Biographies Source:
Memorial Record of the
Counties of
Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio
- Illustrated -
Publ: Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company,
1895. <
who holds distinctive official preferment as Trustee of
Allen township, Union county, is one of the representative
farmers of this section and is one whose record of military
service stands in evidence of his patriotism and unswerving
loyalty. He is a native of the Buckeye State, having been
born in Ross county, March 10, 1842, the son of Samuel
Ream, a prominent resident of this township. Samuel
Ream was born in Pennsylvania, the son of Samuel, Sr.,
who was the son of John Ream, one of the pioneers of
the old Keystone State. The father of our subject was reared
and educated in his native State and finally came to Ross
county, Ohio, where he married Elizabeth Featherling,
a native of the Old Dominion State. In 1849 he removed with
his family to Union county and settled on Darby plains,
where he remained for six years, and then, in 1858, came to
Allen township, where he has since maintained his home on
the farm which he now occupies.
Samuel and Elizabeth Ream have had seven children,
of whom we make record as follows: George W.;
Matthias; Elizabeth; Delia; Sarah,
deceased; Samuel; and Frank deceased. The
devoted wife and mother died February 27, 1894, at the age
of seventy-four years and six days.
George W. Ream was reared to the life of a farmer
and received his education in the district schools, the same
having been effectively supplemented by the practical
experiences of life. May 2, 1864, he enlisted as a member of
the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Ohio National Guard, and
was honorably discharged from service on the 2d of September
in the same year. He took up his residence on his present
farm in 1881, soon after his marriage. He owns 124 acres, of
which the home place, —the Robinson farm, —comprises
106 acres, being improved with a good residence and barn, a
modern wind-mill and all necessary accessories. The place is
cultivated according to approved and progressive methods and
gives evidence of thrift and enterprise.
Mr. Ream’s marriage was consummated September 1,
1881, when he was united to Mrs. Ortensie V. (Eaton)
Robinson, relict of the late William Robinson,
son of William L. Robinson, of this township. Mrs.
Ream’s parents were Joshua and Elizabeth Eaton,
the former of whom was a native of Massachusetts, and the
latter, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Poling, was
born in Virginia. Both died in Allen township, this county.
Joshua Eaton was married three times. His first
wife’s name was Blackmore. By this union one child
was born, Lydia, aged eighty years, still living. His
second wife was Mary Brooks. She was the mother of
eight children: Mary, Sarah, Jane, Eliza, Orrange, Anise,
Marcena and Edward. Edward died on board a
Mississippi boat while in the service of the Union, a member
of Company K, Ninety-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was
buried in his blanket on the banks near Vicksburg. Joshua
Eaton married for his third wife Elizabeth (Poling)
Hoff, widow of Anthony Hoff, and they had three
children: Ortensie V., Calvesta A., and
Orlando B. By her former marriage she had five children:
Sarah, Rachel, Ann, Jane and Samuel.
Ortensie V. Eaton was united in marriage to
William Robinson March 13, 1873, and became the mother
of two children: Adolphus B., born April 16, 1874;
and Mary A., born March 22, 1877. William Robinson
participated in the late war of the Rebellion as a member of
the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
His death occurred February 28, 1879. By her marriage to
Mr. Ream she is the mother of one son, George C.,
born January 1, 1885. Before her marriage she was a popular
and successful school teacher.
Mr. Ream is an ardent supporter of the Democratic
party and its principles, and he has held political
preferment in a local way, having served as Trustee of the
township for the past decade. Fraternally, he is identified
with the Grand Army of the Republic, having been a charter
member and one of the first officers of Millington Post No.
506, of Pottersburg, Ohio. He is a man of marked
intellectual and business ability, is well informed upon the
current affairs of the day and is held in highest estimation
in the community.
Mrs. Ream is a devoted member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, as is also her daughter, Mary, who
is a popular teacher in the Sunday-school. The son,
Adolphus B. Robinson, is attending school at Ada, Ohio.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
who stands as one of the prominent and popular
agriculturists of Union county, is a native of this county,
having been born on the old paternal homestead, on Big Darby
creek, July 5, 1836. The identification of the Reed
family with the history of Union county traces back to the
early pioneer days, the father of our subject, Samuel K.
Reed, having also been a native of the county, where he
was reared to man’s estate.
Samuel K. was the son of David Reed, who
settled on the rich bottom lands of the Big Darby in the
first year of the present century, the county at that time
being still a forest wild, with settlers few and far
between. The wife of David Reed was of Irish
extraction. In the primitive old log school-house, with its
slab seats and meager equipments, Samuel K. Reed
received his educational discipline, which was limited in
extent, but which served as the effectual basis for the
broad practical education which he gained in the experiences
of life. Attaining mature years, he married Amanda Hale,
daughter of Oxford Hale, one of the early pioneers of
the county. The issue of this union was thirteen children,
of whom ten lived to attain maturity, namely: Newton,
Norton, Oxford H., Ross, David, Adolphus, Josephus and
Josephine (twins), Samuel and Alpheus.
David was a member of an Illinois regiment during the
late war, and met his death in the battle of Chickamauga.
Samuel Reed was a farmer all his life and he lived
to attain the advanced age of three-score and ten, his death
occurring in Shelby county, Illinois; it is a noteworthy
fact that his widow died at the same age, having been a
resident of Shelby county, Illinois, at the time of her
demise. The father of our subject was an old-line Democrat
and was a prominent worker in the party ranks, having served
one term as a Representative in the Legislature. He was a
man of high intelligence and utmost rectitude of character,
and was a popular and honored citizen.
Norton Reed, the immediate subject of this review,
was reared on the old home farm in this county and was
accorded such educational advantages as the place and period
afforded, attending the district schools of that favored
section known as Darby Plains. At the age of twenty-three
years he went West and passed some few years in Illinois and
Iowa, after which he returned to his native county and
resumed his connection with the agricultural industries of
the same. He located on his present farm in 1860, and has
since devoted himself to its cultivation and improvement.
The place comprises 170 acres, and the land is most
productive, has a good dwelling house and other permanent
improvements of excellent order, while there is evidence on
every side of the discriminating care given to its
operation, the work being carried on according to
progressive methods, showing the application of brain as
well as brawn.
At the age of twenty-three years our subject was united
in marriage to Miss Selina E. Porter, daughter of
that prominent pioneer of the township, the late William
Porter, and a sister of H. W. Porter, a sketch of
whose life appears on another page of this volume. Mr.
and Mrs. Reed became the parents of the following named
children: S. M., who is a carpenter at Milford
Centre, this county; Lulu, wife of Charles E.
Mooney, of Pickaway county, Ohio; Frank, at home;
and Carrie, who died in early childhood.
Politically our subject lends his influence and support
to the Democratic party, and stands high in the local
councils of the same. He has served his township as Trustee
for the past sixteen years, —a circumstance which perfectly
attests the ability which is his and the respect and
confidence in which he is held in the community. Fraternally
he is identified with the Knights of Pythias, retaining a
membership in Lodge No. 274, of Milford Centre. Mrs. Reed
is a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
an attorney at law, Marysville, Ohio, was born in Darby
township, Union county, this State, June 20, 1840, son of
William and Elizabeth (Sager) Reed.
His grandfather Reed, also named William,
was born in Armagh, Ireland, in 1733, and when forty-one
years of age came to America. During the Revolutionary war
he was a member of a Pennsylvania regiment and was all
through that struggle, being at Valley Forge during the
memorable winter recorded in history. After the war he
married a Miss Battus, and for his second wife he
chose Miss Martha Hinton. His children were as
follows: Isaac, Allen, William, Thomas, Deborah, Rebecca
and Mary. He lived to the advanced age of 105 years
and four months and his remains are buried at Versailles,
Darke county, Ohio.
William Reed, the father of our subject, was born
in Bourbon county, Kentucky, in the year 1801, and came with
the family to Delaware county, Ohio, in 1811, where he was
reared and remained until 1838. That year he came to Union
county. He was married in 1825 to Elizabeth Sager,
who was born in Loudoun county, Virginia. She came with her
parents to Union county, Ohio, when she was nine years old
and, with the exception of nine years spent in Delaware
county, she has since lived in Union county, still on the
old home farm, and now being ninety-two years of age. Her
father, George Sager, was born in Virginia and died
in Ohio. William Reed died in 1874, at the age of
seventy-three years. His whole life was passed on a farm,
and financially he was successful. Religiously he was
identified with the Christian Church. He and his wife were
the parents of eleven children, record of whom is as
follows. George, a wealthy fanner of Kansas;
Margaret, deceased: William, a farmer of Woodson
county. Kansas; Allen, a fanner of Cherokee county,
Kansas; James, at the old homestead in Union county,
Ohio; Thomas, whose name appears at the head of this
article; Joseph, a prominent physician of
Springfield, Missouri; Elizabeth, of Marysville;
Lovinia, a resident of Union county, Ohio; and Mary
and Susanah, deceased.
Thomas Reed was reared on his father’s farm, and
received his early education in the district schools. He
spent two years as a student in Marysville Academy and one
year at Antioch College. At the time the war broke out he
was engaged in farming on the old home place. In October,
1863, he enlisted as teamster for service in the Union army,
and served six months as wagon master, returning home April
16, 1864. On the 2d of the following month he re-enlisted,
this time in Company H, One Hundred and Thirty-sixth
Volunteer Infantry, and as wagoner of his company. He was
mustered out, with the rank of sergeant, August 31, 1864.
During his service he was twice wounded in the right leg,
from the effects of which he suffered greatly for years, and
finally, in 1884, had his limb amputated.
After the war Mr. Reed went to Iroquois county,
Illinois, where he improved 160 acres of wild land, and
where he remained two years. In 1869, he moved to Wilson
county, Kansas, and took claim to 160 acres of government
land. There he settled down to farming, and resided sixteen
years, after which he spent six years in Woodson county,
Kansas. Next, we find him in Denver, Colorado. In March,
1890, after one year spent at Denver, he returned to his
native county and located at Marysville. Up to this time he
had been engaged in farming and stock raising: In May, 1890,
he entered the office of J. M. Kennedy, attorney at
law, and began the study of law, and in March, 1894, was
admitted to the bar. He has since been engaged in the
practice of this profession, and thus far has met with
success. Naturally quick in thought and forcible in speech,
he is well adapted for the legal profession. Politically, he
is a Populist. He stumped the State of Kansas four years
with Major Morrill and others, and in Union county he
is the leader of the Populist party. He is identified with
the G. A. R.
Mr. Reed is a man of family. He was married January
6, 1860, to Miss Susan Shirk, who died in 1887,
leaving five children, namely: Orintha, wife of F.
M. Johnson, Denver, Colorado; Flora B., wife of
Alva Traxwell, Denver. Josephine, wife of
H. Cruze, Denver, Orras, a stone mason and
bricklayer of Denver; and May, wife of Grant
Asbury, Butler county, Kansas.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
Peoria, Union county. Ohio, has been a resident of this
place since 1878.
Mr. Reyner was born near Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, August 17, 1829, son of David Reyner,
also a native of that place. David Reyner was a
wagonmaker by trade, at which he worked in early life. In
1837 he brought his family to Ohio and settled in Columbiana
county, the following year removed to Union county, and in
1839 they took up their abode in Liberty township. Here the
parents spent the residue of their lives and died, the
father’s death occurring in 1889, the mother’s in 1879. Her
maiden name was Eliza Mann, and she was a native of
the same county in which her husband was born. She was a
member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They had four
children, namely: Mrs. Sarah A. Skidmore, John R.,
Theodore and Vianna.
John R. was a lad of nine years when he came with
his parents to Ohio. He was reared on his father’s farm and
was educated in the district school, and when a young man
learned the trade of stonemason, at which he worked some in
early life. His chief occupation, however, has been farming.
After his marriage he lived for some Years near Plain City,
then Union, now Madison county, and in 1878 came from there
to Peoria. Here he owns a nice house and lot in the village
and has a farm of ninety-seven acres near by.
Like most of the worthy citizens of this country who
have passed middle life, Mr. Reyner has a war record.
He enlisted in the spring of 1865 in Company F, One Hundred
and Ninety-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and with his
regiment was stationed at Winchester, Baltimore and Fort
Delaware, being on garrison duty. After seven months of
service he was honorably discharged and returned home.
January 1, 1855. Mr. Reyner married Emeline
Moore, daughter of Jeremiah and Hannah (Arahood)
Moore, both natives of Virginia. The Moores
descended from Scotch-Irish ancestors and were related to
General Jackson. Mr. Moore was a soldier in the
war of 1812. He and his wife died in Coles county, Illinois,
his death occurring at the age of fifty-four years, and hers
at forty-nine. They had nine children, namely: William,
Lucinda, Mary, Anna, Phoebe, John, Eli, Silas, and
Mr. and Mrs. Reyner have three children, as
follows: Emeline Arvilla, wife of W. J. Strader,
of Liberty township, Union county, Ohio; Mary Anna,
wife of J. Evans, Peoria, Ohio; and Stephen A.
Douglas, at home. All have had good educational
advantages and both Mrs. Strader and Mrs. Evans
have been teachers. Mrs. Evans has three children, —John
W., Maud Ethel, and Villa St. Clair.
Mr. and Mrs. Reyner are members of the Disciple
Church, and in politics he is a Democrat.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
one of the respected citizens of Liberty township, Union
county, Ohio, was born in a log cabin on the farm where he
now lives, and has spent all his life in this county. The
date of his birth was August 1, 1839.
Mr. Reyner’s father, David Reyner, deceased,
was a pioneer of this township and for many years was one of
its most prominent citizens. He was born near Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, September 4, 1803, the youngest of the six
children of John Reyner and his wife. John Reyner
was one of the brave soldiers of the war of 1812. He died in
1819, his wife in 1814. David spent the first
sixteen years of life on his father’s farm. Then he learned
the trade of wagonmaker, at which trade he worked for six
years, becoming an expert workman in wood. In 1834 he came
to Ohio, first stopping in Columbiana county, and the
following year coming to Union county and settling on the
farm on which his son Theadore now lives, where he
spent the residue of his life. He owned 108 acres at the
home place, eighty-three acres a mile and a half southeast
of here, and fifty-nine acres in York township, and in all
his farming operations he met with prosperity. He was
married in 1825 to Eliza Mann, daughter of Mathias
and Elizabeth Mann, who came to this country from
England and who are honest and industrious people; they
resided in Pennsylvania previous to their removal to Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. David Reyner had six children, four of
whom are living, namely: John, a resident of Peoria,
Ohio; Sarah, wife of Isaac Skidmore, of
Liberty township; Theadore, whose name heads this
article; and Vianna, who resides with her sister,
Mrs. Skidmore. The mother was born in February, 1799,
and died March 15, 1879. The father died March 21, 1889,
aged eighty-seven years. He was a man of the highest
integrity and was as much respected as he was well known.
Theadore Reyner spent his early life very much as
did other farmer boys in Ohio at that time. All the
schooling he ever received was in his home district. There
he acquired a love for books, has always been a great
reader, and in home study and reading has gained a broad and
general information. Books are still his favorite
companions. For several years he lived a mile and a half
south of the old home and has resided there since 1889. This
farm comprises 108 acres of choice land, is well watered by
Mill creek, and has nice improvements, in the way of
buildings, fences, etc. The frame residence is built on the
Southern plan and is located back from the highway, an
avenue bordered with hedge leading up to it. The old house
in which Mr. Reyner was born is now used as a repair
He was married March 29, 1879, to Sarah Grubbs,
who was born in Logan county, Ohio, April 7, 1851, daughter
of Atwell and Polina (Wheeler) Grubbs, her father a
resident of Logan county, her mother deceased, Sarah
being her mother’s only child. Mr. and Mrs. Reyner
have five children, namely: Mary Edna, born January
1, 1880; Charles A., June 27, 1882; Jessie Eliza,
December 8, 1884; William C., April 14, 1887; and
Polina Carrie, September 26, 1889.
Mr. and Mrs. Reyner are members of the Disciple
Church. Politically, Mr. Reyner is a Democrat.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
RHOADES, who is one of the representative
agriculturists of Union township, Union county, Ohio, and
who has a record for loyal and valorous service in the late
war of the Rebellion, is a native of the Buckeye State,
having been born in Muskingum county, near the city of
Zanesville, Aug. 15, 1835, the son of William Rhoades,
a native of Pennsylvania, and of German lineage. The
mother of our subject, nee' Margaret Irwin,
was born in New Jersey, and her ancestral line traces back
to bonnie old Scotland. Representatives of the family
participated in the war of the Revolution, as well as in
that second notable conflict, the war of 1812. The
venerable father of our subject died July 27, 1894, at his
residence in the vicinity of Marysville, this county, having
attained the age of eighty-five years. The mother died
at the age of seventy-one. William Rhoades was
a Republican in his political belief, and religiously was
identified with the Presbyterian Church, retaining his
latter days the honor won by a long life of activity and
unimpeachable integrity.
His children were six in number, five sons and one
daughter, of whom we make mention as follows: The
eldest, Walter W., is the immediate subject of this
review. Orville was a soldier in the late war,
was taken prisoner and expired in the wretched prison at
Andersonville; at the time he was incarcerated he weighted
190 pounds, but the confinement and the hardships endured
caused him to waste away, so that at the time of his death
he weighed only sixty-three pounds; he was a member of the
Eighteenth regulars, and was taken prisoner at Resaca,
Georgia. Jacob M. also went out in the nation's
defense, enlisting in the 100 days' service; he died at
Newton, Ohio. Horatio J., who was also in the
same service, is now a resident in the vicinity of Broadway,
this county; Cassius Y. is a resident of Newton, this
State; also Marian F., the only sister, died years
Our subject was reared to work on the farm, but was
afforded the best educational advantages which were
available, receiving a good education in the district,
select and graded schools in Franklin county, and the Ohio
Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, and later on putting
his acquirements to practical test by teaching for a time,
proving a capable and successful instructor.
At the time of the outbreak of the Civil war he was
residing in Delaware county, this State, and in the hour of
his country's need for valiant men and true, he was to found
wanting, but enlisted Aug. 9, 1861, as a member of the
Eighteenth Regulars. His regiment proceeded at once to
the front, and the record shows that it participated in not
a few of the most desperate battles of the war, among those
in which Mr. Rhoades took part being the following:
Mill springs, Petersburg, Corinth, Shiloh, Stone River,
Chickamauga, the siege of Atlanta, and then back to combat
General Hood's forces at Nashville, Franklin, Fort
Fisher, Bentonville, and Goldsboro. He then returned
by railroad to New York, and thence to Ohio's capital city,
Columbus, where he received his discharge in June, 1865.
After the war Mr. Rhoades resided for some time
in Delaware county, and thence removed to Union county,
having secured possession of his present fine farmstead in
1890, the place comprising sixty-nine acres, unsurpassed in
fertility and well improved, the location of the farm being
about midway between Milford Center and the county seat,
Marysville. The residence is commodious and
substantial, and there are all necessary outbuildings
essential to facilitating the work of the farm.
Mr. Rhoades was married at the age of twenty-six
years, being united to Miss Rebecca Johnson the
daughter of Levi and Margaret (Livingston) Johnson
both of whom were natives of the old Keystone State.
The father died in 1872, his wife having passed away ten
years prior to his demise. They had six children:
Rebecca, wife of our subject, who was reared in
Delaware county, receiving a thorough education and being
for some time engaged in teaching, in which line of effort
she met with pronounced success; George W., who
participated in the late war as a member of the Eighteenth
Regulars, and is now a resident of Prospect, this State;
Margaret residing in Cleveland, Ohio; Mattie, at
the close of the late Rebellion, was married to Captain
E. Hicks, now a resident of Grant City, Missouri; and
Allie wife of Dr. H. E. Hyatt, of Delaware, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Rhoades became the parents of six
children, namely: Maude, who was a successful
teacher, is the wife of L. F. Wood, of Manchester,
Tennessee; Claude O. is at home; Zella, who died
at the untimely age of eighteen years, was the wife of
J. Horney, and her only child, Cassius, is now
cared for by his maternal grandparents; Mattie and
George Y. are at the paternal home. All of the
children received good educational advantages by which they
duly profited.
Mr. Rhoades is a stanch Republican and has been
an active worker in the ranks, having been a delegate to the
County Conventions of the party on numerous occasions.
Fraternally he retains a membership in Ransom Reed Post, No.
113, G. A. R., of Marysville, which city is his postoffice.
~ Page 105 - Memorial Record of the Delaware, Union and
Morrow, Ohio - Illustrated - Publ: Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1895. |
who resides on a farm near Marysville, in Leesburg township,
Union county, Ohio, is ranked with the representative men of
the county.
Mr. Ritchie was born in Washington county,
Pennsylvania, February 23, 1839, son of Joseph and Susan
Ann (Stoolfire) Ritchie, the father of Scotch descent
and both natives of Washington county, Pennsylvania. They
resided in the Keystone State until 1843, when they came to
Ohio and settled in Licking county, near Columbia Center,
where they still reside, both having passed their
three-score years and ten. They have had a family of eight
children, namely: Jerome, Louisa White, William B.,
Lucius, Mary Lee (a music and school teacher), Nathan
B., Charles and Joseph, Jr. Lucius died
while in the service of his country. Two of the sons,
Nathan B. and Charles, are teachers. The father
learned the blacksmith’s trade and worked at it in early
life, but later turned his attention to farming. Politically
he is a Republican; religiously a member of the United
Brethren Church. Both he and his wife are active in church
work. For many years he has been a class-leader.
Jerome Ritchie was four years old at the time he
came with his parents to Licking county, and on the farm he
spent his boyhood days, receiving his education in the
common schools. A year after his marriage, which event
occurred when he was twenty-three, he removed to Union
county. Since 1870 he has resided on his present farm, 126
acres of fine land, well improved with modern two-story
residence, nice barn and other substantial farm buildings,
and all arranged with regard to taste and convenience. In
short, everything about the premises points to the fact that
the owner is a man of enterprise and good management, and
that he is making a success in life.
Mr. Ritchie was married January 15, 1863, at
Reynoldsburg, Franklin county, Ohio, to Sarah Jane
Gardener, who has proved herself a worthy helpmate in
the truest sense of the word. She was born in Licking
county, September 18, 1841, daughter of William and Grace
(Aris) Gardener, natives of Virginia, the father of
Scotch-Irish extraction; both are now deceased, their death
occurring in Union county, the mother at the age of
seventy-one years, and the father at seventy-eight. He was a
member of the Christian Church, and in politics was a
Democrat. They had twelve children, viz: William,
Barbara, Mary Jane, Phillip, James E., Asbury, Sarah Jane,
Martha, Willson, Mary Rinehart, Albert and Caroline.
Four of the sons, William, Phillip, Willson and
Asbury, were in the late war. Willson was
afterward killed in a railroad accident. Mr. and Mrs.
Ritchie have four children, as follows: Etta May,
wife of Cassius McAlister, has two children, Ivy
May and Anna Jane; Herbert Sheridan
married Retta Scott and has one child, Jerome B.;
Joseph W. has just attained his majority, and is
still at home; and Nannie Blanche, also at home. She
is not yet thirteen years old, and has been organist in the
church over two years.
In his political views Mr. Ritchie is in harmony
with the Republican party. He has served the public as a
member of the School Board. Both he and his wife are
identified with the Christian Church, and are among its most
active workers. He has served as Treasurer, Clerk and
Deacon, and also as Sabbath-school Superintendent. At this
writing Mrs. Ritchie is Superintendent of the
Sabbath-school. They are among the leading and influential
people of the community and are as highly respected as they
are well known.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
—Not all men order their lives to their liking; nor yet are
all men true to themselves in living as nearly to their
ideals as possible and attaining to such heights as their
opportunities and talents render accessible. We now turn to
one who has done much and has done it well, —“therein all
honor lies.” Not a pretentious or an exalted life has been
his, but one that has been true to itself and its
possibilities, and one to which the biographist may revert
with a feeling of respect and satisfaction.
Colonel Aaron B. Robinson, a man whose
identification with the history of that section of the
Buckeye State touched upon in this connection has been one
of ancestral and individual nature and one of conspicuous
order, would on that score alone demand our consideration,
but above this is imposed a higher obligation in the
premises, for there has been rendered by him an illustrious
service which has linked his life history with that of the
nation, —a service which no loyal man will deny his country
when its honor is threatened, but which not every man has
been able to accord so faithfully as has our subject.
It is scarcely necessary to recapitulate at this point
the ancestral history of Colonel Robinson, since the
same is rendered in detail in connection with the biography
of his brother, Hon. James W. Robinson, appearing
elsewhere in this volume. Suffice it, then, to say that he
was born, in Darby township, Union county, Ohio, November
10, 1833, the son of John W. and Elizabeth (Mitchell)
Robinson, who passed the span of their entire lives in
this county, their respective parents having been among the
earliest pioneer settlers in this section of the State. Of
the ten children of John and Elizabeth Robinson all
are still living with three exceptions, and we are enabled
to refer to them in order of birth as follows: David M.
resides on the old homestead, in Darby township: James W.
is one of the leading lawyers of the county, a resident of
Marysville, and is accorded individual mention on another
page of this work; John W. is a farmer, and resides
near Marysville; Colonel Aaron B. is the immediate
subject of this review; Robert N. resides on a farm
in the vicinity of Marysville; Martha is the widow of
William H. Robinson, late of Marysville; and Emily
J. is the wife of Hon. Beriah Wilkins, editor and
publisher of the Washington Post, at the national capital.
Our subject passed his boyhood days on the paternal
homestead where he remained until he attained the age of
eighteen years, contributing his quota toward the operation
of the farm, and securing such educational discipline of a
preliminary sort as was afforded by the district schools. So
far had he advanced in scholastic cult, however, that in his
seventeenth year, he was able to assume pedagogic work and
dignity, teaching his first term of district school at a
salary of ten dollars per month. During the next three
winters he continued his labors in the educational field,
and during the intervening summers looked to subjective
advancement by attending the old Academy at Marysville,
where he studied under the tutorage of his brother, James
W. Robinson, and of Rev. James A. Sterrit.
In the spring of 1854 he entered the Freshman class of
Jefferson College, at Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania, where he
continued his studies until he had completed his Junior
year, when he was compelled to abandon further application
on account of failing health. His class graduated in 1857,
with a membership of fifty-seven individuals. Our subject
was a receptive and avidious student and his grades in
college were above the average class standing, —especially
in the mathematical group, where his record was unexcelled.
After leaving college, Colonel Robinson entered
the law office of his brother, James W., at
Marysville, and devoted himself to the study of law, as far
as impaired health would permit, for two years. With a view
to expediting the work of preparing himself for a
professional career, he matriculated in the law college at
Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained during the winters of
1858 and 1859, being admitted to the bar in the latter year,
and forthwith associating himself in practice with his
brother, in Marysville. This association maintained for a
period of three years, and our subject’s prospects for a
successful professional career were flattering, but a higher
duty came to him as the thundering of rebel guns against
Fort Sumpter [sic] struck a loyal and responsive
protest in his heart. His courage was that of his
conviction, and in July, 1862, he enlisted for service and
was commissioned a recruiting officier [sic], in
which capacity he was employed until September of the same
year, when he was elected Captain of Company I, One Hundred
and Twenty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was mustered in
on the eleventh day of September, and on the selfsame day
started with his regiment for the front. He served with the
valiant old One Hundred and Twenty-first on the campaign
from Louisville, Kentucky, to Chattanooga, —first under
command of General Buell and later of General
Rosecrans, —and was wounded at the battle of
Chickamauga, his consequent disabilities rendering it
necessary for him to accept a three months’ furlough, —this
being the only time he was absent from his regiment during
its long and meritorious service.
Subsequently he was with the regiment as it accompanied
Sherman’s forces from Chattanooga on the Atlanta
campaign, and thence through Georgia on the ever memorable
march to the sea. The next service was through the
Carolinas, leading to the surrender of Johnston. To
give in detail the history of the various engagements in
which our subject participated would necessitate practically
a recapitulation of the history of the entire war, but we
must needs take a cursory view of the successive preferments
which came to him as a result of his bravery and brilliant
service. That Company I was one which did not fear danger,
but which was ever ready to throw itself into the thick of
the fray is shown by its action at the battle of Kenesaw
Mountain, where more than one-half of its number were
reported killed or wounded after the smoke of battle had
raised from the scene. In this battle Colonel Robinson
was slightly wounded. At the battle of Chickamauga the One
Hundred and Twenty-first held the extreme right of
General Stedman’s division in the memorable charge of
that division against the enemy at the critical moment when
the latter were closing in upon the right of General
Thomas. By desperate fighting the confederate forces
were driven from their position of vantage, and the One
Hundred and Twenty-first captured and bore away the flag of
the Twenty-second Alabama.
August 29, 1864, our subject was promoted to the office
of Major, his commission to take date from June 27, the day
of the Kenesaw battle. In November Major Robinson
assumed command of the regiment as it started on the march
from “Atlanta to the sea,” and he continued in command until
the close of the war. He was promoted Lieutenant Colonel
January 28, 1865, and to a full Colonelcy on the eighteenth
of May, same year. Gallant, unflinching and intrepid are
terms which may most congruously be applied to our honored
subject in referring to his notable military career.
