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The Book of Clevelanders
A Biographical Dictionary of Living
Men of the City of Cleveland
The Burrows Bros. Company

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WILLIAM SHERMAN; supt. of mails; born, Cleveland, O., Dec. 25, 1868; son of John and Elizabeth Mitchell Sherman; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 8, 1905, Mary L. Smith; first venture was in the coal business, but associations in that line being uncongenial and having a natural desire for mechanics, was about to engage in the machine and engineering business; at this time, was offered a position in the U. S. Post Office; embracing the opportunity for temporary employment, entered the postal service under Maj. W. W. Armstrong, who was the postmaster; that was in August, 1888, since which time he has continued with the postal department, serving successively under Postmasters A. T. Anderson, Judge J. C. Hutchins, Col. C. C. Dewstoe, and R. G. Floyd, the present incumbent; during that period, the gross receipts of the Cleveland Post Office have increased from less then $400,000 to over $3,000,000 annually, one month’s revenue at the present time nearly equaling that of an entire year at the beginning of the period.  Recreations: Fishing, Boating, and an occasional jaunt through some large manufacturing plant.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 238
  FLOYD D. SHOOK; insurance; born, Randolph, O., Mar. 5, 1867; son of David and Linda A. Stambaugh Shook; educated, Hiram College, 1882-1883; finished at Ohio Normal University, Ada, O., 1887; married, Randolph, O., Nov. 20, 1889, Josephine E. Trescott; with The Adams Ford Co.; with firm twenty years, until Aug. 1913, when he became associated with The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, as associate general agent; director The Rotary Mnfg. Co.; director The Ohio Insurance Agency Co.; director The Knollwood Cemetery Co.; trustee Cleveland Christian Orphanage and Euclid Ave.  Christian Church; member Masonic Order, McKinley Chapter, Royal League, Chamber of Commerce, past pres. Cleveland Association of Credit Men; member Athletic Colonial, Rotary, and Advertising Clubs.  Recreation:  Automobiling.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914 - Page 240
  ALBERT WILLIAM SMITH; college prof.; born at Newark, O., Oct. 4, 1862; son of George H. and Mary (Sanborn) Smith; Ph. C., University of Michigan, 1885; B. S., Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, 1887; Ph. D., University of Zurich, 1891; married Mary Wilkinson of Cleveland, June 5, 1890; prof, chemistry, Case School of Applied Science, since 1891, fellow A. A. A. S.; member American Chemistry Society, American Institute Mining Engineers, American Electrochem. Society, Society Promotion Engineering Education; has contributed to technical papers in society proceedings.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 243
HAROLD E. SMITH; patent lawyer; born, Lebanon, N. H., May 2, 1882; son of Wilbur F. and Marie Antoinette Sargent Smith; educated, Dartmouth College, A. B., 1903, A. M., 1906; National University Law School, LL. B., 1908; LL. M., 1909; George Washington University, M. P. L., 1909; married, Washington, D. C. Oct. 5, 1909, Annie Stratton; one son; instructor in physics at Dartmouth College, 1903-1906, asst, physicist, National Bureau of Standards, 1906; examiner U. S. Patent Office, 1906-1910; member of firm of Hull & Smith, patent lawyers, junior partner; member Hanover Scientific Ass hi; member Gamma Alpha and Sigma Nu Phi fraternities.  Recreations: Canoeing and Music.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 244
JOHN ALVARO SMITH; lawyer; born, Union County, O., Dec. 12, 1848; son of John W. and Esther A. Keys Smith educated, O. W. U., Delaware, O., 1871, A. M. & B. A.; B. L., Ohio Law College, Cleveland, 1872; admitted to U. S. Courts, July 4, 1872; married, Cleveland, July 18, 1876, Marietta Edmondston; one son, John William Smith, attorney; member Cleveland Library Board six and one-half years; member City Council, and Vice Mayor; 1911-1913, director, member of executive committee and atty. The Pearl St. Savings & Trust Co.; director in the following, Columbia Savings & Loan Co., Daykin Plumbing Co., Detroit St. Investment Co., Farmers Chem. & Fert. Co., Forest City S. & Tr. Co., Hotel Euclid Co.., The Kennedy Co., Merchants Bk. & Storage Co., Ohio Moulding Mnfg. Co., Read Realty Co., State Bank & Trust Co., F. Zimmerman Co., F. Zimmerman Realty Co., United Mines Corporation Co., Kinsman Ice Cream Co.; member Athletic Club.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914 - Page 244
JOHN WILLIAM SMITH; attorney; born, Cleveland, O., May 15, 1880; son of J. A. and Marietta Edmondston Smith; educated, Ohio Wesleyan University, A. B., 1902; Western Reserve University, B. L., 1905; married, Bowling Green, O., Dec. 27, 1906, Edith Louise St. John; issue, Frederick Whitman Smith, William Richard Smith; Cleveland Business University, Born Steel Range Co.; member of firm Smith, Taft & Arter; member Cleveland Real Estate Board, Athletic, and Tippecanoe Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 245
  MATHEW SMITH; pres. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.; born, County Tyrone, Ieland, Nov. 9, 1856; educated in the National schools of Ireland; married, 1887, to Irene M. French, of Cleveland; issue, two sons and two daughters; came to the United States in 1872, and entered the employ of the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., starting with addressing envelopes until 1880, when he was sent to Cleveland to take charge of the business here, operating thirteen large stores; now sole proprietor of these and other stores; vice pres. and director the Schafer-Suhr Coal Co.; member Emanuel Episcopal Church and vestryman; Iris Lodge, No. 229, F. & A. M.; past high priest of Cleveland Chapter, No. 148, R. A. M.; member Cleveland Council, No. 36, R. & S. M.; past commander Holyrood Commandery, No. 32, K. T.; member all the Scottish Rite bodies and of Al Koran Temple of the Mystic Shrine; also 33rd degree, of northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the U. S.; treas. Masonic Temple Ass'n; summer home at Salida Beach, Mentor, O.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914 - Page 245
WALTER HUBBELL SMITH; division freight agt., L. S. & M. S. R. R.; born, Cleveland, O., June 15, 1861; son of James H. and Mary Hubbell Smith, Cleveland public schools, married, Cleveland, Sept. 17, Mame E. Smith, three children, entered R. R. service Apr. 1, 1879 with L. S. & M. S. R. R., has been connected with the general freight dept. of that road ever since; Oct. 1, 1881, to June 1, 1885, chief clerk, Revision Dept.; June 1, 1885 to July 1, 1889, chief rate clerk; July 1, 1889, to Jan. 1, 1897, chief clerk, General Freight Dept., Jan. 1, 1897 to Mar. 1, 1905, chief of Tariff Bureau; Mar. 1, 1905, was appointed Division Freight Agt.; member Knights of the Maccabees, Cleveland Athletic and Traffic Clubs, and Transportation Club of Buffalo.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 244
WILLIAM A. C. SMITH; pres. The Ohio Quarries Co.; born, Chebanse, Ill., Dec. 15, 1876; son of William and Frances M. Rice Smith; educated, public schools, Chebanse, Ill., and one year at Academy, North-Western University, Evanston, Ill.; married, Davenport, Ia., Sept. 12, 1889, Nettie Grant; issue, three children, Janet, 11, Helen, 6, Richard Murray, 4; two years clerked in general store; two years in Chicago National Bank; 1901-1906, salesman, auditor, sec’y and treas. The Bedford Quarries Co. of Chicago; 1903-1906, treas. The Ohio Quarries Co.; 1907, moved to Cleveland as gen. mgr. of the Ohio Quarries Co.; in 1910, made pres., also pres, and director of The Lorain & Southern R. R. Co.; member Episcopal Church, Euclid, and City Clubs.  Recreations: Golf, Fishing and Hunting.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 245
  WILLIAM GRANT SMITH; railway express business; born, Fox Lake, Wis., Aug. 24, 1861; son of Lewis and Fannie A. Stevens Smith; educated, public schools and Ripon College, Wisconsin; married, Medford, Mass., June 25, 1902, Martha Chapin Wilcox; one daughter, Josephine Wilcox Smith; in 1879, entered the employment of The American Express Co.; appointed supt. Wisconsin Division, 1892; same position for Michigan in 1895; asst. gen. agt. at Omaha, Neb. 1902; 2nd asst, to gen. manager, Chicago, Ill., 1903; asst, to vice pres, and gen. mgr., Chicago, Ill., 1906; mgr. Central Dept., Cleveland, 1910; member of Illinois Society, Sons of American Revolution; member Union, Automobile, and Congregational Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce, Congregational and Union League Clubs, of Chicago.  Recreation: Motoring.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 245
  WILSON GEORGE SMITH; composer, pianist; born, Elyria, Ohio, Aug. 19, 1855; son of George Troupe and Calista M. Smith; graduated Cleveland public schools; began musical education in Cincinnati, 1875, under Otto Singer; studied in Berlin, 1880-1882, under Kullak Kiel, Scharwenka, Moszkowski and Oscar Raif; married Mez Brett (artist and writer), of Ohio, Apr. 16, 1883; since 1882, engaged as teacher of piano, voice and composition; also musical litterateur, editor and critic, Cleveland Press, since 1902; held important official position in Music Teachers' National Ass'n; piano compositions (several hundred) include books of piano studies, transcriptions and editorial revisions of classic and modern works; also composer many popular songs.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914 - Page 245
  MARTIN SNIDER; pres, the Interstate Cooperage Co.; born, Dayton, O., Aug. 16, 1846; educated in the public schools; started in the cooperage business in Dayton, O., with his father; came to Cleveland, 1871, and continued the business until 1878; then with the Standard Oil Co., as mgr. of the Cooperage Dept.; elected pres., of the Interstate Cooperage Co., 1904; still serving; pres, the Snider-Hughes Co., Guarantee Title & Trust Co.; treas. Riverside Cemetery Ass’n; director the Cleveland Trust Co.; interested in a number of other corporations; member Union, Euclid and Roadside Clubs; and Ohio Society, New York; Republican.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 246
HARVEY R. SNYDER; pres, the Interstate Cooperage Co.; born, Dayton, O., Aug. 16, 1846; educated in the public schools; started in the cooperage business in Dayton, O., with his father; came to Cleveland, 1871, and continued the business until 1878; then with the Standard Oil Co., as mgr. of the Cooperage Dept.; elected pres. of the Interstate Cooperage Co., 1904; still serving; pres. the Snider-Hughes Co., Guarantee Title & Trust Co.; treas. Riverside Cemetery Ass’n; director the Cleveland Trust Co.; interested in a number of other corporations; member Union, Euclid and Roadside Clubs; and Ohio Society, New York; Republican.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 247
JOHN ROYAL SNYDER; attorney-at-law; born, Stark County, O., Feb. 11, 1876; son of John J. and Maria Shearer Snyder; educated, Mt. Union, 1899, A. B., Junior Scholarship prize; Harvard, 1909, L. B.; married, Massillon, Gertrude Smith; treas. Stark County, 1902-1906; deputy county treas. 1899-1902; treas. City of Canton, 1902-1904; member B. P. O. E., No. 68, F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., No. 39; Jr. O. U. A. M., No. 60, and A. T. O. Fraternity.  Recreations: Tennis, Baseball and Football.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 247
  JEREMIAH JAY SULLIVAN; banker; born, Fulton, Stark County, Nov. 16, 1844; educated, village schools; enlisted 3rd Ohio Battery, 1862; mustered out as sergeant, 1865; moved to Millersburg, 1866; engaged in general merchandise until 1878; elected state senator by Democratic party, 1879; served two terms; entered hardware business in Millersburg in 1883; re-elected state senator; national bank examiner 1887; came to Cleveland in 1889 and organized Central National Bank; served as treas., cashier, vice pres., pres., 1900; pres. Chamber of Commerce, 1893; member Union, Country, Roadside, Colonial, and Euclid Clubs; married, 1873, Selina J. Brown; issue, two daughters and one son.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 256
JOHN J. SULLIVAN; attorney; born, New York City, Oct. 25, 1860; son of Daniel J. and Mary (Sheehan) Sullivan; came to Trumbull County, O., at the age of 12; educated, common schools, and Academy of Gustavus, O.; married, Dec. 28, 1886, Warren, O., Olive S. Taylor, daughter of the late Matthew B. Taylor of Warren, O., prominent banker of Warren and former partner of Ex-Gov. Tod and J. V. N. Yates of Cleveland; issue, two daughters, Adaline and Mary Sullivan; Prosecuting Attorney, two terms, Trumbull Co.; State Senator, two terms, Trumbull-Mahoning Senatorial District of Ohio; United States atty. nine years; appointed by President McKinley; re-appointed by President Roosevelt; special counsel to the Atty.-General of the United States, in cases vs. The Standard Oil Co.; and National Committeeman for State of Ohio, National Progressive Party; presented, when a member of the Ohio Senate, the names of M. A. Hanna and J. B. Foraker to that body on the occasion of their election to the United States Senate; while U. S. atty., represented the U. S. Government in the presecution of Cassie Chadwick case, and in the prosecution and conviction of twelve other defendants in National Bank cases; since retiring from official positions, actively engaged in the practice of law; acted as associate counsel for the defense in the acquittal of the wall paper cases of Cleveland, and the insurance cases; member Athletic, and Union Clubs; member of all the Masonic bodies, Elk.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 257



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