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The Book of Clevelanders
A Biographical Dictionary of Living
Men of the City of Cleveland
The Burrows Bros. Company

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  FRANK C. CAINE; contractor; born, Cleveland, June 15, 1863; son of William C. and Jane Caley Caine; educated, Cleveland public schools and Spencerian Business College; married, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 10, 1891, Gertrude C. Coffman; with Geo. Wortington Co. ten years; organized saddlery and harness in 1895, and National Concrete Fireproofing Co., 1898; pres. The National Concrete Fireproofing Co.; pres and treas.  The Frank C. Caine Co.; director and vice pres.  The Square Realty Co.; same offices in The Seneca Realty Co.; director and treas.  The River Land Co.; director The Nock Fire Brick Co.; member Union, Athletic, Colonial, and Country Clubs.  Recreation:  Golf.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914 - Page 46
  ECKSTINE CASE; sec’y and treas. Case School of Applied Science; born, Carlyle, Ill., July 9, 1858; educated public schools in 1878; entered United States Military Academy, at West Point; two years there; in 1881, came to Cleveland; studied law under the direction of Judge J. E. Ingersoll and Judge Rufus P. Ranney; entered law department, University of Michigan, graduating in 1883; admitted to the bar, but never engaged in active practice; member of school council 1903 to 1905; member Rowfant and University Clubs; and Masonic Fraternity; Republican, five years member of the executive committee of the Municipal Ass’n.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
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  JAMES H. CASSIDY; attorney-at-law; born, Cleveland, Oct. 28, 1869; son of James H. and Mary G. Brown Cassidy; educated, Cleveland public schools and Cleveland Law School, LL. B.; married, Cleveland, Nov. 24, 1903, Elizabeth Handigers; sec’y Rivers and Harbors Committee of the House of Representatives, 1902-1909; member of Congress 21st Ohio District, 1909-1911; member Cleveland City River and Harbor Commission, 1911-1912; pres. Cleveland City River and Harbor Commission, 1912; receiver of The Standard Contracting Co., 1911; partner Lang, Cassidy & Copeland; member Ohio Bar Ass’n, National Geographical Society, Masonic Order, Athletic, Colonial, Western Reserve, and Tippecanoe Clubs.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
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  C. KENNETH CHISHOLM; pres. Chisholm Shoe Co.; born, Ontario, 1865; married, Ashtabula, O., 1899, Laura Ford; one daughter, Ruth; 32d° Mason; member Cleveland Athletic, Mayfield, Country, Hermit, and Rotary Clubs.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
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  STEWARD HENRY CHISHOLM; iron business; born, Montreal, Can., Dec. 21, 1846; son of Henry and Jean Allan Chisholm; educated, Cleveland public schools; first marriage, 1872, Miss Harriet Kelly; issue, three sons; second marriage, 1900, to Mrs. H. P. Cord; Mrs. Chisholm died in 1901; entered the employ of Stone, Chisholm & Jones, later merged in the Cleveland Rolling Mill Co.; then still later became a branch of the American Steel & Wire Co.; for a number of years vice pres, of the Cleveland Rolling Mill Co., and held same office in the American Steel & Wire Co.; pres. of the Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co.; Republican; member Euclid Avenue Baptist Church; member Union, Country and Roadside Clubs, Cleveland; New York Yacht and Manhattan Clubs, New York.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
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FRANK H. CLARK; electrotype business; born, London, Eng., Apr. 17, 1869; son of Robert and Elizabeth Steeds Clark; public school education, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Jan. 10, 1900, Edith Handy Johnson; four sons, John Steeds Clark, born Nov. 16, 1900; Robert Johnson Clark, born Sept. 30, 1903; Frank Henry Clark, born Jan. 23, 1908; William Handy Clark, born Dec. 12, 1909; The Eclipse Electrotype & Engraving Co. was established by Howard and Henry White in 1882; he became identified with the firm in 1887, and came into control in 1897; The Eclipse Electrotype & Engraving Co. moved to 2041 East 3rd street, in 1911, where they have what is known as the model plate making establishment of the United States; the excellence of their products are known everywhere where fine printing is done; among notable work done by the concern is “The Encyclopedia Americana;" pres. The Eclipse Electrotype & Engraving Co.; director The Cleveland Folding Machine Co.; Masonic Tyrian Lodge, No. 370, F. & A. M.; Cleveland Chapter, No. 148, R. A. M.; member Hermit, Athletic, Fellowcraft, Rotary, and Euclid Clubs.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
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  NEIL T. CLARK; dentist; born, Chippewa Lake, O., 1887; son of Samuel and Mary Tylee Clark; educated at West High School, Cleveland, and University of Michigan (doctor of dental surgery); member Delta Sigma Delta (dental), Cleveland Dental Society, Ohio State Dental Cociety.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
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  ROBERT HENRY CLARK; insurance; born, Cleveland, Apr. 25, 1865; son of Henry Freeman and Eliza Crowell Clark; education, St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H., Rouni College, M. A.; married, Cleveland, 1887, Julia Wick Bissell; one daughter, Millicent Clark; 1895-1898, Cleveland Trust Co.; since 1898, Casualty Insurance business; member firm Clark & Sprague; director Central National Bank; trustee Church Home and vestryman Trinity Cathedral; member Chamber of Commerce, Union, University, Country, Hunt and Automobile Clubs.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
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NORRIS J. CLARKE; born, Cleveland, Aug. 29, 1880; son of Jay M. and Lena D. Clarke; educated, Cleveland public schools and Central High School; married, Sewickley, Pa., June 24, 1907, Katherine Pearson; two daughters, Kathleen and Marguerite; entered the employ of The Bourne-Fuller Co. in 1897, as office boy and worked at all office positions, becoming salesman in 1904, and mgr. of their Pittsburgh office from 1906 to 1911 when he accepted his present position; sec’y The Upson Nut Co.; pres. Searight Supply Co., and sec’y Union Nut & Bolt Co.; member Union and Athletic Clubs, of Cleveland, and the Duquesne Club, of Pittsburg.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
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  JOHN HESSIN CLARKE; lawyer; born, Lisbon, O., Sept. 18, 1857; son of John and Melissa Hessin Clarke; educated in public schools and by private tutors; entered Western Reserve College, at Hudson, O., graduating in 1877; degree of M. A.; in 1880, studied law under his father’s instruction, and was admitted to the bar in 1877; until 1880, practiced law at Lisbon, O., in partnership with J. M. McVicker; purchased half interest in the Youngstown Weekly Vindicator; practiced law in Youngstown, and wrote political editorials for the Vindicator; sold interests in the paper in 1882; came to Cleveland in 1897, and entered the firm of Williamson & Cushing; firm became Williamson, Cushing & Clarke, specializing in railroad and corporation law; in 1898, appointed general counsel for the N. Y., C. & St. L. R. R. Co.; interested in other railroad corporations; in 1907, dissolved partnership with Mr. Cushing; prominent in state and national Democratic issues; three years trustee of the Cleveland Library Board; pres, of board last term of office; stockholder and contributor to the columns of the Youngstown Vindicator; member American and State Bar Ass ’ns. Union, University, and Country Clubs, Cleveland, and the University Club, New York City.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
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  JAY N. CLARKE; sales agent; born, Sandusky, O., Aug. 19, 1855; son of William H. and Mary Newton Clarke; educated, Sandusky public schools; married, Cleveland, 1876, Pauline Doll; issue, two sons and one daughter, Mrs. H. G. Hock, Harry N. Clarke and Norris J. Clarke; is a practical mechanic, having worked many years as a machinist and toolmaker; was employed as supt. of shops for several years; then took up the sales dept., and has been a salesman for the last five years; have been sales agent in Cleveland for The Bethlehem Steel Co. of South Bethlehem, Pa.; K. of P. Lodge No. 68; Criterion, Cleveland Commercial Travelers ’ Ass’n.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
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