Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and
Morrow, Ohio -
Publ. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.
ex-Probate Judge and prominent real-estate dealer, Delaware, Ohio,
was born in Franklin county, this State, August 20, 1835.
His parents are Rodney C. and Ervilla (Tinkham) Carpenter,
both natives of Vermont, who came to Ohio at an early day.
Rodney C. Carpenter was a small boy when he landed in Franklin
county with his parents, and here he has since resided, being now
eighty-four years of age. His father, Moses Carpenter, also
a native of the Green Mountain State, was of English descent and was
a veteran of the war of 1812. Judge Carpenter’s maternal
grandfather, Isaac Tinkham, also dated his birth in Vermont.
He was of English descent and by occupation was a farmer. It was in
1814 that he and his family settled in Ohio.
The subject of our sketch is the oldest of a family of seven
children. He grew up in his native place, receiving his early
education in the district schools and afterward attending the
academy at Worthington. He remained at home until he was twenty
years of age. Then for some time he worked out on farms by the
month, receiving $13 per month the first year, and afterward $15.
In 1859 his ambitious spirit led him to seek his fortune on the
Pacific coast and in April of that year he landed in San Francisco,
having made the journey from New York by the Vanderbilt line of
steamers. His experience in California was not unlike that of many
other young men of that period, prosperity and misfortune coming to
him by turns. He was at first employed as shipping clerk for a
mining company, buying gold dust, and later himself became a member
of a company engaged in damming the American river. This enterprise
proved a failure and in it he lost all he had. He then returned to
his former employers and for a brief time was shipping clerk again.
His next venture was in the dairy business, which was also
unsuccessful, and after that, in company with others, he started a
shingle mill, he furnishing the capital; but, although the mill was
a success, it was destroyed by fire, and again he lost all he had.
Then for two months he drove a ’bus in San Francisco, and with his
earnings he purchased a half interest in a fruit and tobacco stand,
his partner running the business while he returned to the mining
company and again resumed his old place as shipping clerk. In
September, 1863, he returned to New York and from there came to
Ohio, where he has since remained. Upon his return home he enlisted
in the One Hundred and Forty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, but on
account of ill health was rejected.
March 13, 1864, Mr. Carpenter married Elizabeth
Cornell, a native of New York, who came to Ohio when she was a
child. After his marriage he located on the old farm near
Worthington, where he remained two years, having poor health all
this time. Then in 1866 he bought a small farm in Orange township,
Delaware county, where he located. The following year he was
elected Justice of the Peace by the Republican party, and for
fifteen successive years filled that office. In the meantime he
read law in the office of James E. Wright, of Worthington,
and in 1881 he was elected Probate Judge. This office he held for
six years. Upon the expiration of his term of service, he purchased
a farm in Trenton township, which he still owns, and in May, 1890,
he turned his attention to the real-estate business, having for his
partner W. T. Watson. Mr. Watson was succeeded in
1891 by Rev. S. R. Squires, and in December of that same year
Mr. Squires sold out to W. C. Nye. The firm is now
Carpenter & Nye, and are doing a general real-estate, loan and
insurance business.
Of Judge Carpenter’s social life we record that he is a
thirty-second degree Mason and has taken all the degrees in the I.
O. O. F. He has also served as a representative to the Grand
Encampment of the latter order. He is a prominent member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church and at this writing is President of the
Board of Stewards of Asbury Church.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 153-154Contributed by a Generous
Genealogist. |
physician and surgeon, Delaware, Ohio, has been a resident of this
city since May 1, 1890. For one year he was associated in practice
with Dr. E. H. Hyatt, and at the end of that time he opened
an office at his present location, 53 North Sandusky street, and has
since practiced alone, giving his attention to a general practice.
His abilities were soon recognized here and he has already filled
various important positions. He is assistant surgeon at this point
for the Big Four Railroad Company, is physician to the county jail,
was elected Coroner of Delaware county in 1892, and is examining
physician for several life insurance companies, among which are the
Home Life Insurance Company, of New York, the Provident Life & Trust
Company, of Philadelphia, and the Phoenix Life, of Hartford,
Connecticut. He was medical examiner of Lenape Lodge, Knights of
Pythias, of this city, for two years, of which order he has been a
member three years, and he also filled the same position two years
in Olentangy Lodge, No. 53, I. O. O. F. He is a member of the Ohio
State Association of Railway Surgeons.
Dr. Chidester is a native of Kingwood, West Virginia,
born November 4, I 861, son of Harrison and Louvina (Falkenstein)
Chidester, who were of Welsh and German origin. The family
removed to Hocking county, Ohio, in 1867 and located at Union
Furnace. His parents still reside there, and there our subject
lived until he entered upon his professional career. His boyhood
days were spent on the farm and his early education was obtained in
the district schools. In 1880 he was granted a license to teach in
the public schools of the county, which vocation he took up and
followed at intervals for five years. With the money he earned by
teaching he defrayed his expenses through college. In 1883 he was a
student at the Ohio University, at Athens, Ohio, and the following
year he entered the Ohio Normal University, at Ada, Ohio, where he
completed a scientific course and graduated in July, 1887. That
same year he entered the office of Dr. H. G. Campbell, of
Logan, Ohio, for the purpose of reading medicine, and in the fall of
1887 he became a student in the Columbus Medical College. He
graduated in medicine in the spring of 1890, ranking second in a
class of thirty-two, and also taking second prize in a competitive
examination. While he was attending college at the Ohio Normal
University, that institution conferred upon him the degrees of B. S.
and M. S. It was through the influence of Dr. Hyatt that he
located in Delaware, and here his excellent qualifications and his
special fitness for his chosen profession soon brought him to the
Dr. Chidester was married in Delaware, May 10, 1892, to
Miss Clara M. Freshwater, daughter of William and Sarah J.
Freshwater, of this city. Mrs. Chidester is an
accomplished and charming lady. She is a graduate of the Ohio
Wesleyan University at Delaware and of the Central College of
Eclectic Short-Hand, Chicago; was for two years professor of
stenography and typewriting in Michael’s Business College, this
city, and for one year was private secretary of the superintendent
of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home at Xenia, Ohio. They
reside at No. 66 North Washington street. Both the Doctor and his
wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a stanch
Republican, and takes an active part in local affairs. As a writer
he wields a facile pen. He has contributed much valuable matter to
medical journals and other periodicals.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and
Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 284-285
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
a farmer of Kingston township, was born in Delaware county, on the
13th of February, 1838, and is a representative of one of its
honored pioneer families. For more than half a century he has
witnessed its growth and progress, and has aided in its development
and advancement. Progressive and public-spirited, he is deeply
interested in everything pertaining to its welfare, and is numbered
among its valued citizens.
Mr. Clark’s parents were Moses and Elizabeth
(Fancher) Clark, the former a native of Pennsylvania, and the
latter of this county. Moses Clark first married
Elizabeth King, and to them were born two sons and a daughter.
––David, Elijah and Susanna. In 1837 he wedded
Miss Fancher, and they became the parents of four sons and three
daughters, namely: Henry; Isaac and Myers, both
of whom reside in Morrow county, Ohio; Smith, who is living
in Delaware county; Rebecca, who makes her home with Henry;
Hannah, wife of George Crist, of Clark county. Iowa;
and Nancy, wife of Isaac Snyder, of Santa Clara
county, California. The family were Methodists, and were people of
prominence in this community. Moses Clark followed farming
throughout his entire life. On locating in Harlem township he
purchased the farm now owned by C. B. Paul, then a densely
wooded tract of land upon which not a furrow had been turned or an
improvement made. He then cleared and fenced it and successfully
operated it until his death. Its boundaries he also extended until
it comprised 300 acres of rich land. He also owned land in Porter
township. He died in December, 1856, and was buried on Christmas
day. The mother of our subject was called to the home beyond in
Henry Clark was reared to manhood on his father’s farm
and upon his father’s death the management of the business affairs
devolved upon him, as he was the eldest child. In connection with
his brother Isaac he then purchased the interest of the other
heirs in the old homestead and for ten years they operated the farm
in partnership. On the expiration of that period they divided up
the farm they had bought and he is now sole proprietor of a valuable
tract of 175 acres which yields to him a golden tribute in return
for the care and cultivation he bestows upon it. All the
improvements were placed thereon by him and stand as monuments to
his thrift and enterprise.
The lady who now bears the name of Mrs. Clark was in her
maidenhood Miss Susie Finley, daughter of Andrew and Mary
(Terrell) Finley, the former a native of Virginia, and the
latter of New Jersey. The father was a farmer, and in 1814 came to
Delaware county where he spent his remaining days, his death
occurring in 1886, at the advanced age of eighty-six years. His
wife, who was born in 1807, also died in the year 1886. They were
both earnest Christian people and active workers in the Presbyterian
Church, in which they held membership. Their children were: Mrs.
Clark; Joseph T. and Martha, both deceased;
Mary E., wife of William Strain, a resident of Nebraska;
and David A., who is living in Delaware.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark have one child, a daughter, Edna
May, who was born on the 1st of May, 1883, and is the life of
her parents' home. They, too, hold membership with the Presbyterian
Church, and are highly respected citizens of the community. Mr.
Clark exercises his right of franchise in support of the
Republican party and has served as Trustee and School Director. He
is true to every trust reposed in him, whether public or private,
and his life is one well worthy of emulation.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 350-351
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––One of the most noteworthy of the many fine farmsteads in Trenton
township, Delaware county, Ohio, is the Homestead Percheron Stock
Farm, of which the subject of this review is proprietor. Mr.
Condit was the fourth in order of the five children born to
Jotham and Mary (Mulford) Condit, both of whom were natives of
New Jersey. The parents came to Delaware county, Ohio, in an early
day, locating on the farm where our subject now resides, and there
remained until they were summoned to the life eternal, ––the father
dying at the age of seventy-nine years and the mother at
eighty-nine. The father was a man of sturdy integrity, marked
intelligence, and much business ability, and success finally came as
a reward for his perseverance and singleness of purpose. He became
an extensive farmer, owning 1,200 acres of the most desirable land
in Trenton township, the village of Condit having been named in his
honor. In his political adherency he was an ardent Democrat, and a
quite active partisan in a local way. He bore arms in the war of
1812 and was a thorough patriot in thought, word and deed. Mr.
and Mrs. Jotham Condit became the parents of five children,
namely: John K., deceased; Mary J., now Mrs. Green;
Winfield Smith, a resident of Delaware county, Ohio; Elias
J., subject of this sketch; and Susan E., now Mrs.
E. J. Condit was born in Trenton township November 27,
1837, and passed his boyhood days upon the parental farm, receiving
his education in the schools of the township. In his maturer years
he did not depart from the noble art of husbandry, with which he had
been identified from his youth up. The wisdom of his continued
allegiance has been shown in the success which has come to him,
––the diametrical result of his consecutive application and thorough
knowledge of the most expedient methods to be employed. He now owns
580 acres of magnificent farming land, which is in a state of
highest cultivation, and which shows the most substantial and
attractive improvements, among which may be particularly noted a
commodious residence and five large barns.
Mr. Condit has attained no little prominence as a
breeder of Percheron horses, and upon his place may be seen some of
the best specimens of this celebrated and popular breed, including
Contigny, a magnificent individual, whose registered number is
35,338, the horse having been bred and reared by Mr. Periott,
of France. He also owns American Herdbook, whose weight is 2,000
pounds. It is conceded that the Percherons owned and raised by our
subject hold rank with the very best in the State.
At the age of twenty-six years Mr. Condit took unto
himself a wife, in the person of Miss Jennie C., a daughter
of Middleton and Huldah (Patrick) Perfect, prominent among
the early settlers of Delaware county. To our subject and his wife
five children have been born: Mulford S.; Lizzie C.,
wife of John Williamson, of Delaware county, Ohio; Ed. G.;
Minnie, wife of Milford Merideth; and Milo J.
It is scarcely necessary to state that Mr. Condit is one
of the influential farmers of this section, nor that he is held in
the respect and esteem of the community where his entire life has
been passed. He is actively identified with the Democratic party,
and in his religious views and adherency supports the tenets
maintained by the Christian Church.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 271-272
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
owner of the Evergreen Home Jersey Stock Farm, in Trenton township,
Delaware county, was born in this township, March 28, 1854, a son of
Marvin Condit, a native of New Jersey, and a mechanic and
wagon-maker by trade. His death occurred in 1857. Marvin Condit
married Sarah Leak, who died in 1882, and they had six
children, three now living: Alice, wife of George Simmons,
of Licking county, Ohio; D. H., a resident of this township;
and L. S., the subject of this sketch.
The last named came to the Home Jersey Stock Farm in 1871, to
reside with his uncle, Ed M. Condit, a prominent and well
known citizen of this locality, who died in 1881. His widow still
resides on the home farm, aged seventy-nine years. Our subject owns
360 acres. of well improved land. His Jersey butter brings the
highest market price. Everything about the Evergreen Stock Farm
shows the thrift and prosperity of its owner.
Mr. Condit was married in 1880, to Miss Della Conard,
a native of Licking county, Ohio, and a daughter of James W. and
Nancy (Evans) Conard. They are the parents of two children:
Edith M., born in 1882: and Dane Conard, born in 1891.
Mr. Condit affiliates with the Prohibition party. Both he
and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, of which he is
a ruling Elder.
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 138-139
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
Superintendent of the public schools of Delaware, Ohio, was born in
Zanesfield, Logan county, Ohio, April 12, 1854, son of Daniel and
Mary (Everett) Cowgill. The family comes of old Virginia stock,
their remote ancestors being Scotch-Irish.
Daniel E. was reared in Delaware county from the time he
was five years old, his boyhood days being spent on the farm and his
early education being attained in the district schools. In 1873 he
entered the preparatory department of the Ohio Wesleyan University
of Delaware, where he completed the classical course and graduated
in 1884. In the meantime, however, he taught school a number of
terms, and in this way defrayed his own expenses through college.
He was employed in the country schools in this county and also at
Ashley. After his graduation he taught at Prospect, next at
Richwood, and afterward at Van Wert, having charge of the schools at
all these points. He spent three years at Van Wert, whence, in the
spring of 1891, he came to Delaware, where he has since filled his
present position most efficiently. In 1883 he received a life
certificate from the State Board of Education. For seventeen years
he has been in educational work, and all this time it has been his
earnest effort to advance its interests and bring it up to a higher
standard. Under his able management the Delaware schools have
prospered, and are now in a flourishing condition. He has under his
supervision thirty-six teachers, all of whom are performing faithful
and efficient work.
Prof. Cowgill was married, in 188o, to Miss Stella
Bell, a native of Delaware county, Ohio, and they have two
children, ––Paul E. and Ruth L. He and his wife are
members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 463-464
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
a prominent young physician of Ostrander, was born in Concord
township, Delaware county, Ohio, August 6, 1862. His father, H.
J. Cowles, is a prominent and well-known citizen of Concord
township, and the latter’s father was S. J. Cowles, who came
to Ohio from New York in an early day.
G. E. Cowels [sic], the subject of this sketch,
received a good education in his native place. In 1884 he began the
study of medicine, and graduated in 1889, since which time he has
successfully followed the practice of his profession. Dr. Cowels
[sic] is a Democrat in his political views. Socially he
affiliates with the Knights of Pythias, Lodge No. 348.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, p. 493
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
beyond doubt the most extensive contractor of Delaware. and is
numbered among its leading business men. He was born in the city
which is still his home on the first of September, 1838, and is a
son of Thomas W. and Ann B. (Jones) Cox. His father was a
native of England, his mother of Wales, and in early life both
crossed the Atlantic to the New World. Thomas Cox was a
painter and contractor and built up a very extensive business. His
wife, who was born in 1810 died in September, 1892. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Cox aided in the organization of the Church of Delaware and
for the long period of twenty-three years he served the society as
senior warden. He is still living at the age of eighty-three, and
makes his home with his son Robert.
Mr. Cox of this sketch was reared in his native city and
in his youth received good privileges. He attended the public
schools and afterward entered college, where he pursued his studies
until 1851. In that year he crossed the water and in London
attended the first World’s Fair that was ever held. The family
remained abroad for nine months, during which time they visited many
points of interest in the Old World, and then returned to their home
in Delaware. Here Robert Cox again spent one year in
college, after which, at the age of fifteen, he entered a clothing
store, where he was employed as a salesman for about five years. He
then entered the Commercial College of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,
where he was a student at the time of the breaking out of the late
war. Soon after he returned to Delaware and entered the nursery
business, but in a short time he responded to the country’s call for
troops and joined the boys in blue of Company C, Eighty-sixth Ohio
Infantry, with which he served for nine months. On the expiration
of that period he enlisted in Lincoln’s Body Guard, Light Horse
Cavalry; with which he was connected until the close of the war.
When the South had laid down its arms and peace was once more
restored, Mr. Cox returned to Delaware and took up his
father’s old business of painting and contracting, which he followed
for about two years. In 1867 he again went to Europe, attended the
Paris Exposition, and traveled quite extensively in the southern
part of that continent. In 1868 he returned and since that time has
been engaged in business as a painter, taking large contracts. He
undoubtedly has the largest business in his line in Delaware county,
having obtained this liberal patronage by fair and honest dealing
and straightforward business methods.
Mr. Cox is one of the trustees of the cemetery of
Delaware. Socially, he is connected with the Grand Army of the
Republic, and in politics he is a Republican, being one of the most
active members of the party in this locality. For sixteen years he
has been a member of the County Central Committee, serving as its
chairman for five years, and at this writing he is chairman of the
Republican Congressional Committee. He is recognized as a man of
sterling worth and his excellencies of character have gained him
high regard. Of broad and liberal mind, he is a great reader and
possesses the finest general library in Delaware county, containing
about four thousand volumes.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 89-90
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
of Porter township, Delaware county, was born in Putnam county, New
York, April 27, 1830. His father, Amza Crane, was born in
Connecticut, a son of Zebulon Crane, a native of England, and
a soldier in the war of 1812. The mother of our subject was
formerly Adilla Hopkins, a native of Cape Cod, Massachusetts,
and a member of an old family of that place. In 1831 Mr. and
Mrs. Amza Crane left New York for Bennington township, then
Delaware county, but now Morrow county, where the mother died. The
father died at the age of seventy-two years. He was a blacksmith
and farmer by occupation, and was identified with the Democratic
party. Mrs. Crane was a member of the Baptist Church. They
were the parents of eight children, viz.: Mary Ann, Alson B.,
George W., Albacinda, Sarah, Zebulon, Elizabeth and Rebecca
Jane. Two of the sons, Alson and George W., were
soldiers in the late war, the former a member of an Illinois
regiment, and the latter of a Michigan regiment. Two sons of
George W. also took part in that struggle.
Elbert Crane, the subject of this sketch, received his
education in a Quaker school at Hesper Mount, Ohio. He was
afterward employed as a traveling salesman and collector for ten
years. In 1837 he located on his farm of eighty-seven acres in
Porter township, and also owns the William Iler farm, which
consists of 136 acres. Both places are under a fine state of
cultivation. In his political relations Mr. Crane is
identified with the Democratic party, and has served as a member of
the School Board for twenty-three consecutive years.
Our subject was married at the age of twenty-four years, to
Miss Ellen B. Iler, a daughter of William and Jane G. (Gray)
Iler. The father, formerly a prominent citizen of this county,
is now deceased, and the mother resides with Mr. Crane.
Mr. and Mrs. Iler had two daughters, ––Ellen B. Crane and
Mary E. Chase, of this township. Mr. and Mrs. Crane
have seven children, viz.: Alwyn Melville Crane, a graduate
of Columbus Medical College, is a physician of good standing in
Marion, Ohio; Florence May, at home with her parents;
Thurston W., a farmer; H. Clifton, a graduate of Starling
Medical College, is located at Eden, Ohio; William I.,
Superintendent of the schools at Forgy, Ohio; Jennie Clare, a
teacher in the A grammar room at Sparta, Ohio; and Nellie
Marguerite, the youngest, who graduated at the Sparta high
school at the age of fifteen, and is at home with her parents.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 154-155
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
who occupies a position of distinctive prominence as one of the most
enterprising and successful business men of Ostrander, Delaware
county, Ohio, a man of broad ideas, force of character and
unimpeachable integrity, is particularly deserving of mention in
connection with a consideration of the lives of the leading citizens
of the county, of which same he is a native and with whose stable
development along normal channels he has been closely identified.
Born, November 6, 1828, in the vicinity of the thriving village
of which he is now a resident, Mr. Cratty is the son of
John and Eleanor (Porter) Cratty, the former of whom was a
native of Butler county, Pennsylvania, of which State his father,
William Cratty, was also a native, coming of stanch old Irish
stock. John Cratty was a farmer by occupation, a Republican
in his political views, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and a
man of much intelligence and honor. The mother of our subject was
born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, a daughter of William
Porter, who was of Welsh ancestry. Mrs. Cratty departed
this life at the age of seventy-five years, and her husband entered
into eternal rest at the age of eighty-nine years, the funeral
occurring on the day which marked the anniversary of his birth.
Both died in the State of Ohio. They were the parents of seven
children, namely: William Porter, deceased; Rosa Anna,
deceased wife of Alfred McCampbell; D. G., subject of
this review; Sarah, deceased wife of N. B. Tanner;
Wilson; Lucinda, wife of W. C. Wingett; and
Reuben, a resident of David City, Nebraska.
Amid the manifold duties and free, out-of-door life of the farm
our subject was reared to man’s estate, securing such educational
advantages as were afforded by the district schools in the vicinity
of his home, and early manifesting that sturdy independence and
self-reliance which have been typical characteristics of his life.
While still a young man he commenced operations on his own
responsibility, engaging for several years in buying wool; next
giving his attention to the purchasing and shipping of live-stock,
and subsequently dealing extensively in land and merchandise. In
whatever line he directed his efforts they were attended by success,
his business sagacity and executive ability standing him well in
hand. At the present time he is engaged in the milling business,
his fine, roller-process mill, which is equipped with the most
improved machinery, having a capacity for the output of fifty
barrels of flour per day, and proving an inestimable benefit to the
farming community, as well as a most valuable acquisition to the
industrial activities of the village. Mr. Cratty is also
proprietor of the leading livery and sale stable of Ostrander.
Politically he is an ardent Republican and a prime factor in
the local councils of his party. He is one of the leaders of
Republicanism in his township and has been called upon to serve in
numerous positions of public trust and honor, having held the
preferment as Justice of the Peace four terms, the office of
Constable ten years, and having also served as Assessor and Trustee
and as a delegate to county and State conventions. These
incumbencies perfectly betoken his popularity and the confidence and
esteem in which he is held in the community.
Mr. Cratty rendered effective service to his country
during the war of the Rebellion, enlisting May 11, 1864, as a member
of the One Hundred and Forty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and
being mustered out August 24, 1864, as First Lieutenant of his
company. He is now prominently identified with the G. A. R., being
first Commander of Joseph Tanner Post, No. 531, of
Ostrander. He has also been for many years an officer of Edinburg
Lodge, No. 467, I. O. O. F.
Mr. Cratty was married November 18, 1852, to Miss
Martha J. Crane, a native of Licking county, Ohio, and a
daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth Crane, the former of whom is
now deceased. Their son, Joseph Crane, participated in the
late war, as a member of the Forty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry,
and is now deceased.
Our subject and his wife have three children: O. L., who
is associated with his father in the livery business; Amanda R.,
wife of Dr. C. M. Wanzer, of Zanesfield, Ohio, and Nellie
May, wife of Charles Bell, of Madison county, Ohio. Both
daughters are graduates of the Ostrander high school. Mr. Cratty
is and has been a member of the K. of P., Ostrander Lodge, No. 348,
since its organization, May 9, 1889, being its first Chancellor;
also, a member of the I. O. O. F., Marysville Encampment, No. 114.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 444-445
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
a prominent citizen of Ostrander, was born in Union county, January
4, 1859, and is a member of an honored pioneer family of the Buckeye
State. His great-grandparents, Robert and Naomi Cross,
emigrated from Pennsylvania to Ohio in 1812, bringing with them
their household goods and two children, -- Jane and Daniel.
The journey was accomplished on horseback. They settled in Licking
county, near Chatham, where Mr. Cross engaged in farming and
also served as minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church of that
neighborhood. Five children were born to them in Licking county:
Mack, John, Nelson, Duncan and Ruth.
Daniel Cross, the grandfather of our subject, was
married October 7, 1832, to Phoebe Howell, the second
daughter of Hon. Elias Howell, and to them were born four
sons and four daughters: George, Robert, John, Charles,
Elizabeth, Sarah, Marietta and Harriet. This family
removed from Licking county to Union county in 1857, and located a
few miles north of Marysville. Before the removal, however,
George Cross had married Margaret Patience Williams, a
highly educated lady who graduated from the Granville Seminary,
April 12, 1855. She was the sixth child in a family of ten
children, and was born August 3, 1833. The others were Evan,
Thomas, David, Jane, Benjamin, Benjamin, (the second of that
name), Mary, Ann and John. Two of the number,
Thomas and Benjamin, died in Wales, whence their parents,
John and Mary Williams, emigrated to America in 1831. Mr.
and Mrs. Cross have the following children, namely: David,
Daniel, Howell, John, Charles, James, Edward, Anna and Frank.
John W. Cross remained on the home farm until twenty-one
years of age, during which time he attended the common schools and
spent two years as a student in the high school of Marysville. He
then turned his attention to teaching, which profession he has
followed continuously since with the exception of two years spent as
a student in the Northwestern University, at Ada, when he was
graduated in the class of 1888. He then came to Ostrander, and has
since been Superintendent of the schools at this place. The schools
rank among the best in the State for scholarship owing to his able
and efficient management. In 1888 he was granted a teacher’s life
certificate by the Ohio State Board of Education, and in 1890 he was
appointed County Examiner of Delaware county, which position he has
since creditably and acceptably filled.
In 1882, Mr. Cross joined the Methodist Episcopal Church
of Marysville, but in 1893 withdrew his membership and united with
the Presbyterian Church of Ostrander. For four years he served in
the Fourteenth regiment of the Ohio National Guards, having joined
the same only a short time before the regiment was called out for
duty at the Cincinnati riots. In 1887, he became a member of
Marysville Lodge, Knights of Pythias, with which he is still
connected. Mr. Cross is recognized as one of the able
educators of the State, and a high testimonial of his ability is his
long continued service in Ostrander.
Memorial Record
of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The
Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, p. 118-119
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
ex-Mayor of the city of Delaware, Ohio, was elected to this
honorable and responsible office in the spring of 1890, having been
a resident of the city since the centennial year, 1876, when he
located here and established himself in the practice of his
profession, that of law, forming a professional alliance with Mr.
Frank Marriott and remaining thus associated for the period of
one year, after which, in 1878, he was elected to the office of
Prosecuting Attorney of the county, and served in that capacity
until 1882, proving one of the most able incumbents the county had
ever retained in that capacity. In the meantime he associated
himself with Mr. C. H. McElroy and this professional
partnership continued until our subject had completed his term as
Prosecutor, when Mr. McElroy was elected Judge. Since that
time Mr. Culver has been alone in his professional work, his
practice being one of general order and his clientele being one of
distinctively representative character.
He received his preliminary education in the public schools at
Sunbury, this county, completing the high-school course. He then
attended a commercial college in Cleveland and graduated at the
institution, after which he began the work of preparation for that
profession which he had determined to follow as his vocation in
life. He accordingly went to Columbus and entered the office of
Judge G. H. Stewart, and under such favorable and discerning
perceptorage [sic] he continued his technical studies until
1875, when he was admitted to the bar.
He at once made ready to put his legal acquirements to a
practical test, coming to Delaware, where he forthwith entered upon
that professional career which has been one of distinction and honor
and which has redounded to his credit.
In politics he is stanchly arrayed in the support of the
Republican party and its principles, and has long been an active
worker in the cause, ––one whose efforts have done much toward
advancing party interests in a local way. It is a significant fact
that he was the first Republican Mayor the city had had in a number
of years, and his administration was one that proved most
satisfactory to his constituents, and gained the good will and
endorsement of the general public, irrespective of party
affiliations. During his regime the city prospered in a material
way and its government was directed along safe, conservative lines,
the affairs of all departments having felt the influence of the able
chief executive. His term expired in 1894. Always ardent in his
political work he has occupied a position of prominence in the party
ranks and has been a delegate to State and county conventions on
numerous occasions.
In his fraternal affiliations he has secured distinguished
official recognition and has manifested a lively interest in the
various societies with which he is identified. He is a member of
the Knights of Pythias, Lenape Lodge, No. 29, and was one of the
prime movers in effecting the organization of the Uniform Rank of
that order in the State, having been the first Major of the Second
Regiment, and having passed all the chairs in the order. He
organized the first company in the city of Delaware and was made
Captain of the same. He is also a member of the Masonic order,
Hiram Lodge, No. 18, F. & A. M., and Chapter No. 88, R. A. M. He
has represented his chapter in the Grand Lodge on two different
occasions, and is also a member of the National Union, Whetstone
Council, No. 393.
Our subject was born at Sunbury, Delaware county, Ohio, April
19, 1854; was reared to the sturdy pursuits and uneventful life of
the farm. When he attained the age of seventeen years he put into
practical use the scholastic attainments which were his by reason of
his discipline in the public schools of Sunbury, engaging in
pedagogic labor in district schools for a period of two years, and
proving a successful teacher. The more salient points in his
subsequent career have already been noted in this connection and
there is no need of recapitulation.
Realizing the truth of the prophet’s statement, that it is not
well for a man to live alone, in 1876 he led to the hymeneal altar
Miss Mary D. Sprague, who is a native of Oregon, but who has
passed the greater portion of her life in Delaware, this State. She
is the daughter of
Judge F. B.
now of Westerville, Ohio, but formerly of this city. Mr. and
Mrs. Culver are the parents of four children: Stanley E.,
Mary Louise, Dorothy and Sidney. Our subject and his
wife are members of the Williams Street Methodist Episcopal Church.
The parents of Mr. Culver were Sidney and Jane
(Carpenter) Culver, both of whom were natives of Delaware
county, Ohio. The paternal grandfather of our subject was a Vermont
Yankee, his name being Edward Culver. He married and reared
a large family of children in Vermont, where he remained until
deprived of his wife by death, when he emigrated to Ohio, and here
continued in that line of occupation which was his by birthright,
––that of farming. After he arrived in Ohio he made the
acquaintance of the Widow Stark, neé Catherine
Rosecrans, who came from the Wyoming valley, in Pennsylvania,
and in due time a marriage was consummated with this estimable
woman. She had reared a large family from her first marriage, but
the only offspring of her union to Mr. Culver was one son,
Sidney, the father of our subject. The Culver family is
of stanch old Puritan stock, while the Rosecrans is of
lineage tracing back to Holland.
Sidney Culver was born on the paternal farmstead, in
Berkshire township, this county, in November, 1822, and he there
grew to manhood, having received his education in the district
schools. He and General Rosecrans were playfellows as well
as second cousins, and as boys they conned their lessons together
before the light of the primitive old fire-place, around which
lingers so much of romance and whose glowing shadows fell upon the
form of many a boy who attained fame and distinction in the later
years. Sidney Culver remained in the same neighborhood in
which he was born during his entire lifetime, and devoted his
attention to the noble art of husbandry. He was successful in his
efforts and was accounted one of the solid men of that section,
being upright and honorable in all his ways and a man of
unimpeachable probity. In the latter years of his life he became a
devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He died in
January, 1893. His wife was also a native of this county, where she
was born in October, 1826. She is still living and resides with her
daughter in Columbus. Her parents were pioneer residents of
Delaware county. Sidney and Jane Culver became the parents
of three children: Edward T., who resides on a farm in the
eastern part of the county; Susan M., wife of Burns L.
Maynard, of Columbus; and Henry S., the immediate subject
of this review.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 410-412
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
is one
of the leading citizens of Delaware county, now living in Sunbury,
where he is engaged in the livery business as a member of the firm
of Perfect & Culver. Being so well and favorably known in
this locality, his sketch will prove of interest to many of the
readers of this volume. The record of his life is as follows: He
was born in Trenton township. Delaware county, Ohio, in 1844 and is
a son of Basel Culver. The latter was born on the 28th of
March, 1811, and his parents were John and Catherine (Johnson)
Culver. Farther back we have no account of the ancestry of the
family. Basel Culver died May 19, 1891, and his wife.
Elizabeth, who was born April 1, 1811, survived him only a few
days, passing away June 6, 1891. They left four children, ––Truman,
Martha J., Mary and John W. Mr. Culver was an
enterprising and thrifty man, and in his business dealings won
success as the result of capable management and foresight. He
became owner of a valuable farm, and carefully reared his children.
The subject of this sketch was reared in the place of his
nativity, and in its public schools acquired a good education. He
manifested special aptitude in his studies and fitted himself for
teaching, which profession he followed with good success for some
years. His work was always thorough and progressive and gave good
satisfaction to those interested. Later he engaged in the lumber
business both in Ohio and in the South. At this writing he is
conducting a successful livery business in Sunbury and by his
straightforward dealing and earnest desire to please his customers,
he has secured a liberal patronage. He also owns two good farms in
Trenton township, which yield to him a fair income.
In his social relations Mr. Culver is connected with
Sparrow Lodge, No. 400, F. & A. M., of Sunbury, being one of its
active and zealous members. He is a man of intelligence and broad
and liberal views, who has read extensively and always keeps himself
well informed on the questions of the day. A pleasant, genial
gentleman, his social manner has made him very popular and gained
him many warm friends.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, p. 259
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |