In the collection of data for the
following history, the writer has labored under many disadvantages,
not the least of which was an utter indifference on the part of many
to aid in the matter. The writer has gleaned, from apparently
reliable sources, and if errors occur, he cannot be responsible for
them. Perry township is situated in the southwest corner of
Pickaway county, and is bounded as follows: North, by Monroe
township; south, by the townships of Concord and Deerfield, Ross
county; east, by Deer Creek township; and west, by Marion and Wayne
townships, Fayette county.
The surface features are in the main, level, the only
exception being in the extreme northern part. Flowing from
west to east, along, and in fact, forming, the northern boundary, is
Deer creek, the only stream of any considerable dimensions in the
township. Immediately adjacent to this the surface is broken,
and traversed by numerous ravines. The bottom lands in this
locality are quite extensive, and extremely fertile, producing great
quantities of grain, especially corn. The soil in other
portions of the township is a black loam, better adapted to the
growing of corn than any other grains. The other streams are
Hay run, and its tributaries, in the southeast part of the township,
and Hamilton run, which flows through the village of New Holland,
and thence from the township, near the southwest corner.
It is said that the pioneer settler
in Perry township was James Wilson, who came from Kentucky,
locating upon the farm now owned by Elias Ater. The
date was prior to the dawning of the present century. His
family consisted of a wife and nine children. The duration of
his stay in the township was brief. He removed westward.
EVANS, of Maryland, married Mary
Lewis, and in the year 1798, emigrated to Ohio. His
location was in Deerfield township, Ross county. Here he
passed the remaining years of his life, engaged in farming.
His death occurred July 5, 1846. Mrs. Evans deceased in
March, 1857. There were twelve children in the family, three
only of whom are now living - Ephraim, who married
Catharine Cochran; John, who has been twice married (his
present wife was Amanda Leby), resides in Perry township;
Sarah, who married Cornelius Ecord, and now has a home in
native of Virginia. His wife was Elizabeth Davis.
He located in Ross county before the beginning of the present
century. A few years later he settled in Perry township, on
the farm now owned by a grandson (Samuel Hoskins), and here
he died; not, however, until he had brought the farm to a profitable
state of cultivation. The children were: William, who
married Mary Knight, and lives at present in Illinois;
Thomas, who married Eliza Wilson, died in Perry (Samuel,
a son, married Martha Tarbille, and also lives in Perry);
Job R., John, Seth, Adam, Nancy, Susan, and Mary A.,
are deceased; Joseph, who married Sarah McKnight,
lives in Missouri; and Caroline, who married John Welsh,
and lives in Illinois.
TARBILLE was among
the first settlers in this portion of the township. He died
many years since. One son only lives, at this time, in the
township. James, who married Frances Tanquarry,
and lives on Hay run.
PETER MOUSER was one of
the first settlers in the north part of the township. He came
from Rumley, Virginia, as early as 1800, and lived in Ross county,
on Deer creek until 1804, when he settled in Perry township.
Here he acquired an extensive estate, owning, at his death in 1872,
over two thousand acres of land. The children were: John,
who married Margaret Porter, (deceased), a son of whom lives
in Perry; Elizabeth (deceased); Jacob (deceased);
William, who married Nancy Mace; he is the only one now
living in the township; Catharine, who married Peter
Carder, and now lives in Fayette county, Ohio; and Mary
and Eliza, who are deceased.
JOHN TIMMONS came from
Virginia at the same date of Mr. Mouser, and settled near
him. He had a number of children, none of whom are now living
here. Levi Hays, who became prominent in the
public affairs of Pickaway county, and who has many descendants now
living in both Perry and Monroe townships, was a native

of Montgomery county, Maryland. He there married Eleanor
Harris in 1806. He removed with his family, then
consisting of a wife and nine children, to Ohio; for perhaps one
year he remained in Hocking county, and then located permanently in
Monroe township, this county, where he passed the remaining years of
his life. The children were: Joseph, who became a
minister of the Methodist Episcopal church, and who married
Mariam Walker; Charles, who married Margaret Harris; Norris,
who married Sarah Hurst; Samuel who married Jemima
Rittenhouse; Jesse, who married Elizabeth Hurst; Nancy,
who married Samuel Reeves; Mary, who married Thomas
Edmondson; Rachel, who married Isaac Davis; and
Eleanor, who married George Wilcox, not one of whom are
now living. Levi Hays died possessed of nearly thirteen
hundred acres of land, which is now occupied by descendants.
who lived on the James river, in Culpepper county, Virginia, where
he married Elizabeth Davis, came to Ohio in 1806, locating
just over in Ross county. Here they died. The children
of this couple are: Pensey, who married John Blue; Anna,
who was twice married; Samuel, who married Ann W. Hays
(a son, Owen T., still lives in Perry); Thomas, who
was twice married; Jane, Owen T., Mary, Josias, Jared, and
James M., all deceased.
grandson above referred to, has been twice married, his present wife
is Tracy Amanda Hall.
ZADOC LEWIS came from
Worcester county, Maryland, to Ohio in the spring of 1806. He
lived some seven years near Clarksburg, in Ross county, and then
removed to Perry township, locating upon the farm now owned by
Milton Lewis. Here he died, Feb. 28, 1835. Mrs.
Lewis died Aug. 3, 1846. The children were: Solomon,
who married Nancy Gray; Peter, who married Hettie Evans;
Milley, who married John Cole; Zadoc, who married Mary
Webb, are deceased; Walter, who married Mary Lewis,
lives at Atlanta; Noah, who married Mary Hopkins, now
lives at New Holland, and with him an aged sister, Margaret (Aunt
JOHN THOMAS and wife (Melinda
Smith) were born near Harper's Ferry, Virginia; the former in
1781, and the latter in 1782. In the fall of 1807, Mrs.
Thomas located near Chillicothe, Ross county, where he resided
until 1018, when he removed to Pickaway county, and, in connection
with a brother, Jeremiah, purchased a tract of land near
where is now situated the Clark's run schoolhouse, now occupied by
Mrs. Sarah Timmons. The family resided here until the
fall of 1852. The wife having died previously [May 19, 1850],
Mr. Thomas came to live with a son, Samuel P., in
Perry township, where he died, May 5, 1855. The children born
of this couple numbered twelve: Mary Ann, Jeremiah, Ann, Joseph,
William, Eliza, Julia Ann, Samuel P., Melinda, Maria, Harriet S.,
and Harrison. Only one now lives in Perry township;
Samuel P., who married Sarah E. Hays She died Apr.
10, 1839, leaving two children: Miriam H. (Mrs. Joseph Hays),
and Sarah E. (deceased). Mr. Thomas' present
wife was Elizabeth Dick, by whom seven children were born:
Charles H., James A., Zilpha A., William M., Samuel M.
(deceased), Elizabeth A., and Vienna J. Samuel P.
Thomas was a Whig, and is now a staunch Republican, possessed of
those sterling qualities which are considered essential to promotion
to places of trust or emolument. Since 1855 he has been,
almost continuously, a justice of the peace.
whose place of nativity was Reading, Pennsylvania, came to Ohio from
Richmond, Virginia, in 1807, locating in Perry township. His
first wife was Anna Gibson, by whom five children were born:
Joseph, Letitia, Jesse, Abigail, and Elizabeth (Mrs.
Dunlap). Mr. Britton's second wife was Susan
Nolin The following named children were born of this
marriage: Louisa, Nancy, Hiram, Margaret, Susan, Cynthia,
Harrison, Amanda, and Clarence. Jesse Britton died
about the year 1838, and his wife some two years later. The
children are nearly all deceased.
married Margaret McClintock, in Ireland, and emigrated to
America near the beginning of the present century. He first
located in Pennsylvania, where several children were born. In
1810, he removed to Ohio, locating in Perry township where his wife
died in August, 18546, and he some years later. Of the
children, Noble was the only one who passed his days here.
This son married Elizabeth Hale, by whom eleven children were
born. Of these, Margareat J., Mary A., Permena C., John M.,
Joseph H., David R., and Charles W., are now living.
Noble, another son, died for the flag, in the Union army, in
the late rebellion. David R. and Charles W. were
also in the army. Noble Porter, sr., was a
prominent man in his township. He died, May 29, 1876, and his
aged widow survives him.
of Irish birth, married Elizabeth Smith, who lived near
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In the year 1810 he settled in
Fayette county, where he died, Sept. 23, 1852. Mrs. Sawyer
is still living in Perry township, at the advanced age of
ninety-five years. The children numbered eleven, but one of
whom lives in Pickaway county: Sarah, who married David T.
English, and now resides near Hay run.
JOHN ENGLISH was twice
married, the second time to Nancy Donaldson, of Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. He came to Ohio before the war of 1812, and
purchased six hundred acres of land in the southern portion of Perry
township, upon which he settled. His was a numerous family,
only two of whom now live in the township: David T., who
married Sarah Sawyer, and Mary (Mrs. J. R. Hoskins).
JOHN BENNETT, of Delaware,
in 1812, settled in Perry township, his first purchase being a piece
of land now owned by Jesse Withcott. To this he added,
until, at the time of his death, he was the owner of five hundred
acres. Mr. Bennett died in 1860, and his wife, Aug. 17,
1877. The children are: Nancy (deceased), Mary
(Mrs. Timmons), Samuel (deceased), Caleb, who
lives in Madison county, Ohio, Jane (Mrs. Rosaboam),
John W., who married Joanna Carney, and lives in Perry
Township, and William, whose present wife was Mary Maddux,
and who lives in Madison county. This family now owns a large
amount of land, and are extensive farmers.
BROWN, from near
Winchester, Virginia, came to Ohio, a single man, in 1812. He
remained one year in Perry township, and then returned to Virginia.
Some five years later he settled permanently in Fayette county,
Ohio, where he married Mary Williams, who is still living. Mr.
Brown died January 28, 1875. There were eleven children in
the family, six of whom are now living, and one, William, who
married Juliet Ann Timmons, lives in Perry township.
came to Pickaway county in 1830. Mrs. William Brown is
her only living child.
of Washington county, Pennsylvania, came to Ohio, in 1814, where he
remained, perhaps, one year, and then returned to Pennsylvania,
where he resided until 1841, in the fall of which year he located in
Monroe township, where he yet resides. Mrs. Taylor
died, Dec. 31, 1869. Of the children, one lives in Perry
township, Francis Marion, who married Ellen King.
The remainder are: Phillip, Sarah, Caleb, Jonathan (who
married Mary A. Bennett, and lives in Monroe township), and
Ann, who married Abraham Longerbone; both live in Monroe
JOHN HALE married Mary
Hays, and lived near Harper's Ferry, Virginia, where the
following children were born: Shepard, Margaret, Sarah, John,
Elizabeth (Mrs. Noble Porter), Mary, Thomas, and Nancy.
At, or near, the close of the war of 1812, the family settled in
Dear Creek township, Ross county, where the parents died, the mother
May 15, 1833, and the father some few years later.
DUNLAP, grandfather of
Robert B., Jesse, and Mrs. Dr. Wilson, who now reside
near New Holland village, was of Irish birth, and came to America
prior to the war of the Revolution. He settled at Richmond,
Virginia, where he married Rebecca Blackburn, and where were
born a numerous family. Early in the present century the
family removed to Ohio, locating near Chillicothe, then a mere
hamlet of, perhaps, half a dozen cabins. John Dunlap,
son of the above, married Elizabeth Britton, and, in 1818,
located in Perry township. Here Mrs. Dunlap died, Apr.
13, 1854, and her husband, May 21, 1857. Their children were:
Abigail, who married James Brown, is now widowed, and
lives principally in Perry township; Robert B. has been twice
married - his present wife was Mary McCrea; Elizabeth,
who married William Mahoffiin, deceased; James, who
married Mary Wilson, was killed in a well; Letitia,
married Dr. James F. Wilson; Harriet, who married Noble
Hubbell, deceased; Lorana, who married Alexander McCoy,
and lives in Ross county; Joseph, who married Anna Turner,
deceased; Jesse, who married Harriet J. McComb, and
John, who married Hattie Brown, now resides in Woodhull,
all of Worcester county, Maryland, came to Ohio, locating in Perry
township, in May, 1818. Mr. Gray settled on land now
occupied by Joseph Kirkpatrick, and died on the farm now
owned by his son Jesse, i about 1859. Mrs. Gray
died in 1864. The children were: Benjamin (now
deceased); Jesse, who married Nancy Beekman, and lives
in Perry; they have ten children living - one died in the army;
Nancy, Unettie, and Percy, who are deceased; Elizabeth,
who married George W. Gooley, and now lives in New Holland.
COLLINS, a native of Delaware, settled in Ross county, in
about 1790, where he died in about 1816. His wife was Clara
Timmons. John M., son of the above-named married Eunice
Timmons, and located in Perry township, in March, 1819, upon the
farm now occupied by his son, Joshua H. Joshua
located in Monroe township, as did Elizabeth, who married
Joseph Timmons. Isaac settled in Monroe.
Andrew, who married Elizabeth Timmons, lives at Atlanta;
and Hester, who married Salathel Timmons, lives in
Perry Township.
ISAAC BROWN, of Virginia,
came to Perry early in its settlement, and with him came a widowed
mother and brothers and sisters. He married Lavina Michaels,
by whom two children were borne - Eleanor, (Mrs. J. H. Collins),
and Thomas, now deceased.
was another early settler.
who was originally form London county, Virginia, settled in Perry
township in 1827. His wife was Margaret Shively.
Two of the children now reside in the township - Catharine (Mrs.
Daniel Lewis), and George W., who lives in New Holland
KONNS came from Virginia
to Ohio in 1836, and tarried, for perhaps one year, in Ross county,
and then removed to Perry township and purchased the property he now
occupies. His first wife was Lucretia Timmons, who died Nov.
18, 1856, and his present wife, whom he married Dec. 3, 1870, was
Comfort Wapels. His children are: Millie A., Mary E.,
Virginia (deceased), Sarah, Stephen, Lafayette, Wesley,
and Moses.
ATER, who is a descendant of
William Ater, of Deer Creek township, married Permilia Davis,
by whom were borne the following children: Mary, who married
Harrison Plummer; Gideon, who married Miss Hoskins;
Catharine, who married Samuel Gaver; Allen, and
Stephen D.
Many names of early settlers are
recalled: Reuben Lloyd, Jacob and Samuel Hasselton,
Joseph McClintock, Isaac Vincent, James Cochran, William Penniwell,
Reuben Simpson, Frederick Funk, John Struvey, James and Abram
Kirkpatrick, George Tollman, and Abraham Tanquarry.
The writer collected a number of
items for this section, but as he is unable to satisfy himself in
relation to their reliability, they are, for the most part, omitted.
The first house in New Holland village was built by a man named
Fleming, and stood near the site of the present flouring mill of
Messrs. Hanley & Bro. George W. Gooley says the first brick
block in the village was built by George Bohrer, and stood
where is now the McCafferty block. The date of its
erection was not far from 1840. Andrew Motter
constructed a log house on the site of the present Union house, at
an early date. Motter was a tailor, and after a few
years sold the property, when it was converted into a hotel.
The first postmaster was, undoubtedly, N. R. Ferguson; the
present is Milton Bartholomew. At the railroad station,
called Atlanta, a post-office is kept by O. Donnohoe.
This is of recent date. Charles Green was, doubtless,
the pioneer merchant in New Holland, and his place of business was
on the corner now occupied by Evans Shipley. Green sold
groceries and whiskey, and entertained travelers. The building
was subsequently burned. George Bohrer also opened a
store here on the opposite corner.
The territory as at present embraced within
the boundary lines of Perry township, was originally a part of the
township of Deer Creek. It was detached, and created a
separate township, between the years 1818 and 1828, but the writer
has been unable to ascertain the date, either in the records of the
township, or of the county.
The officers for 1879, are: Elias Ater, Andrew
Harrison, and Daniel Lewis, trustees (the last of whom
has been an incumbent of the office, without intermission, for
twenty years); W. A. Welsh, clerk; Daniel R. Porter,
treasurer; J. G. A. Donnohoe, assessor; Samuel McGath,
and H. M. Williams, constables: S. P. Thomas and
Benjamin Tanquary justices of the peace. There are seven
supervisors of roads and highways, and six school districts, aside
from the village district. Following is the township board of
education: David Gray, William J. Grimes, Jefferson Brooks, J. W.
Kirkpatrick, Ezra Shaeffer, and Allen Mouser. The
notaries public are: Thoams C. Bennett, J. W. Mark, and W.
A. Welsh, who is also an attorney at law.
This department is mainly written
from personal interviews with early settlers. Possibly, in
some cases, memory was treacherous as relates to dates, but the
writer believes the sketches are, as a whole, correct.
the settlement of this portion of the township as class was formed
here composed of the following persons: John Bennett
and wife, Isaac Jones and wife, John and Peter Cook
and their wives, William Bailey and wife, William Loveland
and wife, George Graham and wife, and Jonathan Motter
and wife. Meetings were held at the dwellings of John Cook
and other early settlers, until about 1814, when a small log
meetings house was built. This stood on, or near, the site now
occupied by the framed church edifice of the society, which was
dedicated Jan. 8, 1849. We were unable to ascertain its cost,
or definite data regarding it. The membership at present is
seventy-nine. The attendance at Sunday-school is an average of
sixty-children. Riley Collins is superintendent.
Of the church management, Edward Harriman is class leader,
and William Grimes, J. H. Noble, J. W. Bennett, G. W. May,
D. L. Dunden, and Jesse Withcott, trustees. For
list of ministers, see New Holland Methodist Episcopal church.
organized, as we are informed, by George W. Gooley, as early
as the year 1825. No early records can be found.
Samuel Hosselton and wife (Mary), Jacob Hosselton and
wife, George Bohrer, wife and daughter Lorana,
Andrew Motter and wife, Mrs. Lindsay and daughter
Nancy, and others, to the number of perhaps twelve, composed the
first class, of which Samuel Hosselton was leader.
Services, prior to 1825, were held by Rev. F. A. Wilson, at
the houses of George Bohrer and others, and next in the
little log building, then standing where is now the school-building
in the village. In about 1827, a small framed church was
constructed upon the site of the present Methodist church edifice.
This did duty until 1867, when the present building was erected.
Its cost was twenty-five hundred dollars. The trustees at that
time were: Smith Chaffin, Jacob Hosselton, Samuel Hosselton, J.
Lewis, and George W. Gooley. The present ones are:
D. A. Whiteside, R. B. Dunlap, B. F. Timmons, H. T. Gooley, Smith
Chaffin, Frank M. Grimes, and T. M. Withcott. The parsonage
trustees are: David Tarbille, J. W. Kirkpatrick, W. J., F. M.,
and J. W. Grimes. The present membership is one hundred
and twenty-four. The leaders of this class are J. Wesley
Grimes and T. M. Withcott. J. W. Evans,
John W., and J. Wesley Grimes, stewards; T. M.
Withcott, superintendent of Sunday school, at which there is an
attendance of one hundred scholars.
The ministers who have presided over the numerous
churches of New Holland circuit, since the year 1808, are given in
connection with Williamsport church, in Deer Creek township.
In the year 1866, a division was made, since when the following
divines have presided: 1868, Rev. J. Y. Rusk; 1870, W. W.
Martin; 1872, N. L. Jones; 1873, A. C. Kelley; 1877, George
W. Burns, and 1878, J. D. Wakefield, the present efficient
pastor, whose gentlemanly courtesy the writer wishes to acknowledge.
HAY RUN CHURCH was formed in 1835 (so says Samuel
Hoskins). Among its first members were: John Hoskins
and wife, John Devoss and wife, Abraham Tarbille and wife,
James Tarbille and wife, Mattie and Mary Tarbille, Thomas Hoskins
and wife, Job R. Hoskins and wife, Josiah Hoskins and wife, John
English and wife, John Snider and wife, and Zadoc Lewis and
wife. The house of John English was occupied for
religious worship until the building of the old meeting-house, which
occurred a few years later. This rude log structure served the
uses of the congregation until 1852, when the present meeting-house
was erected. It occupies the site of the first one, and cost
nearly seven hundred dollars. It was dedicated Oct. 9, 1852.
The trustees were: Alexander Reed, George Hosselton, James
and David Tarbille, Alfred Houser, John Shipley, Thomas, John R.,
and Samuel Hoskins. The present trustees are:
Samuel Hoskins, James and David Tarbille, John F. Barrett; O.
Donnehoe, leader; S. Hoskins and O. Donnehoe,
leader; S. Hoskins and O. Donnehoe, stewards. A
Sunday-school was formed soon after the organization of the church,
and has now an attendance of some fifty scholars. Charles
Hughes is its present superintendent. The church
membership now numbers forty-five [See sketch of New Holland
Methodist Episcopal church for pastors' names].
This class was organized, in 1841, at the house of Noble Porter,
and was composed, in part, of the following persons: Ephraim
Evans and wife, Mary Leby, Thomas Vincent and wife, Peter Ecord and
wife, Noble Porter and wife, John Evans and wife, Jacob Gooley and
wife, and Mrs. Margaret Porter. Noble Porter was
appointed leader of this class, and the subsequent growth of this
charge was due, mainly, to his efforts. The ground upon which
stands the church edifice of the society, erected in 1842, was
donated by him. This charge has been attached to New Holland
circuit from its formation. There are at present seventy-three
members in regular connection, and ninety on probation. The
Sabbath-school is under the superintendency of David R. Porter,
and has an enrollment of one hundred and ten scholars. The
present church officers are: John W. Kirkpatrick,
leader; J. M. Porter, Daniel Lewis, J. W. and A. W.
Kirkpatrick, William Darby, and F. M. Vincent, trustees.
In the year 1858, a class of Protestant Methodists was formed at
this point, and regular preaching conducted for a few years.
Eventually, however, meetings ceased, and the church went out of
existence. In November, 1874, Rev. John L. Reeder, of
the Methodist Episcopal denomination, began a series of meetings at
the schoolhouse, the result of which was the formation of a class,
composed of the following persons: Owen T. Reeves and wife, Peter
Lewis and wife, George and Bruce Hays, William and
Isaac Hamilton, Mary, Alma and Roxanna Bostwick, and
others. Owen T. Reeves has chosen leader, and Peter
Lewis, assistant. A Sunday-school was formed at that time,
of which Peter Lewis was elected superintendent, and who
still continues as such. There are, at present, fifty children
in attendance. During the season of 1878, the present church
edifice was constructed. It is a neat brick building, in size
thirty-six by forty-eight feet, and cost complete sixteen hundred
and eighty dollars. It was dedicated by Rev. I. F. King,
of Columbus, Jan. 15, 1879. The present membership of this
church is twenty-six. The trustees are: Owen T. Reeves,
Peter Lewis, Harrison Plummer, Wesley and Wesley W. Hays,
William Bostwick, and Ezra Shafer. Stewards:
Wesley Hays, and Harrison Plummer.
The first preaching at this place by ministers of this
denomination, was in the fall of 1854, by evangelists, who labored
under the supervision of the missionary society of the southwestern
district. The first public profession of faith was made in
March following, but it was not until the spring of 1857, that a
church was formally organized. This consisted of the following
persons: G. C. Gamble, John Highland, A. G. Wood, Roxalene
Johnson (Mrs. R. Cook), Sarah A. Johnson (Mrs. S. A. Bates), W.
Elizabeth Johnson, S. D. Johnson, Abigail Wood, Matilda Highland,
John Leasure, Sally Leasure, James
Leasure, Bettie Wood, Sarah Johnson, Henry Bryant, Maria Bryant,
Melinda Matthews, Margaret Matthews, Eliza Matthews, Jane Matthews,
Samuel Matthews, and Mary A. Hess. The church
organization was completed by appointing S. Matthews, elder;
John Highland, A. G. Wood, and Silas D. Johnson,
deacons. Services were held at the house of T. Hess,
for a time. The present church edifice of this society was
built in 1853. The ministers who have resided here
permanently, are: Revs. Messrs. Samuel Matthews, J. C. Irvin,
and George Van Pelt, who is the present pastor. The
membership of the church numbers one hundred and eighty. The
church officers are: J. A. Highland, Henry Bryant, and
George H. Matson, elders; S. D. Johnson, B. Holcomb, J. C.
Vlerebome, and E. Parker, deacons; J. T. Johnson,
clerk; J. H. Highand and G. H. Matson, are
superintendents of Sabbath-school, on which the attendance is
12, 1863. The following were the constituent members: Mrs.
Dr. Wilson, Alexander McCoy, wife, and three
daughters, Mrs. Thomas Cook, James Wallace and wife, Isaac
Beecher, Samuel Collins and wife, S. S. Miller and wife, George
Vlerebome, Nathaniel Timmons, Thomas Bennett, Mrs. Burnham, and
Maria McCrea. A subscription was immediately circulated
by the pastor in charge, Rev. Samuel Cruthers, with a view to
raising funds with which to provide a church edifice. The old
Methodist Episcopal meeting-house was purchased, removed to its
present site, which was donated by John Boggs, and refitted.
It was completed in 1867, The officers were: Alexander
McCoy, elder; N. Timmons, George Vlerebome, and James
Wallace, trustees. The ministers of this church were:
Rev. Samuel Cruthers, S. S. Miller, and H. W. Guthrie,
who remains some four years. When he left the charge there was
a membership of thirty. Since then only occasional preaching
has been had.
In this department the writer has been
unable to ascertain where or by whom the first school in the
township was taught. A term of school was taught at or near
Locust Grove church, as early as 1818, by Andrew Bascom.
It commenced in a little log building standing on land now owned by
Joseph Porter. Among the scholars at this school were
Noble, Joseph, and Clinton Porter, and several sisters;
Walter and Noah Lewis, and many others. It was
quite numerously attended. William Clark taught a
second term in the same building soon after. George W.
Gooley remembers a school that was taught in New Holland village
by Rev. F. A. Wilson as early as 1828. Among the
families represented were Kirkpatrics, Bohrers, Greens, and
New Holland village school district was
organized contemporaneous with the incorporation of the village
itself. No early records can now be found, and the following
is furnished by George W. Gooley from memory. The first
school subsequent to 1835 was held in a building occupying the site
of the present Methodist Episcopal church. In about 1848 a
school-building was constructed on the Ferguson property,
south of the town. The present building was erected during the
seasons of 1854 and 1855, at a cost of fifteen hundred dollars.
The school comprises two departments, primary and grammar. The
board of education for 1879 are: N. R. Timmons, B. F. Timmons,
John W. Grimes, George A. Haney, George H. Matson, and Dr.
John B. May, who is clerk.
The plat of this village, which is
recorded in book B, of Pickaway county records, was acknowledged
before Alexander Rowen, justice of the peace, on Sept. 2,
1818. The following is the description:
"Flemingsburgh, situated in Deer Creek
township, on the east bank of Hamilton's run, a branch of the north
fork of Paint creek, on land of Reese Young, the
northerly part of Godrill Levely's survey of two
hundred acres, No. 4138; on land of Levin Ross,
easterly part of a survey of Codwallader Wallace, No. ___; and on
land of Wilkins Ogburn, surveyed for him on a military
warrant, No. 3057; on the right hand fork of the north fork of Paint
What induced the changing of the name of
the one the village now bears, or the date when it took place, is
not now known.
The act of incorporation was passed Mar. 9, 1835, and
section one reads:
* * * "That so much of the township of
Perry, in the county of Pickaway, as is included within the bounds
of the town plat of the town of New Holland, in the said county of
Pickaway, as the said town plat now stands on record in the office
of the recorder of said county, and eighty rods east, west, north
and south of said town plat, and such plats of additions to said
town as may hereafter be recorded, be, and the same are hereby
created into, and constituted a town corporate, by the name of the
town of New Holland.
The village records show that early in the
year 1836, the following were the village officials: Rev.
F. A. Wilson, mayor; D. Blue, Jacob Hosselton, Reuben
Lloyd, Alexander Cochran, trustees. The officers for 1879
are: E. W. Timmons, mayor; J. B. Parker, recorder;
J. W. Mark, treasurer; Eden Parker, T. M. Withcott,
George Meyer, J. D. McCoy, Lewis Benz, and Theodore Mark,
council. This village has no public buildings, or fire
department, and no natural advantages. It is a shipping point
for large quantities of grain.
The business interests here are as follows: dry
goods, Charles McCafferty, C. B. Eggleston, and Jones &
O'Conner drugs and notions, J. W. Marks, N. H. Jones;
Groceries and hardware, H. T. Cooley & Bro., Vlerebome
& Co.; clothing, boots and shoes, James A. Thomas; furniture
and undertaking, Holcomb & Kennedy; millinery, E. A.
Burnham; harness, J. Atkins, wagon manufacture, George
E. Meyers, hotel, J. Al. Miller.
Numerous societies in the interest of
temperance have, from time to time, had an existence in New Holland
village, and their need in, to a stranger, painfully apparent now.
A lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows was instituted here
some years since, and flourished for a time. This, too, has
ceased its work.
was formed in 1867, its charter having been issued in June, of that
year. Following are the constituent members: M. V. Rawlins,
J. H. Yeoman, Abram Vlerebome, B. Timmons, W. J. Cochran, A. S.
Holloway, J. D. Orahood, J. G. W. Donohoe, G. W. Gooley, Dr. J. F.
Wilson, J. H. Folks, Samuel Hughs, and E. H. Dixon.
The first officers were: M. V. Rawlins, W. M.; J. H.
Yeoman, S. W.; Vlerebome, J. W.; B. Timmons,
treasurer; W. J. Cochran, secretary; A. S. Holloway,
S. D.; J. D. Orahood, J. D.; J. G. W. Donohoe, tyler.
The regular communications of this body are on the Thursday evening
of each month previous to the full moon. The present
membership [July, 1879] is sixty-seven. Financially, the lodge
is in a highly prosperous condition. The officers for 1879
are: Dr. John W. May, W. M.; J. C. Brown, S. W.;
Marion Strope, J. W.; J. C. McCrea, secretary; T. J.
Cook, treasurer; S. McGath, S. D.; G. H. Hughs, J.
D.; J. D. Sampson, tyler.
James F. Wilson,
was the first physician who located permanently in Perry township.
He was born in Buckskin township, Ross county, Ohio, Oct. 5, 1808;
read medicine with Dr. Robins, of Greenfield, and was granted
a diploma by the county society. In 1832, he located in New
Holland village, and, five years later, married Miss Letitia
Dunlap. In 1841, he attended lectures, and graduated at
the Ohio medical college, of Cincinnati. Returning to New
Holland, he soon acquired an extensive practice, which was continued
until his death, Jan. 21, 1875. Dr. Wilson was a
prominent member of the Masonic order, having attained the higher
degrees. His funeral obsequies were conducted under the
auspices of the fraternity. His widow is still living near New
Holland village. But one child blessed their union, John
Milton, the United States consul to Germany, who is now
traveling in Europe, and, on his return home, goes to Panama, as
The second physician was Aaron Harriman, who had
previously practiced at Williamsport. The date of his coming
was not far from 1840, and his death occurred in 1850.
Henry Timmons read
medicine with Dr. Wilson, graduated at the Sixth street
medical college, Cincinnati, and located in New Holland, where he
married Miss Sarah Ferguson, and continued the practice of
his profession until his death, Aug. 22, 1855. His widow
contracted a second marriage, and now resides in Kansas. Of
the children, who numbered seven, but two, Edward W. and
Nathaniel R., now remain in the township.
Henry Judy, graduated at
the Cincinnati Eclectic medical college, Mar. 6, 1850, locating in
New Holland the following July, where he still continues in
practice. His wife was Susan Carder.
Reeves located in New Holland in
the fall of 1850. He married Sarah Daugherty, and,
after her death, married Mary Houser. He continued to
practice here for some years. Dr. Reeves was a graduate
of the Ohio medical college. He is now deceased.
Benjamin R. Davis,
graduated at the Cincinnati Eclectic college in 1859, and located in
New Holland, July 9th of the following year, and is still practicing
here. In September, 1860, he married Miss Margaret Elder.
John H. May graduated at the
Cincinnati college of medicine and surgery, in 1872. He
married Mary M. Holter, and in March, 1874, located in New
Holland, where he yet resides.
John W. May, was born in
Rockingham county, North Carolina, and read law with Dr. James H.
May, graduating in Jefferson medical college, Pennsylvania.
Elizabeth Wilson, his first wife, died in March, 1867, and the
following summer he removed to Bourneville, Ohio. Mar. 13,
1876, he located in New Holland. His present wife was Mary
F. Jaggers. Dr. May is prominent in Masonry.
In the infancy of the settlement along Deer
creek, as early as 1805 (it is thought by William Mouser), a
rude grist-mill was constructed by Isaiah Pancost. This
was located in the northwest corner of Perry township. It was
a small affair, yet sufficient for the needs of the then sparsely
settled region. In after years it was rebuilt, and still
later, converted into a woolen factory by a son of the original
builder, Samuel Pancoast. This property is now owned by
A. S. Mowry. As early as 1812 a man named Baker
built a second grist-mill on Deer Creek, and also a saw mill near
it. These mills have been several times rebuilt, and are now
owned by H. Crownover. John D. Penniwell and a
carding mill on Hamilton run quite early in the settlement of New
Holland. The steam grist-mill in New
Holland village was built by N. R. Ferguson, in 1853, at a
cost of fourteen thousand five hundred dollars. It has three
run of stones, which are propelled by a double engine of
seventy-five horse power. The present firm - Messrs. George
A. Haney & Bro. - came in possession of the property in the
spring of 1874, having purchased the same for seven thousand
dollars. These gentlemen have since constructed an elevator,
and made other needed improvements. The whole amount invested
at this time is ten thousand dollars. The mill does both
custom and merchant grinding. In relation to the grain
interest, during nine months of 1878 this firm shelled and shipped
seventy-two thousand bushels of corn. The present season, to
August 1st, the shipments of wheat alone aggregate thirty-two
thousand bushels. Vlerebome & Co. constructed the first
grain elevator at New Holland, in 1876. Previous to this,
however, the firm were quite extensive operators in grain, the
senior partner having engaged in the grain trade at this point in
the year 1863. During the year 1878 this firm shipped an
aggregate of three hundred thousand bushels of grain. The
shipments during the present season, to Aug. 1st, are one hundred
and thirty-five thousand bushels. Mr. Vlerebome is also
the owner of a coal mine in Muskingum county, and is an extensive
dealer in that useful article.
The second elevator at New Holland was that of the
Haney brothers, already mentioned. The next,
and by farm the largest elevator here, was built by Charles
McCafferty, in the spring of 1878. Its cost, with real
estate, was four thousand dollars, and its shelling and loading
capacity is four hundred bushels per hour. The shipments for
the year 1878 were one hundred and twenty-five thousand bushels; and
to August 1, 1879, seventy-five thousand bushels. To show the
importance of New Holland as a shipping point, we give the totals:
1878, four hundred and ninety-seven thousand bushels; to Aug. 1,
1879, two hundred and forty-two thousand bushels.
New Holland village did not arrive to the dignity of
having a newspaper until 1877, in August of which year, A. M.
Vaughn issued the first number of the New Holland Review.
This was an eight page five-column sheet, published on the patent
plan, and was independent in politics. The paper ceased
publication in May, 1879, and the editor has removed to "other
fields and pastures rare," we trust.