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Harrison County, Ohio

History & Genealogy

Land Patents

History of Carroll and Harrison Counties, Ohio
Chicago: Lewis Publ. Co., 1921

MacDonald, Alexander, assignee of Thomas Christy,  SE 30.10.5, May 30, 1826
Magrew, James B., Westmoreland county, Pa., all 13.1.4, Feb. 18, 1806
Maholm, John, Jefferson county, N½ 31.10.5, Jul. 30, 1812
Maholm, Joseph, Jefferson county, SE 28.10.5, Jan. 15, 1814
Mahon, James, Jefferson county, SE 17. 10.5, Aug. 19, 1812
Mambeck, Jacob, Harrison county, assignee of
George Brown,
SW 1.12.5, Jul. 10, 1821
Manbeck, Benjamin, Harrison county, W½ SE 27.12.5, Apr. 8, 1828
Manley, Robert, Tuscarawas county, E½ SE 19.13.6, Jul. 30, 1828
Mansfield, Thomas, assignee of John Johnson, NW 25.12.6, Jan. 10, 1820
Marckley, Daniel, Harrison county, E½ SE 15.12.5, Sep. 20, 1823
Markey, William, Harrison county, NE 24.12.7, Mar. 30, 1815
Markly, Peter, Washington county, Pa.,
assignee of John Roush,
NW 29.10.4, Dec. 15, 1811
Marquis, Thomas, Washington county, Pa., all 7.9.5, Nov. 15, 1807
Marrit, Daniel, Washington county, Pa., all 31.8.4, Aug. 27, 1805
Marsh, John N., Jefferson county, W½ NW 36.12.7, Apr. 20, 1827
Marshall, John, Jefferson county, E½ SW 15.12.6, Nov. 13, 1822
Martin, Arthur, Lancaster county, Pa., SW 24.10.5, Nov. 26, 1813
Martin, Joel, Harrison county, NW 20.11.6, Aug. 19, 1818
Martin, Samuel, Washington  county, Pa., SE 34.11.7, Sep. 1, 1823
Martin, Samuel, Washington county, Pa., W½ SE 22.11.7, Sep. 10, 1823
Mathers, William, Belmont county, E½ SE 35.12.7, Dec. 8, 1835
Maxson, Jonathan, assignee of the executors
of James Robinson, deceased,
SW 19.12.7, Dec. 29, 1818
Maxwell, Henry, Harrison county, W½ NW 20.11.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Maxwell, Robert, Harrison county, SW 26.11.5, Aug. 19, 1824
Maxwell, Robert, Harrison county, E½ NE 27.11.5, Nov. 1, 1830
Maxwell, William, Harrison county, NW 14.11.5, Feb. 14, 1817
May, George, Fayette county, Pa., SE 29.12.7, Nov. 1, 1830
May, George, Fayette county, Pa., SW 28.127, Nov. 1, 1837
McAdams, George, Harrison county, SW 6.10.6, Jun. 1, 1815
McAdams, John, Washington county, Pa. NW 24.9.5, Nov. 1, 1811
McBeath, John, Harrison county, W½ NW 25.13.6, Apr. 2, 1831
McBeath, William, Harrison county, W½ SW 30.12.6, Jul. 1, 1831
McBride, James, Washington county, Pa. SW 21.9.4, Jul. 1, 1809
McBride, James, Washington county, Pa. NW 21.9.4, Dec. 23, 1815
McCall, Alexander, Washington county, Pa. all 33.8.4, Jan. 26, 1809
McCarroll, William, Harrison county, E½ SW 11.12.6, jan. 1, 1833
McClain, Joseph, Westmoreland county, Pa., NE 17.11.5, Jun. 8, 1812
McClean, Joseph, Westmoreland county, Pa., SE 25.12.5, Jan. 15, 1814
McClean, Joseph, Westmoreland county, Pa., S½ 30.11.5, Jun. 26, 1815
McClean, William, Washington county, Pa. NE 7.13.6, Feb. 14, 1817
McClery, John, Jefferson county, assignee
of Isaac Osburn,
SE 21.10.4, Jan. 15, 1814
McClintock, John   E½ SE 30.12.6, Dec. 2, 1830
McClintock, Kerr, assignee of Robert McClintock, SW 3.12.6, Aug. 10, 1827
McClintock, Noble W. Steubenville, E½ SW and W½ SE 33.11.5, Aug. 10, 1825
McCollum, John, Harrison county, W½ NW 8.14,7, Sep. 10, 1834
McCombs, William, Columbiana county, E½ NE 30.12.6, Apr. 2, 1831
McComkey, John, Harrison county, SW 10.11.5, Aug. 25, 1825
McConnell, Alexander Washington county, Pa. all 7.8.4, Oct. 21, 1805
McConnell, Alexander Belmont county, SE 12.12.7, Jan. 10, 1820
McConnell, George, Washington county, Pa. all of 4.9.5, Dec. 20, 1805
McConnell, James, Jefferson county,   W½ NE 18.12.6, Jul. 1, 1831
McConnell, John, Washington county, Pa. all 5.9.5, Apr. 20, 1804
McConnell, John, Washington county, Pa. all 34.8.4, Jul. 14, 1806
McConnell, John, assignee of George Cox, SE 5.10.6, Mar. 7, 1817
McConnell, Robert, Belmont county, NW 11.12.7, Oct. 8, 1818
McCord, Francis, Harrison county, SW NW 5.12.6, Sep. 10, 1834
McCorkle, John,   SE 3.11.6, Jun. 8, 1812
McCoy, John, Washington county, Pa. all 1.10.5, Feb. 26, 1806
McCreery, William, Westmoreland county, Pa., NE 24.11.5, May 10, 1811
McCullough, Alexander, Harrison county, E½ NE 15.11.6, Sep. 1, 1823
McCullough, James, Harrison county, SE 17.12.7, May 25, 1825
McCullough, Richard, Jefferson county, NW 32.11.5, Aug. 19, 1824
McCullough, William, Guernsey county, NW 14.11.6, May 10, 1820
McCurdy, Daniel, assignee of Richard Kinsey, SE 33.9.5, Nov. 16, 1812
McDanaugh, John, assignee of William Mimons, SW 1.13.6, May 25, 1825
McDannell, Joseph, Tuscarawas county, SE 9.14.7,  Sep. 10, 1834
McDivit, Charles, Harrison county,   SE 23.12.6 Jan. 1, 1833
McDivit, Charles, Harrison county, NW SW 17.12.6, Nov. 18, 1833
McDivit, George Fayette county, PA NW 35.11.5, Oct. 8, 1818
McDivit, George, Harrison county,   W½ NW 11.12.6, Dec. 6, 1831
McDivit, George, Harrison county, NE NW 11.12.6, Nov. 18, 1833
McDivit, George,   Harrison county, W½ NE 36.11.5, Dec. 1, 1830
McDivit, George, Jr., assignee of George Fisher, W½ NE 11.12.6, Mar. 6, 1827
McDivit, George, Jr., Harrison county, E½ NE 11,12,60, Dec. 2, 1832
McDivit, John, Harrison county, W½ SE 11.12.6, Apr. 2, 1829
McDivit, Samuel, Tuscarawas county, E½ NW 17.12.6, Dec. 2, 1832
McDonald, Robert, Harrison county, E½ SW 33.12.7, Nov. 13, 1822
McDonough, Hugh, Jefferson county, NE 4.12.6, Nov. 17, 1812
McDounaugh, John, assignee of Zenas Barton, SE 6.12.6 Jul. 10, 1821
McDowell, James, Fayette county, Pa SE 24.9.5, Feb. 18, 1806
McDowell, John, Fayette county, Pa NE 24.9,5, Feb. 16, 1809
McDowell, John, Fayette county, Pa NE 23.9.5, Jan. 1, 1811
McDowell, John, Fayette county, Pa NE 36.9.5, Jan. 1, 1811
McDowell, Samuel,   Jefferson county, NE 20.10.5, Jan. 1, 1811
McDowell, Samuel, Jr., Fayette county, Pa All 18.9.5, Dec. 31, 1806
McElwee, James Jefferson county, SE NE 17.12.6, Dec. 8, 1835
McFadin, Samuel, Jefferson county, SE 25.10.5, Oct. 7, 1812
McFadin, Samuel, Harrison county, SW 22.10.5, Jun. 1, 1815
McFadon, John, Washington county, Pa., all 4.10.5, May 8, 1806
McGee, George, assignee of Asa Engle, NW 29.10.6, Jan. 10, 1820
McGeen, Hugh, Harrison county, SW 13.12.6, Jan. 21, 1819
McGinnes, James, dec'd., Heirs of assignee of James Means, NE 13.12.5, Aug. 3, 1818
McKein, James, Harrison county, SW 18.12.6, Jan. 1, 1833
McKeown, Alexander, Belmont county, NW 35.11.7, Mar. 6, 1827
McKibben, Richard, Harrison county, SW 11.10.6, Aug. 3, 1818
McKitrick, Alexander and James Steward, Washington county, Pa., SW 15.11.5, Mar. 20, 1813
McLaughlin, Berriman, Jefferson county, NE 19.12.7, Dec. 22, 1808
McMath, David, Harrison county, W½ NW 26.11.6, Mar .6, 1827
McMillan, Daniel, Tuscarawas county, NW 7.14.7 Mar. 15, 1815
McMillan, Daniel, Tuscarawas county, NE 13.14.7 Dec. 29, 1818
McMillan, Daniel, Tuscarawas county, E½ SW 8.14.7, May 20, 1826
McMillan, Daniel, Tuscarawas county, W½ NW 13.14.7, Aug. 12, 1826
Mcmillan, John, assignee of Jonathan Jessop, all 2.10.5, Aug. 24, 1807
McMillan, Patrick, Tuscarawas county, W½ NE 25.13.6, Nov. 1, 1830
McMillan, Patrick, Tuscarawas county, W½ NW 30.12.6, Dec. 2, 1830
McMillen, Robert, Jefferson county, NE 20.11.6, Feb. 28, 1821
McMullin, Patrick, Tuscarawas county, E½ NE 25.13.6, Sep. 20, 1823
Means, James, Jr., assignee of Thomas McFaddin,
Hardin county,
SW 26.11.6, Nov. 13, 1822
Meeks, Robert, Sr., assignee of Benjamin Johnson, SW 9.11.5, Nov. 17, 1812
Megaw, John, Westmoreland county, Pa., NE 30.11.5, Nov. 24, 1814
Meiser, Henry, Jefferson county, W½ SE 32.12.5, Aug. 19, 1824
Meldrum, William, Jefferson county, SE 18.12.7, Dec. 2, 1832
Melone, Barnabas,   SW 28.11.7, Apr. 2, 1829
Melton, William, Tuscarawas county, SE 13.12.7, Jan. 30, 1816
Menyard, Benjamin, assignee of Stephen Ford, NW 15.11.4, Oct. 1, 1811
Michener, Benjamin, Jefferson county, E½ NE 11.11.6, Aug. 19, 1824
Middleton, William, Tuscarawas county, E½ NW 9.14.7, Dec. 2, 1830
Mifflin, Anne, Philadelphia, SW 29.10.6, Jan. 3, 1807
Millegan, Jane, Adams county, Pa. SW 15.10.4, Dec. 30, 1811
Miller, Asa and Eli, Harrison county, NW 15.12.7, Nov. 1, 1830
Miller, David, assignee of Obediah Jennings, SE 8.11.4, Oct. 7, 1812
Miller, David, Jr., Pittsburgh, SE 2111.5, Mar. 5, 1818
Miller, John and Francis Dever, Rockingham county, Va.,
Trustees of colored persons
emancipated by Ruth Davis,
W½ NW 36.11.5, Sep. 28, 1826
Miller, John, Harrison county, E½ NE 8.12.5, Oct. 20, 1824
Miller, Mason, Jefferson county, NW 1.12.7, Mar. 15, 1815
Miller, Peter, Heirs of Somerset county, Pa. SE 8.12.5, Aug. 19, 1824
Milliken, Alexander, Harrison county, SW 21.10.5, Jun. 1, 1815
Milliken, Alexander, Harrison county, NW 21.10.5, Jul. 30, 1816
Milliken, John, assignee of Alexander Milliken, NW 34.10.5, May 9, 1818
Millison, William, assignee of Henry Carver, SW 31.12.7, Aug. 18, 1817
Milton, William, Washington county, Ohio (?) NE 18.11.7, Jan. 30, 1812
Minart, John, Harrison county, NE 1.13.6, Aug. 25, 1825
Minnick, John, Tuscarawas county, NE 9.13.6, Dec. 26, 1815
Miser, Henry, assignee of John Funk, NE 31.12.5, May 15, 1811
Mitchell, Matthew, Washington county, Pa.,
assignee of John Roush,
NE 32.10.5, Sep. 10, 1806
Molesworth, James, Jefferson county, NE 35..11.6, Apr. 27, 1821
Moody, David, assignee of Peter Pettinger, NW 9.11.5, Jun. 19, 1813
Moody, David, Harrison county, assignee
of Jesse Young,
SE 15.11.5, Oct. 3, 1816
Moore, Alexander, Jefferson county, SW 25.11.5, Jun. 10, 1811
Moore, Alexander, Jefferson county, SW 31.10.5, Mar. 20, 1813
Moore, Alexander, Harrison county, NE 35.10.5, Oct. 9, 1813
Moore, Alexander, Jr., Harrison county, SW 18.11.6, Aug. 19, 1824
Moore, Ammi, Harrison county, NE 7.11.6, Aug. 19, 1824
Moore, James Harrison county, SE 27.11.6, Aug. 19, 1824
Moore, Maurice, Tuscarawas county, W½ SW 31.13.6, May 6, 1824
Moore, Michael, Jefferson county, NE 23.10.6, Mar. 7, 1818
Moore, Michael, assignee of William Harris
and John Fate,
NW 23.10.6, Aug. 19, 1824
Moore, Robert, Jefferson county, SE 13.11.6, Aug. 24, 1816
Moore, Robert, Harrison county, W½ NW 2.11.6, Feb. 20, 1827
Moore, William, Jefferson county, NW 15.14.7, Sep. 10, 1823
Moore, William, Harrison county, E½ SE 14.12.6, Nov. 1, 1830
Morton, John, Jr., Jefferson county, W½ NW 5.11.6, Nov. 13, 1822
Murphy, Benjamin, assignee of John J. Moore,
and Gabriel Cain,
SW 23.10.6, Nov. 2, 1829
Myers, Samuel, Tuscarawas county, W½ NW 18.12.7, Nov. 1, 1830
Nace, John, Baltimore county, Md. NE 28.11.7, Dec. 26, 1815
Naffsker, Abraham,   all 32.11.4, Jul. 23, 1806
Naffster, Jacob, Harrison county, E½ NW 12.10.4, Apr. 8, 1828
Nauftzger, John,   SE 31.12.5, May 3, 1814
Neel, William, Belmont county, NW 9.12.7, May 25, 1825
Nelson, Elisha,   E½ SE 21.12.6, Apr. 5, 1822
Nelson, William, Harrison county, NW 9.12.6, Aug. 10, 1827
Nevett, Isaac and Thomas, assignees of James W. Right, Jr., NW 10.12.7, May 25, 1825
Nichels, William, Belmont county, E½ SE 22.10.6, Apr. 30, 1822
Nicholdemus, John, Frederick county, Md.,
assignee of Thomas McCausten,
all 2.10.4, May 21, 1805
Nickle, Samuel, Harrison county, assignee
of William Nickle,
E½ NE 22.11.7, Mar. 21, 1832
Nickle, Thomas, Guernsey county, E½ NW 22. 11.7, Oct. 10, 1831
Nicols, William, Steubenville, assignee
of Alexander Holmes,
NE 8.11.4, Oct. 25, 1813
Nixon, John, assignee of Joseph McDannal, SE 17.11.5, Nov. 1, 1818
Norrick, Joseph, Harrison county, W½ SE 19. 13. 6, Nov. 1, 1830
Norris, Charles, Frederick county, Md.,   W½ NW 33.12.7, Nov. 1, 1830
Norris, James Brown, Harrison county, E½ NW 22.12.7, Aug. 10, 1827
Norris, Jeremiah, Harrison county, SW SE 28.12.7, Apr. 1, 1837
Norris, Sarah, Green county, Pa., E½ NW 29.12.7, Apr. 2, 1829


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