Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and
Morrow, Ohio -
Publ. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.
was born in Harlem township, Delaware county, Ohio, on the 27th day
of February, 1859, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Cockerell)
Edwards. He was reared under the parental roof and to his
father gave the benefit of his services until twenty years of age.
At that time he was married, the lady of his choice being Miss
Emily Love, of Harlem township, daughter of John and Clarsie
Love, and by their union were born two daughters and a son,
Jessie and Gracie, and the son not named. The mother
died after the birth of the last child in 1882, and on the l0th day
of September, 1885, Mr. Edwards was again married, his second
union being with Miss Mary Catherine Chandler, daughter of
William S. and Mayleaf D. (Brown) Chandler. On attaining his
majority, Henry Edwards rented his father’s farm and
successfully managed and operated the same until 1894, when by
inheritance he came into possession of his present farm, comprising
131 acres of good land, which he has placed under a high state of
In politics he is a supporter of the Republican party and its
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 246-247
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
deceased, was one of the prominent and honored pioneers of Delaware
county, who for nearly seventeen years lived in this community, and
successfully followed farming. He was born in Pennsylvania on the
27th of January, 1814, and there spent the first twelve years of his
life. He then came to Delaware county, where his remaining days
were passed. Securing a tract of wild land he placed it under a
high state of cultivation, transforming it into a fine farm, and in
this line of business he acquired a considerable wealth. He had no
knowledge of arithmetic that was gained from schools, yet he could
calculate interest very rapidly and with great exactness. He was
twice married and had seventeen children, thirteen of whom are yet
living. He possessed many excellences of character, in his business
dealings was strictly honorable, and in all the relations of life
his conduct was that of a true gentleman. He thus won many friends,
and when called to the home beyond, his loss was deeply and
sincerely mourned. He passed away March 5, 1894, at the advanced
age of eighty years, one month and five days. Few had longer
resided in Delaware county than Mr. Edwards, and with its
history he was very familiar. He always took an active interest in
everything pertaining to the interests of the community, and his
hearty support and co-operation were always given to worthy
enterprises. Three of his sons, who have become prominent farmers
of this county, are mentioned elsewhere in this volume.
Harvey H. Edwards is a son of John and Elizabeth
(Adams) Edwards. His mother bore the maiden name of Adams,
and at the time of her marriage to Mr. Edwards was the widow
of George Garey. Harvey spent the days of his boyhood
and youth on the old home place, and throughout his life has carried
on agricultural pursuits. He inherited eighty-eight acres of good
land, which he yet owns, and the place now yields him a golden
tribute in return for the care and labor he bestows upon it. He
votes with the Republican party, but has never had time or
inclination to seek public office.
On the 15th of January, 1891, was celebrated his marriage with
Bertha Wilson, the accomplished daughter of Midas and Mary
(Thomas) Wilson. They are now residents of Delaware county, but
her father was bern [sic] in New York, and her mother in
Wales. Two children make bright and glad the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edwards, ––Carol and Vera.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 325-326
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
another well-known member of the Edwards family, whose
history is reviewed in other individual biographies in this volume,
was born on the old homestead, being the son of John and
Elizabeth (Adams) Edwards, and, like his brothers, was reared on
the farm, no event of especial importance occurring during his
boyhood and youth. Having arrived at man’s estate, he married
Miss Emma Dent, daughter of Edward and Rebecca Dent.
Their home is upon a fine farm pleasantly situated east of Sunbury
and comprising 200 acres of valuable land. The brothers are all
enterprising and progressive agriculturists, good business men and
valued citizens, and the family well deserve mention in the history
of Delaware county.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 500-501
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
proprietor of the Pioneer Stock Farm, was born in Harlem township,
Delaware county, September 12, 1841, a son of John Edwards, a
native of Pennsylvania. For many years he was a prominent and
well-known citizen of this township. The mother of our subject,
nee Elizabeth Cockrell, was also born in Harlem township,
a daughter of Ed. Cockrell, one of the pioneer settlers of
this locality. Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards had thirteen
children, namely: Minerva, Mary, Rosel, Eli, William, John,
Ellen, James Monroe, George (deceased), Nancy, Henry, Martha
and Elijah. Eli was a soldier in the civil war. The
mother departed this life in 1854, and the father died March 4,
1894, at the age of eighty years. He was a successful farmer,
having accumulated much property, and was identified with the
Republican party.
Rosel Edwards, the subject of this memoir, was reared on
the old home farm, and attended a district school near his home. In
1885 he located on his present farm, which consists of 450 acres of
the best land in Delaware county, and which is under a fine state of
cultivation. In addition to his general farming, he is extensively
engaged in stock raising, making a specialty of thoroughbred
Percheron horses and Jersey cattle. He keeps an average of seventy
milch cows on the farm. Mr. Edwards is a stockholder,
director and one of the largest patrons of the Sunbury Creamers’
He was married at the age of twenty-one years, to Naomi Jane
Barrick, a native of Licking county, Ohio, and a daughter of
James and Ruth (Cross) Barrick. To this union have been born
thirteen children, viz.: Almeda (deceased), Clara, John,
Rosa, James, Emma, Charles, Willie (deceased), Burton H.,
Orvilla, Dellno, Howard and Frank. In his political
relations, Mr. Edwards affiliates with the Republican party.
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, p. 139
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |