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Harrison County, Ohio

History & Genealogy

Land Patents

History of Carroll and Harrison Counties, Ohio
Chicago: Lewis Publ. Co., 1921


Galbraith, James McC., Cumberland county, Pa., NE 23.10.4, Mar. 18, 1814
Gallaher, William, Fayette county, Pa., NE 17.10.4, Feb. 20, 1809
Gamble, George, Tuscarawas county, E½ SW and W½ SE 9.14.7, Nov. 1, 1830
Gamble, William, Jefferson county, NE 3.14.7 May 21, 1819
Gamble, William, Tuscarawas county, W½ SE 32.13.6 Nov. 1, 1830
Gamble, William, Jr. assignee of William Gamble, W½ NW 33.13.6 Feb. 20, 1827.
Gardner, John, Washington county, Pa., E½ 22.9.4, Nov. 1, 1810
Gardner, John, Washington county, Pa., SW 22.10.4, May 15, 1811
Gardner, John, Washington county, Pa., SE 22.10.4, Oct. 7, 1812
Gardner, Mahlon and other heirs at law of Samuel Gardner, dec'c,   NW 23.11.6, Mar. 5, 1818
Gardner, Samuel, Berkeley county, Va., SW 23.11.6, Mar. 5, 1818
Garmier, William, Greene county, Pa., SW 3.14,7, Aug. 25, 1825
Garner, Hezekiah, assignee of John Johnson, Sr., SW 28.11.6, Aug. 19, 1818
Garretson, Casparus, Jefferson county, NE 23.11.7, Mar. 18, 1814
Gatchel, Jacob, Harrison county, SW 28.10.5, Jan. 27, 1819
Geabeler, Christian, Harrison county, SW 2.12.5, Aug. 10, 1827
Geary, William, Allegheny county, Pa., SW 20.11.6, May 10, 1820
Gervis, William, Harrison county, W½ NE 23.11.5, Apr. 5, 1822
Gibson, David, Brooke county, Va., SW 17.10.4, Feb. 20, 1809
Gilbert, Joseph, Harrison county, W½ NE 11.11.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Gilchrist, John, Fayette county, Pa., SW 14.10.5, Jan. 1, 1811
Gilkison, Archibald, assignee of James Steel, admr., of James Turbet, dec'd. NE 34.11.6, May 5, 1821
Gill, Joseph, assignee of David Lupton, all 23.8.4, June 3, 1806
Gillespie, William, Jr., Jefferson county, SW 32.11.6, Aug. 3, 1818
Gilmore, Francis, Jefferson county, NW 14.10.5, Dec. 29, 1808
Gilmore, Francis, Jefferson county, NE 19.11.5, Feb. 1, 1810
Gilmore, Francis, Jefferson county, NE 25.10.5, Sept. 7, 1812
Gilmore, Gordon R., assignee of Nathaniel Gilmer, Harrison county, E½ SW 29.12.7, Aug. 19, 1824
Gilmore, John, New York, SW 13.12.7, Jan. 1, 1810
Gillmor, Nathaniel, assignee of James Wright, SE 24.12.7, Jan. 1, 1811
Gilmer, Nathaniel, assignee of James Wright, assignee of David Moody, E½ NE 17.12.7, Aug. 19, 1824
Gilmore, Samuel, Washington county, Pa., all 3.10.5, Feb. 10, 1807
Given, Robert, assignee of James Boyd, SW 10.12.6, Apr. 10, 1827
Glass, Mathias, Tuscarawas county, SW 9.14.7, Jan. 1, 1833
Glass, Mathias, Harrison county, NW NW 9.14.7, Apr. 1, 1837
Goodman, Peter, Washington county, Pa., W½ NW 22.11.7, Sept. 1, 1823
Gordon, John, Washington county, Pa., W½ SE 29. 11.5, Oct. 6, 1826
Gordon, Thomas, assignee of Robert Guttray, SW 25.10.5, Oct. 1, 1811
Gotshall, Jonas, Perry county, Pa., NW 21.12.5, Sept. 25, 1823
Gotshall, Joseph, Harrison county, NE 15.12.5, Sept. 20, 1823
Gotschall, Margaret, Harrison county, NE 12.10.4, June 23, 1827
Grace, Francis, Harrison county, W½ SW 11.12.6, Oct. 20, 1824
Grace, Francis, Harrison county, E½ SE 17.12.6, Dec. 1, 1830
Grace, Francis, Harrison county, SE NW 11.12.6, Jan. 1, 1833
Grace, John, Harrison county, W½ SE 36.12.6, Apr. 2, 1829
Grace, John, Harrison county, E½ SE 36.12.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Gracey, William, Jefferson county, NW 32.12.7, Dec. 29, 1818
Gray, Ebenezer Atherson, Harrison county, W½ SE 34.12.7, Sept. 10, 1834
Green, Henry, Harrison county, E½ NE 27.12.6, Apr. 20, 1827
Grein, Abraham, assignee of Jesse Edgington, NW 23.10.4, May 5, 1820 (cancelled)
Grewell, Jonathan, Harrison county, W½ SW 27.12.7, Dec. 6, 1831
Griffin, Moses, Belmont county, NE 26.9.5, Aug. 15, 1808
Griffith, William, Harrison county, W½ SW 6.12.7, Nov. 1, 1830
Grim, Abraham, assignee of Jesse Edgington, NW 23.10.4, Feb. 21, 1821
Grimes, William, assignee of Alexander Millikan, NW 15.10.5, July 30, 1813
Grist, William and William Philips, assignee of Benjamin Stanton, SW 9.11.6, Dec. 1, 1809
Grove, Abraham, Greene county, Pa., W½ 35.12.7, May 6, 1824
Grubb, John L., Brooke county, Va., SE 24.11.7, May 25, 1825
Gudgeon, Benjamin, Harrison county, SE SE 4.11.7, Oct. 8, 1818
Gundy, Joseph, Somerset county, Pa., NE 14.13.6 Jan. 10, 1812
Gundy, Joseph Harrison county, W½ NW 1.13.6 May 20, 1826
Gunty, Joseph, Harrison county, SW 14.13.6, July 10, 1817
Gutschall, John, Cumberland county, Pa., SW 6.11.5, July 5, 1819
Guttry, Josiah, Harrison county, SE SE __ 12.7, Nov. 18, 1833
Guttry, Josiah, Jefferson county, NW 35.9.5, Aug. 4, 1814
Guttery, William and Matthew Templeton, assignees of Thomas Henderson S½ 30.9.5, Oct. 10, 1815
Gutshall, Nicholas, Washington county, Pa., all 17.11.4, May 8, 1806
Guyton, Elisha, Tuscarawas county, E½ NE 4.12.7, Oct. 6, 1826
Guyton, Elisha, Tuscarawas county, E½ NW 34.11.6, Oct. 6, 1826
Gwynn, Hugh, Jefferson county, SW 22.9.4, Aug. 6, 1813
Hagey, Abraham, Franklin county, Pa., SW 3..12.5, July 5, 1816
Haggerty, Isabella, Jefferson county, SW 3.11.5, May 10,1811
Haines, Isaac, Jefferson county, SE 4.11.6, July 30, 1812
Haines, Jesse, assignee of Thomas Barrett, NE 27.10.5 Oct. 1, 1811
Haines, Thomas, assignee of David Barrett, NW 9.11.6 Mar. 10, 1807
Halloway, Jonas, Harrison county, W½ SW 5.12.7, Dec. 2, 1830
Hamble, John, Jefferson county, SW 12.11.6, Feb. 17, 1820
Hamilton, William, assignee of Samuel Pickering, NE 32.9.5, Aug. 15, 1811
Handel, Fiet, Jefferson county, W½ SW 18.10.4, Oct. 20, 1824
Hanlin, Robert, Jefferson county, W½ SW 12.12.6, Jan. 1, 1833
Hanna, James, Washington county, Pa., S½ 29.10.4, Mar. 1, 1810
Hanna, Robert, assignee of Charles Wilson, NW 28.10.4, Oct. 8, 1814
Hanna, Samuel, Washington county, Pa., all 10.9.5, Aug. 27, 1805
Hanna, Samuel, Washington county, Pa., all 24.8.4, Sept. 15, 1806
Harding, John, Harrison county, SE 28.12.6, Dec. 1, 1830
Harless, Samuel, Harrison county, NW SE 18.12.6, Sept. 10, 1834
Harman, Jacob, Harrison county, E½ NW 3.13.6, Apr. 2, 1829
Harmon, Michael, Harrison county, NW 21.13.6, May 29, 1818
Harmon, Michael, Harrison county, SE 21.13.6, Jan. 27, 1819
Harmon, Michael and Joseph Bartholomew, Tuscarawas county, NW 26.13.6, May 25, 1825
Harrimon, George, Washington county, Pa., NE 14.11.5, May 15, 1811
Harris, Jeremiah, Jefferson county, SW 31.9.5, July 10, 1821
Harris, Joseph, Harrison county, W½ SW 3.12.7, Nov. 13, 1822
Harrison, John, Steubenville, W½ SE 33.12.5, Aug. 19, 1824
Harrison, Joseph, Harrison county, E½ SE 33.12.5, Aug. 10, 1828
Hartford, George, Brooke county, Va., NE 6.10,4, Feb. 1, 1809
Harvey, James, Jefferson county, SE 18.10.6, Feb. 14, 1817
Hatfield, William, Belmont county, SE 5.11.6, Sept. 1, 1819
Havmer, Abraham, Chester county, Pa., SE 26.9.5, Apr. 5, 1806
Haverfield, John, Harrison county, SE 22.10.5, Mar. 7, 1817
Haverfield, Joseph, Harrison county, NW 22.10.5, May 20, 1817
Haynes, Samuel and Israel, and heirs of John Haynes,   NW 10.11.7, Nov. 2, 1829
Hazen, David, assignee of John Bower, SW 32.12.7, Feb. 14, 1817
Hazlett, James, Fayette county, Pa., NW 18.10.4, Jan. 20, 1812
Hazlett, James, Jefferson county, W½ NE 18.10.4, Sept. 25, 1823
Hazlett, Thomas, Steubenville, NW 6.11.6, Feb. 14, 1817
Heastand, John, Tuscarawas county, W½ NE 19.13.6, July 1, 1831
Heath, Edward, Jefferson county, E½ NW 21.12.6, Apr. 30, 1822
Heath, Edward, Jefferson county, W½ NW 21.12.6, Sept. 10, 1823
Heavilin, Adam, Harrison county, W½ SE 2.12.6, Aug. 19, 1827
Heavilin, Samuel Jefferson county, Pa. (?) NE 30.10.5, Jan. 1, 1812
Heavilin, Samuel, Harrison county, SE 25.11.5, Jan. 27, 1819
Hedges, Samuel, assignee of John Caldwell, who was assignee of Robert McLaughlin, admr. of James McLaughlin, dec'd., SW 30.10.5, May 15, 1822
Hefling, Fielding, Harrison county, E½ SW 6.12.7, Nov. 1, 1830
Hefling, John, Belmont county, NW 6.12.7, Mar. 2, 1821
Hefling, John, Belmont county, NE 12.12.7, Aug. 19, 1824
Heisler, Henry, Northumberland county, Pa., all 9.11.4, Feb. 17, 1806
Henderson, Charles, assignee of Gavin Allison, SE 10.10.6, _______
Henderson, John, assignee of John Young, all 27.8.4, June 6, 1806.
Henderson, William, Jefferson county, NE 17.10.5, Apr. 10, 1812
Henderson, William, Harrison county SW 3.13.6, Aug. 10, 1827
Hendricks, Andrew, Allegany county, Md., NE 35.10.4, Dec. 12, 1812
Hendricks, Andrew, Harrison county, NW 3.12.5, Aug. 4, 1814
Hendricks, Andrew, Harrison county, NW 12.11.5, Oct. 8, 1814
Hendricks, Andrew, Harrison county, W½ NE 12.11.5, Aug. 25, 1825
Hendricks, Emanuel, Harrison county, E½ NE 32.12.5, Dec. 10, 1827
Hendricks, Jacob, Harrison county, NE 3.12.5, Aug. 4, 1814
Hendricks, Jacob, Harrison county, SE 19.12.5, May 21, 1819
Hendricks, Jacob, Harrison county, W½ NE 32.12.5, Dec. 10, 1827
Hendricks, John, Somerset county, Pa., NE 21.11.4, Mar. 20, 1813
Hendricks, John, Somerset county, Pa., SE 20.12.5, Oct. 25, 1813
Hendricks, John, Sr., assignee of Timothy Spencer, Jr., SW 13. 12. 5, Aug. 19, 1818
Hendricks, Joseph, Somerset county, Pa., NE 20.12.5, Mar. 20, 1813
Hemry, Henry, Harrison county, NW 32.10.4, Mar. 30, 1815
Henry, James, Westmoreland county, Pa., SW 11.11.5 and SE 32.11.5, Sept. 1, 1819
Henry, Robert, Westmoreland county, Pa., NW 4.12.6, Apr. 27, 1821
Henry, William, assignee of Anthony Sell, Harrison county, SE 13.12.5, Nov. 13, 1822
Herless, Isaac, Harrison county, E½ NE 18.12.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Herr, Christian, Heirs of,   SE 8.13.6, June 10, 1811
Hicks, James, assignee of William Newsam, NE 2.12.5, July 25, 1820
Hidey, Thomas,   W½ NE 21.12.5, Nov. 1, 1830
Hiller, Anthony, Greene county, Pa., E½ SE 32.13.6, Dec. 1, 1829
Hines, John, Harrison county, SW 36.10.5, Aug. 19, 1824
Hines, Joseph, Harrison county, W½ SE 30.11.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Histand, John, Somerset county, Pa., Se 20.13.6, Aug. 10, 1827
Hoagland, James, Jefferson county, Pa., NE 33.11.5, Oct. 1, 1811
Hoagland, James Harrison county, E½ SE 33.11.5, Oct. 10, 1831
Hoagland, Thomas, Harrison county, E½ SE 7.12.6, Apr. 2, 1829
Hobson, Francis, assignee of Joseph Pugh, SE 11.11.6, Jan. 20, 1817
Hoff, Mary, Harrison county, W½ SW 19.13.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Hoff, Richard, Harrison county, E½ SE 26.13.6, Apr. 8, 1828
Hogge, Robert, Washington county, Pa., SE 26,12.7, Jan. 21, 1819
Hogg, William, Fayette county, Pa., all 11.9.4, Nov. 27, 1804
Hollet, John, Jefferson county, SE 11.11.7, Mar. 5, 1818
Hollett, John Jefferson county, W½ SW 5.11.7, May 11, 1824
Holliday, Robert, Jefferson county, NE 30.11.7, Jan. 20, 1817
Hollingsworth, David,   E½ 5.12.7, Apr. 20, 1827
Holloway, Aaron, Stafford county, Va., NW 32.9.5, Jan. 2, 1810
Holloway, Asa, Sr., Belmont county, NE 27.9.5, Jan. 20, 1812
Holloway, Daniel, Belmont county, SW 11.12.7, Feb. 14, 1817
Holloway, Jacob, assignee of Horton Howard and Isaac Parker, S½ 21.9.5, July 16,1819
Holloway, Jacob, Belmont county, E½ 22.9.5, Apr. 20, 1825
Holloway, Jacob, assignee of Horton Howard, NE 21.9,5, Feb. 6, 1826
Holloway, James, Harrison county, W½ NW 5.12.7, June 23, 1826
Holloway, Jonas, Harrison county, E½ NE 10.12.7, Dec. 6, 1831
Holloway, Joseph, Belmont county, SE 23.9.5, Nov. 15, 1810
Holloway, Robert, assignee of John Porter, NW 31.9.5, Mar. 2, 1821
Holmes, Francis, Jefferson county, SW 11.10.4, Oct. 1, 1811
Holmes, Isaac, dec'd., Heirs of, assignees of Daniel McMillan, W½ SW 14.14.7, Oct. 18, 1826
Holmes, Joseph, Jefferson county, Northwest Territory, all 25.9.4, Jan. 22, 1806
Hoobley, John, Harrison county, E½ SE 27.12.5, Nov. 2, 1829
Hoopes, Ellis, Jefferson county, SE 15.9.4, Oct. 7, 1812
Hoopes, Nathan, Jefferson county, NW 15.9.4, Dec. 4, 1809
Hoover, John, Jefferson county, E½ NW 35.12.6 Mar. 2, 1831
Howard, Horton, assignee of James Pollock, NW 15.9.5, Aug. 26, 1815
Howell, Abel, Belmont county, SW 23.9.5, May 12, 1815
Howell, Abel, Belmont county, E½ SE 17.10.6, Oct. 10, 1831
Howell, John, Belmont county, SE 25.9.5, Jan. 20, 1812
Howell, Seth, Pittsburgh, SE 29.10.6, Dec. 9, 1819
Howse, Benjamin Jefferson county, SE 6.11.6, Apr. 22, 1819
House, Francis, Jefferson county, SE 32.10.5, Dec. 26, 1815
House, William, Harrison county, E½ SE 20.12.6, Dec. 2, 1830
Hudson, Benjamin, Harrison county, E½ NW 24.11.7, Aug. 19, 1824
Hudson, Eli, Harrison county, W½ NW 24.11.7, Apr. 2, 1829
Huff, Jesse, Jefferson county, NW 14.12.7, Dec. 15, 1811
Huff, John, Jefferson county, NE 20.12.7, Nov. 17, 1812
Huff, Joseph, Jefferson county, all 36.8,4, Sept. 10, 1806
Huff, William, Jefferson county, SE 4.12.7, Feb. 1, 1810
Huntsman, James, Belmont county, W½ NE 10.12.7, Nov. 12, 1832
Humphreys, William, Harrison county, E½ SE 4.12.6, Dec. 1, 1830
Humphreys, William, Harrison county, W½ SW 34.11.5, Dec. 1, 1830
Hurleass, Samuel, Harrison county, E½ SW 18.12.6, Oct. 10, 1831
Hurton, Robert, Ohio county, Va., NW 17.10.6, Aug. 10, 1811
Hutchinson, John, York county, Pa., NW 3.8.4, June 7,1808
Hutchinson, Samuel, Chester county, Pa., NE 13.10.5, June 23, 1810
Hutchinson, Samuel, Heirs of, Chester county, Pa., NE 13.10.5, Feb. 28, 1816
Hutchinson, William, Jefferson county, SW 3.8.4, Jan. 2, 1812
Hutson, James, see Zachariah Jones    
Hyde, Samuel, Harrison county, E½ NW 31.13.6, Sept. 15, 1823


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