After the close of the war Colonel Robinson
returned to Marysville and once more turned his attention to
the securing of the victories of peace, “no less renowned
than war.” He resumed his association with his brother in
the practice of law, and after a short time they effected
the purchase of an half interest in the Marysville woolen
mills, an enterprise of much importance at the time, the
other half of the business being held by Rawson Welch,
a practical manufacturer, into whose charge the operation of
the mills was to be entrusted. Soon, however, it became
evident to the Messrs. Robinson that, in order to
protect their original investment, they must purchase the
remaining share, and give an individual attention to the
practical details of the enterprise. This was done, and thus
the Colonel abandoned his law practice and turned his
attention solely to the manufacturing industry, the mills
being enlarged and the enterprise continued with varying
success until 1880, when it was sold and the business
About 1868 Colonel Robinson opened a retail dry
goods store in connection with the factory, and in this line
he continued until 1893, when, on account of his impaired
health, the business was sold to J. Brubaker. This
“Factory Store,” as it has always been known, represented
one of the most extensive mercantile and business
enterprises in the county, and the stock carried was
exceptionally large and select, the business being finally
broadened from its original line, so that boots and shoes
were handled in the connection. In this, as in all other
business enterprises, our subject had as his associate his
brother, James W.
We now turn to the salient points in the career of
Colonel Robinson as a legislator. He served two terms,
1879 to 1883, as a member of the State Legislature, and
proved himself a wise and discriminating official, —one
whose service gave general satisfaction to his constitutents
[sic] and the citizens of the commonwealth,
irrespective of political affiliations. Among the measures
introduced and successfully carried through by our subject
may be mentioned the act providing for the refunding of the
State debt, reducing the rate of interest from six to three
per cent; the act providing for the redistricting of the
State for Congressional purposes; and the law defining the
province and regulating the operations of insurance
companies doing business in the State. He also secured the
necessary legislation authorizing the building of Union
county’s magnificent new court house.
Colonel Robinson was appointed a member of the
Board of Trustees of the State insane Asylum, at Columbus,
in 1888, said appointment coming through Governor Foraker
and being renewed in 1893 by Governor McKinley. Of
this board the Colonel has been president for the past two
Politically, he is stanchly arrayed in the support of
the Republican party and its principles, and religiously he
and the members of his family are devoted adherents of the
Presbyterian Church. The attractive family home is located
on West Fifth street, Marysville. As a man, Colonel
Robinson is whole-souled, genial, generous and
sympathetic, and his friends are in number as his
acquaintances. His face is one indicative of strength of
purpose, but of utmost kindliness, and his life has ever
been as an open book from which all might read, and by
reading learn of the noble character represented.
May 12, 1868, Colonel Robinson was united in
marriage to Miss Keziah Wilkins, daughter of A. F.
and H. J. Wilkins, prominent and honored among the early
pioneers of this county. Colonel and Mrs. Robinson
have four children, namely: Harriet E., wife of
Dwight Edwards; E. Gertrude, wife of Mr. Harry
E. Smith, of Marysville; Martha C.; and Alfred
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
—The specific and distinctive office of biography is not
to give voice to a man’s modest estimate of himself and his
accomplishments, but rather to leave the perpetual record of
the verdict establishing his character by the consensus of
opinion on the part of his fellow men. That great factor,
the public, is a discriminating factor and takes cognizance
not of objective exaltation nor yet objective modesty; but
delves deeper into the intrinsic essence of character,
strikes the key-note of individuality and pronounces
judiciously and unequivocally upon the true worth of the
man, invariably distinguishing the clear resonance of the
true metal from the jarring dissonance of the baser.
Thus, in touching upon the life history of the subject
of this review, the biographer would aim to give utterance
to no fulsome encomium, to indulge in no extravagant praise,
—for such would ill comport with the innate and honest
simplicity of the subject’s character, —yet would he wish to
hold up for consideration those points which have shown the
distinction of a true, pure and useful life, —one
characterized by indomitable perseverance, broad charity,
marked ability, high accomplishments and well-earned honors.
To do this will be but to reiterate the dictum pronounced
upon the man by his fellowmen.
There is still another element, which lends additional
interest to the career of James W. Robinson, this
being the fact that he is a native son of Ohio and of the
county in which practically his entire life has been passed.
(The history of the Robinson family has been
intimately linked with that of the Buckeye State from the
early pioneer days and is found in incidents and episodes
which touch upon that epoch which marked the settlement of
the commonwealth and the inceptive steps taken toward its
development to its present prosperous status.)
Our subject was born, November 28, 1826, in Darby
township, Union county, Ohio, the place of his nativity
being the paternal farmstead, which stretched along the rich
bottom-lands of Darby creek. His agnatic ancestry is of
Scotch-Irish derivation, the assimilation of the marked
individual characteristics of which dual strains has
eventuated in the evolution of a well defined type, familiar
in the annals of American history as one possessing the
persistency, strong integrity and deep-seated patriotism of
the Scotch, conjoined to the spirit, dash and quicker
mentality of the Irish element. The father of our subject,
John W. Robinson, was a son of Rev. James Robinson,
who was a Presbyterian clergyman, and a man of no little
prominence in western Pennsylvania, where he labored for
many years, subsequently identifying himself with the work
of his church in Central Ohio, in whose early history he
stood a conspicuous figure, zealous in the service of the
Master, and with honor as unflinching and unbending as his
Presbyterian faith, which had been that of his ancestors for
many generations preceding. John W. Robinson married
Elizabeth Mitchell, a daughter of Judge David
Mitchell, who came from York, Pennsylvania, to Ohio in
the last year of the eighteenth century, locating in Union
county, where he attained to distinguished preferment,
having been one of the first associate Judges of the county.
He reached a venerable age, and in his death the county lost
one of its most useful, talented and honored public men.
John W. Robinson died in 1853. He was a man of
inflexible integrity, careful and methodical in his habits,
just and honorable in his intercourse with his fellowmen and
of much native ability in an intellectual way. His education
was not a broad one, but was above the average that obtained
in that period and locality. The respect and confidence in
which he vas held in the community is shown in the fact that
he filled the offices of Justice of the Peace and County
Commissioner. His entire life was devoted to farming, and in
this vocation, which ever demands arduous toil and a certain
self-abnegation, he attained to consistent success. Like his
fathers he was devoted to the Presbyterian Church, and for
many years he was an Elder in the same. His widow entered
into eternal rest September 18, 1872, her life having been
one of signal purity and Christian grace.
John W. and Elizabeth Robinson left surviving them
eight children, and of this number only one is deceased at
the present time. We incorporate at this juncture a brief
record concerning the family: David M. is one of the
successful farmers of Union county and resides on the old
homestead in Darby township; James W. is the
immediate subject of this review; John W. is a
farmer, and resides near Marysville; Colonel Aaron B.
was for many years one of the most prominent merchants of
Marysville, but has now retired: he is a lawyer by
profession and is an ex-member of the State Legislature;
Robert N. is a farmer, and resides near Marysville;
Martha A. is the widow of the late William H.
Robinson, a hardware merchant of Marysville; and
Emily J. is the wife of Hon. Beriah Wilkins,
ex-member of Congress from the seventeenth Ohio district,
and still a resident of Washington, D. C., where he holds a
position of national prominence and influence as editor and
publisher of the Washington Post. Mrs. Wilkins is a
woman of marked intellectuality and talent, and has gained a
distinguished position in the social life of the capital; it
is worthy of particular note in this connection that she was
associated with Mrs. John A. Logan as representative
of the District of Columbia on the Board of Lady Managers of
the World’s Columbian Exposition held at Chicago in 1893.
There has been nothing esoteric in the life of James
W. Robinson, —it has been as an open book, from which
“he who runs may read.” His youthful clays were passed on
the farm, amid those sturdy duties which develop
independence, integrity, a vigor of constitution and the
while quicken ambition to the point of action and
consecutive effort. He was not slow in learning the truth of
the statement made by the Greek philosopher, Epicharmus:
“Earn thy reward, the gods give naught to sloth.” His
boyhood was typical of what his entire life has been; it was
not one of idleness, —he had no time for futile dreams, but
bent him to the burden of hard and unremitting toil,
offering no protest, but willingly doing his share. Such
opportunities as were granted him in an educational line he
seized with avidity, being enabled to attend the district
schools a portion of each winter until he had attained the
age of fifteen years. At this time his fondness for books
and study and his delicacy of health conserved to bring
about a parental decision that he was not adapted to farm
work, and accordingly provision was made for allowing him to
follow his natural inclinations. Near Milford, this county,
a school was maintained by one Robert Wilson, an
Irishman of eccentric character, but of fine education, and
at this institution our subject became a student. Wilson
was a successful teacher, was particularly strong in
mathematics and had a wide reputation at that period. Young
Robinson entered into his work with eager zest and
enthusiasm and showed by his progress that the opportunities
afforded him were fully appreciated. He was most desirous of
taking up the study of Latin, and as there were then in that
part of the State but few residents who were at all
conversant with that classic tongue, he was somewhat at a
loss as to how he might attain his desideratum. Finally he
learned that at a point some thirty-five miles distant there
lived “a man who could teach Latin,” and, after due
conference with the authorities, he set out on horseback to
interview this wonderful individual and to secure him as
teacher of the local school. He was successful in the object
of his mission, and in due time could indulge in the mystic
declensions and conjugations to his heart’s content.
After he had attained his seventeenth year, Mr.
Robinson put his acquirments [sic] to practical
test by engaging to teach district school at the princely
stipend of eight dollars per month. Within this time
(1843-4) he did not permit his beloved Latin to fall into
disuse, but rode four miles daily, on horseback, to recite
to “the preacher.” In the summer of 1845 he finally saw the
beginning of the end for which he strived, since at the time
he matriculated as a sophomore in Jefferson College, at
Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania. At this institution, which was
subsequently merged into the Washington and Jefferson
College, at Washington, Pennsylvania, he honorably graduated
in 1848, in a class of seventy-two members.
This educational discipline complete, Mr. Robinson
turned his attention immediately to work. In the fall of the
same year he taught a select school at Woodstock, Champaign
county, Ohio, and, incidental to attaining his majority,
proudly cast his first ballot, which helped by that much to
swell the majority secured by the Whig candidate for
President, General Zachary Taylor. Subsequently
Mr. Robinson came to Marysville, where he taught in the
old Academy, which was a flourishing institution at that
time. He simultaneously began reading law, continuing this
application until 1850, when he went to Cincinnati and took
a course of lectures in the Cincinnati Law College, at which
he graduated in 1851, being admitted to the bar in April of
the same year.
Now fortified for that profession which he had long
before determined to make his life work, he at once formed a
partnership with his former preceptor, Otway Curry,
who was not only distinguished in the line of his
profession, but for his marked poetic and literary talent.
The firm retained a representative clientele and became one
of the most prominent in the county.
In the fall of 1851 Mr. Robinson was elected
Prosecuting Attorney, on the Whig ticket, his opponent being
the redoubtable Jackson C. Doty, a character of no
little celebrity at that time. This served our subject as
but the forerunner of other and more distinguished official
preferments. In 1857 he was elected a member of the lower
house of the State Legislature and was chosen as his own
successor in 1859. His service was one of utmost fidelity to
his constituents and to his interpretation of legislative
polity and ethics. He took a prominent position, being for
some time at the head of that important house committee, the
judiciary. He was elected a third time, in 1864, to
represent his county in the Legislature.
During the war he was unequivocally leal and loyal and
an ardent supporter of the administration of President
Lincoln. He did all in his power to aid the Union during
this crucial epoch in its history, serving most of the time
as a member of the Military Committee of Union county.
In the fall of 1872 our subject was elected, on the
Republican ticket, as representative in the Forty-third
Congress, defeating the strongest candidate the opposition
could put forward —General G. W. Morgan. He
represented the ninth Ohio district, comprising the counties
of Union, Hardin, Marion, Morrow, Delaware and Knox. As a
Congressman Mr. Robinson showed an all-round fitness
for the work. He had both a capacity and intention of
getting a full understanding of all the business submitted
to his consideration. He had sufficient confidence in
himself to render him capable of giving his views to his
associates, and sufficient modesty to insure, on his part, a
fair reception and honest examination of the views of
others, thus arriving at conclusions by safe routes. On the
floor he made no pretense to rhetorical eloquence, but was
able to clothe his thoughts in acceptable verbiage, and to
thoroughly defend his position. As a speaker he thus gained
attention and respect, being clear in explanation and manly
in defense. Within his short term in Congress he voted for
many important measures, among which were the Civil Rights
Bill for the protection of the colored race in the enjoyment
of equal rights under the law, and the act for the
resumption of specie payments. As a member of the Committee
on Elections he vigorously opposed the seating of George
Q. Cannon, as the Mormon delegate from Utah, making a
strong and convincing speech against thus countenancing the
class who brought dishonor to the nation in their odious
institutions. In 1874 he was unanimously nominated by his
party for re-election, but the country was suffering from
the commercial panic of 1873 and was also wrought upon by
the agitation of the temperance question, —which
circumstances brought about a political revolution
throughout the State and resulted in the election of a
Democrat in the ninth district.
In 1890 he was chosen a member of the State Board of
Equalization as representative of the thirteenth Senatorial
district, comprising the counties of Union, Logan, Hardin
and Marion, where he proved a faithful and efficient
representative of his district.
For several years subsequent to his service in Congress
Mr. Robinson made periodical sojourns through various
sections of the Union, having traveled extensively and
having familiarized himself with men and affairs in the many
quarters which he has visited. He has given close attention
to the practice of his profession in Marysville, where his
services are in constant demand. In 1869 he formed a
professional partnership with Mr. Leonidas Piper, and
this association maintained until the election of the latter
to the office of Probate Judge, in 1888, when our subject
entered into partnership with R. L. Woodburn, his
present talented coadjutor.
Of our subject’s professional ability and career, one
who has known him long and intimately and who has also been
a prominent member of the bar of Union county, speaks as
follows: —“As a lawyer he has been eminently successful, and
has tried as many individual cases, perhaps, as any lawyer
in the State. Never in all his practice has he intentionally
taken a position that was not tenable, and this fact has
made him a strong advocate before both court and jury. He
has always been ready and fully prepared to try his cases
when called, and it has been an exception for him to ask
continuance or delay. He never loses sight of his client’s
interests, no matter how small the amount involved, and in
all cases he has never alowed [sic] his opponent to
cause him to lose sight of any point important to his case.
He has a versatile mind, keen perception, remarkable tact
for the dispatch of business, is an able pleader and a
strong trial lawyer.”
When a young man he united with the church to which his
Scotch-Irish ancestors had maintained their allegiance, the
Presbyterian, and he has ever since continued a zealous and
active worker in the cause, having been ordained and
installed an Elder in the Presbyterian Church of Marysville,
November 17, 1855. He has not been solifidian in his
devotion to the church, but he has shown his faith in good
works, contributing liberally to the sustenance of the local
organization, to church extension, and especially to the
cause of church education, having for the past eighteen
years been a member of the Board of Trustees of Wooster
The marriage of our honored subject was consummated
February 8, 1855, when he wedded Miss Mary J. Cassil,
daughter of the late Judge John and Drusilla (Gladden)
Cassil, of Marysville. They became the parents of two
children: Arthur H., who died in his sixteenth year;
and Alice B., who was born October 24, 1860, and
whose death occurred January 13, 1894.
A home life which had represented almost idyllic
harmony in its mutual love and sympathy was swept by the
relentless hand of death and the strings which had been wont
to attune in sweetest melody quivered with the pathos of the
score whose composition told of separation, of the ones
taken, the other left. The cord was frayed, the cruise run
dry, and into the life of eternal love was merged the
finite. She who had been a devoted and loyal companion
through all the years marked with “ceaseless toil and
endeavor; she who had nourished his children; she who had
comforted in the hours of sadness and depression; she whose
had been the faith that makes faithful, was called upon to
heed death’s inexorable summons, leaving the home desolated
and her place vacant. Not a great life was hers, but a good
life. Hers had not been the opportunities nor the talents
which beget greatness, but the beauty of the life, its
consecration and its true womanliness will remain in
benediction so long as memory holds sway upon its throne in
the minds of those who knew her. Mrs. Robinson’s
death occurred October 6, 1893, and the bereaved husband
turned the tide of devotion toward h.s [sic]
motherless daughter, who now became his solace. But as the
fairest flower of all the field is touched by the untimely
frost, so did death claim this cherished one as its own. The
health of Alice had been delicate for some time, and
all was done by her father to preserve his loved one. After
the death of her mother she was taken to the South, but
without avail, for within less than a year after the death
of his wife, Mr. Robinson heard the clods of the
valley fall into the new-made grave into which were
consigned the mortal remains of his daughter. She was a
young woman of rare culture and a gentle refinement, and
that sympathy which won to her the friendship of all with
whom she came in contact. She was a graduate of Wooster
University. Her later years marked the consecration of her
life to her mother, and hers was a filial love and
solicitude which made this consecration of that beautiful
order into which enters naught of protest or reservation..
Doubly bereaved, and at an age when one’s life centers in
the home circle, our subject yet had the faith to “look up
unto the hills” and to discern the element of consistency in
what was seemingly the most cruel affliction that could be
visited upon him. Death is the open door, not the seal of
A man in whose life have been blended the truest
elements of manhood, whose career has been one of usefulness
and honor, and whose character thus stands clear and
distinct in the eyes of his fellowmen, we feel it both a
pleasure and a privilege to have given this record and to
have given representation in this volume a name well known
throughout central Ohio and honored from its association
with the character of the man who bears it.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |