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The Book of Clevelanders
A Biographical Dictionary of Living
Men of the City of Cleveland
The Burrows Bros. Company

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  FRANKLYN BREED TABOR; sec'y The Telling Bros. Co.; born; Titusville,Pa., Feb. 23, 1868; educated in the public schools of Painesville, O.; supt. the Painesville Water Works Co., 1893-1898; upon purchase by the city, was elected sec'y; served until 1899, when he moved to Cleveland; auditor the Telling Bros. Ice Cream Co., 1900-1903; upon the re-organization of the company in 1904, elected sec'y; still serving; sec'y and treas. Cable-Trace Co., and interested in other business enterprises; Republican.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914 - Page 260
ALEXANDER S. TAYLOR; real estate operator; born, Cleveland Apr. 3, 1869; son Virgil C. and Marguerite M. Sacket Taylor; educated, public schools and Brooks Military Academy, graduating in 1888; married, Cincinnati, O., May 16, 1894, Clara Therse Law; issue, one son, Virgil Corydon Taylor, second; served five years in the Gatling Gun Battery; never held political office; in 1911, was tendered directorship of public works under Mayor Baehr, and has been under consideration as Republican nominee for mayor; in 1892, became member of firm of V. C. Taylor & Son; 1908, elected pres. of Cleveland Real Estate Board; 1910, elected pres. of National Association of Real Estate Exchanges; director Guarantee Title & Trust Co., The Bailey Realty Co., Cleveland Paper Box Co., Cleveland Collateral Loan Co.; pres. Coventry Road Land Co.; vice pres. The Wilbrandt Co.; treas. and director The United Realty & Investment Co., trustee The Cleveland Real Estate Board, The Babies' Dispensary and Hospital; director The National Association of Real Estate Exchanges; member Loyal Legion, Sons of American Revolution, Rotary Club, and Chamber of Commerce; member Athletic, Union, Tavern, Euclid, Mayfield, and Country Clubs; the firm conducts general real estate business, and enlarged transactions, resulting in the erection of large buildings in the downtown section, including the First National Bank Bldg., the Hippodrome Bldg., the Higbee Bldg., the Wilbrandt Bldg. and the New Statler Hotel; also handle high-class rental property, and 99-year leases.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 261
FRANK F. TAYLOR; oil business; born, Cleveland, July, 1867; educated, public schools; married, Cleveland, 1892, Carrie J. Dennis; issue, two sons and one daughter; started in the lubricating business with the Excelsior Refining Co.; twenty-seven years ago, went with The Stevens Grease & Oil Co.; treas. and director of the company; member Chamber of Commerce, and Automobile Club.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914 - Page 261
FRANK S. TAYLOR; attorney; born in the country, near Alliance, O., Dec. 11, 1879; son of Hugh S. and Catherine Taylor; educated, Alliance High School, Mt. Union College, and took legal training at Ohio State University; married, Jamestown, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1909, Mabel C. Todd; June 12, 1904, began the practice of law in Cleveland; member Masonic Lodge, and Knight of Pythias, and The Tippecanoe Club.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 261
  HENRY TAYLOR; florist; born, England, Mar. 16, 18 52; son of Charles and Susan New Taylor educated, West Fendred British National School; married, Wellsville, O., Feb. , 1877, Susan Coyle issue, five children; at the age of 16, began working at plumbing; followed that until 1908; worked for some of the best firms in Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., and Lafayette, Ind., as a journeyman plumber; held responsible positions with good firms in all the above-named cities; 1908, started in the florist business.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 261
  JOHN WARREN TAYLOR; law and real estate; born, Mecca, O., Nov. 10, 1851; son of William D. and Mary A. Moran Taylor educated , West Farmington Seminary, University of Michigan, LL. D., 1898; not married; adopted daughter, Mary B. F. Taylor studied law; admitted to the bar in 1876; practiced in Warren, O., until 1884; resident of Cleveland since 1884; pres. and treas. The Taylor Land & Improvement Co.; pres. and treas.  The Taylor Realty & Investment Co.; director Land Title Abstract Co.; director Cleveland Real Estate Board; member Euclid, and Colonial Clubs, Cleveland; Detroit Country Club, Detroit, Mich.; Ohio Society of New York.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 261
  VIRGIL CORYDON TAYLOR; real estate; born, Twinsburg, O., Aug. 4, 1838; son of Hector and Polly Carter Taylor; educated, public schools and Geauga Seminary; married, June 23, 1863, Marguerite Minerva Sacket issue, four children, Harriet, now Mrs. F. E. Bunts; Katherine, now Mrs. R. O. Carter; Grace, now Mrs. J. B. Cochran, and Alexander S. Taylor; joined the Union Army in Company 1, 84th O. V. I.; commissioned 1st lieut. and assigned to the Army of the Potomac; business career, entered father's store, and received general education in mercantile lines; came to Cleveland in 1856; entered the dry goods business, and continued in it till the outbreak of the war; for eight years, cashier of the Farmers' Bank; in 1873, went into the real estate business; has had an active part in the real estate transactions of "the modern Cleveland"; some years on the old school board of East Cleveland; director Chamber of Commerce; member Loyal Legion, Euclid, and Union Clubs, and St. Paul's Episcopal Church.  Recreations: Hunting and Fishing; spend summers among the Thousands Islands.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914 - Page 262
WILLIAM N. TAYLOR; mnfgr.; born, New Straitsville, August, 1879; son of Thomas and Ester Taylor educated, common schools, New Straitsville; finished in mechanical engineering; married, Cleveland, Aug. 9, 1904, Mary A. Beerer; issue, one son and one daughter; active in politics, but has never run for any office; organized The Taylor Machine Co., which manufactures dairy supplies and gear cutting; has interest in several important patents; member Y. M. C. A., Foresters.  Recreations: Motoring and Fishing.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914 - Page 262
ALBERT R. TEACHOUT; mnfr. and merchant; born, Royalton, O., June 12, 1852; son of Abraham and Julia Ann Tousley Teachout; educated, public schools and Hiram College; married, Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 17, 1873, Sarah Parmly issue, Kate P., Albert R., Jr., and David William; associated with his father in the mercantile business in Cleveland in the fall of 1873; business first known as A. R. Teachout & Son; in 1889, incorporated as The A. Teachout Co., manufacturers of and dealers in doors, glass, mantles, and interior finish; in forty years, the business has grown to large proportions, and the house now stands at the head in their line; pres. The Teachout Sash, Door & Glass Co., Columbus, O.; pres. Euclid Ave. Lumber Co., Broadway Lumber Co., Edgewater Lumber Co., and The Teachout Realty Co., Columbus, O.; trustee Hiram College, Ohio Christian Missionary Society, Women's Hospital, Industrial School and Home; member Union Club.  Recreation: Motoring.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 262
  DAVID WILLIAM TEACHOUT; merchant; born, Cleveland, Sept. 20, 1886; son of Albert R. and Sarah Parmly Teachout; educated, Hiram College, 1908, degree of M. A.; Harvard, 1910; married, Hiram, O., June 20, 1911, Ruth Eugene Meigs, Nanking, China; one son, David William, Jr.; vice Pres. and treas.  The A. Teachout Co.; treas. and gen. mgr. The Edgewater Co.; sec'y The Broadway Co.; director The Coates Co.; The Big four Milling Co., and the Teachout Sash, Door & Glass Co., Columbus; Fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon; member Lakewood Tennis Club, Chamber of Commerce, and University Club.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914 - Page 263
  ARCHIBALD W. THOMSON; vessel transportation; born, Philadelphia, 1872; son of William and Isabella Wilson Thomson; educated High School, Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania, but did not graduate; former member Troop A; nine years Pacific Coast agt. American Steel Barge Co., San Francisco and Puget Sound; in 1899, came back to Cleveland, and associated himself with The Wilson Transit Co.; pres, and mgr. The Wilson Transit Co.; director and treas. The Volunteers Transit Co., and The Thomas Wilson Land Co.; member Union, and Country Clubs.
Source:  The Book of Clevelanders - A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland - Published Cleveland - The Burrows Bros. Company - 1914
- Page 265



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