a little more than eighty years ago, the territory now constituting
Pickaway county, today teeming with busy industry, intelligence and
happiness, was a complete wilderness, unvisited by the cheering rays
of civilization. Over these fertile and cultivated fields -
dotted with substantial dwellings, surrounded by many evidences of
even luxury and refinement - roamed savage wild beasts, and a race
of men more savage still than they. Here sported the timid
deer, and the dismal howl of the wolf was heard. In the
forest, the Indian pursued his game and sauntered along the rippling
streams, obtaining thus his daily food. Here the romantic
lover "wooed his dusky maid" in primitive simplicity.
Everything now is changed. The wilderness that met the first
gaze of the pioneers has been made to bud and blossom as the rose.
Where, less than a century ago, were the scattered huts and wigwams
of the Indians, are now the comfortable homes of an enlightened and
happy people, blessed with abundant social, religious, and
educational privileges. This amazing change was rendered
possible by the enterprise, toil, and privation of those noble
pioneers who are rapidly passing away, and in their commemoration
the following account of their labors is written.
No place in the county- if, indeed, in the entire State
- is invested with such extraordinary interest as the township of
Pickaway. Here were situated the principal Indian villages,
for the destruction of which Lord Dunmore's campaign was
organized. On its soil the army made its encampment, and by a
treaty or truce, brought to a close what threatened to be a long and
bloody war. The writer will merely mention here the places of
historical interest in the township, the events which make them so,
being fully narrated in another portion of the book.
At the time of Lord DUNMORE's incursion into the country,
in 1774, there were several Indian villages on the plains and
vicinity, the most important of which were Cornstalktown and
Squawtown, situated on Scippo creek. The former named after
the Shawnee chief, Cornstalk, was located just north of where
the iron bridge crosses the creek on the Chillicothe pike, and the
latter, named for the sister of Cornstalk - Grenadier
Squaw - was located just south of the bridge. Camp
Charlotte, the place of Lord DUNMORE's encampment, was
situated on Scippo creek, in the southwest quarter of section
twelve, on the old WINSHIP farm. General LEWIS
camped on the southeast quarter of section thirty on Congo creek.
On the farm of James T. BOGGS, a short
distance east of his residence, is the so-called "Logan elm," under
which, according to a certain tradition, the famous speech of the
celebrated Mingo chief was made. This tradition relates that
Col. WILLIAMSON, an officer under Lord DUNSMORE,
recited to Captain John BOGGS the circumstances of the
conclusion of the treaty with the Indians, and described the place
of meeting as being near Congo creek, about a mile below Camp Lewis,
in a small piece of prairie of about thirty acres, in the middle of
which was a mound. LOGAN was present, and delivered
the speech under an elm that stood a short distance southwest of
said mound. Captain BOGGS had no difficulty in
subsequently finding the tree, from the description given him by
WILLIAMSON, and it has ever since been carefully preserved by
members of the family, because of the historical associations that
are believed by them to surround it. The tree is of regal
majesty, being seventy-nine feet in height, and measuring, from the
ends of the branches on one side to the other, one hundred and
twenty feet. The trunk is twenty feet in circumference.
The surface of the township is generally
rolling, with the exception of that portion comprising the Pickaway
"plains" where it is almost perfectly level. These "plains,"
so justly celebrated for their beauty, exuberant fertility, and ease
of cultivation, when first discovered by the pioneers, were entirely
devoid of tree or shrub, and were covered with a rank vegetation,
consisting mostly of a wild grass, which old inhabitants say grew to
such a height that it could be easily tied over a horse's back.
The reproductiveness of the virgin soil of the "plains" was very
great - one hundred bushels of corn, and fifty bushels of wheat to
the acre being raised with scarcely any labor.
On their arrival here, the pioneers, naturally located
on the plains, because of the little labor required to raise a crop;
but from their entire lack of timber and living water they were not
considered desirable for permanent residence, and when the land was
offered for sale, in1801, the surrounding territory was generally
preferred by the purchasers. The principal stream within the
limits of the township is Scippo creek, which, rising in Fairfield
county, enters the township in section twelve, flows a tortuous
course through the north part, and reaches the Scioto about two
miles north of the south line of the township. Congo creek
flows through the south part, and unites with Scippo a mile above
its mouth. Kinnickinnick, in the east part, and a small,
unnamed tributary of the Scioto, in the west part of the township,
are the only other water courses worthy of mention. On the
Scippo creek there were, at one time, five grist-mills in operation,
as mentioned more particularly elsewhere.
In territorial extent, Pickaway exceeds any other
township in the county, and in fertility of soil is second to none.
IT embraces all of the original surveyed township number ten, in
range twenty-one (Worthington's survey), containing thirty-six
square miles, and, also, the fractional township number three, in
range twenty-two, lying between the west line of range twenty-one
and the Scippo river, containing about eleven square miles,
comprising, in all, a territory of forty-seven square miles.
Game of all kinds, especially deer and wild
turkeys, was abundant long after the first white settler came into
the township. The killing of two or three deer in a single
day, by a hunter, was an ordinary occurrence, and to shoot one from
the cabin door, not an uncommon one. Wolves were so numerous
as to be a great drawback to the introduction of sheep by the
settlers, and rendered necessary their careful protection at night;
pens being usually built for that purpose. Pickaway was not a
favorite haunt for bears, but a few of them would come in every fall
from the Raccoon hills. An old bear, with a cub, was shot
through the body, but only wounded, by Jacob Try, at
Jefferson. The animal got away, but was tracked by Try's
dog over into Wayne township, where she was shot by a settler of
that township. the cub, which was half grown, was subsequently
taken alive in a thicket a short distance east of Jefferson, by
George Try and two or three other young men, with the assistance
of the dog. During the struggle between the dog and his
antagonist, the young men tied the feet of the bear, using their
suspenders for the purpose. They then procured a pole, strung
the animal upon it, and carried him, alive, to the village, where
they kept him for some time.
The Indians lingered about the region for
some years after the advent of the white settler. They had
camping grounds in the township, but no villages after the white men
came. In their intercourse with their palefaced brethren, they
were uniformly friendly, and no trouble or annoyance was occasioned
by their presence4. They would occasionally bring in from the
Raccoon hills large quantities of bear meat and venison which they
would sell or "swap" to the whites.
A white man killed an Indian on Paint creek, in Ross,
the report of which, on reaching the township, created some
excitement among the settlers, who apprehended trouble from the red
men in consequence. The people collected together in
expectation of an attack, but no trouble ensuing, the excitement
soon passed away.
The initial settlement of Pickaway county
was made in this township, in the year 1796 or 1797. The first
cabins were erected on Zane's "trace," which led through the plains
from the crossing of the Hockhocking (now Lancaster) to Chillicothe.
It cannot, with absolute certainty, be stated who was the first
actual settler, but from the best information now obtainable, we are
inclined to the belief that Caleb EVANS enjoys that
distinction. He was a native of Pennsylvania, whence he
removed to Kentucky, and resided there until the year stated, when
he came to Ohio. He settled on Scippo creek, in section five,
where his grandson, Samuel H. EVANS, now resides. He
was possessed of considerable means, for a pioneer, on coming to
this country, and lost, a short time afterwards, by a fire which
destroyed his house, four hundred dollars in silver coin. He
was a man of strong traits of character, and a good and worthy
citizen. He was married twice. By his first wife he had
two children - Jonas and Joseph. Jonas went to
Indiana, and died there. Joseph remained in
Pennsylvania. The second wife of Caleb EVANS was
Elizabeth WIGGINS, who became the mother of nine children, viz.:
William, David, John, Archibald, Caleb, Samuel, Ruth, Mary and
Elizabeth. William and John settled in Licking
county, Ohio. David went south, and nothing was learned
of him afterwards, and Archibald died when young.
