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Harrison County, Ohio

History & Genealogy

Land Patents

History of Carroll and Harrison Counties, Ohio
Chicago: Lewis Publ. Co., 1921


Sadler, Jacob, Washington county, Pa all 26.11.4, Jul. 14, 1806
Sampson, John, Harrison county, SE 22.12.6, Dec. 10, 1827
Sayes, Jonathan, Jefferson county, assignee of William James, NE 27.11.6, May 10, 1811
Schilds, Matthias, Greene county, Pa., SW 33.13.6, Jun. 4, 1814
Schnunck, Jacob, Jefferson county,   NW 14.12.5, Nov. 6, 1815
Schultz, George, Loudoun county, Va., NW 8.11.4, May 23, 1810
Scott, Charles, Jefferson county, W½ NE 32.12.6, Oct. 10, 1831
Scott, John, Harrison county, W½ NW 32.12.6, Jul. 1, 1831
Scott, Thomas, Washington county, Pa E½ SW 15.14.7, Apr. 2, 1829
Scott, Thomas, Washington county, Pa E½ NE 15.14,7, Apr. 2, 1829
Scott, William, Harrison county, NW 7.11.5, Mar. 7, 1817
Sears, Enoch, Tuscarawas county, E½ NW 28.12.7, Oct. 24, 1826
Seebert, Adam, Frederick county, Va., all 9.8.4, Dec. 28, 1807
Selbey, Nicholas, assignee of Caleb Selby, NW 35.10.5, Jun. 20, 1820
Senter, John, Westmoreland county, Pa., NW 35.10.6, Mar. 2, 1821
Settle, Edward, Jr., Culpepper county, Va., NW 7.12.6, Mar. 6, 1829
Seward, Elijah and Stephen Miller, Harrison county, E½ SW 5.11.7, Nov. 1, 1830
Seward, Elijah, Harrison county, SW SE 5.11.7, Sep. 10, 1834
Sewell, Andrew, Tuscarawas county, E½ NE 30.12.7, Dec. 6, 1831
Sewell, Andrew, Jefferson county, W½ NE 30.12.7, Aug. 10, 1827
Shambach, George, Harrison county, NW 7.12.5, Jul. 10, 1817
Sharp, Thomas, Washington county, Pa all 9.9.5, May 8, 1806
Sharpe, Joseph, Washington county, Pa all 32.8.4, Feb. 18, 1806
Shearer, Joseph, assignee of William D. Mefendish, NE 9.12.5, Mar. 28, 1820
Shepherd, John, assignee of Jeremiah Burran, all 10.9.4, Dec.20, 1807
Shepherd, Nathan, Brooke county, Va., all 35.8.4, Aug. 15, 1807
Shepherd, Nathan, Jefferson county, NW 21.8.4, Nov. 16, 1812
Shepherd, Nathan, Jefferson county, SE 22.8.4, Dec. 12, 1812
Shepherd, Nathan, Jefferson county, NE 21.8.4, Oct. 25, 1813
Shimer, Ezekiel, dec'd,  Heirs of   NE 6.11.6, May 25, 1825
Shipler, Jacob, Westmoreland county, Pa., all 14.10.4, Apr. 7, 1806
Shipton, William, Harrison county, E½ NE 20.11.5, Apr. 8, 1828
Shotwell, Hugh, Fayette county, Pa., NE 14.12.7, Jul. 2, 1814
Shotwell, Hugh, Fayette county, Pa., NE 8.12.7, Jul. 5, 1816
Shotwell, Hugh, Fayette county, Pa., SE 9.12.7, Jul. 5, 1816
Shotwell, Hugh, Harrison county, NW 27.10.5, Jul. 10, 1817
Shotwell, Hugh, Harrison county, E½ SE 15.12.7, Nov. 1, 1830
Shotwell, John, Fayette county, Pa., SE 21.12.7, Jul. 2, 1814
Shotwell, John, Fayette county, Pa., W½ SW 15.12.7, Sep. 1, 1823
Shreeve, Benjamin, assignee of Charles Wilson, SW 32.11.5, May 25, 1825
Simpson, Alexander, Harrison county, W½ NE 10.12.6, Oct. 10, 1831
Simpson, Alexander, Harrison county, NE 17.12.6, Jan. 1, 1833
Simpson, John, Harrison county, SE 10.12.6, Jan. 21, 1819
Simpson, Matthew, Harrison county, NW 29.11.5, Jan. 10, 1820
Simpson, Robert, Harrison county, W½ NW 36.12.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Simpson, Robert, Harrison county, W½ NE 9.12.6, Dec. 2, 1830
Simpson, Robert, Harrison county, E½ SE 15.12.6, Dec. 6, 1831
Sims, Joseph, assignee of David Mathews,  NW 25.11.5, Sep. 10, 1831
Sinclair, Thomas, Belmont county, W½ NW 4.12.7, Nov. 12, 1832
Slemmons, Joseph James, assignee of William Glumer, NW 34.10.6, May 5, 1821
Smith, Alexander   Harrison county, E½ SE 32.12.7, Nov. 13, 1822
Smith, Alexander and Frederick Schilds, Greene county, Pa., NE 26.13.6, Mar. 6, 1818
Smith, Andrew, Jefferson county, NE 8.11.5, Jun. 6, 1814
Smith, Daniel, Huntingdon county, Pa., SE 3.12.6, Aug. 19, 1824
Smith, Daniel, Harrison county, W½ SW 15.12.6, Apr. 20, 1825
Smith, Daniel, Huntingdon county, Pa., NE 2.12.6, May 25, 1825
Smith, Daniel, Harrison county, E½ SW 13.14.7, Dec. 10, 1827
Smith, Ely, Harrison county, E½ NE 11.12.7, Jan. 30, 1827
Smith, George, Guernsey county, SW 10.11.7, Aug. 19, 1824
Smith, George, Harrison county, W½ NE 27, 12.5, Nov. 1, 1830
Smith, John, Harrison county, W½ NE 11.12.7, Apr. 5, 1822
Smith, John, Jefferson county, SW 18.11.7, Nov. 1, 1818
Smith, John, assignee of Thomas Scoles, SE 24.11.6, Mar. 6, 1827
Smith, Peter, Somerset county, Pa., NW 2.13.6, Oct. 7, 1812
Smith, Peter, assignee of David Moody, NE 8.13.6, Jul. 30, 1816
Smith, Peter, Harrison county, NE 21.13.6, Aug. 19, 1824
Smith, Robert, Harrison county, W½ NW 15.13.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Smith, Robert,   W½ NE 30.12.6, Dec. 6, 1831
Smith, Samuel, Harrison county, NW 2.12.6, Jan. 27, 1819
Smith, William, Brooke county, Va., W½ 22.8.4, Jul. 30, 1812
Smith, William, Jefferson county, NW 3.12.7, Nov. 17, 1812
Smith, William, Pittsburg, Pa., E½ SE 12.10.4, Nov. 1, 1830
Smith, William, Harrison county, E½ SW 17.12.6, Mar. 21, 1832
Smyer, Jacob, Adams county, Pa., SW 6.10.4, Jun. 1, 1810
Snedeker, Garret, Brooke county, Va., all 1.9.5, Sep. 10, 1806
Snider, John, Harrison county, SE 13.13.6, Sep. 1, 1819
Snyder, David, Washington county, Pa NE SE 8.14,7, Dec. 8, 1835
Snyder, John, Harrison county, W½ NW 18.12.6, Jul. 1, 1831
Snyder, Lawrence, Harrison county, SE 1.12.5, Nov. 13, 1822
Snyder, Samuel, Harrison county, W½ NE 24.12.6, Jan. 30, 1827
Snyder, Samuel, Harrison county, W½ NW 29.12.6, Apr. 8, 1828
Spiker, Christian, Jefferson county, NW 20.12.6, Jan. 15, 1814
Spiker, Henry, Allegheny county, Pa., NE 26.12.6, May 29, 1818
Spiker, Isaac, assignee of William Bush, NE 24.11.6, Dec. 29, 1818
Spiker, Isaac, assignee of Jacob Vasbenner, SW 2.12.6, Aug. 10, 1827
Spiker, Isaac, Harrison county, E½ NW 23.12.6, Dec. 2, 1832
Spring, Frederick, assignee of John Rowland, NE 29.10.6, Mar. 7, 1818
Springer, John, Harrison county, W½ SW 35.12.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Sprott, Joseph, Fayette county, Pa., all 2.11.4, Oct. 1, 1806
Sproul, Hugh, Washington county, Pa NE 36.10.6, Aug. 18, 1817
Sproul, Hugh, Washington county, Pa NW 31.11.6, Jul. 25, 1820
Sproul, John, Washington county, Pa SE 25.11.6, Jul. 16, 1819
Sproul, William, Harrison county, E½ NW 36.11.5, Jul. 1, 1831
Sprowl, John, Harrison county, W½ NW 12.12.6, Dec. 1, 1830
Staats, Elijah, Fayette county, Pa., NW 4.11.7, Dec. 29, 1818
Stanton, Benjamin,   all 9.9.4, Nov. 3, 1803
Stanton, Benjamin, Jefferson county, all 5.8.4, Apr. 5, 1806
Stapler, John, Bucks county, Pa., all 5.9.4, May 20, 1806
Starling, David, Tuscarawas county, E½ SW 1.14.7, Dec. 2, 1830
Steel, Bezaleel, Jefferson county, SW 26.12.7, Jun. 26, 1820
Steel, Robert, Jefferson county, NE 6.10.6, Jan. 20, 186
Steer, Joseph, Jefferson county, SE 27.10.5, Oct. 23, 1805
Steer, Joseph, assignee of John Lemasters, SE 33.11.6, Nov. 15, 1810
Stees, Jacob, Jefferson county,  SW 15.11.4, Dec. 12, 1812
Stevens, Henry, assignee of Rimrod (Nimrod) Ferguson, SE 6.11.7, Jul. 20, 1808
Stewart, Archibald, assignee of William Griffith, assignee of James Harman, assignee of Joseph Whitney, NE 6.12.7, Nov. 2, 1829
Stewart, Galbreath, Middletown, Pa., a.. 12.9.4, Dec. 20, 1805
Stewart, Galbreath, Washington county, Pa all 17.9.4, Dec. 20, 1805
Stewart, James and Rowet Kerr, Harrison county, NE 34.11.7, May 24, 1817
Stewart, James, assignee of John Pugh, SW 21.10.5, Apr. 20, 1812
Stockdale, John, Jr., Guernsey county, E½ NE 31.11.7, Jun. 12, 1828
Stohl, Matthias, Jefferson county, all. 20.11.4, May 8, 1806
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, W½ SW 29.12,7, Apr. 20, 1827
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville,  E½ NW 35.12.7, Jun. 23, 1827
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville,  W½ SW 35.12.7, Aug. 10, 1827
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, E½ SW 5.12.7, Oct. 10, 1831
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, #½ SE 34.12.7, Oct. 10, 1831
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, W½ SW 22.12.7, Oct. 10, 1831
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, W½ NW 28.12.7, Oct. 10, 1831
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, E½ SW 14.14.7, Dec. 6, 1831
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, E½ 7.14.7, Dec. 6, 1831
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, W½ SE and E½ SE 30.11.7, Dec. 6, 1831
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, E½ NW 4.12.7, Mar. 21, 1832
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, W½ NW 22.12.7, Nov. 12, 1832
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, E½ SW 33.12.6, Nov. 12, 1832
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, W½ NE 34.12.7, Nov. 17, 1833
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, E½ NE 22.12.7, Sep. 10, 1834
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, W½ SW 8.14.7, Sep. 10, 1834
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, W½ SE 14.14.7, Apr. 1, 1837
Stokely, Samuel, Steubenville, E½ SE 15.14.7, Apr. 1, 1837
Stringer, William, assignee of Joseph Scott, NW 3.12.6, Jan. 21, 1819
Strong, Hugh, Jefferson county, SW 4.12.7, Jan. 27, 1819
Stroub, John Christian York county, Pa., W½ NE 8.14.7, Aug. 12, 1826
Styers, Jacob, Jefferson county, NE 22.8.4, Dec. 12, 1812
Sullivan, John, assignee of Basil Moreland, E½ SW 7.12.6, Aug. 10, 1827
Swim, John, Jefferson county, SW 28.10.6, Jan. 21, 1819
Swinehart, Magdalene, Washington county, Pa SE 3.13.6, Mar. 2, 1821
Tarbert, James, assignee of Edward Rubee, NW 7.11.6, Sep. 19, 1817
Tayler, Alexander, Harrison county, E½ NE 9.12.6, Dec. 6, 1831
Taylor, Jonathan, Jefferson county, NE 15.9.4, Mar. 20, 1813
Tease, Hugh, Jefferson county,  all 7.10.4, Feb. 26, 1806
Tennar, John, Baltimore county, Md., SE 29.12.6, Jul. 5, 1819
Thomas, Isaac, Jefferson county, SE 21.9.4, Apr. 10, 1812
Thomlinson, Thomas, Harrison county, W½ NW 26.12.5, Oct. 10, 1831
Thompson, Andrew, Washington county, Pa., assignee of George Bohrer, NE 12.10.6, Aug. 9, 1815
Thompson, Ann, Harrison county, E½ SE 11.12.6, Dec. 2, 1832
Thompson, Bradway, Washington county, Pa all 18.8.4, Feb. 2, 1804
Thompson, John, Harrison county, E½ NE 10.12.6, Sep. 15, 1823
Thompson, Thomas, assignee of Caleb Reynolds, NW 25.12.7, Jan. 21, 1819
Thorn, William and Thomas Thorn, trustees of heirs of Isaac Thorn, dec'd., all 14.9.4, Apr. 3, 1806
Tingley, William, Harrison county, E½ SE 23.11.6, Mar. 10, 1825
Tingley, William, Cadiz, E½ SE 30.11.6, Oct. 10, 1831
Tipton, Aquila, Jefferson county, NE 19.12.6, Feb. 1, 1815
Tipton, Samuel, Harrison county, NW 13.12.6, Mar. 6, 1827
Tipton, Samuel, Harrison county, W½ SE 20.12.6, No. 1, 1837
Tipton, Sylvester, Harrison county, E½ SE 18.10.4, Sep. 20, 1823
Titus, Rachel, assignee of William R. Dickinson, SE 11.11.6, Aug. 19, 1812
Titus, Rachel, Harrison county, E½ SE 28.11.6, Dec. 6, 1831
Todd, William, Washington county, Pa., assignee of George Bohrer, assignee of Thomas Peairs, NE 14.11.6, Aug. 19, 1818
Toole, Elizabeth, Sr., assignee of Levi Cecil, NW 20.10.5, Aug. 3, 1810
Toothaker, Roger, Jefferson county, SE 19. 10.5, Jan.1, 1811
Torrence, Matthew, Allegheny county, Pa., NW 33.12.5, Mar. 7, 1818
Towne, Eli, Jr., Washington county, Pa., SE 31.12.7, May 3, 1814
Trip, Joseph, Washington county, Pa., E½ SW 22.11.7, Sep. 1, 1823
Turner, William, Tuscarawas county, E½ NE 27.12.7, Nov. 1, 1830
Turnpaugh, John, Jefferson county, SW 32.10.5, Jul. 30, 1812
Twigg, Robert, Harrison county, NE 36.12.7, Mar. 7, 1818


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