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Delaware County, Ohio

History & Genealogy


Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio -
Publ. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.




JOHN LANE, a farmer of Porter township, Delaware county, was born in Devonshire, England, in 1837, a son of John and Maria (Eastman) Lane, natives also of that place.  They were members of the Church of England.  John, one of eight children, four sons and four daughters, was reared to farm work at his native place.  At the age of twenty years he came to Canada, where he found employment on a farm.  He came to Ohio in November, 1860, and settled near Olive Green for a time.  In 1861 he enlisted for service in the late war, entering Company F, Forty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in which he served for three years with honor and credit.  He was under fire at New Madrid, Corinth and Iuka, was for a time under General Pope and General Rosecrans, and was also with General Sherman on the great march to the sea, in the siege of Atlanta and the most famous campaigns.  Receiving his discharge at Savannah, Georgia, Mr. Lane engaged in agricultural pursuits in this county.  In 1865 he came to his present farm of 102 acres, where he has all the necessary farm improvements.
     Our subject was married in Devonshire, England, at the age of twenty years, to Susan Spearman, who was born and reared at that place.  They have ten children: Mary Ann, Martha Jane, John Thomas, Minnie Grace, George, William, Jesse, Anna Maria, Levina and Albert.  Four of the children are still at home.  John T. is engaged as a teacher.  John Lane is an active and zealous worker in the Republican party, and for five years has served with credit as Township Trustee.  The family attend the Methodist Church.  Mr. Lane is a man of the highest intelligence, is honest and upright in his dealings, is successful in his business ventures, and is one of the most popular citizens of the county.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, p. 140
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist.

L. N. LAYMAN, proprietor of the tile works and saw mill of Center Village, Delaware county, also Trustee of Harlem township, was born in Morgan township, Knox county, Ohio, February 2, 1851, a son of Lewis and Mary (Frey) Layman, natives of Virginia.  The father is deceased, and the mother now resides at Miller, Knox county.
     L. N. Layman, one of nine children, four sons and five daughters, was reared on a farm, and received his education in the Knox county schools.  In 1887 he became a partner in the ownership of the tile works and saw mill of this village.  The factory is 22x200 feet, with a shed eighty feet in length, and is supplied with the latest improved machinery.
     Mr. Layman was married at the age of twenty-two years, to Dorcus A. Harris, a native of Knox county, Ohio, and a daughter of Simon and Mary Harris.  To this union has been born three children,—Delbert Sidney, Evert A. and Airl Lester.  In his social relations, Mr. Layman is a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge, No. 645.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, p. 150
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist.

JAMES LEWIS, one of the leading citizens of Harlem township, was born on the old Lewis homestead, November 9, 1841.  His father, Steven Lewis, was a prominent and well known early settler of Licking county, Ohio.  He was married to Sarah Milligan, who was born, reared and educated in that county, a daughter of James Milligan.  After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Lewis located on thirty acres of land in the dense woods, built a log cabin, and added to their original purchase until they owned 380 acres of well improved land.  They were the parents of eight children, namely: Clarissa Flarity, Dennis, James, Harriet Needles, Martha, Alfred, Anna and Norman.  The last four are deceased.  The mother departed this life at the age of seventy-one years, and the father died in 1892, at the age of eighty-one years.  He was a life-long farmer, and was a Democrat in his political relations.
     James Lewis, the subject of this sketch, has resided on his present farm for twenty-five years.  It consists of 140 acres of well improved land, and contains many valuable improvements.  In addition to general farming, Mr. Lewis is extensively engaged in stock raising, and has the reputation of being the leading horse dealer in this locality.  He votes with the Democratic party.
     Mr. Lewis was married at the age of twenty-three years, to Elizabeth Mayfield, a native of Trenton township, Delaware county, and a daughter of Abram MayfieldMrs. Lewis died one year after her marriage.  In 1867 our subject was united in marriage with Adaline Trippier, a native of Licking county, Ohio, and a daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth Trippier, both now deceased.  To this union has been born one daughter, Cora, wife of Virga Buel, of Hartford, Licking county.  Mr. Lewis is frank and jovial in his manner, honest in his dealings, and is honored and respected by all who know him.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 182-183
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist.

LYMAN P. LEWIS, the Auditor of Delaware county, now living in the city of Delaware, is numbered among Ohio’s native sons, his birth having occurred in Wyandot county, on the 7th of April, 1861.  His parents, Loran P. and Mira S. (Dutton) Lewis, were also natives of the Buckeye State.  The father made farming his principal profession and carried on agricultural pursuits in Marion and Wyandot counties until about 1870, when he moved to Upper Sandusky, Ohio.  His death occurred on May 7, 1893.  In their family were three children, two sons and a daughter,—Truman C., Etta I. and Lyman P.
     The subject of this sketch received school privileges similar to those usually afforded farmers’ sons but his training in other directions, especially at the plow, was not limited.  He continued under the parental roof until eighteen years of age, when he began learning telegraphy, and when he had mastered the business he accepted a position as railroad telegraph operator in Upper Sandusky.  There he continued for two years, after which he removed to Columbus, Ohio, where he was employed in the line of his profession for a short period.  In October, 1882, he moved to Delaware, Ohio.  From that time until July, 1893, he occupied a position as agent for the Hocking Valley Railroad Company.
     On the 29th of June, 1882, Mr. Lewis was joined in wedlock with Miss Dora M. Bell, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Ady) Bell.  After a married life of about ten years she was called to the home beyond, dying on the 28th of May, 1892.  She left two children, daughters, Maud and Myrtle.
     It was in the same year that Mr. Lewis was elected to the position of County Auditor of Delaware county.  He ran against a strong candidate of the opposing party, but won the election by the largest vote given any candidate in the county that year.  His term of service extends through 1895.  Although the youngest man who ever held a county office in Delaware county his ability and efficiency is recognized and much satisfaction has been expressed concerning his administration of affairs.  He warmly advocates Republican principles, and champions the measures of the party with great strength.
     In his social relations Mr. Lewis is an Odd Fellow and also belongs to the Knights of Pythias, the Royal Arcanum and the Order of Elks.  He is a man of noble and generous impulses, of happy and hopeful disposition, and has the friendship and high regard alike of young and old, rich and poor.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 274-275
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist.

HON. SAMUEL LEWIS, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser living near Radnor, is the present Representative from Delaware county in the State Legislature of Ohio.  He was born in South Wales, and when a child of three years was brought by his parents, John and Sarah (Hughes) Lewis, to the United States, the family locating first in Licking county, Ohio, where they made their home for fifteen years.
     When Samuel was a young man of seventeen he apprenticed himself to a man in Columbus, Ohio, to learn the trade of plastering, and after serving for a period of four years, during which time he thoroughly mastered the business, he formed a partnership with a Mr. Williams, with whom he carried on operations for three years.  Their connection was then dissolved and Mr. Lewis was then alone in the plastering business for nine years.  When that period had passed he abandoned his trade and removed to Radnor township, Delaware county, purchasing a farm near the banks of the Scioto river, directly west of the village of Radnor, then called Delhi.
     On Christmas day of 1856, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Lewis and Miss Mary J. Gallant, daughter of Elisha and Eleanor (Moore) Gallant.  Her father was killed by being kicked in the head by a colt.  For one week he lay unconscious and then passed away, on the twenty-sixth of November, 1871.  To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis have been born five children: S. Ella, who was born November 28, 1857, and was married November 5, 1878, to E. E. Jones; E. Judson, born December 25, 1859; E. Minnie, born April 5. 1863; M. Adel, born January 19, 1869; and Lizzie, born February 17, 1873.  The family circle yet remains unbroken by the hand of death.
     Mr. Lewis is now the owner of 360 acres of rich and arable land which is under a high state of cultivation and well improved with all the accessories of a model farm.  Its neat and thrifty appearance indicates his careful supervision and tells to the passer-by the story of his enterprise and progressive spirit.
     Both Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and their family are members of the Baptist Church.  In his youth our subject received but limited educational privileges but in later years has read and studied quite extensively and is now one of the best informed men in his township and county.  He has held the office of Justice of the Peace for more than twelve years, discharging his duties with commendable promptness and fidelity.  He is a warm advocate of the Republican party and its principles and in the fall of 1893 was elected on that ticket to the House of Representatives, receiving a majority of 888 votes, the largest ever given to a candidate for that position for twenty-five years.  Soon after taking his seat in the Assembly, he was made chairman of the committee on the Girls’ Industrial Home and became a member of the committee on public lands and public buildings and the deaf and dumb asylum.  He introduced into the House a bill changing the commissioners’ pay from a fee to a salary, thus saving to his county considerable expense.  Mr. Lewis labors for the best interests of the people, and during his career as a member of the Legislature has shown that the confidence the people placed in him has not been misplaced.  His public and private life are alike above reproach and we take great pleasure in presenting his biographical record to our readers, knowing that it will be received with interest by many.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 53-54

Contributed by a Generous Genealogist.

A. LINN, Superintendent of the Delaware County Infirmary, was born in Eden township, Seneca county, Ohio, September 8, 1854, a son of Walter and Sarah (Hough) Linn.  The father was born in Connecticut, was a carpenter by occupation, and his death occurred, in Ohio, in 1878.  The mother departed this life in 1864.  They were the parents of six children, four sons and two daughters.  Two of the sons took part in the late war.  Clarence was a member of the Fifty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served four years.  He now resides in North Dakota.  James, a member of the same regiment, died while in service.
     A. Linn, the subject of this sketch, was reared principally in Delaware county, and received a good education in Lebanon, Warren county.  In April, 1892, he took charge of the Delaware County Infirmary, and has ever since proved an able, efficient and popular officer.  The institution has an average of 107 inmates.
     Mr. Linn was married, at the age of twenty-two years, to Flora L., a daughter of J. D. Hubbard.  To this union have been born three children,—James, Lena and May.  In his political relations Mr. Linn affiliates with the Republican party.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, p. 493
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist.

DR. L. S. LUPTON, one of the leading young physicians of Delaware, Ohio, has been a resident of this city since September, 1880.
     He was born in Jerusalem, Monroe county, Ohio, May 19, 1862, son of Levi and Elizabeth (Minor) Lupton, his father a descendant of an old English family who were Quakers, and his mother tracing her ancestry to the Scotch.  Levi Lupton died in Libby prison during the civil war.  He was a member of Company C, One Hundred and Sixteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and had been confined in prison fifteen months when he died.  His widow is now a resident of Delaware, Ohio.  They had a family of seven children, only two of whom are living,—the subject of this sketch and his brother, William O., a druggist of Delaware.
     After graduating in the public schools of Woodfield [sic], in 1880, Dr. Lupton came to Delaware and entered the Ohio Wesleyan University, where he graduated in the class of 1884.  He then began the study of medicine in the office of Dr. Kious, then of Delaware and now of Columbus, and subsequently took a medical course in the Columbus Medical College, graduating in 1887.  Immediately after his graduation he entered upon the practice of his profession at Delaware, and has since successfully conducted a general practice.  In 1892 he was elected City Physician, which position he still holds.
     Fraternally, he is an I. O. O. F., being a member of Olentangy Lodge, No. 53.  His political affiliations are with the Republican party.
     Dr. Lupton was married in Clarksburg, Ross county, Ohio, August 9, 1883, to Miss Della Bush, daughter of W. H. Bush, proprietor of the Brown Palace Hotel of Denver, Colorado.  Their two children are Marguerite and Elizabeth.  Their residence is 126 West Winter street, and both the Doctor and his wife are members of the William Street Methodist Episcopal Church.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, p. 234
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist.

JAMES R. LYTLE, attorney at law, Delaware, Ohio, has for a number of years been an important factor in the affairs of this city and is thoroughly identified with its interests.  He has resided here since 1864, when he came to Delaware for the purpose of attending the Ohio Wesleyan University.
     Mr. Lytle was born on a farm near Lancaster, Ohio, son of James and Catharine (Freymeyer) Lytle, who were of Scotch-Irish and German descent and who are both deceased.  His father was one of the pioneer farmers of Ohio, and for his many sterling qualities was honored and respected by all who knew him.  Politically he was first a Whig and afterward a Republican.  In religion he was an Episcopalian, while his wife was a Lutheran.  They had four children, viz.: Catherine A., widow of John T. Evans, a resident of Delaware, Ohio; John B., who died at the age of twenty-one years; James R., whose name appears at the head of this article; and William, who was a member of Company I, Ninetieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, was captured by guerrillas while he was out foraging and has never since been heard of.
     James R. Lytle spent his boyhood days on his father’s farm and received his early training in the district schools.  In the fall of 1861 he entered the Ohio Wesleyan University, and spent one year in hard study, after which he returned home and remained until the spring of 1864.  On the 2d of May of that year he enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Fifty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in the 100-day service.  Previous to this time he had been a member of the Home Guards and had done some service during the Morgan raid.  When the time of his enlistment had expired he returned home, and in the fall of 1864 again entered college, as above stated.  Here he graduated in the class of 1868.  During his vacations he studied law in the office of Jones & Hipple, of Delaware, and in June, 1869, was admitted to the bar.  He was married soon after his graduation and moved to Fremont, Ohio.  He remained there, however, only one year.  While on a visit to Delaware, his preceptor, General J. S. Jones, offered him a partnership in the law business, which he accepted, and they have since been associated in practice, Mr. Lytle giving his attention to the office business.  Mr. Lytle has made a specialty of securing pensions for the old soldiers and their widows, and in this line of work has been eminently successful, having secured upwards of 1,000 pensions in this part of the State.  Both his natural and acquired abilities fit him for a successful lawyer, and added to these is his absorbing love for his profession.  And he is not only a successful lawyer, but he is also a good financier.  He owns a valuable stock farm in Union county, and has a pleasant home in Delaware, at No. 60 South Sandusky street.
     For a number of years Mr. Lytle has been active in political circles, being a strong advocate of the Republican principles.  He was Chairman of the Executive Committee in 1892, and for six or seven years prior to that was its Treasurer.  In 1893 he was placed m nomination by the Democratic party for the office of Probate Judge,—and this without his laying aside his Republican principles.  The election gave Mr. McKinley for Governor a majority of 969, while Mr. Lytle was defeated by only 337 votes.  This proves conclusively his popularity.  He has served as a member of the City Council, member of the Board of Cemetery Trustees, and at this writing is secretary of the Board of Associated Charities.  Fraternally he is identified with Hiram Lodge, F. & A. M., and also with the George B. Torrence Post, G. A. R.
     Mr. Lytle was married in 1868 to Miss Cornelia A. Chase, daughter of Rev. Ira Chase, and they have three children, namely: James W., a graduate of the Ohio Wesleyan University with the class of 1890, and for three years assistant postmaster of Delaware, is now located in San Francisco, California; Viola M., also a graduate at the Ohio Wesleyan University, in 1894, and, being a talented musician, has since gone abroad to complete a course in music and German in Berlin; and Frances C., better known as “Nellie,” is now a student in the Ohio Wesleyan University.  The family are all members of St. Paul’s Methodist Episcopal Church.  For twenty-five years Mr. Lytle has been a member of its official board, for the past fifteen years has served as Recording Steward, and for five years has been Treasurer.
     Thus in religious, social, political and business circles Mr. Lytle is a leading spirit, and his influence is always directed for good.  More might be said of his active life and excellent qualities, but enough has been given to serve as an index to his character and place him, where he belongs, among the most worthy citizens of his town.
Source: Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 383-385
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist.


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