Memorial Record of the Counties of
Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio
- Illustrated -
Publ: Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company,
1895. <
one of the well known farmers of Allen township, Union
county, Ohio, and an honored veteran of the late civil war,
was born January 30, 1848, in Union county, Ohio, the son of
Asa and Esther (Cook) Caryl, the former of whom was a
native of the old Keystone State, and the latter of
Massachusetts. Asa Caryl was a man of ability and
marked force of character, and was a prominent figure in the
crucial days before the late war, when he stood forth as an
uncompromising Abolitionist, and was fearless in his zealous
devotion to the down-trodden race, his home having been
often a refuge for fugitive slaves on their way to Canada.
His death occurred in 1883, in this county, and his widow
passed away five years later.
Our subject was reared on the parental farmstead and
received his education in the districts schools. Leal and
loyal in the hour of his country’s call for brave men and
true, he enlisted, in I864, as a member of Company B, One
Hundred and Eighty-seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, being at
that time only a boy of sixteen years. He served with his
regiment until 1865, when he was honorably discharged, after
which he returned to his home in this county.
February 22, 1877, Mr. Caryl was united in
marriage to Miss Susan Clark, a woman of much
intelligence and refinement, who was reared and educated in
this township, her parents having been well known and
honored pioneer residents of the county for many years.
Caleb Clark, father of Mrs. Caryl, was a man of
much prominence in this section, and was a native of the Old
Dominion State, where he was born in 1813, the son of
Angus Clark, whose parents were sturdy Scotch people.
Angus Clark’s mother was a woman of gentle character but
remarkable courage and bravery. It is related of her that in
time of the early war she on one occasion left the
block-house, in which the women and children had been placed
for refuge, and carried powder to the men, having placed the
ammunition in a tablecloth and thus effected its transfer to
the scene of action. Angus Clark married Elizabeth
Green, daughter of a prominent merchant of Wheeling,
Virginia (now West Virginia), and in 1826 they came to
Champaign county, Ohio, locating near the line between that
and Union county, where they passed the residue of their
days. They had nine children, namely; Caleb,
deceased; Rebecca; Phoebe; Nehemiah G.;
Catherine; Elizabeth; Stephen;
Shepherd, and Sally, deceased.
Angus Clark died at the old homestead, at the age
of seventy-six years, and his widow lived to attain the age
of ninety-one years. Caleb was a boy of thirteen when
his parents came to Ohio and he was reared to mature years
on the old homestead farm, receiving his education in the
common schools. At the age of twenty-eight years he was
united in marriage to Rachel Beltz, daughter of
Henry and Susan (Fry) Beltz, both of whom were natives
of the immediate vicinity of Harper’s Ferry, Virginia. Soon
after their marriage they moved to Bedford county,
Pennsylvania, settling on a farm, where they remained until
removed by death at a good old age. They had thirteen
children, viz: Adam, Eve, Henry, Elizabeth, Catherine,
Fredric, Philip, Andrew, Susan, Rachel, Daniel, Samuel
and Isaac. All lived to be grown but one. In later
years, Mr. Beltz erected a gristmill,—as good a mill
as was built in his day.
After his marriage Caleb Clark settled in the
woods of Allen township, this county, where he built a log
cabin and where, in the course of time, he developed a fine
farm, being successful in his efforts and acquiring thereby
a competence before his death, at the age of fifty-six
years. His widow died at the age of sixty-four. They became
the parents of nine children, as follows: Angus; Susan,
wife of our subject; Lester; Ellen, deceased
wife of U. D. Ream; Elizabeth, who died at the
age of eighteen years; Angeline, who died at the age
of twenty; Henry; Caleb, who resides on the
old home farm; James P., and an infant, deceased.
William and Susan Caryl have had three children
namely: May, who died at the age of three months;
Effie, born August 24, 1879; and William Henry,
born July 6, 1882.
Our subject and his estimable wife have three good
farms, comprising a total of 337 acres, of which 198 acres
were inherited by Mrs. Caryl from her father’s
estate. They have two modern and attractive houses, each of
which was erected at a cost of $2,500, and one of which was
built by Mrs. Caryl’s sister, Mrs. Ream,
before her death.
Mr. Caryl is a stanch Republican, and fraternally
is a member of John Bring Post, No. 96, G. A. R., of
North Lewisburg, and of King Lodge, No. 546, I. O. O. F., of
North Lewisburg, Ohio. He has served as trustee of Allen
township for six years &rid has been a member of Union
county Agricultural Society for four years.
He and his wife are devoted members of the United
Brethren Church, in which our subject holds official
preferment as trustee.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
cashier of the People’s Bank of Marysville, Ohio, is one of
the prominent and highly respected citizens of Union county.
Mr. Chapman traces his ancestry back to Benjamin
Chapman, who was a native of Southington, Connecticut,
born February 22, 1761, the son of a minister
(Congregational, it is supposed) and slaveholder. This
Benjamin Chapman was married September 25, 1792, in
Connecticut, to Miss Silvia Upson, also a native of
Southington, the date of her birth being October 12, 1773.
About 1802 or 1804 the Chapman family came to Ohio
with a colony under Colonel James Kilbourn, the
colony being composed of Episcopalians and Colonel
Kilbourn its first minister. The Chapmans, who
were Presbyterians, took the place in the company of a
family which failed to emigrate, and they settled on the
west side of the Olentangy river, about three miles above
Worthington. On a farm at that place Benjamin Chapman
and his wife passed the rest of their days. He died March 7,
1823, and she survived him a number of years. They had a
family of children as follows: Roswell R.; Albert,
M. D., who practiced his profession in Franklin county,
Ohio, for many years, died at the age of eighty-nine;
Mary, wife of Dixon Mitchell, died in Union
county; Sarah, wife of Aaron Mitchell, died in
Logan county; Henry, a steamboat captain on the Ohio
and Mississippi rivers, died in Van Buren, Arkansas;
Lucinda, wife of Aaron Mitchell, died in
Columbus, Ohio; Sylvia, died at De Groff [sic],
Ohio; and Harriet, wife of Ira Reynolds, died
in Seneca county, Ohio.
Roswell Riggs Chapman, the oldest of this family
and the grandfather of the gentleman whose name heads this
sketch, was born in Bandford [sic], Massachusetts,
September 21, 1798, and was a small child when he came with
his parents to Ohio. He enlisted in Captain Levi Pinney’s
company in the war of 1812, served as a musician, becoming
fife major of his regiment, and was taken prisoner by the
British at Detroit, upon the surrender of that post by
General Hull. After his return he engaged as clerk for
the Scioto Company in their store, subsequently forming a
partnership in the dry-goods, grocery and general produce
business with his uncle, Dr. Daniel Upson. In the
spring of 1816 he married Miss Phoebe Stansbery, who
was born in Scotch Plains, New Jersey, March 1798. His
health failed in 1826, and in 1827, being threatened with
consumption he went South, thinking to derive benefit from
the change. The disease had too strong a hold upon him, and
he died on a steamer December 13, 1827, and was buried at
Natchez, Mississippi. His wife, Phoebe Stansbery, was
the only child of Judge Recompense Stansbery, who
emigrated to Ohio in 1810, coming through Pennsylvania, down
the Ohio river on a flat-boat, and up the Muskingum as far
as Zanesville, thence by wagon to Granville, in what is now
Licking county, Ohio, and across the country to Worthington. Between the latter points there was then no road, and he was
compelled to clear his way with an axe. Mr. Stansbery
occupied a prominent position in the new settlement. In 1814
he was appointed Associate Justice of the Court of Common
Pleas. He was also Justice of the Peace, and in that
capacity married many of the early settlers. He was for
twenty-five years Postmaster at Worthington; was a large
land-holder and stock owner, having at one time 1,200 sheep,
when the region was yet thickly infested with wolves. He
died in 1843. Roswell R. Chapman and his wife were
the parents of five children, namely: John O., a
farmer of Jasper county, Iowa; Eliza, widow of Dr.
Peter Goble, Tulare, California; Mary, deceased,
wife of Jacob Haas, of Pekin, Illinois; Albert S.,
the father of our subject; and Delia, deceased, wife
of Dr. Francis Upson, Los Angeles, California. After
the death of her husband, Phoebe Chapman became the
wife of Dr. Arius Kilbourn. He died September 2,
1865, and she passed away March 4, 1878.
Albert S. Chapman was born at Worthington, Ohio,
April 26, 1823. At the age of eighteen he began reading
medicine and teaching school, was afterward engaged in
business at various places until 1855, when, on account of
failing health, he sought outdoor employment and gave his
attention to farming. In 1870 he located a second time at
Marysville, entering into partnership with his son in the
agricultural implement business. In 1875 he formed a
partnership with John S. Fleck for the manufacture of
doors, sash and blinds, and dealing in lumber, under the
firm name of Fleck & Chapman, which association
continued until 1893, since which time he has been retired,
still making his home in Marysville. He was married when
twenty-two years of age, to Miss Eveline M. Couch, of
Springfield, Ohio, and they became the parents of three
children: Charles Stansbery, subject of this review;
Frank, who died at the age of five years; and
Minnie, who became the wife of A. J. Reicherts,
Delaware, Ohio, died in 1872, leaving one child. Mrs.
Chapman died August 30, 1892, at the age of seventy-two
Charles S. Chapman was born in Newton, Union
county, Ohio, November 15, 1846, and was educated at
Worthington. After he had attained his majority he was for
three years engaged in the agricultural implement business
with his father, at Marysville. Since the organization of
the People’s Bank of Marysville, in 1874, he has been its
cashier, serving most efficiently in this responsible
position. Both he and his father helped to organize this
bank. About 1875 they also became interested in farming
operations, owning some 300 acres of land, to which they
added by subsequent purchase until now they have 500 acres.
This land is located in Jerome township, Union county, and
is operated chiefly as a sheep farm. They commenced the
sheep industry by securing the American Merinos from
Vermont. About 1884 they began crossing their stock with the
Delaine breeds, and they now have a flock of about 700 fine
registered sheep. They breed both for clip and market. In
the spring of 1893 Mr. Charles S. Chapman gathered
clippings of wool for an exhibit at the World’s Fair at
Chicago, and was awarded a diploma on Delaine wool, making a
score of 95.9, this being an honor to both Mr. Chapman and
to Union county.
Mr. Chapman’s residence, erected in 1885, is one of
the finest modern homes in Marysville, its location being on
the corner of Fourth and Maple streets. He was married in
this city, December 1, 1870, to Miss Anna T. Kinkade,
daughter of James Kinkade, deceased. They have three
children, viz.: Frank T., a graduate of the
Conservatory of Music of Chicago, and for four years a
student under Professor Jacobsohn, now has a studio
in Columbus, Ohio, where he is giving especial attention to
violin music; Max, a graduate of the Marysville high
school, is now looking after the interests of his father’s
farm, and Albert K., a bright little fellow of four
Politically Mr. Chapman is a stanch Republican.
He is a member of the F. & A. M., Palestine Lodge, No. 158.
While his father is an Episcopalian, Charles S., is
identified with the Presbyterian Church, in which he has
been an official member for a number of years. For some
years he was Sunday-school Superintendent. Such is a brief
sketch of the life of this well-known citizen and his
pioneer ancestry.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
whose life now comes under review must be distinctively
regarded as one of the representative men of Union
county,—one whose prominence in the annals noting the
progress of agriculture in the prosperous Buckeye
commonwealth is precisely similar to the position occupied,
in the earlier stages of development and reclamation, by his
honored father, who was one of the most intelligent and
enterprising pioneers of Champaign county, where he lent his
assistance in causing the towering forest to give place to
the grain field, whose soil has now for years been furrowed
and re-furrowed by the plowshare.
Our subject, whose paternal ancestry is of Scotch
extraction, was born June 7, 1832, on the old homestead farm
in Rush township, Champaign county, this State, the son of
Angus Clark, who passed many years in that section,
where he had occupied a position of marked prominence from
the time of his arrival in the frontier settlement in an
early day. Angus Clark was born in 1783, in Lancaster
county, Pennsylvania, and in 1826 he came to Rush township,
where he effected the purchase of 200 acres of densely
wooded land, which he cleared and improved; subsequently
adding 300 acres more to his landed estate and likewise
giving his attention to reclaiming the new accessions. He
lived to enjoy the bountiful harvest gleaned from the broad
acres of what was one of the largest and best farms in
Champaign county, his position in the community being one in
which respect, honor and admiration were accorded. That line
of industry which has given the Buckeye State a prestige
from its earliest settlement, the manufacturing of maple
sugar, secured much attention at his hands, and amid the
leafy shadows of the maple forests he operated one of the
most extensive sugar camps or “bushes” in the State, the
product from the same reaching an annual aggregate of from
8,000 to 10,000 pounds. The death of Angus Clark
occurred in 1859, at the age of seventy-six years. His wife,
neé [sic] Elizabeth Green, was a native
of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, the daughter of
Nehemiah Green, who was a soldier in the war of the
Revolution, and who passed many years of his life in
Champaign county, this State, where he died at a venerable
age. The mother of our subject passed away March 20, 1881 at
the age of ninety-one years.
Shepherd Clark passed his boyhood days on the old
homestead farm, and early became familiar with such
incidental duties as were in his strength to perform, their
range widening as the days passed, until he was able to take
his place with other sturdy yeomen and to do a full day’s
work with the best of them. What this implied was far more
than at the present day, for the work of clearing away the
forest and breaking new land is far different occupation
than following the plow as it furrows its way through the
earth softened by oft-repeated tilling. Remaining beneath
the paternal roof-tree until he had attained to maturity, he
became ambitious to start out in life on his own
responsibility, and accordingly he turned his face toward
the great West, going to Iowa in 1856, —that section
representing at the time the practical frontier. Here he,
following in the footsteps of his honored father, likewise
became a pioneer, but found not so great obstacles in
cultivating the sweeping prairies as had his sire in his
initial efforts in this State. He settled in Allamakee
county, Iowa, and there remained for a period of four years,
after which he returned to the old homestead, and there
remained for a number of years, assisting in its
cultivation. In 1867 he purchased his present magnificent
farmstead, which comprises 635 acres, lying in Union,
Champaign and Logan counties, the portion in this county
being in Allen township. The postoffice address of our
subject is North Lewisburg, Champaign county. The farm has
been most appropriately designated by the name of Green
Bush. The character of the soil is a rich loam, and it is
particularly prolific in the production of crops of grasses
and cereals, and it is considered one of the finest stock
farms in this section of the State. The family residence,
which was erected in 1877, at a cost of $10,000, is of
modern architectural design, and not only stands as one of
the most attractive rural homes in the county, but as
unexcelled by any residence structure in the county, except
by one or two in Marysville, the county seat. The interior
is one which shows many of the elegances of the end of the
century period, and betokens the refinement and taste of the
occupants, —a quiet, peaceful abode, which most perfectly
deserves the true old name of home. The location of the
house is upon a most eligible site, which commands a view of
the broad demesne of the favored owner. The entire place,
with its fields, its upland meadows, its orchards, its
wood-lots and its substantial and well-ordered improvements,
can not fail to delight the eye of the passer-by, nor to
suggest to his mind the thought that here abide those whose
lines are cast in pleasant places. The system of drainage on
the farm is most perfect, there being many hundred rods of
tile drain, which carry away all excessive water; a fine
hedge-row stretches along the fertile fields for a distance
of fully a mile, and in every part of the place there is
unmistakable evidence of painstaking care and of an
executive ability that can direct affairs with economy and
success. A fine horse-barn, 60 x 80 feet in dimensions, is
equipped specifically for the accommodation of the noble
animals who lend such effective aid in the cultivation of
the farm, while there are ample provisions in the way of
sheds for produce, stock and machinery. Water for both
domestic and farm purposes is furnished by a modern
For many years Mr. Clark has been most
conspicuously interested in the breeding and raising of
Norman draft-horses, in which line of enterprise his efforts
have been crowned with marked success. He has spared neither
time nor money in securing good individuals, and to-day
there may be seen on his place some of the best Percheron or
Norman horses to be found in the State. He is a man who is
proud of his vocation and he has ever manifested a lively
interest in all that touches the progress and welfare of the
farmer, being a most active worker in various farm and
agricultural societies.
In politics Mr. Clark has always used his
franchise in the support of the Republican party, and he has
represented his locality as delegate to numerous county and
Congressional conventions. His extended private interests
have demanded his undivided attention and he has never
manifested any desire for official preferment, although, in
1870, he served as Land Appraiser.
Fraternally our subject is identified in a prominent
way with the Masonic order, retaining a membership in
Blazing Star Lodge, No. 268, and Royal Arch Chapter, No.
126, of North Lewisburg, and of Raper Cornmandery, No. 19,
Knights Templar, of Urbana.
Turning to the domestic life of our subject we find
that, at the age of twenty-four, he was united in marriage
to Miss Hannah Barney, who was born and reared in
this county, the daughter of Adam Barney. Mrs.
Clark died in 1866, leaving the following children:
Charles, who is in the hardware trade at Chanut, Neosho
county, Kansas; Florence E., who married Joseph
Spain, of North Lewisburg, Ohio; Lucy, wife of
W. T. Beach, of Zanesville, Ohio; Pearl L., a
teacher in the Urbana high school; John E., who is
also a teacher; George; Ada, who graduated at
the North Lewisburg high school as a member of the class of
1894; and Blanche. The members of the family are
conspicuously identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church
of North Lewisburg. Mr. Clark’s second marriage was
consummated on April 16, 1870, when he was united to Miss
Eliza Asher, daughter of John and Deborah Asher.
Their children are: Flora E., Alice, Lucy E., and
Though our subject’s educational advantages in youth
were limited in scope, yet he secured a good practical
education, which has been most admirably supplemented by the
wide experience which has been his in later years. He stands
forward as a man of marked intelligence and broad general
information, his judgment being unerring and his business
sagacity pronounced. He is charitable and kindly and holds
the respect and esteem of the community, to whose
advancement, in an incidental way, he has contributed so
largely during his active and honor able life.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
B. COLE, deceased, for many years a prominent citizen
of Marysville, was born near Columbus, Ohio, son of James
and Jerusha (Blakeslie) Cole, who were of Dutch and
English descent respectively. James Cole was a
son of Benjamin Cole, a native of Wyoming,
Pennsylvania, and a grandson of James Cole, who was
born in Holland. The elder James Cole came to
this country when a young man and settled at Wyoming, and
there reared this family. Benjamin Cole removed
from Wyoming to Pottstown, where it is supposed he spent the
rest of his life. He was a soldier in the
Revolutionary war, was a farmer by occupation, and reared a
large family. One of his sons, Benjamin, was
killed in the war of 1812. James Cole, the
father of Philander, was in early life a wheelwright.
He was a quiet and unassuming man and was domestic in his
tastes. He was twice married, our subject being the
only child by his first wife. By his second wife, nee
Nancy Smith, he had a large family. When
Philander B. was five years old his
parents moved to Belle Point, Delaware county, where he
spent his boyhood days on his father's farm and attended the
public schools. Later he went to Granville College,
supporting himself while in college, and soon afterward
began teaching in the district schools, which he continued
for several terms. Then he began reading law in the
office of William C. Lawrence, of Marysville, Ohio,
and was admitted to the bar when he was twenty-one years of
age. Immediately afterward he opened an office and
engaged in the practice of his profession, which he
continued up to the time of his death, which occurred in
1892, at the age of seventy-seven years. His career as
a lawyer was one of eminent success, and his high
intellectual attainments and popularity gained for him
numerous positions of prominence and trust. Soon after
he opened a law office he was elected Prosecuting Attorney,
which office he filled for three terns, He was a
member of the Ohio Legislature in 1850-1, and from 1864 to
'66 he was in the State Senate. From 1871 to 1877 he
was Common Pleas Judge; in 1884 he was Presidential Elector,
and for many years he was active in political affairs, -
first a Whig and later a Republican. During the
civil war he was Chairman of the County Military Committee
and labored hard for the good of the cause. He was a
delegate to the National Convention that nominated Lincoln for President. Indeed, he was always found
on the side of truth and right, and was a hearty supporter
of any movement or measure he deemed for the best interest
of the people. A few years before the war - from 1846
to 1850 - he edited the Argus, a weekly paper published in
Marysville. His whole life was characterized by
earnestness in whatever he undertook; he was generous and
liberal almost to a fault, and in his public service his
every duty was performed with the strictest fidelity. About 1839
Judge Cole was married to Dorothy
Barden Witter, who had been his pupil in school.
Her parents, David and Sarah Witter, were among the
early settlers of Ohio, coming here about 1814 or '15 and
settling two miles below Milford Centre in Union township,
Union county, where her father purchased 1,600 acres of
land. David Witter was born in Pennsylvania,
son of Elijah Witter; and from his tenth year was
reared in Genesee county, New York. His father,
Elijah Witter, living on the frontier as he did,
suffered greatly from depredations committed by the Indians
and on three occasions had his house burned by them.
He was appointed to look after the women and children of the
settlement and to protect them in the forts during the
Indian raids. On these occasions they frequently
suffered from want of provisions, especially salt. His
wife at one time made a trip of fifty miles on horseback to
get salt, and returned in safety, having passed many
Indians. In early life David Witter was a
trapper and hunter and later he carried on both this
business and farming. When the war of 1812 broke out
he entered the service as an officer in the New York
militia, and was in the battle of Queenstown. It was
soon after the close of that war that he and his wife came
to Ohio, as above stated. Here he carried on the stock
business on an extensive scale and found a market for his
droves of stock at both Philadelphia and Detroit. He
also did a large real-estate business. Previous to his
coming to Ohio he was elected to and served as High
Constable in New York, and about 1827 he was elected Sheriff
of Union county, being one of the first to hold this office
here. About 1828 he erected a brick hotel in
Marysville, which he conducted for some years in connection
with other business operations, and few men in the county
were better known than he. In 1851 he moved to
Illinois. There he passed the residue of his life and
died, his death occurring about 1864.
Judge Cole and his wife became the parents of
six children, three sons and three daughters, all occupying
honorable and useful positions in life. The sons, all
following in the footsteps of their honored father, are
engaged in the practice of law, and one of the daughters is
the wife of a prominent lawyer. We refer briefly to
each of them as follows: Ulysses D., an officer
in the civil war, at one time a member of the Indiana
Legislature, and now a prominent attorney at Rushville,
Indiana; James B., a graduate of the West Point
Military Academy, served five years in the United States
cavalry in Texas, was discharged in 1871 at his own request,
came home and entered his father's law office, and since his
father's death has been engaged in the practice of law
alone; Cornelia, wife of C. W. Fairbanks, an
attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana; Edward E., engaged
in the practice of law at Columbus, Ohio; Jesse, wife
of A. Y. Lowe, a traveling salesman, Marysville; and
Dorothea wife of Captain John L. Sellers, a
Marysville cigar jobber. Mrs. Cole is still living and is an honored
resident of Marysville, having attained her seventy-fifth
year. ~ Page 377 - Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and
Morrow, Ohio - Illustrated - Publ: Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1895. |
a prosperous farmer and highly respected citizen of Union
township, Union county, Ohio, was born in the township in
which he now lives September 20, 1845.
Mr. Conner comes of Irish ancestors. His father,
John Conner, was born in county Kings, Ireland; was
reared, educated and married there, the maiden name of his
wife being Catharine Connely. Soon after their
marriage they came to the United States and first located in
Albany, New York, from whence they subsequently removed to
Ohio and settled in Union county. Here at first they lived
with Ed. Moran and later owned a farm of their own.
Mr. Conner landed in this country with no means
whatever, his only capital being his strong arm and his
willingness to work, and by his industry and frugality and
the able assistance of his good wife he secured a valuable
property and was ranked with the solid men of the township.
At the time of his death he owned 465 acres of good land,
well improved with brick residence, etc. His wife died at
the age of forty-three years and he lived to be seventy-six.
They had seven children, namely: Maria, deceased;
Eliza, wife of Dr. A. Boylon; Ann,
deceased; Thomas J., the subject of this sketch;
Selestine, wife of Marion Hopkins, Marysville;
John P., a resident of Allen township, this county, and
George, of Mill Creek, Ohio.
Thomas J. Conner was reared on his father’s farm,
and was educated in the district schools. When the civil war
came on and continued to rage, and President Lincoln
called for “300,000 more,” young Conner enlisted in Company
B, Thirty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and went to the
front. While near Harper’s Ferry he received a bullet wound
in the left leg, after which he was in hospital at Annapolis
for some time. April 10, 1863, he was honorably discharged,
after which he returned home. For two years and a half
Mr. Conner was in the oil fields of Pennsylvania, at St.
Petersburg, Clarion county. The greater part of his life,
however, has been devoted to agricultural pursuits. He came
to his present farm in 1891. Here he has 126 acres of choice
land, nicely improved with good residence, barn, fences, and
orchard, and everything kept up in first-class shape.
Mr. Conner was
married September 14, 1869, to Miss Rose Spain, a
lady of education and refinement, who was, before her
marriage, engaged in teaching. She, too, is a native of
Union township. Her father, Ed Spain, was born in
Petersburg, Virginia, in 1811, and was married in Union
county, Ohio, in 1831, to Mary Reed Gabriel. He died
in 1881. Following are the names of their children who are
living: Mary Elizabeth; Lusetta Smith,
Minneapolis, Minnesota; Rose Conner; Ella Rowe,
Minneapolis; and William, also of Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Conner have three children: Anna,
Harry, and Edna, aged respectively twenty,
seventeen and eight years. Miss Anna is a graduate of
the Milford Centre high school with the class of 1892.
Politically Mr. Conner is a Prohibitionist. He
is now in the prime of life, is genial and jovial, and has
an abundant supply of that native wit which is a striking
characteristic of the race from which he is descended.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
who holds the responsible preferment as Treasurer of Union
county, Ohio, and who is held in the highest regard by the
people of the community, is a native of the Buckeye State,
having been born in Champaign county, November 16, 1826, the
son of John B. and Betsey (Lathrop) Cranston, the
former of whom was a native of Rhode Island, and the latter
of Connecticut. John B. Cranston came to Ohio with
his parents in 1815, and they settled on the rich plains
lying contiguous to Darby creek, in this section, with whose
history from that early day has that of the family been
identified. The Lathrop family emigrated from their
Eastern home to this State a few years subsequent to the
arrival here of the Cranstons. The paternal ancestry
of our subject was of Scotch lineage, and the maternal, of
John B. Cranston was a farmer of the more
intelligent, active and progressive type, and he naturally
became somewhat of a leader in local affairs. He was an
ardent Whig, and within his life-time held local offices of
importance. He passed the greater portion of his life in
Champaign county, near the Union county line. Religiously,
he was an active member of the Christian Church. He and his
wife became the parents of seven children, four of whom are
living at the present time. We offer the following record of
the family: Mary, wife of Joseph Johnston, of
Iroquois county, Illinois; Peleg, the immediate
subject of this review: John, deceased: Dollie,
deceased wife of William H. Robinson, of Yates City,
Illinois; Betsey, deceased wife of Rosalvo Smith,
of this State, and Ann B., who still resides in
Champaign county.
Our subject, Peleg Cranston, was reared on the
farm, and received his education in the common schools,
remaining at his home until he had attained his majority.
December 24, 1846, he was united in marriage to Miss
Mary A. Bland, and after this event he still continued
his residence at the parental home for a few years, after
which he engaged in the mercantile business in Woodstock,
Champaign county, where he remained about two years, and
then returned once more to the home farm, where he continued
to reside until 1856, when he removed to Union county and
located at what is now the village of Broadway, where he
engaged in farming and simultaneously conducted a general
mercantile business. He owned a farm of 192 acres, upon a
part of which the present village of Broadway is located. He
was prospered in his farming and other business operations,
was in the lead in all matters of public order, and was
called upon to accept various offices in the gift of the
people. He was retained as Treasurer of Taylor township for
a number of years, and also officiated as Justice of the
Peace for many consecutive terms. That Mr. Cranston
was a capable official and painstaking executive is manifest
from the fact that he was finally chosen as the candidate of
his party for the notable office which he now holds, that of
County Treasurer of this county. He was elected to this
office in the fall of 1891. The duties of his official
incumbency demand his constant present at the county seat,
and accordingly, in the fall of 1892, he took up his
residence in the city of Marysville, where he still abides.
In his political adherency he is strongly in line with the
Republican party, in whose interests he has long been a most
zealous worker.
Mr. and Mrs. Cranston became the parents of four
children, concerning whom we offer the following data:
French, died in childhood, as also did Webb and
Inez; Walter F. resides in Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, and is a clergyman in the Free-will Baptist
Church. He was born July 25, 1856, and received his
education at Merom, Indiana, and Oberlin, this State, being
ordained to the ministry in 1889. In his early life he was
for some time engaged as a telegraph operator, and prior to
this had been for four years, connected with a mercantile
enterprise at North Lewisburg, this State.
Our subject has never identified himself with any
religious denomination, but has ever been in close touch
with the broader spirit of Christianity, and has been a most
active worker in the cause. He has given special attention
to Sunday-school work for many years and has accomplished
much good in a quiet, unostentatious way, having held the
position of Sunday-school superintendent for more than a
quarter of a century. For the past twenty years he has been
the president of the Union County Sabbath-school
Association, and is still the honored incumbent in that
office. He has done a noble work and may well revert to the
same with pleasure and satisfaction. He has organized a
large number of Sunday-schools in the county, which had
about thirty-six schools when he began his efforts in this
line, but which now shows a total of seventy-six.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
JOHN WILLIAMS CLARK ~ Page 118 - Memorial Record of the
Counties of Delaware, Union and
Morrow, Ohio - Illustrated - Publ: Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1895. |
 |
Source: History Union County, Ohio -
Publ. by B. F. Bowen & Company, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind. -
1915 - Page 928 |
Milford Centre, Ohio, is one of the representative citizens
of Union county. He has resided on his present farm for over
thirty years and is thoroughly identified with the interests
of this section of the country.
Mr. Culbertson was born in Cincinnati, Ohio,
February 11, 1841, and is descended from Scotch-Irish
ancestors who were prominent in the wars of this country,
and who were zealous in the faith of the Presbyterian
Church. His father, Captain John C. Culbertson, was
born on Culbertson Row, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania,
September 19, 1791. He was an Ensign in the Twenty-second
United States Regulars and served with distinction at
Chippewa and Lundy’s Lane, receiving two wounds. For bravery
on the field of battle he received a Captain’s commission.
After the war he went to St. Louis, Missouri, and engaged in
merchandising, furnishing supplies to the Government forts,
and selling goods to the frontier merchants from St. Louis
to the Texas and Mexican borders. In this way he accumulated
a fortune. He then located in Cincinnati and helped to found
the old Franklin Bank, known as the “Three Johns Bank,” the
names of the founders being John C. Culbertson,
John Rozebeck and John Kilgore. This solid
financial institution stood firmly through the great crises
of 1837, 1847 and 1857. Like his forefathers, the Captain
was a stanch Presbyterian, and a liberal supporter of the
church. Politically he was first a Whig and afterward a
Republican. He was truly a self-made man. He started out in
the world with only $50, and by his honest industry and good
management he accumulated a large property. Personally he
was of commanding presence, six feet and three inches in
height. He was twice married and had a family of ten
children, his first wife being Margaret Hamilton, and
his second, Jane Moody, daughter of Rev. John
Moody. The names of his children are as follows: John
M., of Indiana; Mary Kilheath, New York city;
Joseph A., the subject of this article; H. Clay,
Cincinnati; Samuel D., of Union county, Ohio;
William, deceased; Robert, Cincinnati; Anna
Addy, Cincinnati; Frank, Texas; and Elizabeth
Annore, New York city.
J. A. Culbertson was reared in his native city, and
was educated at Princeton College. When the first call for
troops was made, in 1861, to put down the Rebellion, he
enlisted in Company A, Sixth Ohio; went to the front, and
was first under fire at Beverly, Virginia. For meritorious
service he was made Adjutant of the Fiftieth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, and later was promoted to the Captaincy of the
Fifty-second Ohio; was on duty in Virginia and Kentucky, and
participated in the battles of Perryville, Lexington and
others. After the battle of Stone River he resigned his
commission and returned home.
In 1863 Mr. Culbertson settled on his present
farm, a fine tract of 300 acres, which is ranked with the
best farms in the township. His commodious residence is
surrounded by attractive grounds, and the whole premises,
from the substantial buildings, good fences, etc., to the
well-cultivated fields, all give evidence of the owner’s
Mr. Culbertson was married in 1864, at Columbus,
Ohio, to Miss Martha Trumell, daughter of Francis
and Elizabeth Trumell. Her widowed mother is a resident
of Cleveland, Ohio, her father having died in 1890. He was a
soldier in the United States Army, and his three sons,
David, Albert, and John, were also in the army,
two of them being in his regiment, and Albert in an
Ohio volunteer regiment.
Personally our subject has the bearing of a soldier. He
is six feet and one inch high, perfectly erect, and weighs
288 pounds. He has what few possess, namely, a magnificent
personal presence. Socially he is identified with the
Knights of Pythias and Silas Kimball Post, G. A. R.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
a representative agriculturist of Union township, Union
county, Ohio, comes of stanch old Scotch-Irish stock, and of
a family prominently identified with the history of Union
for many years.
He was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, February 22,
1846, the son of Captain John C. and Jane (Moody)
Culbertson. His father was twice married, his first wife
being Margaret Hamilton. He vas a man of conspicuous
ability and held a position of marked prominence in the
business circles of the Queen City, where he was for many
years engaged in banking. He was an active participant in
the war of 1812, saw much service on the battlefield and was
promoted for gallantry, receiving commission as Captain.
More specific reference to his career is made on another
page, in connection with the sketch of our subject’s
brother, J. A. Culbertson.
Samuel D. Culbertson was reared in the city of
Cincinnati, and received the best of educational advantages.
When the cloud of civil war spread its dark shadow over the
nation he showed the loyalty of his nature by enlisting as a
member of Company H, One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Ohio
Volunteer Infantry, serving until the expiration of his term
of enlistment, after which he received an honorable
discharge. Later on he engaged in the grocery trade in his
native city, continuing in this line of enterprise for a
number of years.
In 1882 Mr. Culbertson located in Union county
and six years later took up his abode on his present fine
farm of ninety acres, which is under a most effective system
of cultivation and well improved with a good residence,
barns, sheds, etc.
Our subject was married in 1869, in Cincinnati, to
Miss Rosa Reiniger, a lady of intelligence and
refinement. She was born at Portsmouth, Ohio, and was there
reared and educated. She was the daughter of the late
Major Charles Reiniger, a gallant and honored veteran of
the late war. He was Major in the Fifty-sixth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry and served with distinction on the field of battle.
He died at the venerable age of seventy-six years. He was a
native of Wurtemberg, Germany, where he was born November
11, 1805. At the age of eighteen years he entered the German
army, and within a short time was promoted to the office of
Adjutant of his regiment. Major Reiniger married
Barbara Suter, who was born in Baden-Baden, Germany, and
who was a woman of marked culture. They became the parents
of twelve children, concerning whom we are enabled to offer
the following record: Ellen; Frederick C., who was a
soldier in the late war and who at one time held office as
Sheriff of Scioto county, this State; Frances; George J.,
who also bore arms in the Union army, and who is now a
prominent citizen of Jackson, Ohio; Joseph H., a
resident of Portsmouth, Ohio; Rosa, wife of our
subject; Emma, wife of Frank Seth, of
Parkville, Kansas, and Louis, who died at the age of
twenty-nine years. The other children died in early
Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson have two sons: Samuel D.,
who was born June 24, 1870, was united in marriage, October
10, 1891, to Miss Victoria Pullins, of Milford
Centre, this county, and they have one daughter, Edith
Jane, born December 10, 1893; Walter M., was born
August 9, 1872, and is still at the parental home.
Our subject votes with the Republican party, and
fraternally is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic,
Silas Kimball Post, No. 570, of Milford Centre, and the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mrs. Culbertson is
a member of the Presbyterian Church.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
—It is now privileged the biographer to offer a brief sketch
of the life of one who stands as one of the pioneer native
residents of this portion of Ohio,—a man of ability in the
line of his profession, one who has attained to marked
success in temporal affairs, whose patriotic services to his
country have been unstinted, and whose position in the
respect and esteem of his fellowmen is assured. It is
certainly germane that the life of such an man should come
up for consideration in the premises, not for undue
panegyric, not, perhaps for the voicing of his own modest
estimate of himself, but as giving incidental utterance to
the opinions of those who have known him long and well. Such
a task can never prove an ungrateful one and there is
pleasure in tracing such a genealogy.
Dr. Cutler, who has been a resident of Richwood for
upward of two decades, was born in Concord township,
Delaware county, Ohio, April 23, 1831, a son of John and
Matilda A. Cutler, natives respectively of the States of
Delaware and Ohio. John Cutler passed his early life
in Delaware, and when a young man determined to seek his
fortunes in the West, coming to Chillicothe, Ross county,
Ohio, where he engaged in the shoe and leather business.
Here he remained for some few years, when, upon the location
of the State capital at Columbus, he removed to that city
and there remained until 1829 or 1830, when he removed to
Concord township, Delaware county, where he purchased a
considerable tract of timber land. To the clearing up of
this farm he devoted his attention, also erecting a sawmill,
which he subsequently converted into a flouring mill, —an
enterprise of much benefit to and duly appreciated by the
settlers for miles around.
Mr. Cutler became a power in the community, was
alert, progressive, and of high intelligence, and soon
gained recognition as one of the leaders in public matters
of local order, —one whose counsel was much in demand, whose
decisions came to be considered as practically ultimate. He
took an active interest in political affairs, and held, in
turn, many of the important county and township offices. He
was originally a Whig, but upon the organization of the
Republican party, he identified himself therewith,
continuing his allegiance during the residue of his life. He
had been for many years a devoted member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. He married, and became the father of ten
children, two of whom died in infancy, the remaining eight
living to attain maturity. Of the latter we offer the
following brief record: John S. was educated at the
Ohio Wesleyan University, and entered the ministry of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, preaching for years in this
State, and finally going, as a general missionary, to
Africa, where he soon after died: he married the daughter of
B. H. Willis, of this county, and she still survives,
being a resident of Columbus; James, the second
child, is the immediate subject of this sketch; H. C.,
deceased, was a well-known farmer and stock dealer of
Delaware county; William H. is a resident of the city of
Delaware; Matilda A. is the wife of Joseph Corbin,
of Dublin, Franklin county, Ohio; N. E., who died in
Richwood, left a wife and one daughter, who are now
residents of Delaware; Amanda is a widow, and is a
resident of Columbus; Orange D. is a prominent farmer
of Jerome, Union county, Ohio. The father served in the war
of 1812, and two of his sons, James and W. H.,
showed their patriotism by bearing arms in the late war of
the Rebellion. The last named served as a member of Company
C, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and
was discharged after a service of less than one year on
account of disability. The honored father of our subject
died, in Concord township, in the fall of 1870, having
attained the venerable age of ninety-two years; the mother
is also deceased.
The records of the early days in this section of the
Union tell of the conditions that maintained and
incidentally show what the early life of our subject, must
have been. He was reared on the old home farm and attended
the district schools up to the time when he reached his
fifteenth year. At this time a notable epoch in our national
history was ushered in as the result of the protest of
Mexico against the annexation of Texas by the United States.
Recourse to arms became neccessary [sic] and among
those to espouse the cause of the Union was the young lad,
our subject. In July, 1846, he enlisted as a member of
Company E, Second United States Infantry, and served until
August, 1848, when he was discharged, in compliance with a
petition filed by his father asking for his release on the
grounds that he was yet a minor. He first served under
General Taylor, in the command of Colonel Riley,
the captain of his company being J. B. Kingsbury.
This service was along the course of the Rio Grande, whither
General Taylor had been sent to protect the new State
from threatened invasion by the Mexicans. The regiment was
then transferred to the army commanded by General Scott,
the hero of Lundy’s Lane, to whom had been assigned the task
of capturing the Mexican capital. After this transfer our
subject did service all the way from Vera Cruz to the proud
old Spanish-American capital, where he remained until the
treaty of peace was signed, when he returned with his
regiment to St. Louis, Missouri, where he was mustered out.
Besides having participated in the engagements in the city
of Mexico he was also in the battles of Vera Cruz, Cerro
Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco Chapultepec. He was on military
guard during the time the army was located in the city of
After his discharge our subject returned to Delaware
county and shortly afterward entered the Ohio Wesleyan
University, where he completed his specific literary
education. He then went to West Alexander, Preble county,
Ohio, and entered the office of Dr. Patterson Nesbit,
under whose preceptorship he remained for some time, after
which he entered the Starling Medical College, at Columbus,
completing the prescribed course and graduating. He then
engaged in the practice of his profession at New California,
Union county, where he remained about four years. At this
time his country once more issued call to her patriotic sons
to come forth in defense of the Union, and he promptly
enlisted as First Lieutenant of Company K, First Ohio
Volunteer Cavalry, the date of his enlistment being October
6, 1861. He was commissioned Captain of his company February
6, 1863, but resigned his commission at Columbus on April
20th of the same year, simultaneously retiring from the
service. He served in Kentucky and Tennessee, participating
in the battles of Pittsburg Landing, Stone River and
Perryville besides a number of skirmishes. He was taken
prisoner at Courtland, Alabama, and for about three months
was held in captivity in Mississippi, —at Columbus and
Jackson. He was finally exchanged at Vicksburg.
After retiring from the service Dr. Cutler
resumed the practice of his profession in Delaware county,
locating at Belle Point, where he remained until 1871, when
he came to Richwood, Union county, and engaged in the drug
business, continuing the enterprise for a period of nine
years, after which he retired for a time from active
business. Some little time after locating here he associated
himself with the Bank of Richwood, a private banking
institution, with which he has ever since maintained a
connection in an executive capacity and to whose conduct and
affairs he now gives his undivided attention.
A Republican in his political views, the Doctor has
been an active worker and has held numerous preferments of
honor in the gift of the people. He served in many of the
local offices in Concord township, Delaware county, and he
was also elected to the sixty-eighth General Assembly of the
State Legislature, representing the thirteenth senatorial
district, comprising the counties of Union, Logan, Hardin
and Marion. While in the Senate he served as a member of the
committees of finance, county affairs, reform school for
girls, medical societies and benevolent institutions, having
been chairman of the committee last mentioned. He has
frequently appeared as delegate to State, district and
county conventions.
The marriage of our subject was celebrated August 18,
1864, in Columbiana county, this State, where he was united
to Miss Lydia Pim, a native of that county and of
Quaker parentage. The Doctor and his wife adopted a
daughter, Lallah Rookh Cutler, who grew to maturity,
her demise occurring in June, 1890. Mrs. Cutler died
January 3, 1891, at the age of forty-five years, leaving her
devoted husband doubly bereaved, —the silver cord was
loosed; the golden bowl broken, and still there remained
that rich heritage, the memory of a pure, gentle and holy
life, whose influence will abide through the soft twilight
that shall mark the declining day of him to whom this dear
association was given.
The Doctor has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal
Church for the past twenty-eight years, and he is one of the
Trustees of the local organization of this great religious
In conclusion we will briefly review the history of the
Bank of Richwood. The institution was organized as a private
banking establishment, the original promoters having been
W. H. Caukwright, B. L. Talmage and John Cahill;
the original capitalization, $9,000. Dr. Cutler
finally purchased Mr. Caukwright’s stock and became
president of the institution, an office which he has held
continuously ever since, B. L. Talmage being cashier.
Aside from these two officials the other stockholders are
Robert Smith and C. E. Hill. The capital stock
has been increased to $12,000, and there is a surplus fund
of $3,000. The bank owns its fine building, which was
erected in 1888. The institution is one of the solid
financial concerns of the county and secures a
representative support, transacting a general banking
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |