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Harrison County, Ohio

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Land Patents

History of Carroll and Harrison Counties, Ohio
Chicago: Lewis Publ. Co., 1921


Cadwalader, Isaac Fayette Co., Pa. NE 6. 11. 7 1811 Dec. 30
Cadwallader, John, Jr. Tuscarawas Co. SW 1. 11. 6 1812 Jul. 30
Cadwallader, John Fayette Co., Pa. NE 12. 11. 7 1814 Mar. 16
Cadwallader, John, Jr. Tuscarawas Co., SE 12. 11. 7 1814 Mar. 16
Cadwallader, John Tuscarawas Co. SW 1. 12. 7 1814 Aug. 4
Cadwallader, Joseph Harrison Co. NE 2. 12. 7 1814 Aug. 4
Cahill, Griffith, assignee of George Bohrer   SE 33. 10. 5 1815 Mar. 9
Calderhead, Alexander Jefferson Co. SE 3. 8. 4 1812 Apr. 15
Calderhead, William Jefferson Co. NE 3. 8. 4 1812 Apr. 10
Caldwell, James St. Clairsville NW 32. 11. 6 1813 May 22
Campbell, David Washington Co., Pa. SW 21, 8. 4 1812 Oct. 9
Campbell, James Westmoreland Co., Pa. W½ SE 7. 12. 6 1827 Feb. 20
Campbell, John Washington Co., Pa. all 26. 8. 4 1806 Feb. 26
Canaga (Knagy), Christian Somerset Co., Pa. SW 26. 12. 5 1807 Mar. 10
Canaga (Kanagy), Christian Somerset Co., Pa. E½ 26. 12. 5 1810 Jan. 30
Canaga (Kanagy), Christian Jefferson Co. NW 25. 12. 5 1811 Oct. 1
Canaga (Kanagy), Jacob   SW 32. 12. 5 1807 Mar. 10
Canaga (Kanagy), Jacob Jefferson Co. NW 32. 12. 6 1811 Nov. 1
Carens, Joshua Harrison Co. W½ NE 20. 12. 6 1830 Dec. 2
Carnahan (Kernaghan), Samuel Jefferson Co. all 6. 10. 5 1806 Sep. 15
Carnahan (Kerhaghan), Samuel Jefferson Co., Northwest Territory all 9. 10. 6 1809 Dec. 1
Carothers, George Washington Co., Pa. SW 8. 11. 6 1811 Dec. 30
Carothers, George Washington Co., Pa. SE 14. 11. 6 1815 Aug. 26
Carothers, George Harrison Co. SW 31. 11. 6 1831 Sep. 10
Caruthers, James Harrison Co. NE SE 6. 12. 7 1833 Nov. 18
Caruthers, Jesse Harrison Co. E½ SE 6. 12. 7 1833 Nov. 18
Caruthers, John Harrison Co. NW SE 35. 11. 6 1833 Nov. 18
Caruthers, Samuel Belmont Co. NE 5. 12. 7 1827 Aug. 10
Carr, Elizabeth Washington Co., Pa. W½ SW 15. 12. 5 1823 Sept. 15
Carr, Elizabeth Harrison Co. W½ SE 15. 12. 5 1830 Nov. 1
Carr, James Jefferson Co. W½ NW 27. 12. 7 1831 Oct. 10
Carson, John Harrison Co. NE 4. 11. 6 1817 Mar. 7
Carson, John Harrison Co. W ½ NW 15. 12. 6 1824 May 6
Carter, Evan Jefferson Co. SE NW 26. 12. 7 1839 Dec. 11
Carter, Henry Tuscarawas Co. W½ NE 15. 14. 7 1827 Dec. 10
Carver, Henry Jefferson Co. SE 27. 9. 5 1810 Jun. 23
Carver, Henry Belmont Co. SE 14. 12. 7 1812 Aug. 19
Carver, Henry Harrison Co. NE 13. 12. 7 1818 May 29
Cash, Ninian Harrison Co. E½ SE 21. 11. 6 1823 Sep. 1
Cassil, Alexander Washington Co., Pa. all 23. 9. 4. 1806 Sep. 10
Castell, John, Jr. Harrison Co. SW 19. 12. 6 1830 Nov. 1
Castner, Michael, assignee of William R. Dickinson   NE 33. 12. 5 1822 May 3
Castner, Michael Jefferson Co. NW 27. 12. 5 1827 Aug. 10
Cawood, Wilson Harrison Co. NE 25. 12. 6 1819 May 21
Cecil, Nazle Harrison Co. SW 6. 11. 6 1816 Oct. 21
Cecil, John   SE 35. 9. 6 1819 Apr. 22
Cecil, Joshua, assignee of John McMillan   SW 20. 10. 5 1813 Jul. 30
Chambers, Sarah Brooke Co., Va. all 30. 8. 4 1806 Feb. 18
Chandler, Eli Belmont Co. SE 34. 10. 6 1824 Aug. 19
Enoch Chandler Belmont Co. S½ SW 34. 10. 6 1831 Oct. 10
Chaney, William Harrison Co. NE 9. 14. 7 1824 Aug. 19
Chicken, Daniel Kent Co., Del. NE 24. 11. 7 1814 Jul. 27
Christy, George Jefferson Co. SW 19. 11. 5 1812 Jul. 30
Clark, Alexander Ohio E½ NW 34. 11. 7 1822 Jan. 22
Clarke, Alexander Harrison Co. E½ SE 5. 11. 7 1831 Jul. 1
Clark, John, assignee of James Stevens Belmont Co. NW 15. 8. 4 1814 Jun. 6
Clark, Joseph, assignee of Richard Noble, Sr.   all 18. 9. 4 1806 Oct. 10
Clark, Robert, Sr., assignee of Asa Engle   SE 30. 10. 6 1820 Jan. 20
Clarke, Robert Jefferson Co. W½ NW 29. 12. 7 1826 Oct. 24
Clarke, Thomas and Mathew Jefferson Co. E½ NE 35. 12. 7 1826 Oct. 24
Clarke, Thomas and Mathew Clarke Harrison Co. SW 30. 12. 7 1834 Sept. 10
Clifford, Samuel Brooke Co., Va. SW 33. 10. 5 1815 Oct. 10
Cole, Charles Jefferson Co. E½ SW 18. 10. 4 1826 May 30
Coleman, John Jefferson Co., Northwest Territory all 1. 8. 4 1810 Feb. 1
Coleman, John Harrison Co. W½ NW 28. 11. 6 1829 Apr. 2
Coltrap, William Jefferson Co. NW 19. 12. 6 1818 Nov. 1
Colvin, Samuel Washington Co., Pa. NW 18. 11. 7 1812 Jul. 30
Calvin, William Fayette Co. NE 3. 12. 7 1815 Jun. 24
Colvin, William Fayette Co., Pa. NE 35. 11. 7 1816 Jul. 1
Colvin, William Fayette Co. NE 32. 12. 7 1817 Mar. 7
Compher, William Harrison Co. NE 22. 10. 6 1818 Mar. 7
Conoway, Eli Harrison Co. E½ SW 34. 11. 5 1833 Jan. 1
Conoway, Michael Harrison Co. W½ SW 33. 11. 5 1830 Nov. 1
Conel, James Jefferson Co. SW 20. 12. 6 1820 Nov. 21
Cook, Joseph Jefferson Co. NW 23 and NE 29. 11. 7 1818 Mar. 7
Cook, Joseph Jefferson Co. SW 23. 11. 7 1831 Sep.10
Cook, William John Harrison Co. SE SW 17. 11. 7 1839 Dec. 10
Coope, John, assignee of Thomas Johnson   NE 21. 9. 4 1813 Jan. 23
Cooper, Caleb and Imla Harrison Co. NW 8. 12. 7 1814 Aug. 4
Cooper, Caleb Harrison Co. W½ SE 15 and E½ 15. 12. 7 1827 Jun. 23
Cooper, John Fayette Co., Pa. SW 14. 12. 7 1813 Mar. 20
Cooper, William and John, Jr. Harrison Co. SW 9. 12. 7 1814 Aug. 4
Copeland, David Jefferson Co. W½ SE 23. 12. 6 1832 Dec. 2
Copeland, James Harrison Co. NE 21. 10. 4 1816 Jul. 5
Copeland, James Jefferson Co. E½ NE 34. 12. 7 1850 Nov. 1?
Cousins, John Jefferson Co. NE SE 23. 12. 6 1834 Sep. 10
Covington, Elijah Harrison Co. NE NW 26. 12. 7 1833 Jan. 1
Cox, Zebediah Jefferson Co. S½ 20. 11. 5 1810 Nov. 1
Cox, Zebediah Jefferson Co. NW 19. 11. 5 1811 Jan. 1
Cox, Zebediah Jefferson Co. SE 19. 11. 5 1811 May 10
Cox, Zebediah Jefferson Co. NW 1. 11. 6 1811 Nov. 10
Crabtree, Cornelius and Gabriel Harrison Co. SW 29. 11. 6 1825 May 25
Crabtree, Peter Harrison Co. SW 17. 11. 6 1819 Jul. 16
Crabtree, Thomas Jefferson Co. NW 19. 11. 6 1812 Aug. 19
Craig, John Washington Co., Pa. all 29. 9. 4 1806 Sep. 15
Craig, Stokely Greene Co., Pa. W½ SE and E½ SW 35. 12. 7 1823 Sep. 15
Craig, Walter Washington Co., Pa. SE 27. 12. 6 1811 Oct. 1
Craig, William Washington Co., Pa. SW 27. 12. 6 1809 Oct. 30
Craig, William Washington Co., Pa. NE 33 and SW 34. 12. 6 1811 Oct. 1
Cramblit, John Jefferson Co. SE 25. 12. 6 1819 Dec. 9
Cramblett, John Jefferson Co. W½ SW 22. 12. 6 1830 Dec. 1
Craven, Robert, assignee of William Davis   SW 10. 12. 5 1819 Dec. 22
Crawford, Alexander Brooke Co., Va. NE 25. 11. 5 1808 Mar. 1
Crawford, Alexander, assignee of John Henderson   SW 19. 12. 5 1827 Jun. 23
Crawford, Edward Brook Co., Va. NW 13. 11. 5 1812 Sep. 7
Crawford, John Harrison Co. W½ NW 17. 12. 6 1830 Nov. 1
Crawford, William Belmont Co. SE 29. 9. 5 1809 Feb. 10
Creal, Joseph Steubenville SW 27. 12. 5 1822 Nov. 13
Creamer, Valentine Harrison Co. NW 31. 12. 7 1814 Jan. 15
Creplever, Philip Washington Co., Pa. SW 8. 13. 6 1812 Jan. 20
Crom, John Harrison Co. SE 15. 13. 6 1819 Apr. 22
Crosson, Robert Harrison Co. E½ NW 20. 11. 5 1827 Aug. 10
Crumrine, John Tuscarawas Co. E½ NE 2. 14. 7 1823 Sep. 10
Crumrine, John Tuscarawas Co. W½ SW 1 and E½ SE 2. 14. 7 1830 Dec. 2
Cummings, Thomas Tuscarawas Co. E½ NW 14. 14. 7 1831 Oct. 10
Cummings, Thomas Tuscarawas Co. W½ SW 15. 14. 7 1831 Dec. 6
Cummings, Thomas Tuscarawas Co. W½ SE 15. 14. 7 1832 Nov. 12
Cummings, Robert, assignee of William Henderson   NE 18. 11. 5 1819 May 21
Cunningham, David, assignee of James Dougherty   NW 36. 9. 5 1811 Nov. 10
Cunningham, David Harrison Co. NE 5. 10. 6 1814 Mar. 16
Curry, Samuel Westmoreland Co., Pa. NW 28. 11. 5 1821 Apr. 27
Curtis, John W. Harrison Co. E½ SW 24. 11. 6 1830 Dec. 1
Custard, David Jefferson Co. NE 7. 12. 5 1811 Oct. 1
Custer, Emmanuel Allegany Co., Md. NE 14. 12. 5 1812 Oct. 7
Custard, George Fayette Co., Pa. all 36. 10. 4 1804 Mar. 20
Custer, Jacob, assignee of Emmanuel Custer   SE 14. 12. 5 1815 Aug. 10
Darrah, James, assignee of Archibald Jones   NE 18. 11. 6 1820 Apr. 17
David, Daniel, assignee of Robert Thompson   SW 6. 11. 7 1816 Jan. 30
David, Henry Harrison Co. SE 17. 11. 7 1817 Feb. 14
David, Henry, assignee of Thomas Gray   SE 23. 11. 7 1817 Mar. 7
David, James Jefferson Co. NE 23. 11. 6 1827 Aug. 10
Davidson, Jesse Harrison Co. E½ NW 28. 11. 7 1827 Apr. 20
Davidson, John Allegany Co., Md. SW 34. 12. 7 1824 Aug. 19
Davidson, John Harrison Co. E½ NW 34. 12. 7 1827 Jun. 23
Davidson, Lewis Tuscarawas Co. SE 29. 11. 7 1815 Nov. 6
Davidson, Lewis Harrison Co. W½ NE 27. 12. 7 1832 Nov. 12
Davidson, Samuel Allegany Co., Md. SE 27. 12. 7 1814 Aug. 4
Davidson, Thomas Allegany Co., Md. NW 29. 11. 7 1822 Nov. 13
Davidson, Thomas Harrison Co. E½ SW 29. 11. 7 1831 Oct. 10
Davis, William Harrison Co. W½ SE 31. 13. 6 1831 Mar. 2
Dearmon, Samuel Columbia? Co. E½ 22. 12. 7 1827 Jan. 30
Deleny, Philip, assignee of John Miller   all 9. 10. 4 1806 Sep. 10
Delong, Abraham Tuscarawas Co. E½ SE 14. 14. 7 1830 Dec. 2
Denning, William Jefferson Co. NW 30. 11. 7 1829 Nov. 2
Derry, James Harrison Co. W½ SW 7. 12. 6 1830 Nov. 1
Desellems, Jesse Belmont Co. NW 21. 9. 5 1818 Mar. 7
Devore, James Jefferson Co. SE 9. 11. 5 1811 Aug. 10
Dever, John Brooke Co., Va. all 13. 9. 5 1807 Jul. 1
Dewitt, John Harrison Co. W½ NE 26. 11. 6 1828 Mar. 20
Dickerson, Joshua, assignee of Robert Latta   NE 29. 10. 5 1811 Jan. 14
Dickerson, Thomas Fayette Co., Pa. all 32. 9. 4 1806 Sep. 10
Dicks, John, assignee of Nathaniel Buck Harrison Co. SE 8. 12. 7 1824 Aug. 19
Dicks, John Harrison Co. W½ NW 24. 12. 7 1825 Mar. 10
Dillin, Henry Washington Co., Pa. NE 2. 11. 5 1814 Dec. 19
Disart, William Washington Co., Pa. SE 15. 8. 4 1813 Aug. 10
Dixon, John Allegany Co., Md. NW 19. 12. 7 1819 May 21
Dodds, James, assignee of John Beall   SE 18. 11. 6 1827 Feb. 20
Donaghey, James Allegheny Co., Pa. NW 12. 12. 7 1821 Feb. 28
Donaghey, James Allegheny Co., Pa. NE 18. 12. 7 1825 May 25
Donaghey, John Harrison Co. E½ NW 18. 12. 7 1827 Apr. 20
Dougherty, James Washington Co., Pa. W½ NE 22. 11. 7 1831 Jul. 1
Drake, David Jefferson Co. all 11. 9. 5 1806 Oct. 1
Drake, Jefferson Washington Co., Pa. W½ SW 29. 11. 7 1829 Apr. 2
Drummond, Thomas Jefferson Co. SE 31. 12. 6 1824 Aug. 19
Dunham, Nathaniel Harrison Co. E½ SW 26. 12. 6 1821 Oct. 2
Dunham, William Jefferson Co. SE 26. 12. 6 1820 May 10
Dunlap, Adam, assignee of William R. Dickerson Fayette Co., Pa, SW 13. 10. 5 1809 Feb. 16
Dunlap, John Jefferson Co. NW 23. 9. 5 1812 Apr. 20
Dunlap, Samuel Fayette Co., Pa. SE 20. 10. 5 1805 Dec. 10
Dunlap, William, assignee of Roger Toothaker   NW 19. 10. 5 1809 Nov. 15
Dunlap, William Fayette Co., Pa. SE 36. 9. 5 1818 Oct. 8
Dutton, Jeremiah, assignee of Jesse Clark   W½ SW 20. 13. 6 1825 May 25


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