Biographies Source:
Memorial Record of the
Counties of
Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio
- Illustrated -
Publ: Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company,
1895. <
is classed with the leading farmers of Paris township,
Union county, Ohio, his post office address being
Marysville. A brief sketch of his life is as follows:
Olford Hale was born at Fort
Finley, Wood county, Ohio, April 16, 1838, and comes of
Irish extraction. Grandfather Hale was a veteran of
the Revolutionary war. He owned a farm three miles from the
city of New York, where his son, Reuben, the father
of our subject, was born and reared. Reuben Hale came
to Ohio when a young man, and was employed on the old Maumee
canal. While at work there he formed the acquaintance of
Asher Wickham, who invited him to his home, and there he
met Mr. Wickham’s daughter, Miss Emmaline, who
subsequently became his wife. She was born near Fort Finley,
in Wood county, and, like him, was of Irish descent. Some
time after their marriage they removed to Allen township,
Union county, and settled on a farm on Derby creek, where
they spent the residue of their lives, the mother dying at
the age of forty years, and the father at fifty-eight. They
reared a large family of children to occupy honorable and
useful positions in life, their names being as follows:
Amanda, William, Minerva, Elizabeth E., Olford, Lucy,
Jasper, Lafayette, Jonas, Algeretta, Israel, and Helen.
Four of the sons, William, Lafayette, Jonas, and
Jasper, were soldiers in the Union army, and Jasper
died in Libby prison.
The subject of this article, Olford Hale, was
reared on a farm in Allen township, this county, and
obtained his education in the district school, and later in
the practical school of experience. When he was sixteen he
hired out to work for John Reed, a farmer of Union
township, with whom he remained for several years. After his
marriage he settled in that township, and resided there
until he came to his present farm in Paris township. Here he
and his wife have 118 acres of choice land, on which is a
good brick house and other desirable improvements, and
everything is kept up in good shape.
Mr. Hale was married in October, 1872, to Miss
Sarah Ann Moodie, daughter of William and Lucinda
(Jones) Moodie, the former deceased, and the latter
still living on the old home farm in Union township.
William Moodie was born in Virginia, the son of a
Scotchman who came to this country about 1817; he was a man
of more than ordinary business ability, and during his life
in Union county, Ohio, which covered a period of over sixty
years, he was engaged in fanning, and accumulated a large
amount of property. He died August 7, 1894, leaving an
estate estimated to be worth $60,000. His only children are
a son and daughter, Henry and Sarah. Mr.
and Mrs. Hale have had seven children, three of whom are
living, —Lucinda, Anna May, and Emmaline.
Lucinda is the wife of Casper Daum, of this
township. The four deceased were Etta and Ed
(twins), and Fred W. and Walter.
In his political views Mr. Hale is a radical
Republican. The only public position he ever held was on the
School Board.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
one of the most successful and prosperous farmers of Union
county, resides just north of the town of Richmond, on the
place purchased and settled upon by his father in 1838. It
now embraces 300 acres, a part of which is within the
corporate limits of Richmond. Mr. Hamilton was born
February 12, 1833, in Muskingum county, Ohio, a son of
Rev. William Hamilton and his second wife, Lydia
(Springer) Hamilton.
When five years of age our subject came with his
parents to Claiborne township, Union county, settling on the
place where he now resides. His education was acquired in
the country schools, as far as what is known as
“book-learning” is concerned, but the training which fitted
him for the practical duties of every-day life was acquired
in doing the work that fell to the lot of a farmer boy. He
laid the foundation of his future success in doing this work
well, and in taking advantage of every opportunity to
improve his mind and enable him to take his place among the
intelligent and progressive men of the day.
November 19, 1857, being then in his twenty-fifth year.
Mr. Hamilton married Miss Marion Hamilton,
daughter of Rev. William and Marion Hamilton. She was
born near Glasgow, Scotland, May 9, 1835, her parents coming
to America when she was three years of age and settling near
the town of Gratiot, Muskingum county. There are a number of
coincidences connected with the history of Mr. and Mrs.
Hamilton. Though of the same name, their families were
not united. Both, however, were of Scotch ancestry. Their
fathers were each named William, and were both
ministers of the Methodist protestant Church, and each had a
grandfather named William Hamilton. Two of Mr.
Hamilton’s brothers were named John and
William, as were also two of Mrs. Hamilton’s.
Rev. William Hamilton, father of Mrs. Hamilton,
after coming to Ohio, settled on a farm near Gratiot, on
which he resided until his death, in the fall of 1865, at
the age of sixty-five years. His widow is still living with
her son, John B. Hamilton, in Columbus, aged
eighty-five years. She was the mother of eight children. Two
died in infancy. William D., the eldest son, is now a
resident of Tennessee, where he is largely interested in the
development of State mines. He is a veteran of the late war,
having served first as Captain in the Twenty-first Ohio
Volunteer Infantry, and later as Colonel of the Ninth Ohio
Cavalry, which he recruited. Near the close of the war he
was brevetted Brigadier-General for meritorious conduct. He
is married and has a family. John B., with whom his
aged mother makes her home, is married and resides in
Columbus. He is a large coal-mine operator in the Hocking
Valley. Robert, the third son, entered the army as a
private in the Twenty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, served
under General Milroy, and was wounded at the battle of Cheat
Mountain, West Virginia, September 12, 1861, from the
effects of which he died in Zanesville in 1861. He was
unmarried. Anna, the eldest daughter, married
James Richey, a prosperous farmer near Tonica, Illinois.
Isabel married Joseph Cratty. She died at her
home in Prospect, Ohio, in February, 1882, leaving two
children. Ella died in Shawnee, Ohio, at the age of
twenty-two years. Marion, the wife of our subject,
died October 18, 1882, after a happy married life of
twenty-five years. She left three children. —Clara A.,
Marion G. and George H. Clara A. graduated
at the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, in 1886. She
married S. A. Haskins, a prominent lawyer of
Wapakoneta, Ohio, and they have one child. Marion G.
and George H. have both been given the benefit of
collegiate educations, and the latter is now attending
school at Adrian, Michigan.
After his marriage, the subject of this sketch settled
on a farm adjoining the home place, a part of which he
acquired by purchase and a part was given him by his father.
It was the ambition of his early manhood to become a large
landowner. With this prospect in view he purchased the home
place in 1877. A failure of his health afterward, however,
compelled him to forego the realization of his early
ambition, and he found it necessary to limit his efforts to
a smaller estate. He therefore sold all of the home place
but 300 acres. The sale of the land giving him considerable
ready money, he began loaning money to his friends and
neighbors, from which he has derived a certain income each
year. Besides his home place, which is one of the finest
farms in Central Ohio, Mr. Hamilton owns 200 acres of
land in Claiborne and Taylor townships.
He has been a Republican ever since the organization of
the party, having cast his first Presidential vote for
General John C. Fremont. Preferring the life of a farmer
to that of a politician, he has never been an office seeker,
the only public office held by him being that of Justice of
the Peace, which he filled from 1874 to 1877. In 1847, when
fourteen years of age, Mr. Hamilton united with the
Methodist Protestant Church, of which he is still an active
and consistent member. His wife was also a member of the
same church during her lifetime. In 1886 Mr. Hamilton
erected the handsome residence which is now his home. It is
of modern architecture, pleasantly located and tastefully
furnished. Being a lover of books, he has gathered a large
and well selected library. His household at present consists
of his children, Marion G. and George H., and
his niece, Mrs. E. Hamilton Miller, the daughter of
Samuel Hamilton.
Mr. Hamilton, having grown from childhood on the
place where he now lives, can justly claim, after a
residence of fifty-six years, to be one of the pioneers of
Claiborne township. A useful, industrious and upright life
has won for him the respect and esteem of his friends and
neighbors. The intelligent direction and cultivation of his
farm, and an adherence to careful and prudent business
methods, have been rewarded by prosperity, and he is enabled
to look back on an honorable and successful career, with the
feeling that, all things considered, his life has been a
useful and a well-ordered one, and that he merits the rest
and repose that belong to the declining years of those who
have by the discharge of each day’s duties “learned to labor
and to wait.”
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
was born near Irville, Muskingum county, Ohio, September
24, 1830, and was named after Judge Horatio Cox, who
was then a merchant of Irville, but who now lives in
Columbus, Ohio. He came with the rest of his father’s family
to Union county, and landed in Richwood on the evening of
the 3d day of April, 1838. The family lived that summer in
town, while the father and older boys were employed in
building a house and arranging for the future. Horatio,
with his two brothers, — Newton, who was older, and
George, who was younger, —were sent to school to
Matildy Manson, who taught in the old log school-house
on the lot now occupied by C. W. Huffman as a
residence; they were also required to carry dinner to those
who were at work clearing the farm, etc., so that each
forenoon, after intermission, they went home and got a
good-sized market-basket full, and made the trip from town
to the point where the men were at work, which is the same
as where the house of G. B. Hamilton now stands, and
after delivering their load of provisions, they would return
to the school for the afternoon. When one thinks that it was
then an unbroken forest with only a path, and that the
average age of the three was only seven and a half years, it
savors of real romance. Horatio remained with his
father and worked, as all farmer boys did in those days, for
nine or ten months of the year, going to school from forty
to sixty days each winter, until the winter of 1848-9, when
he taught school in the Lenox district. The following winter
he taught in Richwood, and had to assume the relationship of
teacher to the same children and scholars with whom he
formerly went to school, and with whom he had played and
frolicked. Some idea of the labor performed may be had when
it is remembered that the school averaged fifty-six for the
term, and for the last two months perhaps seventy or more,
and that every one brought whatever book or books they could
find about the house or borrow of a neighbor, so that it was
impossible to classify the school. In the fall of 1851, and
after he was of age, Horatio concluded that he would
add somewhat to his educational advantages, and for this
purpose he went to Delaware and matriculated, and entered
upon a college life; but it was of short duration, and
amounted to two terms of six or eight days each, so that he
is what he himself calls a two-term graduate.
In the spring of 1853 he left his father and went to
Cleveland, and employed himself to H. G. O. Carey, to
travel and sell his medicines, the main article of which was
Borrell’s Indian Liniment. The first six months were spent
in canvassing eastern and southern Ohio. In the fall of the
same year he was sent to west Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa and
Minnesota. For four years he continued to travel from place
to place, loading at Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Galena,
Rock Island, Peoria, La Fayette and Indianapolis. This gave
him a very extensive knowledge of the West, and enabled him
to direct others to such places as they could get good land
at Congress price. The result is that very many families are
now in the West and have homes to which they were directed
by him. He also took advantage of his knowledge of the West,
and invested the first thousand dollars he ever earned in
land in Black Hawk county, Iowa, getting for $1,000, 859
acres of as good land as a bird ever flew over, and from
which he realized a comfortable fortune. It may be well to
go back and say that in the summer of 1853, while at his
uncle’s, Irenias Springer’s, he chanced to meet a
little school-girl who was destined to be a partner in his
successes and failures. Her name was Edmonia Dawson,
a daughter of Dr. Nelson Dawson (deceased), of
Putnam, Ohio. Horatio C. Hamilton and Edmonia
Dawson were married in Davenport, Iowa, June 3, 1856. In
the spring of 1857 they settled on their land in Black Hawk
county, Iowa, and during the summer built a house and broke
120 acres of land. In the fall of the same year the panic
struck Iowa, and its wild-cat money went down and became
worthless, and with it came ruin to almost everybody and
everything in Iowa. Corn, wheat, oats and potatoes fell in
price from $1.25 to a mere nominal price. This, with other
things, caused them to leave Iowa and return to Ohio. In the
fall of 1861 they came to live with his father, —’Monia
to take care of the house and Horatio the farm. When
the second call for volunteers was made in 1862, he was
appointed by Governor Tod to recruit the quota of Union
county under said call. His commission was dated July 21,
1862, and on the 6th day of August he had one full company,
and quite a number who were assigned to other companies,
principally to Captain Lawrence’s company of the One
Hundred and Twenty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry. On the 7th
of August he was elected Captain of the company that was
organized, and as such was assigned to the Ninety-sixth Ohio
Volunteer Infantry. The regiment was sent to Kentucky, and
assigned to the command of Brigadier General S. G.
Burbridge, and the brigade was attached to Major
General A. J. Smith’s division of the Thirteenth Army
Corps. The regiment reached Kentucky on the 1st day of
September, 1862. It will be remembered that at this time
there was a sentiment among the new recruits that slaves and
slave property were being wrongfully protected by the army,
and that it was no part of a soldier’s duty to protect rebel
property and catch and return slaves to their masters. It
began to be noticed that negroes were turned out of our
lines with an ever-increasing degree of reluctance; also
that Captain Hamilton was the friend of the
oppressed, and that he did not always obey an order to do so
inhuman a thing as to turn a fellow-man over to his rebel
master, even in obedience to a positive command of a senior
officer. Finally a boy, some fourteen years of age, came
into the camp of the Ninety-sixth Ohio, at Nicholasville,
Kentucky, calling himself William Clay, and reporting
that his master was a rebel, and that he had thrown an ax at
him (Billy), and that he wanted protection. He found
a friend in Captain Hamilton and remained with him,
as a servant, for some time, until the army was ordered to
move to Louisville. On the way, and as it passed through
Versailles, a person dressed in the uniform of a Union
soldier came, representing himself as being on Major
General A. J. Smith’s staff, and as such he ordered
Captain Hamilton to deliver the boy Billy to him
to be turned over to the jailer as an escaped slave. This he
refused to do unless the order came in writing from
General Smith in the ordinary way, being countersigned
by General Burbridge and Colonel I. W. Vance
of the Ninety-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. This the fellow
refused to get, but notified him that he would be back in
fifteen minutes with a detachment of soldiers, and that he
would take the boy by force. Upon this the Captain turned to
his company and told them that if it was going to be a
question of force, they might load their guns and prepare
for the affray. That order the company made haste to
execute, and as they did so one company after another did
the same, until, as far as one could see, the road seemed to
glisten with the light of the sun as it was reflected by
several thousand ramrods which were being used to send home
the ball that was intended to perforate the hide of any man
who would attempt to take Billy by force. The effect
of this preparation was that the staff officer gave up his
notion of taking the boy by force at that time, but notified
the Captain that the affair would he deferred till evening,
at which time the boy would be taken by force and the
Captain put under arrest for disobedience of orders. This
kept the matter brewing in the minds of the soldiers. As
soon as the army was encamped for the night the soldiers
held an impromptu meeting at which speeches were made and
resolutions passed approving the course of Captain
Hamilton, and resolving that they would stand by him to
the death. A committee was appointed to inform him of their
purpose, and he was soon waited on by a soldier, who made
known their action to him and requested that if any move
should be made to take the boy by force, immediate notice
should be given to the officers and soldiers whose names
were found on a card, which was handed to the Captain. This
uprising of the soldiers, occasioned by the refusal of
Captain Hamilton to give up the boy Billy, had
the effect to stop all effort in the Army of Kentucky to
arrest or return slaves to their masters.
On reaching Louisville the army was ordered to go to
Memphis and Vicksburg. The boy could not be taken, and the
only thing that could be done was either to let him loose in
Kentucky, to be seized upon and returned to slavery, or to
send him home to Ohio. The latter the Captain chose to do,
but had to force his way across the river for fear of
arrest; but he finally reached New Albany, Indiana, and
bought a railroad ticket to Marysville for the boy, paying
for it all the money he had and going $1.25 in debt. When
the boy reached Richwood it set everything in commotion.
Some approved of the course of the Captain, others
condemned. The party in opposition called a meeting, and
resolved that the “nigger” should not be permitted to stay,
and that they would return him to his master, etc. They also
resolved that Captain Hamilton should not be
permitted to return to Richwood. The matter got into all the
papers of the State and of other States as well. Letters
came to the Captain from every quarter, some approving and
some disapproving his course. One man, who was given to
understanding the force of what he said, wrote him that it
was supposed that an effort would be made to take the boy by
force and send him back to Kentucky, but he said that the
Captain need not be alarmed, for that many thousands of men
were armed and ready for any move that might be made to
return the boy.
Billy Clay and H. C. Hamilton both live in
Richwood at this time, and this story would not have been
told if it had not been for the fact of its having had so
important a part in the war in overthrowing the slave power,
and in developing liberal and Christian sentiment at home.
During the winter of 1862-3, while with Sherman’s
army, Captain Hamilton contracted a nervous disease,
the external evidence of which appeared as a cutaneous
disease called lepra, from the effects of which he became as
spotted as a leopard. In August following, he resigned his
office of Captain and came home, since which time he has
been a resident of Union county. He was prospered in
business, and bought and paid for the Hamilton
homestead, and was supposed to be a man of wealth until the
panic of 1873, when, by bad management and security debts,
he became involved and sold his property at a low figure and
paid his debts. His wife, Edmonia, was taken from him
by death on January 29, 1877. On March 4, 1879, he was
married to Miss Molly Kendall, and they now live
together in the village of Richwood. In the meantime he
partially regained his health as well as property, and bids
fair for long life and future usefulness. In religious
matters he is somewhat peculiar, and cares nothing for the
religion that one feels, but goes his last dollar on the
religion that one does. —From Howe’s History of Ohio.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
who follows farming in Jackson township, Union county,
served his country during the late war as a member of the
Union army, and has ever been a loyal and valued citizen.
The record of his life is as follows: He was born in Bowling
Green, Marion county, Ohio, on the 3rd of February, 1843,
and is a son of David Harraman. His father was a
native of Virginia, and was a farmer by occupation. He
served as a soldier in the war of 1812, and his death
occurred in the year in which the civil war broke out. In
his political views he was a Democrat, and in religious
belief was a Baptist. His wife bore the maiden name of
Margaret Clemens.
Mr. Harraman, of this sketch, was reared on the old
homestead farm in Marion county, and received such
educational privileges as the common schools of the neighbor
hood afforded. He aided in the cultivation and improvement
of the old farm until 1861, in which year he started
Westward, locating in Iowa. In 1862, however, he responded
to the country’s call for troops, enlisting for three years’
service. He was assigned to Company C, of the Fortieth Iowa
Infantry, went at once to the front, and with his regiment
took part in some of the leading engagements of the war,
including the battles of Pulaski and Yazoo City, the siege
and capture of Vicksburg, the battles of Helena and Little
Rock, Arkansas, and the Red river expedition. When the war
was over and the country no longer needed his services, he
was honorably discharged in Davenport, Iowa. His brother,
Jesse Harraman, was also a soldier. He enlisted in the
spring of 1863, in the Fourth Regiment, Company C, Ohio
Volunteer Infantry, and died in the battle of the
Wilderness. He was born in Marion county, Ohio, and was but
sixteen years of age when he enlisted.
During the year succeeding his discharge Mr.
Harraman continued in the Hawkeye State, but in 1866
returned to his native county, where he remained until 1868.
He then came to Union county, where for twenty-six years he
has now made his home. Here he owns a good farm comprising
151 acres of arable land, under a high state of cultivation
and well improved. He devotes the greater part of his
attention to the raising of small grains and has won
prosperity by his good management and careful attention to
all business details.
An important event in the life of Mr. Harraman
occurred in 1867, when at the age of twenty-four years he
was united in marriage with Miss Martha J. Baldwin,
daughter of Henry and Edith (Parmenter) Baldwin, born
and reared in Union county, Ohio. The father was born in
Madison county, Ohio, and became one of the prominent
pioneer settlers of Union county.
Seven children graced the union of our subject and his
wife, of whom five are yet living, namely: William H.,
John, Alma Florence, Leroy and Carrie. Those now
deceased are Jesse and Naomi. Mr. Harraman
exercises his right of franchise in support of the
Democracy, but has never sought or desired office, prefering
[sic] to give his time and attention to his business
cares. He belongs to the Odd Fellows’ society and to the
Grand Army of the Republic, and is the same loyal citizen as
in days of yore when he donned the blue and went to the
defense of the Union, following the old flag until it was
placed in triumph in the capital of the Confederacy.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
—It is now privileged the biographist to offer a
resume of the life of one who stands forth as an honored
native resident and a representative citizen of Union
county, and as one whose ancestral history has been
conspicuously identified with that of the Buckeye State
since the early pioneer days when were essayed the initial
steps looking to its reclamation from the sylvan wilds; one
whose patriotic service to his country has been unstinted,
and whose position in the respect and esteem of his
fellowmen is assured beyond peradventure.
He whose name initiates this review was born on the
farm where he now abides, in Union township, January 26,
1844, the son of Ebenezer P. Hathaway, who in turn
was a son of Dr. Nicholas Hathaway, a man of high
professional attainments and one of much prominence in
public and private life during his long residence in this
county. He was one of the first Associate Judges of the
Union County Court of Common Pleas, which held its initial
session at Milford, on the 14th of April, 1820, this being a
special term prior to the first regular term, which convened
on the 15th day of the succeeding month. Dr. Hathaway
was a native of Massachusetts, and was a representative of
one of the leading Colonial families in New England, —that
cradle of our national history.
Ebenezer P. Hathaway, father of our subject, was
born in the old Bay State, but was a mere boy when his
parents removed to Ohio and took up their residence in the
forest wilds of Union township, this county, where he grew
to maturity, received his education and eventually took unto
himself a wife, in the person of Mary A. Hopkins, who
was born in Pennsylvania, but who was reared and educated in
this county, whither her parents, Benjamin and Elizabeth
Hopkins, came in an early day, the former being a native
of Rhode Island and the latter of England. Ebenezer P.
Hathaway settled on the paternal farmstead after his
marriage and devoted himself to its cultivation and
improvement until 1850, when he became imbued with the “gold
fever,” whose ravages in that memorable year sent so many
enthusiastic men across the weary stretches of plain and
mountain to the new El Dorado, —the gold fields of
California. The long and perilous journey across the plains
was not completed by Mr. Hathaway until six months
had elapsed, and his quest was fruitless, for he died in
that distant land in the year succeeding his departure from
home, and his mortal remains lie buried there, where the
sunset gates open wide, far out in the crimson West. Such
was the fate of many a brave and adventurous spirit who
sought fortune during that period of excitement. Though his
death was an irreparable loss, still he left to his widow
and children a competence, represented by his real-estate
interests in this county.
The children of Ebenezer P. and Mary A. Hathaway
were eight in number, and of them we leave the following
record: Anna is the wife of Dr. D. W. Henderson,
of Marysville, concerning whom an individual mention is made
elsewhere in this volume; Maria is the wife of
Crawford Reed, of Des Moines, Iowa; Helen is the
deceased wife of Nathan Howard, a prominent farmer of
this county; Martha is the wife of Charles
McMullen, of Woodstock, Ohio; Elias is the
subject of this review; Benjamin met his death in a
railway accident, in 1865; Mary is the wife of
David Kimball, of Champaign county, and Ebenezer P.
is a resident of Darby township, this county. The mother is
still living, at the venerable age of eighty years, and is a
resident of Champaign county. The father was a successful
farmer, in politics was an ardent Whig, and was a man
honored and admired by all who knew him. In religion he was
a zealous supporter of the Christian Church, of which his
widow has long been a devoted member.
Elias Hathaway was reared to man’s estate on the
paternal homestead, and was but six years of age when his
father died. He was granted the best educational advantages
which the place and period afforded, attending the district
schools, and then pursuing a course of study in the old
academy at Marysville.
In August, 1862, rendering loyal response to
President Lincoln’s call for 300,000 more recruits, he
enlisted for service as a member of Company B, Thirty-second
Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Colonel Ford commanding. He
participated with his regiment in the engagement at Harper’s
Ferry, where he was taken prisoner, but was soon exchanged,
being then sent to Camp Douglas, Chicago, where he remained
for a period of one year, after which he joined General
Sherman’s command at Memphis, Tennessee. He thereafter
participated in the battle of Milliken’s Bend, the siege of
Vicksburg, and the famous Atlanta campaign. In action at
Atlanta Mr. Hathaway was struck by a fragment of
shell, which inflicted a most painful wound in the breaking
of his jaw. Our subject still preserves this piece of shell
as a memento of his none too pleasant experience on that
occasion. He was confined it the hospital for several months
before he had sufficiently recovered from his injuries to
enable him to rejoin his regiment, which he finally did, at
Pocotaligo, North Carolina. He was honorably discharged at
Washington, D. C., where he participated in the grand
review, after which he returned to his home, where he has
ever since remained in the acquiring of other honors, “for
peace hath its victories no less renowned than war.”
Mr. Hathaway is the fortunate possessor of what is
conceded to be one of the best farms in Union county, the
same comprising 300 acres under effective cultivation and
thoroughly improved. The beautiful family residence, erected
in 1893-94, is of modern and attractive architectural
design, eligibly located in a park of magnificent old forest
oaks, and giving evidence of the refined tastes of its
occupants. Other permanent improvements are of excellent
order, and discriminating care has been given to every
portion of the farmstead.
September 25, 1867, Mr. Hathaway was united in
marriage to Miss Huldah Bland, who was born in
Madison county, Ohio, the daughter of Solomon and Abigail
(Ferris) Bland, both of whom died at Milford Center,
Union county, where they were honored residents for many
years. Mrs. Hathaway is a woman of innate refinement
and of excellent education, having been a successful and
popular teacher for five years previous to her marriage. It
is needless to say that the home is one in which the culture
and the amenities of social intercourse are ever in
evidence. The children of our subject and wife are four in
number, namely: Edgar, Helen, wife of Louis Erb,
of Milford Center; John, and Lucile. The best
of educational advantages have not been denied the children,
for Mr. Hathaway has ever been an earnest and
progressive promoter of educational interests, as well as
other undertakings which have conserved the higher welfare
of the community. The two elder children completed their
educational discipline at Antioch College, this State, and
Mrs. Erb was a successful teacher at Milford Center
prior to her marriage.
Politically our subject renders active support to the
Republican party, and has served as Trustee of the township
and in other offices of public trust, being honored as a man
and respected for his ability and sterling worth of
character. Fraternally he is a member of Silas Kimball Post,
G. A. R., of Milford Center.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
an honored veteran of the late war, is one of the best known
citizens of Union county. For many years he has been
prominently connected with the history of this community,
for he is numbered among its honored early settlers. The
Captain is a native of Kentucky, and comes of a good family.
When a youth of eleven summers he came to Ohio, locating in
Union county, with the history of which he has since been
identified. No event of special importance occurred during
his boyhood and youth. He was reared in the usual manner of
farmer lads, and received a limited education, conning his
lessons in a log school-house, which was heated by an
immense fire-place and furnished with primitive furniture.
Through experience and observation, however, he has acquired
a good practical business education, and, by reading, he
keeps himself well informed on all the questions of the day.
Captain Henderson started out for himself empty
handed, with nothing to rely upon save his own enterprise
and perseverance, but these stood him instead of capital,
and, by persistent energy, he has steadily worked his way
upward. Overcoming the difficulties and obstacles in his
path, he has at length accumulated a good property, and is
now the owner of one of the best homes in this part of Union
county. The dwelling is a large frame residence, built in
modern style of architecture, and is neatly and tastefully
furnished and supplied with all the comforts that go to make
life worth the living. He owns two good farms, besides
valuable property in the town of Raymond’s, where he now
In 1886 the Captain was united in marriage with Mrs.
Lucy C. Burnham, a lady of education and refinement, who
has the esteem of all who know her. Mr. Henderson is
a member of the Masonic fraternity and has served as Master
of the blue lodge. He also belongs to the Chapter of
Marysville. He holds membership with the Christian Church,
and in his political views is a radical Republican, who
stanchly advocates the men and measures of his party. He
labors earnestly for its interests and does all in his power
for its promotion, yet he has never sought office for
himself. The cause of education also finds in him a warm
friend, and he is actively interested in everything
pertaining to the welfare of the community. He was a loyal
defender of the Union in the time of war, and is a valued
citizen in the days of peace. His pleasant, genial manner
has made him very popular, and in the history of his adopted
county he well deserves representation.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
HENDERSON - The record of a busy life, a successful
life, must ever prove fecund in interest and profit as
scanned by the student who would learn of the intrinsic
essence of individuality; who will attempt an analysis of
character and trace back to the fountain head the widely
diverging channels which mark the onward flow, the
constantly augmentive progress, if we may be permitted to
use the phrase, of such individuality. All human
advancement, all human weal or woe; in short, all things
within the mental ken, are but mirrored back from the
composite individuality of those who have lived. "The
proper study of mankind is man," says Pope, and aside
from this, in its broader sense, what base of study and
information have we?
Genealogical research, then, has its value, be it the
tracing of an obscure and broken line, or the following back
the course of a noble and illustrious lineage, whose men
have been valorous, whose women of gentle refinement.
We of this end-of-the-century, democratic type cannot afford
to scoff at or to hold in light esteem the bearing up of a
scutcheon upon whose fair face appears no sign of blot, and
he should be thus the more honored who honors a noble name
and the memory of noble deeds.
The lineage of the subject of this review is one of
distinguished and most interest order, and no apology need
be made in reverting to this in connection with the record
of the individual, accomplishment of the subject himself.
Dr. David W. Henderson, who stands forth as one of
the most able and honored physicians and surgeons of Union
county, Ohio, has been a resident of said county from his
boyhood days, though he is a native of Indiana county,
Pennsylvania, where he was born on the paternal farmstead,
Oct. 4, 1823, the son of John and Anna (Jack) Henderson.
The Henderson family is
of Scotch origin. The great-grandfather of our subject
was one Hugh Henderson, a prominent resident of the
town of Fordell, county of Fife, Scotland. Three sons
of this ancestor, Alexander, William and John,
came to the American colony of Virginia about the middle of
the seventeenth century. After their arrival the three
brothers became separated, locating in different colonies
and thus being lost sight of by the original family in
Scotland. They were disinherited by their family in
Scotland by reason of their supporting the Colonial cause,
each of them having participated in the war of the
Revolution. One is supposed to have settled in
Kentucky; another to have remained in Virginia, though his
family in time scattered through northeast Georgia and
Texas; while the third, the grandfather of our subject took
up his abode in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, near
Chambersburg. The male line of the original house, as
represented by Robert Bruce Henderson has become
extinct in Scotland, but the name is being perpetuated by
George William Mercer, son of Douglas Mercer, the
former of whom married one of the women of the Henderson
family and who assumed the name of Henderson by
royal license. George W. (Mercer) Henderson is
Lieutenant General and Colonel of the Sixty-eighth British
Foot. The Henderson family is of ancient Scotch
origin, and has been from time immemorial seized of
estates in Cathness and Fife. One of the first
baronetcies was held by a member of the family. Sir
Robert Bruce Henderson, of Fordell, was the last
Baronet, having been successively Member of Parliament for
the counties of Fife and Sterling. The family was
allied with the famous houses of Stuart, Calderwood,
Clerk, Hamilton, Chalmers, St. Clair (or Sinclair),
Laing and others. The family has always been
prominent in a military line, having furnished to the
British army, navy and honorable East India service more
gallant soldiers than probably any other one Scottish
family, being distinctively a race of patriots. Upon
the crest of the coat-of-arms of the family appears the
motto: "Tola Virtus Nobilitat," (Our valor alone
ennobles us).
On the maternal side the ancestry of our subject traces
back to the north of Ireland. the maternal grandfather
of Dr. Henderson was James Jack, who came from
Ireland to America when a lad of fourteen years, locating in
New Jersey, and subsequently removing to Indiana county,
Pennsylvania. He served in the war of the Revolution.
John Henderson, father of our subject, was born
near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, in 1780, and passed his
boyhood days with an uncle, who was a Presbyterian
clergyman. He remained with his uncle until he had
attained his majority, and in the succeeding year he was
united in marriage to Miss Anna Jack, soon thereafter
settling on a farm of 222 acres, owned by his wife and
located in Indiana county, Pennsylvania. Their nearest
neighbors were eight miles distant, though there were many
Indians in the immediate vicinity. They remained there
until 1837, when they came to Ohio, locating one mile south
of Watkins, Union county, where Mr. Henderson
purchased 160 acres of land, and where he remained until his
death, which occurred Sept. 15, 1847, at which time he had
attained the age of sixty-seven years and eight months.
His widow died in 1869, at the venerable age of eighty-four
years. They were old Scotch Presbyterians in their
religious faith; in his political views the father was a
stanch Democrat of the Jeffersonian type, and was often
importuned to accept public preferments but as often
declined. Of the family of children we offer the
following epitomized record: Margaret H., wife of
Thomas McKee, of Brookville, Pennsylvania, is deceased;
James died at the age of twenty-one years; John,
who was engaged in farming in Indiana, is deceased; Sarah
A., wife of David Gill, is deceased; Joseph,
a resident of Jefferson county, Pennsylvania, has been
prominently identified with the political affairs of said
county, having held many important offices; Jane,
widow of William Liggett, is now a resident of
Denver, Colorado; Levinah is the wife of S. B.
Woodburn, of Marysville, Ohio; David W. is the
subject of this review; William C. resides on the old
home farm in Union county; Mary E. is the wife of
Charles McCampbell, of Indiana.
David W. Henderson was a lad or thirteen years
when his parents removed to this county, and upon the
parental farm he remained, assisting in the duties of the
same. He attended the public school in Marysville for
two years and then secured a two years' course of
instruction in the Marysville Academy, an institution of
considerable note in an early day. He then attended
school at Delaware, Ohio, one year, and on the 12th of May,
1847, he enlisted for service in the Mexican war, becoming a
member of company E, Fourth Regiment, under command of
Colonel Brough, serving until July, 1848. Within
this time he encountered some hard service and made an
honorable record as a valiant soldier. On his return
home he, in company with his brother William bout out
the interest of the other heirs to the old home place, the
father having died within his absence. A few weeks
subsequent to this he sold his interest in the estate to his
brother William, after which he went to Delaware,
Ohio, where he entered the office of Dr. Ralph Hills,
with whom he read medicine for three years, after which he
became a student in the Starling Medical College, at
Columbus, Ohio, and graduated at the present college
After his graduation he located in Marysville, where he
has ever since remained in the active practice of his
profession. It is particularly interesting to note
that Dr. Henderson now occupies the position as the
pioneer physician of the little city, claiming professional
seniority over all other practitioners. His life has
been an active one and one which has gained to him a high
place in the esteem and affection of the people of the
community, who value his worth of character not less than
his professional ability.
At the outbreak of the late civil war he was made
Surgeon of the Ninety-sixth regiment, Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, receiving his commission in September, 1862, and
serving until April 8, of the following year, when his
resignation, on account of disability, took effect, though
he had served beyond its date of acceptance, which was in
April, 1863. Since that tim3e his practice, which has
been one of representative order, has been uninterrupted.
The marriage of our subject occurred Dec. 29, 1857,
when he espoused Miss Anna Hathaway, daughter of
Ebenezer P. Hathaway, and a native of Union county,
where she was born Oct. 21, 1836. They have two
children living: Lutrelle, who is a graduate of
Starling Medical College, class of 1886, and who is
associated with his father in practice; and Graily,
who graduated at Starling Medical College in 1893, and who
has now entered into active practice with his father and
elder brother. William died at the age of three
years, and the fourth child, a daughter, died in
infancy. Dr. Lutrelle Henderson was united in
marriage, Oct. 26, 1887, to Miss Lottie D. Dolbear,
daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Dolbear of
Marysville; Dr. Graily Henderson married Miss Ida
Turner, daughter of Velorus and Louisa Richey Turner
of this city, the date of the ceremonial having been June
20, 1894. Both of the sons of our subject are
thoroughly informed in the line of their profession, and in
the character and extent of their practice are taking rank
with those who have been in the field for years. In
August, 1893, Dr. Lutrelle Henderson was appointed a
member of the Board of Pension Examiners for Union county,
and received incidental preferment as Secretary of the
Board. Fraternally he is a member of the Phi Gamma
Delta college order and politically he is a Democrat.
In addition to other technical preparation for his
professional work, he completed a special course in
chemistry at the State University.
In his fraternal relations our subject is identified
with the Masonic Order, being a member of Palestine Lodge,
No. 158; Marysville Chapter, No. 99; and Raper commandery,
No. 19, of Urbana, Ohio. He is also a prominent member
of Ransom Reed Post, No. 113, G. A. R.
Our subject is an honored ember of the State Medical
Society and he is the only physician referred to in
Union county in the Record of the Prominent Surgeons of the
United States.
~ Page 6 - Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware,
Union and Morrow, Ohio - Illustrated - Publ.: Chicago: The
Lewis Publishing Company, 1895. |

William C. Henderson |
—It is with marked satisfaction that the biographist reverts
to the life history of one who has attained the maxium [sic]
of success in any vocation in life in which he has directed
his thought and effort, and such a life, whether it be one
of calm but consecutive endeavor, or one of meteoric
accomplishment, must ever serve as both lesson and
He whose life history now comes briefly under review is
one who has honored and been honored by the noble art of
husbandry, and is one from whose strewing has come the full
and grateful harvest in its time. Mr. Henderson’s
genealogical record is one of very interesting order, and is
traced consecutively in the individual sketch of his
brother, Dr. D. W. Henderson, of Marysville, as
appearing elsewhere in this volume. The great-grandfather
was a native of Scotland, and was a representative of a
prominent old family, closely allied to the aristocratic and
patrician stock of bonny old Scotland. The grandfather of
our subject was one of three brothers who came to America,
and he took up his abode in Pennsylvania, county of
Huntingdon. The maternal grandfather of William C.
Henderson was James Jack, who came from the north
of Ireland to the United States when a lad of fourteen,
locating first in New Jersey and subsequently removing to
Indiana county, Pennsylvania. He was a soldier in the war of
the Revolution.
The father of our subject was John Henderson,
who was born in 1780, near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. He
married Miss Anna Jack and then took up his residence
on a tract on 222 acres owned by his wife in Indiana county,
where they remained until 1837, when they came to Ohio, and
located on 160 acres, one mile south of Watkins, this
county. There the father remained until his death, September
15, 1847. His widow passed away in 1869, at the age of
eighty-four years. They were Scotch Presbyterians, and the
father was an old-line Democrat. The following is a brief
record of their children: Margaret H., deceased, was
the wife of Thomas McKee, of Brookville,
Pennsylvania; James died at the age of twenty-one;
John, who was an Indiana farmer, is deceased; Sarah A.
married David Gill, and is now deceased; Joseph
is a prominent resident of Jefferson county, Pennsylvania;
Jane, widow of William Liggett, is a resident
of Denver, Colorado; Levinah is the wife of S. B.
Woodburn, of Marysville, this county; Dr. David W.
is a prominent physician of the county, and is located at
Marysville; William C., subject of this review,
resides on the old homestead in Mill Creek township; and
Mary E. is the wife of Charles McCampbell, of
William C. Henderson was the youngest son and the
second youngest child. He passed his youth and early manhood
on the old homestead, in this county, the place of his
nativity having been Indiana county, Pennsylvania, where he
was born October 28, 1825, being twelve years of age at the
time his parents located in the Buckeye State. His
educational advantages were confined to the district schools
of Mill Creek township. Attaining maturity he began an
apprenticeship at the cooper’s trade, in New California, and
for seven years was engaged in this line of work, the
greater portion of the time being located on the old farm.
As the result of his industry as an artisan, he accumulated
sufficient money to purchase, in 1850, thirty-four acres of
the paternal farmstead, subsequently purchasing the
interests of the other heirs, and thus acquiring possession
of the entire landed estate, which comprised a quarter
section. By industry and correct methods he gained the
smiles of prosperity, and added to his possessions from time
to time until he is now the proprietor of 487 acres, —which
represent one of the finest farms in this section of the
State. In 1873 Mr. Henderson erected a substantial
brick residence of attractive architectural design, the
place being recognized as one of the finest homes in the
county. Aside from his agricultural interests our subject is
otherwise concerned with financial enterprises of the
county, being a stockholder in and one of the Board of
Directors of the Union Bank, of Marysville, one of the solid
monetary institutions of Union county.
There is ever a degree of satisfaction in noting the
success attained by personal endeavor alone, and in the
premises our subject stands forth distinctively as a
self-made man. As a boy he began work for himself at the
merely nominal stipend of from twenty-five to thirty-one
cents per day, and from this he has forged his way forward
to the goal of success, having been indefatigable in his
industry, frugal at the time when self-denial was essential
to the securing of desired ends, and ever observant of the
principles which serve as the attributes of honor and
integrity. He has been broadened rather than narrowed by the
experiences of life, and has ever been ready to lend an
impetus to public improvements and to foster public
interests to the extent of his ability and limitations. In
the connection it is interesting to note the fact that he
has contributed fully $4,000 to the securing of the fine
system of pike roads which have given Union county a
prestige above all other counties in the State.
In December, 1870, Mr. Henderson was united in
marriage to Miss Elizabeth Sewell, daughter of
Aaron and Margaret (Mosher) Sewell, both of whom are now
deceased, having been honored residents of Union county for
many years. Mrs. Henderson has one brother living,
William, who resides in Lulaski [sic] county,
Our subject and his wife have had two children:
Myrtie A., who was born March 20, 1877, died March 13,
1894; and Frank D„ who was born September 26, 1881.
In politics Mr. Henderson is a firm and
uncompromising advocate of the principles and policies urged
by the Democratic party. As a man he is honored for his
sterling worth of character as well as for his pronounced
ability, which has gained him so marked success in temporal
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
HERD, one
of the venerable citizens of Liberty township, Union county,
Ohio, has lived in this township longer than any other man
in it. A sketch of his life will be of interest to many, and
it is as follows:
Thomas Herd was born in Harmony township, Clark
county, Ohio, six miles east of Springfield, March 4, 1813.
His father, also named Thomas, was a native of
Berkeley county, Virginia, and was a member of a prominent
family of the Old Dominion. He and three of his brothers,
Benjamin, Lewis and Stephen, were participants in
the Revolutionary war. After the war Lewis and
Benjamin went to Massachusetts, where they settled and
reared their families, some of their descendants becoming
prominent as lawyers, ministers and doctors. Stephen
and Thomas settled in Fayette county, Kentucky. The
mother of our subject, Dorcas Herd, was born in
Pennsylvania, her people being of Scotch origin. From
Fayette county, Kentucky, Thomas Herd and his wife
removed to Clark county, Ohio, where both died of milk
sickness, the father dying before the birth of our subject,
and the mother six months after that event. They had a
family of eight children, namely: James, William, John,
Ann, Mary, Lewis, Betsey and Thomas.
Thus left an orphan, young Thomas found a home
with ’Squire James Herd, a cousin, with whom he
remained until he was fourteen. He then served an
apprenticeship to the trade of tanner and currier, at which
he worked for seven years and eight months, becoming an
expert at the business. Subsequently he worked at this trade
at Chillicothe and Marion, Ohio. Later he turned his
attention to farming, settling on 100 acres of land, all
covered with heavy timber. In the midst of this dense forest
he built a log cabin and at once set about the work of
clearing and developing it. He has been a hard worker all
his life and in his younger days was regarded as one of the
strongest men in the county. As the years passed by and
prosperity attended his earnest efforts, he acquired other
land, and at one time was the owner of 703 acres, the most
of which was well improved and under cultivation. He has
given each of his sons a farm and now has 450 acres left. In
connection with his farming operations, he has always given
considerable attention to stock-raising, especially horses
and cattle. During the war he bought and sold horses and he
found it a paying business at that time.
Mr. Herd was married October 11, 1835, to
Lydia Darrow, who was born in Clinton county, New York,
and reared in Champaign county, Ohio, daughter of James
and Sarah (Willard) Darrow. Her grandfather Willard
served all through the Revolutionary war. He was a native of
Massachusetts. Mrs. Herd died May 15, 1892, leaving a
family of five children: Olive, wife of John Reed,
of Liberty township, Union county; James, a Justice
of the Peace and a popular and successful teacher for a
number of years, died at the age of forty-nine; Hiram D.,
resident of Liberty township; William, of Allen
township, this county; and John, on the home farm. In
1893 Mr. Herd married Mrs. Jane Sparks, widow
of Charles Sparks. Her maiden name was Bryan and she
was born in Wayne county, Ohio.
Politically Mr. Herd is a Republican;
religiously a Universalist. Time has dealt gently with him,
and although now in his eighty-second year he is well
preserved and appears much younger. He is frank and genial
and has many friends both among the old and the young.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
who resides on a farm near Pharisburg, Ohio, is one of the
prominent men of Union county, he having resided here for
nearly half a century. We take pleasure in presenting the
following sketch of his life:
sDavid Hildreth was born in Knox county, Ohio, on
the banks of Dry creek, October 7, 1821. His father and
grandfather, both named William, were natives of
Connecticut, and the latter was a soldier in the
Revolutionary war. The younger William Hildreth was a
boy when he came with his parents to Ohio and settled in
Muskingum county, which was then on the frontier and nearly
all covered with forest. There he grew up and married, the
lady of his choice being Elizabeth, daughter of
David Stoakly, who had moved from Kentucky to Ohio. In
1817 he and his wife took up their abode in a log cabin in
the woods of Knox county, they being among the first
settlers of the county. Game of all kinds was plenty then,
and by actual count the father of our subject killed over
200 deer. His home was located five miles southwest of Mount
Vernon. The first load of goods that was ever brought into
Mount Vernon was hauled there with an ox team by him from
Zanesville. He continued to reside there until 1850, when he
removed to Union county, and here he spent the rest of his
life, and died at the age of sixty-nine years. In Leesburg
township he built a saw and gristmill, which he ran for some
time. He also practiced medicine some. Indeed, he was a man
of general usefulness, and always exerted an influence for
good in the communities where he lived. His good wife
survived him some years, she being eighty at the time of
death. The names of their ten children are as follows:
David, William, Gilman, Benoni, Lafayette, Marcus, Abigail,
Elizabeth, Mary and Bethsheba.
David was reared on his father’s farm in Knox
county. He received his education in the log school house
near his home and later in the dear school of experience. At
the age of twenty-five he married and came to his present
location, and here he has ever since resided. He built his
log cabin in the woods, cleared away the forest and
cultivated the land, and in time from his own planting a
fine orchard sprang up. He now has ninety-eight acres of
land and good farm buildings, his residence being made
attractive by a pretty lawn in front, and here he is
surrounded with all the comforts of life, the result of his
years of honest and earnest toil.
Mr. Hildreth was married March 19, 1846, to
Eliza A. Riley, a most amiable lady, a native of
Muskingum county, Ohio, and a daughter of William Riley,
who came to Ohio from Kentucky. After the death of her
father, which occurred in Muskingum county, the widowed
mother and her childdren [sic] removed to Knox
county, where Mrs. Hildreth was reared. Mr. and
Mrs. Hildreth have children as follows: Columbus S.,
Harriet A., wife of A. Gardiner; Josephine,
wife of S. I. Bell; Lucy, wife of E. M.
Steneman; Alice, wife of McDow Bolinger;
Angeline, wife of Alva Vamti; and Rosella,
wife of William Soliday.
Politically Mr. Hildreth is a Republican. Both
he and his wife are members of the Christian Church at
Glendale, in which he has officiated as Elder. Cordial and
jovial in manner, he has many friends among both the old and
the young.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
whose magnificent farmstead, in Union township, Union
county, Ohio, lies just contiguous to the thriving village
of Milford Center, stands as the representative of one of
the prominent pioneer families of the Buckeye State and as
one of the must successful and substantial farmers of the
county, being most clearly entitled to specific mention in
this connection. He was born in Union township and his
entire life has been passed therein, but, unlike the
prophet, he is not without honor in his own country.
Aaron Hill, father of our subject, was a native of
Windham, Connecticut, a son of John Hill, the family
being one of much prominence and long residence in that
State, its men being loyal and honorable both in times of
peace and war. The brother of Aaron was Captain
Abel Smith Hill, who was a commissioned officer in the
war of 1812, and participated in the most decisive actions
of that conflict. The latter died October 9, 1840, aged
forty-seven years and nine months.
To those of the present end of the century period
the tales touching the old pioneer days read like a romance.
Time has placed its softening hand on the records which told
of privations, hardships and vicissitudes, leaving a picture
strongly limned, but with an obscurity of detail like that
of the mellowed toes and misty atmosphere of the canvas of
one of the old masters. Those who can give reminiscent
glances into the remote past, which marked the formative
epoch of our commonwealth are fast passing, with bowed forms
and silvered heads through the gate of eternity, and with
avidity should their utterances be treasured, for in their
words lies the deeper history of the pioneer days, —the
individual history which is the veritable nucleus of all.
In 1830, more than an half century ago, Aaron
Hill left his home in Connecticut and started on that
long and tedious journey to what was then the practical
Western frontier, arriving in Ohio without money and yet
determined to win success, even against great odds, and to
make for himself a home. He located in this county and here
remained for three years, when he returned to the old home
in the East and made ready to bring his wife with him on his
return. The equipment for the journey was a slight variation
from that most in favor with the emigrants who were
traversing the weary stretch of country. He manufactured
with his own hands a one-horse wagon and this unpretentious
vehicle served as the means for transporting himself, his
wife, and their worldly possessions to the sylvan wilds of
their new home, where, in a primitive domicile, they
installed their household gods and prepared for the battle
of life on the frontier. The wife of Aaron Hill was
Lucinda, daughter of Andrew Robinson, and,
like her husband, she was a native of Windham, Connecticut.
She was a lineal descendant of Rev. John Robinson,
from whom a genealogical tracing has been prepared as
follows, by Rev. William Allen, of Northampton,
Rev. John Robinson, born 1575, was graduated at
Cambridge University, England, in 1600; was pastor with
Pilgrim Fathers; died March 4, 1625. He is one to whom
history refers as the “pastor of that colony, originally
from England, known by the name of Puritans.” He is spoken
of as an able and pious man, whom his congregation loved and
who with them disposed of their property and prepared for
their removal to Holland, which at that time granted a free
toleration of worship to different denominations. This was
in 1607. After a number of years had passed here, becoming
dissatisfied, the pilgrims went to Delftshaven, in the south
of Holland, where they were to embark for the New World. To
this port they were kindly attended by many of their
brethren and friends from Amsterdam and other places, and,
on August 5, 1620, the pilgrims went on board the Mayflower
and Speedwell, sailing from Southampton on that memorable
voyage for the New World.
As already stated, Rev. John Robinson died in
1625, and in 1629 his wife came over to the colony of
Plymouth, accompanied by her children, by name as follows:
John, Isaac and Fear. Isaac settled
near Plymouth and had a son, Peter, who was one of
the original members of the church in Scotland Parish,
Windham, Connecticut, 1735. He had nine children, namely:
Peter, Israel, Thomas, Simeon, Isaac, Benjamin, Joseph,
Elizabeth and Martha. Peter had twelve
children, as follows: Samuel, Experience, Peter,
Elizabeth, Jacob, Nathan, Abner, Ruth, Eliab, Rachel,
Bathsheba, and Joshua. The children of
Experience, son of Peter, were by name as
follows: James, Tryphena, Elias, Elethia, Lydia, and
Andrew. Peter, the father, died at Windham,
Connecticut, in 1849, aged eighty-five years.
Elisha, son of Andrew, had nine
children, as follows: Hovey, Mary Ann, W. D., Olive,
Simeon H., Augustus, Samuel M., Frederick and Elisha.
The father died in October, 1875, aged eighty-five years.
Andrew was twice married; by his first wife, Olive Hovey,
he had nine children, as follows: Albigence, Ebenezer,
Elisha, Permelia, Triphena, Lucinda, Dorcas, Urban, and
Darius. By his second wife he had four children:
Newton, Lydia, and the twins, Augustus and
Harriet, who were drowned when young, having gone onto
the ice, which gave away beneath them.
Dorcas married Archibald L. Bates and became
the mother of three children, namely: Andrew, who
died at the Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, April 1,
1853, aged twenty-four years, ten months and twelve days;
Amelia, who died at the Delaware, Ohio, Seminary, July
30, 1852, aged nineteen years, ten months and ten days; and
Asa G., who died near Irwin Station, Union county,
April 8, 1894, aged fifty-eight years and six days.
Lucinda, daughter of Andrew, has been
already mentioned, and she was the mother of the subject of
this sketch. She was born in Windham, Connecticut, July 22,
1798, and remained in the East until June 3, 1833, when she
married Aaron Hill and came with him to this part of
Ohio to encounter the experiences of the new-country life.
Faithfully she upheld him in the discharge of his duties and
was ever a true helpmeet in times of prosperity and
adversity alike, leading an humble Christian life, exemplary
in her sweetness of spirit and kindly influence. She died
near Irwin Station, August 31, 1883, in the eighty-sixth
year of her age.
The farm upon which Aaron Hill and his wife
located was yet a portion of the unbroken forest, but,
nothing daunted, they set valiantly to work to improve the
same and to reclaim from nature’s hand the benefices she had
in store. Coming here a poor man, Mr. Hill was
enabled, by industry, frugality and good management, to
develop a fine farm and to attain a high degree of
incidental success. He was a man of broad intelligence and
in a sense was one far abreast of his time, for while the
avarage [sic] farmer of the locality and period was
content to follow the drudge-like work so essential, and to
give no thought to the ultimate conditions which would
maintain, Mr. Hill’s ken far transcended this narrow
and sordid limitation, and his aim was not only to keep pace
with improvement and progress, but to anticipate them. Thus
it is not strange that he was found ever in the lead, nor
that, as the years went by and children were gathered about
the old hearthstone, he determined that these, his cherished
offspring, should be fortified by wider educational
opportunities than those afforded by the district schools.
To them came by inheritance the sterling principles of
honesty and integrity and a wholesome respect for the
dignity of labor, but, beyond this, the parents, with
self-abnegation, removed to Yellow Springs and there
remained for a considerable length of time, in order that
the children might take advantage of the educational
opportunities afforded be Antioch College, one of the
earliest institutions of the sort in this section of the
State. The parents lived in Union township until they were
summoned into eternal rest, the father’s demise occurring
November 24, 1862, and that of the mother on the 31st of
August, 1883, as already noted. Mrs. Hill was an
earnest Christian woman and a devoted member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. Her life was one of signal
purity and beauty and her death the consistent merging into
immortality. The father was distinctively prominent in the
community and was progressive in his methods and honorable
in all his dealing with his fellow men. In connection with
the general work of the farm he engaged quite extensively in
the manufacture of cheese, and the “Hill cheese” had
an enviable reputation about the State fully fifty years
Aaron and Lucinda Hill reared three children,
namely: Waterman, subject of this review: George,
now a resident of Colorado: and Aaron Augustus, who
resides at Irwin Station, this county.
Waterman Hill was born on the old homestead farm in
this county, November 5, 1834, and there passed his boyhood
days, attending the district schools and finally completing
his educational discipline at Antioch College, which
institution he was one of the first students to enter after
its doors were thrown open. He has been intimately
associated with the noble art of husbandry throughout his
entire life and in this field he has attained success and
honor. Some years ago he purchased the Hiram Stokes
farm of 333 acres, and this remains his home, having been,
under his effective management, developed into one of the
most productive and most thoroughly improved places in the
county. A thorough system of drainage has been perfected and
there are miles of tile drains ramifying throughout the
farm; the many fields being fenced in approved style, and
communication to all parts of the place being afforded by a
series of gates, more than fifty in number. The family
residence is a fine modern structure of spacious order and
the accessories and substantial improvements about the farm
also include commodious barns and out-buildings, a model
windmill, which furnishes water for stock and culinary
purposes; and numerous other appurtenances which serve to
facilitate the work of the model farm, which everywhere
gives evidence of the substantial prosperity of the
The marriage of our subject was celebrated December 9,
1857, when he wedded Miss Susan E. Bennett, a woman
of education and gentle refinement. She was born in Vermont,
February 12, 1837, the daughter of William and Experience
Bennett, both of whom are deceased. Mrs. Hill was
reared by her aunt, Mrs. John Smith, of Union
township, and received her education at Granville and
Antioch, this State, having been for several years an
efficient and popular teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill are the parents of four children:
Anna L., who is a successful teacher in the public
schools of Milford Center; Ollie, who is the wife of
J. Leny Boerger, who conducts the leading clothing
establishment at Marysville, this county: Mattie C.,
a graduate of the Milford high school, class of 1887; and
Blanche M., who is a student in the same school and a
member of the class of 1895.
In politics our subject is a stanch Republican and has
taken consistent interest in local affairs of public nature,
but has never consented to accept political office, finding
his chiefest pleasure and satisfaction in the management of
his farm and in the enjoyment of his cultured and happy
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
Raymond’s, Ohio, is one of the well-to-do farmers and
prominent men of Liberty township, Union county, where he
has resided since 1845.
Mr. Holloway was born in Columbiana county,
Ohio, January 21, 1827, son of Isaac Holloway, a
native of Culpeper county, Virginia. Grandfather Asa
Holloway was a Quaker, but notwithstanding his religion
he took some part in the Revolutionary war, and drove his
own team. The Holloways are of English descent.
Isaac Holloway was married in Columbiana county, Ohio,
to Miss Hope Garwood, a native of Culpeper county,
Virginia, and a daughter of Isaiah and Mary Garwood,
both of whom died in Columbiana county. This marriage
resulted in the birth of five sons, namely: Charles, Eli,
George, Isaiah, and William. The father was
reared a Quaker, but in later life was a member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. Politically he was a Whig. The
mother lived to the advanced age of ninety-three years.
The subject of our sketch was reared on a farm in his
native county, and was educated in the public schools,
remaining in Columbiana county until he was eighteen, and
then coming to his present location. This part of the
township was then all covered with dense forest. Here he at
first bought fifty acres of land, and, after he had cleared
and improved it, bought other land. He now has a fine farm
of 150 acres, a comfortable residence, other good farm
buildings, and is nicely situated.
Mr. Holloway is a veteran of the civil war. He
enlisted in 1864 in the One Hundred and Twenty-first Ohio
Volunteer Infantry, and joined the regiment at Rossville,
Georgia. At Kenesaw Mountain he received a gunshot wound in
the right knee, from the effects of which he was confined in
the hospital for some time, after which he was honorably
discharged and returned home.
April 16, 1853, Mr. Holloway married Miss
Abigail Phifer, a native of Clinton county, Ohio, and a
daughter of Joseph C. and Charity (Crihfield) Phifer,
both deceased, her father dying in Union county, at the age
of fifty-seven years, and her mother in Logan county, at the
age of fifty-two. Both were members of the Church of Christ
and were people of high standing in the community in which
they lived. They had eight children, ––William, John,
Amelia, Mary, Abigail, Sarah, Jane, and Narcissa.
Mr. and Mrs. Holloway have two sons: Clifton E.,
who married May Dean and has one son, Olin,
living in York township, this county; and J. P., who
married Lizzie Snider, and lives on the home farm.
Politically Mr. Holloway is a Republican. He
has served three terms as Township Trustee and on various
occasions has been a delegate to his party conventions. He
is a member of the Disciple Church and a Deacon in the
same. A man of the strictest integrity, honorable and
upright in all the affairs of life, frank and cordial with
all, he is as highly esteemed as he is well known.
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 376-377
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |

Nathan Howard |
whose life history now comes under consideration, stands
conspicuously forward as one of the most extensive farmers
and one of the most prominent in Union county, Ohio, where
he has passed his entire life, and where he has attained to
a notable degree of success in a material way. The history
of the Howard family, and its intimate identification
with this section of the Buckeye commonwealth, traces back
to the early pioneer clays when the hardy settlers came and
builded [sic] their rude domiciles, grappled with the
giants of the forest, and from the sylvan woods evolved the
fertile and productive fields that now characterize the
State. The red man, in his motley garb, stalked about
through the dim, woody avenues, and the wild beasts disputed
his dominion. To establish a home amid such surroundings,
and to cope with the many privations and hardships which
were the inevitable concomitants, demanded an invincible
courage and fortitude, strong hearts and willing hands. All
these were characteristic of the pioneers, whose names and
deeds should be held in perpetual reverence by those who now
enjoy the fruits of their toil.
The landed estate of our subject comprises 1,800 acres,
located principally in Allen and Union townships, this
county. The home farm, or as it has been most appropriately
termed, “Indian Field Farm,” is unexcelled by any in the
county, situated as it is, on the rich bottom lands
contiguous to Darby creek. Indeed, its surpassing fertility
can scarcely be doubted when we recall the fact that these
bottoms were selected by the Indian squaws, more than a
century ago, as the most available locality for their
primitive cultivation of corn. The magnificent farmstead
came into possession of Mr. Howard in 1866. In 1860
he commenced farming on 283 acres, residing in a double log
cabin, which is still standing. Six years later, as already
noted, he effected [sic] the purchase of the present
homestead, buying the same of Moses Coe, at the rate
of $90 per acre. He continued his abode in a frame dwelling
on this farm until 1876, when he erected his present
substantial residence, which is of modern and attractive
architectural design, and which is unmistakably one of the
most elegant farm-houses in the State, its interior
appointments being consonant with the beauty of
architectural structure. The residence is eligibly located
as to site, with sweeping lawns and grateful shade. The farm
has barns, sheds and other outbuildings for the
accommodation of stock, machinery and hay; wide-stretching
meadows of timothy and clover; large cornfields that are now
made productive by the expenditure of large sums of money
for the putting in of both open and tile ditches; wood lots
that are yet dotted with patriarchal oaks and stately elms,
and furrowed lowlands that bespeak the bountiful harvests
gathered in their time, —the whole constituting a
symmetrical and attractive homestead which tells of
prosperity and happiness.
Mr. Howard was born on the old homestead
farm, in Union township, this county, September 21, 1831,
the son of William and Nancy (McDonald) Howard.
William Howard was born in Connecticut, June 18, 1802,
and the records of the family trace the lineage back to the
first English ancestor who took up his abode in the New
World. The father of William Howard was John
Howard, who was a resident of Ipswich, Massachusetts, as
was also she who became his wife, Sarah Bennett,
their marriage being consummated in Hampden county, that
State, June 8, 1740. John Howard was a son of John
and Mary (Martin) Howard, the former of whom was a son
of William, who was a son of Thomas Howard,
who came from England to Massachusetts in 1600, when but a
boy in his ’teens. The mother of our subject, née
Nancy McDonald, came of a family prominent in the early
history of Ohio, her place of nativity being Ross county,
this State. Her parents removed to Union county when she was
but three years of age.
The date of the settling of the parents of our subject
in Union township, this county, is chronicled as 1830, and
they took up their abode on a tract of wild land, which is
still retained in the family. The father gave his attention
to the improvement of this old homestead until his death, in
1839. The bereaved widow was left with three young children,
and upon her shoulders was placed the additional burden of
lifting the considerable balance of indebtedness upon the
farm of 500 acres, 200 acres of which remained unpaid for.
She bravely fortified herself for the task in hand, proved
most capable as a business woman, and in due time, with the
assistance of her sons, paid the entire indebtedness and
brought the farm to a high state of cultivation. She lived
to see her three children grown to maturity and well settled
in life, her death occurring in 1876. She was a woman of
noble character, devoted to her family, and loved and
esteemed by all to whom came an appreciation of her sterling
worth. Nathan, who is the immediate subject of this
review, was the eldest of the children; Harriet
became the wife of Edward Mann, of Madison county,
and her death occurred in 1861; William is a
successful farmer and resides on the old homestead in Union
Our subject grew up amid the plain environment and
manifold duties of the farm, and, as the oldest child, upon
him devolved much of the care and responsibility, which he
willingly shared with his widowed mother. As educational
facilities were meagre at that time, and as there came to
him the higher duty of assisting in the maintenance of the
family, his scholastic discipline was not of comprehensive
scope. He was enabled to attend the district schools in a
desultory way, but as his mind was receptive and his native
ability marked, he secured by absorption and assimilation a
good, practical education in connection with his daily toil,
becoming a man of broad intellectual grasp and of
comprehensive information concerning men and affairs. As has
already been stated, Mr. Howard took up his residence
on his present fine farm in 1860, since which time he has
devoted himself assiduously to its cultivation, the place
now comprising 1,400 acres. In connection with general
farming he has given special attention to the breeding of
Norman horses, Shorthorn cattle and Shropshire sheep, and to
general stock-raising, being one of the most extensive
operators in this line that this section of the State can
boast. In later years he has given much attention to raising
and feeding cattle, hogs and sheep for market. Mr. Howard
also owns 1,800 acres of rich land in Bourbon county,
Kansas, having purchased this valuable tract in 1883.
In his political adherency our subject is a
Republican and has been an active worker in the party ranks.
He has served two terms as County Commissioner, and by
reason of his peculiar eligibility and business sagacity, he
was chosen to represent his county in this important
capacity at the time the fine new court-house of the county
was being erected. He was a member of the Union County Board
of Agriculture for a full decade, and for two years held
preferment as vice-president of the same. He has been
president of the Marysville Bank since its reorganization.
In his bearing Mr. Howard is genial, frank and
courteous, and he is held in high esteem both by reason of
his business ability and his unswerving rectitude of
The marriage of Mr. Howard was solemnized
September 21, 1859, when he was united to Miss Helen M.
Hathaway, daughter of Ebenezer and Mary (Hopkins)
Hathaway, prominent residents of the county. Mr.
Hathaway was a son of the late Dr. Nicholas Hathaway,
who was one of the first judges of the court of common pleas
in Union county, and a man of conspicuous ability. Mr.
and Mrs. Howard became the parents of four children, one
of whom, Hattie, died in childhood. Those living are:
Charles M., who has charge of his father’s farm in
Bourbon county, Kansas, where he is recognized as a
prominent stock-man; he married Lucy Reichenker and
has three children, Helen, Nathan and
Nelson; Cony, the second child, is associated
with his father in conducting the home farm; and Otto N.,
who married Miss Euna Smith and is now a resident of
Champaign county, this State. Mr. and Mrs. Howard
also adopted a daughter at the age of three years, —Emma
Maude, —who is now a young lady of marked intelligence
and refinement and devoted to her foster father, to whom she
gives a true filial affection.
The greatest loss and bereavement of our subject’s life
was that which came to him in June, 1892, when his devoted
wife, who had been his constant companion for thirty-three
years and had shared in his joys, his sorrows and his
trials, was summoned into eternal rest. To him remains the
consolation of having known and appreciated her true and
beautiful life, whose tender grace will lend a radiance to
all his future days as it has the many years when the
cherished object of his love was with him in visible
presence. In such an instance can we most thoroughly realize
that death has lost its poignant sting, for the life of
finite love merges into the realm of infinite love.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
man who has lived from the hour of his nativity on the
paternal homestead and who has waxed strong in mind and body
until he has attained a position of unmistakable prominence
among those to whom his life has been familiar, is assuredly
deserving of mention in a work whose purport is the
considering of the life histories of those who have made
that section or locality their home. Such an one is
William Howard, who was born on the farm which he now
occupies October 20, 1839, the son of William and Nancy
(McDonald) Howard, who were pioneers of Union township,
Union county, Ohio, where they located on the farm where our
subject now resides and reclaimed the same from nature’s
wilds. William Howard, Senior, was born in Hampton,
Connecticut, June 18, 1802, son of William and Phoebe
(Fuller) Howard. The father of our subject came to Ohio
when a young man, and subsequently was united in marriage to
Nancy McDonald, who was a native of Ross county, this
State, and a daughter of Thomas and Charity (Teeters)
McDonald. William Howard, Senior, and wife became
the parents of three children. Those who lived to attain
maturity were: Nathan, a prominent resident of Allen
township, this county, concerning whom an individual sketch
appears elsewhere in this volume; Harriet, deceased,
became the wife of Edward Mann, of this county; and
William, subject of this review. A more complete
genealogical record of the Howard family may be found
in connection with the sketch of Nathan Howard. The
father of our subject died June 10, 1839, having been a
successful farmer and stock-raiser, and a man of unblemished
character. His widow survived him many years, her demise
occurring at her home in Irwin Station in the year 1876, her
age being sixty-eight years.
Our subject was reared on the farm where he now lives,
and received his preliminary educational training in the
district school, after which he entered Antioch College, at
Yellow Springs, Ohio, and pursued a course of study. After
leaving school he returned to the old homestead farm, and
once more devoted his attention to those pursuits with which
he had been familiar from his childhood days. The farm has
ever since been his home, and to-day he owns 800 acres of
the finest agricultural land in the county, his place being
considered as a model one. The family residence is a frame
structure of modern architecture, and is surrounded by
handsome lawns dotted with magnificent shade trees. The
barns and other outbuildings on the place give evidence of
the care given to stock and to the storing of the products
and machinery of the farm. The home is one in which there
abides the unmistakable evidence of culture and refinement,
there being innumerable signs of that effective touch and
sympathy which can alone make a home worthy the name. The
accessories about the place are of modern order, and show
the proprietor to be progressive in his methods. There are
three tenant houses on the farm, and these are used by the
employes of our subject. The Howard homestead is a
beautiful rural home, and the family are surrounded by all
the comforts and many of the luxuries of life.
Mr. Howard has for a number of years been quite
extensively engaged in stock-raising, in which line his
efforts have been attended with pronounced success. He was
one of the first in this section of the State to introduce
the popular and profitable Shropshire sheep, to whose
propagation he has devoted much care and attention.
Mr. Howard’s marriage was celebrated on New Year’s
day, 1866, on which gladsome holiday he was united to
Miss Lucy McMullen, a lady of much intelligence and
refinement. She was born in La Fayette, Madison county,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard are the parents of three sons
and one daughter, namely: William F., born June 22,
1865, was married, October 2, 1891, to Venitia Garwood,
and he now conducts a fine farm near Irwin Station, this
county; John C., born July 13, 1870, is connected
with a banking institution at Allegheny City, Pennsylvania;
Walter W., born October 24, 1872, is at home; and
M. Ancie, born October 20, 1877, is a student at St.
Mary’s, of the Springs, near Columbus. All of the children
have been afforded exceptional educational advantages, by
which they have duly profited.
In his political proclivities Mr. Howard is
strongly arrayed with the Republican party. As a man he is
above reproach, is genial and sympathetic in nature, and
enjoys a marked personal popularity.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union &
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |