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Harrison County, Ohio

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Land Patents

History of Carroll and Harrison Counties, Ohio
Chicago: Lewis Publ. Co., 1921


Innis, Robert, Westmoreland county, Pa. SE 28.9.5, Nov. 16, 1812
Insley, see also Endsley      
Insley, Micajah, assignee of William Sherron, E½ SE 19.12.6, Aug. 10, 1827
Insley, Micajah, Stark county, Ohio, W½ 19.12.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Irons, James, Allegany county, Md., NE 29.12.7, Feb. 17, 1820
Irons, Thomas, Allegany county, Md., SE 28.12.7, May 25, 1825
Irons, Thomas, Harrison county, E½ SE 28.12.7, Nov. 1, 1830
Irwin, see also Ervin.      
Irwin, Robert,   SW 31.12.6, Sept. 19, 1817
Janney, Joseph, Loudoun county, Va., all 2.9.5, Aug. 27, 1805
Jeffries, John Harrison county, W½ NW 19.13.6, Apr. 2, 1829
Jeffries, Catherine, Harrison county, E½ NW 19.13.6, Apr. 2, 1829
Jenkins, Michael, Hampshire county, Va., all 20.8.4, Oct. 10, 1806
Jenkins, Michael, Belmont county, all 19.9.5, July 30, 1812
Jessop, Jonathan, assignee of Josiah Updegraff, all 31.9.4, Apr. 30, 1806
Johnson, Andrew Harrison county, E½ NE 15.12.6, Apr. 2, 1829
Johnson, Benjamin, Allegany county, Md., SW 10.11.6, May 23, 1810
Johnson, Benjamin, Brooke county, Va., NW 27.12.6, Apr. 20, 1812
Johnson, Benjamin, Brooke county, Va., W½ NE 27.12.6, Aug. 10, 1827
Johnson, Derrick, Jefferson county, SE 31.11.6, Mar. 18 1814
Johnson, Elijah, Harrison county, W½ SW 21.11.6, Sept. 1, 1823
Johnson, Enoch, in his own right and assignee of Benjamin Johnson, NW 10.11.6, Aug. 25, 1825
Johnson, Henry, Allegheny county, NE 24.10.6, June 8, 1812
Johnson, Isaac, assignee of Abel Johnson, Brook county, Va., NW 34.12.6 Oct. 7, 1812
Johnson, James, Sr., Tuscarawas county, NW 23.12.7, June 1, 1815
Johnson, Joel, Brooke county, Va., SW 28.12.6, Apr. 10, 1812
Johnson, John, assignee of Samuel Dannell, all 29,8.4, Aug. 27, 1807
Johnson, John, Jefferson county, NW 27.11.6, May 23, 1810
Johnson, John, Sr., Harrison county, SW 30.11.6, Oct. 3, 1816
Johnson, John P., Harrison county, SW 25.12.6, May 21, 1819
Johnson, John, Tuscarawas county, W½ NE 31.13.6, Dec. 10, 1827
Johnson, Joseph, Brooke county, Va., NW 28.12.6, Dec. 25, 1811
Johnson, Joseph & Lemuel, Tuscarawas county, SE 24.10.6, Aug. 19, 1812
Johnson, Joseph, Steubenville, NE 28.12.6, Mar. 7, 1817
Johnson, Joseph, Harrison county, NE 34.12.6, Aug. 3, 1818
Johnson, Joseph, assignee of Abraham Lance, NE 30.10.6, May 21, 1819
Johnson, Josiah, Harrison county, SW 29.12.6, Nov. 2, 1829
Johnson, Nathan, Jefferson county, NW 11.10.4, Apr. 10, 1812
Johnson, Nathan, Harrison county, NW 30.11.6, May 21, 1819
Johnson, Nimrod,   E½ SE 33.12.6, Aug. 19, 1824
Johnson, Thomas, Tuscarawas county, W½ NE 30.11.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Johnson, Thomas, Harrison county, W½ NE 15.12.6, Oct. 10, 1831
Johnson, William, Allegany county, Md., NW 18.10.6, May 23, 1810.
Johnson, William, assignee of Joel Johnson, SE 34.12.6, Jan. 1, 1812
Johnson, William, (of James), Jefferson county, NE 23.12.7, July 30, 1812
Johnson, William, Harrison county, E½ NE 35.9,5, May 25, 1825
Johnston, Joseph, Harrison county, SE 24.11.5, Sept. 1, 1819
Johnston, Samuel, Steubenville, SE and SW 20.12.6, Oct. 20, 1824
Jolly, Malachi, Harrison county, E½ 1.13.6, Oct. 10, 1831
Jones, Edward, Harrison county, NW 30.10.5, July 29, 1819
Jones, Elijah, assignee of Richard McKibben, Belmont county, SW 17.10.6, Aug. 19, 1824
Jones, Henry, Harrison county, E½ NW 1.13.6, Dec. 1, 1830
Jones, Isaac, Harrison county, E½ NE 15.12.17, May 20, 1826
Jones, John, Harrison county, E½ SW 11.11.6, Aug. 19, 1824
Jones, John, Harrison county, W½ SW 36.12.7, May 20, 1826
Jones, John, Harrison county, W½ NW 30.12.7, Apr. 2, 1829
Jones, William, Belmont county, W½ NE 35.9.5, Apr. 20, 1825
Jones, William, Belmont county, W½ SE 17.10.6, Apr. 20, 1825
Jones, Zachariah and James Hutson, Harrison county, SE 28.10.6, June 20, 1820
Jumpes, Samuel, Jefferson county, SW 24.9.5, Nov. 17, 1812


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