Caleb died in Mexico, while serving as a soldier in the United
States army. Samuel, the best known of the sons, in
this county, was twice married: first to Susannah HITLER, by
whom he had two children. The mother and both of the children
died, within a few days of each other, of scarlet fever, which cases
are said to have been the first in the county. Mr. EVANS
married for his second wife, Elizabeth HITLER, sister of his
first wife. Four children were the result of this union, of
whom Samuel, living on the old homestead, is the only
survivor. Samuel EVANS, sr., died many years
ago, but his wife, Elizabeth, only quite recently- July 28,
In the spring of 1798,
left Bedford county, Pennsylvania, for Ohio, but, arriving at
Waynesburg, the family stopped there while the father, on horseback,
came on to Pickaway county, and, selecting a location on Scippo
creek, in section seven, planted a few acres of corn. He
camped there through the summer, and in the fall returned for his
family. During his absence, his corn was stolen. He
changed his location to the mouth of Congo creek, the following
spring, and remained there until the land came into market in 1801,
when he entered the south half of section six. Mr. FRYBACK
died here in 1834. His son, John, married Lettitia
EMERSON, and resided on the homestead until his death, Nov. 6,
1875, aged eighty-seven years and eight months. His wife died
one year previous. Of their twelve children, eleven grew up,
and eight are now living. The other children of George
FRYBACK were Sally (ANDERSON), Mary (LOOFBURROW), Catharine
(EMERSON), Ann (JACKSON), Susannah (ROBINSON) Elizabeth
(BARR), Lydia and George, all now deceased.
SAMUEL and DAVID DENNY were among the
earliest settlers of the township, although the particulars of their
settlement we are unable to give. David had a
blacksmith shop on Congo creek, in section thirty-two. About
1800, or soon after, he removed to the Walnut plains, in Harrison
township, and was the first settler in that locality.
Samuel DENNY died in this township in 1822.
the first squatters on the "plains." They afterwards settled
in Washington township, in the history of which mention is further
made of them. James WILSON came to Chillicothe in May,
1798, and soon after removed to the banks of the Congo, just above
its junction with Scippo creek. He died June 8, 1799. He
was a brother to the father of Rev. Robert G. Wilson,
D. D., formerly president of the Ohio
GEORGE HITLER, sr., and family, of Somerset
county, Pennsylvania, came into the township in the spring of 1799.
His family then consisted of his wife Susannah and four
children - John, Catharine, Jacob, and George.
He resided five or six years in Pickaway township, first locating on
the lower plains, and then settled permanently in section
thirty-three, Washington Township. He died Apr. 2, 1818, at
the age of nearly fifty-five years. The children born in this
county were Peter, Abraham, Elizabeth, Sarah, Susannah, Mary
and Joseph. Four are now living, viz.: George,
in Circleville township; Mrs. LANE, Mrs. John ARNHART, and
Joseph HITLER, in Indiana.
SAMUEL MOREHEAD came in from Kentucky about the
same time as the HITLERs. He located first on the lower
plains, but afterwards moved in the vicinity of Jefferson, where he
resided for many years, finally removing to Indiana.
JOHN GAY, the father of Mrs. George
HITLER, left Pennsylvania for Pickaway county, with his family,
in the fall of 1798. He came by boat, and was frozen in, on
the Ohio, during the winter, and did not arrive until late in the
spring of 1799. He made his location on Punkin run, and
resided there until his death. He lived to the great age of
one hundred and two years and ten months.
CAPTAIN JOHN BOGGS, a native of Pennsylvania,
removed with his family to Wheeling, Virginia, in 1771, and settled
at the mouth of BOGGs' run, opposite BOGGS' island,
near old four Wheeling. He owned a little farm on this island,
from which he was often driven to the fort by the Indians. In
1796, he and his son, John, came to Pickaway to make a
selection of land for settlement. They came down the Ohio in a
keel-boat, to the mouth of the Scioto, then pushed up that river,
with others, on a barge, to what was called "the station," below
Chillicothe. Here they landed, and came on foot along the
river, until they arrived at the place afterwards entered by
Major BRINK, now owned by Nelson KELLENBERGER,
in Ross county. Here was a high, beautiful location, and the
captain at once decided to fix his abode there. On making
further explorations, however, he discovered four logs laid
apparently for a foundation of a home, and considering it unfair to
dispossess the absent squatter of his "improvement," he went on to
section seven, in this township, where he made a location, and which
he subsequently entered and made his permanent residence. He
brought out his family in 1798, and erected his cabin a short
distance east of the site of the present residence of James T.
BOGGS, and the old structure, erected in 1798, is yet standing.
Captain BOGGS subsequently moved to Scippo creek, on
the hill above the present bridge, where he built a one-story brick
house, one of the first brick houses erected in the township.
He died at the residence of his son, Major John Boggs, in
MAJOR BOGGS settled on the farm now
occupied by his son, James T., and erected the brick house
thereon in 1816. It is said, that in 1803, Major BOGGS
took the first flat boat down the Scioto, loaded with flour, to New
Orleans, although cargoes of pork and whiskey had been shipped down
before. He made several trips to New Orleans, carrying his
specie home on a "pack horse." He served in the war of 1812,
with the rank of major. He died at the residence of his son,
Moses, February 6, 1862, aged nearly eighty-seven. His
first wife died December, 1851, and he subsequently married the
widow of Captain James TAYLOR, of Zanesville, a sister of his
first wife. Four of the children are now living, to wit:
William, near Bellefontaine; John and James T., in
Pickaway township; and Mrs. JONES, in Indiana, Moses
died in 1863. His wife, who was Margaret Scott COOK,
daughter of Judge COOK, still survives.
SAMUEL SEALL, Sr., came from Pennsylvania in
1799, and located in Pickaway township, in section number nine,
where he lived six or seven years, and then moved to Walnut
township, and settled on eighty acres in section thirty-three.
He died there in 1812. His son, Samuel, married Mary
GOUGAR, in 1829, and followed blacksmithing, in the village of
Jefferson, for a number of years. Afterwards, he bought and
settled on a farm of two hundred and twenty acres, in Pickaway
township, adjoining the farm on which his father first located.
In the spring of 1845 he sold out, and settled in Washington
township, on the place now occupied by his son, George, and
resided there until his death, in the fall of 1870. Two of his
three children are living - John, now county treasurer in
Circleville, and George, in Washington township, Pickaway
county, Ohio.
THOMAS and JOHN BARR came to
Pickaway, from Pennsylvania, at a very early date. Thomas
located just east of where James T. BOGGS now lies, and
John on the place now occupied by Daniel HITLER.
They were both men of more than ordinary intelligence and influence.
Thomas was once associate judge of Pickaway county, and his
brother a representative from this county to the legislature.
Judge BARR died, Sept. 21, 1830, aged fifty-eight years, and
his wife, Sidney, Feb. 23, 1869, aged eighty-five years and
eight months.
JOHN SHARP, originally from Pennsylvania, came
to Ohio, from Wheeling, Virginia, about 1799, settling in
Chillicothe. For a few years he carried on a store there, and
then located on a farm near the north line of Ross county, as now
constituted. Shortly afterwards, he came to this township, and
put up a cabin on the farm now owned by Abraham JONES.
Being unable to enter the section on which he had located, he left
his cabin, and moved to Congo creek, entering the half section now
owned and occupied by his son, John D. SHARP - number
thirty-two. The log house which he erected here is still
standing. He died in 1827, and his wife in 1840. John
D., the only survivor of the family, resides a short distance
south of the old dwelling, and is now aged nearly seventy-seven.
emigrated from Kentucky as early as 1797,
setting for a few years on "high bank," below Chillicothe. He
then came to this township and located on Scippo creek, in section
twelve, of the fractional portion of the township, where he
contained to reside until the time of his death.
HENRY NEVILL came into the township about 1800,
and purchased a large tract of land on the Pickaway plains.
Subsequently, he laid out the village of Jefferson, which prospered
considerably until Circleville was started, when it declined.
Mr. Nevill was wealthy, but by the erection of a large
grist-mill upon the Scioto, on which, together with the dam, which
caused him a great deal of trouble, by repeatedly breaking away, he
expended an immense sum of money, and finally became financially
embarrassed. He was engaged for some years in trade in
Jefferson, and subsequently in Circleville. He eventually
moved to Illinois.
JONATHAN ELLIS was an early settler where
William RUSH now lives. He was a cabinet maker and
carpenter, and built a frame of the BOGGS mill. He was
also an early justice of the peace of Pickaway township.
MATTHEW FERGUSON was an early settler of
this township. He lived to the advanced age of ninety-nine
years, dying Nov. 2, 1848. His wife, Ann, died Dec. 24,
1851, aged eighty-seven years.
JACOB STINGLEY came in from Ross county, in1805,
and entered the west half of section number eight, settled upon it,
and resided there until his death. The land now constitutes a
part of the farm of Abel Jones.
HUGH FORESMAN settled on the plains in 1806.
He was born in Ireland, Dec. 11, 1748, and came with his parents,
when three years of age, to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, where
he resided until his removal to Ohio. He married Judeth
SLOCUM, Feb. 25, 1782, and had ten children - Jane, Ruth,
John , William, Robert, Hugh, Mary, Judeth, Agnes, Jonathan, and
Alexander. Jane became the wife of James Torbert,
who came to Pickaway in 1808. Torbert was a man of
local prominence, and was wealthy. Agnes (Mrs. McCREA),
now residing in Circleville, is the only survivor of the family.
She was born June 3, 1799, and married, Sept. 16, 1819, Matthew
MCCREA, who died Sept. 4, 1847. They had a family of eight
children, three of whom are now living, namely, Adam,
proprietor of the Pickaway house in Circleville; William in
Illinois; and George, in St. Louis. Hugh FORESMAN,
Sr., died in this township, Dec. 17, 1811, and his wife Mar. 12,
THOMAS EMERSON moved in from Virginia in 1807,
and located on Scippo Creek, where his grandson, George EMERSON,
now lives - section eighteen.
About the same time
from Pennsylvania, and settled in the southeast part of section
twenty, where the WILSONs now live. He was the father
of seven children. John resided where Abram PENN
now lives, and Meek on the homestead. John
married Margaret EMERSON. Two sons - Lemuel and
Benjamin - now reside in the township. Edmund,
Silas, and Jane, widow of Jesse B. Lutz, reside in
Indiana. Nancy, wife of James RICE, lives in
Pickaway; and Margaret, wife of James HAYES, in
JACOB WAGNER came to Ohio from Frederick county,
Maryland, with his family, in the fall of 1807. He remained in
Ross county one year, when he moved into this township and located
where Otis Lutz now lives, in section thirty-one. He
finally sold to David Crouse, and moved to Upper Sandusky,
where he resided until his death. His son, Jacob WAGNER,
now aged eighty-three years, has resided in this township ever since
he came, in 1808. He married Sarah Young, who died May
4, 1874. He has resided on the place he now occupies nearly
forty years.
JAMES HEDGES came from Berkeley county,
Virginia, and located at Jefferson, in 1807. He married
Miss Margaret NEVILL, and resided in Jefferson until the fall of
1810, when he moved to Circleville. His father, Philip,
and a cousin, Joseph, arrived a short time afterwards.
They both married into the NEVILL family, and Joseph
became a partner of Henry NEVILL, in the store at Jefferson,
which was finally moved to Circleville.
In October, 1808,
moved to Ohio from Huntington county, Pennsylvania, and located in
Ross county, west of Kingston. After living through the winter
in a cabin which he erected there, he came, in the following March,
to Pickaway, and settled in section fifteen, where he resided until
his death, in 1815, His wife survived him several years. Their
son, John Caldwell, who came into the township with his
parents in 1809, is still a resident of it.
came from near Fredericksburg, Maryland, soon after the close of the
war of 1812. He located a few miles below Chillicothe, but
subsequently came to Pickaway, and moved into the old house of
Major BOGGS. He finally purchased and settled in section
thirteen, where his son George now lives. He died Dec.
31, 1861, in his seventy-first year. His wife died Dec. 25,
1865. Five sons were born to them, all now dead but two -
Nelson, in Ross County, and George, on the old homestead.
JOHN ENTREKIN, then about twenty years of age,
came to Ohio from Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, in the spring of
1798. He came with a party of eight men, who made the journey
on horseback, over the mountains. The party made a location at
the bend of the river, three miles above Chillicothe, and grubbed
out about one hundred acres, which they planted to corn. In
the fall they all returned to Pennsylvania, and those of them who
had families moved out. John Entrekin brought out his
parents, with his brother, William and a sister, Martha,
and made settlement where he had previously made an improvement.
Mr. Entrekin married Nancy CROUSE, in
December, 1801, and settled on the Kinnickinnick, on the farm now
owned by Z. DOWNS. He continued a resident of Ross
county until the spring of 1828, when he came into Pickaway, and
settled where William W. ENTREKIN, his son, now lives, buying
out a son of John McCUTCHEON, who came here in 1808.
Colonel ENTREKIN died May 10, 1842. His wife survived him,
and died Jan. 16, 1845.
The first habitation erected in the
township, save the huts and wigwams of the Indians, was probably the
log cabin of Caleb EVANS. It was located in section
five, near the present site of the dwelling of Samuel H. EVANS.
The house was destroyed by fire. The first white child born in
the township, and probably the first in Pickaway county was Mary
EVANS, daughter of Caleb and Elizabeth EVANS. The
date of her birth was June 8, 1798. She became the wife of her
cousin, Archibald WIGGINS, and removed to Kentucky.
The first death was that of James WILSON, who died June 8,
1799. In the fall of the same year Hugh LYNN died, and
his was the second death in the township. His widow, who was a
sister of Mrs. George HITLER, sr. subsequently married
Samuel MOREHEAD. The first blacksmith shop was kept by
David DENNY, established about 1800. Its location was on
Congo creek, east of the log house of John SHARP.
The first Methodist class organized in the
township was at Salem. A log meeting-house was built a short
distance northeast of the site of the present house, in 1802 or
1803. Some of the members of the class were: John Parsons
and wife, Michael Saylor and family, Henry Houston and
family, Allen Parker and family, and David Houston and
family. Rev. James Quinn, a circuit preacher, preached
in the old house. The present church was erected in the fall
of 1816. The stone for the foundation was hauled by John
Clarence. It was built of logs, and subsequently
weather-boarded. Meetings have ever since been held in this
house. The old structure, with its simple furniture, affords a
striking contrast to the imposing city churches of today. The
circuit was originally called Pickaway circuit. The present
pastor is Rev. William C. Halliday. A Methodist class
formerly held meetings in the school-house near the Evangelical
church, and subsequently, for a number of years, in the church
Palestine church, in the northeast part of the
township, was built about the year 1840, by a German Reformed and
Lutheran society. The Methodist afterwards bought an interest
in the building and held meetings there a number of years, the
former society having disbanded. Services have not been held
there for some years.
A Presbyterian church was organized on the plains by
the Rev. James Robinson, then of the Mount Pleasant church,
in 1808. The church consisted of but few members, and never
had any meeting-house or fixed location, and remained in existence
only a few years. The meetings were usually held at the house
of John Boggs or John Ball. In 1816 Mr.
Robinson commenced preaching one-third of his time in the Rawl
school house, near the present site of Emmett's Chapel.
The Methodists also organized a society, on the plains, at an early
date, and held their meetings alternately with the former church, in
the school-house, until about the year 1835, when the two societies
united in the erection of a brick church, on the hill, just south of
Congo-creek bridge. It was used by them, alternately, for
about ten years, when some difficulty arose between the two
denominations, and the Methodists withdrew and provided another
place of worship. Elias Reed, a leading member, bought
the farm of John Rawl, and turned the dwelling into a
meeting-house. The old building, built in 18116, is still
standing, through greatly dilapidated. It was used by the
society until 1852, when the present Emmett's chapel (so named, in
honor of the pioneer Methodist preacher, father Emmett) was built.
The Presbyterians continued to use the brick church for a few years
after the withdrawal of the Methodists, when, by reason of removals
and deaths, their number became so reduced that preaching could not
be supported, and the house was sold and taken down.
The class was formed by Rev. John
Dreisbach, in the year 1835. The first members were the
officiating clergyman and his wife, Thomas F. Kraft, and wife,
Adam Boyer and wife, and John Kraft and wife.
Abraham Dreisbach, who subsequently became a minister of the
church, Isaac E., Catharine and Sophia Dreisbach, and
Mrs. Eliza Steeley, were so early members, uniting soon after
the organization was effected. The first meetings were held at
the dwellings of the members, and afterwards in the log
school-house, which stood where the frame school-house was built,
the society occupied it until the erection of their present church,
in the summer of 1850. The building cost nine hundred and
three dollars and sixty-one cents. It was dedicated December
22, 1850, by Bishop Joseph Long and presiding elder J. G.
Zinser. Rev. Mr. Dreisbach preached for the class for a
few years, and until the regular circuit preachers were appointed.
John Heisler was leader of the class until 1840, when
Isaac E. Dreisbach was appointed, and has continued its
efficient head until the present. The membership is now
thirty-six. The preachers were C. M. Reinehold and
A. Evans A Sabbath-school was organized soon after the
church came into being, and has continued through every summer
since. Isaac E. Dreisbach is its present
The first place within the township
chosen for the interment of the dead, was the BOGGS
burying-ground, situated on a little eminence a short distance
north of the residence of James T. BOGGS. The first
person buried there, whose grave is marked, was David BOGGS,
who died May 10, 1800, in the tenth year of his age. The next
was Jacob SAYLER, who died Sept. 21, 1800, aged fifty-two
years. William MORGAN was buried there in September,
1807, aged three years; Henry BEAUCHAMP, son of Risdon and
Mary BEAUCHAMP, in the same year, and his sister Rachel,
aged five years, the following year.
The first burials in the old, and now dilapidated,
Jefferson burying-ground, were those of Nancy EVANS, in
August, 1813; Willard EVANS, in September of the same year;
James BROTHERLIN, in December, 1813; and Elizabeth
BROTHERLIN, in April 1814.
In the Salem burying ground, Susannah CROW
was the first person interred. She died July 8, 1809.
Thomas CROW was buried here in January, 1814.
some of the earliest interments of the deceased
pioneers of Pickaway, were made in the Mount Pleasant cemetery,
in Ross county, a mile southwest of Kingston. The first grave
was that of "Jane, wife of George HARRISON, who died
Sept. 6, 1800, in the twenty-seventh year of her age." The
next was that of Jane DENNY, who died in October, of the same
year, in the sixtieth year of her age; Matthew FERGUSON, Jr.,
was buried in May, 1810; John FERGUSON, April, 1813;
Rebecca DUNCAN, in December, 1813; Hugh FORESMAN was
buried in December, 1811, and his wife, Judeth, in March,
Little that is definite can be learned in
regard to the first schools in the township. The earliest
schools were kept in unoccupied cabins, and derived their support
from private subscriptions. One of the first schools was kept
in a cabin which stood on the hill near Mr. Evans' where the
old graveyard now is. And one, also, in a log house, in the
south part of the township, a short distance southeast of where
J. D. Sharp now lives. The first school in this house was
taught by Jesse Bartlett, who came here from New
England. He kept school here two or three years, and then
settled in Ross county.
The first school-house, as near as we can learn, was
the Rawl school-house, which stood just east of Reed's chapel
- the old meeting-house. The first school in it was kept by
Hugh Hannagan. The house was afterwards moved to near the
place where James T. Boggs' dwelling house now stands.
The original log meeting-house built at Salem, in 1802
or 1803, was used, also, as a school-house. David Jones
kept school there, and others, whose names cannot now be remembered.
John Caldwell, who is still living in the vicinity, was a
scholar in this school.
The first physician resident within the
township, was Dr. William B. Gould, who resided at Jefferson.
He settled there in 1802 or 1803, and practiced, with only moderate
success, for about fifteen years.
Dr. Daniel Turney came to Jefferson in 8106.
He studied medicine with Dr. Scott, of Chillicothe, and
graduated in Philadelphia. He remained in Jefferson five or
six years, when he removed to Circleville. Dr. Turney
was a man of strong traits of character, superior professional
attainments, and, in his day, was the leading practitioner of the
county. He was born in 1786, and died in Columbus, in 1827.
The pioneers of Pickaway obtained their
grist, at first, at what was called the floating mill, on the river,
below Chillicothe. Mr. Jacob Hitler informs the writer
that the mill consisted of two flat-boats, between which a wheel was
placed in rig. The whole was covered over with a kind of roof.
The mill lay at anchor whenever the force of the current was
sufficient to run the wheel.
Subsequently, Crouse's mill was erected on
Kinnickinnick, in Ross county, and the settlers then went there to
mill. The grain was ground in the order of its reception, and
the mill was so crowded with business, that several days would often
be required in going to mill and back. There is now no mill in
the township, but we will briefly mention a few that have had an
The first grist-mill was built on Scippo creek, by
David Dreisbach, about the year 1815. On the same stream
Benedict Morris had a mill at an early day.
Christopher Bartley erected a frame grist-mill
on Scippo creek, about forty rods east of the road running past
David Shelby's, which he run until his death. Benjamin
Shelby afterwards bought the mill of Bartley's heirs,
moved it down to the road, and rebuilt it. He afterwards added
a saw-mill. The property was destroyed by fire in the fall of
In 1819, Major John Boggs erected, near the
mouth of Scippo creek, a frame grist-mill, of three run of stone,
having previously erected a saw-mill at the same place.
Major Boggs operated the mill until 1827. On Christmas
day, of that year, son Lemuel Boggs to sell a half interest
in the mill to George Kellenerger, when he retired from the
active control o_ the concern.
There were a number of saw-mills on Scippo creek, in an
early day, besides those already mentioned, but the particulars of
their history the writer is unable to give.
were erected by Lemuel Boggs, the present owner, in the fall
of 1876. He built them more for his own private convenience
than to engage in the grain business in a general way; yet, from the
first, the elevators have done a large business. Most of the
farmers in the vicinity dispose of their grain there, receiving a
price for it equal to that paid in Circleville, and save the toll
required in going to the latter place. The first year Mr.
Boggs shipped one hundred and ninety thousand bushels of corn,
and now handles one hundred and fifty to two hundred thousand
bushels of the same annually, and about seventy-five thousand
bushels of wheat.
At Jefferson, Henry Nevill erected, in the first
settlement in the township, a wind-mill, the only one, it is
supposed, ever erected in the State. It was used for "cracking
corn," for a time, but it was not very highly prized by its owner or
his neighbors, and in after years was allowed to go down. It
was a high structure, with long, broad wings, or fans, and was a
terror to the farmers' horses, which could hardly be driven within a
hundred yards of it.
No history of the township would be
complete without a least a brief reference to the thriving village
which it once contained. Jefferson was laid out by Henry
Nevill, a wealthy Irishman, in 1803. Its location was near
the north line of the township, in section six. Nevill
opened the first store, which he carried on alone for a few years,
when he took Joseph Hedges as a partner. Another store
was shortly afterwards established, by George Brown, who came
in from Chillicothe. Other stores were subsequently started,
and at one time Jefferson could justly boast of the extent of her
mercantile trade. The goods were brought from Philadelphia and
Baltimore, in wagons drawn by six horse teams. The founder of
the village built the first tavern, which was first kept by one
Brobst. The sign displayed the portrait of the
distinguished author of the "charter of our liberties," in whose
honor the town was named. Henry Tom succeeded Brobst
as landlord. The mention of his name, by old settlers, is
always coupled with anecdote of his prodigous strength. He was
a man of stalwart frame, and with his hands would break a new
bed-cord almost as easily as if it were made of straw.
Joseph Adamson was the last proprietor of the house. He
afterwards moved to Circleville, where he kept the Valley house.
There were two other hotels built in Jefferson, one of which was the
Caldwell house, kept by its owner, William Caldwell,
and others. Besides the business places mentioned, there were
the usual mechanic shops and other establishments necessary to a
first class town with a population of some three or four hundred.
There were several physicians, the best and most favorably known of
whom was Dr. Daniel Turney, of whom mention is made
The only brick building erected in the place was the
dwelling of Major Putoff, an officer in the war of 1812.
The house was finally purchased by John B. Moore, who took it
down and rebuilt it in Circleville, on Union street, opposite
Colonel Anderson's. It is now owned and occupied by G.
F. Wittich.
The first courts held in the county were held at
Jefferson, and a strong effort was made by the proprietor and
inhabitants of the place to secure the location of the county seat.
When this failed, the town began to go down, stores and many
dwellings were moved away, and in 1840, the place had decreased to
eighty-five inhabitants. No vestige of a town now remains, and
only a single house (the old office of Dr. Turney, now the
dwelling of Mrs. Kinmore) is left to mark its former site.