (Photo in Book)

Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 454


Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 452

REV. ERNEST KOEHNE was born April 5, 1860, at Oldenburg, Germany.  His father, John Koehne, was a sailor and later became a pilot.  His mother was Catharine D. Koehne.
When Ernest Koehne started in life he took up the printing profession.  He left home when he was about eighteen years of age, and worked in the southern part of Germany.  When twenty-one years oaf age he came to America.  In Germany he attended Technical High School and a Seminary for ministers of America.
     At the time of this sketch he has been forty-two years in ministry.  His first church was at Lorain, Ohio.  He then served in Altoona, Pa.  For eighteen years he was in several congregations in Pittsburg.  He then went to Dunkirk, N. Y., Erie, Pa., Cleveland, O., and for eight years was Presiding Elder in the Erie Conference.  For four years, until now, he is on Kelleys Island, Ohio.
     He is proud of the fact that he founded two new missions and helped to build a new church at Erie, Pa.
     He is minister at The Evangelical Church, Headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio.
     He was first married in Cleveland in 1883.  His first wife departed life in 1915.  He married the second time in 1916, and this wife passed away in 1919.  In Sandusky in 1921 he married his third and present wife, whose maiden name was Mayme Rohrs.  She was born in Napoleon, Ohio, and was the widow of John Schaedler of Kelleys Island, a well-known and prominent citizen of Erie County.
     Mr. Krohne has had one daughter, Dorothy, who departed this life at the age of twenty-two in 1906.
Source: Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio Vol. II - 1925

Earl C. Krueger
Biographical and Family Record of Earl Carl Krueger, 2223 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio.
EARL C. KRUEGER was born on a farm in Hartland Township, near Clarksfield, Huron County, Ohio, on Oct. 27th, 1889, and at the age of four years was taken by his parents to a farm near Berlin Heights, in Erie County, Ohio, and has been a resident of Erie County since said time.
     He is the son of Max C. and Clara (Weichel) Krueger,  who are still residing on a farm near Berlin Heights in Erie County, Ohio.  He has three brothers:  Everette H. Krueger, a lawyer in Cleveland, Ohio; Clarence M. Krueger, a farmer occupying the farm with his father and mother, and Lee J. Krueger, the owner and operator of The Fidelity Agency Company, at Cleveland, Ohio, dealing in insurance; and one sister, Hilda C. Krueger associated with the State Employment Bureau at Cleveland, Ohio.
     The parents of Mr. Krueger exerted considerable influence upon him in his early youth by requiring attendance at Sunday School and lecturing on living a clean, honest and Christian life.  It was necessary to walk or drive a horse over a ile each Sunday to attend Sunday School but attendance was insisted on with marked regularity.  This disciplining has reflected itself as a credit to Mr. Krueger in his chosen profession.  He is a lawyer, following his profession in the City of Sandusky, Ohio, being the senior member of the law firm of Krueger & Rosino, organized in April, 1919, after both returned from services in the World War.  He feels a lawyer should be first to set an example for honesty and clean living.
     He attended the public schools at Berlin Heights, Ohio and graduated from the high school in 1908.  He worked on the farm from 1908 until some time in 1910 at which time he was employed as a traveling salesman for a company which was organized by himself and his elder brother, dealing in wholesale granite and memorials.  This took Mr. Krueger into nearly every city and town in the state of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and part of West Virginia.  One of the experiences which occurred during the travels was quite impressive.  A salesman for a competitor was stopping at the same hotel in Cortland, New York on a Sunday and he was about 35 years old while Mr. Krueger was about 20 years of age.  The salesman for the competitor after a little discussion said that "if you met yourself as you now are, when you are 35 years of age, you would not shake hands with yourself, as that has been my experience."  This made a very deep and lasting impression upon him.  It made him think, and he thus became more insistent upon acquiring a college education.  It was necessary to arrange financial matters before this could be accomplished.
     His tastes in early youth were largely literary and in 1904 he assisted in the organization of what is known as the Young People's Literary Society consisting of young people living in and around Berlin Heights.  This society would meet every other week and render a program, either by way of debates or essays or recitations, or reading and then telling the things that were read.  This society still exists and opened a field of activity in literary work which Mr. Krueger greatly enjoyed.  About this same time or a year later, there was organized a Debating Club in the Village of Berlin Heights sponsored by the Congregational minister.  This Club was composed of all young men and the activities of this club were largely responsible for creating a desire on the part of Mr. Krueger to become a lawyer.  He was a member of these organizations until he left in 1908.  His primary purpose in traveling as a salesman was to obtain means with which to attend college and the experiences as a salesman were in his opinion almost equivalent to a years training in college.  this was his school of hard knocks which made him realize the importance and advantage of a college education.
     In the Fall of 1911 he entered Baldwin University at Cleveland for the purpose of studying law and after obtaining matriculation in said university he found it necessary to get some employment which would unable him to continue in college and in so doing it was necessary to go to Cincinnati where he attended McDonald Educational Institute, which is now a part of the Cincinnati Law School, from 1912 to 1914.  He was admitted to the Bar of Ohio on June 29th, 1914 and in January, 1915 established an office with George C. Steineman in the City of Sandusky, Ohio with Judge Roy H. Williams had been associated, who at that time became the Judge of the Common Pleas Court of Erie County, Ohio.  Mr. Krueger continued in the practice of law in the office of Mr. Steineman until June 27th, 1918, at which time he enlisted at Cleveland, Ohio, in the United States Naval Reserve Force for a period of four years.  He took a special course in nautical astronomy, navigation, ship construction, signal work and mathematics from June to October, 1918, at Cleveland, Ohio, and on Nov. 9th, 1918 was called to active duty at Great Lakes, Illinois, at which place further instructions were given in the branches above indicated.  He was released from active duty Feb. 18, 1919 and received his honorable discharge from active duty Feb. 18, 1919 and received his honorable discharge on Sept. 30, 1921 by special governmental order affecting all members of the Naval Reserve Force.
     In the Fall of 1920 he was elected Prosecuting Attorney of Erie County, Ohio, for two years and in the Fall of 1922 was re-elected to another term of two years, which expired Jan. 5, 1925.  During the time that he was Prosecuting Attorney he observed the need of a detention home and was a very earnest advocate of the same and was largely responsible for creating the favorable sentiment which now exists for the creation of such a home for Erie County.  During his term as Prosecutor he was very active in public work and was much respected and made an enviable record for himself.
     He was active in the developments of summer home colonies along the shores of Lake Erie and assisted in the organization of The Rye Beach Land Company and The Grand-Forest Realty Company, the former alloting and developing what is known as Rye Beach and the latter developing what is known as Grand-Forest Beach.  He was director and secretary of The Rye Beach Land Company from its inception in 1920 until he resigned in 1923.  He is now engaged in organizing other companies of a similar nature for the purpose of developing and alloting lake front property.  These activities have considerable increased the tax duplicate for Erie County and are considered valuable assets to the community.
     He is a member of Grace Episcopal Church and during the year 1923-1924 was a member of the Victory.
     He is a member of the Erie County Automobile Club and has always been an ardent supporter of its activities, and is a member of Perseverance Lodge, No. 329, F. & A. M.; Sandusky City Chapter, No. 76 R. A. M.; Sandusky City Council No. 26, R. & S. M.; Erie Commandery No. 23, Knights Templar; The Toledo Consistory S. P. R. S. 32 degrees; Singara Grotto of Sandusky M. O. V. P. E. R.; The American Legion, Perry Post No. 83 in the City of Sandusky; Knights of Pythias, Sandusky Lodge No. 128; Loyal Order of Moose, Sandusky Lodge No. 471, and Fraternal Order of Eagles Sandusky Aerie No. 444.
     He was married Oct. 27th, 1918 at Mansfield, Ohio to Bess Florence Root, daughter of Clayton F. and Hattie (Keeler) Root.  Her genealogy dates back to John Root born in Badby, North Hamptonshire, England, 1608 and a great grandson by the name of Aaron born at Westfield, Mass. in 1720 was a Lieut. Colonel in the Revolutionary War serving the Burkshire County, Massachusetts Regiment in 1776.  She is a distant relative of Attorney Elihu Root of New York City.
     Mr. and Mrs. Krueger have two daughters, Virginia Lenore, born  Mar. 7, 1920, and Helen Lucile, born Nov. 28th, 1922, and now reside at 2223 Columbus Avenue in the City of Sandusky, O.

Source: Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio Vol. II - 1925 - Page 368

Source:  Centennial History of Erie County, Ohio - Publ. 1925 - Page 448


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