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Pickaway County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


History of Pickaway County
Source:  History of Franklin & Pickaway Counties, Ohio
Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
Published by Williams Bros. 1880



       * NAME
       * STREAMS
       * PRAIRIES
       * TIMBER
       * SOIL
       * INDIANS
       * INDIAN DUEL
       * SETTLEMENT.
       * LOST
       * MEDICAL
       * CHURCHES
       * SCHOOLS
       * SOCIETIES


     This, the next smallest township in Pickaway county, was formed from portions of Jackson township on the south and east, Scioto on the north and east, Darby on the north and west, and Monroe on the west and south.  It extends in a direction from northwest to southeast, on both sides of Darby creek, which flows its entire length through very nearly the center of the township.  Muhlenburg township was erected Dec. 8, 1830, beginning one mile east of Judge SEYMOUR's place, near the State road; thence west, parallel with said road, to the crossing of Dry run, so as to include Seymour and Bell; thence a straight line to the south end of George ROWE's farm, to include said farm; thence southeast in a straight line to two white oaks from one root, on the corner of Hance BAKER's survey of land, now owned by William FLORENCE; thence in a parallel line with the first run line of said township, until it intersects the road up Darby creek on the east side; thence to the beginning, including about six by four miles.  No order was issued for an election of township officers.  A change was made in the boundary of Muhlenberg, Mar. 10, 1851, as follows:  Beginning at the southeast corner of said surveyed township below George ROWE's; thence easterly (so as to leave the widow VanMETER in Jackson township) in a straight line to intersect the section line of said township of Muhlenberg.
     There are on the tax-list thirteen thousand six hundred and sixty-nine acres of land.  The territory embraces twenty-three square miles.  The population, in 1840, was six hundred and fifty-three; in 1870, nine hundred and fifty-seven.
     It was for many years a stock-raising country, but is now devoted more to the raising of grain.  In early days stock was bought in the adjacent country, and even in Kentucky, and fattened here, after which it was driven to New York and Philadelphia markets, some drovers sending three and four droves across the mountains in a single season.  Until a recent date the land has been mostly owned by a few persons, and even now there are many large farms.  Some of the large tracts have been divided among the heirs of some owners who are now deceased, and there are some small farms that have been sold from the large tracts.  This will account for its tardy settlement.


     The first records of the organization of Muhlenberg township have been mislaid, or lost, and it is impossible to obtain any definite information as to the precise date of the first election.  It is known that the township was erected Dec. 8, 1830, being taken from Jackson, Scioto, Darby, and Monroe.  It is probable that the first election took place in the spring of 1831.  William Hill, sr. was the first justice of the peace.  There was no townhouse until 1875, when a neat building was erected on the main street, in Darbyville, at a cost of twelve hundred dollars.  The lower story was built by the township and corporation, and the upper story jointly by the Good Templars' organization, the Good Samaritan Grange.  The basement contains a good corporation jail, of two cells.  The officers of the township for 1879, are J. T. KIRKENDALL and J. W. McCALLISTER, justices of the peace; T. L. GRAHAM, Robert GALBREATH, and James TRETO, trustees; G. W. MILLER, clerk; B. C. CARPENTER, treasurer; R. C. HILL, assessor; J. I. RADCLIFF, and P. C. SWANK, constables.


     At the time of the cession of this portion of Ohio to the general government, by Virginia, the lands west of the Scioto river were reserved as Virginia military lands, and were given to her soldiers in the Revolutionary war, as a reward for their faithful services in securing freedom from the yoke of bondage imposed by an English king.  Of the first proprietors of this part of the military lands, General Peter MUHLENBERG owned some seventeen hundred acres; Henry BALDWIN, twelve hundred; Henry MASSEY, twelve hundred; CARTER, COPELAND, and others, large tracts.  This was surveyed about 1796, or perhaps a few years earlier.
     General Peter MUHLENBERG was a minister of the Episcopal church, and it is related of him, that seeing the need of soldiers to carry on the war, he became one himself.  One bright Sabbath day he came into the pulpit, dressed in his ministerial robes, and preached an effective farewell sermon to his congregation; then, throwing off the robes of peace, he appeared clothed in the full uniform of a colonel in the continental army, and calling of them men of his congregation to fight the battles of their country, he proceeded to enlist his regiment for the war. 


      The name of Muhlenberg was given to this township in honor of Francis MUHLENBERG, the youngest son of General Peter MUHLENBERG, who settled in the country in 1820, where he lived a number of years, and finally married.  He died two years after his marriage, leaving no children to carry his name down to posterity.


     But one stream of any size is found in Muhlenberg township.  This is Darby creek, which is large enough, and of enough importance to the township, to be designated as a river, instead of by the insignificant name of creek.  Darby creek rises near the head-waters of the

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Scioto river, and runs in a course nearly parallel with that stream, into which it empties near Circleville, some eight miles below Muhlenberg township.  This stream has been the means, in remote ages, of enriching a large portion of the township, flowing, as it does, near the center, its entire length, from north to south, and having a valley half a mile broad.  It runs over a clean gravelly bottom, and during high water floods a large area of bottom land where it is not protected by levees.  The name of Darby creek was given it after an old Indian chief, who lived on its banks at an early day.  Besides this water course, there is also Dray run, which extends just within the border of the township, nearly its entire length, on the west and George's run, which follows a tortuous course of a mile or more in the northwest part of the township.


     When the first settlers came on the ground there were places of a few acres in extent, in the west part of the township, and in the adjoining townships, there were called prairies, as no timber grew on them, and they were covered with a luxuriant growth of wild grass, that would sometimes reach to the height of a man's shoulders when mounted on horseback.  The surface of these prairies was covered with a heavy mat of moss, on which the numerous herds of deer feed in some seasons of the year.  This heavy growth of moss would lead to the inference that these places, denuded of timber, were originally peat bogs, that had become covered up and filled by the constantly encroaching moss, and the accumulation of decaying vegetable matter.


     Although Pickaway county is rich in ancient works of the race known as the Mound Builders, this township has but few of their works within its borders, although there is large mound in the adjoining township of Jackson.  In this township there are two small mounds that have come under the observation of the writer; both in the northern part of the township; one of the east and one on the west side of Darby creek, and a mile or more from each other.  They are not more than thirty feet in diameter, and twelve feet high, and are quite small when compared with those found in other parts of the county.


     When the while settlers first came to this country, the face of the land was covered with a heavy growth of timber, such as walnut, maple, ash, elm, honey locust, and sycamore, on the bottoms, besides much oak on the uplands.  As the land along the water courses was the best adapted to the needs of the inhabitants at that time, it was first cleared and an immense amount of the very best timber the country produced was sacrificed.  The land was cleared in the quickest manner possible; by felling the trees, and rolling the great logs into heaps, where they were burned, or by girdling, and thus destroying them.  Some of the better timber was split into rails, with which to fence the clearings, the walnut being the most durable timber used.  Most of the best timber has been cut down, and, in later days, utilized in various ways, until very little timber, suitable for first class lumber, is left.  There are still, however, many good sized oak trees standing on the uplands, and a great deal of land is now covered with undergrowth and timer that, in a few years, will be cleared away, and the country they now cover made into productive farms.


     The soil is, for the most part, a black loam, mixed with some gravel, and is very productive, raising large crops of corn and wheat.  On the hills, and back from the creeks, are to be found areas of clay oil.  This is so situated as to be easily drained, and is very nearly as productive as the black soil, though in some seasons it requires more labor to prepare and raise a crop than on the bottom lands.  Much of the land along the bottom, and bordering the creek, has to be protected from the washing of floods, by means of levees, that have been built at considerable expense by the owners of these lands.  It is not an unfrequent thing to see fields of one hundred and fifty acres of corn in a single tract, while the average area planted by each farmer would be from forty to eighty acres.


     This country was the home of the Shawnee Indians, and small bands of them lived in various portions of the town at the time of its early settlement.  For a number of years after the country was settled, the Indians returned annually, early in the spring, for the purpose of making maple sugar, and remained until October, when they moved toward the Sandusky river and bay.  A large burying ground was located in the rear of their old camp, a short distance above the village of Darbyville, and on the opposite side of the creek.  This was the camp and burial place of the band to which the chief, Darby, belonged.  There was another camp, not far from the toll-gate, south of Darbyville, a short distance.  Still another camp was located farther down the creek, and not far from the township line.


     An Indian duel took place just below Darbyville, where there was an Indian camp, at an early day, between an Indian known as "Old Pounder," and another Indian, whose name is unknown.  Some trouble ensued between them, and the Indians' code of honor admitted of no other way of settling an injury than by blood.  "Pounder" had a presentiment that he should be killed, and obtained a promise that he should be buried.  He then fought the other Indian, knives being the weapons used, and was soon killed.  This affair happened in 1805.  "Pounder" was buried not far from the banks of the creek.  The next winter, or spring, Colonel Elias Florence, then a boy, in company with a young companion, were hunting rabbits in that vicinity, and, happening near the grave, saw the remains of "Old Pounder" on the ground.  They were frightened at the sight, and informed Judge Florence, who, with a man and the two boys, went to the spot and again buried the remains.


     For the following facts pertaining to the early events, and settlement of Muhlenberg, we are indebted to Col. Elias FLORENCE:

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The early pioneers desired that their children should obtain the rudiments of an education, and as soon as possible arranged for schools.  Judge FLORENCE was that first person to establish a school, which he did in a log cabin on his place, in 1807.  The first school-teacher was Brice HOWARD, who was hired and paid by John FLORENCE.  Sylvester TIPTON taught school in the same cabin, after Howard Horatio KEYS also taught about the same time.  Mr. TIPTON came from Virginia to Ohio, about 1796.  Rev. George AMBROSE came about 1820, and taught a school on the west side of Darby creek, near Darbyville.  He was a Baptist preacher, and preached in the adjacent country, and at an early date.  Mr. Abbott taught school about 1816, or 1818.  James Rice taught school on the Muhlenberg farm about 1817, in the fall.  It is not known who was the first white person born in the township. It is believed there were births in the families of some of the squatters before actual settlers came in and took possession of the land.  The first death that occurred in the neighborhood, was a child a Jonathan RENICK, named SEYMOUR.  This death occurred in 1805.  An infant daughter of Judge FLORENCE's died in November, 1806, the fall after the family came to the new country, and was the first person buried in the Florence burial ground.  The first physician employed in the township was Dr. SCOTT, of Chillicothe.  This was previous to 1810.  Drs. TURNEY, WEBB, and LUCKEY, came to Circleville about 1810.  Dr. RAFE, a Frenchman, came to the township and settled in Darbyville about 1826 or 1827.  The first marriage, that can be recalled, in the neighbor, was  that of Anthony HALL and Polly WOOD, in 1806.  Early settlers obtained flour and meal from a mill on Darby creek, in Jackson township, and about seven miles from the present town of Darbyville, or from a mill on the upper part of the same stream, in Franklin county.  The first of these mills was built about 1802 or 1803.  The other a little later.  The first orchard planted in Muhlenberg township, was on the place of Van METER.  This was set out in about 1808.  Eleazer SMITH had a blacksmith shop on Darby creek, below Darbyville, about 1808.  The first shop in the town of Darbyville, was erected about 1826.  A store for the sale of general merchandise was opened by Samuel SCOTT, in Darbyville, about 1826 or 1827.  A grocery store was opened, about 1827 or 1828, by George HILL and J. P. HILL.  A blacksmith shop was run in Darbyville, in 1826, by Charles McFETERS, a mulatto.  The first post-office was kept in Darbyville in 1827.  Rev. George AMBROSE was the first postmaster.  The present postmaster is James D. MILLER.  Before this post-office was opened mail was sent to Circleville, and obtained from that office.  The first survey for a township was made by Judge FLORENCE, in 1826, or 1827.  It was afterwards again surveyed by Mr. NESBETH, of Ross County.  The first justice of the peace in Muhlenberg township, was William HILL, sr., who came, in 1815, to Virginia.  The first election for township officers was probably held, in 1830 or 1831, soon after the formation of the township.  The earlier records are lost, and it is impossible to obtain positive proof of the date of this election.  A tannery was started by John SHEPARD about 1819, which he kept in operation until his death, some years later.  His son, Abram SHEPARD, continued it until about 1838, when it was abandoned.  James MAGILL started a tannery about 1834, which he run for some twenty years, until he became very dissipated, and allowed a large number of  hides to spoil, since which time it has not been in operation.  A saw-mill was built on the farm of Francis HILL, a little below Darbyville, about 1820.  In 1831 a run of stone was put in for grinding purposes.  Mr. HILL died, and, in 1835, Jonathan BLUE rented the property and put in a wool-carding machine.  It was afterwards rented by others, and was finally sold, about 1844, to Jacob MEASY,  This mill has been in operation for many years, and was torn down on the completion of the mill in Darbyville, in 1877.


     The names and the dates of arrival of many of many of the settlers in this then new country, have been lost in oblivion.  No record of their heroic self-sacrifices has been kept, and most of those who came into the western wilds have passed away.  The oldest of the early settlers now living is Col. Elias FLORENCE, now in his eighty-fourth year, but with a mind still alive, and stored with memories of those early days when, a boy, he frolicked with the Indians boys, practiced at shooting with their bows and arrows, and assisted in the sterner duties for redeeming a fertile soil form the dense growth of forest covering it.  To his recollection of early events we rely for much of the history of the early settlement of Muhlenberg township.  It is more then history of a neighborhood than of a township as until 1830 it was not known as a township, but was included in the limits of Jackson, Scioto, Darby, and Monroe townships.
     ISAAC VAN METER came to the "Old Station," near Chillicothe, about 1806, and from thence to this township in 1807, where he purchased twelve hundred acres of land, a part of which is now occupied by Col. Elias FLORENCE, and a part is owned by Philip RENICK.  Mr. Van METER married a daughter of John RENICK.  But few of his descendants live in this vicinity at present.  He died in 1820, and was buried in a neighboring burying-ground, a short distance west of Col. FLORENCE's, and on a hill overlooking the creek bottoms."

     JOHN and DAVID MARTIN had a cabin on the creek at a very early date.  They owned no land, and lived much as the Indians did - from hand to mouth.  They did not remain long.

     WIDOW BURGETT, with a son, Daniel, and four daughters, lived on Darby creek for a number of years, when they left for some other location.
     JOHN, CORNELIUS and WILLIAM POULSON and another brother, settled in Darby township at an early day.
     MR. GALBREATH came to the township as early as 1806, and settled on the old Federal road, east of Darbyville.  His son Robert lives on the Galbreath road at this time. 
     MR. SWANK came from Germany to Maryland, where he remained some time, coming to Ohio in 1806.  He never owned much property here.  He was always ready for a frolic or merry-making.  He had four sons - Peter,

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Adam, David, and William.  John SWANK, a descendant of his, now lives in this township.
     JOHN RUSH and family, consisting of wife and several children, owned fifty acres of land on Darby creek, about 1805.  They remained three or four years, when they moved to Darke county.
     JOHN STUDEBAKER and wife came about 1806, and settled on the creek.  He was quite a hunter, and never owned any land.  About Christmas time, one season, he found eighteen bee-trees in one day.  He remained four or five years, when the roving disposition again seized him, and he moved elsewhere.
     EDWARD PRITCHARD settled on Dry run about 1806, where he owned or occupied two hundred acres of land, and made some improvements, but obtained no title to the land.  He also bought about one hundred and fifty acres additional.  He died about 1820.  His family were rather a bad lot, and left the country soon after his death.
     JUDGE WILLIAM FLORENCE came from Virginia to Ohio, arriving here April 9, 1906.  He was detained east of the Scioto river a few days by high water.  He occupied a cabin on John Renick's place for a short time, when he bought a part of the Muhlenberg tract, about one hundred acres, of a Mr. Wilson, who then owned it.  He afterwards purchased more land, until he owned some seventeen or eighteen hundred acres.  Judge Florence, Jonathan Holmes, and Daniel LUDWICK, were the first county commissioners of Pickaway county.  He was twice elected to the legislature, in 1816 and 1817, serving the first year the legislature met at Columbus.  He was elected associate judge by the legislature, in 1828, and served two terms.  He died in 1870, aged ninety-six.  His children were Elias, Robinson, William, Nancy, Salley, Betsey, Mary, and Kittie, who died when an infant.
     JOHN and DAVID SHEPARD came to this township from Chillicothe, about 1807.  David SHEPARD was at one time sheriff of Ross county, but unfortunate investments had taken all his property.  Colonel LANGHAM, a friend of his, gave him three hundred acres of land, which was deeded to his son, John B. SHEPARD.  Colonel FLORENCE afterwards bought this property.
     JOHN SHEPARD came about 1807.  He married a daughter of Isaac Van Meter, and with her received three hundred acres of land.  He lived near the saw-mill, just below Darbyville, where his wife died, after which he moved to Illinois, and died there.
     PARNICK GEORGE came from Virginia about the same time as Isaac VAN METER, in 1807, and bought land above Darbyville.  He married Catharine Van Meter.  He was justice of the peace two terms.
JUDGE WILLIAM SEYMOUR came from Ross county, about 1808. He was once the owner of considerable property there, but lot most of it during the great flood of 1804.  He settled in the north part of Muhlenberg township, on Darby creek.  He was one of the early associate judges of the common pleas court, to which office he was elected by the legislature, about 1810.  His children were:  Catharine, Elizabeth, Margaret, Minerva, Hannah, Polly, Richard, Abel, Adam and Jonathan.  Margaret is still living, and is the wife of Dr. HILL, of Terre Haute, Indiana; Polly married Gustavus PERREL, of Madison township, this county, where she still lives.
     GEORGE ROWE came into the country before 1812.  In 1813 or 1814, he bought land on Dry run, the title to which proved defective, and he came near losing it.  He finally compromised with the legal owner, and retained the property, on which he resided until his death.
     WILLIAM HILL came from Hampshire county, Virginia, in 1815, with his family, consisting of wife and eight children, four boys, and four girls.  Of these, five are now living.  They fitted up a small cabin, about twelve by fourteen feet in size, east of Darby creek, in which they laid a rough floor.  Three of the older boys fixed up a shelter which had been used as a sheep pen, and occupied it for a time, without a floor.  They then built a house about eighteen by twenty feet, and had it ready to occupy about Christmas.  There was a saw-mill on the creek, at which they procured boards for the floor of the new cabin.  The next spring they had about five acres cleared, and rented besides this about twelve acres on the Muhlenberg farm, across the creek.  Their corn was almost ruined by worms some seasons.  Mr. HILL died Apr. 25, 1849, aged seventy-three years.  His wife was Margaret FLORENCE, of Fauquier county, Virginia.  Of their children, William, Thomas, and Robert, live in Muhlenberg township, and are now aged men; Mrs. KINNEAR lives in Columbus; and Mrs. Elizabeth HAMILTON, in Circleville.
     WILLIAM HILL, jr., son of the above-mentioned William HILL, came with his father's family in 1815.  At the time of their arrival, there was some land cleared along the creek bottoms, but none between Darby creek and the Scioto river.  Wolves and deer were plenty.  As many as three deer were killed by his father in one morning.  There was a large pond above Darbyville, where the deer went to eat moss and to drink.  They were sometimes hunted by placing a candle in the bow of a canoe, when a board, or piece of bark, behind it to avoid showing the hunter, when they could be approached very closely, and shot.  Mr. HILL married Susan GILLILAND, in Darby township, in 1833.  They had four sons and five daughters, as follows:  Albert, Sarah, Catharine, Coleman, Henry C., Ann, Elizabeth, Frank and Margaret.  Coleman died Apr. 13, 1864, while a soldier in the war of the Rebellion.  Albert and Henry each served three years as soldiers in the war.  Of the nine children, eight are now living:  three, Henry Margaret, and Ann, on the old homestead in the east part of the township.  Mr. HILL is now seventy-nine years of age.
     LEROY HILL, a brother of William HILL, sr., came with his wife, at the same time, in 1815, and bought something over two hundred acres of and.  In this party of new settlers there were twenty-five persons, including children, who emigrated from Virginia.  All settled in this neighborhood.  Leroy HILL afterwards moved to Clark county with his family, where he died in 1819. 
     ROBERT HILL, another brother, with a wife and two children, came at the same time.  With his two brothers he bought five hundred acres of land, on which he remained eight or nine years, when he sold to William and

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removed to the Little Miami country, where he died some time after 1836.
     THOMAS HILL, son of William HILL, sr., came with his father's family in 1815.  May 18, 1845, he was married to Julia SHARP, who came from New York State to Ohio.  They have a good farm of two hundred and twelve acres in the eastern part of the town, and are comfortably situated in their old age.  They did their part in clearing the country of the heavy timber with which it was covered, and now have their reward, cheered by the love and care of their children, of whom they have had nine.  Two remain at home, and one is married and lives near home. 
     FRANCIS HILL came at the same time as the rest of the family, in 1815, and, at his father's death, inherited a part of his estate.  He married, and raised seven children - five girls and two boys.  Of these, three girls live in the county: Sarah, who married Robert GALBREATH, and lives on the Galbreath road, east of Darbyville; Ann, who married Mr. MONTGOMERY, and lives in Jackson township; and Matilda, who married Jonathan BLUE, and now lives in Bloomfield, Harrison township.


     One day an Indian came to the school-house, near the creek, where William HILL was working, to see what the white children were doing.  As he entered he handed his knife and tomahawk to Mr. RICE, who laid them on the desk.  The children were very much frightened, and ran out of doors to hide.  William HILL, with his two oldest boys, were husking corn near the school-house, and seeing that the children were much frightened, inquired the cause.  They imagined the Indian had killed the teacher, and, in a few minutes, two or three of the neighbors arrived, armed with axes, and one with a gun.  By this time the Indian had come out where Mr. HILL was, and was looking at the horses.  The man with the gun presented it at the Indian's head, and would have shot him, had not Mr. HILL thrown the weapon aside.  He was determined to kill the Indian, until Mr. HILL suggested, in a forcible manner, that they find out whether the teacher was killed, before murdering the Indian.  On arriving at the school-house, the matter was explained by Mr. RICE, the teacher.  It was a narrow escape for the Indian, and had he been killed, would have resulted disastrously for the whites.
     After this affair was over, the Indian told Mr. HILL that seven Indians had gone to his house.  Mr. HILL was considerably frightened as nearly all his family were sick, and he did not known what the Indians might do.  He hastened home, where he found things all quiet.  Mr. HILL's sister was baking bread, his eldest daughter assisting her.  The Indian asked for bread, and was given a loaf, fresh from the oven, and smoking hot, which he wrapped in his blanket.  He was then asked if he wanted meat, when he replied, "No hog, ho hog," and departed.
     Francis MUHLENBERG, a younger son of General Peter MUHLENBERG, came to Ohio about the year 1820.  For a number of years he lived in the family of Judge FLORENCE.  He came into possession of about sixteen hundred acres of land owned by his father, and married Mary DENNY, with whom he lived about two years, when he died, childless.  In politics he was a Democrat, but being a man much respected, he was elected to the legislature on the Whig ticket, in 1823.  In 1825 or 1826, he was elected to congress, and served one year, declining to serve the second year of his term.  The township of Muhlenberg, in which he lived, was so named in honor of him.
     Major MUHLENBERG, brother of Francis, and an officer in the regular army, lost his wife in the east, and came to Ohio, remaining in the family of Judge FLORENCE until the marriage of his brother, after which he lived with him until his death, when he returned to Reading, Pennsylvania, where he died.
     Arthur Whiteside taught school many years in this neighborhood, and, being a frugal man, saved money until he was able to buy three hundred acres of land in Darbyville, where he afterwards resided.  His widow lives with a daughter of New Holland, his county.  A daughter, Mrs. GIRTON, now lives with her husband in Darbyville.  Mr. WHITESIDE's father, Andrew WHITESIDE, came, originally, from Ireland, and bought land in Jackson township, about 1824, where he died.
     Alexander McKINLEY came to this township about the year 1825.  John McKINLEY and Jacob YOAKUM came about the same time.  They bought a part of the tract of land owned by Judge Seymour.
     Jacob YOAKUM
served in the war of 1812.  He settled on land in the north part of Muhlenberg, and the south part of Darby townships, which he cleared, and where he died in 1878, at an advanced age.  His widow now lives on the same property.
     Charles BELL settled in the northwest part of the township in about 1825.  He built the house, or a portion of it, and is now owned by Thomas DARST, and situated on Darby creek.
     Henry DARST came from Maryland to Ohio in 1805, and settled in Lancaster, Fairfield county, where he remained for a time, when he removed to Perry county, and from there to Muskingum county.  In 1835 or '36, he came to Pickaway county, and located in Circleville, where he kept hotel three years.  He then purchased five hundred acres of land in the northwest part of Muhlenberg township, on which he remained until his death.  The farm he then bought is now occupied by his sons, Gideon and Gideon.  Another brother Thomas, lives in the north part of the township, on the creek, and Ira DARST lives on the farm half a mile above Darbyville, on the pike.
     William FULLEN came from Rockbridge County, Virginia, with his father, who settled on Deer creek, about ten miles from Chillicothe.  He came to Pickaway county in 1827, where he bought land, about 1834, near Darbyville.  He owned several hundred acres of land, and now lives with his children on a farm of two hundred and seventy acres.  He has been twice married, and has raised eleven children. He was a soldier in the war of 1812.  Only two of his children by his first wife are now living - James, who lives on a part of his farm near Darbyville, and Jackson who lives in Darby township.  Of his second wife's children: Mary  married James

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BROWN; Lucy married Ezra STONEROCK; Richard lives at home, in Darbyville, where he keeps a livery stable, and the younger children also live at home.  Mr. FULLEN made money handling stock.  He would sometimes take three droves of cattle and one of hogs across the mountains in a single season; and though he has lost considerable money by signing notes as security, he still has a good property.
     Able Seymour came to Ohio and settled, in 1827, on a part of Judge SEYMOUR's tract.  He was married near Baltimore, Maryland, in that year, and both he and his wife came from that place to Ohio on horseback.  Before his marriage he was a drover.  He was a son of Judge SEYMOUR, and inherited a part of his property.  He died in 1872, aged nearly seventy-five years.  His widow, Mrs. Mary A. SEYMOUR, lives on the farm he left, which contains over two hundred acres.  They had no children, and a nephew - Seymour GULICK- whom they brought up, lives with her and manages to farm.  Mrs. SEYMOUR, now sixty-nine years of age, has crossed the mountains on horseback five times.  She is a member of the Methodist church at Darbyville.  At an early day she used to attend preaching services and class-meetings at John McKINLEY's, near the north line of the township, once in two weeks.  For several years before the church was built at Darbyville the school-house at that place was used as a place of worship.  Mrs. SEYMOUR is still able to use the old-fashioned spinning-wheel occasionally.
     Jacob THORN came to Ross county about 1808.  He moved to this township about 1834, living on rented farms for many years before buying.  He finally bought a farm in the east part of the township, about two miles from Darbyville.  He married while in Ross county, and had eight children, six of whom lived to maturity.  Three - John, Frederick, and William D. - are now residents of this township, Frederick occupying the old homestead.  The original farm was two hundred and sixty acres, mostly covered with heavy timber; now there are only about twenty acres in timber.  Jacob Thorn was an abolitionist, but did not keep a station on the underground railroad.  He died in 1870, aged eighty-one years.  His wife died in 1867, aged seventy-four years.
     John McKINLEY came from Virginia about 1819, and settled about three miles above Darbyville, in the northwest part of the township, where he bought a farm.  In 1849 he moved about half a mile above Darbyville, where he died in April, 1876, aged seventy-nine years.  At his death he owned about seven hundred acres of land.  His widow now occupies the farm, which is worked by his nephews.
     George W. BOLIN came from Berkeley county, Virginia, to Ohio, in 1835.  For some years after coming to this State he remained in Circleville, working at his trade, which was that of a carpenter.  In 1841 he bought the farm he now lives on, in the northwest part of the township.  When he purchased it there was no clearing, but the hard labor of his own hands, with the help of his sons, has cleared the land, and he now has a good home.  His wife was Mrs. McILVAINE, to whom he was married in 1831.  They have four sons and one daughter.
     Isaac SEYMOUR came to this township in 1835, and bought one hundred and two acres in the north part of the township, east of Darby creek.  It was mostly in timber when he purchased it, but is now a fine farm.  He has raised seven children, of whom six are now living.
     Baldwin Clifton CARPENTER came from Fleming county, Kentucky, in 1837, bringing with him a small herd of cattle.  In the spring of 1838 he engaged in the general mercantile business in Darbyville, at which he continued for a few years at a time, until about 1857.  During this time he was in partnership with several different persons, and a part of the time was out of business, and dealt in cattle.  He now owns some thirteen hundred acres of land.  He was married in 1829, and has had nine children, one of whom died quite young; two are married; the rest live at home in Darbyville.
     Alexander McKINLEY came to this township in 1839 or 1840. He bought eight hundred acres of land in the northwest corner of the township.  He was married in 1849, and raised twelve children.  He died in 1873.  Mrs. McKINLEY manages the farm with the help of her sons, and has now five hundred acres of land.
     William Avery MILLER came to Darbyville in 1840, and engaged in the tinning business.  In 1855 he engaged in a general mercantile business with his brother-in-law, Samuel H. THOMPSON.  Mr. THOMPSON went west in 1860, and Mr. MILLER continued the business until his death, when he was succeeded by his son, James D. MILLER who still conducts the business, in connection with the post-office.
     Mr. Joseph A. PRITCHARD came to Muhlenberg with his wife, in 1844.  He bought nearly three hundred acres of land on the Columbus pike, in the northeast part of the township.  He was a local Methodist preacher, and held meetings in the country, and assisted at protracted meetings.  They had eleven children, all of whom now lie in the cemetery.  Two sons and one adopted son died in the army, and one son died while attending school at Delaware.  Mr. PRITCHARD died Feb. 16, 1863, aged fifty-four years.  Mrs. Matilda PRITCHARD, his wife, now lives in Darbyville, saddened by the great losses she has sustained, but cheered by the blessed hope of meeting her loved ones in a better land.


     It was no very unusual ting for the new settlers in a wilderness of timber to become somewhat dazed and lost when they had occasion, Mr. Isaac Van METER, then well along in years, mounted his horse and rode into the woods to gather in some of his hogs that had been fattening on "shack," as acorns and beechnuts were called.  He was gone much longer than expected, and his family became alarmed and instituted a search for him.  The neighbors were called on, and after some time found him about three miles from home, near what is now known as Robtown.  He had dismounted and tied his horse to a bush, and was engaged in whipping a pole cat around with a little switch.  When asked what he was doing that for, he replied that "he became so very cold in riding that he had to do something to keep warm, and it occurred to him that if he whipped that pole-cat about for a while he would get warmed up."  The general verdict of the searching party was that he had become pretty well "warmed up," as they returned home, carefully keeping the windward side of him.


     For a number of years after the early settlement of the country many wild animals remained, including bears, wolves, foxes, deer, and smaller animals.  Bears were not very plentiful, but were occasionally met with.  Miss Ellen HILL, a sister of William and Thomas HILL (who are now residents of this township), when a young girl, was sent into the field to pick corn and beans for dinner.  While engaged in this work she heard a noise near her, and looking around discovered a large bear sitting up on his haunches but a few feet from her.  Her screams of terror put him to flight and called the family to the field, where were to be seen the large tracks he made in the moist earth.
     Thomas ROBERTS was a settler on the upper Darby, in 1836.  He lived near Georgesville, Franklin County.  On one occasion he was riding his horse across the prairie, below the DARST farm, in Muhlenberg township, when he came across a large bear.  He had no weapon but a tomahawk and knife, but concluded to have some sport; so he chased the bear through the tall grass until it was nearly tired out, and he found that by heading it off occasionally he could drive it where he wished.  He accordingly headed it toward home, and when near enough to be heard, called his large bear dog, which came and furiously attacked the bears.  Mr. ROBERTS could not remain quiet and see his dog torn in pieces by the bear, which had seized it in its strong embrace.  He jumped from  his horse, and struck at the bear with his tomahawk, which was knocked out of his hand, and the huge animal came to close quarters, and would have soon torn him in pieces had not a fortunate thrust of his knife pierced his heart and terminated the fight.  His dog was seriously injured in the first attack, but was cared for as such a faithful creature should be, and recovered.


     For a number of years after the first settlement was made there was no physician nearer than Chillicothe.  When the services of a physician were required, as was frequently the case in the new country, a message was dispatched to Dr. Scott, of that place, until so late as 1810.  In that year Drs. TURNEY. WEB, and LUCKEY, settled in Circleville, and being good physicians, and more convenient of access, they were employed.  In 1826 Dr. RAFE, a Frenchman, settled at Darbyville, where he remained some years, until his death.  He was a weak little man of no great force, and very slack in collecting his bills, and just as slack in paying his debts.  It was frequently the case that a creditor, to secure his debt, would attach the doctor's faithful horse, "Botherum."  When this happened he would call on Colonel FLORENCE helped him out of this trouble many times.
    Dr. NOBLE and Dr. WILSON came later, and for some years dealt out calomel, jalap, aloes, and the nauseating drugs so extensively used in those days, as the needs of their patients required.
     Dr. James ALLEN settled in Darbyville about 1833.  He was born in Pennsylvania about 1803, and came down the Ohio river with his father in 1812, settling in Fayette county, where his father bought a small farm.  About 1824, Dr. ALLEN read medicine with Dr. TOLAND of London, Madison county.  He was examined by the president and members of the eighth radical district of Ohio, in 1827, and granted a diploma, after which he practiced for a time in Frankfort, Ross county.  In 1833 he moved moved to Darbyville, where he continued his practice for twenty-two years.  He accumulated considerable property by careful, straightforward, economical habits, and bought nine hundred acres of land in Muhlenberg and Darby townships.  He moved to his farm in 1853, and remained there a year, when he again moved to London, Madison county, where he died, July 8, 1867.  His son, James ALLEN, now lives on a part of his estate, and ownes a fine stud of young horses, which he has in training for the turf.
     Dr. Richard H. TIPTON began the study of medicine with Dr. SISSON, of Columbus in 1841, and attended lectures in Cincinnati one year, when he went to Philadelphia, where he graduated in 1850.  He began the practice of medicine in Darbyville, in 1846, before graduating, and after receiving his diploma returned.  He has since remained in Darbyville, except during the war, when he entered the service as surgeon of the Ninetieth Ohio infantry, serving in all the campaigns in which the regiment participated, and was in charge of the field hospital of the first division of the Fourth army corps one and one-half years.  At the close of the war he resumed his practice in Darbyville, where he has since remained.
     Dr. F. M. BLACK began the study of medicine with Dr. P. K. HULL, of Circleville, in 149, and graduated from Starling medical college, at Columbus, in 1852.  He first began practice in Williamsport, but came to Darbyville in 1853, and entered into partnership with Dr. James ALLEN.  He owns a large farm in the north part of the township, and is an extensive stock raiser, having a fine herd of short-horn cattle, which he bought in Kentucky, in 1875.  He entered the army as captain of company A, Ninetieth regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, in July 1862, and served until December, of the same year, when he resigned.  Dr. BLACK has a very lucrative practice, and has accumulated a good property.


     The corporation of Darbyville was platted July 27, 1826.  It was laid out on land formerly entered, surveyed, and patented by Cornelius BALDWIN, on the west side of Darby creek, and hear the center of the present township of Muhlenberg.  The plat was surveyed for George HILL, who owned the land east of Main street, and David THOMAS, who owned the land on the west side of said street.  The surveyor was Joel WALKER.  We are unable to ascertain the names of the first officers.  The present officers are:  R. H. TIPTON, Mayor; T. H. CARPENTER, clerk; I. W. McCALLISTER, treasurer; H. C. PLUMMER, Jacob MILLER, W. H. KIRKENDALL, councilmen; Felix RADCLIFF, marshall and street commissioner.
     The business of the village is represented by the following persons:  J. D. MILLER, general merchandise; W. H. KIRKENDALL, general merchandise; James A. CLAY general merchandise; Henry C. PLUMMER and Thomas J. MILLER, blacksmiths; David DORNSIFER and C. A. Buzzy, wagon-makers; S. W. Brown and J. A. Pickerieng, harness-makers; Jacob MILLER, hotel; R. H. Tipton, F. M. BLACK, and J. T. Kirkendall, physicians; Richard FULLEN, livery; BROOKS & BIRTON, saw and grist mill; George WEHE and W. H. BURCHNELL, shoemakers.


     The first ground used for this purpose was on the farm of Judge William FLORENCE, on the south side of the creek, below Darbyville.  An infant daughter of Judge FLORENCE was buried here in 1806.  One was afterwards made on the Van METER place, west of Colonel FLORENCE's Present residence, and another of Judge SEYMOUR's place, near where Joseph WRIGHT now lives.  Several others were used in various parts of the township, and at the present time there are no less than eight burial places to be found.   In 1875, the corporation of Darbyville bought five acres of ground, just below the town, on the pike, and opened a general township cemetery.  This lot cost them seven hundred and fifty dollars, and, in time, will be made a beautiful ground.  At present, it is in a crude condition.


     The Baptist church was established about 1820 or 1825, by Adam MILLER, who came from Fairfield county.  Meetings were at first held in the house of George HILL, until the school-house was built, soon after, when an addition was built to it and used for divine service by the Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians.  This church finally went to decay, and of the members who were left, some went into Scioto Township, and joined a church that was formed at a later date.  Rev. George Ambrose preached in the school-house about 1830.  He went south for a time, and on his return, was seized with the cholera, and died.
     A branch of the Presbyterian church was organized about 1825.  Service was held at different houses in the neighborhood, during the winter season, and in the summer a pleasant grove was selected, and logs were rolled together for seats for the congregation.  The Darbyville school-house was used, after its completion, for some years.  In 1842, a church was erected near the line, in Jackson township, and the people have since attended service at that house.
     Occasional services, by laymen, of the Methodist denomination, were held at an early day, in some parts of the town.  Preaching service was had at Mr. McKINLEY's as early as 1826, and afterwards at the school-house in Darbyville.  The exact date of the church organization can not now be ascertained.  It was first called London circuit, then Franklin, and then Darbyville.  It has now four appointments: Commercial Point, Renick chapel, Concord, and Darbyville.  The church in the latter place was begun in 1842, and completed in 1844, since which time it has been used for worship.  The preacher for 1879 is Rev. R. CALAHAN.
     In the spring of 1878, a branch organization of the African Methodist Episcopal church was perfected at Darbyville.  For a number of years services have been held at the school-house in the village, by John DICKINSON  Some of the persons interested in the formation of this church assisted at the building of the school-house, with the understanding that it should be used by them as a church.  The first quarterly meeting was held there soon after its organization.  It is expected that it will be made a mission and supplied from Circleville, at the next session of conference.  The present minister is Rev. R. H. Morris, of Circleville.


     This township is well provided with schools, and has been from a comparatively early date.  In 1855 a union school district was set off in the village of Darbyville, and has, since that time been maintained.  It was organized April 9, 1853, by the election of three trustees: Rev. John McKINLEY, for three years; David YATES,  two years, and Isaac George, own year, with S. H. THOMPSON, clerk.  Four hundred dollars were appropriated for a building fund - three hundred and fifty for tuition, and fifty for incidental expenses.  A school building was erected the same year, at a cost of fifteen hundred dollars.  In 1867 a second story was added to the building, to be used as a school hall, at an expense of four hundred dollars.  The school is under the superintendence of I. W. McCALLISTER, who has been in charge two years, as well as three years about 1869 to 1872.  Mrs. PICKERING is his assistant, and has been employed three years.  The school has an average attendance of about ninety, during the summer, and one hundred, during the winter.
     A school is kept up in Darbyville, by the township, for the education of the colored children and youth.  The building was erected in 1872, at a cost of six hundred and thirty-two dollars.  The school is taught by John R. GIBSON, who has been a student at Wilberforce university, Xenia.  At the present time, twenty-six names are enrolled, with an average attendance of about sixteen.


     There are but two societies in the township, both located in Darbyville.


      Good Samaritan Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, was organized in Monroe township, in 1874, but was afterwards changed to Darbyville.  Its sessions were first held in the school hall, but, in 1875, the funds in the treasury and such as were raised by means of festivals, were combined with such as were furnished by the Good Templars' organization, and appropriated to the erection of hall over the town house.  This hall has since been used when the society has held meetings.  For some time past no regular meetings have been held, and but little interest in the society is manifest.


     A lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars No. 494, was organized under a charter issued in 1875.  The charter members were:  W. H. KIRKENDALL, Rev. W. CHERRINGTON and wife, H. H. RADCLIFF and wife, James A. MILLER, David DORNSIFER, John WEHE and wife, Lou J. PICKERING, Roswell MOORE and wife, Ann BROWN, Cora SEYMOUR, Seyour RADCLIFF, Emma MILLER, Catharine BEATHARD, Effie PRITCHARD, Matilda PRITCHARD, Robert GALBREATH, Charles WEHE.  The present officers are:  Alfred BROOKS, W. C.; Lou J. PICKERING, W. V.; W. H. KIRKENDALL, P. W. C.; Simon CARPENTER, R. S.; Ed. MURPHY, F. S.; Emma PICKERING, W. T.; John WHITE W. M.; Katy FISSEL, D. M.; Effie GIRTON, I. G.; W. L. WILLEY, O. G.; Mrs. BEATHARD, R. H. S.; Lucy BROWN, L. H. S.; Cora SEYMOUR, W. D..  This society owns a half interest in the hall over the town house, and is in a flourishing condition.  It has now fifty-one members.


     A company was organized in 1832, for the purpose of importing blooded cattle, and thereby improving the stock of the country.  Colonel Elias FLORENCE was one of the stockholders interested.  The existence of the corporation was to terminate in five years.  Two men, of good judgment, were selected to go to England and purchase such stock as was required, which, in due time, arrived.  It comprised of sixteen bulls and twenty cows, and through them a great improvement was made in the stock raised and shipped to the east.  On the expiration of the time for which the corporation was organized, the stock was bought by Colonel FLORENCE, and others, and descendants of that herd were to be found on many farms in the vicinity in later years.






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